Myanmar – Rohingya Muslims Genocide Is Humanitarian Crisis

October 31, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Myanmar leaderships’ isolation of Rohingya Muslim community in the ongoing ethnic genocide is contradictory to human nature.

While the world cherish tremendous progress in various fields,

The trajectory in human relations is unfortunately not impressive.

Human development severely lagging behind especially the inadequate global response in the treatment of marginalized and disenfranchised demography worldwide due to race, religion, uniqueness or socio-economic background exacerbates the experience.

Myanmar government and opposition could consolidate efforts to end atrocity towards Rohingya Muslims or any member in society targeted in hate crimes or xenophobia.

Such actions on moral and humanitarian grounds notwithstanding government’s political responsibility to restore peace and order would not only define leaders priority but also confirms national recognition of human rights and tolerance.

Similarly the religious leaders and humanitarian groups within Myanmar could play a prominent role exemplifying the essence of unity and outreach during crises to rescue life and assist the victims in the current violence preventing the incidents from evolving into an internal conflict that would inevitably affect all.

Injustice towards one ultimately impacts the entire sphere for the souls are inter-connected and the modern existence being globalized in economic, environmental and other important areas of common interest.

Besides, the tensions in neighboring nations diminish prospects for hassle free trade and hospitality industry such as travel and tourism providing revenues to the states in the region.

Myanmar government and opposition alike are urged to intervene to protect citizens regardless of authority designated non-citizenry status in direct violation of natural amnesty to generational inhabitancy anywhere.

Rohingya Muslims having been the integral part of mainstream society since colonial power organized transmigration for increased productivity exclusively benefitting the empire,

The community contributions despite seclusion cannot be ignored and accordingly deserves state assistance in every dimension.

Regarding western leaderships complacency in this instance once again pronounces the double standards on international affairs jeopardizing respective representation in conflict resolution as a fair and credible participant.

Concurrently, western refrainment from fomenting sectarianism or polarization witnessed throughout Middle East, Afghanistan and elsewhere would alleviate suffering for significant majority.

UN Humanitarian organization abstinence at the critical hour is a disappointment revealing the agency operation politicized rather than remaining non-partisan to mitigate human plight.

International community specifically the regional support would provide relief to Rohingya Muslims dealing with western instigated intensified attacks exploiting the minority vulnerability.

Human innate quality is compassion and empathy nurturing life unlike the status quo in Myanmar and around the world.

Life is an opportunity to demonstrate positive attributes by caring and sharing elevating individual aspirations to be benevolent benefactor for greater good.

Regrettably the hired extremists posing as the so-called Buddhist Monks to defame religion – yet another Libyan and Syrian style slaughter are wasting their lives in denying fellow human beings peaceful existence.

They are obviously misled and perhaps even unaware of the harmful effects upon them that could be easily reversed in changing course to heal instead of hurting the people in Myanmar’s western province Rakhine.

Ceasing violence would be a preliminary step in human behavior enabling reason and intellect to govern activities in adherence to conscience also recognized as the Super Consciousness – the source of knowledge providing intuitive guidance.

Rohingya Muslims desperately require humanitarian aid like food, medical supplies and other necessities that could save innocent lives in the outside elements fueled crime against humanity.

Myanmar government along with opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi commitment to calm the situation could avert unnecessary social unrest in the country.

The burden of peace, non-violence and harmony enshrined in Buddhism and Buddhist philosophy rests on national leaderships, religious heads and the citizens of Myanmar.

Not to mention the foreign influenced ethnic cleansing undermining sovereignty conforming to contemporary trend that are evidently counterproductive for the origin.

Wishing Rohingya Muslims peace and permanent solace from the struggles endured by them thus far.

Extending synonymous thoughts to generally peaceful society in Myanmar.

Peace to al!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Myanmar – Western Powers Exploitation of Religions to Incite Violence

October 27, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Western powers prominently the United States, Israel and United Kingdom representing the hegemony are not only engaged in the Middle East mayhem but also preoccupied in spreading violence worldwide.

The specific target in South East Asia interestingly although not surprisingly is Myanmar previously known as Burma.

United States and United Kingdom direct involvement with arms supply and financial aid to the ruling military junta primarily promoting ethnic and religious divide in the otherwise peaceful society.

Myanmar practicing Buddhism renowned for peace, non-violence and harmony deliberately chosen to polarize communities applying the divide and conquer strategy of the forces aimed at unattainable global dominance.

The recent incidents involving the so-called Buddhists – the United States State Department hired proxies in semblance with rebels in Libya and terror networks in Syria are deployed through the military power monetarily enticed to instigate unprecedented ethnic cleansing in that nation.

Rohingya Muslims in western state of Rakhine – the minority group killed and their homes burned by the United States sponsored terror groups posing as Buddhists to defame and discredit the religion epitomizing peace and non-violence since origin and practiced up until now.

Replicating the reprehensible act currently carried out in Syria against different demography and similarly in Lebanon via bomb explosion in Christian neighborhood to arouse tension between Muslims and Christians in these states.

The anti-peace leaderships in the United States, United Kingdom and Israel are regrettably behind the atrocity fracturing communal unity for political advantage.

Furthermore, the U.S. organized mobs disguised as Buddhists also funded to harass Christian population reportedly sought to convert to Buddhism.

Hinduism and Buddhism maintaining equal reverence for all religions initiated and established by Almighty God – the only true divine power representing the universe as the creator condemns the assault on Islam and Christianity.

Notwithstanding the subversion of Judaism by hegemony introduced Zionism.

Besides for clarification – Hinduism and Buddhism neither enforce religious doctrine on their followers nor pursue coercion with other members of diverse faith conforming to the philosophy of individual freedom and discretion.

The killings of Rohingya Muslims and similarly persecution of Christians including others subjected to prejudice is unacceptable and reproachable.

Such actions are crimes against humanity not to mention the indulgence is in direct violation of Buddhist teachings premised on tolerance, love and respect for all beings on earth.

Rohingya Muslims being citizens of Myanmar deserve equal rights and protection in every aspect.

The restriction on humanitarian aid to the victims of foreign powers incited attacks is synonymous to Palestinians experience with recent Finnish Ship Estelle diversion on international waters by Israel.

Myanmar government and political oppositions are urged to address Rohingya Muslims problems effectively restoring fair opportunity in terms of political, economic and social progress.

Likewise, Christians and Buddhists could come together in averting overseas intrusion to segregate unified existence in Myanmar.

Myanmar deprived of political freedom under military leadership using western supplied weapons on political dissidents and peaceful demonstrators is also exploited by the west with crippling economic sanctions again parallel to Cuba, North Korea,, Syria and Iran citizens’ plight.

Now the western determination to exacerbate Myanmar’s dire conditions, the misguided agents are fomenting religious clashes to vilify yet another divine entity – Lord Gautama Buddha, the incarnate of divine Lord Vishnu – the protector and savior of humanity.

In addition to eloquent facts on the meaning and purpose of life detailed in Hindu Holy Scripture Bhagvat Gita during the preceding incarnation as Lord Krishna.

Lord Vishnu’s ninth incarnation as Lord Gautama Buddha was predominantly to elaborate on universal peace, empathy and compassion.

The caricature of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed (May Peace be upon him and family) and the latest sacrilege against Lord Gautama Buddha by western ideologues responsible for world suffering reflects the lack of human elements defining character and false perception.

The despotism emanating from presumed supremacy is symptomatic of declining status in accordance with natural conclusion of Dark Age also known as the Kaliyuga.

Myanmar citizens’ solidarity to preserve the long cherished Buddhist traditions and values embracing secularism and cultural diversity in equanimity are paramount for common good.

Injustice against fellow beings inclusively affects all resulting in fragmentation and disorder caused by preventable conflicts benefitting none.

The government along with religious, social and humanitarian groups commitment honoring human dignity transcending race, religion, political and economic background are instrumental for national stability, peace and prosperity.

Wishing Rohingya Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and citizens of other equally important denomination a new beginning and promising future pledged to peace and non-violence – the foundation of Buddhism.

Hinduism and Buddhism celebrates life as a gift dedicated to bring joy and peace in service to mankind.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Palestine – Israel Shelling in Gaza and Illegal Settlements in Al-Quds (East Jerusalem)

October 22, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories viz. West Bank and East Jerusalem is carried out with militancy utilizing United States weapons and three billion dollars monetary aid to the state of Israel until today.

Over and above the generous economic assistance at U.S. taxpayers’ expense, recently the incumbent administration has extended additional 70 million dollars increasing the sovereign debt burden on U.S. citizens with severe austerity implemented to cut deficit,

Not excluding the current White House plan post election in cohort with Republican agenda to tamper CPI (Consumer Price Index) for artificial adjustment of social security payments due to retirees and those nearing retirement eventually resulting in social security privatization to bankers’ advantage.

Israel as the recipient of U.S. military and economic funds expends the artillery against unarmed civilians in besieged Gaza and finance encroachment of the remaining meager Palestinian land exerting ideological reason without being subjected to sanctions or accountability.

United States administration regardless of political affiliation unflinching allegiance through economic and military provisions while ignoring citizens’ domestic requirements emboldens Israel’s militarization and beleaguerment in Palestine.

Israel’s shelling of Gaza continues with the latest blockade on humanitarian relief involving Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) attack on the Finnish Ship Estelle seizing essential supplies and forcing the cruise liner to abort mission.

The encounter apparently not devoid of injuries and grave danger to passenger lives – many were reportedly humanitarian workers on board to alleviate Gazans plight.

The densely populated Gaza consisting 1.7-million inhabitants trapped in a tiny strip of land enduring daily bombing and oppression rendering life unbearable with the so-called civilized world especially the western powers preoccupation in decimation of Syria subsequent to Iraq and Libya.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended the government defiance of international law, Geneva conventions and humanitarian rules that are regularly imposed upon Syria, Iran, Lebanon and other nations regarded adversary by the prominent UNSC members in their justification of double standards despite the prevalent discriminatory practices posing credibility problem in international crises resolution.

Israeli authority determination to invalidate Palestinians as part of the human race demonstrated in yet another controversial measure.

The construction of 800 illegal settlements along with eight-story military academy underway in the internationally recognized Palestinian territory – Al-Quds (East Jerusalem) on United States and western allies watch could he interpreted as approval considering passivity restricted to superficial public statements not necessarily exemplified in action to deter Israel’s blatant human rights violation.

Contrarily, both United States and EU never waste an opportunity to convene UNSC emergency sessions declaring crippling economic and financial embargo to punish citizens in Iran, Syria or anyone considered impediments to their strategic and economic interests for hegemony global dominance.

Palestinian suffering exacerbated by the hour with United States and EU complicity in the absence of censure against Israel’s policy perpetuating aggression.

Hence, the international community is urged to come forward on humanitarian and ethical grounds rejecting the status quo in occupied Palestine with effective steps parallel to response towards South African apartheid regime i.e. boycott economic sources affecting revenues from tourism and trade facilitating authoritarianism and,

The conspicuous bias concerning political freedom, sovereignty, territorial integrity and rights to self-determination touted as the U.S. and western allies premise to destabilize Middle Easter states and region.

Israel honoring Palestinian rights ceasing issue of building permits in East Jerusalem and West Bank combined with evacuation of Jewish settlers – an estimated half a million volunteers from within Israel as well as Europe and United States since 1967 military invasion relocated to establish self-prophesized promised land against spiritual and international norm could potentially avert disaster on the horizon through cause and effect phenomena.

The illegal residents enticed with benefits and free housing in Palestinian land are perceived as economic opportunists resisting international pressure by violently targeting native Palestinians with ammunitions presumably supplied from United States destroying olive groves and livelihood in the area.

Humility generates compassion and patience tested beyond tolerance is self-detrimental for the origin leading to irreversible outcome.

Pragmatism subscribing to rational approach ceding colonization and reconciliation with reality i.e. acknowledgment of imminent Palestinian independence for peaceful two state co-existence is beneficial to all.

Wishing the peace activists success in liberating Palestine and restoring tranquility for Israeli and Palestinian progress.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Lebanon – Beirut Bombing Following UN Secretary General Prediction

October 19, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Lebanese capital Beirut is the latest target with bomb explosion killing 3 civilians and many injured in the callous act against citizens in a sovereign state.

The bombing follows the recent statement from UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon sharing information on Syria violence spilling over to Lebanon.

Among those killed in terrorism, Lebanon’s Internal Security Forces intelligence chief, General Wissam al-Hassan reportedly assassinated in the blast besides damages to the infrastructure in the public square during peak hour with mothers rushing to pick up their children from school in the vicinity.

General Wissam al-Hassan apparently dismantled Israeli spy cell in Lebanon prior to falling victim to the recent assault in that country.

The widespread violence through mobs, militia, mercenaries and terror networks to destabilize region is self-destructive for the forces behind heinous crime against humanity.

The delusional adventure disregarding warnings on perilous strategy is a recipe for self-disaster.

Despite the prevalent situation on continuous death and destruction from illegal invasion and military aggression, the pursuit for regional and global dominance would remain futile leading to a colossal failure.

Lebanese political factions and people solidarity could withstand any threats to safety and national security.

Those lacking in courage and integrity would rely on weapons and violent means against unarmed population demonstrating eagerness to join the weak and shallow in history known to have succumbed to hubris and irrationality.

Considering the escalating attacks on innocent lives across Middle East, the unity among Arab population transcending race, religion and sect imperative to defend sovereignty and personal life.

The unified resistance throughout the region safeguarding territory, political and economic stability would pose a major challenge to illegal occupiers and invaders on the decline precipitating outcome with provocation.

With sincere condolescences to bereaving families and survivors in thoughts and prayers for speedy recovery,

Wishing people in Lebanon, Syria, Iran and around resolve and success in riding the superficial tide inevitably to be contained by the vast ocean.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Ending Conflict for Humanitarian Aid and Political Stability

October 18, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The western powers along with Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia backed terrorism in Syria having claimed many innocent lives and disrupted humanitarian aid as well as economic trade is unsustainable for the organizers of the conflict.

In the recent escalation of tension, Turkey grounding Syrian passenger airliner from Russia en route Syria via Turkey was an unnecessary provocation especially when the commercial aircraft had civilian passengers including children on board.

Turkish leaderships reasons on this account do not correlate with ground events considering the authority seizure of Russian cargo inviting dispute with yet another nation at NATO and U.S. behest – the main supplier of arms and ammunition to militia repeating Libyan episode under the guise of spreading democracy.

With the prevalent anti-war protests in Turkey, more than 75% of population overwhelmingly rejecting the government action against fellow Muslims causing death and destruction in neighboring Syria,

The Turkish incumbency under Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is unfortunately driving the nation towards catastrophic outcome that could be averted by the people and political opposition in the Parliament overriding the ruling power unilateral decision to attack a sovereign nation.

Furthermore, the Turkish government as the pro-western political party committed to the hegemony leading the Mediterranean country on a suicide mission with Parliament approval for military aggression against Syria endangering national and regional security.

The Turkish citizens and secular political rival could prevent the inevitable disaster planned for Turkey to fall in line with western and Zionists ideology for regional and eventually global dominance.

Any procrastination in intercepting misguided governance could result in the point of no return with loss of sovereignty and political freedom.

Turkish peace activism aimed at situation reversal i.e. ending the government’s undemocratic role as the coalition of the willing in the belligerence against Syria imperative to defend individual rights to self-determination.

The continuous cross borders shelling on Syria and simultaneous attack on PKK in Iraq and the row with Russia over confiscated shipment could be summed up as the global masters imbalance and peculiarity emanating from crumbling status in desperation to achieve the unattainable goal through Turkish leadership and the pro-western faction.

Again, the western powers erratic and irrational behavior also reflected in the incursion with military headquarters underway in Jordan.

Despite U.S sprawling permanent bases across Middle East to rein control over oil and mineral resources in Libya and surrounding areas,

United States and NATO troops commissioned under the pretext of preparedness for humanitarian relief to Jordan in expectation of massive Syrian refugee influx along the Jordanian border proves the Libyan scenario replication.

The hegemony plan to systematically decimate nations setting the Middle East and the world for a potential nuclear confrontation also depicts the architects, the executives and the promoters’ imprudence and cavalier approach disregarding life and the only habitat for all.

Not to mention the devastating impact on their citizens viz. the armed forces presence in the war zone as sitting ducks all around with U.S. administration artillery delivery directly to nefarious groups like Al Qaeda and mercenaries fighting alongside as allies and,

The imminent skyrocketing oil prices exacerbating consumer plight in the dire domestic economy obviously not a concern for the political power.

Considering the western leaderships are behind the mayhem in Syria and Iran with neither posing any threat against them whatsoever,

The citizens in western nations could unanimously dissent the respective governments’ bizarre indulgence ignoring the serious ramifications to follow upon failure to ceasefire and terminating violence in Syria.

The incessant firing by arming and funding the terror groups exported into Syria instigating unrest prohibits rescue efforts that could otherwise save precious lives on all sides since the rebels representing the western forces and Gulf partners are used as sacrificial offering besides the mass graves from civilian massacre in the beleaguered state.

Local resistance through civil movement in the west and NATO ally Turkey being the chief protagonists and contributors of human suffering in Syria could expedite the international warfare conclusion bringing the illegal invasion to a permanent halt enabling Syrian authority to expel all foreign fighters from their soil.

Syrian people deserve the opportunity to recover from the nineteen months old turmoil contemporarily exploited by external intervention under false pretense of establishing viable political system – evidently a deception based on western trajectory in the Middle East.

The western power and nations cooperating with them face indomitable challenge in the national front in addressing mounting frustration amongst people over the leadership dismissal of economic, social and political decline in the pursuit for global supremacy.

Hence, the prolonged proxy wars against Syria and Iran is a major economic and political liability for the aggressors having lost credibility and integrity to justify the unwanted and unprovoked punishment of the people – the real victims in Syria and Iran.

Wishing success and fortitude to the citizens in Syria, Iran, Palestine, Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar, Oman…and North Africa to overcome obstacles soon to dissipate like the passing cloud on the sky.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

South America – Venezuela Presidential Election 2012

October 9, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The oil rich South American nation Venezuela headed to the polls and re-elected the incumbent President Hugo Chavez with an impressive margin in the international observer team hailed free and fair election on October 7, 2012.

President Hugo Chavez, the populist leader is set to begin his fourth term with six years in office after defeating the western backed candidate Henrique Capriles Radonski reportedly prepared to launch neo-liberal policy for unlimited access to national resources especially oil reserves in the country.

The Venezuelan President has long been isolated an adversary by the United States and western allies with coup d’états and assassination attempts from factions opposed to the Latin American leader’s protectionism of national endowments viz. oil, averting Iraq and Libya situation.

President Chavez pragmatic economic policy comprising 20% national budget allocation to address poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy utilizing oil revenues evidently alleviating social problems that otherwise burdens the economy depriving the nation with potential income through taxes and productivity.

Such investments with programs effectively implemented to deliver returns could not be characterized as social welfare for neglect would only exacerbate economic inequality widening the gap between rich and poor not to mention the unwanted expenditure related to crime within society and internal security.

Instead of increasing prison inmates, the community development geared towards skilled work force expansion would benefit the economy and nation.

Venezuela perhaps proceeding in that direction. Under President Chavez leadership free housing has been provided to the poor and lower income families with more on the way to meet the requirement.

Venezuelan education and health care to the vast majority appears to be well appreciated and reflected in the electoral outcome.

The political diversification and power distribution would further enhance Venezuela’s achievements and could be emulated in the region and worldwide.

Venezuelan electorate successfully thwarted incognito foreign intrusion to subvert efficient economic and political stability in Venezuela.

Venezuela remaining strong and formidable against persistent western threats reflects people power resilience behind governance.

Congratulations! To the people in Venezuela and President Hugo Chavez for the remarkable victory and political commitment in protecting national interest.

Best Wishes for continued peace, progress and prosperity in Venezuela and entire Latin America.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

More at The Real News

Eurasia – Georgia Parliamentary Elections 2012

October 8, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The State of Georgia previously part of the former Soviet Union held Parliamentary election on October 1, 2012 and,

The incumbent President Mikheil Saakashvili headed United National Movement lost to the opposition, the Georgian Dream coalition led by billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvilli altering the political situation in the country that was engaged in war with Russia over South Ossetia and Abkhazia separation from Georgia.

President Saakashvili, a strong western ally as well as proxy leadership for the United States is at the end of Presidential term and the nation undergoing constitutional changes to the political system with the newly elected political party leadership as Prime Minister Ivanishvili aimed at promoting bilateral ties with the neighbor Russia and others against predecessor trend.

Having served the term limit i.e. two successive terms, President Saakashvili maintained close relations with United States, EU and Israel providing NATO access to contain Russian political influence in the ex-Soviet bloc and adjacent region.

Even though the electoral outcome is a major setback for the west, the Georgian electorate active participation post election in monitoring government function with appropriate checks and balances could prevent France scenario following globalists favored former President Nicolas Sarkozy departure.

The Presidential election is scheduled for October 2013 with precedence set in the recent poll.

Georgian election result is the voter dissatisfaction with status quo facilitating the required transformation considering the incumbency abuse of power, economic mismanagement and overwhelming external interference in domestic affairs undermining sovereignty.

The incoming administration could be facing similar trials to demonstrate commitment and faltering could be a huge risk considering the Presidential election in 2013 with possible voter backlash in local and national elections in the immediate future.

Congratulations! To Georgian electorate and the winner Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili as well as members of Georgian Dream Coalition on the election victory with an opportunity to realize national dreams benefitting all.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – U.S. Presidential Debate and Election 2012 Review and Analyses

October 7, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

United States Presidential debate held on October 3, 2012 at the University of Denver, Colorado between incumbent President Barack Obama and challenger Ex-Governor Mitt Romney is an election campaign cliché with usual empty rhetoric and loyalty to global conglomerate.

The Presidential debate format on selective topics at the hegemony approved moderator discretion covers general issues while ignoring relevant matter.

With two party political system under special interests control, the election is a formality enabling the highest bidder candidacy ownership depriving electorate voice in legislative affairs leading to Wall Street management to suit their agenda.

The Presidential debate allowing direct public input with candidates’ spontaneous response would provide individual clarifications on different subjects rather than contrived coordinated performance withholding truth from citizens seeking solutions to problems confronting the nation.

Presidential debate was split into three segments focused on economy and governance.

The first segment on jobs and taxation policy revealed both candidates favoring tax cuts extension to corporations regardless of commitment to stimulate economic growth through job creation.

The candidates delineated in approach revealed their common goal to protect corporate interest by shifting tax burden on to American working families and lower income category following precedence set by Republican administration with democrat successor diligently maintaining the tradition as witnessed in 2011 during Bush tax cuts legislation.

President Obama’s claim on adding five million jobs in the last four years is a typical statistical omission of error considering the unemployment data and distinct variation in demography especially joblessness among African Americans and blue collar workers being alarmingly higher than other groups in the American work force.

Certainly there were some jobs created through economic stimulus in 2009 and subsequently jobs saved in 2010 when the auto industry with General Motors in particular rescued from insolvency,

Any other job increase is the result of government expansion with various agencies delegated to perform tasks broadening bureaucracy and unnecessary protocol delaying federal approval on business and civilian requirements or emergency assistance like the BP oil spill in the Gulf coast.

The environmental disaster in 2010 due to BP’s inadequate safety measures and salvage program,

The damages to residents could have been sustained had the private sector with specific expertise been hired on the calamity onset instead of wasting valuable time – the essence in relief efforts mitigating losses and saving life species affecting ecological balance.

The reduction in unemployment figures is also related to either temporary suspension of job search by citizens and/or underemployment i.e. part-time work as well as lower wages jobs for survival as opposed to gainful employment.

Small businesses mandatory costs ranging from health care to operational expenses offset tax incentives combined with indefinite credit crunch attributed to banks reluctance to offer loans to qualified applicants inhibiting small and medium enterprise revival essential to invigorate manufacturing, wholesale and retail industry.

The notion that corporate tax cuts are invested for job boost or sustenance is yet to occur with some exceptions,

In fact, they are utilized in overseas ventures and alternatively diverted towards mergers and acquisitions contracting labor unit with pervasive impact on the economy.

Candidates did not avail the opportunity to notify Wall Street on the consequences for their default on prevalent minimal regulations and obligations per financial reform that continues to be slighted by commercial banks denying small businesses, home buyers and students finance despite them meeting the eligibility criteria.

Contrarily, the President defended the bailout recipients commending them for prompt payments with interest on time and chided ordinary citizens quoting the irresponsible undertaking in acquiring assets by disregarding own financial inability.

Sub-prime mortgage debacle bankrupting European economies with contagion effect on world economy triggered by investment banks aka equity management firms like Goldman Sachs granted impunity from penalty or compensation to defrauded victims in the financial crisis with no mention from the Presidential candidates in this context.

On the question of spending, revenue and sovereign debt –

Not surprisingly Medicare is the prime target for both candidates with President Obama citing Medicare as the major discretionary spending driver again ascribing blame on healthcare providers allegedly overcharging government,

Even though health care industry involving insurance, corporate run hospitals including medical facilities and pharmaceutical companies dictate terms and conditions contributing to burgeoning health care dilemma for average citizens across the country.

The current administration initially having ceded to health care reform opponents upon viewing prospects on the momentum generated by citizens and genuine advocates dedication to the cause opportunistically proceeded by substantially rewarding health insurance and big pharma whereas marginally benefitting certain mainstream segments in the health care legislation.

The case in point with respect to health care legislation is democrats controlled congress and white house in 2009 and 2010 had no political will to honor significant population request for single payer universal health care.

Furthermore, the recent setback in Supreme Court stance – the last bastion of justice heavily influenced by political and corporate directions upheld unconstitutional aspect of the legislation enforcing compulsory health insurance subscription devoid of premium caps and applicable waivers to health insurance companies advantage.

Neither candidates are inclined to downsize disproportionate pentagon budget with Governor Romney rejecting the idea and President Obama in agreement to the concept but not necessarily keen on translating into action based on the four year track record that shows rapid escalation in military spending and widespread military engagement in every continent surpassing the predecessor.

Similarly, wasteful spending also termed as pork barrel spending is yet another factor in the fiscal disorder often used by lawmakers on redundant projects named after them in their constituency expending taxpayer dollars and,

Ironically, the same legislators recommend austerity – slashing Medicaid for poor, unemployment benefits, veterans’ rehabilitation, disability funding and educational grants to the states in the unconscionable sense to deal with rising debt.

Revenue in the absence of taxes from the wealthiest and corporate executives private income stashed away in offshore tax havens along with pentagon expenditure not subjected to external audit in the backdrop of trillion dollars mysterious disappearance escaped candidates thoughts in addressing deficit.

Sovereign debt and Federal Reserve are intertwined analogous to heart in the description of physical anatomy.

Above all, the Federal Reserve as the privately owned company in charge of national money supply and profiteering from debt is a theft and assuming complete authority in the determination of interest rate with entire banking and financial networks under the
elite groups wing not excluding monetary policy clearly subverts republic rule.

Federal Reserve is apparently accountable to none and exempted from checks and balances on illegitimate establishment as national monetary power.

The ex-chairman Alan Greenspan confirmation to Congress on Federal Reserve being above the law raises the red flag and should awaken all most importantly, the political leaderships being the elected representatives in the so-called democratic society.

In the latest development, the present Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke threatened Congress with potential economic collapse via manufactured meltdown in reaction to any congressional investigation on Federal Reserve activity.

The Federal Reserve blatant posturing should alert leaderships provided they were truly pledged to national service.

Education – the reality demands affordable quality education with sufficient financial provisions starting from K-12 extended to advanced studies in national preparedness comprising skilled work force as future taxpayers and leaders are paramount to compete effectively in the competitive global economy.

Again the candidates exchanged remarks on the achievements or the lack thereof in the government initiatives falling short of expectations and not quite appreciated by all in the educational field.

Energy – Both candidacies embedded with fossil fuel industry under energy independence pretext do not shy away from drilling, hydrofracking, mining and nuclear energy option.

The Obama administration issued permits to energy companies including BP post Gulf coast catastrophe.

The third segment of the Presidential debate shed light on government and governance.

Territorial integrity and right to self-determination – the definition of national sovereignty has long been usurped by external power.

United States is hostage to three main forces –

The Federal Reserve as the private entity minting money from fictitious debt,

The military industrial complex infiltrated into civilian rule absorbing vast proportion of national budget drive the nation into perpetual warfare,

The Wall Street exploits Main Street with corporatization of Washington encompassing all three branches of government.

Supreme Court life term appointment is evidently an erroneous stature with systemic abuse of exclusive judicial power misinterpreting constitutional law than intended purpose.

The executive branch unilateral decisions on domestic and foreign policy endangering civil rights and humanitarian laws neglect congress and ultimately public opinion.

Concentration of power in the executive branch with congress abstaining from constitutional duty to curtail democratic values violation pose imminent danger leaning towards authoritarianism.

Previously the Patriot Act paved way for FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) and the Obama administration renewed those unconstitutional laws and in a giant leap introduced NDAA.

National Defense Authorization Act aimed at United States citizens are refused habeas corpus – entitlement to legal process and handed over to military tribunal not civilian court of law as terror suspects for any government deemed charges in semblance with rule against foreign citizens held in Guantanamo Bay.

Constitutional amendment rectifying the existing flawed functionality of government, military and economic sector role with declaration on institutional and organization limits desperately required to restore republic governance.

Interestingly, the Presidential debate precluded these poignant facts and indulged in exaggeration and embellishment of opponent and individual record respectively.

Governor Mitt Romney is obviously against big government conforming to Republican platform.

The ex-governor dismissed the idea behind government participation in every possible dimension and expressed clear intentions in delegating authority to states on jobs, education, health care and social programs that could be interpreted as decentralization.

Accordingly, the nation would benefit from both candidates their view on the New World Order premised on One World Government – the core members of the nexus group having seized power from the mass resulting in incognito corporate coup d’état, martial law underway and the White House disdain for congress.

The resolution to loss of sovereignty and citizens’ right is to reclaim national identity with trend reversal in the coming elections with referendum on five crucial elements rocking the foundation of constitutional democracy in the United States and around the world.

1. Invalidate Federal Reserve as the financial epicenter and repossess authority for money distribution, currency and monetary policy plus regulation and monitoring of the whole financial sector.

2. Military strictly confined to national defense and troop withdrawal from all war zones with permanent army bases closure.

3. U.S. to head world summit on nuclear disarmament with all nations surrendering nuclear arsenal simultaneously under independent and neutral international committee oversight and verification.

4. Prohibiting private and special interests financing of political campaigns allowing public funding and barring personal or borrowed/gifted wealth in the election.

5. Wall Street kept at bay from politics with repercussions outlined for top down political and economic leaders alike on breach of the public mandate.

Finally, unless the referendum on these preliminary STEPS passed for termination of hegemony comfortably settled to attain global dominance,

The contemporary era would deteriorate and decay to point of no return,

The incumbent having led United States to war in Syria apart from occupation in several other countries alongside incursion in Central Asia, South China sea and Persian Gulf,

Notwithstanding the economic warfare against Iran, coup d’état in Latin America and Africcom in Africa proving militaristic quest,

The hegemony preference is continuation of status quo.

Hence the concern among national and international members on neo con and Zionist ideology return in the event of incumbency defeat is naiveté for they never left the White House.

Project for New American Century (PNAC) and implementation of New World Order is in force and vigorously pursued with a slogan – Yes We Can and Yes We Will, assurance to the global masters on the mission certainty to empower few and enslave the rest.

All things remaining unequal, the United States 2012 election is a monumental fraud with globalists’ nominees pretending to counteract each other when they both represent the hegemony delivering victory one way or another.

There is no loser only a winner in the race – the 1%, sponsors of this ceremonial ritual.

Nonetheless, the custom eventuality produces a loser – the 99% falling prey to predatory standard,

In a nutshell, the candidates contrast in manner but fundamentally anchored on promoting supremacy with little or no respect for life and habitat leaving the electorate between rock and a hard place.

Republican vs. Democrat (both in name only) since the republic and democracy are up for sale and could be summarized as follows:

Candor vs. Camouflage, Elusive vs. Evasive and Defiant vs. Deception.

Unified peaceful revolution and referendums are prudent to remove the shadow power prolonged rule alternating between the two party sworn allegiances to them.

Inaction is worse than intermittent experiment with trial and error method.

However, the successful completion is dependent upon collective resolve declining plutocracy and feudalism – the existential threat to humanity, in pursuit of universal liberty and progress.

Best Wishes to peace activists, environmentalists and non-violent political freedom fighters worldwide for a productive and phenomenal outcome.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Turkey Terrorism as NATO Ally

October 4, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The continued aggression from the so-called democratic Turkey against Syria is U.S. and NATO instigated terrorism designed to plunge the world into chaos and undesirable disintegration.

The latest shelling across the border has not only claimed many innocent lives but also a hindrance to desperately required humanitarian aid to save lives in the embattled state.

Turkey conducting proxy war on U.S. and western nations behalf as NATO ally is provocative and counterproductive.

The self-disastrous involvement for Turkey would mean facing isolation from the Islamic population around the world in the targeted killings of fellow Muslims to appease Untied States and the west.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is sadly misleading Turkey into an abyss in the false and bizarre aspiration to monopolize Middle East at U.S. and western forces behest with grave omission of error given Turkey’s geographic location and western alliance persistent attacks against Islam and the people across the globe.

Turkish Parliament approval on terrorism against sovereign state inflicting catastrophe reflects paradigm shift in the political system proudly claimed to be the only democratic Islamic nation in the Mediterranean side of Middle East.

Unfortunately, the political leaderships in Turkey are disregarding the dire consequences on such unwarranted indulgence considering the intervention thus far has been in clear violation of international law.

Engagement in destruction of neighbors and others’ existence would invariably hurt the source in accordance with cause and effect.

Turkey’s internal crisis on Kurdish separatism and citizens’ frustration related to economic problems with government’s misplaced priority could be exacerbated in the process.

The price for Turkey’s involvement in Syria would be rather high with western betrayal and serious ramifications to befall in return for loyalty not to mention the natural course to follow within society in the national front.

Turkey is misguided in pursuing illusion heading towards cataclysmic event that should be avoided at all costs to protect Turkish population and national sovereignty.

When erroneous decisions are made with complete knowledge of the repercussions any reluctance to change action for the greater good augurs calamity and those executing the disorder are primarily responsible for the outcome and appropriately accountable to the electorate.

Turkey still has opportunity to ceasefire in terminating cross border terrorism against unarmed and defenseless civilians victimized in the massacre.

The slaying carried out by three Muslim nations – Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia against Muslims in Syria guaranteed to backlash resulting in the inevitable removal of governments from power in the respective states.

Often irrationality overriding reason and pragmatism is an invitation to irreversible tragedy upon self and those around them.

Turkey and other regional players reining control of the situation by ending violence is imperative for their survival that could otherwise be extremely dangerous in the volatile region with them being the first casualty.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia vying for regional dominance to undermine Iran is typical imperialist agenda in deploying servitudes to accomplish mission without them expending major investments to attain their goal viz. supremacy.

Besides Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar with overt backing from Tunisia and Egypt in the Middle East destabilization entrenched in fundamentalism due to Muslim brotherhood in all these states fomenting external insurgency through their counterpart in Syria fulfilling the global masters’ divide and conquer strategy again for self-destruction.

Finally, the hegemony doomed to fail in the prolonged warfare are evidently experimenting various techniques and tactics to overcome the preordained elimination from power contrarily expediting their departure.

Turkey citizens dissent against their government’s undemocratic intrusion in Syria is vital to restore republic governance, since the meaningful democracy seemingly dissipating in Turkey under current leadership having surrendered public will and national integrity to western ideology.

Wishing people in Syria – the victims in the conflict and political leaderships steel resolve in prevailing over foreign invasion.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant