Bombed Bollywood and Indian Cinema

Bombed Bollywood


Indian Cinema

Padmini Arhant 

Message for flopped bollywood and Indian cinema.

Your time has long been up. You are done with having proved your worthlessness in talent and intelligence.  

On the contrary your adeptness in narcotics, sleezyness, prostitution, criminality not barring homicide, terrorism, inciting communal violence causing deaths and destruction, arms dealing, sex trade, pedophilia, extortions, exploitation, seething envy, gluttonous greed leading to black money hoarding in offshore tax havens and above all fleecing on others as pathetic parasites in identity theft, piracy and plagiarism galore is nauseating.

The so-called beauty queens of the 90’s and thereafter sleeping their way around unable to make a career prompting parasitic existence is a tell all about celebrity status stripped of shame and dignity.

Indian cinema and politics marred in corruption, scams and scandals are primary sources for accumulating and liquidating dirty filthy money bankrupting local and national economy.  Importantly these two together along with other sectors responsible for superficial soaring inflation all year round triggered by unaccounted illegal money in circulation in the economy.

Bollywood and Indian Cinema – you are dead and buried for now and in the future. Get lost.

Accordingly no use flogging the cadaver for the carcass would only serve corpse scavengers.

Never mistake everyone for Sushant Singh Rajput.

Padmini Arhant

PS. This message is also applicable to all parasites wasting life in parasitic existence. There is no respect nor integrity when you and the kind fleece and ride on others’ back as free loaders and worst of all the satans’ slaves taking marching orders from them for undeserving hall of fame, fortune and power which never stick regardless due to fake imagery and fraudulence.


Padmini Arhant