Lebanon – Beirut Bombing Following UN Secretary General Prediction

October 19, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Lebanese capital Beirut is the latest target with bomb explosion killing 3 civilians and many injured in the callous act against citizens in a sovereign state.

The bombing follows the recent statement from UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon sharing information on Syria violence spilling over to Lebanon.

Among those killed in terrorism, Lebanon’s Internal Security Forces intelligence chief, General Wissam al-Hassan reportedly assassinated in the blast besides damages to the infrastructure in the public square during peak hour with mothers rushing to pick up their children from school in the vicinity.

General Wissam al-Hassan apparently dismantled Israeli spy cell in Lebanon prior to falling victim to the recent assault in that country.

The widespread violence through mobs, militia, mercenaries and terror networks to destabilize region is self-destructive for the forces behind heinous crime against humanity.

The delusional adventure disregarding warnings on perilous strategy is a recipe for self-disaster.

Despite the prevalent situation on continuous death and destruction from illegal invasion and military aggression, the pursuit for regional and global dominance would remain futile leading to a colossal failure.

Lebanese political factions and people solidarity could withstand any threats to safety and national security.

Those lacking in courage and integrity would rely on weapons and violent means against unarmed population demonstrating eagerness to join the weak and shallow in history known to have succumbed to hubris and irrationality.

Considering the escalating attacks on innocent lives across Middle East, the unity among Arab population transcending race, religion and sect imperative to defend sovereignty and personal life.

The unified resistance throughout the region safeguarding territory, political and economic stability would pose a major challenge to illegal occupiers and invaders on the decline precipitating outcome with provocation.

With sincere condolescences to bereaving families and survivors in thoughts and prayers for speedy recovery,

Wishing people in Lebanon, Syria, Iran and around resolve and success in riding the superficial tide inevitably to be contained by the vast ocean.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



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