A Thanksgiving Message – A Sense of Gratitude

November 25, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Message to President Barack Obama

Hon. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

After careful consideration, I would like to convey the withdrawal of my support to your administration based on your recent policy decisions on many issues.

I am not a politician. Although I’m privileged to have lived in different democratic countries and had many opportunities to participate in politics, I didn’t have any affinity for it mainly because:

The political environment is often dominant with “staying in power” that provides the means to fame and fortune rather than the sincere dedication to serve the people by taking political risks against the will of the establishments controlling the government in the systems disguised as democracy.

As stated earlier to you and the American public, I had a formal invitation from the former President George W. Bush and the office of the Vice President Dick Cheney to join their team to promote their agendas. Being guided by my strong principles and convictions with respect to peace, non-violence, fairness, freedom and equal opportunities for all human beings, I declined their offer as the past administration’s ideology was not only in contrast to my belief but also proved detrimental to any kind of progress.

Besides, as expected in politics, I cannot be a ‘Cheerleader’ of hawkish policies for political correctness and vehemently opposed to being an ‘attack dog’ for the powerful.

Your candidacy in the 2008 Presidential campaign with the ‘hope and change’ message indicated that hope could become a reality through positive change in Washington. Accordingly, I got involved voluntarily in the beginning and mandatorily later on to support your campaign, despite several requests and overtures from your democratic and republican opponents to rally behind them.

In response to the wild rumors and assertions about my ‘alleged’ financial gain then, during your political campaign, or, for that matter, now, I wish to set the record straight for the skeptics and the critics: I was never paid a dime in any form or method throughout the campaign up until now.

Conversely, as you well know that I have been contributing through donations to your campaign and the Democratic Party all along, while trying to maintain my livelihood on a modest income.

Meanwhile, there have been attacks, innuendoes and insinuations against me more so from the feminist “liberal” columnist representing the New England daily failing to meet the journalistic standard of remanding the elitist women with political clout and capital to tasks on important issues like foreign policy and health care reform in the public arena.

Unlike the various administrative appointments that have taken place through political bargaining and deal exchange; I continued my unconditional free service during the campaign and after the commencement of your administration until date regardless of the experience qualifying the expression being ‘thrown under the bus’ on many occasions not to mention the sleep deprivation with maximum three hours sleep in the past two years.

In terms of plain gratitude from the beneficiary of the historic Presidency, I had the honor of receiving DR. King’s sermon that could be perceived in many different ways depending on the deliverer’s intentions implied in the message.

“If you want to be important — wonderful. If you want to be recognized — wonderful. If you want to be great — wonderful. But, recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That’s a new definition of greatness.”

In my view, DR. King is the inspirational force who compelled the disheartened spirits to submit themselves to achieving greatness through service to humanity and strive hard to transform the status quo. Alternatively, in a spiritual sense the interpretation of ‘the greatest among you’ leads to the only entity Almighty God and his love amply reflected in the creations, the indomitable service to mankind.

Nevertheless, I’ll continue to exercise my right guaranteed to me in the first amendment, and remain steadfast with my commitment to the highest commandment to promote peace, progress and prosperity for all.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Senate Vote on Health Care Bill

November 20, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The Senate health care bill is currently under scrutiny requiring 60 procedural votes to qualify for the Senate voting process. At present, the democrats have 58 votes in favor with two independents unclear and the remaining Republican votes unanimously opposed to the bill. I’ve confidence in the (I) U.S. Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders with his support to alleviate the suffering of millions in Vermont and across the nation.

While the Democrats laying out the facts and figures, the Republican lawmakers are meticulously scanning for flaws in their defense to block the anxiously awaited health care legislation.

Senate version of the health care bill proposes $848 billion allowing coverage for 31 million uninsured Americans with a CBO (Congressional Budget Office) assessment confirming an impressive $130 billion cost savings otherwise a massive federal deficit reduction over a decade.

In terms of public benefits, the contentious ‘public option’ substantially compromised with a state opt out plan to appease the opponents against the American interest. Women’s right related to the yet another controversial health topic viz. abortion devised differently from the House Bill. Again, a strategy adopted to lure the conservative vote within the majority.

The tax increases predominantly aimed at expensive health care policies titled as the ‘Cadillac Insurance Plan,’ with a tax imposition on minimal policies increasing the threshold to $8,500 for individuals and $23,000for family coverage. Likewise, $60 billion tax revenue generated mostly from a marginal hike in Medicare payroll tax by 0.50 percent on individual income exceeding $200,000 and $250,000 on combined household earnings respectively.

Although, there are reasons for grievances among different groups in the society, Senator Harry Reid’s challenge is understandable given the preparation in the battleground ahead of the voting session. Seeking perfection in the long anticipated health care reform would prolong the matter providing ammunition for the special interests and their paid representatives to terminate the desperately needed national health care.

I sincerely hope along with the millions of victims from the status quo that the legislators on both sides would rise to the occasion in the tough economic times by honoring the constitutional oath to protect, serve and prioritize the citizens’ plight over other demands. The only way to demonstrate that would be to cast their vote for the health care bill overwhelmingly accepted as the gateway to economic recovery.

Not only the nation’s eyes are set on the Senate’s important event but also the entire world will be watching the elected officials’ true commitment or the lack thereof to the electorate granting them power in a democracy.

I remain optimistic on the outcome and convey my best wishes to Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and other Senators for their valuable contribution towards the historic legislation.

Good Luck! to the members of the United States Senate in the health care bill approval.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Response to Vice President Al Gore and DCCC Chairman Rep. Chris Van Hollen

November 19, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Dear Mr. Vice President and Rep. Van Hollen,

Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your request. However, the required information sent on priority basis should be available prior to the deadline.

Enclosed please find the contribution and the survey completed with specific targets vital for immediate economic recovery and national progress.

I appreciate your kind remarks and the invitation to participate in the legislative affairs. I pledge my support to defend the policies benefiting the people of the United States of America as well as the global citizens.

Furthermore, I consider it’s really important for the incumbent and the prospective legislators to make a firm commitment to serve the people electing them to office and not become the proxies for the special interests. I reiterate the fact that despite millions of dollars in investments towards any political campaigns, the ultimate power lies with the electorate in a democracy.

I stand beside President Barack Obama and the Congress to serve the nation and humanity in urgent need of action on many fronts outlined in the 2009 Priority Issues Survey.

Constructive criticisms against strategies detrimental to national and global interest help the administration and legislators focus on delivering the promises to the American public and the international community at large. I urge the honorable members in public service to regard them as my deep concerns for our great nation undermined in the past eight years and the partisanship prevalent among the conservative factions in the Capitol Hill.

Rest assured my primary goal is to ensure the Obama Presidency is a phenomenal success in addition to the responsibility to promote international cause through freedom, democracy and peace for all.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Veterans Day

November 11, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

On this important day, we take a moment to remember the men and women in harm’s way and their courageous service at home and overseas. This particular time is remorseful with the recent tragedy at Fort Hood, Texas involving the loss of innocent lives and subsequent grief among the victims’ families.

Not all human beings can pledge their life to serve the nation in a combat environment and those who come forward to do so are uniquely honorable. Every one of these individuals deserves national appreciation for their tremendous contribution towards security, freedom and humanitarian deeds.

It’s important to maintain the federal run VA health care and rehabilitation programs for all service members and their families. Further, the government assistance to the veterans’ families with housing, education and other social services are equally essential to help them cope with the economic hardships while their family members are engaged in active duty or otherwise. It’s the least any nation can do for the armed personnel deployed in various parts of the world.

Since the contemporary wars are conducted for reasons beyond national defense, the military spending on modern weaponry has taken precedence over providing safety equipments viz. the body armor for the soldiers in the frontline as evidenced in the Iraq war. When a mournful mother in England expresses her shock and pain from the tragic loss of her young son possibly saved with the timely dispatch of a helicopter, no apologies can resurrect the departed soldiers’ life valiantly surrendered to protect the country he loved.

Sadly, in the materialistic world life is easily dispensable. The professions once considered noble are commercialized whether it is national service through politics, military, medicine, or even spirituality. The present is dictated in monetary terms and,

Profit is regarded as the Prophet.

Nevertheless, the world is still intact as there are great many humanitarians and unsung activists in every corner tirelessly dedicated to improve the life on earth.

On this day when the parents, young widows, widowers and orphaned children experiencing sorrow and pride in loving memory of their dear ones,

The nation salutes the brave heroes for their significant sacrifices towards others welfare.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Health Care Legislation

October 21, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The Congress is engaged in the Medicare payments to doctors as part of the broader aspect of the health care legislation. Despite the opposition’s insinuations against the government run successful Medicare program, it’s imperative for the lawmakers to sustain the viability of the Medicare and the Medicaid by honoring the providers’ legitimate request for payments increase that would substantially reduce the health care costs currently incurred by the taxpayers through payments to private insurers.

As stated earlier, the conservative and the moderate Democrats’ unwillingness to support the public option is contributing to the stalemate in the health care legislation. Even though, the recent Washington Post/ABC Poll confirmed that an impressive 57 percent of the American population is overwhelmingly in favor of the ‘public option’ plan, some Democratic legislators’ reluctance to join the majority on this issue is disappointing and deserve a valid explanation for their position that is detrimental to the national interest.

It’s important for the Democrats opposing the public option to realize that, any skepticism on the viable proposal is a rejection of the long established Medicare with a proven record of reducing the health care costs while simultaneously providing coverage for a significant population, a core objective of the historic health care legislation. The ambiguity on the part of these legislators is justified if the status quo not draining the economy besides hurting the national future which is dependent upon the children, the youth and the baby boomers with inadequate coverage or none at all.

Whatever may be the reasons for the Democrats resting on the fence, the health matter is a test of the human character to expend the entrusted power for the public welfare against the political gains. The prolonged health care legislation is a strong indication to the American electorate to recognize and distinguish between the legislators’ actions or the lack thereof that should essentially prioritize the people over the special interest represented politics.

Accordingly, the 2010 mid-term election will determine the voter satisfaction or frustration in this regard. Those lawmakers in favor of the federal public option display commitment to serve the people electing them to power in a democracy.

The insurance industry has offered the yet another ‘less competitive’ alternative to the federal public option i.e. the state run program and that too only for those unable to afford the ‘insurance industry declared affordable’ payments. Not surprisingly, those in opposition to the ‘average’ American well-being embraced the idea as a brilliant reform when the states’ contemporary performance has been a dismal failure with California being the torchbearer in the dysfunctional event.

The citizens’ request for a public option is not a favor to them from the elected representatives in a democracy. On the contrary, it’s a constitutional duty of every elected official to work towards the national goals and safeguard the interests of every American representing the stars and stripes.

Again, democracy is subject to scrutiny during the legislative matters such as health care and the elected officials pledging to defend the public interest are expected to rise to the occasion by demonstrating their true service to the constituents and others nationwide.

In California, Senator Barbara Boxer believed to be on board with the democratic counterparts on the health care legislation enacting the federal run public option. However, Senator Dianne Feinstein is reportedly wavering on the ‘public option’ component of the bill. The long serving Senators from California are due for re-election in 2010 and the public opinion rely upon the voting records of their elected representatives to the House and the Senate.

Senator Boxer is presently leading the ‘climate change’ bill and the California Senator’s unequivocal approval of the public option enhances the legislative achievements for the feisty representative.

Since the concerned health care advocates do not have the absolute assurance from Senator Dianne Feinstein on the ‘public option’ component of the bill, it’s a sincere hope that Senator Feinstein will not hesitate to be remembered as a key reformer in the historic health care legislation.

The national deficit is the contentious issue for the Republican legislators against any progress. Although, they may have the best intentions in their opposition to the government run public option, it’s rather intriguing to view the self-deprecating legislators from across the aisle in their criticism of the public institution employing them to deliver the service for the greater good of all.

Apparently, these lawmakers have no issues with the guaranteed income, health care benefits and opportunities to compromise ethics for economics with the special interests in Washington. Ironically, the ‘so-called’ fiscal conservatives are also in the frontline pushing for the economically and strategically disastrous troops increase in Afghanistan. All carried out for the sake of ‘political’ opposition.

Indeed, politics is complex and the simple solutions are often ignored in the embattled power struggle.

Health care legislation is a serious matter imploring due diligence, rationale and fortitude for the desired outcome to benefit the present and the future generation. It’s possible only with the federal run public option with an inevitable costs trimming and coverage expansion, the essence of the health care reform.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

2010 Elections – Response to President Bill Clinton

October 15, 2009


Hon. President Bill Clinton.
New York

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for your letter. It’s truly an honor to receive your request.

I share your thoughts and concerns about the 2010 elections outcome. Needless to say, that you have experience with the opposition majority during your presidency and the challenges you faced in the legislative process with the “Government Shut Down” led by the former speaker Newt Gingrich and the republican allies.

Although, I agree that the Senators competing for their first term or re-election require the grassroots/base support, the general public perception from the health care debate is – the conservative and the moderate democrats forget their promise to the electorate that initially support them to get where they are now.

Instead, they follow the special interests’ policy in the legislative matter evidenced in the ‘Senate Finance Committee’ health care reform bill rejecting the public option.

As a veteran political figure, I’m sure you acknowledge the voter frustration in this regard that often leads to abstinence enabling the opposition gain majority by default. It’s typical of every democracy.

It’s hard to rally the people even within the party when the promises are broken and ‘Special Interests’ agenda prioritized over the public interest. This is in reference to the ‘Blue Dogs’ and the moderate Democrats’ failure in their commitment to the health care reform, the environment policy and the energy bill.

Despite their claim that their unique position attributed to the demography i.e. the conservative Southern States and the relatively lower population in the remote country regions not adequately provided for through social programs might be legitimate. However, their sworn allegiance to the special interests against the constituents in key issues do not bode well during the election campaigns.

The burden is on the elected officials to honor the pledge made on the campaign trails and not become habitual of post-election betrayal during their term in the office. The conventional political trend that maintains a campaign policy and then adapt to the elected term policy to appease all except the ‘average’ electorate has to change to energize the voter turnout.

I couldn’t agree more with you on the mid-term election vulnerability. It’s possible to strengthen the political majority in the House and the Senate through solidarity among the democrats on all issues concerning every American. Unfortunately, in this respect, the Democrats are severely lagging behind their opposition that remains unified regardless of the ideology.

Therefore, the status quo with the sixty Democrats constituting an ‘absolute’ majority is still an uphill battle for the crucial bills to pass in the Senate without the Republican vote. Such gridlock is unnecessary and counterproductive.

Obviously, the present democrats have to reach a consensus to cooperate in the legislative matter affecting not only their constituents but also the entire nation in the rare opportunity to make progress.

Since, the sole purpose of my involvement in politics against the preferred spiritualism and humanitarian field is to ensure the national and global achievements in every aspect; I will do my best to help the nation reach the milestones by supporting the deserving i.e. the people’s candidates elected or re-elected to the office.

Again, I emphasize that the major responsibility for the positive electoral results, rests on the incumbent and the prospective Senators / Representatives in their role as the lawmakers making important decisions affecting the people and the nation, demanding a dynamic shift from the self interest funded by the ‘special interests.’

I take the opportunity to congratulate you on the ‘Clinton Global Initiatives’ success and immensely appreciate the significant contribution to humanity.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Misplaced Diplomacy – His Holiness Dalai Lama’s Visit to Washington

October 8, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama is one of the favorite guests for the people around the world. The spiritual leader is a personification of peace, joy and immense hope for the people of Tibet and an overwhelming majority in the international community.

His Holiness’ visit has been anything except controversial in any part of the world, despite the authority in China politicizing the spiritual leader’s visit to deflect the horrendous humanitarian crime against the peaceful Tibetan population not barring the suppression of democracy in the Mainland and ethnic provinces of China.

According to the news reports, Washington has differed the meeting with his holiness as a precautionary measure due to the impending visit by the President of the United States to China and the possible ramifications on the Chinese leadership cooperation or the lack thereof in the economic and environment policy, notwithstanding the contentious Iranian nuclear negotiations.

All the more reason for the urgent expansion of the United Nations Security Council that holds the globally persecuted population hostage to camouflage the atrocities against humanity.

The White House elected option in this context is extremely disappointing considering the democratic status and the tradition followed with respect to receiving guests from diverse backgrounds to promote diplomacy unless the entity is a threat to national or international security…

There appears to be a mistaken identity. The regime in China should realize that the guest denied honorable reception to appease them is not Osama, but instead the diametrically opposite being, the Dalai Lama and Beijing’s implied deliberations on the important global matter suggests the implicit spread of the world’s most fearsome ‘Communist’ rule by proxy against even the firmly democratic United States and other nations.

Interestingly, China’s neighbor and the obvious thorn on their side, Taiwan was threatened by the Communist regime stating the protocol as provocative during the holiness recent visit to the island nation. However, the Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou let diplomacy override the political shenanigan from Beijing.

As detailed earlier in the blogpost on this website –” People’s Republic of China – The Deadly Dragon” published on 08/13/2009, letting the Communist regime dictate terms and conditions to the nations regardless of stature is a dangerous precedence and inflates the hubris of the authority responsible for the most genocides worldwide.

The irony is, the repressive regime reining in on the economic power through tactical investment in U.S. Treasury notes while dumping goods on the U.S. consumers thereby enslaving the ‘Superpower’ to the point of no return. Meanwhile, the Communist nation engaged in worst humanitarian crimes in history remains a mere spectacle dissipating into a fading memory.

The International Court of Justice as the UN judiciary has diligently held trials against the perpetrators of human atrocities until date. Similarly, the International criminal court, a permanent tribunal potentially has global jurisdiction on war crimes to genocides and other massacres. Yet, the two most internationally dependent judicial systems are oblivious to the regime’s historical brutality towards humans across the globe.

The heinous crimes among them are – the systemic abuse of the Tibetan population and desecration of the holy shrines including the enriched Tibetan culture.

Subsequently, the Tiananmen massacre in worldview, Darfur genocide, Sri Lankan Government ethnic cleansing and now the mass killings of the people of Guinea, West Africa by the military dictator has Beijing’s footprints i.e. trademarks as the chief supplier of the conventional deadly arsenals to these impoverished regions.

North Korea, Pakistan and Iran are in the MFN (Most Favored Nation) category for the Communist nation in the prolific arms race.

Notably in Darfur, the authoritarian rule violating the self sanctioned UN arms embargo as the permanent member of the UN Security council is the absolute defiance for the international rule of law by the regime, essentially delivering the present P5 UN Security Council irrelevant, if not a laughing stock to say the least.

In light of the continuous denouncement by Beijing towards his holiness’ visit to any nations for a spiritual and educational purpose or otherwise, it’s imperative for the UN General assembly to condemn the dictatorial regime and act vigorously by demanding the dissolution of the UN Security Council with members violating their resolutions for political and economic gains.

The present UN Security Council has emboldened the rogue nations with the leadership of China as the Chieftain successfully enabling the holocausts around the world particularly the oppressed Tibet in the Himalayan foothills.

China had no business to invade Tibet before and has no reason to occupy the region now. Therefore, it’s in the best interest of the Chinese regime to heed to the prophetic warning and prepare for Tibet’s inevitable independence and not the autonomy as pleaded by the spiritual leader, Dalai Lama.

The Tibetan population deserves freedom and democracy through self-governance and not be subject to a diabolical rule in the twenty first century. This is not the Genghis Khan or Kublai Khan era for annexations and the international authorities cannot ignore the extreme human suffering under the past and the present Communist dictatorship.

Lack of action to bring the Chinese leadership to justice is complicity to the human annihilation in the worst order leaving a violent legacy for the future world.

As for China, holding the U.S. trillion dollar debt and defying the climate issue will be self-detrimental. Any willful harm to the world’s largest consumer base, the U.S. economy is an economic disaster for the global warehouse, China interdependent on the U.S. performance to sustain the presumptuous ‘emerging economic’ position in the global market. Even if China threatens to discard the U.S. currency, it would be fatal for the Chinese economic prospects given the volatility in the other international currency such as Euro resisting the precipitous rise, taking toll on the export nations like Germany.

Non-compliance to the environmental requirement is an invitation to the calamities continually experienced in several parts of China ranging from the earthquake, floods and typhoons that no longer constitutes a natural act.

With respect to the Iranian nuclear negotiations, it should be clear from the horrific evidence in Sudan (Darfur), North Korea and Burma that Beijing’s commitment to world peace and order is to be taken with a grain of salt because of the back alley trading and cohesion to the belligerent leaderships in these regions, conforming with the belief,

Birds of a feather flock together.

Besides, the present UN Security Council will be unable to deter Beijing from trading with Iran. China’s huge investments in the oil refineries, the hindering factor for Iran from becoming the leading crude oil exporter is in the elimination process through Beijing’s extensive involvement with Iran to satisfy the oil quest from the economic growth.

The only alternative to contain the recalcitrant Beijing is to expand the UN Security Council from P5 to P11 and introduce credibility to the UN authority governing the global crisis.

Throughout history, the communist leadership in China has demonstrated a disturbing and an untrustworthy relationship with its neighbors and other economies to achieve the long desired ‘Superpower’ goal. The mounting betrayal to humanity is a tip of the iceberg.

The U.S. subservience to China is a regrettable trend reflected in Beijing’s unethical demands to the American investors e.g. Google barred from competing in China on bizarre accounts and the mandatory regulation for technology sector to market PCs with built-in filters to curb free speech… are a few of the unscrupulous practices in the Far-Eastern ethos. Free and fairness is oxymoron to the regime.

The White House obliging to Beijing’s unnecessary intervention in diplomatic course with individuals and nations warrants a serious threat to the U.S sovereignty previously undermined by the espionage charges against Beijing’s agents and the recent alleged spying via telecommunication cables.

It’s time for the world population to come together and reject the totalitarian regime in China wreaking havoc not only in its own soil but also for the entire humanity. Since the democratically elected governments are reluctant to challenge the regime, pursuing peaceful and non-violent dissent against injustice is symbolic and a guaranteed success for liberation proven in the twentieth century.

Another effective strategy for the world population is to invest in other economies deserving equal opportunity to economic freedom.

The White House misplaced diplomacy against the spiritual leader might be an interim false victory for Beijing. Nevertheless, the ancient wisdom confirms that the end is near when the mind is unclear revealed through Beijing’s double-crossing in the domestic and international affairs.

Tibet was once a free spiritual sanctuary and destined to be so in the immediate future. Only time will prove the certain outcome for the pious and peace-loving Tibetan population.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

SOS – Save the Arctic

September 30, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Mother Nature has never been more vulnerable than now with the human power in industries and government targeting every available land on planet earth for profits. With the active space exploration for possible inhabitation on Mars and the Moon, earth’s natural resources depleted to the ultimate under the guise of ‘Clean Energy Act,’ by the yet another indomitable force in the corporate world, the ‘Energy Cartel.’

Should they trail behind in the Herculean contest of crushing democracy and the people it represents?

‘Profit’ revered more than the “Prophet” spares none in its sinister cannibalism revealed in the legislative matters concerning health, housing, finance, wars and even the planet they exist. It is no longer the Darwinian ‘survival of the fittest’ with a subtle hope for efforts to survive if not thrive in the sharks-infested waters.

The profit dominant twenty first century is simple as it cut to the chase i.e.

“All for me and none for you.” Where “I live and you die.”

The gargantuan forces ‘supposedly’ caring for the source – the people and the environment savagely attack through massive pollution, dumping industrial wastes particularly in the impoverished regions of the world as life don’t matter over there to them, further empowered by the slogan driven action –

‘Drill baby drill, Drill now and everywhere’ until the mass disappear into the black hole.

The Bush-Cheney doctrine on matters related to life universally known. Among them, the icing on the cake was the free pass to the free market for a free fall and freedom to erode the earth’s surface through drilling in the Arctic, the Pacific…and beyond the horizon.

Such policy allowing the energy industry to drill in the Arctic endangering life eventually debilitating the food pyramid is due for urgent reversal to protect and save the provider, the environment from drilling or any other destructive mechanisms.

The continuation of the former administration’s policy in light of earth shattering ramifications detailed by the concerned scientists and the discerning ecologists deserve immediate action for life sustenance.

According to the experts, the drilling in the Arctic poses not only grave danger for marine life but also potentially disastrous to the ecosystem’s DNA.
The Experts Opinion:

“Ruining pristine wild lands and oceans – places like Teshekpuk Lake, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas – is not a path toward a clean energy future.

In fact, it’s a major step in the wrong direction.

Climate change is already making survival harder for arctic creatures.

Oil and gas exploration would bring even more devastating impacts: seismic booms, air and water pollution, and roads, airports, gravel mines and pipelines across a vast and pristine wilderness.

Perhaps worst of all, drilling brings with it oil spills for which – in the Arctic’s icy conditions – no clean-up technology exists. In the Chukchi Sea alone, government scientists predict that once the drills start, there would be a 40 percent chance of a large oil spill.

Once it’s destroyed, it’s gone forever. If we don’t act now, the impact to habitats that we are only beginning to understand and to hundreds of species of Arctic wildlife – caribou, grizzly and polar bears, migrating birds, whales, and many more – could be catastrophic!”

Call for Synergy – By Padmini Arhant

The grievances cannot be more poignant if the industry granted immunity by the White House and Congress today with the extension of the Bush-policy on offshore drilling.

Moreover, as highlighted to the international community on the environmental issue during the G-20 summit in Pittsburg, the United States image as the world leader in the green revolution ahead of the scheduled Copenhagen conference is in jeopardy with the prolonging of the devastating offshore drilling in the Arctic and elsewhere, notwithstanding the hypocritical stance in the worldview.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt phenomenal dedication towards the comprehensive protection of the national environment was the crowning glory among his many other symbolic achievements.

Every President and leaders of the nations have an opportunity to do wonders or otherwise with the power entrusted upon them in a democracy. What’s important to realize is the leadership’s willingness and courage put to test for a reason and that is for them to define their character by rising to the occasion in their national and humanitarian tasks that expands to the future.

Environmental rescue is not exclusive to social dynamics of race and culture or limited to political opinions. The voluntary planet degradation is cataclysmic to humanity as calamity in one part of the world contagiously spreads to the personal domain of every living being on earth.

Transforming desire into action is a challenge. Nevertheless, if policies detrimental to life existence in the health and environmental matter not terminated, it’s just a matter of time for the carcinogens to be deadly.

Saving the Arctic is paramount for the present and future evolution besides being a moral responsibility towards Mother Nature, the only source of life.

Thank you

Padmini Arhant

Presidential Address to Congress on Health Care Reform

September 11, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The President’s address, September 9, 2009 on the Health Care Reform laid out the components to clarify the doubts and confusions surrounding the bill. Despite the vehement opposition from some quarters in their loyalty to the sponsors, the ‘Special Interests’ representing the Health Insurance and the Health Care industry, the President reached out to them to be his ally rather than the adversary.

The fact of the matter is, with some groups determined to detect flaws regardless of many concessions in the bill, at the expense of the victims in the exclusively privatized sector, they will continue to defend the status quo because of the personal gains. That is the reality of the highly politicized and narcissistic culture in Washington. With these representatives holding the mantle to the power in legislative matter, it would be appropriate for the nation’s Capitol to trade name as ‘the sin city’ with the West Coast casino capitol ‘Las Vegas,’ Nevada, except the latter deserves credit for the openness.

Ironically, the lawmakers particularly in the Senate and the moderate to conservative House democrats creating the gridlock have sworn allegiance to the industry supplementing their income while turning a blind eye to the plight of the people, the entity behind their power.

Interestingly, some politicians among them even reminisced about their humble and modest background prior to the acclaimed stature and somehow that emotions surface only during the ‘book’ promotions on prime time television shows and not utilized to relate to the sufferings of the millions in their turf or across the nation.

Upon challenging them to the task to do the right by their constituents electing them to the office to be their representatives, the message is lost and their support shifted to the corporate financiers as they prove to the electorates that they are indeed the visionaries devising ways to protect their interests and re-election possibilities. Thus, the transformation from ‘public’ servant to ‘private’ servant takes place in the Capitol of the world’s modern democracy.

Although, the President’s message was clear in terms of assuring affordability, eligibility and costs control, arguably the three major proponents that triggered the health care debate at the dawn of the Presidential campaign and continuing up until now,

The skepticism by the opponents’ media and their loyalists overshadow the truth behind the contentious issue, their push to drive the robust ‘public option’ out of the equation. Having been successful in eliminating the ‘single payer’ system that would have been an absolute guarantee to fulfill the urgently required health insurance with a non-terminal and unconditional coverage for the millions insured as well as the disputed uninsured population,

The industry is now resilient through their paid representatives in the Senate and the House to demolish the public option from the bill, a move that is contradictory to the definition of free market. By definition, the free market should allow the consumers to pick and chose at free will among the different providers/purveyors catering products and services at different price and quality to suit market conditions. Since that appears to be a misnomer in the present environment, the industry with the willing legislators on their side adamantly pledged against any viable competition such as the people represented public option.

Again, according to the Congressional Budget Committee, even with the introduction of the public option in the bill, the proposed participants under the coverage expected to be less than 5% leaving the approximately 95.5% market share to the private insurers.

To all those pundits and demagogues viciously attacking the genuine voices for the less fortunate who happen to be the majority in the society,

How much profit is profitable in the vast market share comprising 95.5% to the private health insurers?

The argument often reversed claiming the corporations’ profit being the national revenue viz. the taxes should spin the economy. Perhaps a valid stance, by no means a reality given the negative impact of the rising health care costs in premiums and health care management. The health insurance has surely been profitable causing liability to the corporations, small businesses and private individuals other than nearly bankrupting the economy. Unequivocally, the health care conglomerate’s real beneficiaries are the CEO’s and the shareholders.

Besides, in the absence of vigorous competition through ‘public option,’ expecting the private sector that has the formidable monopoly in the national economic issue to conform to the legislative requirement is a cliché. This is poignant especially when the American taxpayers as consumers are still awaiting the ‘accountability’ factor to kick in with the bailed out financial sector’s promise to stimulate the economy through liquidity in the credit market.

The news media reported that the finance industry’s ‘mischief makers’ admonished by Congress during the bailout and categorically denied of any golden parachutes with the taxpayer dollars. When the session was over after a brief ‘timeout’ for the bad behavior, suddenly the blue sky adorned with none other than the forbidden ‘golden parachutes’ with the finance sectors’ pilots taking off to their favorite paradise.

So much for the free market’s obedience and respect for rules and regulations in a democracy!

In the similar context, it is not possible to ignore the anti-regulation agents’ objection to the government participation in the national issue. However, the overwhelming control and dominance of the private industry in the nation governance is cordially welcome in the Capitol Hill corridors, airwaves and the communications media irrespective of the devastating outcome on the economy. It is accepted as perfectly normal for the private sector to meddle in public matter but the flip side becomes explosive at the core minimum.

The heckling was not limited to the town halls on this issue and prominently displayed by one of the industry representatives during the Presidential address with the accusation of ‘lies’ in the immigration matter.

On the immigration deal, the shocking detail revealed by the Progressive caucus chair Raul Grijalva, Congressman (D) Arizona, during his interview with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez of Democracynow.org on September 10,2009.

“And one of the things that is not well with this health reform plan is that legal permanent residents are required to wait five years before they can receive any health benefit, even though they are legal. And we are arguing with the framers of the legislation, as well as the administration, that you’re making people illegal twice. You’ve asked them to go through the process, they legalized their status, they’re permanent legal residents, but yet there’s a penalty attached that you can’t get the benefit for five years. We find that to be double jeopardy.”

The hypocrisy is conspicuous in this instance. The nation that is proudly declared as the country of immigrants slams the immigrant population with the tax burden on par with the citizens. Meanwhile, the overzealous legislators and the administration architects in the selective amnesia moment about their personal ancestry simultaneously deprive the immigrants from benefits that they are lawfully entitled to as the ‘legal and permanent residents’ soon to be the eligible voters upon naturalization. Such political maneuvers frequently bring the best creativity among the sculptors of the monumental piece.

To touch base on the President’s bipartisan approach in the highly contested health care legislation, it could be aptly described as ‘Why look for enemies when you have foes within.’

In the uphill battle to pass the health care reform, the industry has cleverly sabotaged the democratic majority from relying on their own breed.

Should there be any speculation on why the Senate Finance Committee has not yet presented their version? The President confirmed it during his speech as ‘awaiting the proposal from one committee.’

More revelations in this respect from the interview with the Congressman Raul Grijalva by Democracynow.org: – Thank you.

AMY GOODMAN: Congress member Grijalva, I also want to ask you about Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus and his close ties to the healthcare industry. Yesterday, the White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Baucus had distributed his healthcare plan to lobbyists on K Street prior to sharing the plan with other members of the committee.

“The watchdog website LittleSis.org has revealed Senator Baucus’s chief health adviser, Elizabeth Fowler, is a former executive for the insurance giant WellPoint. Fowler has been called the “chief operating officer” of the healthcare reform process.

REP. RAUL GRIJALVA: I think the product that has come out from his committee and himself, I really believe that it has no legitimacy in this debate. It’s an insider product. It’s there to protect the industry. It is not there to try to look for that middle ground.

I consider Senator Baucus’s proposal to be essentially an insider trader move to protect an industry and really doesn’t have validity at all, both political validity or content validity.

JUAN GONZALEZ: —to basically—it’s on you whether healthcare reform passes or not, any kind of healthcare reform passes.

REP. RAUL GRIJALVA: Yeah, you can kind of—you can kind of see the winds heading in that direction, where members of the Progressive Caucus, even though the Blue Dogs, twenty-three of them—twenty-three of them have already announced that they will not vote for anything, and so they’ve already canceled their votes and said, “We’re opposed to any reform package.”

Even though that happens, and it’s publicly stated, I think the winds are going to shift, and the progressive members of Congress are going to be seen as the obstructionists. They’re going to try to be labeled at that. And I’ve said over and over, both to—we have told the administration and our leadership for almost—consistently for a year what we felt were the guiding principles to a public plan. We’ve been consistent. We haven’t backed off.”

So America, there you have it.

Why look elsewhere to blame the Republican army…

When the democratic legion with the exception of those dedicated to their constituents are living up to the reputation of “Politics finds strange bedfellows.” At least the Capitol Hill sanctity spared with no distinction between the ‘same sex marriage’ and ‘the Solemn union of opposite genders.’ Only in the State and Nation’s Capitol the amazing blend between the private ownerships and the public representatives unparallel match revealed against the people empowered democracy.
Furthermore, the commentary and punditry following the speech obviously varied depending on the ‘Who is for whom’ platform. The opponents presented the entire content as hogwash.

The former President George W. Bush took the nation to war on false pretences with an ultimatum “either you are with us or with the terrorists.’ The present ‘Nay’ Sayers on the life saving legislation then spellbound by the remarkable rhetoric for the illegal war cast their votes that is draining the national treasury until date.

Apparently, Washington’s immunity to lies and distortions in the past eight years is aroused with the current ‘truth’ vaccine prepared to protect the people from the widespread epidemic in the form of corruption and cronyism.

On November 2008, people representing the stars and stripes of this great country enthusiastically voted for the ‘hope and change’ to release themselves from the shackles of Corporate greed and Washington corruption. Now is the time for the elected officials to deliver the promise made on the campaign trail that would testify the strength and character of the real democracy?

Finally, the President’s speech was impressive and right on target. Nevertheless, the health care reform is truly meaningful only with the steadfast commitment towards the majority preferred ‘public option’ that is paramount to resolve the burgeoning crisis.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Capitalism alias Communism

September 6, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Throw a treat to the man’s best friend and he/she will do any tricks for you.

Not quite true, contrarily some canines unlike the ‘few’ in their masters’ species resist being the “Pavlov’s dog.” Besides loyalty, the canines’ discriminative power is unparallel to the particular voices on the airwaves and cable news network ever willing to perform on the note – ‘show me the bait and leave the trashing to…’

Lately, with the relevant media on vacation, the field is wide open and vulnerable for dumping wastes of all kind. As usual, the specific network presenting ideas and style taken right out of their targets’ page yet choosing to remain oblivious to’ plagiarism,’ do not refrain from perennial attack politics.

Recently, there has been deafening noise and fear mongering about the nation becoming ‘Communist’ and claims that certain entities may be out to destroy the sanctity of the sacred ‘Capitalism.’ Further, the network featuring the long confused biracial harmony against the alleged Anti-Profit, Corporate bashing otherwise the ‘indomitable’ alien force is indicative of the desperate times seeking desperate means.

It’s a feast to the eyes when the image on the HD / 3D monitors transcends race but again demoralizing when it happens for the wrong reasons. As though the berating isn’t enough the religion is brought into the conversation as an ally. The emphasis on the United States of America, proclaimed as the exclusively “Judio-Christian” nation presumably conquered by the aliens determined to eliminate the demonstrably competent ‘Capitalism’ and threaten the viability of the robust free market system. Never mind the other religious representations and diversity in the society. They are mere taxpayers, consumers and statistics among the electorates.

It should be obvious by now that the United States is a planet within a planet with the multitude race, religion, non-religion and several other factors from all over the world. The bellicose barrage playing the religious card is nothing but gutter politics.

Whatever works to polarize the democratic secular system used to ignite the sparks regardless of the blazing fire possibly consuming the pyrotechnicians and the entire gamut?

In view of the over pouring incendiary remarks marred with ignorance, it’s essential to demystify the myth dominating the communication mass media, the single most propaganda machine overly misused in the modern age partisanship.

Understanding Communism:

Karl Heinrich Marx, The German political economist, sociologist… perhaps conceptualized a utopian environment against the extreme inequalities at that time. The political theorist’s influence over the exploited working class permeated the western and central Europe, and subsequently the other parts of the world.

Communism emerged from the societal decay with the wealth concentration in the particular segments, i.e. the agricultural landowners and merchants seeking entitlement to national wealth while depriving the remaining population from similar fortunes, and leaving them to compete with one another in the Darwinian ‘survival of the fittest’ world.

What began as the revolutionary movement towards the greater good for all developed into the previously condemned parochial system, as it operated with the power sanctioned to the selective groups in the nation governance that simultaneously set aside the enormous wealth for them in the name of the republic. Communism on the face of it initially portrayed as the well-oiled machine satisfying the wants of all, only to be degenerated in the systemic abuse of power.

Even though ‘Communism’ spread to benefit the ‘Community’ with the objective of creating a classless and stateless society, the end did not justify the means. The classic examples are the former Soviet Union and the present China, Cuba and North Korea.

Again, the interesting twist in the twenty first century is the nostalgia for the former Soviet era among the economically deprived many Russian citizens in the fast-paced ‘ONG’ (Oil and Natural Gas) enriched Russian economy.

In fact, the United States held responsible for the failure of the former Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s ‘Glasnost’ (Government Accountability and Transparency) and ‘Perestroika’ (the political and economic reform). The reason attributed to the Western paranoia to the pervasive ‘Communism’ and the secrecy behind the iron curtains.

The irony in the response to Communism by the United States is the successful dismantling of the former Soviet Union along with the brutal deterrence in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, and isolating Cuba and North Korea, while fervently forging alliance with the vastly threatening Communist regime in the Far East – China.

Communism soon became the most dreaded form of authority in the latter half of the twentieth century because of the iron fist rule in the former Soviet Union and across the Soviet bloc, that caught on like the wild fire to the South Asian regions led by China and adapted by Latin America in their rejection of feudalism.

Furthermore, the equality theme dissipated with the ruling Communists’ power absorption and control of the major institutions on the land, specifically the mass media. As a result, the population promised to be free of social and economic barriers subject to severe oppression on all accounts like in the case of contemporary China, Cuba and North Korea.

Perspective on Capitalism:

The widespread ‘Communism’ in the mid twentieth century triggered the wealthy to converge and protect their capital in the ‘Capitalist’ economy more so than ever. Capitalists’ paradoxical dual platform was protectionism while floating free trade practices essentially enabling a monopoly on not only the national but also the global economy. Hence, the free market archaic labels on every consumer product sold in the global market.

In an uncanny resemblance to the ‘Communist’ system the free market has not met the expectations of the people in the society as they are entrenched in consumers and workers exploitation like their counterpart ‘Communism.’ The common tools for both systems are ‘Power’ and ‘Wealth’ for suppression of freedom and choice in the form of civil liberties evidenced in the on-going ‘health care’ battle.

How did the free market infiltrate the national economic and political scene?

The Capitalist agenda thrives in a democratic system with mega investments in the political campaigns. All levels of government i.e. local, state and federal elections are heavily funded by the lobbyists aka the ‘Special Interests’ representing every imaginable industry. Any effort to legislate the ‘public’ financing with a cap on electoral spending demolished prior to the declaration of such process to let the private industry proliferate in the nation governance usually beginning on the campaign trail.

Some poignant moments in recent memory –

The finance sector giants such as ‘Goldman Sachs’, AIG, Citi groups etc smoothly organizing the fire sale of the rivals and massive bailouts for themselves. The oil industry with Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, ConocoPhillips and others possess the political proxies in the House and the Senate rallying for off shore drilling and blocking the ‘Cap and Trade’ energy bill.

Should the ‘health industrial complex’ trail behind in the muscle-flexing match?

Absolutely not. Therefore, the Health Care Industry actively promoting the anti-government slogans through their paid political representatives, so that they can continue the absurd profiteering strategy without the people represented public option in the contentious health care reform.

On a broader perspective, the national defense controlled and managed by the ‘military industrial complex’ behind every military operations ranging from the civil to international wars vehemently opposed to any ‘peaceful’ resolutions to justify the phenomenal defense budget crescendo regardless of the political factions in the White House.

The proof of the pudding is in the decision to proceed with the additional troops deployment in Afghanistan. Despite the colossal failure in the ‘so-called’ war against terror, the pursued military occupation misdirected as ‘nation building.’ Such adamant position is reflective of the Machiavellian policy and ‘hawkish’ representation at crucial levels of government, relevant departments in the administration and the defense hierarchy. Ignoring the human casualties on all sides and squandering the scarce national resources is the motto of the defense program conspicuous in the status quo.

The role of Kellogg Corporation and the internationally defamed ‘Halliburton’ in Iraq and Afghanistan herald the degradation of morality in the lowest order.

Again the private industry prioritizing extravagant profit over people’s lives is synonymous with the military and medical industrial complex, ‘apparently’ engaged in saving and safeguarding lives.

Likewise, in other areas of life sustenance the Nuclear industry in their effort to leave the footprints has the legion in Congress, respective Cabinets and the White House to stampede the renewable energy alternatives in the green technology vogue. In this context, the anti-environment coalition is ever stronger than witnessed before. It’s not uncommon for the opposition to rise against the incumbent power’s any and every policy. However, the vitriolic politics defying common sense and logic in the ‘global warming’ issue is the height of idiosyncrasies that is reprehensible.

How does Capitalism perform in the global economy?

Globalization is nothing but the marginalization of the domestic and foreign workers alike. The two most important wings of the business sector, the workers who are also the consumers are the convenient scapegoats for the free market operators. In order to cope with the vigorous global competition, the corporate downsizing with massive layoffs or outsourcing at a relatively cheaper rate with a disregard for standard labor laws on foreign soil is the preferred path to ‘Nirvana,’ (the eternal bliss), in the capitalist jargon it is the cornucopia of profits.

As for the environmental hazards are concerned, the deadly gas leakage in the devastating Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal, India – killing several thousand residents and abandoning millions suffering from life threatening diseases as well as the oil spilling on the domestic and international shores meticulously evaded or dealt against it through the top-notch legal expertise hired at a premium price.

Global economy is also heavenly for tax evasions with the Corporations reallocating off shore income towards their personal future.

The icing on the cake is the communications mass media – a blaring private and free market owned enterprise to undermine democracy. Issues of national interest and citizens welfare browbeaten to conjure the dazed viewers and readers. At the same time there is responsible journalism visible in the most editorials, columns, articles and television presentations other than the cyberspace to counteract the partisan tidal wave

Lately, the legitimate concerns in the form of opinions, ideas and commentaries on numerous national and international issues either discounted or dismissed as an unqualified intervention in the asserted ‘our highest government ’ matter, striking yet another chord with ‘Communism.’ in the first amendment right.

Aiming at profit is the fundamental cause for any commercial activity. Nevertheless, the methods and strategies to achieve those profits often found unscrupulous in the modern market economy. Wealth acquired at the cost of the citizens’ life and livelihood does not last long, and no sooner than later the proprietary disillusioned on the asset transformed into liability.

The analogy presented, as “One size do not fit all.” It does not apply to those corporations playing by the rules with an utter respect for the democratic political system…stay focused on the business management rather than ‘nation’ control. These Corporations occasionally victimized by the labor Union’s excessive demands viz. higher workers compensation under the guise of ‘labor protection.’ There are also individuals abusing consumer rights in business dealings with contempt for the other party’s status.

The excessive greed for ‘Power’, ‘Profit’ and ‘Popularity’ in the aggressive world economy and political system has eroded the human qualities for care, compassion and courage to uphold justice and fairness in the society.

Concisely, Capitalism is the new era Communism dictating terms and conditions to the market forces and intrusively implementing national policies through political agents on the prolonged or permanent Corporate payroll at the dawn and during the representative’s political career.

The common denomination under both systems is – the powerful oppress the powerless and the victims are none other than the general population in both Capitalism and Communism.

Democracy is meaningful with the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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