Planned Parenthood, Medicare and Medicaid – The Average Americans’ Life Support

April 17, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The 2012 budget disagreement in the Hill continues with the Republican majority in the House having passed the proposal to cut $4.4 trillion deficits over the next decade.

Medicare and Medicaid along with funding for the Title X program that provides millions of vulnerable women with family planning, cancer screening and other vital preventative services is currently targeted in the attempt to display fiscal responsibility.

The intention to reduce deficit by $4.4 trillion is praiseworthy but again not at the ordinary citizens’ plight as they are already marginalized in the political system run by the empire representing the tax evading corporations and,

The military industrial complex determined to prolong occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq…with the recent report on Iraq revealing the plan for permanent U.S and coalition troops deployment in the oil rich nation.

Likewise the White House position on raising the debt limit ceiling to accommodate disproportionate military spending through expansive operations in Islamic countries for strategic and economic interests alongside complicity with corporations exporting American taxpayers funded jobs exemplified in the appointment of such corporation to lead the White House Council on Jobs and competitiveness is contradictory to the stated objective.

If the House Speaker John Boehner and the White House were to slash the alarming defense expenditure with troops withdrawal from the nations in the process of being declared indefinite battle zones and,

Pledge towards tax reform evidently favoring corporations like General Electric with the removal of the CEO Jeffrey Immelt from the controversial post in acknowledgment of public petition seeking the GE CEO resignation,

Then the legislative and the executive branches’ crusade could perhaps benefit the mainstream rather than the corporate donors with the base covered in all three government branches.

The cooperation between the Republican members and the White House last year during the Bush tax cuts extension legislation contributing to rising deficit and,

Now the similarities in the debt escalation by the Republican House representatives’ action depriving women, children, veterans and seniors from health care with Medicare and Medicaid elimination,

While the White House calling for higher debt caps inevitably burden the lower and middle income families considering their mutual allegiance to special interests reflected in the generous tax exemptions to the super rich and corporate financiers.

Congressional members opposed to women’s health particularly in their determination to defund Planned Parenthood are alienating the women electorate for ideological reasons and precisely not the change desired by the demography at the lower economic strata.

Reiterating the fact that such polarization within society undermines sovereignty with serious political repercussions for the women’s health opponents and the party.

The real commitment from the White House and the Republican lawmakers would come to light upon prioritizing people over the conglomerate controlling the economic management, foreign policy and warfare.

Thus far the status quo confirms the Bush-Cheney legacy continuation in honoring Bush tax cuts extension, Osama Bin Laden mystery unresolved for perpetual warfare, foreign policy enabling dictatorships to prevail through behind the scenes negotiations with their descendants allowing stalemate against revolutions victory in the people led political uprising in Middle East and North Africa –

Such developments epitomize the corporate and military industrial complex governance overriding democracy.

Therefore the funding restraint on the citizens’ life support – Planned Parenthood, Medicare and Medicaid proves the individual members and leaderships’ misplaced efforts on debt reduction.

Instead the legislative and executive branch consensus on tax revenues successfully circumvented by the corporations and substantial military spending in the sprawling operations around the world should be the bone of contention to signify functional democracy.

With tax payments from corporations obviously not received due to inherent loopholes and deficiencies besides winding up military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq alone would resolve the burgeoning deficit crisis.

Unfortunately the solidarity between the executive and legislative branch in this regard is successfully secured by the corporate sponsors – the perennial winners in the declining democratic system.

Public dissent against Congressional and White House ties with Wall Street at main street peril is necessary to bring about the hope and change reviving republic rule in a democracy.

Failure to heed to citizens’ plea to alleviate and not exacerbate their suffering would be termination of their term in office – as witnessed in 2008 and 2010 elections.

It would be unwise to under estimate electorates’ disappointment in the ‘more of the same’ iimplemented as the promised change.

Hence the incumbent administration and legislative members’ campaign promise delivery to the people without deflecting from the required course is paramount for national progress.

Power is effective in the empowerment of powerless and not aiding the established powerful forces in the shadow government.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Budget Deal Prevents Government Shutdown

April 9, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Congressional members under the leaderships of the House Speaker John Boehner, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and minority leader Mitch McConnell passed the budget providing federal funding to last until Thursday April 14, 2011 that averted the government shut down.

The stopgap measure allows government functionality and further time to complete the required tasks i.e. federal funding for the remaining year and the fiscal year 2012 budget approval.

Budget deal is claimed to have achieved $78 billion savings against deficit reduction without social issues holding up the legislation and the political gridlock serving none except news discussion.

As stated earlier the debt reduction is necessary but not at the vulnerable population expense.

The other areas consuming significant proportion of spending with negative returns are to be targeted rather than aiming at life saving programs and essential investments guaranteed to boost economic growth in the immediate and long term future.

The negotiation methods leading to a general consensus on the budget could be emulated in the coming week to avoid any delay or threats to government operation.

The elected representatives to public office bear greater responsibility to diligently engage in meaningful debates and reconcile the differences for a desirable outcome in legislative matter.

Again disagreements for political reasons are detrimental to national interest with an inevitable electoral backlash common in a democracy.

Identifying the unreasonable and unaffordable causes effectively benefitting all could facilitate better environment in public policy engagement.

Although every elected official is inclined to serve their respective constituency and political party,

The national legislation especially fiscal management is always contentious and requires rationality as well as balanced approach resisting political appeasement for universal benefit.

Every American is part of the society. Therefore health, education, jobs, housing and environment problems experienced as individuals or communities has ripple effects.

Poignantly denying funding for Planned Parenthood involved in women’s health care and wellness contributes to the national health care costs overriding deficit containment.

The Republican lawmakers and conservative democrats opposed to Title 10 related to funding for Planned Parenthood are requested to focus on the wide range of health benefits received by women in lower income category that otherwise could deprive them from healthy living standards not to mention the economic liabilities exceeding the fund provision for preventive care.

Such unnecessary opposition is deflective from the objective to reduce national debt.

Besides the political position could generate gender bias perception usually reflected in the electoral outcome.

Change promised on the campaign trail could be realized upon cooperation, acknowledgment of issues in the broader sense and sincere commitment to serve the people and nation at large.

Working in harmony could alleviate partisanship attributed to legislation failure.

Adopting a strategy to exchange ideas and recommendations at various levels to improve American lives while leaving behind the political ideology found in the legislation blockade would enhance performance and fix the broken system in Washington.

Nonetheless the renewed teamwork displayed in the budget agreement is commendable.

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, The White House Staff, Congressional leaderships and members’ perseverance in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Hopefully similar actions will prevail in the week ahead becoming the new resolution rejecting obsolete practices in Washington politics.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Budget Impasse and Possible Government Shutdown

April 7, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

United States is confronted with many contentious issues.

The disagreement on federal spending, funding for the rest of this year, the deficit, and the FY 2012 budget constitutes the highlight of the political standoff.

There is no doubt that deficit is a major concern not only for the elected officials but also the mainstream taxpayers especially the average citizens forced with tax burden and drastic spending cuts directly affecting vital programs such as health, education and environment protection.

Republican members have always maintained that balancing a budget means targeting essential services to the vulnerable members i.e. children health, youth population dependent on educational grants, senior citizens and veteran affairs without due consideration for the reverse impact on the net output.

Meanwhile, the tax breaks to the wealthiest including estate tax exemption passed during the Bush tax cuts extension in 2010 combined with disproportionate defense expenditure on the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which were never even budgeted prior to engagement are contradictory to their objective in containing deficit.

The White House fiscal year 2012 budget and the 2011 federal spending is also based on drastic cuts in domestic discretionary spending expected to cause significant pain in states with budget crisis.

Again the Pentagon spending and corporate tax evasions have not drawn the White House and the conservatives’ attention in the crucial debate.

Otherwise – General Electric, America’s largest corporation having made ($14.2B) $14,200,000,000 in profits last year paid $0 in taxes — that’s right, zero dollars in taxes.

Further GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt ensured his compensation doubled and then diligently concentrated on imposing severe concessions in wages and benefits against 15,000 workers.

Ironically Jeffrey Immelt is the Chair of President Barack Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness – the coveted status for any Corporate Executive to be in the realm of policy making at the executive branch.

People grievance in this regard is justified – Mr. Immelt assisted his company to evade taxes on its mega profits and subsequent to securing personal compensation double has been pursuing the workers to accept pay cuts – signifying the culture in the corporate dominant political systems.

Citizens petition seeking CEO Jeffrey Immelt to step down and President Barack Obama for Mr. Immelt’s resignation is yet to be obliged much to public frustration.

CEO Jeffrey Immelt position as the Chair of the White House council is evidently in conflict of interest and therefore honoring citizens’ call to quit from the controversial post would be a dignified decision in a democratic setting.

Perhaps the lawmakers’ favoring austerity on the middle and low income America could review their overwhelming generosity in tax breaks facilitating certain corporations and the super rich executives to defraud the current taxation law.

Congressional Democrats particularly the progressives being the only hope for average Americans are hamstrung in their efforts to prevent the intense attacks against the working class.

Social security – the guaranteed safety net for the baby boomers and retirees is another misplaced political maneuver in the fiscal mismanagement.

The latest stopgap measure passed in the House by Republican majority providing a mere week funding instead of the remaining year reflects the lack of seriousness to perform the services pledged on the campaign trail.

Balanced approach and clear rationale is required to overcome the political gridlock contributing to possible government shutdown likely to exacerbate the situation rather than resolving for national benefit.

Congressional members from both parties are urged to set aside their respective political differences and earnestly involve in fruitful discussions to exemplify their commitment to the American electorate.

Representatives are elected to run the government efficiently and not dedicate to the closure for political appeasement.

Besides the House Speaker John Boehner in the tearful moment upon being elected the Republican leader declared the victory as the strong message from the American people to “change course.”

It is poignant to remind the esteemed Speaker John Boehner on the promises made at the emotional hour.

Republican Congressman John Boehner’s statements were:

“The people’s priorities will be our priorities. The people’s agenda will be our agenda.

This is our Pledge to America; this is our pledge to you!

Let’s start right now by recognizing this is not a time for celebration. This is a time to roll up our sleeves and go to work. We can celebrate when small businesses are creating jobs again.”

The status quo could be attributed to politics served more with rhetoric than actions and as for changing direction – it is worth travelling down memory lane when the then Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich successfully led the Government shut down under the former Democratic President Bill Clinton.

Experimenting old ways for new results might yield self-satisfaction and in this instance to national detriment.

However prolonging the stalemate only confirms the reluctance to ‘Change’ despite the relevance in political stagnancy.

Promoting inaction is not the solution to the burgeoning problem and,

Political leaderships arriving at a consensus through middle ground without marginalizing those struggling to make ends meet or the demography striving hard to revive the economy is instrumental in leading the nation forward.

Spending cuts are vital in the areas that are redundant and destructive to humanity like incessant warfare as well as incentives to energy behemoths indulging in environmental damage.

Contrarily the spending reductions are invariably focused on life saving and prospective investments.

Hence the two substantial avenues to address the federal spending, balancing the budget and deficit control – essentially fiscal responsibility are:

Containing military expenditure with a definitive exit strategy on Iraq, Afghanistan and military bases around the world.

Tax reform to close tax evasion loopholes and tax structure review for fair assessments.

Additionally eliminating wasteful spending i.e. earmarks with the exception of infrastructure improvement in the congressional districts or uplifting social standards producing business and community growth opportunities benefitting all are viable for a meaningful breakthrough in the budget dispute.

It is time to deliver and not deliberate on the government functionality through collective reconciliation of the fiscal matter.

Hopefully all parties will rise to the occasion by recognizing their individual obligation to public and national service without alienating the issues for political purpose.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Midterm Elections 2010

November 4, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To the Congressional members from both political parties on their victory in the 2010 midterm elections.

The Republican members experience on November 2, 2010 is similar to the Democrats 2006 election results.

Regardless, all contenders deserve praise and recognition for their tireless campaigning in the political race.

The Democrats dedicated their valuable time and resources to improve American lives.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, The House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Franks and other honorable Congressional representatives worked diligently and demonstrated commitment.

Likewise, the isolated Republican members’ contribution is equally valid in the legislative matter.

Welcome to the New House Speaker – The Hon. Rep. John Boehner.

Rep. John Boehner’s remarkable life journey to attain the American dream is admirable.

The Republican majority in the House beginning January 2011 have an opportunity to resolve the national crises.

Any solutions to the contentious problems are meaningless if they fail to address the average citizens’ plight and protect national interest over special interests.

Hopefully both sides will set the differences aside and work together in alleviating the main street struggles. Washington gridlock is the reason for the alternation in the Capitol Hill.

If the political parties cannot arrive at a consensus on legislative affairs, it defeats the purpose of winning elections.

There were many surprises and setbacks in the electoral outcome. Democracy being undermined in contemporary politics is not unusual and conspicuous during elections with corporate cash drowning the republic voice.

In other instances, candidacies unfairly targeted to settle political scores contributed to the elimination of veteran political figures with exemplary record.

Politics ignoring merits and rewarding misrepresentation is a travesty and a national loss.

The mandate is clear underscoring the republic rule – Washington is required to deliver the campaign promises and not a political rhetoric.

Unfortunately the tradition continues with any administration in the absence of real change causing public frustration and disappointment reflected in the electoral backlash.

Among many national issues, the economy is a primary concern with stagnant growth in the job market. Foreclosures, liquidity freeze… and other economic hurdles in the Housing and Financial sector are far from over.

There are many challenges ahead and now it depends on the Republican majority to coordinate with the Democratic minority in the House to prevail in all fronts.

Transparency and accountability is realistic when it is applicable to all – given Washington clout and Wall Street influence on the political parties.

The key industries monopoly on the legislation is the deterrent factor producing watered down reforms directly affecting the economic conditions and the national deficit.

In the environmental matter the California ballot measure – Prop. 23 successfully prevented the oil companies’ dominance and their polluting strategies. The action saved the rapidly growing clean energy sector currently providing 500,000 jobs.

The environmental organizations such as Earthjustice and several prominent groups along with committed supporters were responsible for the phenomenal intervention.

Synonymous steps by other states on public issues yielded the desirable change.

People power can never be underestimated in any form of government. Throughout history, political transformations, social and economic progress have been made possible by people movement exemplifying that ordinary citizens are capable of extraordinary achievements.

Therefore, if legislations are controlled by affluent sources empowered with the lack of political will in Washington then the citizens’ response – ‘change course’ is inevitable and effectively conveyed through ballots.

It is imperative for all factions to come together and consolidate efforts in leading the great nation forward. Nation thrives with prosperity accessible to all and not just the privileged members in the society.

Good Luck! To the newly elected Congress in reaching the anticipated milestones.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Truth Verification and Implication on Whistle Blowers

September 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

In the bizarre political environment – certain talking heads for the political class or the establishment in Washington condemn truth in the name of free speech while forbidding others of the same constitutional right confirming hypocrisy in the so-called democracy.

Propaganda through subversion of facts is the typical characteristics in the denial and dismissal of truth, despite evidences in the relevant matter.

Truth and first amendment rights are the primary targets in successfully evading debates concerning human tragedies from health, economic to incessant warfare.

Attempts to discredit those raising legitimate questions on national issues and humanity at large bear uncanny semblance to the political systems depriving citizens of the democratic right to express views and opinions.

Ordinary citizens are expected to accept responsibility for their actions; meanwhile the extraordinary held above the law regardless of the issues.

The buffer created to protect the authorities from any investigation constitutes the distinctive hierarchy that in itself is undemocratic expanding the opportunities for history to repeat itself in recent times.

As for the various speculations on the possible intentions behind the humanitarian issues facts finding – there is no materialistic, political aspirations or celebrity quest involved in the spiritually guided humanitarian mission selflessly carried out to protect the planet and the inhabitants from further degradation in preparation for the new peaceful era.

The declaration in April 2010 is not a personal affirmation to any political status but a revelation in the contemporary sense on the spiritual being’s arrival and presence as the humanity’s protector to complete the cosmic realization in correlation with time and space.

Any skepticism or criticism in this regard would be an individual prerogative and the perspective is respected.

Nonetheless, if there are any from the expected quarters, then it would be a ‘selective and convenient,’ position given their precise instructions to get the political candidates elected in the midterm elections and follow the order.

Innuendoes suggest political approach as ‘calculating,’ and not “Saintly” – disregarding the notion that when defending the oppressed, persecuted and exploited population – the victims in the contentious politics with excess greed for power, fame and fortune,

The defender’s position to the powerful and the critics would always appear anything but reasonable.

Besides, from earlier experience it’s clear that when dealing with political and social issues, politeness is mistaken for weakness and silence misconstrued as an ‘apology,’ among some elite and presumptuous in the social-political circle. The populace grievances are neglected with no real or long lasting solutions to the problems.

Immigrants cited as ‘foreigners’ continue to be marginalized by the visibly clamorous ‘minority’ in the television and news media representing the oligarchy.

Fairness and equality is a misnomer with high level of suspicions against individual’s genuine sacrifices for humanitarian good reflecting xenophobia.

However, the horrendous crises resulting in loss of life or serious health problems requiring attention are not a priority and considered unimportant at the least inconvenient.

The lack of empathy for the poor and the ignored majority is an accepted norm in the contemporary society. Upon request to alleviate suffering, the action is misinterpreted as an unnecessary intrusion with ulterior motives.

Unless there is unanimous recognition for honest commitment to deliver in common interest, the gap between the rich and poor will widen with the continuous burden on the wealthy to provide for the rest.

Human conditions could vastly improve with the ability to survive and maintain an affordable economic and healthy habitat. It is made possible by strong political will dedicated to serving the people electing them to office.

Moral and ethical failure is contributed by the abuse of power with no accountability and transparency in political and corporate dealings. Above all, the concerted effort to discourage the pursuit is quite disturbing.

Hence dissent against war and disappointment in other national issues are easily suppressed under these conditions.

Therefore, whistle blowers are forced to submerge and portrayed as potential threats to the status quo through certain volunteers in the news media across the spectrum contrary to them being the voice for democracy.

Democracy is cosmetic rather than realistic in a society without equal rights.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

2010 Elections – The Balance of Power

September 6, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

With less than eight weeks for the mid-term elections, the speculations are the GOP will claim the House and the House majority leader will be John Boehner. Similarly, the speculators believe the GOP has a slim chance of taking over the U.S. Senate.

In view of the optimistic Republican forecast as potential majority House members it’s essential to review the GOP plans for the nation.

Currently, the GOP mantra is the economy they successfully transformed into near ‘Great Depression,’ during their majority rule in the House and Senate under the Republican administration of the former President George W. Bush and the Vice President Dick Cheney.

The Republicans might fervently argue that the Democrats controlled the House and the Senate since 2006.

Although it’s a valid argument, the Republican members always gain control over legislation regardless of them being the majority or the minority due to their allegiance to the special interests devising the bills in Capitol Hill.

Moreover, the former President George W. Bush vowed to veto the bills passed by the Congressional Democrats on every issue and the veto record exemplifies the oath.

Per the leading conservative talk show host complimenting on the previous Republican administration – “President George W. Bush was not the lame duck for the agendas were pushed against the Democrats will.”

The comment is accurate in that respect – prominently the Iraq war, financial deregulation, blank check to Wall Street and tax exemptions to the wealthy by letting the middle class America disappear with the lower income families in poverty were all the Republican achievements that drove the surplus economy into skyrocketing deficit mostly blown away in the illegal warfare.

The GOP economic plan is none and their winning strategy in the coming elections,

According to Wall Street Journal, September 2, 2010 – By David Wessel – Thank you.

“Republican rhetoric offers little help. To the quiet discomfort of a few GOP politicians and several who advise Republicans on economics, this year’s campaign, so far, has little of the substance that accompanied the 1994 Republican renaissance with then-House leader Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America.

The only sure thing is that if President Barack Obama is for it, Republicans are against it.

Comments by Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell a few weeks ago are typical:

If a bill doesn’t kill jobs or make it harder to create them, they’re not interested. It’s time for a different approach.”

This may be smart politics. Why be specific and give the other side a target, when you’re winning by riding a wave of voter frustration: Don’t like the Obama economy? Vote for us.

The closest Republicans come to a public economic agenda are speeches by their House leader, John Boehner, who promises more detail later this month to blunt Democratic efforts to paint Republicans as the “Party of No.”

For now, a few themes are evident.

One is that the spending-heavy Obama is a failure, often extrapolated into arguing that government spending is inherently bad.

“The common logic among Washington Democrats is that government spending creates jobs when that money is used to build a hiking trail or a playground,” Mr. Boehner said, disapprovingly, during an Aug. 24 speech in Cleveland.

Adds GOP Rep. Paul Ryan: “We are not Keynesians. We don’t believe in demand-side stimulus. We’re going to stop the spending spree.”

That’s easier to promise than do. Even spending foes, once in office, tend to spend.

“Prior to the Democrats’ takeover of the Congress and the White House in 2008, the Republicans ushered in the largest expansion of federal spending since the heydays of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society in the 1960s,” says Alaska’s Joe Miller, who beat incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary.

“You’re going to have a whole bunch of people coming here who aren’t going to want to vote for any spending bill—maybe defense? Maybe not?—to fund the government,” predicts Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman. That could force GOP leaders to rely on Democratic votes for spending bills to keep the government running, hardly a recipe for curbing spending.

The leadership’s avowed interest in promoting free-trade pacts, for instance, may not be shared by the populist Republicans who are winning primaries.

The absence of a coherent Republican agenda reflects more than the usual lack of consensus. The gap between current congressional leaders and tea-party activists is huge.”

GOP Economic Plan Overview – By Padmini Arhant

There is no economic plan upon Rep. John Boehner assuming House leadership and likewise in the Senate.

Except for extending the 2000 – 2008 President Bush and Vice President Cheney’s failed economic policy.

1. Renewing all the Bush tax cuts is a top GOP priority.

2. Business friendly tax cuts enabling massive Wall Street CEO Bonuses.

3. A big corporate tax overhaul that cuts rates now – Inevitably depriving revenue for the nation, besides widening the national deficit to an alarming proportion – precedence set by the Republican administration with unique expertise in this regard.

Ironically, it’s also the GOP’s main criticism against President Barack Obama even though the President has diligently set up bipartisan committee on deficit control.

4. Promoting free trade pacts – outsourcing 90% American jobs overseas enlarging the unemployment indefinitely and facilitating,

5. Small businesses, Retail and Wholesale industry collapse from the lack of consumer spending.

On the contrary, the Congressional House Democrats under the efficient and result oriented Speaker Nancy Pelosi passed the following legislation – swiftly and favorably to all Americans including the Small Businesses and Corporations to promote job growth.


1. H.R.1: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – keeping 750,000 and more Americans employed with a significant rise in the immediate future upon complete investment.

2. H.R.2 : Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009

3. H.R.11: Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 – Guarantees equal pay for women that were denied by the Conservative Supreme Court votes followed by the Republican Senate coherence to the equal rights denial to women. The bill was passed through Democrats votes.

4. H.R.12: Paycheck Fairness Act – Subsequent to Republican Senate ‘Nay’ votes for equal pay to women, the matter was introduced through a new bill and passed with the Democrats votes.

5. H.R.13: TEACH for Our Future Act of 2009 – Focused on Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, and Competitiveness. Referred to the Subcommittee related to Higher Education…

6. H.R.14: Federal Ocean Acidification Research And Monitoring Act of 2009 – Referred to the House Committee on Science and Technology.

7. H.R.78: Stop Mortgage Fraud Act – Latest Major Action: 4/1/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Committee Hearings Held.

8. H.R.83: Homeowners Insurance Protection Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

9. H.R.84: Veterans Timely Access to Health Care Act – Latest Major Action: 3/25/2010 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Subcommittee Hearings Held.

10. H.R.74: Financial Oversight Commission Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

11. H.R.58: Green Schools Act – Latest Major Action: 3/16/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.

12. . H.R.52: Tropical Forest and Coral Conservation Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

13. H.R.49: American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act – Latest Major Action: 2/4/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.

14. H.R.47: Expand and Preserve Home Ownership through Counseling Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

15. H.R.46: Family Self-Sufficiency Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 4/30/2009 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

16. H.R.43: Medicare Access to Rehabilitation Services Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

17. H.R.21: Ocean Conservation, Education, and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act – Latest Major Action: 6/18/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Subcommittee Hearings Held.

18. H.R.16: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the deduction of State and local general sales taxes – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

19. H.R.15: National Health Insurance Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

20. Economic bills to stimulate job growth, Financial Reform, Health Care law, Unemployment Benefits extension and energy bill are the hallmark of Speaker Nancy Pelosi leadership.

Together with the extremely hardworking Democrat legislators alongside selective few Republican members votes made the historic legislation possible.

The choices are clear. American jobs, economy, education, health care, environment and energy independence are the Democrats priority.

Whereas the Republican leadership under John Boehner is clueless evidenced in the Wall Street Journal report and the minority leader’s interviews.

Why would the American electorate reject a bright future with Democrats under the leaderships of Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the House, Senate Democrats majority and President Barack Obama?

When they are all constantly engaged in improving American lives.

Quoting from the cited Wall Street Journal report –

“Many Republicans are running on “anger.” That may win the election; it’s hard to turn into a legislative agenda.”

Further, the Republican election winning strategy is to create a wedge between the solid Democrats working towards economic recovery and social progress. Usually it’s premised on distortion, false propaganda and negative attacks considering there is no specific economic or other proposals from them to move the nation forward.

GOP might have won in the past on divide and rule, polarization tactics. However, disregarding the reality on their track record that will be clarified and presented loud and clear to protect the American electorate from being misled in the coming weeks nearing election – is underestimating voter decision power.

After all, actions speak louder than rhetoric.

American voters’ prospects are assured under Democrats rule in the House, Senate and the White House.

The Republican action thus far has been protesting every legislation – particularly the jobs bill, economic revival such as unemployment extension, tax credits for consumer spending, payroll tax exemption to small businesses and corporations, $30 billion to community banks for small business lending…and,

Importantly they were against Wall Street reform and everything to do with national interest.

Republican candidates are hopeful in November 2010 to win the elections through their relentless support to Wall Street and the special interests’ campaign financing.

Unlike the Democrats accomplishments and future commitments towards American families and businesses that confirm their candidacy.

Please safeguard and secure your own, your family and the next generation’s prosperity by granting the Democrats a super majority status in the House and the Senate.

It’s well known that the Republican balance of power consistently produce “Washington gridlock,” – rewarding the special interests at the average American plight.

Allowing that to happen would be devastating for the national and global economy with slow and steady growth.

Notwithstanding history repeating itself reminiscent to 2000 – 2008 – President Bush and Vice President Cheney era.

Please visit the websites –, and with your generous and affordable donations to help all Democratic contenders win the congressional election in November 2010.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Response to Hon. Governor Tim Kaine’s Letter

March 18, 2010

Dear Governor Kaine,

I acknowledge receipt of your inspirational letter and the kind remarks.

I’m truly honored to receive the ‘unique’ gift from our Hon. President Barack Obama.

My response to the letter from the President and the current developments particularly on the Health Care will be presented shortly.

Your patience in this regard is immensely appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Hon. Governor Tim Kaine, Chairman, DNC – Thank you.

March 18, 2010

DNC Letter
DNC - Letter Page 2

Rescue America in the Massachusetts Election

January 19, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Massachusetts polls are about to close shortly. There is still time for rest of America to galvanize support for the democratic candidate, Massachusetts Attorney General, Martha Coakley running against the State Senator Scott Brown.

We are in a critical period dealing with a number of issues at the national front. As such, the gridlock in Washington primarily emanating from the Republican minority steadfast against national progress have been successful in blocking legislations focused on improving the average American living standards.

If Massachusetts sends yet another filibuster member to represent the Republican minority, that has demonstrated nothing but partisanship thus far, it would be an inevitable disaster for the country.

Therefore, please do everything in your power in outreaching the electorate in Massachusetts and request every eligible voter to go to the polls and secure their future by voting for the democratic candidate Martha Coakley.

Whatever the voter grievances are, it’s legitimate but the opportunities are much greater with the Democratic Party in resolving issues and I hope the democratic legislators recognize the voter frustration about the status quo and submit them to do everything right for the people and not the special interests representing the wealthy Corporations and individuals.

Every minute matters and every vote counts. Exploit technology by using text messaging, tweeting, blogging, emailing…however, and ensure that our great nation, the United States is rescued by not allowing Massachusetts fall into the Republican hands.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Housing Market Recovery by decelerating Foreclosures

January 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

As stated earlier, the key to the economic recovery is to revive the job market, the housing market and passing the health care legislation. Both job and housing market is entirely dependent upon the consolidated commitments from the public and the private sector.

The public sector represented by the government has the right agenda with the President’s proposal to levy tax on the financial institutions responsible for the financial crisis. However, the collected tax and fees from the finance industry is rumored to be accumulated in the stimulus pool against the Republican supporters’ demand that the proceeds be applied to the national deficit reduction.

Another contentious issue is the industry retaliation to the tax levy trickling down to the end consumer. It’s reported earlier that the industry has vowed to pass on the charges to the customer with an alternative threat to move jobs overseas.

Banking sector’s response of this nature is not unusual and prompts a swift termination of such protocol through regulations blocking the antagonistic traditions that brought the economy on the brink of collapse. Otherwise, taxes and fees should be imposed on the bonuses and stock options claimed by the executives and the senior management.

It’s important to enlighten those individuals fixated on reducing the national deficit when the economy is struggling to emerge from the deep recession. Further, the national deficit is a matter of great concern regardless of political allegiance as the debt mitigation burden is on the immediate and the future generation.

Minimizing deficit by merely returning the revenues and sources of income while, ignoring the cited economic woes is analogous to an attempt to contain the flood with an imaginary barrier.

Expansion in economic growth would directly contribute to the deficit contraction and there is an urgency to divert attention towards the two components i.e. the job and the housing market.

An element of truth noted in the funds being allocated to the potential banks’ bailout per disclosure by the current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on the $75 billion housing market stimulus package.

The frustration in this respect is mutual and shared between the Tea Party movement and the Progressives in a bizarre convergence. It’s indeed a relief to view the polarized factions possessing some commonality, proving that a consensus can be arrived on national issues.

Taxpayers can no longer afford to bailout industries who betray them upon being bailed out and fail to fulfill their end of the bargain, i.e. to create and protect jobs that would lead to the economic revival.

Reverting to the tasks ahead for the public and the private sector, the effective strategies are:

Congress should reinstate the repealed Glass Steagall Act that prohibits the finance industry from indulging in speculative trading and instead focus on equity building, deposit security and bar insurance undertakings with high-risk collaterals.

The stand-alone Consumer Financial Protection agency as part of the rigorous financial regulation is a requirement to address the waywardly conduct demonstrated by the financial sector.

President Obama’s proposal in the creation of an agency to safeguard the consumer interests against abuses in mortgages, credit cards and other form of lending is precisely the remedy for the ethically deteriorating banking sector.

Abandoning the measure is a green signal for the repeat episode. Any legislators opposing the proposal are clearly against their constituents and the national interest.

In another related issue, stripping the Federal Reserve of all regulatory responsibilities is based on the dismal performance by the Federal Reserve authorities in the past two decades predominantly due to excessive power entrusted to the single most Federal institution.

On the contrary, the Administration’s position to expand the Fed’s role is a move in the reverse direction considering the status quo.

A noteworthy factor in the legislative affairs is, whenever a suggestion or a legislative proposal is made to reform any industry from the democratic side, the Republican representatives in the House and the Senate have unanimously rejected with a rare exception of one or two daring members casting their vote by bowing to the conscientious call of duty.

The partisanship and double standards was prevalent during the Clinton Presidency but even conspicuous throughout the Obama presidency.

The point in reference is available in the recent Financial Reform bill favoring the stand-alone consumer financial protection agency introduced by the Democratic Senator Chris Dodd and initiated by President Obama.

In contrast, the legislation with a similar agenda from the Republican aisle is overwhelmingly approved not only by the Republican minority but also with the cooperation from the democratic side.

A classic example being the year-end legislative amendment to the financial reform bill put forth by the Republican House of Representative Ron Paul –

The House Financial Services Committee approved Rep. Ron Paul’s measure by 43-26, calling for drastic expansion of the government’s power to audit the Federal Reserve.

The irony being, the ideological opposition consistently against the democrats sponsored government action characterized as ‘take over’ in any legislation is somehow complacent to the vast government intervention in this particular case.

Nevertheless, the amendment is a positive step in the financial regulation aimed at achieving transparency and accountability from the Federal Reserve, the long desired goals in the political and economic sphere.

With populace demand, the gridlock in Washington could be prevented by identifying the legislators contesting the party and not the issue. Likewise, those lawmakers obstructing their constituents opportunities for self-benefit through filibuster and unfair deal negotiations in the Senate vote, ought to explain the reason behind violating the constitutional oath.

Proceeding towards the core economic issue, the housing market decline has unequivocally contributed to the liquidity freeze and paralyzed the residential and the commercial real estate trajectory across the nation.

The housing market synopsis from the news report is depressing and conclusively the forecast is dire unless multiple course of action from the combined forces of the finance industry, the Treasury and the Congress is taken to resurrect the dying sector.

Source: Associated Press, January 16, 2010

Mortgage modifications fall well short of U.S. goal

Housing market may face another difficult year, economist says

By Alan Zibel

“Almost a year later, it appears about 750,000 homeowners – a fraction of the 3 million to 4 million originally projected – might complete the application process, predicts Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s

A record 2.8 million households were threatened with foreclosure last year, up more than 20 percent from a year earlier, RealtyTrac reported this week.

The foreclosure listing firm expects another record this year.

Home prices, meanwhile, are down 30 percent nationally from the peak in mid-2006.

“It’s a very serious threat to the housing market, and still one of the most significant risks to the broader recovery,” Zandi said.

The Obama plan aims to help borrowers in financial trouble by making homeowners’ payments more affordable.

But just 66,500 borrowers, or 7 percent of those who signed up, have completed the program as of December, the Treasury Department said Friday.

Another 49,000, or more than 5 percent, have dropped out of the program entirely – either because they missed payments or were found to be ineligible.

Thousands more remain in limbo awaiting an answer.

There’s blame on both sides:

Mortgage companies say they have struggled to get back the necessary paperwork, while homeowners and housing counselors say navigating the bureaucratic maze often seems impossible.”


Resolving the Solvable: By Padmini Arhant

Since the government is the largest employer during the economic recession, it’s reasonable to expect the agencies involved in the housing program to function efficiently. In addition, maximum utilization of technology should enable user-friendly application format.

As for the homeowners and the counselors faltering on the paperwork submission despite simplifying the process presumably with a deadline, serving a written notice with a foreclosure warning should yield the necessary response or action from them.

On the paperwork completion, it’s entirely up to the homeowners to salvage their homes from being foreclosed. There are non-profit workshops and agencies working in many counties apart from the internet sources to assist homeowners with the documentation.

Eligibility is the bone of contention in most national issues from housing to health care.

Perhaps, the program needs a thorough review and necessary threshold adjustments to accommodate the volume that would eventually relieve the homeowners, the mortgage companies and the banks from the debt confinement.

It appears that the stringent rules often cause more harm than good in resolving crisis of great magnitude confronting the nation at the present time.

Given the gloomy economic environment, sometimes leniency or relaxing the rules on an individual basis would help the situation with the homeowners retaining possession of their homes.

Foreclosure is an epidemic and drastically affects everyone involved beginning with the mortgagee, the lender, the county, the city and the nation at large, not to mention the crime emanating as a result of the unfortunate event.

Improvement in home values made possible through customized lending as opposed to generic programs is crucial in dealing with the escalating foreclosures, thereby significantly easing the economic recession.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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