2010 Elections – Response to President Bill Clinton

October 15, 2009


Hon. President Bill Clinton.
New York

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for your letter. It’s truly an honor to receive your request.

I share your thoughts and concerns about the 2010 elections outcome. Needless to say, that you have experience with the opposition majority during your presidency and the challenges you faced in the legislative process with the “Government Shut Down” led by the former speaker Newt Gingrich and the republican allies.

Although, I agree that the Senators competing for their first term or re-election require the grassroots/base support, the general public perception from the health care debate is – the conservative and the moderate democrats forget their promise to the electorate that initially support them to get where they are now.

Instead, they follow the special interests’ policy in the legislative matter evidenced in the ‘Senate Finance Committee’ health care reform bill rejecting the public option.

As a veteran political figure, I’m sure you acknowledge the voter frustration in this regard that often leads to abstinence enabling the opposition gain majority by default. It’s typical of every democracy.

It’s hard to rally the people even within the party when the promises are broken and ‘Special Interests’ agenda prioritized over the public interest. This is in reference to the ‘Blue Dogs’ and the moderate Democrats’ failure in their commitment to the health care reform, the environment policy and the energy bill.

Despite their claim that their unique position attributed to the demography i.e. the conservative Southern States and the relatively lower population in the remote country regions not adequately provided for through social programs might be legitimate. However, their sworn allegiance to the special interests against the constituents in key issues do not bode well during the election campaigns.

The burden is on the elected officials to honor the pledge made on the campaign trails and not become habitual of post-election betrayal during their term in the office. The conventional political trend that maintains a campaign policy and then adapt to the elected term policy to appease all except the ‘average’ electorate has to change to energize the voter turnout.

I couldn’t agree more with you on the mid-term election vulnerability. It’s possible to strengthen the political majority in the House and the Senate through solidarity among the democrats on all issues concerning every American. Unfortunately, in this respect, the Democrats are severely lagging behind their opposition that remains unified regardless of the ideology.

Therefore, the status quo with the sixty Democrats constituting an ‘absolute’ majority is still an uphill battle for the crucial bills to pass in the Senate without the Republican vote. Such gridlock is unnecessary and counterproductive.

Obviously, the present democrats have to reach a consensus to cooperate in the legislative matter affecting not only their constituents but also the entire nation in the rare opportunity to make progress.

Since, the sole purpose of my involvement in politics against the preferred spiritualism and humanitarian field is to ensure the national and global achievements in every aspect; I will do my best to help the nation reach the milestones by supporting the deserving i.e. the people’s candidates elected or re-elected to the office.

Again, I emphasize that the major responsibility for the positive electoral results, rests on the incumbent and the prospective Senators / Representatives in their role as the lawmakers making important decisions affecting the people and the nation, demanding a dynamic shift from the self interest funded by the ‘special interests.’

I take the opportunity to congratulate you on the ‘Clinton Global Initiatives’ success and immensely appreciate the significant contribution to humanity.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant


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