Rhapsody on Parody Part II

August 10, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

In my earlier segment I briefed on Parody.

The resistance to change to status quo is experimented with viral attacks on the public medium using all outlets at their disposal like movie, television and talk shows…anything and everything in print, visual and audio media through parody resulting in self-caricature.

The political theater is run at taxpayers’ expense with political opportunists wasting citizens’ money on theatrical charade.

Those who indulge in indignation of others in disagreement to any constructive proposals are obstructionists to progress. The operatives involved in different capacity are instrumental in this process. The inability to deal with reality arouse irrational thoughts and insipid performance from them.

Additionally, the customary tactics are also deployed with blatant threats such as reference to second amendment in the United States Bill of Rights once again revealing the real intent to keep constitution and the Bill of Rights as play book subverting the code and purpose.

There could be no denying that politics is dirty, ugly and downright brutal exemplified long ago going back to Roman days by Brutus and hence the term brutal in vernacular. The political players preach and practice violence. Corruption is the acceptable culture fostering criminality with no accountability.

Politics is the art of deception in superficial setting with courtesy and pleasantry displayed to beguile audience besides promises to move voters to the polls and the rest is history.

The saboteurs of change maintain the tradition to disparage and demonize entity committed towards development and peaceful existence benefitting all not the selective few represented in the establishment.

The trend is assassination and elimination of peace makers and peaceful resolutions to world problems.  War and mechanisms facilitating warfare such as terrorism in the present time is the preference among these forces unwilling to relent to peace and freedom.

These anti-humanity and anti-environment crusaders exist only for now sparing no thoughts about future. They believe in arming the world notwithstanding nuclear proliferation amongst key nuclear powers amid saber rattling on territorial disputes to establish supremacy.

The world has never been more dangerous than before with free access to weapons that includes nuclear components attributed to irresponsible politics and failed policy in the hope of end justifying the means that describes the prevalent mindset.

Money and ammunitions in human possession has weakened them undermining basic elements and values contrary to the belief that wealth and weapons means empowerment. Despite nuclear status and massive control on lives and livelihoods, they are insecure and fearful.

The hunger for power is intensified with fraudulent practice evident in elections that legitimize illegitimacy and unscrupulousness leading the way.

Could there be dawn to dispel darkness?

Never a time anything destructive could prolong with repeat failures and fractured system.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant










Immunity – War Crimes and Abuse of Power

July 9, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

Terror and terrorism emanating from profiteers of violence with agenda to prolong status quo is the twenty first century war against peace and unity.

Politics seeped in corruption and criminality justified as the means to remain in power through elections that legitimize illegitimacy is the norm that fuels chaos and turmoil in the tumultuous era.

The institutions, private organizations and secret society run governments poised as champions of democracy while unseating democratically elected choices for proxies representing the ideology and dogma prevalent much to self-detriment.

The success through ballots in the so-called democracies is largely based on campaign finance and unscrupulous strategy allowing the undesirable and establishment nominees to acquire power. 

The electoral process is a platform misguiding the hungry and hopeless electorate in search for hope and change in life with the elected ultimately serving the campaign sponsors and economic stakeholders interest.

The incognito rule directing policies with representatives and agents in politics, economic sector, communication media and entertainment industry…not barring religious domain exemplify the state of affairs.

Any investigations and inquiry on wars clearly identifying the authorities misuse of power and cavalier approach would be effective and meaningful upon universal application of international law rather than selective incarceration and judgments witnessed time and again against Eastern Europe and African members targeted to convince the world on International Court of Justice role as UN body.

Furthermore, the nations proclaimed as democratic conducting probe on such matter utilizing tax payer funds could demonstrate serious commitment in advancing the inquest into indictments setting precedence to curb abuse of power and discretionary actions by the government claimed to represent the people.

Instead, the former and present chief executives are provided opportunity through media and surrogacy to self-exonerate on crimes against humanity rendering the independent or appointed committees’ arduous exercise futile to reinforce business as usual practice.

In any society that values democratic principles would hold every citizen accountable regardless of status for violation of laws and human rights reversing the paradoxical system.

The tradition granting immunity to political figures and celebrities on activities that would otherwise have legal repercussions for ordinary citizens is a vindication of crimes and criminal behavior adding insult to injury to victims and families in the apparent civil society.

The powerful forces aggression against powerless misinterpreting political mandate and operating without checks and balances in the increasingly cooperative and tolerant setting to blatant breach of electoral trust and sovereign integrity promotes carte blanche authority.

Unless the severity of damages in enabling counterproductive course and indulgence is addressed through mass consciousness predominantly affecting them, the path to destruction would continue under the pretext of pervasive benefit despite reality.

The mind invasions in the name of art and entertainment as well as every possible medium that attracts public attention are engaged for propaganda and illusive portrayal. 

Although the nuances are intended to tarnish images with the efforts in vain, the disclaimers conveniently used in defense to absolve them of possible legal consequence on character defamation and mendacity.

Again the noble and righteous would introspect and refrain from being part and parcel of contemptuous dealing.

The world’s progress is sustainable with law and order made applicable from top to bottom without exception rejecting exclusive privilege based on political and economic position.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



















Ethics – Virtues and Values

March 12, 2016

Author:  Padmini Arhant


P – Pride

R – Racism

E – Envy

J –  Judgmental

U – Ugly

D – Destructive

I  –  Ignorance

C – Condescending

E –  Ego


– Thoughtful

O – Open mind

– Lucid

E  – Equality

– Rational

A   Acceptance

N – Nice

– Cooperation

E  – Essence


H – Hubris

A – Acrimony

T – Trouble

E –  Enemy


L – Lotus

O – Opus

V – Venus

E –  Endless


G – Gorge

R – Ravenous

E – Exhaust

E – Expunge



G –Give

E – Earn

N – Nurture

E – Elevate

R – Rise


U– Utilize

S – Solidify


H – Hollow

Y – Yunx

P –Pretentious

O – Obtuse

C– Contradictory

R – Replicate

– Impropriety

S – Senseless

Y –Yoyo


H – Humility

– Outstanding

N –  Natural

E – Earnest

S – Scrupulous

T – Trustworthy

Y – Yolk


F – Falsehood

E – Expendable

A – Adverse

R – Resignation


C – Chivalry

O – Obvious

U – Uplifting

R – Robust

A – Aptitude

G – Grit

– Exemplar


T – Timid

E –  Egregious

R –  Redundant

R –  Repugnant

O –  Offense

R –  Reprehensive


T – Truce

R – Restful

A – Atmosphere

N – Normal

Q – Quintessence

U –  Ubiquitous

–  Inherent

L – Luster

I –  Innocuous

T – Tribute

Y – Yoga


W –Wicked

– Atrocity

– Ruinous


P – Progress

E –  Endeavor

A – Advancement

C – Commitment

E – Emancipation


D –Decease

– Exit

A –Absence

T – Tears

H – Homage


L – Lavender

–  Indigo

F –  Fuchsia

E – Emerald

Virtues define character delineating righteousness for meaningful existence fulfilling the purpose behind birth and death cycle.

Welcome life, peace and tranquility with courage, honesty and love for humanity and environment. Tolerance and generosity enrich human value.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


























United States – Project for New American Century (PNAC) Expose

January 29, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

Project for New American CenturyPNAC related facts and events deserves attention to prevent perpetual deception and deceitful governance with behind the scenes operatives reining absolute control over ordinary lives under the guise of democracy and other convenient system to masquerade plutocracy.

The Project for New American Century designed and implemented to demolish freedom, peace and functional democracy not to mention cataclysmic impact on environment and planet sustenance with relentless bombing, shelling, killings using predator drones and nuclear proliferation.

PNAC architects, protagonists and catalysts diabolical agenda premised on launching American Century is a monumental fraud considering devastation befell on United States of America with PNAC proponents and agents directed terror attack on September 11, 2001 and subsequent terrorism unleashed on global citizens until now.

The terror onslaught citing repeat of catastrophe synonymous to Pear Harbor in PNAC dossier is blatant assault on human trust and liberty.

Since then terrorism deployed as the means to achieve fanatical aspirations such as global dominance.

The benefactor – United States of America maintaining the state of Israel and Saudi Wahhabism through monetary and military aid to the former while facilitating petro dollar afloat turning a blind eye to Saudi dynasty atrocities and footprints on carnage throughout Middle East and other Islamic nations worldwide evidently promotes treason amongst insiders and the rest complicit in betrayal en masse.

PNAC doctrine presumably to establish American empire contributed to the contrary with United States economy crumbling with 9/11 onset having ramifications at global level.

The 9/11 event catapulted PNAC mission persisting till today despite colossal failure and massive loss of lives, millions rendered refugees, children orphaned, women widowed and families torn apart in every target nation.

United States and allies involved in PNAC execution care less about citizens’ woes not only in economic terms but also militarily the young men and women sent harms way under false pretext of waging war on terror beguiled with war veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq war returning home to a life of homelessness and dependency on charity.

PNAC enabled construction of prison camp – Guantanamo Bay off Cuba in conjunction with renditions to several secret prisons in Eastern Europe, South East Asia, Middle East and Latin America.

PNAC authorized gross human rights violations viz. torture, water boarding, electric shocks treatment, sleep deprivation and seeking confessions from prisoners under duress and coercion became the standard practice.

Notwithstanding embarrassment related to Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Bagram in Afghanistan and analogous operation tarnishing United States image.

United States regarded beacon of democracy, the home of the brave and land of the free instantaneously reversed with PNAC’s institutionalized racial profiling, prejudice, intrusive dragnet surveillance and fear mongering in the name of homeland security.

Freedom no longer the inalienable right with criminality upheld as the just and preferred method to curb public dissent. The intolerance was displayed against peaceful assembly representing Occupy Wall Street, anti-NATO summit and alike.

Police brutality towards unarmed civilians the black youths in particular is affirmed with series of acquittals revealing the travesty of justice in the nation once perceived as the bastion of justice.

In financial aspect, the privately run Federal Reserve defy accountability on money mismanagement whether on missing US $20 Trillion then in 2009 or more unaccounted incidents continued thereafter.

Similarly repeat offense from major players in the financial sector witnessed in subprime mortgage debacle at average citizens expense.

Wars known to be a racket is a lucrative affair.  None other than profiteers viz. Haliburton, Kellogg Corporation, the private army then identified as Black Water and others benefitted from innocent lives turned into mass graves without legal or moral consequences for heinous crime against humanity.

Henceforth the paradigm shift from conventional warfare with troops that require congressional approval translated into public protests to contemporary strategy sponsoring terrorism viewed expedient in bypassing political barriers and citizens opposition to detrimental policy.

Not content with phenomenal damages compromising independence, constitution and civil rights besides economic disaster and dysfunctional governance,

PNAC masterminds and colluding members in academia, economic, political and military establishment together with hegemony controlled press, communication media and entertainment industry remain committed towards prolonging status quo.

The organizations such as Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral commission in coordination with think tanks and self-proclaimed royal class in Europe and elsewhere favor chaos and crises ridden world as the situation suppress the vast majority from fair economic and political opportunity leaving the existing disparity between rich and poor intact.

Religion is the pawn and prominent religious figures participation is a convenient set up conforming to quid pro quo in the ominous activity.

The electoral process generally rigged and financed with unlimited donations from within and foreign sources claiming priority on individual and vested interests in direct violation of voters’ expectations on campaign promise.

The so-called free and fair election is a myth and nothing more than a nice catch phrase to convince electorate in legitimizing illegitimate rule and unsavory elements emergence to power.

In a nutshell, PNAC is a double edge sword aimed at destroying human values and democratic principles paramount for nation and humanity to deal with challenges and overcome predictable or unforeseen adversity.

Should the world remain silent and allow victimization in the ruthless game for supremacy?

I am Padmini Arhant, author and representative divine mission will be back on related topics for further awareness and necessary action.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
















World – Questions to Hegemony

June 16, 2015

By Padmini Arhant,

Dear Citizens,

I present the segment on Hegemony rule and media role.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

Topic Discussion – Current Crises

August 23, 2014

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

The topic discussion on Current Crises is scheduled in approximately 60 mins to your local time.

Your attention is welcome.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Dire Humanitarian Crises from U.S. Imposed Economic Sanctions with Arab League and OIC Complicity

January 24, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

United States, Western Powers and Gulf Alliance imposed economic sanctions exacerbates civilian suffering in Syria confronted with foreign sponsored terrorism.

United States, United Kingdom and Gulf regimes viz. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, Kuwait and Bahrain deployment of Al-Qaeda and al-Nusra front terrorists groups representing western powers in the nearly two year old conflict are directly responsible for grave humanitarian crises.

Due to western as well as Gulf regimes armed and funded terrorism the humanitarian efforts are challenged with widespread escalation of violence.

Humanitarian relief programs are further faced with setbacks from United States and EU trade barriers against victims in Syria where reportedly women are subjected to prostitution while children and elders are forced into begging in the wake of access denial to basic essentials and supplies in the beleaguered state.

Most importantly mazot (oil for cooking and heating in the extreme cold weather) is the primary demand and fuel scarcity driving many away from homes to locations in search of shelter with protection from heavy snowfall.

Not to mention thousands compelled to flee their villages, towns and suburbs now infested with western death squads on killing spree with bombings targeting civilian premises such as schools, hospitals, libraries, child care centers, sports stadiums and previously passenger airliner…among many public facilities and government buildings destroyed so far.

The infrastructure demolition is western and Gulf leaderships’ main interest to paralyze Syria besides crippling financial restrictions demonstrating brazen mentality and callousness against innocent citizens victimized in the brutal economic and military warfare.

United States and coalition convoluted scheme aimed at regime change contradictory to false claim on the aggression intended as liberation is the cause for Syrian plight having produced death toll at staggering 65,000 per UN figure and massive refugee problem for the aggressors like Turkey and Jordan even though significant number have fled to Lebanon and some traveling to North Africa.

The International conference by Russia scheduled in early February is a preliminary step in addressing the refugee status.

However, ending western and Gulf nations illegal occupation of sovereign state beginning with ceasefire, arms embargo on western and Gulf perpetrators aiding militancy combined with complete withdrawal of western backed terror networks on Syrian soil is paramount in saving lives and restoring national security.

Furthermore, UN legitimacy and existence as an international body is largely dependent on bringing Syrian war to conclusion in accordance with Geneva agreement binding on all participants and signatories to this accord.

UN failure in resolving western orchestrated violence in Syria would mean the irrelevance of organization as an international body facilitating alternative multinational consortium Non Aligned Movement (NAM) as the recognized global entity to preside over international matter provided NAM adopts diplomacy, dialogue and peaceful negotiations against military option in dispute settlement.

Additionally, UN pledge to Syrian humanitarian aid around $590 million is well below expectations based on damages inflicted upon Syria by western and Gulf collusion estimated at least $3 billion and more considering the ongoing carnage across the nation.

UN having released mere 50% or less of $590 million with remaining funding forfeited is yet another factor revealing the organization’s lack of commitment and sensitivity to Syrian turmoil.

Arab league and Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) with Saudi regime influence not surprisingly contributed to Syrian calamity in complicity with western directed deliberate destruction of Palestinian refugee camp al-Yarmouk in Syria.

Henceforth, death and devastation could not simply continue and termination of all terror activities effective immediately is critical for humanitarian rescue services to prevent loss of lives and rehabilitate displaced population within and outside the country.

Subsequently, President Bashar Al-Assad and Islamic Republic of Iran enumerated comprehensive peace plan could be implemented with a national reconciliation committee encompassing all aspirations of Syrian people.

Meanwhile, international support is urgently required to alleviate deteriorating conditions affecting millions in war torn Syria.

Please donate affordable or generous amount to care for children, women and men deprived of necessities in the embattled state.

You may please send your donations directly to Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) truly dedicated to various humanitarian measures ranging from individual assistance to coordination with World Food Programs and World Health Organization (WHO) in Syria.

Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC)

Damascus-Abu Rummaneh-Opposite the Cultural Center
P.O. Box Damascus – Harasta 56
Contact Information:
Tel: 00963 11 535 58 73/535 62 91/535 64 62/5356257
Fax: 00963 11 535 7171

Email: sarc@net.sy or 


Best wishes to Syrian citizens and leaderships in overcoming trials and tribulations strengthening national ability in all frontiers.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Memorial Day 2012

May 28, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Memorial day is an occasion to memorialize martyrs and those sacrificing lives in defending national frontier.

However, the contemporary era dominant with warfare without boundaries for access to overseas economic resources and strategic advantage is the existential threat to humanity.

The quest for global supremacy adopting military intervention shows no mercy to life, regard for nature and above all defies international law.

Young men and women join the armed forces to serve the nation and protect the people of their country.

The modern wars predominantly waged through illegal invasion, occupation and destruction of nations for vested interests.

Considering war is a travesty that produces pervasive death and grief,

The ramifications evidently are irrelevant not to mention the atrocities against occupied nationals – the norm in the so-called civilized society.

The marines and troops at large upon being disillusioned lately from the mission not being remotely related to defending national territory but instead launching aggression with generational impact – loss of lives, severe health conditions, congenital birth defects, deformities due to chemical weapons such as depleted uranium again in direct violation of Geneva convention.

The vast majority of armed personnel experience betrayal and some of them suffering from psychological trauma with few demonstrating frustration by desecration of corpses, burning holy Quran and indiscriminate shooting spree…symptoms that are disturbing and deeply regrettable in the losing battle.

As for discharged and retired veterans – the courageous sharing of horrific tales and events while on duty perpetrated against innocent civilians in the war nations dealt with legal actions and some even subjected to veteran benefits withdrawal although the entitlement long been threatened to divest in further warfare.

The humanity faced with challenges not from the splintered terror networks rather the mastermind under the umbrella organization – New World Order.

Wars are conducted with no accountability on mounting casualties and burgeoning debt, violation of military code of conduct and above all the distortion in human toll on all sides including the brave men and women delivered in stars and stripes wrapped coffins prohibited from public view to avert anti-war protest.

The army unified with civilians categorically need to convey the message to the ruling elite – No more carnage and chaos around the world and not in our name.

Anti-war movement near the latest NATO summit were treated with excess force in police response that caused serious injury to many activists profusely bleeding and not widely reported in the media.

United States led NATO intrusions responsible for decimation inflicting pain and suffering on nations continue operations with persistent drone attacks that has claimed nearly 35,000 lives in Pakistan alone with much higher statistics in neighboring Afghanistan.

Similarly NATO interference in Libya under humanitarian pretext reportedly killed at least 40,000 or more with none held accountable for the horrendous crime against humanity.

The army misused by the nexus conglomerate profiteering from tragedies of war and those executing orders having never served in the line of duty commission troops in harms way for exclusive agenda.

It is time for collective resistance, rejection and peaceful non-violent revolt against the combined groups engaged in treason and massacre under the guise of national security.

The unanimous stance would restore United States honor and image notwithstanding the opportunity for the army patriotism in liberating nation from subjugation and reclaiming sovereignty currently under seize by new world order.

The deteriorating conditions eroding civil rights with Patriot Act, NDAA, ACTA and CISPA laws passed especially in the past months endangering democratic system and national identity that United States gallantly represented and now desperately required to be rescued from the hostile authority opposed to democracy, peace and harmony throughout the world.

Procrastination in rising to the occasion would minimize the potential to succeed in the national freedom.

The army and domestic security urged to exercise patriotic responsibility for republic safety, national status and democratic values increasingly compromised to accommodate one world government.

In remembrance of those having dedicated their lives to national service,

Memorial day is a reminder to end wars in pursuit of peace and respect for life and environment – the only habitat for all.

Sincere condolences to victims’ families and survivors of slain servicemen and women in different war zones fought for reasons excepting national defense.

With hope for peace to prevail over widespread violence,

Wishing the nations expeditious independence from foreign incursion.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/w5itoWe6fb4 http://youtu.be/20KDBELD20I http://youtu.be/jle47NiSNSQ http://youtu.be/U5B8pDeskts

G20 and Global Economy – Fiscal Policy

October 9, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Amid weak global economy largely contributed to United States and European sluggish growth compounded with other economic woes like high unemployment, inflation and,

National budget confined to austerity and controversial tax hikes or tax-cuts is a phenomenal challenge confronting the industrialized and developing nations.

Beginning with industrialized economies – the economic stimulus since recession onset was aimed at growth surge and job creation, facilitating liquidity to overcome credit crunch following financial markets reaction to derivatives discrepancies in the deregulated environment.

The steps involved Capital supply to salvage targeted high-end manufacturing industry from bankruptcy and banks bailouts in eliminating toxic assets from the balance sheets respectively.

Among the industrialized groups – the two major economies viz. the United States and Japan share mutual setbacks from overheating of the economy in two familiar areas – the stocks and housing market.

Both nations have struggled to jumpstart the economy with steady growth exacerbated by global recession and sovereign debt.

Speculations on European national debt and potential credit default overall impact on euro as the European Union currency and Euro Zone status in the globalized economy foment market volatility.

Economic forecasts and projections weighed in objectivity could avoid unnecessary market turbulence.

Japan is also burdened with U.S debt as the second largest creditor behind China – the primary creditor and the second largest economy.

In order to address various economic problems and avert possible Double-dip recession,

It is necessary to review public policies and economic tools that are available for short term and long-term objectives.

Fiscal Policy (Balancing the Budget), Monetary Policy (Controlling inflation and liquidity), Trade Policy (Growth and Investment),

Additionally Revenue and Spending for efficient government functionality and deficit reduction could broaden perspectives on this critical matter.

Fiscal Policy – Comprising government expenditure and taxation, non-tax revenue from government owned investments and utilizing government assets such as bonds and other suitable financial instruments for borrowing to meet government obligations.

United States and Europe focus is on budget approval with the dilemma on spending cuts along with taxation being contentious leading to opposition’s government shut down ultimatums causing political gridlock in the U.S,

Notwithstanding justified public frustration over fund slashing for education, health care, pension plans and most importantly lack of jobs triggering riots in London, Paris, Athens, Madrid and Lisbon…calling for government actions to deteriorating economic conditions.

United States citizens protest against Wall Street conduct premised on greed driven strategies responsible for the status quo is slighted with –

White House clarification on the issue as –

“Wall Street ill-practices are not necessarily illegal.”

The sub-prime mortgage activities having deprived more than million homeowners ownership and economies facing insolvency in the hedge fund debacle,

Financial institutions’ exorbitant fee on banking transactions and consensus to stranglehold consumers despite banking industry dependency upon them is a kamikaze effort given the flawed tradition proved detrimental to global economy.

Corporations and finance industry consumer-friendly approach would not only guarantee significant consumer base but also enhance good will – a valuable asset in the competitive setting.

Fiscal policy effectiveness is largely related to both spending and revenue trends with immediate requirement on tax reform.

They are summarized as follows:

Closing loopholes used in tax evasion,

Tracking funds in offshore tax havens for individuals and corporations.

Mandatory disclosure of financial assets for high profile and rank and file public figures on taxpayers funded income viz. legislators, Parliamentarians, Cabinet secretaries, Political party leaderships regardless of hierarchy, kickbacks donors and recipients in the private and public domain.

Easing tax burden on the middle class,

Tax exemption for the lower income groups and,

Tax structure readjustment – the bipartisan Super committee appointed for fiscal management in the United States could enforce repealing the Bush tax cuts to the wealthiest passed in 2010 and implementing the popular Buffet Rule in 2011 through legislation.

In a broader sense, consumption tax could be marginally raised with the exception of essential food items and reallocated to health hazard products as well as luxury goods.

Taxes being predominant revenue source for government operation and capital formation yielding future benefits through infrastructure investments, research and development with patent law protecting consumer and investor interests, the ultimate target is job growth.

Passing the jobs billbeginning with small business, medium and large corporations, manufacturing and service industry incentivized with capital interjection in the form of commercial loans at affordable rates and/or various taxes like payroll taxes reduction, deferments where applicable is a top priority transcending political partisanships and myopic view on the economic problems in the near and foreseeable term.

Exploring non-tax revenue in government owned corporations or quasi undertakings (public and private sector ventures) and,

Central Banks monitored sovereign wealth funds (SWF) primarily invested in global equity markets maximizing long term return alongside Foreign exchange reserves typically held in international floats e.g. U.S. dollar, euro, yen and sterling pound facilitate short term liquidity flow for capital infusion.

Spending is the balancing act that requires eliminating wasteful expenditures, trimming or downsizing overheads costs, maintaining and restoring entitlements programs especially –

Social SecurityReiterating the fact as the only safety net for American families enduring tough economic situation and non-interference in this regard would continue to deliver the desirable result.

Privatization would seriously jeopardize the financial security sustained in the current profitable investment for continuous payments necessary to stimulate the economy via consumer spending and growth expansion.

Medicare Senior citizens and low-income demography – the two key consumer categories would be forced to spend meager savings and income on expensive health care costs other than prescription drugs that could otherwise be diversified in retail consumption.

Norwegian model in this respect has successfully integrated essential social services like retirement, medical and disability benefits to all with capital investment in public trust.

As part of income redistribution the island nation with GDP per capita $53,269 ranked 3rd highest in the world consisting high living standards compared to European counterparts has managed against poverty, hunger and disease – the three survival factors posing impediments in progress for developed and developing nations.

Norway affected by European debt crisis is experiencing decline in high-end manufacturing similar to Germany with 40% GDP attributed to exports relying on global demand.

Defense Spending United States Global Empire established far and wide with 737 U.S. Military bases and more than 2,500,000 personnel deployed overseas in different locations is astounding and,

Unfortunately escapes the fiscal conservatives attention preoccupied in terminating social security, Medicare, Children nutrition… and other vital provisions in the entitlements for vulnerable population at home.

Not to mention the no-exit strategy wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan with extended proxy wars in Yemen and Somalia taking human and economic toll to serve the defense industry profitability.

It is high time to review and reevaluate the defense budget saving trillions of dollars by ending foreign occupations and military warfare.

Instead upgrading national security mechanisms and facilities with sophisticated forces would be a formidable deterrent to potential threats.

Simultaneously defense divestments in economic and social development achieved with political stability in war torn nations would be more effective in containing terrorism considering the military aggression thus far has failed to produce any positive outcome.

Furthermore, the prolonged military intervention has contributed to terror networks proliferation and instigated violence against fellow citizens causing regional tension and instability witnessed in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia.

Hence retracting military aspirations to accommodate all-encompassing domestic goals is desperately needed to expedite national and global economic recovery.

Discretionary Spending Congressional discernment in appropriations act preserving job oriented and community enrichment projects would supplement remedies for economic revival.

Equilibrium in fiscal policy with spending streamlined and revenue boosted through fair taxation and,

Other avenues like penalties in environmental damage,

Hikes in licensing fee where appropriateanything endangering life and economic opportunity without aiming at average citizens or natural endowments for direct public use could complement measures in economic meltdown reversal.

Macroeconomic, Monetary and Trade policy together with European Sovereign Debt Crisis centralized on (PIGS) Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Iceland, Greece and Spain economies will be presented individually for clarity.

Meanwhile, getting the fiscal house in order to promote jobs with government and business cooperation would prevent economic crises escalation.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padfmini Arhant

U.S. Troops Commitment in Afghanistan

June 27, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

In 2008 prior to leaving office, President George W. Bush had authorized 9,000 troops Brigade Combat team for Afghanistan and they were scheduled to join in January 2009.

After the new administration was sworn into office, in February and March 2009 President Barack Obama approved additional 21,000 troops deployment to Afghanistan for arrival in spring and summer of 2009.

The Presidential address on June 22, 2011 to the nation and the world on Afghanistan troop commitment was laid out claiming the 30,000 troops surge in 2010 will be gradually withdrawn beginning July 2011 with an estimated 10,000 to be pulled by the year end and the remaining of the 30,000 to return by 2012 summer.

Subsequent to possible 30,000 troop surge withdrawal the contingency comprises at least U.S. 100,000 and NATO as well as coalition combined approximately 50,000 troops.

In addition to Afghanistan national police, the Afghan security forces are over 100,000 per the Presidential statement and Department of Defense (DOD) account.

Notwithstanding the troops engaged in Afghan operation under OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom) apart from Afghanistan are Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan…in the region and the periphery.

Further U.S intelligence and mercenary are involved on the ground in Pakistan as paramilitary forces to counteract the less than one hundred Al Qaeda members supposedly driven from Afghanistan to Pakistan following the decade old combat mission in the war torn country.

As for the Afghan Taliban – again the negligible number in comparison with the U.S. and NATO consolidated engagement are opposed to U.S. and NATO appointed government in Kabul and never found posing a threat to U.S and allies’ national security at any time.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai under U.S and NATO authority is in agreement to massive foreign troops presence extending beyond 2014 – a situation similar to Iraq with U.S. selected government led by Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki creating local insurgency against foreign military occupation and the respective heads of the state perceived as the puppet figures for foreign power.

The latest killing of 5 U.S. soldiers in June 2011 and previously April 2011 declared the deadliest month in Iraq is suggestive of the sentiments prevalent among the factions against U.S. occupation in any format either combat or security personnel training.

These incidents serve as the pretext to extend occupation beyond the bilateral agreement to leave the country.

The identical policies in the two nations – Afghanistan and Iraq for both strategic and economic dominance has lost credibility with unconvincing withdrawals from combat position to preparing the Afghani and Iraqi security forces for national defense only contributes to draining U.S and allies’ treasury precipitating economic decline worldwide.

Meanwhile the quagmires are leading Afghanistan and Iraq to the point of no return on economic and political viability facilitating prolonged foreign military retention to curb cyclical violence.

The outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates and the former military command General David Petraeus emphasized on U.S. permanent base in Iraq with the possibility to continue having troops in the beleaguered nation.

Likewise Afghanistan is being maneuvered in that direction with the over reaching timetable lacking in definitive milestones.

With respect to the mounting economic burden on U.S and allies taxpayers funding the protracted warfare surrounding the ambiguous timeline for complete pull out  –

The cost factor has not been mentioned in the Presidential speech considering the relevance at any time particularly when the debate on raising the national debt ceiling is contentious resulting in the existing gridlock between the White House and the Republican members in the House and Senate.

Raw data on the expenditure incurred in the two wars thus far is reported to be a staggering $1.6 trillion and despite the projected drawdowns in the near and distant future the economic costs is expected to exceed over $2.6 trillion given the stated occupation until 2014 and thereafter

Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen quoted during congressional hearing on June 23, 2011 that Afghanistan war alone is costing U.S. taxpayers $10 billion per month.

Department of Defense (DOD) has increased baseline funding requirement by $8 billion in order to avoid the war fatigue stimulated fund reduction earlier secured through supplemental appropriation bill in Congress.

The operational costs pertaining to military personnel, training Afghan and Iraqi security forces, counter-terrorism using various methods from boots in ground to unmanned aerial attacks,

Not to mention the 15,000 troops in undisclosed location as classified operatives, constant replenishing of stockpiles, defense supplies and equipments…all falling under operation and maintenance category has direct impact on the fiscal year budget.

It is equally important to shed light on Afghanistan and Iraq economies stalled by systemic breakdowns in national governance emanating from weak administrations and disruptions attributed to foreign invasion related violence.

Hence the costs to restore military capability in Afghanistan and Iraq are currently met by the taxpayers of the participating nations.

Also not factored in the equation is the military aid to neighboring Pakistan bearing economic liabilities for U.S and incessant internal turmoil in Pakistan.

The Presidential statement affirmed the following principles that are unfortunately not adhered to on many issues.

“We’re a nation that brings our enemies to justice while adhering to the rule of law and respecting the rights of all our citizens.”

The alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan had no prior approval from the United States Congress or the sovereign Pakistan Parliament and the U.S. as well as global citizens request for credible evidence confirming the action ignored with the case closed asserting that Presidential discretionary powers exercised in this matter.

Additionally in terms of respecting the rights of citizens – the Patriot Act allowing government unlimited access to the public’s private life is anything but honoring the citizen’s rights.

“We protect our own freedom and prosperity by extending it to others. We stand not for empire, but for self-determination. That is why we have a stake in the democratic aspirations that are now washing across the Arab world.

We will support those revolutions with fidelity to our ideals, with the power of our example, and with an unwavering belief that all human beings deserve to live with freedom and dignity.”

The war torn nations – Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and Bahrain with U.S and allies’ strong influence prove otherwise.

When innocents are being slaughtered and global security endangered, we don’t have to choose between standing idly by or acting on our own. Instead, we must rally international action, which we’re doing in Libya, where we do not have a single soldier on the ground, but are supporting allies in protecting the Libyan people and giving them the chance to determine their own destiny.”

Libyan current reality is testimony to economic aspirations overriding humanitarian cause.

The illegitimate government under Muammar Gaddafi leadership is indeed slaughtering and ordering mass murder of innocent civilians.

On United States watch the Libyan leader continues to remain in power with oppression accepted as the fact of life in the Arab world.

There is no urgency or necessity felt among U.S. and coalition to indict leader Muammar Gaddafi and family for war crimes in the International Court of Justice to enable people victory in Libya.

However, the U.S initiative in using International Court of Justice in 2010 against Lebanon brought down the democratically elected government demonstrating the U.S and allies selective pursuits for political, strategic and economic benefits.

Notably Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain are favored against Syria though the citizens in all of these nations share common goals – freedom and democracy, economic, social and political prospects not to mention their experience with identical government crackdowns to quell dissent.

American dream in the twenty first century is compromised with rising deficit, deep economic recession, poor job market and growing inflation stemming from burgeoning costs in military expansion across the globe.

United States and coalition can no longer sustain the public wealth depletion since wars are now conducted on borrowed money saddling the present and future generations with enormous debt denying the average citizens the ability to attain their individual life ambitions.

Therefore procrastination in bringing troops home is imprudent and not learning from history i.e. Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos would be analogous to anticipating different results from failed methods.

Besides monetary obligations the ultimate price paid on warfare is sacrificing precious lives from all sides whether the victims are 18 and 19 year old combat soldiers or five to ninety year old civilian, the bloodshed until now and later to assist the defense industry profits renders life easily dispensable.

Human resources is an integral part of a nation’s capital and utilizing the core services constructively would increase productivity in a peaceful environment rather than pursuing persistent universal military installations to safeguard defense sector’s profitability.

With economies on the brink of collapse, it would be wise to focus on nation building in creating jobs, strengthening local manufacturing, improving domestic status on all fronts to provide for fair income distribution that could inevitably alleviate human suffering.

The war strategies from military command and Defense department to win public and congressional trust do not indicate clear exit motives from any location restricting peace emergence in the occupied territories.

When the simple maxim – live and let others live in peace is wholeheartedly practiced then peace, progress and prosperity will naturally pervade world over.

Human desires surpassing human wants endangering life and habitat is the fundamental problem in the contemporary era.

Protectionism in wealth accumulation at the global population despair and disadvantage in the globalized economy is yet another grim characteristic of personal gains primordial for some to thrive leaving the rest struggling to survive.

Power come into play with calculated tactics applied in targeted areas to absorb functionality accentuating vulnerability among people for self-promotion and specific agenda.

Global connectivity having become the convenient link – the opportunity for positive and negative aspects is explored and in some instances exploited exacerbating human plight and national welfare.

Peaceful protests seeking paradigm shift in political system throughout Middle East is a classic example where persecuted dissidents’ voices are being heard but global leaderships’ passiveness is restraining transformation from taking place.

Corporate and military dominance centered on territorial and assets acquisition at the vast majority’s detriment is predominantly responsible for the status quo.

As a result political upheavals are common for nations deprived of sovereignty with foreign rule dictating terms and conditions under the guise of spreading democracy and nation building.

Military aggression replaced with economic development, educational facilities, life saving projects such as clean drinking water, irrigational sources in the drought prone areas to improve farming, hospitals and last but not the least infrastructure investment would guarantee precipitous ending to unmitigated violence in the perpetual war zones.

Accordingly national efforts and achievements in this regard utilizing the disproportionate defense divestments and eliminating wasteful spending would not only revive economic growth but also contain fiscal woes in the escalating financial crisis.

Political will is quintessential to steer the nation forward in all frontiers.

Leaders and public officials as elected representatives exemplifying unequivocal pledge to serve the people and the country they govern by resisting influences from within and outside that is regressive would enhance national endowments setting the path towards bipartisanship crucial in recognizing the mutual ideas and concerns as necessary checks and balances to pass legislation affecting millions of lives at home and around the world.

Reverting to Afghanistan – the Afghan nationals deserve a new beginning free of foreign determination to elect, govern and chart the course for them with international assistance flowing to empower people in expediting the desirable outcome.

Afghanistan is at the crossroads to resurrect and rebuild the nation in rubbles to a peaceful vibrant economic center in Central Asia, fostering diplomatic and trade relationships with Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka…in the Indian sub-continent.

Military interventions and wars have diminished hopes and deteriorated economic conditions with overwhelming segments in the society living in abject poverty, poor literacy rates known to have hampered young girls and women’s rights forcing them to dependency often enduring social injustice in modern times.

Afghanistan has great potential to evolve and integrate with the millennium concept rich in diversity, innovations and inspirational accomplishments without having to disinherit the salient cultural heritage unique to every society.

Political emancipation and peaceful atmosphere is paramount in overcoming obstacles on the path to recovery.

Afghanistan is also faced with crippling corruption scandals at every step of the way and reversing the trend in this context would call for national awakening with grassroots support enforcing the code of conduct into effective law.

Optimism, steel resolve and national unity are the keys to success in the evolutionary process.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





















http://youtu.be/PFQnqywq6Jw http://youtu.be/0fOdsr0nf7g http://youtu.be/e2AZDO4lDjw http://youtu.be/5odVgjWI0oo http://youtu.be/88bEr5-fdLg

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