Civil Rights Under Attack

June 14, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The entities behind deaths and destruction on this planet upon being requested to pursue the path of peace in the Middle East and elsewhere have demonstrated their true colors through assault on fundamental democratic right – freedom of expression.

Comments posted on the website reflecting public view worldwide has been hacked and deleted by the forces in power confirming their insecurity heightened by intolerance to non-violence and peace.

The latest action is by no means a surprise considering the repeat attacks endured since the website commencement to educate and inform the global society on the diabolical agenda implemented under the guise of democracy and other political systems representing plutocracy.

It is well known that communication is targeted to suppress free flow of information to the extent when proposal to shut down Internet was drafted in 2009 setting a dangerous precedence to undermine democracy notwithstanding direct violation of the constitution.

Democracy is threatened when freedom of speech expressing concern over –

Innocent lives killed in illegal warfare,

Profiteering from arms supply at the cost of human lives,

Economic policies benefiting the privileged thereby creating the gulf between the rich and poor,

Social injustice from selective domestic and foreign policy in the so-called war on terror and last but not the least,

The energy sector detrimental ambitions to drill, mine…and pollute to the environment’s peril destroying the  only habitat for life,

Prohibited by aggressive tactics confirming the contemporary era to fascist draconian rule of law.

It is time for world citizens to wake up to reality and defend the individual rights that are increasingly denied under the auspice of maintaining new world order.

Such undemocratic interventions would only precipitate the inevitable decline of powers having wreaked havoc indiscriminately across the world.

The commitment to truth exposure by unveiling the masqueraded behind the scenes events remain steadfast and determined to prevail in the establishment of peace and justice.

Global visitors to the domain are requested to demonstrate solidarity and promote peace by sharing the information on the website.

With profound gratitude to all supporters for their encouraging comments the website is dedicated to serving humanity.

Your incredible support is appreciated.

The website is resolute in delivering the important message on non-violence, peace and unity on humanitarian values in addition to persevering environment protection.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






New World Order Defiance

May 16, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The shadow government in control of world affairs remains defiant in defending the actions thus far despite causing immense suffering to humanity.

While upholding self-righteousness and assertions to privacy on public matter, the members defending the U.S. raid in the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden and the Bush-Cheney administrations’ policies confirm their loyalty to secret society.

The insinuations and attacks enacted in the recent U.S. operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan aimed at the truth seeker is beneath human character exhibiting belligerence thereby expediting the pseudo empire’s inevitable downfall – witnessed in history since time immemorial.

Further denigrating ancient religion on the U.S. Senate floor is an affirmation of the member’s allegiance to New World Order germinating intolerance to other religions, race or ethnicity.

Simultaneously expecting collusion to the catastrophic agenda is anything but democratic.

New World Order derived from imperialistic feudalism has successfully reined control over the global resources and territories through illegal invasion and colonization with the continuous trend in polarization and truth subversion to benefit the privileged few at the rest of the global population plight.

The current demand for cooperation towards status quo to advance human and planet annihilation is declined beckoning civility rather than hostility on airwaves and other medium at disposal.

Moreover the bizarre caricaturing and typecasting is mirroring the sponsors’ personal image as well as characteristics depicting desperate times seeking desperate measures.

Besides bankrupting the U.S. economy with adverse impact on the world economy,

New World Order roadmap has only led to Death Valley with relentless wars without justification and at worst false premise resulting in horrendous loss of lives, carnage and destruction.

The latest circumvention on the mock CIA interrogation in the alleged U.S. elimination of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan is a formality refuting reality especially with CIA investigating CIA involvement.

Similarly the officials from Bush-Cheney administration currently deluding 9/11 facts in the corroboration are yet another attempts to deflect from the masqueraded truth behind the horrific homeland terrorism.

Across the Atlantic, the International Court of Justice issuing arrest warrant to Gaddafi is welcome and a refreshing course in dealing with the Libyan regime atrocity towards civilian population leading to mass graves.

However, concurrently declaring the Libyan dictatorship dismissal of ICC Warrant raises credibility factor in the development debilitating ICC power as the international judiciary against leadership demonstrably irresolute nonetheless portrayed otherwise.

Indeed a litmus test for the International Court of Justice used at NWO will – whether toppling Lebanon’s democratically elected government or rejecting the UN appointed Goldstone report on Israeli and Hamas war crimes following 2008 Israeli attack on Gaza.

Likewise in Egypt, the army rule under Supreme Council operating with substantial U.S. military aid is NWO direct implementation arguably reinstating authoritarian rule in the post Mubarak crackdown on peaceful civilian protesters.

The tradition to diminish republic empowerment is visibly vigorous threatening the functioning and emergence of democracy worldwide.

Reiterating the earlier call for universal dissent against New World Order – responsible for systemic abuse of power, wealth amassment, military aggression evolving into nuclear threats and above all,

Impunity to political establishment in the License to kill discretionary power without any moral or legal implications.

Notwithstanding gross human rights violation via torture, renditions, waterboarding, detainees without due process and,

Targeting certain ethnic minority in the civilian society with wiretapping, surveillance, harassment at the airport…under the guise of national security and Patriot Act.

Ironically the reverse surveillance and acute monitoring of these entities and their activities is pertinent for it would unequivocally save lives and protect humanity from potential disasters given the trajectory and refusal to submit evidences for public scrutiny.

The revelations could perhaps unveil real identity behind the unpatriotic decisions.

Whenever there are double standards exempting the explicit crimes from any investigation or accountability and,

Contrarily subjugating the transparent and honest demeanor,

It exemplifies the contemporary society’s regress to medieval period.

Persistence in this regard would be futile for all things must end in order to adapt to the evolutionary process.

Life and freedom suppressed in the so-called democracy governed by forces sworn to secrecy and discreet policies is hegemonic with serious ramifications in semblance to pre-World War II.

It’s time to renounce the parallel government – an overcast hindering bright sunshine effectively endangering life on the planet.

Hence it is incumbent upon the voices for democracy world over to galvanize in restoring liberty, opportunity and social equality for all.

People possess the power to promote progress in every aspect.  The dormant society is an easy access for dominance.

Please act now to end the pervasive violence, economic disparity, political upheavals and social injustice once and for all attributed to ‘classified’ and clandestine activities under New World Order.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

War and Geo-Political Status 21st Century – The Ultimate Resolution

October 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

In the twenty first century, the war is interestingly waged in Islamic nations around the world.

Beginning with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Palestinian Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem, Yemen, Chechnya, Somalia and Sudan with skirmishes in Central Asia as seen in the recent Kyrgyzstan with Uzbek Muslims largely massacred in ethnic violence –

Terrorism and insurgencies are the by-product of relentless warfare and foreign policies fostering political instability in turn exacerbating economic and social development.

The trend is prevalent to date.

Afghanistan – The former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney started the war in 2001 declaring the terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden will be captured “dead or alive.”

Even the message resonated in the 2008 Presidential campaign with Senator John McCain as the Republican Presidential candidate pledging –

“I will follow Osama Bin Laden to the gates of hell.”

The Democratic Presidential candidate, the then Senator Barack Obama essentially repeated his predecessor’s rhetoric –

“Bush had earlier vowed to catch bin Laden “Dead or Alive,” and … “My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him. …”

We are in 2010 and the war is a decade old with tremendous loss of lives on all sides.

U.S and allies economy drained with the superfluous troops and financial investment, the troops’ low morale after continuous deployment and the public war fatigue at its peak,

Afghanistan today is still in the medieval age under the U.S. and NATO appointed Karzai administration that has been unanimously criticized for massive corruption and lack of direction in governance.

Meanwhile, Taliban leaders in Afghanistan are reportedly held hostage by the Pakistani military and ISI prohibiting them from initiating negotiations with the Afghan government to demonstrate Pakistani officials’ clout in the crisis.

Superseding these issues is the Al-Qaeda ring leader; Osama Bin Laden neither captured alive nor pronounced dead, a convenient situation to prolong the unsustainable war strategy.

If Osama Bin Laden is alive as it is claimed by the authorities, it raises the following questions:

Given the formidable U.S. and NATO forces in operation and the significant troops involvement since the war began in 2001, the severely incapacitated Osama Bin Laden remains at large according to the political and military high command.

Further, the White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel prior to his departure last week is quoted to have questioned the administration on this issue with a statement in sheer amazement.

“We are spending about $50 billion on intelligence and we still don’t know where Osama Bin Laden is?”

Despite CIA overt operation through para-military in Pakistan and the Pakistani intelligence provided with U.S. intelligence assistance, the mastermind Osama Bin Laden cannot be found in the all too familiar territories Afghanistan where the U.S. trained the Mujahedeen, prominently Osama Bin Laden who later created the terror network ‘Al-Qaeda,’ is;

Remarkably similar to the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq that could never be found because it did not exist.

Any re-creation or resurrection accentuates the flaws due to the unauthentic replay leading to the fact that the scenario is ‘weapons of mass deception’ in the public eye.

Besides the former President George W. Bush family’s close ties with Osama Bin Laden’s immediate family is common knowledge and such relation enabled the Bin Laden family departure from the United States when all flights were grounded soon after 9/11.

Another compelling factor being Osama Bin Laden was not apprehended in Tora Bora even though the armed personnel requested for the former President George W. Bush, the Supreme Commander- in- Chief’s order for action.

These events were legitimized by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the terror experts, the media reports and cited by Senator John McCain during his Presidential bid.

The strange predicament being Osama Bin Laden is wanted “dead or alive,” and when there were opportunities to capture the terror leader, the executive order was not delivered to the armed forces to attain the goal.

Terror warnings are being issued claiming that Osama Bin Laden is preparing to wreak havoc in Europe like he did in Mumbai that took place on November 26, 2008, even though this particular terror activity was directly linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba and acknowledged by the assassin;

“Ajmal Kasab, the only attacker who was captured alive, disclosed that the attackers were members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Pakistan-based militant organization. He said the attackers came from Pakistan, and their controllers were in Pakistan.”

Osama Bin Laden is continually used in the possible terror attacks and claimed as the primary target in the war on terror with no news regarding his whereabouts and sources except during the terror alerts surfacing upon Osama Bin Laden reference by the peace activists.

It’s crucial to resolve this issue once and for all considering the brave young men and women in uniform are deployed to supposedly eliminate Al-Qaeda and find Osama Bin Laden in the mission that began in 2001.

Many service men and women are serving for nearly a decade with some redeployed after having been in Iraq for four to five years. Most of these courageous frontline soldiers sacrificed in the on-going war are in the age group between 19 – 21 years old and have barely experienced life.

If a 29 year old private sergeant is killed in action after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan for twelve straight years and survived by his young pregnant spouse and a toddler and the war agenda is still a mystery then it becomes necessary to find out,

What exactly are we doing in these battle grounds?

As per the latest CIA report, along the Pakistan-Afghan border – Waziristan, there are fewer than one hundred Al-Qaeda members and negligible Taliban forces compared to U.S representation around 120,000 troops with NATO alliance.

Regardless the world’s most powerful by far the sophisticated U.S. and NATO contingency with all the imaginable resources at their disposal are experiencing difficulty over nine years in seizing the fractional terror members with inferior ammunition is astonishing for it defies logic.

Therefore, if the military commanders in the best interest of the troops, the nation and the international community could unequivocally clarify on the precise mission in Afghanistan and particularly, present the facts on Osama Bin Laden it would be enormously helpful in the decisions related to ongoing wars and defense spending during legislation and election.

Above all, the Afghan population deserves the truth for they are severely dispensed with their family generations wiped out in the ceaseless conflict.

If the Al-Qaeda leader is alive, it shouldn’t be harder to locate with the intelligence dragnet across the globe perhaps within twenty four to forty eight hours and brought to justice.

Alternatively, it would be honorable to declassify the classified public information and submit the verifiable facts on the Al-Qaeda leaders’ death.

As for all issues concerning the military operation, the President of the United States being the Supreme Commander-in-Chief bears complete responsibility.

The defense and the national security team are accountable to the President – responsible for the troop level authorization, withdrawal timeline and final approval on war strategies.

In the Afghan war, the information on the ultimate authority in the decision-making process is not clear.

While it is being maintained that there is disconnect and discord between the military and the civilian exchange on operational matter and that the President is not briefed on vital military positions such as the actual troop numbers by the top security adviser and military command,

It is suggested that any dissatisfaction in the Afghan war status quo should be attributed to the military command and not the civilian authority, the President of the United States who is also incidentally, the Commander-in-Chief.

This is contradictory to the latest occurrence that involved the military’s top ranking official
Gen. Stanley McChrystal, removed by the President of the United States for ‘off-the’ record comment about the administration,revealing the authority in control.

Now in the expansive military role especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan taking horrendous toll on human lives and economic costs, the ambiguity in management as to,

“Who is calling the shots,” is rather disturbing and,

Require clarification to the armed forces and their families including the taxpayers footing the expense for the extravagant and uncertain adventure.

In that context, the exclusive secret meetings held for the selective members belonging to nexus organization apparently to discuss global economic health and the general humanitarian issues with the press and public debarred from participation is unsettling based on the discussions being related to the world population and not any private individual matter.

In fact, the nature of such gathering by the privileged members – selective heads of the state, corporate leaders and military command, a majority representing democratic societies alienating the voice of democracy – the communication media and the public is undemocratic not to mention the forum failing to meet transparency and accountability.

These meetings where the Presidential candidates as the future leader of the ‘free world’ prior to being approved by the electorate are summoned inconspicuously defying the press and denying access to the democratic process in itself is a serious credibility factor and beckons legitimate reasons on the definitive purpose.

It’s imperative to highlight the security measures taken during these sessions reflecting the twentieth century pre-world war II characteristics in the twenty first century causing frustration among the members in the society from various discipline gravely concerned about the abnormal clandestine consortium.

The public opinion upon revelation on the political, economic, corporate media and military institutional assembly behind closed doors to map out global direction is;

If it is conducted to benefit humanity then it is commendable and praiseworthy.

But then, why not hold them in public view and elaborate on the objectives to the republics’ complete satisfaction eliminating any doubts on the validity of the futuristic aspirations.

In conclusion, the fulcrum power has two immediate priorities to stabilize the deteriorating global environment predominantly due to incessant warfare and undemocratic principles adopted in the universal policies targeting humanity.

Disclosure on Osama Bin Laden and dismantling secret organizations – the deafening silence thus far proved detrimental to human progress in every frontier.

Any reluctance to conform or evasion through false propaganda and negative attacks would categorically confirm the “Who is Who” and the intrinsic aspects of –

‘The New World Order’ inevitably setting itself for a disastrous end.

Humanity thrives with consolidated contributions benefiting all and not a ‘specific society’ in the globalization concept.

Peace and perseverance to make this world a better place for all inhabitants is the natural path to prosperity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The 65th U.N. General Assembly Focus – Millennium Development Goals and Biodiversity

September 25, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

A warm welcome to the Heads of the State and dignitaries around the world attending –

The 65th U.N. General Assembly in New York, U.S.A.

The 65th U.N. General Assembly key meeting held between September 20 and September 22, 2010 reached an accord on Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and coordinated with the International Year of Biodiversity.

Per the U.N. Accord on MDG, more than $40 billion is pledged towards women and children’s health, hunger, poverty and technology access over a five year period.

According to the U.N. statement – the unanimous agreement from the various groups such as the Heads of the State and the Government, private sector, foundations, international organizations, civil society and research companies expected to expedite the targeted goals.

There is no doubt that an overwhelming world population is battling with starvation, preventable diseases and chronic illnesses due to lack of health professionals and inadequate facilities exacerbated by natural disasters, political and economic crisis.

The U.N. effort is praiseworthy. However, in addition to the international community consistent engagement in rescue operation, the United Nations and the nexus organizations could address the issues causing the human misery.

Otherwise directing focus on prevention and cure.

What is the reason behind global poverty, hunger, disease, social injustice and gender inequality?

The mass opinion in this regard is Politics.

Politics has not entirely committed to alleviate human suffering in their respective domain.

Policies are geared towards political expediency i.e. remaining in power and adhering to decisions benefiting a selective few rather than the general society especially the average citizen.

Further, experimenting the same methods for different results have conspicuously widened the gap between the haves and the havenots.

Divisiveness in the political discourse is polarizing the society on religious, ethnic and gender related concepts.

Understanding and appreciating the cultural differences, religious and human rights would enormously benefit the people in a cosmopolitan global village.

Social challenges are often best dealt with proper knowledge and facts on the issues promoting empathy and unity in the society.

Political situation directly affects the citizens’ life and determines their future. With the prevalent close relationship between politics and economic leaderships, the political system is represented by all interests except the public.

There is a unique prospect for the government-business relationship to work in favor of the people being the electorate, taxpayers, workers, employees and consumers in the society.

Poverty and disease is a universal problem more visible in the poor countries and shielded in the industrialized nations. The desperate human conditions around the world are created by both economic and political warfare declining peace and persistently pursuing the agenda that are counterproductive.

If peace were to be embraced in the same manner it’s rejected, half the battle against the social and economic disparities would be won. For every nation has some natural resources and possess the valuable asset – the human capital that has been deprived the opportunity for progress.

The damages inflicted with ill choices and the declaration of war against the weak and the vulnerable are later attempted for salvation thereby being the cause and the remedy in the ceaseless cycle.

In the developing and some developed regions, election is perceived as a mere democratic formality adding to the public frustration and disappointment.

Politics essentially controls the life existence and sustenance. From economic to environmental issues, the political dynamics play a major role in shaping the human evolution.

Communications Media aid politics in propagating information with truth being the primal casualty.

Even in the so-called democratic settings few media hosts and anchors volunteer as the political surrogates rather than being the voice for democracy transforming the medium into a state owned enterprise.

Meanwhile, in the economic front – globalization has provided incredible means to corporations with options to empower and exploit the local population. Unfortunately, the reality confirms the latter exceeding the former in most economic areas.

The basic survival factors – jobs, health, and energy resource under finance, health and energy sectors respectively revealed the extent of greed in the recent crises pervasively affecting humanity and the planet.

Yet, compromises are made with the health care industry, finance sector rewarded with $19 billion tax exemptions and energy giants allowed unlimited oil explorations, mining and nuclear programs across the globe despite the past and present catastrophic experience.

Waging wars for economic purpose is an acceptable norm in the modern civilization with accountability and transparency becoming a misnomer at the easily dispensable human lives cost not to mention the environmental degradation.

More disturbing aspects emerge from the judicial systems made redundant with the imprudent silence to the escalating death tolls and civilian displacements granting refugee status in their homeland.

Law and order only applicable to the law abiding citizens to display the political strength in the domestic turf.

Once again, the innocents abandoned to fend for themselves in the quest for political and economic freedom.

The synopsis is the synchronization between certain economic, political and religious factions along with a narrow communication media not sparing some internet entrepreneurs enable in disabling advancement across the social demography.

Such coordination could be applied towards talent enrichment among the less privileged communities worldwide seeking a diverse platform for their political, social and economic development integrating with the twenty first century growth.

The MDG or the Millennium Development Goals are commendable but improving the women and children’s life is also dependent upon the political will imperative to nurture the providers’ dreams and ambitions in a peaceful and prosperous atmosphere.

There is tremendous hope and optimism in the noble humanitarian goal.

Contributions at all levels in the MDG framework and agreement deserves recognition and the commitment is honorable.

Best Wishes to the United Nations and all participating members across the political, social and economic spectrum in their noteworthy endeavor.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Thailand’s Political Crisis and Peaceful Resolution

May 17, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The Thai government’s political crackdown through military might against the Red-Shirt protesters representing the rural poor and the urban working class population is autocratic than democratic.

Thailand is a nation with a history of military coups and a constitutional monarchy as the ceremonial head of the state.

Accordingly, democracy finds itself between a rock and a hard place.

The National United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship aka UDD and their supporters known as the Red Shirts are the discontent mainstream population in the rural and urban areas of the country marginalized by the current government whose representatives are regarded the elitist least concerned about the populist plight.

Having experienced the effective economic policies that,

Reduced poverty by half within four years,

The country’s first universal health care program,

Education, energy and a controversial yet seemingly popular anti-drug campaign under the deposed Premier Thaksin Shinawatra, the political crisis has been looming since 2005.

Thai politics is complex with the military junta, judiciary, corporate interests, communications media including the news corps and the monarchy exerting authority in the so-called democracy.

In a nutshell, except for the people participating in the voting process, the power is shared among the entities in the hierarchy.

While modern democracy is accustomed to some communication media not barring certain print press positioning with the authority in power in the self-contradictory newscast of their political idols fitting the profile – ‘journalism gone awry,’

The deep-seated problem with Thai governance is the cart blanche military power in direct control of the political system as witnessed in the 2006 coup d’état and now in the political violence producing civilian casualties in the State Capital, Bangkok.

People protesting the economic disparity called for ceasefire against civilians and pleaded with the authorities to begin peaceful negotiations.

The Red-Shirt protesters demand the incumbent Premier Abhisit Vejjajiva’s resignation.

The P.M. is confirmed to have been sworn in December 2008, through political maneuvering by the judicial and the military power not excluding the bureaucrats pledged allegiance to royalty.

In addition, the demonstrators seek Parliament dissolution for new general election due to lack of representation in addressing the Main Street problems.

The government via military has declined the proposals and continue the use of live ammunition against dissenters to disperse the crowd and imposed state emergency in most parts of the country.

With the internal security act in effect, the government’s systemic abuse of power against the people cannot be disregarded.

There appears to be serious violation of democratic principles starting with the explicit control of the communication media preventing the information flow, the only resource available to the economically disadvantaged groups in the anti-government rally.

The government excessive force has been prevalent since the anticipated political uprising during the military rule between 2006 and 2007 leading to the appointment of the current Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva until the present time.

If the government in power were to focus on alleviating the economic woes like poverty,
unemployment, wage discrimination, housing, maintaining the universal health care, clean and safe environment…the basic expectations from citizens across the socio-economic spectrum on which it’s dependent for electoral votes,

The clash between the political class and the poor working class in the rural-urban areas would be non-existent.

Besides, the privileged members exploring opportunities to gain or remain in power for self-interest instead of the public and national interest is often the cause for political turmoil with the anti-government sentiments at its peak.

The government’s failure to deal with the economic and social challenges contributes to the political instability eventually threatening national security.

In this particular instance, democracy is undermined by the Kingdom’s regent; the military empowered to execute policies against the electorates’ will.

Public disappointment in the political system run by the nexus organization is justified in a democracy.

Therefore, it’s obligatory on the Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to comply with the people’s request for troop withdrawal and refrain from shooting the civilians in public square.

Military role is honorable in national defense i.e. protecting citizens’ lives unlike the contrary.

At the same time, the Red Shirt protesters must leave the site and abandon activities endangering the public and the environment.

Based on the evidence in the ongoing political crisis,

The Premier had rejected peaceful negotiations with the representatives of the rural poor and working class population causing civilian deaths that could have been prevented in the prolonged political unrest.

Notwithstanding, the undemocratic events of the military coup and the Premier’s subsequent appointment expended in defending the right to remain in office rather than resolving the issues constructively in national interest,

The call for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva’s resignation is appropriate allowing democracy to prevail through free and fair elections where the candidates would represent the republic of Thailand with a sincere commitment to serve the constituents per “The 1997 People’s Constitution.”

Political decisions and appointments from 2006 until now, specifically the 2007 Constitution of Thailand established by the military junta is null and void.

Further, an independent inquiry to investigate the abuse of power resulting in political oppression and loss of human lives is recommended.

Best Wishes to the people of Thailand!

Sovereignty, eternal peace and prosperity is the inevitable outcome of the political resolution.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Subliminal Attacks – A new wave Politics

March 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

I would like to thank the visitors to the website in the United States, India and around the world.

Your love and support makes the effort worthwhile.

As stated in the profile, the website objective is to promote peace, progress and prosperity for all with a major focus on protecting the environment, the only ideal habitat for living species in the universe, thus far.

It is depicted in the logo – Save the Planet,and Peace on Earth.

That being the goal, I express my gratitude and deep appreciation to the readers of my articles for taking the time to read and reflect on the topic.

In coherence with the paradoxical universe,

Success is greeted with genuine affection and enthusiasm for its representation – obviously from the supporters.

Likewise, it’s also subject to hostility, propaganda and rejection – by the opposition.

The purpose of the material on the website is to engage the like and the unlike minds in a serious thinking process beyond surface review in order to understand the self-created complexity largely responsible for the global status quo.

Criticisms are directed in many different ways. Constructive criticisms enhance quality.

Targeted criticisms often subvert facts with fiction and personal convictions.

Earlier on the element of truth was explained in a manner to allow rational thinking to prevail over confusion and distortion.

When viewed with an open mind, the articles on the website have invariably defended the weak, the oppressed, the disadvantaged and the victims of mass deception –

Dissenting authoritarianism against innocent population.

In many featured visual content, the protesters represented by the unarmed civilians and the monks were waving a white flag and a peace sign during their peaceful demonstrations for freedom and justice only to be mercilessly hurt and killed in response.

The individualism – “Me, Myself and I” restraints outreach to the less fortunate.

Saving humanity from a myriad of defiant forces is a horrendous task especially when the violators are powerful and immunized against reconciliation for common good.

Synopsis of requests made thus far:

Campaign Finance Reform – Public funded elections poignantly after the Supreme Court decision in Corporations’ favor.

Preserving American jobs by resurrecting the manufacturing sector and small businesses.

Universal Health Care for all – Single Payer System.

Tough Financial Reform – to protect average citizens from predatory and fraudulent practices, providing a safety net for the domestic economy and the global financial market.

Strong Environment Policies – fossil fuel and nuclear energy abandonment.

Public Education – Free higher education for students from average income families.

Economic and Social Justice – Gay rights and legalization of the undocumented workers in the country. Bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. Reviving the middle class in the society.

Nuclear Weapons – eliminating hierarchy prevalent under the pretext of the responsible factor and truthful disclosure on complete nuclear disarmament worldwide.

War and Military Base – Troop withdrawal, the prolonged military operations termination and defense budget divestment in the domestic economy including economic and social development in the war zones.

Being a reliable peace partner in international conflicts particularly Israel and Palestine,

Freedom for Tibet, Burma, North Korea, and Iran and curtail military coups like in Honduras, Haiti, vulnerable nations in Africa and Latin America on the United States watch.

Closure of Guantanamo bay and relinquish torture of terror suspects that’s in violation of the Geneva Convention.

Investigation of illegal invasion of Iraq war and judicial trial against the torture memo author Professor Yoo and others to prevent history repeating itself in the future.

Finally, the ordinary and the extraordinary have to leave this planet sometime in their lifetime in accordance with natural process.

Hence peace and empathy would make the world a better place for all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Misplaced Diplomacy – His Holiness Dalai Lama’s Visit to Washington

October 8, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama is one of the favorite guests for the people around the world. The spiritual leader is a personification of peace, joy and immense hope for the people of Tibet and an overwhelming majority in the international community.

His Holiness’ visit has been anything except controversial in any part of the world, despite the authority in China politicizing the spiritual leader’s visit to deflect the horrendous humanitarian crime against the peaceful Tibetan population not barring the suppression of democracy in the Mainland and ethnic provinces of China.

According to the news reports, Washington has differed the meeting with his holiness as a precautionary measure due to the impending visit by the President of the United States to China and the possible ramifications on the Chinese leadership cooperation or the lack thereof in the economic and environment policy, notwithstanding the contentious Iranian nuclear negotiations.

All the more reason for the urgent expansion of the United Nations Security Council that holds the globally persecuted population hostage to camouflage the atrocities against humanity.

The White House elected option in this context is extremely disappointing considering the democratic status and the tradition followed with respect to receiving guests from diverse backgrounds to promote diplomacy unless the entity is a threat to national or international security…

There appears to be a mistaken identity. The regime in China should realize that the guest denied honorable reception to appease them is not Osama, but instead the diametrically opposite being, the Dalai Lama and Beijing’s implied deliberations on the important global matter suggests the implicit spread of the world’s most fearsome ‘Communist’ rule by proxy against even the firmly democratic United States and other nations.

Interestingly, China’s neighbor and the obvious thorn on their side, Taiwan was threatened by the Communist regime stating the protocol as provocative during the holiness recent visit to the island nation. However, the Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou let diplomacy override the political shenanigan from Beijing.

As detailed earlier in the blogpost on this website –” People’s Republic of China – The Deadly Dragon” published on 08/13/2009, letting the Communist regime dictate terms and conditions to the nations regardless of stature is a dangerous precedence and inflates the hubris of the authority responsible for the most genocides worldwide.

The irony is, the repressive regime reining in on the economic power through tactical investment in U.S. Treasury notes while dumping goods on the U.S. consumers thereby enslaving the ‘Superpower’ to the point of no return. Meanwhile, the Communist nation engaged in worst humanitarian crimes in history remains a mere spectacle dissipating into a fading memory.

The International Court of Justice as the UN judiciary has diligently held trials against the perpetrators of human atrocities until date. Similarly, the International criminal court, a permanent tribunal potentially has global jurisdiction on war crimes to genocides and other massacres. Yet, the two most internationally dependent judicial systems are oblivious to the regime’s historical brutality towards humans across the globe.

The heinous crimes among them are – the systemic abuse of the Tibetan population and desecration of the holy shrines including the enriched Tibetan culture.

Subsequently, the Tiananmen massacre in worldview, Darfur genocide, Sri Lankan Government ethnic cleansing and now the mass killings of the people of Guinea, West Africa by the military dictator has Beijing’s footprints i.e. trademarks as the chief supplier of the conventional deadly arsenals to these impoverished regions.

North Korea, Pakistan and Iran are in the MFN (Most Favored Nation) category for the Communist nation in the prolific arms race.

Notably in Darfur, the authoritarian rule violating the self sanctioned UN arms embargo as the permanent member of the UN Security council is the absolute defiance for the international rule of law by the regime, essentially delivering the present P5 UN Security Council irrelevant, if not a laughing stock to say the least.

In light of the continuous denouncement by Beijing towards his holiness’ visit to any nations for a spiritual and educational purpose or otherwise, it’s imperative for the UN General assembly to condemn the dictatorial regime and act vigorously by demanding the dissolution of the UN Security Council with members violating their resolutions for political and economic gains.

The present UN Security Council has emboldened the rogue nations with the leadership of China as the Chieftain successfully enabling the holocausts around the world particularly the oppressed Tibet in the Himalayan foothills.

China had no business to invade Tibet before and has no reason to occupy the region now. Therefore, it’s in the best interest of the Chinese regime to heed to the prophetic warning and prepare for Tibet’s inevitable independence and not the autonomy as pleaded by the spiritual leader, Dalai Lama.

The Tibetan population deserves freedom and democracy through self-governance and not be subject to a diabolical rule in the twenty first century. This is not the Genghis Khan or Kublai Khan era for annexations and the international authorities cannot ignore the extreme human suffering under the past and the present Communist dictatorship.

Lack of action to bring the Chinese leadership to justice is complicity to the human annihilation in the worst order leaving a violent legacy for the future world.

As for China, holding the U.S. trillion dollar debt and defying the climate issue will be self-detrimental. Any willful harm to the world’s largest consumer base, the U.S. economy is an economic disaster for the global warehouse, China interdependent on the U.S. performance to sustain the presumptuous ‘emerging economic’ position in the global market. Even if China threatens to discard the U.S. currency, it would be fatal for the Chinese economic prospects given the volatility in the other international currency such as Euro resisting the precipitous rise, taking toll on the export nations like Germany.

Non-compliance to the environmental requirement is an invitation to the calamities continually experienced in several parts of China ranging from the earthquake, floods and typhoons that no longer constitutes a natural act.

With respect to the Iranian nuclear negotiations, it should be clear from the horrific evidence in Sudan (Darfur), North Korea and Burma that Beijing’s commitment to world peace and order is to be taken with a grain of salt because of the back alley trading and cohesion to the belligerent leaderships in these regions, conforming with the belief,

Birds of a feather flock together.

Besides, the present UN Security Council will be unable to deter Beijing from trading with Iran. China’s huge investments in the oil refineries, the hindering factor for Iran from becoming the leading crude oil exporter is in the elimination process through Beijing’s extensive involvement with Iran to satisfy the oil quest from the economic growth.

The only alternative to contain the recalcitrant Beijing is to expand the UN Security Council from P5 to P11 and introduce credibility to the UN authority governing the global crisis.

Throughout history, the communist leadership in China has demonstrated a disturbing and an untrustworthy relationship with its neighbors and other economies to achieve the long desired ‘Superpower’ goal. The mounting betrayal to humanity is a tip of the iceberg.

The U.S. subservience to China is a regrettable trend reflected in Beijing’s unethical demands to the American investors e.g. Google barred from competing in China on bizarre accounts and the mandatory regulation for technology sector to market PCs with built-in filters to curb free speech… are a few of the unscrupulous practices in the Far-Eastern ethos. Free and fairness is oxymoron to the regime.

The White House obliging to Beijing’s unnecessary intervention in diplomatic course with individuals and nations warrants a serious threat to the U.S sovereignty previously undermined by the espionage charges against Beijing’s agents and the recent alleged spying via telecommunication cables.

It’s time for the world population to come together and reject the totalitarian regime in China wreaking havoc not only in its own soil but also for the entire humanity. Since the democratically elected governments are reluctant to challenge the regime, pursuing peaceful and non-violent dissent against injustice is symbolic and a guaranteed success for liberation proven in the twentieth century.

Another effective strategy for the world population is to invest in other economies deserving equal opportunity to economic freedom.

The White House misplaced diplomacy against the spiritual leader might be an interim false victory for Beijing. Nevertheless, the ancient wisdom confirms that the end is near when the mind is unclear revealed through Beijing’s double-crossing in the domestic and international affairs.

Tibet was once a free spiritual sanctuary and destined to be so in the immediate future. Only time will prove the certain outcome for the pious and peace-loving Tibetan population.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Afghanistan War, the Additional Troops Request and the Election

September 28, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

There has been additional troops request from the U.S. and NATO Commander, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal accompanied by the endorsements of the other highest commands. The request made with a sense of urgency within the military ranks based on variable assessments and conflicting reports from different sources that if the troops request delayed or denied; “it could perhaps lead to the mission failure” in the prolonged war that had continued to deploy troops on that strategy.

According to reputable news sources, the U.S. force in Afghanistan estimated to reach 68,000 by the year’s end. Now, the fact remains to be carefully examined on the U.S. and NATO defense policy implemented in the Afghanistan war prompting the current administration to inflate the defense budget disproportionately to $651.2 billion excluding the various non-itemized expenditures by the other departments in the nucleus.

The following materials are extremely important in ascertaining the real purpose of the persistent war nearing almost a decade with incessant violence, lawlessness and horrendous loss of lives on all sides that could have been contained considering the interjection of enormous resources in terms of funding and troops supply possibly restoring a democratic rule in Afghanistan conforming with the metaphor –

“Where there is a will, there is a way.”

The sequel with a detailed analysis will follow in due course of time.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
Advisers split over Afghan troop request:

Military divided over force levels required for plan

By Peter Baker and Elisabeth Bumiller – New York Times

Provided through The San Jose Mercury News, Sunday September 27, 2009 – Thank you.

“Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal’s troop request, which was submitted to the Pentagon on Friday, has reignited a longstanding debate within the military about the virtues of the counterinsurgency strategy popularized by Gen. David H. Petraeus in Iraq and embraced by McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan.

McChrystal is expected to ask for as many as 40,000 additional troops for the eight-year old war, a number that has generated concern among top officers like Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the Army chief of staff, who worry about the capacity to provide more soldiers at a time of stress on the force, officials said.

While Obama is hearing from more hawkish voices, including Hillary Rodham Clinton, the secretary of state, and Richard C. Holbrooke, the special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, some outside advisers relied on by Obama have voiced doubts.

But other officers who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan and say they admire McChrystal nonetheless have privately expressed doubt that additional troops will make a difference.
“If a request for more forces comes to the Army, we’ll have to assess what that will do in terms of stress on the force,” said a senior Army officer, who asked not to be identified speaking before McChrystal’s troop request became public.”

Casey, whose institutional role as Army chief is to protect his force, has a stated goal by 2012 to increase a soldier’s time at home from the current one year for every year of duty in Iraq or Afghanistan to two years at home for every year served.”

—————————————————————————————— – Thank you.

U.S. Defense Budget for the Fiscal Year 2009:

For the 2009 fiscal year, the base budget rose to $515.4 billion. Adding emergency discretionary spending and supplemental spending brings the sum to $651.2 billion. Not included in the DoD budget is $23.4 billion to be spent by the Department of Energy to develop and maintain nuclear warheads.


This does not include many military-related items that are outside of the Defense Department budget, such as nuclear weapons research, maintenance, cleanup, and production (about $16.4 billion, which is in the Department of Energy budget), Veterans Affairs (about $53.0 billion), defense spending by the Department of Homeland Security (about $41.4 billion),

Interest on debt incurred in past wars, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (about $83.4 billion in 2009, funded through extra-budgetary supplemental bills), or State Department financing of foreign arms sales (about $5.3 billion) and militarily-related development assistance.

The U.S. Department of Defense budget accounted in fiscal year 2008 for about 21% of the United States federal budgeted expenditures. Including spending for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Homeland Security, and Veteran’s Affairs, defense spending was approximately $800 billion, or 32% of 2008 tax receipts of $2.5 trillion.[5]

Because of constitutional limitations, military funding is appropriated in a discretionary spending account. (Such accounts permit government planners to have more flexibility to change spending each year, as opposed to mandatory spending accounts that mandate spending on programs outside of the budgetary process.) In recent years, discretionary spending as a whole has amounted to about one-third of total federal outlays. Military funding’s share of discretionary funding was 50.5% in 2003, and has risen steadily ever since.

The 2005 U.S. military budget is almost as much as the rest of the world’s defense spending combined and is over eight times larger than the military budget of China (compared at the nominal US dollar / Renminbi rate, not the PPP rate). The United States and its close allies are responsible for about two-thirds of the world’s military spending (of which, in turn, the U.S. is responsible for the majority). In 2007, US military spending was above 1/4 of combined industrial and agricultural production in the USA.

Focus on the Afghanistan war and the Operational Deficiency:



By January 2009, the Taliban claimed that they had killed 5,220 foreign troops, downed 31 aircraft, destroyed 2,818 NATO and Afghan vehicles and killed 7,552 Afghan soldiers and police in 2008 alone. The Associated Press estimated that a total of 286 foreign military personnel were killed in Afghanistan in 2008.[130] Icasualties puts the total number of coalition soldiers killed in 2008 at 294.

2009: U.S. Surge :

Main article: Coalition combat operations in Afghanistan in 2009


The Khyber Border Coordination Center between the U.S., Pakistan, and Afghanistan, at Torkham on the Afghan side of the Khyber Pass, has been in operation for nine months. But U.S. officials at the Khyber Center say language barriers, border disputes between Pakistani and Afghan field officers, and longstanding mistrust among all three militaries have impeded progress.

In January, about 3,000 U.S. soldiers from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team of the 10th Mountain Division moved into the provinces of Logar and Wardak. The troops were the first wave of an expected surge of reinforcements originally ordered by George W. Bush and increased by Barack Obama.

In mid-February, it was announced that 17,000 additional troops would be deployed to the country in two brigades and additional support troops; the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade of about 3,500 from the 7,000 Marines, and the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, a Stryker Brigade with about 4,000 of the 7,000 US Army soldiers. The U.S. commander in Afghanistan, General McKiernan, had called for as many as 30,000 additional troops, effectively doubling the number of troops currently in the country.


On August 10, 2009, Stanley McChrystal, the newly appointed U.S. commander in Afghanistan, said that the Taliban has presently gained the upper hand and that the ISAF is not winning in the 8 year-old war.
Possible long-term U.S. role & military presence:

Many of the thousands of U.S. troops in Afghanistan are positioned in what experts say are large, permanent bases.

In February 2005, U.S. Senator John McCain called for the establishment of permanent U.S. military bases in Afghanistan, saying such bases would be “for the good of the American people, because of the long-term security interests we have in the region”.

He made the remarks while visiting Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul as part of a five-member, bi-partisan Senate delegation travelling through the region for talks on security issues.

The same delegation also included then-Senator Hillary Clinton, now U.S. Secretary of State.

In mid-March, 2005, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Richard Myers told reporters in Kabul that the U.S. Defense Department was studying the feasibility of such permanent military bases. At the end of March, the U.S. military announced that it was spending $83-million on its two main air bases in Afghanistan, Bagram Air Base north of Kabul and Kandahar Air Field in the south of the country.

A few weeks after this series of U.S. statements, in April 2005, during a surprise visit to Kabul by U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Afghan President Hamid Karzai hinted at a possible permanent U.S. military presence in Afghanistan, saying he had also discussed the matter with President Bush. Rumsfeld refused to say whether or not the U.S. wanted permanent American military bases in Afghanistan, saying the final decision would come from the White House.

As of July 2008, hundreds of millions of dollars were being spent on permanent infrastructure for foreign military bases in Afghanistan, including a budget of $780-million to further develop the infrastructure at just the Kandahar Air Field base, described as “a walled, multicultural military city that houses some 13,000 troops from 17 different countries – the kind of place where you can eat at a Dutch chain restaurant alongside soldiers from the Royal Netherlands Army.” The Bagram Air Base, run by the U.S. military, was also expanding according to military officials, with the U.S military buying land from Afghan locals in different places for further expansion of the base.

As of January 2009, the U.S. had begun work on $1.6 billion of new, permanent military installations at Kandahar.

In February 2009, The Times reported that the U.S. will build two huge new military bases in southern Afghanistan. One will be built in Kandahar province near the Helmand border, at Maiwand – a place famous as the site of the destruction of a British army during the Second Anglo-Afghan War. The other new U.S. military base will be built in Zabul, a province now largely controlled by the Taliban and criminal gangs.

The idea of permanent U.S. military bases vexes many people in Afghanistan, which has a long history of resisting foreign invaders.

In May 2005, riots and protests that had started over a false report in Newsweek of U.S. interrogators desecrating the Koran and turned into the biggest anti-U.S. protests in Afghanistan since the 2001 invasion included demands that the Kabul government reject U.S. intentions to create a permanent military presence in Afghanistan.
Public opinion

Main article: International public opinion on the war in Afghanistan

Although the war was supported by most Americans, most people in the world oppose the war.
In a 47-nation June 2007 survey of global public opinion, the Pew Global Attitudes Project found considerable opposition to war.

In 41 of the 47 countries, pluralities want U.S. and NATO troops out of Afghanistan as soon as possible. In 32 out of 47 countries, clear majorities want this war over as soon as possible.

Majorities in 7 out of 12 NATO member countries say troops should be withdrawn as soon as possible.

Afghan Election:

After Karzai’s alleged win of 54 per cent, which would prevent a run off with his rival, Abdullah Abdullah, over 400,000 votes had to be discounted for Karzai, and many more with hundreds of thousands of votes and polling ballots being accused of fraud.

Making the real turnout of the elections much lower than the official numbers, many nations criticizing the elections as Free but not fair.

Coalition in Afghanistan backs Karzai’s Strategy:

By Karen DeYoung, Washington Post , provided by San Jose Mercury News, Monday September 28, 2009.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and other NATO foreign ministers, meeting Friday in New York with their Afghan counterpart, reached “consensus” that Karzai would probably “continue to be president,” whether through a runoff or as the legitimate winner of more than 50 percent of votes cast in disputed Aug.20 elections, an Obama administration official said.”


OP-Ed Impact of Military Arsenal on Children

March 1, 2009

How does war impact young minds?

Can the military industrial complex justify their profits at the expense of these innocent lives?

A teenager’s viewpoint regarding an article by New York Times and concerns about the real victims of war – Children, the future of the world.



By: Kanish Arhant-Sudhir

The article that goes along with this picture talks about how the death toll in Afghanistan has risen by over forty percent in 2008. One specific example reported on a man named Syed Mohammed, who’s entire family was slaughtered by American and Afghan soldiers. He went next door to his son’s house, only to find that the only survivor in his entire son’s family was his four year-old grandson, Zarqawi. In another case, an American AC-130 gunship, which is a plane armed with several deadly explosive rounds as well as a gatling cannon, attacked a suspected Taliban building, killing more than 90 people.

Marai, age 7, was blinded
in one eye from shrapnel during fighting between the Taliban and NATO troops.

Afghan Casualties

Mohammed Amin Kadimi, age 47, was pushing a wheelbarrow through a city street, looking for work.
A young man approached him carrying a paper bag weighing about ten pounds. He asked him to carry the bag to Pul-e-Khesti, a nearby neighborhood. After some time walking, Mr. Kadimi noticed that the young man was no longer behind him. The bag then exploded, blasting Mr. Kadimi away, mangling his right leg and severing his left one. He now sits on a city street, selling phone cards. He wonders why he was chosen as a target.

Youssif's images
Iraqi Casualty
Youssif, age 5, before explosion (left), and after explosion (right)
Youssif's scarred-images Youssif’s skin was so deformed that hypodermic balloons had to be inserted in his skin to stretch it, allowing operations to be possible. He underwent 37 surgeries in one month.

When I assess these so-called carnage reports, I am absolutely disgusted. It is appalling that human kind would resort to such violence against one another, and for no valid cause at all. Exemplified in the cases of Marai and Youssif, the boy who’s face was grotesquely deformed by shrapnel from a fragmentation grenade; even children on the cusp of life are subject to such tortures as these. The brutality towards these innocent civilians is inexplicably revolting and inexcusable. No ‘political’ motive should be so great as to put the lives of innocent people at risk.

It’s time for mankind to reassess the pros and cons of war and peace for the sake of children around the world.

There is no compensation for loss of life especially children who are wiped out of this earth before they get to know it.

Thank you.

Kanish Arhant-Sudhir

Holiday Celebration

December 26, 2008

The world celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ – Merry Christmas!

On this holy day of Christmas, the message of peace and love to humanity is important as war, economic crisis, environmental degradation, poverty, disease continues to dominate the world.

The Prophets, Messiahs as the sons of God descend upon earth for deliverance…

Whenever there is immense suffering, chaos, injustice, disorder and erosion of morality and virtues in the entire world.

These Prophets sacrifice for sins committed by others against humanity.

They earnestly teach their followers and opponents alike, the purpose and meaning of life.

Lord Jesus Christ, as a savior and true son of God demonstrated the virtues for mortals to follow.

The earthly beings praise and worship Lord Jesus,

However, many fail to pursue his teachings or follow his example.

The reason being, human attraction towards materialistic pleasures is often the hindrance between righteous and self-righteousness.

It is necessary to develop the skill to control will to overcome indulgence.

Although, impulse intrudes during maneuver, it is still possible to restrain the willful act of wrongdoing through inherited or acquired virtues.

Another aspect of discord in human nature is narcissism that inhibits the character like caring, compassion, sharing and giving.

A confluence of negative forces within a personality disables the function to expand beyond the realm of individualism.

Sadly, such behavior is the cause of miseries in human life.

All of the problems since evolution is due to lack of discipline in human conduct.

It is evident in the contemporary events experienced by the global community.

Scientifically and Spiritually proven that every action has equal and opposite reaction.

There are consequences to everything.

Also available are options to make appropriate decisions.

Despite this testimony, individuals on their own or collectively engage in activities in defiance of the laws of nature.

So, accordingly the results confirm the facts.

Life is a continuous learning process accompanied by mistakes along the way.

Mistake has a hidden truth overlooked in disobedience to conscience.

Opportunities arise for reflection and corrective action thereby testing the quality and quantity of values in possession.

Those with fortitude display humility in recognition and acknowledgement of one’s own errors,
especially if it involves the welfare of a mass population during events like war or economic crisis.

Absence of remorse or failure to accept responsibility reveals the state of denial and dogmatic stance.

Even worse, redemption for unlawful characteristics thus, invalidating the judicial system in any sovereign nation.

One might be exempt from the law and order within one’s own jurisdiction,

Nevertheless, it would be delusional to assume status quo with the entity delivering judgment on similar matter.

Considering the deteriorating world environment in all fronts, one has to pray and hope for the revival of moral and ethical standards with the emphasis on universal peace and love that would benefit humanity in general rather than a selective few.

With that note, I kindly request visitors and readers of this blog post to remember all those in need of help and please donate whatever is affordable to favorite charities particularly at this critical period of economic downturn.

Happy Holidays!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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