United States – The land of Justice?

March 17, 2024

United States

The land of Justice?

Padmini Arhant

The UNITED STATES – among other attributes described as the land of justice.

If United States is indeed the land of justice with justice presumably blind and not biased, then let these members of politics and economic sector represented in politics as the most influential Dias be held accountable for their incontrovertible irrefutable crimes against innocent unarmed unprepared citizens and humanity at large.

Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama – the former President of the United States currently running the administration via proxy representation which in itself is a serious violation and mass deception.

Barry Soetoro and partner Michelle Obama together responsible for murder of members of own race – Miriam Carey – the young black rape victim of Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama with the child by the perpetrator abandoned thus far.

The Obama duo legally liable for the mysterious death of their personal chef – Tafri Campbell, yet another young black father of twin teenagers hired from the White House, with his life abruptly ended  in June 2023 at the Obama’s doorstep in their lavish Martha’s Vineyard estate.

The Obama duo post Presidential super wealthy status enabling affordability for elite golf membership costing a whopping $250,000 – $300,000 annually not for sport activity apparently to hobnob with billionaire and multi-billionaires in the exclusive club is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Thats’s not all, the taxpayer funded seaside Hawaii fortress, Lakefront opulent Martha’s Vineyard Estate, Chicago citadel much to the loss, liability and inconvenience of the residents in that neighborhood with again taxpayer financed personal security availed abusing executive privilege against the law of the land and much to taxpayer dissent besides other hidden wealth amassment within eight years in office raise questions on the Obamas’ meteoric financial status surge.

All of the above and more in the background of the so-called community organizer survival on maxed out credit card, outstanding student loan for the duo over 30 years…penniless profile presented during 2008 Presidential campaign.

It is important to note barring the so-called community organizer stint, the financial aspect of the duo is the reality prior to occupation of power not without using, abusing and exploiting including identity theft of the one and the family regarded the arch nemesis, treated with contempt and relentless hostility from 2009 until 2016 and resumed in 2021 till date.

Notwithstanding the Obama duo misuse of taxpayer funded public office and perks taken to the new extreme in splurging taxpayer money of more than $100 million using taxpayer paid defense assets meant for national security such as submarines and other military receptacles for bizarre reason during private family vacation – the wild safari in Africa during the term in office.

The women in Obama family misusing taxpayer facilitated Air Force 1 for personal free shopping spree from D.C. to Paris across the Atlantic on weekend fun trips that were regular outings contributing to mega carbon trail in the environment other than ratcheting expense to ordinary taxpayer were never an issue for the crony media or late night shows starved for materials that otherwise hound and pound on those the political establishment and incognito encircled as the permanent target.

Besides, frequent Chemical trails (Chem trails)on the sky disregarding the elementary school in residential neighborhood of the one whose identity is stolen causing life threatening and consuming illness as a result among family members including pet, neighbors and those affected by this evil action were maintained from 2009 – 2016 and resumed in 2021 until now.

The Chem trail crime as and when it happened in the neighborhood was made publicly aware on  several occasions condemning the assault on environment and residents living in the neighborhood via blog posts on this website and sub-domain which were noticed by the abuser however discarded much to own peril. 

Amidst such heinous crimes against innocent humans not even sparing children attending elementary school and polluting air with poison harming local environment in the complete abuse of power and taxpayer provided amenities meant solely for national service, the Obama Presidency crying foul over Paris climate treaty is at best absurd and at worst asinine.

The irony in all of this is the Obama duo had no problem chiding struggling Americans losing their primary homes to live within their means amid housing market sub-prime mortgage debacle.

They also demanded of the people to turn off the thermostat in the height of sub-zero frigid temperature during harsh bitter cold winter months while leaving the taxpayer funded White House in full blast heating mode exceeding normal range for personal comfort.

As for the abuse of power in Oval Office under Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama Presidency elaborated and enunciated more than adequately in this website several times over until recently – all of it well substantiated with  undeniable factual data.

The other members in politics protected from assorted crimes ranging from corruption to criminality, murder and much more…have also been in spotlight considering their craving for publicity and stardom with no end in sight.

The upper echelons in politics – the former United States President Bill Clinton aka William Jefferson Clinton and partner, the former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton – have their fair share of scandals and litany of charges against them.

The latter Hillary Clinton in particular evading serious criminal indulgence from misuse of office to 2016 Presidential campaign illegalities,

Not barring the unaccountability on the murder of Democrat party worker – the young Jewish twenty four-year-old Seth Rich murder in broad daylight in Washington D.C. for daring to expose the Democrat Party internal unlawful maneuvering of Presidential nomination in 2016.

Similarly, the Democrat party former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi among many incidents, the Democrat members much obsessed January 6, Capitol riot with then Speaker of the House of Congress Nancy Pelosi dereliction of duty to organize security of the building and premise despite requests in that regard and,

Furthermore, relevantly the former House Speaker’s family members participation in the contentious event referenced as insurrection with their images and footprints at the crime scene – meticulously dismissed from public discourse and legal ramifications speak volume on Justice blindsided in partisan politics.

The current Presidency for opticsJoe Biden and the next of kin Hunter Biden transnational corruption dealings and shenanigans using taxpayer money in the bargain with foreign governments from Ukraine to former Mayor in Moscow, Kazakhstan and China among the notable referenced nations in the explosive scandals entirely for personal enrichment are declared unfounded allegations.

The not so surprising stance reject unequivocal physical and forensic evidence such as documents, on camera Joe Biden’s live threats against Ukraine government to remove the Ukrainian prosecutor then pursuing Hunter Biden nefarious contract with Ukrainian oligarchy overwhelmed by other materials viz. Hunter Biden laptop etc. to all of the charges up until now.

That does not mean the members on the right are RIGHT and sacrosanct on their part  – from the Republican House Representative Liz Cheney to Senator Lindsey Graham and others have much to confess to their constituents and the nation at large on their pledge of allegiance in private and public to those except the nation – the United States and the citizens as the electorate and taxpayer funding their positions and title.

Senator Lindsey Graham marking attendance without fail at the abhorrent repugnant secret society meetings that continuously plot, conspire and inflict enormous harm endangering lives not only of U.S. citizens but also humanity at large.

The activity from a sitting Senator in public office constitute treason and betrayal of citizens trust in own constituency and the entire nation.

Above all, the health catastrophe unleashed via the bio-engineered corona virus SARS COV2 remain the ceaseless health malady jeopardizing life and wellness of global citizens until date.

United States funding and partnering in the horrendous crime against humanity bind everyone of those benefitting and profiteering at the vast majority of human population misery, incredible pain and suffering that persists till date and expected to be lifelong health battle for many in the United States and other parts of the world.

The prominent ones among many profiteers are the following.

The UNC – Chapel Hill Professor Ralph Steven Baric, Department of Epidemiology noted as the pioneer of the controversial gain-of-function research, the corner stone of the SARS Corona virus experiment in Wuhan lab, Hubei province, China.

The investors betting and profiteering from the Frankenstein experimental scientific disaster costing tremendous human lives and tragedies extended into lifetime health impairment and calamity.

The NIAID director from 1984 – 2022, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci for pivotal role in prior financing of the controversial SARS COV2 experiment in Wuhan lab, China and deal making with vaccine manufacturer Moderna in 2015 and subsequent flip flopping in utter mismanagement of the epidemic evolving into global pandemic.

The NIH, United States in the financial provision via conduit organization to the controversial SARS COV2 experiment in the Wuhan Virology institute, China.

The EU direct financial contribution to SARS COV2 experiment in Wuhan lab, China.

The investors – Bill Gates and Melinda Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates family foundation direct investment in the SARS COV2 experiment and phenomenal gains from earlier investment in vaccine manufacturing deal in 2015. 

Likewise all other investors in the deadly potent lab manufactured SARS COV2 lately admitted by the outgoing NIH director Dr. Francis Collins in the behind closed doors hearing held by the House Intelligence Committee of United States Congress is proven devastating health cataclysm of the century.

The other members equally liable and responsible are the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for withholding critical information on the SARS COV2 virus human to human transmission at Beijing’s behest and instructions until well after the full blown pandemic in late January 2020.

The vaccine manufacturers Pfizer Inc., Moderna Inc. and similarly based in U.K. in their role influencing, pressurizing governments on vaccine mandate for personal and vested financial interests cannot be ruled out in the profiteering game.

The Wuhan Virology Institute and Beijing as the ultimate authority are culpable and liable in the worst heath crisis resulting in millions of deaths globally and causing permanent health issues for millions with lifetime hazards are by no definition a forgettable or excusable crime in human history.

The human health challenged with gag orders, cancel culture and censorship on free flow of information from science experts, professionals, frontline health workers and last but not the least the public experiencing and enduring the ill-effects from the virus and / or the vaccine were barred and banned from public domain in sharing their legitimate genuine plight as well as concerns in the or(deal).

Accordingly, it is incumbent on the land of justice to hold all of the above mentioned individuals and members in different important designations as well as duties, privileges and influential status inappropriately abusing power and positions accountable for their actions and deliberate inaction resulting in preventable deaths and irreversible damage to mankind across the spectrum.

The failure to apply the law of the land in all these situations letting them scot free and worse hosting them as the guest of honor by institutions, governments and other organizations in various discipline categorically define status quo on the ominous biased partisan politics oppression of fair justice system transcending preference and prejudice.

Even otherwise, the victims in the corona virus COVID19 pandemic and synonymously the political targets in the unprecedented hypocrisy remain the formidable reminder of the travesty of justice in the United States and global domain.

The world would be a better place in the expedited elimination of narcissism disguised as elitism.

Simultaneously, sparing the global captive audience from the Kabuki theater featuring the liability on earth aka the Royalty – generationally obligatory to surrender accumulated colonial wealth to the respective colonies and the so-called commoners providing the Royal lifestyle would exemplify sanity, liberty and justice.

Padmini Arhant 





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