Libya – Invasion for Regime Change

July 2, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The North African nation grossly violated under extreme media hype in the United States and abroad including online reporting among leading news organizations and networks as well as U.S. State Department stating people in Libya were attacked on the ground accompanied by aerial bombings in eastern city Benghazi and north western Misrata by predecessor Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

The mainstream touted as ‘the most trusted news network’ and catchphrase such as “keeping them honest” aided by visual footages labeled ‘live’ relentlessly aired citizens call for intervention analogous to repeat production on Syria only to be discovered as choreographed events with the latter in the effort to advance pre-medidated regime change strategy.

Similar tactics have been used in the past and twice against Iraq – in 1990 using the daughter of Kuwaiti Ambassador to United States as the victim to convince congress and later in 2003 – the exaggerated claim was Iraq directly responsible for 9/11 and posed nuclear threat to the United States – allegations proved to be false.

Above all, the pretext to wage war against Afghanistan unfolded with facts, experts testimony and several eye witness accounts on the myths surrounding methodical and sophisticated terror assault on American soil that catapulted invasion, occupation and drone strikes against Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, lately Libya and Syria meticulously following the Charter – Project for New American Century / PNAC.

All these revelations came to light more recently than before with necessity for scrutiny given the political power and media collusion to promote military pursuit.

Moreover, transparency and accountability regarded inconvenient in the contemporary era with political powers spending tax payer funds in intercepting and doctoring you tube videos to discredit courageous presenters besides shielding information vital for public knowledge under classified banner.

Evidently, truth is always the first casualty in war.

Nevertheless, in Libya consistent requests and pleas for non-violent and peaceful actions were deliberately ignored by arming rebels intensifying situation leading to confrontation between the state and militias weaponized by western and Arab league to achieve the long desired goal – fragmentation of society.

Again recommendations on rebel forces disarmament to initiate dialogue with state authority rejected subverting ground reality through national and international media propaganda creating the urgency for UNSC resolution to intervene in Libya.

Not surprisingly the scenario reenacted in Syria – Déjà vu in this regard.

The UNSC mandate was also abused escalating NATO shelling and transforming the conflict into brutal attack targeting civilians despite several warnings from them indicating their identity with white flags that contributed to a staggering death toll approximately 30,000 or more in the official data.

There was a press release on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi having sought exile in Venezuela citing British foreign secretary William Hague disclosure.

Subsequently the air raids began misusing UNSC approval pursuing Libyan leadership and family rather than providing humanitarian relief to citizens caught in crossfire.

Not to mention the U.S. executive power slight for congressional and human rights activists’ dissent on Libyan bombardment.

Libya like Iraq decimated with western choice governance in place – National Transitional Council headed by Mustafa Abdel Jalil from former government and,

Interestingly, NTC overwhelmingly elected western nominee as Libya’s New Premier – Abdurrahim-el-Keib – Libyan American academic and reportedly liaised for number of energy companies returned to Libya after 32 years away from the country to assume office.

Apparently the Prime Minister elected within National Transitional Council was selected by western powers and oligarchy during toppling process to coordinate with NTC from overseas.

The reports in this context are emerging in conjunction to evolving political conditions in Libya upon extensive research not easily available to international community.

These developments along with U.S.State department admissions on Libyan operation under the guise of humanitarian relief vehemently suggestive of ill-conceived agenda devised well ahead of time to gain access to Libyan oil resource.

Unfortunately, the media and print press not barring Internet materials extensively projected alleged state atrocities to advance military aggression.

In a rare acknowledgment, BBC reported to have accepted anomalies with a statement –

“BBC journalists got carried away on Libyan revolution” – reflecting objectivity and rationality no longer upheld in the modern journalistic standard compromising human lives and millions future.

With the exception of ethical investigative journalism challenged at every opportunity not excluding death threats, assassination attempts and harassment in daily life,

The precedence is eager to appease establishments and elites in the fierce competition to secure top rating and commercial advantage.

From search engines to news outlets synonymous information about Libyan revolution enduring alleged state inflicted violence was the major topic of discussion especially Libyan chaos erupting in succession to Tunisia and Egypt with victims plight genuine over there considering the respective governments use of force as strong western allies and accordingly defended until the end.

Another complexity surfacing from Arab Spring exploitation in the Middle East is western backing of fundamentalism to power via Muslim Brotherhood.

The western ideology in the Middle East is population control denying democracy and meaningful progress to assert authoritarianism via proxy leadership earlier in the form of dictatorships and now Islamists groups dangerously rising to power through covert western support.

It is noteworthy these Islamists groups principles or in the extreme example Taliibanization in Afghanistan are conflicting to the religion of Islam that represents peace, women’ rights and freedom for all.

Sadly, religion is maneuvered and used as political tool for human greed and monopolization.

Across Middle East – wherever western belligerence occurred whether Iraq or Libya – the national status in terms of public education including universities for women, health, housing and essential goods and services were all available and far superior than western status quo.

Post western demolition in these countries – the illiteracy rate in Iraq supposedly 40% among children unable to attend schools due to perpetual warfare and likewise Libya having maintained highest standards in all these areas compared with nations in North Africa and Middle East set to decline under western management.

Muslim Brotherhood elected to office in Egypt as the voice of revolution even though they were nowhere near the struggle when ordinary citizens across the spectrum sacrificed their lives to overthrow western ally and autocracy from rule.

Saudi Arabia cozying up to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt with magnanimous contribution of $1 billion funded by Islamic Development Bank (IDB) purportedly for food distribution and education also aimed at Saudi style governance – deprivation of human rights and social equality.

The virus interjected into Libya – the secular and moderate Libyan society on the verge of regression with Justice and Construction party – recognized as Muslim Brotherhood political wing boosted by western powers in the upcoming elections in Libya.

Syria infiltrated with CIA and Turkey facilitated Egypt Muslim Brotherhood factions demanding majority representation in Syrian Parliament at Turkish government behest – antithetical to Turkey hailed only democratic Islamic state in the region.

Summarizing the western influenced and directed political fiascos in Middle East replicated elsewhere – the lack of proper understanding and respect for uniqueness in culture, civilizations, traditions and values in different parts of the world and Middle East in particular among architects of western policy and think tanks behind selective regime change predominantly attributed to current mayhem and destruction.

The western involvement categorically reveals economic and strategic interests usurping to power through military might paving way for radicalism combating the source benefiting the defense, energy and finance industry and the remaining fantasizing global dominance.

Any objectives to undermine liberty, economic prosperity and social justice in Middle East and world over by enforcing paradoxical paradigms doomed for failure.

Middle East peace and political reforms enabled by people within society holding talks and negotiations with political leaderships adopting non-violent methods in the absence of western intrusions would expedite real change and democracy characteristic to demographic modality and political landscape.

On the optimistic note, wishing success to people power in realizing political aspirations to en masse satisfaction across the globe.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

American Predicament – Israel an ally or adversary?

February 23, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Back to the future – In 1968, American journalist, the late John Mitchell Henshaw compilation of Israeli aggression in the Sinai region with remarkable insight to consequences has been unfolding accordingly.

United States as the scapegoat evident in the attack against USS Liberty resulting in 34 U.S. Marines sacrifice with no apology or remorse has left a permanent scar in the relation between U.S. military top brass and ‘foreign’ policy architects controlling the White House and the U.S. State Department in particular until today.

The drumbeat for war and jingoism is definitely not in humanity or United States interest.

United States military – the institution with unparalleled technological know-how and operational strategy earnestly striving to abide by international conventions in the rescue mission whether in combat zone or civilian humanitarian aid has been usurped by forces outside of the military confines exerting authority over warfare implementation.

The subjugation of formidable armed forces military command to the will of overzealous ideologues not only erodes reputation but also undermines efficacy in national defense due to administration enforced loyalty towards Israel.

The events subsequent to 1967 Israeli invasion of Palestinian territories, Syria, Jordan and Egypt have contributed to Middle East perpetual volatility and fundamentalism conducive for ulterior motive – regional supremacy.

Utilizing United States military upfront or in the aftermath of Israeli strike against Iranian nuclear facility is extemporaneous not to mention the stakes for U.S. troops in Persian Gulf and universal impact on oil price.

Judging from history leading to contemporary situation in Middle East,

It is clear the polarized oil producing nations facilitate oppression and dominance to self-detriment.

Israel – supposedly the only democratic nation in the region successful prevention of democracy, political freedom and secularism viewed quintessential threat to predisposed ambition is the bedrock of violence and global terrorism.

U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan and involvement in Iraq under false pretexts exacerbated with lack of political commitment to investigate crimes against humanity confirms complicity and complacency to perpetration behind September 11 attacks once again expending innocent lives – both American and international serving explicit goals in the rise to power.

The distinction in response to crimes in the so-called democracy is intriguing with demand for justice fervor at peak when the accused represents mainstream population.

Juxtaposed anything to do with political establishment and privileged class – the Samaritan thoughts surface emphasizing the need to lay the matter to rest subverting the request for justice on loss of precious lives and war ramifications a vengeance.,

The double standards arguably contradictory to claim on society’s progress transcending social and economic identity despite the discriminatory practice setting precedence for the future.

United States awakening to reality would avert cataclysmic effects on human lives, economy and environment.

Armed forces recruitment is to defend national borders and republic from overt or covert conquest and not for deployment to suit specific agenda endangering service men and women lives in the archaic notion for imperialism.

Israel as the holocaust survivor reversing the trend in persecution and human rights violation would elevate the position in international stature currently diminished from the tradition continued since establishment of the State.

The article on Middle East turbulence in 1967 published in 1968 is encapsulation of ideology driven colonization exploiting the benefactor – United States military power in the end justifying the means.

United States politics swayed by intrusive postulates has relinquished reasoning power demonstrated in the willful submission of military and economic resources compromising national sovereignty in the non-reciprocal de facto partnership.

The fundamental facts in the publication is a gentle reminder to United States and Arab league presently engaged in destabilization of Syria to refrain from precipitating self-immolation.

The article provides cognitive account of Middle East scenario and United States predicament in the Zionists led flawed aspiration.

Ending chaos and destruction in Syria is paramount for any reform to be effective now and beyond.

Democratic powers have unique opportunity to exemplify values in renouncing military and economic warfare against nations perceived as easy targets in the regime change manifesto.

Peace and diplomacy are the only options for dispute settlements in the Middle East and world over.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Israel’s Grand Design: Leaders Crave Area from Egypt to Iraq – By John Mitchell Henshaw.

Source:: – Thank you.

From: Media Monitors Network

Nearly 34 years ago, an America-firster used The American Mercury magazine to warn of the danger posed by Zionism and its rule of Washington and the Mideast.

John Henshaw wrote this article shortly after Israel laid claim to the annexed land  during 1967 Arab-Israeli war. This article first appeared in the spring of 1968,

The metamorphosis of tiny Israel from a midget to a giant is in the making.

Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile.

The scope of this ambitious scheme of territorial seizures and exploitation has been recognized by at least a few of our American military strategists for years.

This writer recalls that a dozen years ago an Army lieutenant colonel, who was a student at the War College, confined that some of his instructors believed –

The Zionist expansionist policy would provide the spark to ignite World War III.

(Incidentally, the then lieutenant colonel is now one of the top commanding generals in Vietnam.)

By guile, treachery and bloodletting, the Zionists plot to annex all of Jordan, virtually all of Syria, half of Iraq and a large part of Saudi Arabia and all of the rich cotton lands of the Nile Valley.

It would be a simpler matter then to grab Yemen, Aden, Muscat, Qatar and Oman with their rich oil development. Israel is already well advanced in the development of its first nuclear warhead.

Genocide in Six-day War

During the Six-Day War last summer, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan ordered Brig. Gen. Yesha’ahu Gavish, the Israeli commander of the Sinai campaign, to ruthlessly drive the hapless Egyptian troops into the Sinai Desert to die of thirst, hunger and heat.

Temperature on the arid Sinai rise to more than 100 degrees during the day.

For over two weeks thousands of wretched Egyptian stragglers wandered over the swirling wastes finally drop dead in their tracks.

U.S. reconnaissance planes flying on the perimeter of the Sinai Desert took hundreds of pictures of the stragglers and reported there were 50,000 Egyptians dead or dying on the desert at the time.

The U.S. Air Force loaded 60,000 gallons of water in five-gallon jerry-cans on pallets and prepared to drop them in the area where stragglers were observed.

However, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara ordered the projected mission of mercy halted after he received phone calls from White House foreign policy-planner Walt Rostow and UN Ambassador Arthur Goldberg.

This flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war amounted to genocide, designed to destroy a whole nation.

Newspaper reporters visiting the war zones in Syria and Jordan, reported that if one sniper in a village fired on Israeli troops, the whole village was destroyed including the women and children. Napalm is frequently used.

This systematic extermination is an ideological doctrine of Zionism.

The British have expressed the pious hope that their withdrawal would galvanize the Arab rulers into dropping their feuds and really unite in a mutual defense pact.

Like the tentacles of an octopus the Israeli armed forces struck out in all directions into Jordan, Syria and Egypt in Israel’s Six-Day aggression.

Last June. Even when encountering no resistance, the Israeli armored forces abruptly halted at predetermined strategic terrain points; they had accomplished their mission in the first phase of the Zionist Grand Design of imperialistic conquest.

It was time to stop and consolidate their gains rather than risk spreading their forces too thin.

Israeli leader Menachem Begin says:

“The return of even one bit of earth to the Arab would be a betrayal of the nation.”

Officially Israel is continuing the pretense of keeping the door open to negotiations that might result in return of the conquered territory, in exchange for Arab recognition of Israel and peace treaty.

Jordan’s King Hussein has reportedly already made a secret and desperate offer to Israel: In exchange for the return of the West Bank of the Jordan River, Hussein agreed to demilitarize it, negotiate border adjustments and even waive his insistence upon regaining the Old City of Jerusalem.

Israel rejected the offer. Israeli Minister of Labor Yigal Allon bluntly stated:

“The natural border of the country is the Jordan River – a border that would be established only if Israel kept the West Bank areas it took from Jordan.”

Gen. Aluf Ezer Weizmann, second highest-ranking officer in the Israeli army, is even more adamant:

“We shall stay where we are and bring in Jews. We now have the unusual opportunity to consolidate the state for the Jewish people and help prevent future wars.”

“If there is a fourth war,” Defense Minister Moshe Dayan gloats, “we are in a position to win more decisively than ever.”

And he warned that in the “fourth war” the great cities of Cairo, Damascus and Amman will be annihilated. This is in conformity with the genocidal plan.

The Zionists have invented the term “coercive noninterference” in explaining how they force the subjugated Arabs to cooperate with their conquerors.

When the mayor of Nablus announced that he would resign rather than front for the Jews, the Israeli military officers told him that no one would be appointed to replace him, which would result in utter chaos.

The mayor had second thoughts, stayed and obeyed the Jewish military commanders. Hundreds of similar examples could be cited.

Arabs Fear Genocide

“The Middle East today is dominated by raw, naked, savage, animal fear.

TheArab nations are driven by the fear of mass death, by the fear of Israel’s genocidal intentions toward them. Israel, by bringing in immigrants from all over the world, has upset the demographic balance of the Middle East.

“The first basic fact about populations is that they multiply.

They population of Israel is increasing, and the populations of the Arab nations are increasing.

In the conflict between populations, either Arabs or Jews must someday end up being driven into arid desert wastes which will not support them, where they will find relief only in the oblivion of death.

Israel means to kill the Arab populations and to occupy their lands.

The Arabs, driven by fear of death, react powerfully.

They seek the protection of a powerful nation, Russia, to which they will become tributary in return for protection…

“For the free world, this is a practically irretrievable disaster,” says Benjamin H. Freedman.

We might well rationalize all this as strictly none of our business except that hundred of millions of American foreign aid dollars are being spend for the enrichment of the international Zionist network extending from Tel Aviv to Paris, London and New York.

The Israelis are already pumping oil from Egyptian wells and splitting the profits with Rockefeller’s Standard Oil combine. This is only the prelude.

However, the spreading oil boom is intensifying the territorial ambitions of rival kingdoms, sultanates and sheikdoms. Iran is selling oil to Israel, another aggravating factor in Mideast tensions.

According to the Zionists’ schedule of operations, within a decade the Israeli empire be the master of the Middle East and take its place as a nuclear superpower on equal footing with the Soviet Union and the United States.

David Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company will pay its royalties to the Israeli military usurpers instead of the Arab sheiks.

The sub-rosa partnership between Zionism and communism is still a fact.

As Israel drives the Arabs into the arms of the Kremlin, Israel expands, fulfilling a grand design and an aggressive plan agreed upon years ago.

And like the Arabs, Americans are helpless victims in this international crime.”

Middle East – Democracy and Peace

February 17, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Middle East endowed with oil reserves is traditionally a magnum prize for energy dependent industrialized western economy.

The political instability continued through millennium is conducive for defense industry supplying arms to authoritarian regimes and opposition groups rising against the government.

Syria – The current violence specifically in Homs, Hama and earlier in Damascus spreading across the country having claimed many lives on all sides i.e. civilians, government security personnel and opposition is a matter of grave concern.

The peaceful protest transformation into armed conflict is no surprise considering Libyan precedence with foreign intervention and alleged Al Qaeda induction to the kafuffle.

UNSC resolution on No Fly zone in Libya misused by U.S. and NATO predominantly responsible for widespread destruction and casualties is unfolding in Syria without UNSC authorization.

The ammunition influx to rebels is creating disorder and confusion in delineating perpetrators from peaceful demonstrators and government forces in the crossfire.

It is a deliberate act on behalf of those determined to lead the state into civil war.

Furthermore, the genuine opposition i.e. Syrian society’s secular social democratic group willingness to commence peace talks with government is deterred due to persistent violence on the ground.

Arab league proposal for joint UN peace keeping force to monitor situation in Syria while Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE…in particular contributing to mayhem promoting individual as well as western powers agenda adds to the complexity.

The three major protagonists in Syrian political turmoil Western powers, Arab league and Syrian government immediate ceasefire is imperative to initiate communication between civilian representatives viz. unarmed peace activists and incumbent administration.

Western intelligence infiltration via armed militia repeating Libyan scenario combined with Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE collusion is arguably a hindrance in peace mediation necessary to contain bloodshed.

The regime change fervor among western principals leading Arab league behind the scenes prevents peaceful transfer of power from the ruling party to viable opposition.

Foreign interference in Syria, Iran and throughout Middle East to accomplish specific objective – warfare for global dominance is self-endangerment with paradox transcending reason.

President Bashar Al Assad recent overture for constitutional reform ending one party rule and limiting governance terms is a positive step towards political change.

Simultaneously holding peace talks with civil society members would possibly dispel lingering mistrust and apprehension attributed to undemocratic measures and foreign instigation.

Syrian civilian population could pursue political goal by rejecting sources behind divisive policy aimed at regional destabilization.

Driving foreign elements from Syria is pertinent and importantly government sincere compliance to citizens’ call for secular democratic system would guarantee peace and political stability.

Unified Syria could avert threats from within and outside.

The leaderships in the government specifically President Bashar Al Assad, military and opposition factions alike are urged to prioritize protecting civilian from any harm and expedite peace negotiations to resolve the year old unrest.

Lebanon – In 2010, the democratically elected government was toppled with U.S. coup d’état at Israel’s behest weakening Hezbollah political status in Lebanese Parliament.

The political commotion caused economic downturn in the nation with impressive growth after Israeli bombings in 2006.

Iran – The main target for western ideology to establish ‘world order under global governance’ is currently in full swing with provocative economic sanctions such as oil embargo and freezing financial operations for potential global confrontation not barring nuclear exchange.

The western powers – Israel, United States, United Kingdom, France… and EU strategy against Iran is misguided with serious ramifications upon pre-emptive strikes or efforts to generate aggression from the region.

Iran in return adjusting to western economic constrictions adopting oil exports ban to six EU members with decision to implement after winter in consideration for the people is understandable and,

Perhaps extending the gesture beyond cold weather on humanitarian ground would highlight the distinction in international relations.

The latest incidents in India, Georgia, Thailand…against Israel is unfortunate and terrorism for any purpose is reprehensible.

Thorough investigation could lead to perpetrators behind these attacks especially those at the top taking undue advantage of recruits’ vulnerabilities to carry out bomb blasts affecting innocent lives in the pre-meditated plan.

Any terror plots on foreign soil mimicking 9/11 is a huge setback for democracy given the easy access for unscrupulous elements to uninhibitedly operate undermining national sovereignty of the chosen domain.

The U.S. fleet avant-garde in Persian Gulf stoking tension in the volatile region is cataclysmic for humanity at large and best abandoned to save lives than otherwise.

Besides the incursion is a tremendous financial liability for U.S. taxpayers and coalition struggling to survive the debt burdened economy.

Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili formal request to EU foreign Secretary Catherine Ashton for talks on contentious nuclear issue is a peaceful approach to defuse the brewing storm in Middle East.

However, EU rejection to hold meeting criticizing Iran’s offer as stall tactics is extemporaneous giving up the opportunity for diplomacy to prevail over military option.

United States, United Kingdom, France and EU could exemplify democratic values in dealing with Iran and entire Middle East without maintaining double standards in the choice between ally and adversary.

Iran as Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty member admittedly has responsibilities and cooperation thus far with IAEA and UN inspection is praiseworthy.

Nonetheless, transparency in the alleged nuclear activity in central Iran viz.Natanz would clarify doubts eliminating pretexts to launch missiles against the facility.

Iran’s proactive measures in clearing skepticisms on uranium enrichment would categorically elevate the position as a reliable non-nuclear state enhancing credibility through accountability.

Similarly western powers allowing international agency verification of Iran’s nuclear status apart from participation in meaningful dialogue with Iran would reduce undercurrents in the nuclear standoff.

Bahrain – The pro-democracy anniversary this week was once again marred with violent crackdown reminiscent of last year dispersion.

U.S. prodded Saudi troops were responsible for killing peaceful protesters defying international law on human rights binding every nation on earth.

The government functioning as a constitutional monarch – minority ruling the majority is western powers’ key ally and never in short supply of ammunitions to quell non-violent dissent.

Only this time around – the arms made in ‘Britain’ and the infamous London riot Scotland Yard ex-police chief expertise apparently guided brutality against civilians in the capital Manama.

Saudi Arabia direct authority over Bahrain and rest of Middle East is evident in the election of fundamentalists to power witnessed in Egypt and across the region.

Muslim Brotherhood alliance with Islamic conservative party under hardline military rule reins control over citizens yearning for secular democracy.

Likewise dismantling regimes in Syria and Iran – viewed the arch nemesis by Saudi Arabia and western powers,

The civilization landscape rich in religious and cultural diversity is morphed into homogenous demography subservient to feudalist dynastic rule.

Saudi Arabia – Western powers financier and military hardware buyer consuming bulk of modern weaponry from the west to suppress barely 28 million population with disproportionate gender ratio 54.3% male and 45.7% female per government statistics is also the caretaker of Islam’s holiest shrine in Mecca.

Not to mention the kingdom’s prominence for being the number one oil producer provides substantial clout attracting western leaderships with a symbolic bow – a greeting ritual in utmost respect for the liquid gold in Saudi dynasty’s possession.

Saudi Arabia rulers following Wahhabism favor Sunnis in the Arab world and across the globe.

The Royal family hostility and slight for Islam’s yet another devout sect – Shiite Muslims is the compounding factor in regional dominance.

Shiites reciprocation accordingly facilitates rift routinely exploited for imperialist ambition.

United Middle East would be a formidable challenge to invasion and occupation notwithstanding Palestinian statehood as part of two state solutions with Israel no longer a myth but a reality.

The acrimony among Muslims ignores the fundamental truth about Islam.

The religion’s unanimity is found in the fabrics common thread inter woven and admirably displayed during the holy month of Ramadan when Almighty God Allah worshippers aspiring Haaj in their lifetime congregate in the holy city Mecca.

Saudi Arabia leaderships have regrettably subverted Islamic faith in the oppression of citizens to prolong hierarchical society denying basic rights and political freedom.

Sadly, Iran in the proclamation as Islamic Republic espousing theocratic rule is no different from Saudi Arabia in human rights violation and depriving political independence.

Iran and Saudi Arabia respective religious disposition is contradictory to Islamic principles of peace and equality.

Religion is a path to spiritual enlightenment with a strong emphasis on universal love, respect and compassion for all beings as Supreme energy manifestation.

In defining life purpose, religion infuses deeper understanding of the self to identify with origin based on emergence, divergence and convergence.

Therefore, religion used as political tool to humanity’s detriment is sacrilege in the highest order.

Saudi Arabia and Iran could come together instead of against each other in preserving religious sanctity and contribute to human progress.

Kuwait – Western powers strategic partner with United States enlarged presence in the Gulf state is equally influenced by Saudi Arabia and Qatar…in prohibiting fairness in society.

The Gulf nation’s new government reportedly has no women cabinet members to run political affairs or legislators in the assembly.

Report also mentions the administration comprising Prime Minister Sheik Jaber Al Hamad Al Sabah and other cabinet appointees representing regality.

The fifty member parliament is stated to have hardline Islamists in the opposition.

Kuwait has been held socially progressive by western powers in their bid to defend the Arab kingdom against the comparatively secular Iraq.

Yemen – President Ali Abdullah Saleh in United States presumably undergoing medical treatment with political amnesty discussion on the sidelines upon revolution success is also an important western ally in addition to being a U.S. military aid recipient for the proxy war in Yemen.

The Arab state bordering Saudi Arabia in the north is confronted with popular uprising longer than Syria and,

Gulf Cooperation Council brokered so-called deal is not acceptable to citizens enduring severe economic problems irrespective of the country’s resources – oil and natural gas under western ownership.

Saudi Arabia intrusion in Yemen to clamp down peaceful rally against government has resulted in enormous loss of lives with no condemnation or response in semblance with Syria or Iran from western powers.

Iraq – The fall of Saddam Hussein was celebrated with much fanfare.

The glory faded away in the unveiling of Abu Ghraib and Iraq war veterans’ courageous accounts on atrocities committed in the name of global war on terror.

Iraq troop withdrawal redeployed in Persian Gulf and Afghanistan with private contractors, mercenaries and contingents still operating in the war torn nation is far from being sovereign even though Iraq election was declared the most democratic in Babylonian history.

The proof was in the dismissal of electoral mandate for secular government with U.S. choice leadership Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki appointed to serve vested interests.

Iraq grappling with suicide bombings and sectarian violence for nearly a decade is the classic example of western democratization of Islamic world.

Summarizing Middle East chronicles, western powers systematic removal of governments under regime change doctrine opportunistically isolate nations while successfully enslaving population with intelligence agency or militarily enforced autocracy.

Peace and Democracy measured in monetary terms expecting economic gains with violence as the means is anathema to liberty revealed in status quo.

Lesson from experience discarded is declining rationality with irreversible outcome.

Middle East peace and political fate is in the hands of people.

People power in solidarity pledged to peaceful and non-violent resistance against foreign indulgence with arms distribution is the preliminary stride and,

In the same way, government armed forces refuting authoritarian order for civilian safety and national security would be honorable and qualify as patriot act.

It is time for Middle East perpetual turbulence to turn into tranquility.

Leaderships from West and East awakening to dimensions without subscribing to violence or ulterior motives in humanitarian issues would deliver promising future for all.

Moving forward, global society peaceful interaction exercising patience and diligence would help resolve disputes amicably for greater good.

Twenty first century dedicated to peace would mark the golden age with prosperity for all.

Peace dawn on Middle East would permeate world over.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







Arab Spring – Permeating Middle East Peace and Political Stability

June 12, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The political uprising in Tunisia last December inspired pro-democracy movement across the Middle East.

Arab Spring denotes the long overdue political transformation granting freedom of expression – a fundamental right in every civil society, free and fair elections that guarantees participation of all political groups and social equality transcending gender notwithstanding socio-economic as well as educational status.

Political oppression over decades mired by human rights abuse has been prevalent up until now prompting fierce battle between government forces and civilians for democracy in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Bahrain and Yemen.

People in the Middle East and North Africa have valiantly protested against authoritarianism with many innocent lives sacrificed in the violent crackdown by political leaderships unwilling to relent to public call for their resignation.

The Contact Group meeting on Libya held in Abu Dhabi, UAE on June 9, 2011 is a phenomenal step towards expediting the dawn of democracy in the region.

More than 30 countries and many international organizations pledging support to rebuild Libya and offering humanitarian aid to the nations in political turmoil is welcome and signifies the general consensus on Middle East stability being vital for global security.

Thousands of lives saved through international intervention are praiseworthy.

However, the leaderships responsible for massacre are still in power and the ammunitions used in the brutal attacks against peaceful demonstrators were supplied by the powerful nations’ defense industry.

The outreach to political dissidents in the oppressed nations is undermined by arms supply to dictatorial governments thereby strengthening their defense against national movement.

Behind the scenes negotiations with autocratic powers and the heir apparent in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and more prominently Libya has prolonged the crisis and emboldened the embattled leaderships to remain in power against republic will.

The simultaneous approach has created confusion and delayed imminent political transition contributing to further loss of life and economic damages that could be reversed through categorical denouncement and explicit action leading to the illegitimate governments’ termination in office.

Individual assessment of political situation in the Middle East could shed light on the problems and offer viable solutions to end misery paving the path for a new beginning with people governing national resources that would allow sovereignty to prevail over dynasty or totalitarian rule.

Tunisia – The origin of political awakening led by citizens quest to drive the nation towards political independence and sowing the seeds for democracy to blossom in the near future.

Political struggles are not without obstacles and the post conflict poses more challenges often becoming the litmus test for the revolution viability.

Tunisian election scheduled on July 24, 2011 is now postponed to October this year to facilitate better preparation considering the nation’s first experience at the polls.

The Contact group along with International Stabilization Response Team and UN assistance in this regard is poignant in terms of setting up system to produce the election media conduct code or technical aid prior to historic elections in Egypt and Tunisia…to promote smooth electoral process.

It is essential for the citizens in Tunisia and elsewhere to form a united front in rebuilding their nation and work together towards common goals i.e. economic progress and social equality reflected in political representation.

Egypt – The Supreme Council of Egypt Army subsequent to Mubarak regime dismissal is yet to lift emergency rule, probe human rights violation, Tahrir Square political activists persecution such as virginity tests for women and men subjected to electrocution…

Replicating the predecessor undemocratic civil rights suppression confirms emulation rather than elimination of tyranny.

Although Egypt’s national election is due in September 2011, the current developments under the military government are a direct assault on democratic reform and calls for the swift transfer of power to civil society.

Failure to adhere to democratic principles is extending Mubarak rule by proxy.

Egypt Army assumed power on U.S and allies watch to curb the rise of western feared fundamentalism against local sentiments on external influence predominantly responsible for long lasting dictatorships in the region.

The Contact Group efforts translated into results in keeping the army at bay exclusively for national defense not governance in Egypt and alike would prove the real commitment to establish democracy in the Middle East and North Africa.

Libya – The recognition of Transitional National Council as the Libyan population’s legitimate representative is a progressive measure and the Contact Group members’ assurance to maintain relief emphasize the Council’s legitimacy in implementing the desirable change that is inclusive, transparent and in coherence with the twenty first century concept.

None of these aspirations are feasible unless the Gaddafi government is removed from power and the perpetrators of war crimes brought to justice to prevent recurring atrocity against humanity.

The recent killing of 28 freedom fighters during Gaddafi loyalists’ incursion near Misrata, North Western Libya reinforces the requirement to disarm the regime in possession of disproportionate artillery stockpiles.

Again reiterating the earlier statement on arms supply to undemocratic elements, the economic and political pressure by the Contact Group can be effective only when the chain link on weapons delivery to the government forces are broken and confiscated in order to contain violence used thus far to combat national resistance.

The leading international powers’ military strategy to arm the revolutionaries instead of disarming the belligerent government security personnel has converted the initial non-violent dissent into armed retaliation in Libya and Yemen…

Again the real beneficiaries are the defense industry or the military industrial complex profiteering from arms distribution to all sides at the enormous expense of precious lives.

Therefore it is incumbent upon the governments to cease weapons dispatch and substitute them with economic development.

The decision at G8 meeting in Deauville France in May 2011 with every G8 country prepared to open its market to nations committed to meaningful reform underpinned by clear conditions is noteworthy.

Nonetheless the G8 nations reciprocal investment in the countries heading towards democratic structure is equally imperative to develop the domestic economy.

Trade relationships, social and cultural exchange between nations are mutually rewarding and nurture economic growth alongside improving strategic partnerships.

The western governments hold the key to liberation in the Middle East and North Africa since the heads of the state in Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia…were all considered allies and approved for various political and economic reasons regardless of their governance track record.

It is a unique moment for the western powers to disavow relation with unsavory leaderships and unequivocally engage in the power transfer to the people without further bloodshed and destruction.

Syria – President Bashar Al Assad obsession with power came to light in the escalated violence forcing his own people to flee their homeland across the borders as refugees.

The leaderships’ cumulative response throughout Middle East towards public demand for republic rule has been similar i.e. excessive force and killing of their population they have enslaved over several years.

Power is honorable when lives are saved, protected and uplifted not the contrary per the status quo.

Syrian state collapse is a possibility in the treacherous trail by the Assad government eager to stay in power but unwilling to surrender in national interest.

Syrian population resolve and resilience will enable their political dreams to come into fruition.

The dictatorial governments downfall is a matter of time for they can no longer continue with the genocide carried out to expand their term in office indefinitely.

Yemen – Sharing the traits with counterparts in Syria and Libya – The politically and physically wounded President Ali Abdullah Saleh is another example of autocracy losing grip on power.

Yemeni President was never acknowledged as the leader and rejected by the people given the President’s self-appointment to power exacerbated with brutality in the latest political upheaval.

President Ali Abdullah Saleh survived the political storm with the U.S and allies backing in the so-called war on terror.

The President has no credibility and would be better poised to step down from office with dignity in the wake of national demonstration urging Saleh administration to leave avoiding the unarmed civilian sacrifice.

Bahrain – The reaction to political evolution is no different from the regional events.

The powerful economic and military ally in Saudi Arabia and United States respectively has been instrumental in sustaining violence against the citizens.

Needlessly the kingdom’s dominant maneuvering is a temporary escapade imitating the neighboring rulers’ tactics eventually resulting in inevitable expulsion from power.

Refusal to accept the new millennium generation determination to replace autocracy, theocracy and plutocracy with functional democracy is delusional at the least and individually detrimental as exemplified in the present and past testimony.

The current trend pursuing confrontation under the guise of patriotism is politically misleading and economically devastating serving only the foreign authorities’ selective agenda.

As for the western powers declaration to democratize Middle East and North Africa the mission is noble and perhaps urgent attention drawn to independent Palestine State with West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem officially designated as Palestinian territories not barring illegal settlements and occupation would reaffirm the genuine motive behind solemn solidarity.

People in the Middle East and North Africa have endured immense suffering and denied normal existence.

The extraordinary courage exhibited in taking their grievances to the streets non-violently is bound for remarkable victory concluding the repressive era.

Freedom is in the air and the permeating Arab Spring promises pleasant fragrance in the environment – political rights and economic prosperity in the society.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant










Bahrain Army Violence Against Peaceful Dissent

February 18, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Yet another strongest U.S. ally and dynasty in the Middle East unleashes violence against unarmed civilians during the plea for political freedom.

According to the latest news reports – Bahrain army and security personnel under the direct order from the royal authority violently attacked the pro-democracy participants camping on the site.

The crime was committed pre-dawn when the people were sleeping in the tents and had to scram for their life. The government’s cowardly act has claimed four innocent lives and several injured in the ambush against citizens caught off guard by the brutal use of force.

Bahrain is the United States’ key strategic partner having never refused any requests from the U.S. military with President as the commander-in-chief and the location being the ideal naval base for the U.S operations in the ongoing Iraq war.

The Kingdom rulers in their effort to continue the medieval tradition of monarchy treating citizens as subjects and slaves in the extreme environment like in Saudi Arabia are western allies resisting republic governed democracy.

Bahraini government aggressive response towards peaceful and non-violent protesters deserves worldwide condemnation legitimizing citizens’ demand for the authoritarianism removal.

It is evident that these puppet regimes are following the conglomerate instructions in the aggression against demonstrators seeking end to oppression.

The apex power has been unable to masquerade the pretentious act in the rebuke of the incident while having authorized the army intervention in the peaceful gathering for political rights.

As seen in Egypt, the transfer of power has shifted from dictatorship to military rule at the foreign helm unwilling to honor the Egyptian democratic rights for self-governance.

However, the Egyptian army could exercise their discretionary power rejecting foreign influence regardless of stature and empower the people they pledged to defend at all times.

Similarly, in Bahrain, Yemen, Iran and throughout Middle East it is the military and security guards’ national duty to protect citizens especially the non-combatants against domestic and foreign assault.

Instead the army and police offensive methods to curb civilian protest is in breach of conduct and military code of honor.

People are being subject to harsh treatment with metal plated rubber bullets, truncheons and tear gas used against defenseless public resulting in more casualties that are completely unacceptable in the civilized world.

If the motive is to suppress uprising through undemocratic tactics then the citizens’ call to eliminate such powers needs to be expedited in a unified manner within the society.

It’s important for the people in Bahrain and across Middle East striving to liberate them not to relent until they achieve their goals i.e. declining political rule other than meaningful democracy in the region.

Army crackdown on non-violent civilians is deplorable and accounting for it as mishaps does not bode well given the ground reality.

Besides pictures are worth thousand words.

Hence, Bahrain nationals are encouraged to stand up for their natural rights and fair economic opportunity rather than wealth distribution among the regal entities.

Without social justice and equality the economic benefits will not reach the main stream worst affected in any form of government.

Bahrain can emerge victorious in their political fight for republic rule.

Reiterating the earlier message – perseverance in the path of peace and non-violence would not let the revolution down.

Bahraini government must refrain from inflicting any harm to people in the solidarity movement desiring fundamental political change.

Citizens in Bahrain, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Algeria, Syria…. are close to realizing their dreams and determination to succeed in the cause would guarantee the positive outcome.

Again it might appear to be a hard battle to win but they are not alone in their quest for political emancipation.

Please stay on course to gain momentum for you will prevail over unjust political rule that is nearing termination.

Wishing strength and rapid success to revolutions aspiring political transition in their respective domain.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

International Recognition of Israeli Palestinian Peace Process

January 10, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Israeli Palestinian peace talks have come to a grinding halt following the moratorium expiration on Jewish settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem last September.

The Palestinian casualties in early January 2011 involving a man and a woman in the northern West Bank checkpoint and the barrier is a setback for the long anticipated peace resolution between Israel and Palestinian authorities.

Additionally the recent tension in beleaguered Gaza with Israel reporting on the rocket firing by Hamas across the southern border resets the status quo after a prolonged ceasefire promoting hope for exports from Gaza to Israel.

Subsequently Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s invitation to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for direct dialogue is praiseworthy.

However, the Israeli Prime Minister’s terms on negotiations without preconditions in the backdrop of ongoing settlement expansion is a dilemma for the Palestinian President considering the political challenges in their domain.

Any agreement would be feasible upon instantaneous settlement freeze that has long been contentious in the crucial interaction between the two heads of the states.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu having previously proved Israel’s commitment to two states solution through temporary settlement containment could perhaps persuade opposition within Israeli coalition in this matter rather than expecting Palestinian approval of the continuing occupation.

The two states recognition could be easily achieved with natural understanding and acknowledgment of 1967 lines for an Independent Palestinian State concurrently suspending settlement activities in Palestinian territories viz. West Bank and East Jerusalem.

As mentioned earlier Israel’s security will be strengthened by expediting the peace treaty that would enable free Palestine to focus on nation building beginning with infrastructure, economic growth, education and health care…guaranteed to promote social progress transforming existing mistrust and discord into a reliable trading partnership fostering bilateral relationship with their neighbor, Israel.

Further the Arab world would widely accept Israel’s sovereignty when peace protocol per 1967 territory is honored ceasing claim on Palestinian meager land with exponential rise in the local population.

Again reiterating requests made to both parties per post titled “Peace Dawns on Palestine and Israel – Two States Solution,” published 9/2/2010 under International Politics on this website,

Both states could reach common destination by removing roadblocks such as occupation, settlement, troop presence with checkpoints and barriers from the Israeli side and,

Palestinian efforts in maintaining solidarity within political factions while pursuing their goals through non-violent means is the pragmatic course to prevail in the decades old conflict.

Peace deal is not attainable with demolition in East Jerusalem, skirmishes in Gaza and West bank under siege. The Palestinian preparation to approach United Nations Security Council for international endorsement of liberated Palestine along the 1967 lines reveals the peace brokers’ lack of influential power and interest in resolving the Mideast crisis.

Therefore the international society could intervene in ending the Palestinian plight and Israeli political gridlock over settlements and troop withdrawal by reviewing the reality and the impact of ignoring the humanitarian suffering currently benefiting terror recruitments serving as the reason for perpetual warfare.

By addressing the Palestinian political struggle and Israeli desire for national security, the international community would effectively contribute to the success of the Israeli Palestinian peace process.

On that optimistic note, the Palestinian and Israeli leaders are urged to set their differences aside and cooperate in signing the peace accord with international blessings.

Good Luck and Best Wishes to Palestinian, Israeli and world leaders in finalizing the amicable Mideast peace doctrine.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iran Nuclear Program – U.S. NATO & Israel Military Strike – An Apocalyptic Mission

November 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Nuclear proliferation is a global challenge in the twenty first century. The nuclear states hierarchy has contributed to non-cooperation in ratifying Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

The explicit nuclear threats exemplified by the prominent nuclear nations are largely responsible for the prolific nuclear quest.

Since the nuclear nations share equal responsibility in adherence to non-proliferation, the lack of fairness in the nuclear capability verification and the absence of universal treatment is the deterrent factor for the non-compliance among certain nuclear and non-nuclear weapon states.

Further, the ‘peaceful purpose’ concept through civilian program is a convenient avenue for some nations to advance their nuclear weaponization ignoring the inevitable serious ramifications.

Iran seeking nuclear status under such premise is a legitimate concern among the international community. Besides, Iran’s nuclear ambition could be detrimental for national and regional security.

In the increasingly insecure global environment, the nuclear threat is a potential cause for preemptive strikes and the opportunity readily available upon the Iranian nuclear weapon development.

Iran would essentially facilitate the imminent targeted attack by moving forward with the fissile material production or in accepting any nuclear deal considering the inflammatory remarks against Israel possibly used as circumstantial evidence and the Arab nations’ conspicuous reservations against Iran as the nuclear power.

Iranian authorities’ influence over Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iraqi Shia insurgents is well known and the speculative nuclear arms race in the Middle East following the Iranian nuclear armament could become the fundamental reason in the military operation against Iran unequivocally evolving into a recipe for disaster in the volatile region.

Given Iran’s extemporaneous nuclear undertaking the events leading to the military response would be catastrophic triggering a worldwide confrontation. The recent reports stated that the White House never ruled out the military option and the policy reiterated through the US State department.

Hence, it is in Iran’s best interest to terminate the entire nuclear activities effective immediately and allow IAEA inspection not only to meet the international requirement but also thwart the underlying inextricable military attack aimed at the Iranian nuclear facilities with a pervasive impact on the region and the rest of the world.

Iran is not in a position to procrastinate as the military strategy has been a work-in-progress and completely prepared for the appropriate time. Iran’s default would be self-endangering and devastating considering the ‘all options including nuclear warning’ has been the agenda in the long contentious nuclear dialogue.

It is imperative for Iran to realize that convincing the allies on the nuclear involvement as the sovereign right to nuclear energy and any decisions to pursue nuclear arsenal would precisely authorize the military intervention for the warring factions.

Moreover, Iran being the fourth major oil producer with an estimated 10% of the total global oil reserves, the civilian nuclear program arguably raises a credibility issue and declining access to the international monitoring agencies for assessment arouses suspicion implying the definitive expansion to a nuclear warhead in the discreet uranium enrichment.

Iran could perhaps end the nuclear program and consequentially the imposed economic sanctions that has created enormous trade restrictions affecting the national revenue especially investments for oil production.

It would clearly be a winning situation for Iran in renouncing the nuclear goals and most importantly prevent an apocalyptic occurrence with Iran being the initial casualty and originating point.

Hopefully, Iran would reconcile terms with reality and let rationality prevail over ideology.

Peace to Iran and the Middle East.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

New Global Era – Peace, Democracy, Social and Economic Progress

October 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The overwhelming majority having experienced a catastrophic twentieth century with death, destruction, genocide and carnage while the powerful minority reaping all the benefits,

There was tremendous hope for a better world at the dawn of the new millennium.

The general expectation was a paradigm shift in the political systems paving way for economic and social progress.

Among the six billion population – the industrialized nation like the United States has around 45 million children living in hunger and poverty. It is disproportionately higher at the global level.

Despite the staggeringly lower literacy rate in the developing nations,

The children are not attending school and gaining knowledge by exploring the wonders of science and technology, learning music and arts and importantly playing sports, essentially living a normal life.

Instead, they are either exploited in the sweat shops or trained to use firearms for recruitment in civil wars and by terror networks.

The prolific arms race by the powerful nations have facilitated the African civil wars, Latin American coups, political unrest in Central Asia, widespread terrorism in Pakistan and Somalia, Sudan and Yemen secession movement…

Corporations’ heavy influence in conjunction with the military aid and foreign intelligence contributing to political upheavals in Latin America, Middle East, Africa and lately Afghanistan are well known.

As stated earlier, the status quo is attributed to politics.

Whether it is Africa, Latin America, Middle East, or Central Asia and Pakistan in the Indian sub-continent – the political oppression and turmoil from continuous warfare are predominantly responsible for the lack of development leading to public frustration.

In contemporary politics, election is viewed as a formality due to external infiltration from corporations, religious groups and powerful organizations not excluding the judiciary viz. the U.S. elections in 2000.

Alternatively, when a particular individual of a political party is in power for several decades and succeeded by the progeny as seen in some parts of the world, it is a dynasty not democracy.

Any opposition in such elections is showmanship for the domestic and international audience.

The heinous crimes under these political representations ranging from massive corruption to political assassinations are masqueraded through false propaganda in their state owned media and entertainment outlets.

Usually, the political set up thrives on cronyism and fake euphoria in the successful mass deception.

The dissenters are portrayed in bad light as villains and their image distorted for egotistical and economic gains defining hypocrisy at a new level.

In the same context, there are those who rise to stardom by remaining oblivious to the ventures financed by undesirable elements known to have ruined many lives even before it had a chance, yet these entities have maintained cordial relation with their investors for individual motives.

Today, they are on the podium casting stones at the humanitarians utterly dedicated to speaking the truth and shed light on the ill choices being made so that the world could be a better place for all and not just the privileged ones.

The irony being, these individuals believe they hold the right to attack others which is subdued as a remark and the victims’ response to their narcissism mischaracterized befitting the self-persona.

Therefore the ideal place for them to begin is the self and,

Often soul searching would help them clear misconceptions about those striving hard for greater good and perhaps invoke genuine compassion within.

It’s worth remembering that mutual respect and understanding fortifies human character.

Since the New World Order is vigorously promoted by the members i.e. the prominent world leaders and affiliates,

It’s imperative to review the secret society role beginning with the former President Ronald Reagan’s administration to date.

Moreover, it’s necessary to highlight the former President Ronald Reagan and the successors’ extensive involvement until now in strengthening the secret society concept increasingly becoming more secretive.

History is testimony to the political events all over the world – Panama, Chile, Nicaragua, Argentina Columbia, El Salvador, Costa Rica…and recently (2009) Honduras in Latin America – the military coups are guaranteed to prevail against the republic protest and sacrifice.

Caribbean nations like Cuba, Haiti and West Indies population are struggling from severe economic conditions due to a variety of detrimental factors like economic sanctions, political interference and abandonment by the powerful nations.

Middle East – Iran, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and now Iraq to list a few in the region subjected to theocracy, monarchy or puppet governments… anything but democracy.

Israel the only democratic nation is also tied to a coalition backed by religious orthodox faction forging the controversial Jewish settlements and derailing the peace process.

Elsewhere, Afghanistan and Pakistan pose different challenges.

The Afghanistan political government is ceremoniously appointed by the elite society members against the population will.

Whereas in Pakistan, it is déjà vu with history repeating itself from time and time again.

The former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto exiled on embezzlement charges by the military General Pervez Musharraf, launched a political return from her exiled home – Dubai, UAE at the powerful society members’ behest.

Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was subsequently assassinated during the political campaign in December 2007 extenuating the political circumstances in Pakistan.

Now the deposed military leader and ex-President General Pervez Musharraf echoed similar sentiments from his current exiled home – the democratic United Kingdom.

The delineation in the two former heads of state renewed political ambitions being,

If the deceased Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in her political will bequeathed the position to her surviving heir, a minor at that time – accordingly the post is safeguarded by the political descendant’s guardian and parent – Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari,

The army General Pervez Musharraf on his part threatened the present Gilani administration with a possible military coup in an internationally televised press conference again not from an Afghanistan cave but U.K. capital, London.

General Pervez Musharraf seized power in a bloodless coup d’état and ruled Pakistan from 1999 to 2008 with high turnover of Prime Ministers, five at less intervals serving his administration.

The former President faced impeachment proceedings for iron-fist rule by disregarding the constitution in the Supreme Court Justice firing and other national issues, especially the indefinite postponement of the general election.

Another distinctive record in the General’s resumé is the armed Kargil conflict that brought Pakistan and India on the brink of nuclear confrontation.

General Pervez Musharraf reportedly claimed that the United States pressure on the ousted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 1999 led to the nuclear crisis. There were immense casualties on both sides.

The question arising from the global events overview is;

What did the New World Order powerful entities do to change or improve the political and economic plight across the globe during their term as the free world leaders?

Most decisions thus far has exacerbated the suffering and driven the twenty first century to heightened global security threats stemming from sheer violation of human rights, deteriorating economic standards and,

Social regression with rampant racial and gender discrimination, assault against gay community indicative of the relative cultural decline,

Last but not the least,

The worst scenario reverting to the medieval era with capital punishment consisting executions, stoning to death, live burials, public flogging…

All practiced in a business as usual manner.

Meanwhile, the people in the industrialized and newly developed nations are forced to deal with financial and economic crisis generated by excess greed, gross mismanagement and misplaced priorities centralized on warfare to dominate the world.

Besides, wars create a subliminal obedience from the people and their representatives towards the authorities imposing restrictions on dissidence when expressing legitimate concerns against the misguided purpose.

The routine resonance from the political sphere through communication media demanding complicity in all matter pertaining to humanity regardless, as a mark of respect to wartime President is not democratic in any standpoint considering,

War in the absence of definitive mission has become the preferred means to exercise power.

Peace prospects are ignored specifically –

In September 2010, the North Korean government explicit request through the former President Jimmy Carter for peace talks with the United States that included among pertinent issues the willful nuclear disarmament has been discarded without any due course of action.

Reference article “Special Acknowledgment – President Jimmy Carter North Korea visit,” published 09/20/2010 under International Politics category on this website.

The global reality in the political, economic, social and environmental realm confirms the superficial gains not realized by the average citizen thereby widening the gap between the haves and have-nots that is unfortunately overlooked to a large extent.

Any international summits like COP 15 – Copenhagen Climate Conference 2009, U.N. Disarmament Treaty September 24, 2010 – the quintessential targets to sustain life on planet are led to a failure in spite of the serious ramifications.

Likewise, the G-20 forum attracts worldwide dissent because,

First, they are exclusive and not inclusive in representation.

Next, the initiatives are not comprehensive and adopted measures seemingly favor the sectors responsible for the economic peril fomenting public anger and disappointment.

The military agenda and economic interests are protected conforming to the society’s framework.

Otherwise, the Afghan and Iraq war would have been long over with a viable political solution in both territories.

Upon observation the political quagmire in Afghanistan is replicated in Iraq with the approval of the undemocratic and unpopular governments – i.e. President Hamid Karzai and Prime Minister Nouri-Al-Maliki respectively.

Unwillingness in pursuing North Korea peace offer is intriguing; the inaction clarifies the peculiar aspect to the nuclear disarmament pledge.

From the economic stance, the incumbent administration had a Democrat majority in the House and the Senate until January 2010.

The health care reform could have been meaningful with a universal health care – Single Payer System.

That option was completely rejected even though the significant population as health care and insurance industry victims pleaded for Single Payer System.

As it turns out per the latest reports –

“About one million workers lose out on better coverage promised by health reform next year.

McDonald, Jack in the Box and other companies won a one year exemption from a new rule requiring them to raise the maximum amount of coverage they offer employees.

The Department of Health and Human Services spokeswoman Jessica Santillo said companies would again be able to apply for waivers next year.”

The companies have vowed to utilize the HHS generosity and “plan to seek additional waiver each year until 2014” – by when the mandatory law becomes effective.

Finance Reform Bill – there was a clear choice between the Democrat vote by Senator Russ Feingold requesting a robust reform to prevent the repeat errors and on the extreme the Republican Senator Scott Brown bargained for Wall Street and the Democrat administration accepts the latter with a huge concession even though the $19 billion could have been used for either addressing the drastic spending cuts or the rising national debt.

On the environmental front, the Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu from Louisiana is reported to have threatened to block the administration’s judicial appointees if the moratorium on offshore drilling is not lifted by the energy industry deadline.

One would think that these legislators can differentiate between right and wrong.

Furthermore they would remember the BP oil spills and the devastating impact on the environment and the economy.

But obviously their political career takes precedence over the present and future life on the planet.

With respect to political appointments, the current administration is more than adequately served by the secret society members denying opportunities to the mainstream talent.

Extending over to the international arena, the European Council President is a Bilderberg nominee.

If the New World Order is a world controlled by the elite group with the concentrated power that determines the existence or non-existence of life on the planet by holding secret meetings and defying logic,reasoning, democratic values as well as basic principles,

It is regrettable for it bears semblance to the pre-world war II characteristics deserving global condemnation and an end to the unethical decadent policies generating almost a Great Depression, relentless warfare, political and social unrest.

Notwithstanding a grave danger to the planet.

Habitat belongs to all and humanity thrives in the unanimous commitment to save and preserve life.

Peace and harmony is the best strategy to achieve the humanitarian goal benefiting all as opposed to a selective few in the society.

None have a permanent life contract on earth. Both ordinary and the extraordinary have to leave without exception.

We brought nothing into this world. Hence take nothing back. Whatever acquired in this lifetime is a gift to be shared and not hoarded.

Freedom is the basic human right. All are born to be free and that is the natural law espoused in the – New Global Era.

Peace on Earth and Save the Planet.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Emergency Aid to Pakistan Flood Victims

August 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Pakistan is experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis due to massive flooding, posing tremendous challenges for the government and the victims.

Although, the United States assistance has been substantial in the relief operation, it’s a global responsibility to help the people of Pakistan.

The onus is not on the United States alone, the international aid from all corners of the world is essential to rescue the estimated twenty million displaced population and the families who have lost their loved ones in the natural disaster.

There is an opportunity for all nations across the globe to come forward and extend their support through financial and other humanitarian resources.

Perhaps, The Kingdom of Brunei, Saudi Arabia, EU, the Middle East and developing nations including private donors from different parts of the world could share the financial burden with the United States and humanitarian organizations.

Pakistanis’ plight cannot be ignored as the internal or national problem. The culmination of natural catastrophe and economic conditions have increased the inevitable health risks apart from the potential threats in social, environmental, political and security fronts for the South Asian country.

In the holy month of Ramadan, the people of Pakistan are dealing with the natural calamity and struggling to overcome the enormous tragedy on their shores.

Please respond to Pakistani citizens’ “SOS,” with an outpouring compassion and generosity that is required more than ever.

People of Pakistan also urgently deserve the world society’s contribution in nation building and economic growth to emerge from the burgeoning status quo.

International Humanitarian Agencies such as International Red Cross, American Red Cross, Oxfam, Doctors without Borders including the United Nations’ Relief Organizations are standing by to accept your donations.

You could visit their websites to make any affordable payments.

Organizing concerts for the worthy cause could also expedite the fund raising possibilities in this regard.

Please reach out to the victims to minimize casualties and save precious lives.

Your kindness is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

International Events – Pakistan Independence Day

August 15, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Happy Independence Day on August 14, 2010 to Pakistan!

Pakistan celebrated its 63rd anniversary since partition from India and the nation has been confronted with humongous challenges until now.

The recent flooding has taken a toll on the population and the victims’ frustration is directed at the authorities engaged in rescue operation.

The United States assistance and the generous contributions from people around the world are significant in saving lives.

Pakistan is also politically and economically undermined by the various terror networks wreaking havoc within and outside the country.

More than six decades into independence and Pakistan is deprived of a vibrant democracy predominantly due to the liaison maintained by the key officials in the Pakistan military along with ISI, the intelligence agency with the militants and radical groups like Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Haqqani networks, the underworld don viz. Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar and the likes.

Why is Pakistan so tolerant and providing refuge to these criminal elements despite their notoriety are the legitimate concerns in the international community?

One would presume that the substantial U.S. military and financial aid to Pakistan to clamp down on terrorism should have eliminated terror from the nuclear nation.

Instead, the terror organizations prominently the Al-Qaida, Taliban, the Haqqani and Lashkar-e-Taiba have transformed Pakistan into a terror haven killing more Pakistanis, their fellow Muslims in the endless explosions across the country.

Besides, them instigating violence in neighboring Kashmir and consistently plotting against the United States as well as other democracies around the world.

How can they possibly justify these actions in the name of Almighty God, the Allah and the Holy Quran that forbids any harm to the living in any shape or form?

Can these individuals be regarded Muslims considering their indiscriminate violence towards fellow human beings particularly their own Muslim brothers and sisters, whether in the United States, India, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, or for that matter the incessant bombings that are occurring in Pakistan?

It’s no secret that the certain Pakistani military and ISI members ‘aiding and abetting has emboldened the terror networks and enabled them to freely operate in the nuclear armed nation.

What is the solution to this radicalization and how can it be addressed effectively?

Arms embargo in addition to freezing bank accounts facilitating terror activities within Pakistan is paramount in ensuring global security.

The Pakistani educated youth and the middle class have a responsibility to take control of their nation.

For, it’s their future that is being squandered by the unscrupulous sources in the national defense and intelligence agency.

Pakistan has enough military power to have contained if not eradicated terror, considering the successful military coups against democratic governments since its birth.

Then, why the combined forces of Pakistan and U.S. military are having difficulty demolishing the medieval terror infrastructure in the twenty first century is mind boggling.

As a result, the Pakistani citizens and the U.S. taxpayers are forced to bear the brunt in human casualties and the economic aspect.

How long should these war games continue and at what cost?

These are the questions to be raised by the people of Pakistan and the United States.

Human lives are expended on both sides with no end in sight to the war on terror.

Throughout history, the people have demonstrated the will and courage to stand up to the forces stalling human progress.

Evidently, they have triumphed from time and time again.

Therefore, Pakistan’s public complacency to the decadent status quo from the myriad sources dominance is the problem and could be easily resolved through solidarity by identifying the ‘bad apples,’ and replacing them with those dedicated in renewing Pakistan’s image as a friendly neighbor, viable economic partner and a true ally in the global war on terror.

There is an opportunity for a new chapter in the twenty first century provided the people initiate the peaceful beginning.

‘Change,’ cannot be brought upon by mere hope, it has to be delivered through action.

Best Wishes to the people of Pakistan in achieving peace, progress and prosperity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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