International Recognition of Israeli Palestinian Peace Process

January 10, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Israeli Palestinian peace talks have come to a grinding halt following the moratorium expiration on Jewish settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem last September.

The Palestinian casualties in early January 2011 involving a man and a woman in the northern West Bank checkpoint and the barrier is a setback for the long anticipated peace resolution between Israel and Palestinian authorities.

Additionally the recent tension in beleaguered Gaza with Israel reporting on the rocket firing by Hamas across the southern border resets the status quo after a prolonged ceasefire promoting hope for exports from Gaza to Israel.

Subsequently Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s invitation to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for direct dialogue is praiseworthy.

However, the Israeli Prime Minister’s terms on negotiations without preconditions in the backdrop of ongoing settlement expansion is a dilemma for the Palestinian President considering the political challenges in their domain.

Any agreement would be feasible upon instantaneous settlement freeze that has long been contentious in the crucial interaction between the two heads of the states.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu having previously proved Israel’s commitment to two states solution through temporary settlement containment could perhaps persuade opposition within Israeli coalition in this matter rather than expecting Palestinian approval of the continuing occupation.

The two states recognition could be easily achieved with natural understanding and acknowledgment of 1967 lines for an Independent Palestinian State concurrently suspending settlement activities in Palestinian territories viz. West Bank and East Jerusalem.

As mentioned earlier Israel’s security will be strengthened by expediting the peace treaty that would enable free Palestine to focus on nation building beginning with infrastructure, economic growth, education and health care…guaranteed to promote social progress transforming existing mistrust and discord into a reliable trading partnership fostering bilateral relationship with their neighbor, Israel.

Further the Arab world would widely accept Israel’s sovereignty when peace protocol per 1967 territory is honored ceasing claim on Palestinian meager land with exponential rise in the local population.

Again reiterating requests made to both parties per post titled “Peace Dawns on Palestine and Israel – Two States Solution,” published 9/2/2010 under International Politics on this website,

Both states could reach common destination by removing roadblocks such as occupation, settlement, troop presence with checkpoints and barriers from the Israeli side and,

Palestinian efforts in maintaining solidarity within political factions while pursuing their goals through non-violent means is the pragmatic course to prevail in the decades old conflict.

Peace deal is not attainable with demolition in East Jerusalem, skirmishes in Gaza and West bank under siege. The Palestinian preparation to approach United Nations Security Council for international endorsement of liberated Palestine along the 1967 lines reveals the peace brokers’ lack of influential power and interest in resolving the Mideast crisis.

Therefore the international society could intervene in ending the Palestinian plight and Israeli political gridlock over settlements and troop withdrawal by reviewing the reality and the impact of ignoring the humanitarian suffering currently benefiting terror recruitments serving as the reason for perpetual warfare.

By addressing the Palestinian political struggle and Israeli desire for national security, the international community would effectively contribute to the success of the Israeli Palestinian peace process.

On that optimistic note, the Palestinian and Israeli leaders are urged to set their differences aside and cooperate in signing the peace accord with international blessings.

Good Luck and Best Wishes to Palestinian, Israeli and world leaders in finalizing the amicable Mideast peace doctrine.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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