Euro Crisis and Impact on Global Financial Markets

May 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

It originated in Iceland with the pervasive subprime mortgage factor and similarly affected other economies like Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain, referenced as PIGS.

Although, every nation in this category share the contaminated ‘derivative’ traded internationally, the lack of deficit control with the national budget exceeding the GDP growth also contributed to the meltdown and subsequently reflected in the poor credit rating.

More prominently, Greece identified with:

“Goldman Sachs between the years 1998-2009 has been reported to systematically helped the Greek government to mask its national true debt facts.

In September 2009 though, Goldman Sachs among others, created a special Credit Default Swap (CDS) index for the cover of high-risk national debt of Greece. This led the interest-rates of Greek national bonds to a very high level, leading the Greek economy very close to bankruptcy in March 2010.”

The culmination of internal and external mismanagement primarily led the Mediterranean economy to the brink of collapse seeking bailout from the European Central Bank (ECB), EU and IMF.

European Union was challenged with a predicament in the Greece bailout to either ignore the problem or address it to avert the contagion in Europe.

Since Greece is an EU member using the reserve currency euro in the 16 of the 27 states representing the eurozone, the former alternative would have had serious ramifications.

Besides, the euro being the second most traded currency in the world after the U.S. dollar; it has multifaceted impact on the financial markets dealing with high volume trading especially in the futures exchange.

The industrialized and emerging economies are in a bind with the euro value reduction, due to the competitiveness expansion in export trade. For example, the export oriented Germany is at a competitive edge with the United States, Japan and China irrespective of Germany specializing in high end industrial and heavy machinery equipments.

Hence, the euro crisis upside is the European nations gaining export affordability.

Accordingly, the emerging economy and the major U.S. creditor China is concerned about the potential split in global market share and availing the opportunity to reject the U.S. request for currency (renminbi) value adjustment, which has been set below the market determination despite China’s extraordinary trade surplus.

China’s currency, renminbi (RMB) or yuan (CNY) has been withheld from floating as the international currency in the foreign exchange market to protect the status quo.

At the same time, the positive aspect of the dollar appreciation is omitted in the evaluation and that being the foreign investments in U.S. dollars particularly the Treasury bills held by China is strengthened in value and guarantee long term security in futures contract.

Financial stability measures adopted by EU, IMF and ECB with approximately one trillion dollars of which a conditional rescue loan worth $110 billion to Greece is approved to reverse the negatives in the financial markets reacting to the euro downslide from the unsustainable government debts and deficit level.

Had the eurozone requirement on its union members to keep deficits below 3 percent of GDP maintained, Greece and other struggling economies need not have been subject to harsh austerity strategies that has resulted in protest among the mainstream population in Greece and Ireland.

Regardless, the current global financial crisis calls for wasteful expenditure elimination and the national budget review to direct investments in high value returns.

Appropriate actions involving tax hikes and spending cuts are necessary to balance the budget.

However, spending cuts targeting the fundamental programs inevitably generating revenues through productive workforce and consumers is counteractive.

Restoring essential programs and services for the job creation and preservation, youth education, citizens’ health care, social security, safe and clean environment nurture healthy and middle class society to ease the burden on the top 1% or 10% wealthy taxpayers in different economies.

Most importantly, the defense budget consuming a significant proportion of taxpayer revenue in the prolonged wars could be divested to peaceful and profitable opportunities benefiting the citizens at the domestic and international front.

The ideal solution for the European Commission and the monetary union to avoid rising deficits in Europe without compromising the member states’ sovereignty in their national fiscal policy decisions would be to establish an independent, non-partisan committee by the states to examine the individual spending and tax plan, rather than the centralized monitoring or the neighboring authority verifying it.

Further, the constitutional amendment by Germany to contain the deficit to 0.35 percent of GDP by 2016 provided the higher deficit not attributed to GDP decline is a trendsetter in curbing the economic crisis.

In concurrence with the economic experts’ advice – The ECB expediting the credit approval on government bonds used as collateral upon qualifying the self-regulated constitutional limit on deficits is prudent in deterring broad speculative lending activities.

Alongside, the EU sweeping financial reform with tough standards against the hedge fund managers including the two proposals by German Parliament:

Global financial transaction tax and Financial activity tax focused on CEO’s Personal Income & Bonuses are effective steps with the exception of the global financial transaction tax because it is eventually transferred to the end-consumer and may not be a viable option for all participants.

Nevertheless, international agreement on financial regulation by G-20 and other nations is crucial in order to emerge from the existing crisis and prevent the future economic recession.

The systemic risk in the multi trillion dollars ‘derivatives,’ that caused the financial debacle in Europe, Middle East (Dubai), North America, Asia and elsewhere demands stringent policies and independent investigations on fraudulent ventures.

The financial overhaul passed by the U.S. Senate last week has been under scrutiny by analysts with mixed response and elaborated in the article titled:

“New Financial rules might not prevent next crisis – Associated Press, Sun May 23rd. 2010 at 3.55 PM EDT. Reported by Jacobs from New York and contributed by AP writer Jim Drinkard.”

Unequivocally, closing the loopholes as detailed in the cited article and other reports is paramount to establish a financial system free of K street influence.

The apparent revolving-door relationship between Wall Street and Capitol Hill in which employees and consultants have moved in and out of high level US Government positions, with the prevalent conflict of interest is a hindrance to any legislation.

Only the electorates with the voting power in a democracy can remove the persisting obstacles by rejecting the special interest representatives in politics against meaningful legislation.

People as the consumers, taxpayers and voters are the ultimate force in achieving the progress for common good.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Humanitarian Challenge

February 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Recently there was a flurry of criticisms and admonishments for the article titled “His Holiness Dalai Lama in Spotlight,” and the earlier ones related to the,

“Iranian Theocracy cracking down on pro-democracy protestors and the inflammatory rhetoric against Israel.”

Alternatively, the Israeli authorities’ oppression of the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank.

Likewise, social issues regarding human rights violation –

Self-interest and greed reflected in the globalization v. protectionism including,

The article on the racial attacks against the Indian students and other immigrants in Australia, scorned for the delivery and the condemnation of discriminatory practices.

Hence, it’s important to clarify the difficulties surrounding when addressing social injustice of this enormity.

Needless to emphasize that it’s much easier and less distressing to discuss non-controversial issues related to the economy, environment, travel, food, entertainment…etc.,

However, when the social injustice is concerned,

Whether it’s about the denial of equal rights to the gay community,

Women’s rights,

Burgeoning Health care crisis in the absence of a universal health care or a public option,

Students plight with the rising educational costs,

Growing economic disparity,


On a serious level – The invasion and occupation of foreign lands through wars,

Nuclear proliferation,

Slighting human rights over economic opportunities,

Double standards in the terrorism definition,

Ignoring environmental warnings…all of which draws immediate attention from the critics representing the specific agenda.

Prior to moving forward with the discussion, it’s necessary to accept the bestowed honor for being compared with the canines by the critics.

As an animal lover, particularly the canines, I consider the comparison – a true compliment.

The reason being, the canines are known for their unconditional love, loyalty and protective instincts towards their owners and the families. They are also well regarded for their intuitive nature.

Due to these extraordinary characteristics, the canines have earned the title as “Man’s best friend.”

Although, sometimes it’s worth posing the question if the man deserves a best friend in a canine.

Similarly, the attacks through innuendoes and nuances seen against the articles on atrocities that were presented with evidence, are intriguing.

Cynicisms vary such as the articles meeting the “critics standards” attributed to the guardian or the ‘Almighty’ out of fear as the case might be and phrased as the ‘Brisk walk.’

While, the so-called ‘inappropriate berating’ of the human misconduct selectively ascribed to the “off-leash” canine, apparently not accustomed to the ‘city lifestyle.’

It beckons the argument on whose side is, these city slickers as the “judges” and “critics” on, when the articles on the website are invariably factual and visuals supported, portraying the systemic degradation of humanity at every level.

If the presentation or the style is the issue, then it’s worth remembering that the art of diplomacy and sophistication is at its best in a dialogue with the virtuous free of vices and that being envy, ego, pride, prejudice and greed.

Moreover, the offenders condemned in these articles are no missionaries or monks in the monasteries.

Instead, they are individuals as well as powerful authorities deliberately and conscientiously engaged in killing and mass murder of their own population, specifically the oppressed minorities.

Economic opportunists causing immense agony and misery for humanity through deceitful and deceptive actions.

It appears that any one daring to highlight the inherent omission of fairness by the corporate owned networks and the political figures’ evasion of responsibility on vital national issues like health care, financial reform, environment are declared ‘reprehensible’ by their representatives.

The double standards in the first amendment act as found in the terrorism definition among the critics are attention worthy.

When the articles on this website raise genuine credibility issue against the major corporations and their political allies, not excluding the foreign governments’ human rights activities, the news outlets are instantaneously used by the mighty and the powerful to warn the legitimate substance or comment as “off-limit,” in a democracy.

On the other hand, the constant vilification of the “progressives,” the “liberals,” anyone defending righteousness and the most favorite of all,

The religion of Islam and its followers…by the Fox news presenters viz. Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly, not barring the radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh are,

Permitted as ‘free speech’ parlance with an exclusive right to trigger violence, hostility, anger and fear mongering.

Even if the extreme provocation leads to untoward incidents like the death of DR. George Tiller of Wichita, Kansas,

The green jobs advocate Van Jones’ resignation and,

Last but not the least, the recent anti-government groups promoted “terrorist attack” by Joe Stack against the IRS building in Austin, Texas.

Despite the track record, when the White House contemplated to exclude the Fox news in the press conference, the entire news media and the leading news organizations deemed such action as objectionable.

Only if the mainstream media like CNN, Fox News and others had placed the former administration under President George W. Bush and the Vice President Dick Cheney in spotlight with tough questions on the Iraq war, akin to the ones posed to His Holiness Dalai Lama, it could have led to a favorable status quo.

Humanity’s response to the Prophets / Messiahs, the Political leaders and the Peace activists thus far has been,

Lord Jesus Christ crucified.

Prophet Mohammad ( May peace be upon him) diminished in status as an alibi by the pretentious followers of Islam like the terrorist network Al Qaeda and others, Iranian Theocracy and the dictatorial powers in the Middle East.

The Holy Buddhist Temples in Afghanistan desecrated by the Taliban forces.

Holy Islamic sites under siege by the Israeli authorities in the disputed Hebron.

Hindu Temples attacked in Kashmir (Indian and Pakistani side) by the Pakistani fundamentalist terror groups.

President Abraham Lincoln assassinated for ending slavery.

President John F. Kennedy assassinated. President Kennedy was a vocal critic of the secret society and the military industrial complex.

Mahatma Gandhi assassinated for the peaceful effort to unite Hindus and Muslims.

DR. Martin Luther King assassinated for civil rights movement.

Egyptian President Anwar Sadat assassinated for signing the Israel-Egypt peace treaty.

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassinated for the peace initiative and signing the Oslo Accords pertaining to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On an optimistic note, the universal peace mission might have been successfully thwarted by the anti-peace factions for centuries,

Nevertheless, the reversal is imminent in the immediate future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama in Spotlight

February 23, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama was a guest at the CNNs Larry King Live show on Monday, February 22, 2010.

During the interview, the host Larry King stated,

“Most Americans do not want the United States relationship strained with China over Tibet’s independence.” 

Interestingly, Mr. Larry King did not provide any specifics like who exactly these Americans are, the pollster name and details for authenticity.

Such position could not be from the mainstream population given the fact that by and large American people are samaritans and strong believers of democracy including human rights for them and others.

That being the case, it makes one wonder –

Like everything else is Made in China, if the questionnaire for this interview was possibly,

Prepared by China or Beijing’s representatives in the United States due to the provocative and insensitive questions posed in the interview.

Should a major international network like CNN compromise on substance to boost rating?

As for the alleged statement cited by the CNN talk show host, the anonymous individuals prioritizing economic opportunities over Tibetan people’s freedom cannot be living in the,

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

More likely, they belong to the – Land of the Narcissists, Home of the Hypocrites.

The people of the oppressed nation, Tibet may not necessarily be the strongest ally of the United States for whom the latter poised as the leader of the free world would not undertake risks against the invader and persecutor, the Communist China, like it did in 1991 –

When the U.S and allies waged war against Iraq in retaliation to Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein’s invasion of a comparatively small kingdom, the oil rich Kuwait,

Or for that matter,

Threatening to wipe out (Obliterate with nuclear weapons- the rhetoric during Presidential campaign) anyone harassing the nuclear armed Israel, the United States surrogate partner in the middle east despite Israel prominently established as the Neo-Imperialist in the region.

Is freedom a natural right and an entitlement for the privileged while remaining a fantasy for the weak and defenseless?

What would be the twenty first century like in the absence of the following events?

The women’s suffrage movement leading to the women’s vote in the United States of America.

If, President Abraham Lincoln had not ended slavery.

A young civil rights leader DR. Martin Luther King daring to dream a world without prejudice.

If, a resilient leader Mahatma Gandhi had failed in the non-violence principle to free his nation from two hundred years of colonialism.

Creating the state of Israel in OId Palestine amid Arab disagreement in the aftermath of holocaust.

The fall of Berlin wall and Eastern Bloc nations set free from the former Soviet Union.

Liberation of South Africa from the brutal apartheid.

Likewise, Independence for the small island nation East Timor -after prolonged tyranny and massacre.

Emancipation of human beings is not up to free individuals or the oppressive authority to decide whether the enslaved are eligible for liberty or not.

Reiterating the earlier message – All living beings are created equal and born to be free.

The people in Tibet, Palestine, Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, Afghanistan and the nations in Africa, Middle East, and Latin America are no exception to this natural rule of law.

No military might and economic power can continue to suppress the freedom of the population for their false sense of political superiority.

His Holiness Dalai Lama for diplomacy sake could seek autonomy rather than independence for the persecuted and tortured six million Tibetans on account of Tibet’s economic dependency on China.

China’s communist politburo decline political freedom and economic opportunities for long oppressed Tibetans in the Buddhist land.

However, India and South Africa would not be independent had they been abandoned under similar notion that the fate of the several millions are better off as the oppressed minority in their domicile.

Every tribe, community and society has leadership potential to guide and govern the people irrespective of the economic and educational status.

It’s an innate quality provided by nature and commonly seen throughout the animal kingdom.

Because of human greed to amass wealth and territories poignantly,

China – In spite of being third largest nation by total area and the second largest in land area, Beijing authorities insist on retaining Tibet, Xinjiang province, annexing Taiwan and currently eying on neighbor India.

Furthermore, the Chinese Communist rule conspicuously reining in on the most powerful nation, the United States transformed into a subservient economic debtor through unfair trade practices.

Not barring the Most Favored Nation (MFN) status, WTO membership and veto power in the UN Security Council consistently abused by the Communist nation at any given time.

Again, the United States and allies biased treatment of other communist nations is noteworthy.

Cuba and North Korea are incessantly subject to economic sanctions for a variety of reasons ranging from human rights violation to the nuclear standoff.

On the other hand, China, the ultimate communist authority with gross human rights violation and utter disregard for international rule of law is granted immunity based on the emerging economic power status by the democratic nations.

United States lacking in political will and corporations with investments in China are pressuring media to evade democracy depriving the people of Tibet the political freedom.

Then the real power – the people as consumers from all walks of life across the world should prove that the political and economic stakeholders can no longer determine the destiny of human beings.

Worldwide boycott of Made in China goods along with investments withdrawal from the state controlled Chinese holdings by humanitarians, democracy and peace seekers for all contrary to the selective few could lead to the beginning of the end of the communist rule in China and elsewhere.

Not long ago, in the latter part of the twentieth century i.e. during the cold war, the former Soviet Union was formidable opponent of the United States.

Lo and behold, the iron curtain dropped astonishing the rest of the world in marking the end of the repressive rule.

History is testimony to the fact that the rise and fall of empire and emperors not attributed to honorable surrendering of power or the oligarchs’ magnanimity but instead the voice for democracy within and outside oppressed nations have enabled the political transition.

With an inevitable freedom for the people of Tibet, Palestine, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea and others, the optimism will prevail over the lingering insecurity among the authorities and their proxies in the political and economic domain.

Caring, compassionate and peace activists from around the world must stage a non-violent protest and display solidarity in the freedom movement for Tibet, Palestine…the only hope and a guaranteed victory towards democracy for these nations.

Finally, the consumer power always succeeds against any economic and political power.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama

January 29, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama presented the first State of the Union address to the joint session of the United States Congress.

Appropriately, the core message was about the economy and the various proposals to revive the nation from the prolonged economic recession that began in 2002.

Attention to the small businesses, students and the average American families who represent the significant consumer base is timely and the commitments are economically viable.

The tax cuts to Corporations preserving American jobs is a necessary strategy to deal with the double digit unemployment risen to the current rate by 2.6 percent, since inheriting the 7.6 percent rate in January 2009 when the former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney left office.

In fact, the $787 billion funding towards President Obama initiated American Investment and Recovery Act helped to contain the economic crisis and the unemployment to a marginal increase against the financial sector avalanche.

There was a large emphasis on education to improve Math and Science skills among K-12 students.

In addition, the President laid out the programs to ease the burden on the students attending Community College through tax incentives, affordable loan payments, increasing Pell Grants and even enticing them to join public service in exchange for the loan adjustment. Of course, the families were included with a $10,000 tax relief for their children’s college education.

As highlighted by the President, sound education is the stepping-stone to progress and prosperity in a society and the effective means to reduce poverty. Also, it would decrease the prison population that is straining the state budgets like in California.

In social issues – the President pledged to repeal the ‘don’t ask don’t tell,’ discriminatory policy in the United States military against the gay service personnel who are equally dedicated in their patriotic duty. A remarkable recognition and long overdue.

On the discretionary budget-spending freeze scheduled to begin in 2011, it’s relieving to note that the safety net for the retirees and senior citizens available through social security, Medicare and Medicaid for the low-income families would not be affected.

However, it’s essential to apply tighter control on the defense spending that is disproportionately increasing against health care, educational and environmental cause regardless of party representation in the White House.

The President urged both parties in Congress to rein in wasteful spending in the form of earmarks or pork barrel – It’s necessary to be discerning in the expenditures given the accumulated national debt.

Job creation through public projects such as high-speed railways and infra structure maintenance is coherent with the former President JFK’s achievement in connecting America from coast to coast.

It’s a worthwhile investment and pervasive in dealing with the energy and environment issues.

The President is right on target in this respect due to multiple benefits on these projects viz.

First, it would decrease unemployment and boost the economy simultaneously.

Second, it enables energy conservation with mass transit possibly becoming the desirable public transportation, besides having a positive environmental impact.

Third, from the health standpoint – the automobile accidents being the leading cause of premature deaths and often leaving the victims with horrific physical injuries in the industrialized countries, the proposed system is a preventive measure in that regard.

Moreover, the stress factor that is common among the motorists could be eliminated as well.

Last but not the least; the local economies would enormously gain from an efficient public transport system attracting tourists within and outside the country.

It’s gratifying to note the President’s affirmation on the health care reform – Echoing the President’s message – Health care legislation cannot wait indefinitely for it’s proved to be a burgeoning crisis contributing to national deficit due to horrendous costs not to mention the loss of lives.

The President also detailed on the financial reform that ought to be implemented to save the domestic and the global financial markets from major catastrophes in the future. It’s crucial for the legislation to be loopholes free to deter the industry from circumventing the rules and regulations.

With respect to the on-going wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the capturing and killing of terrorists might be a partial success for the military operation. Nevertheless, terrorism emanating from despair and desolation cannot be eradicated with military might and sophisticated drone attacks.

In the absence of a functional government facilitating basic necessities like clean water, agricultural and industrial growth, education, health care and social equalities that guarantees freedom to live life with dignity, the regions will continue to be the breeding ground for terror.

The President fulfilling the campaign promise on troops withdrawal from Iraq by this summer deserves praise and credit. Again, the veterans returning home after a traumatic combat situation have to be suitably provided for their settlement in the civilian environment. These patriots and their families cannot be abandoned after their sacrifices for the nation.

Warning the rebels in Iran and North Korea on nuclear programs is warranted. But, the successive failures in the multilateral talks in 2009 and 2010 among the 6 powers including Russia on Iran’s nuclear program suggests the inherent mistrust and power struggle conspicuous in the United Nations Security Council.

Reiterating the earlier suggestion, the solution to resolve the international crisis on different fronts is to expand the U.N. Security Council from 5 to 11, with the inclusion of new and conciliatory members like Japan, Brazil, India, South Africa, UAE and the present defacto member, Germany.

In other international crisis, even though the Israeli Palestinian conflict was not part of the address, the President responded to a town hall participant’s question on this issue.

Despite Israel being the United States strongest ally and the political predicaments prevalent more in Israel than Palestine, Israel’s settlement expansion along with brutal occupation and humiliation through check posts in Palestine must be condemned unequivocally to reflect fairness and United States commitment to an independent two state solution in the region.

To summarize the first State of the Union address by President Barack Obama, the content was relevant with the economy being the primary focus and the well-articulated objectives strengthened the urgency to act on the issues confronting the nation.

The presentation was immaculate for it had the measured composure and at the same time the passionate delivery revealed empathy, resilience and resolve to energize the party members and the democratic base especially after being let down in the preceding political upheavals.

Now, the responsibilities lie with the Congress members of both political parties to lay their ideological differences aside and coalesce to pass the legislations designed to alleviate the average Americans’ suffering, for which the representatives were elected.

The people on their part, i.e. the students, working families, senior citizens, businesses and alike have a unique opportunity to renew democracy by calling the local representatives in the House and the Senate to pass the pending legislations on financial reform, health care and climate bill.

Democracy is efficient with the main street activism to promote the desired ‘Change,’ in Washington and Wall Street.

When we could succeed in 2008, we will do so in 2010, if you make it possible.

Please extend your support to our President Barack Obama and those Congress members who are devoted to your interest and not the special interests.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Global Terrorism – 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden Revelations

December 4, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

It is evident from recent terror attacks around the world, that democracies or other form of governments are incapacitated in dealing with security issues on national and international level.

The perennial War on Terrorism has invigorated worldwide fundamentalism aside draining the economies.

It is important for the global community to come forward and demand a legitimate explanation for their government’s impotence in establishing peace as opposed to war against human race.

Time has arrived for checks and balances in the operation of curbing terrorism that has not only frozen any advancement towards socio-economic progress in Africa, Americas, Middle East, South and Central Asia but also paralyzed the optimism for nations to come together in resolving political and economic issues as the global priority.

Given the technological power and resources available to the advanced nations,

Why violence and terror continue to dominate the world?

Why civil wars in Africa are the norm and the people of that continent deprived of normal existence?

Why is the military coup often successful in Africa, South and Central America as well as countries like Haiti in the Western hemisphere?

Why is the peace process between Israel and Palestine an eternal dismal failure?

Why does Middle East reject democratic rule over theocratic, autocratic and dynasty rule?

Last but not the least, Pakistan, presently governed by the civilian rule essentially the continuation of a political dynasty of the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto deserves spotlight as the country of origin of terror.

Pakistan is the haven for the terrorist organization Al-Qaida and their well oiled various networks Laskhar-e-Taiba, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, the Deccan Mujahideen, Jaish-e-Mohammad, including,

Notorious personalities like the nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, aka Father of the nuclear program, confessed to sharing nuclear technology with Iran, Libya, and North Korea as well as the Mumbai Underworld Don / Mobster, Dawood Ibrahim.

Why statesmanship prevalent among the eligible, educated and moderate electorate denied of power in the democratic process in Pakistan?

Why the people of Pakistan never granted an opportunity for active and real democracy?

Most relevantly, who controls the controversial, corrupt Pakistani Military and Intelligence services ISI, claimed to be responsible for many terrorist activities including the recent Mumbai terror attacks?

The reasons for all of the above issues lead in one direction.

Wealth controlled and amassed by few operating as a conglomerate in the global scene propagate wars as the defense industry flourishes with the ever proliferating arms race including devastating nuclear weapons.

So, the concerted effort from these organizations ensures global unrest, turmoil, chaos and exclusively the recent energy, financial, economic and environmental crises.

The earlier centuries have been the era of colonialism or imperialism in different parts of the world creating hierarchy like industrialized nations and “third world” countries after having plundered those parts of the world for economic advantage.

In the twenty first century, imperialism is in the form of undermining —

Peace process,

Bilateral or multilateral relationships among poor and developing nations,

Invasion and occupation of sovereign nations under the guise of promoting democracy,

Fomenting oppositions against democratic rule not in cohesion with imperialistic agenda particularly in the impoverished regions of the world and more… Relevant point in case – Honduran Military coup orchestrated from Washington D.C. with complete knowledge of the Secretary of State of the U.S. State Department and then the fraudulent Afghan Elections.

It is noteworthy that despite transformation in world dominance between earlier and contemporary times, the strategy of divide and rule remains effective in eliminating peace and diplomacy during conflict.

Citizens of the free world must examine these facts and reflect upon the tragedies whether it is 9/11, Mumbai attacks, Terrorism around the world, Iraq war, the genocides in Darfur, Congo, Rwanda, the ethnic cleansing in Sri Lanka, the plight of Palestinian population, the oppression of Tibetans, persecution of the Burmese, Iranian revolution and other atrocities around the world.

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

Sure is, with the global cooperation of moderate thinkers determined to seek truth and justice for humanity can conquer the elements orchestrating catastrophe as the key cabinet members and the heads of the government.

People possess the power as consumers and voters in a free market and democratic systems.

History is testimony to revolutionary changes initiated and driven by ordinary citizens.

The election of an African American candidate Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States aptly confirms that ordinary people can do extraordinary things and overcome any challenges together.

Meanwhile, please check out the following information from The Center for Research on Globalization (CRG) – Bold, uninhibited and true representation of free press reports for further understanding of the role of government and the agencies responsible for the maintenance of national and international security.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Source: – Thank you.

New Revelations on 9/11
According to Pakistani journalist, Amir Mateen (in a prophetic article published on September 10):

"ISI Chief Lt-Gen. Mahmoud’s week-long presence in Washington has triggered speculation about the agenda of his mysterious meetings at the Pentagon and National Security Council.

Officially, he is on a routine visit in return to CIA Director George Tenet’s earlier visit to Islamabad.

Official sources confirm that he met Tenet this week.

He also held long parleys with unspecified officials at the White House and the Pentagon.

But the most important meeting was with Marc Grossman, U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

One can safely guess that the discussions must have centred around Afghanistan . . . and Osama bin Laden.

What added interest to his visit is the history of such visits.

Last time Ziauddin Butt, Mahmoud’s predecessor, was here, during Nawaz Sharif’s government, the domestic politics turned topsy-turvy within days."

Nawaz Sharif was overthrown by General Pervez Musharaf.

General Mahmoud Ahmad, who became the head of the ISI, played a key role in the military coup.

Was it an ‘intelligence failure’ to give red carpet treatment to the ‘money man’ behind the 9-11 terrorists, or was it simply ‘routine’?

On the morning of September 11, Pakistan’s Chief Spy General Mahmud Ahmad, the alleged "money-man" behind the 9-11 hijackers, was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.


by Alexandra Richard

Translated courtesy of Tiphaine Dickson

Le Figaro, 11 October 2001
Posted at 2 November 2001
Dubai, one of the seven emirates of the Federation of the United Arab Emirates, North-East of Abi-Dhabi.

This city, population 350,000, was the backdrop of a secret meeting between Osama bin Laden and the local CIA agent in July.

A partner of the administration of the American Hospital in Dubai claims that public enemy number one stayed at this hospital between the 4th and 14th of July.

Having taken off from the Quetta airport in Pakistan, bin Laden was transferred to the hospital upon his arrival at Dubai airport.

He was accompanied by his personal physician and faithful lieutenant, who could be Ayma-al-Zawahari–but on this sources are not entirely certain–, four bodyguards, as well as a male Algerian nurse, and admitted to the American Hospital, a glass and marble building situated between the Al-Garhoud and Al-Maktoum bridges.

Each floor of the hospital has two "VIP" suites and fifteen rooms.

The Saudi billionnaire was admitted to the well-respected urology department run by Teerry Callaway, gallstone and infertility specialist.

Dr Callaway declined to respond to our questions despite several phone calls.

As early as March, 2000, ‘Asia Week,’ published in Hong Kong, expressed concern for bin Laden’s health, describing a serious medical problem that could put his life in danger because of "a kidney infection that is propagating itself to the liver and requires specialized treatment".

According to authorized sources, bin Laden had mobile dialysis equipment shipped to his hideout in Kandahar in the first part of 2000.

According to our sources, bin Laden’s "travels for health reasons" have taken place before.

Between 1996 and 1998, bin Laden made several trips to Dubai on business.

On September 27th, 15 days after the World Trade Center attacks, at the request of the United States,

The Central Bank of the Arab Emirates announced an order to freeze assts and investments of 26 people or organisations suspected of mainting contact with bin Laden’s organization, and in particular at the Dubai Islamic Bank.

"Relations between the Emirate and Saudi Arabia have always been very close," according to sources, "princes of reigning families, having recognized the Taliban regime, often travelled to Afghanistan.

One of the princes of a ruling family regularily went hunting on the land of bin Laden, whom he had known and visited for many years."

There are daily flights between Dubai and Quetta by both Pakistan and Emirates Airlines.

As to private planes from Saudi Arabia or from the Emirates, they regulariy fly to Quetta, where their arrival is rarely registered in airport logs.

While he was hospitalised, bin Laden received visits from many members of his family as well as prominent Saudis and Emiratis.

During the hospital stay, the local CIA agent, known to many in Dubai, was seen taking the main elevator of the hospital to go to bin Laden’s hospital room.

A few days later, the CIA man bragged to a few friends about having visited bin Laden.

Authorised sources say that on July 15th, the day after bin Laden returned to Quetta, the CIA agent was called back to headquarters.

In late July, Emirates customs agents arrested Franco-Algerian activist Djamel Beghal at the Dubai airport.

In early August, French and American authorities were advised of the arrest.

Interrogated by local authorities in Abu Dhabi, Beghal stated that he was called to Afghanistan in late 2000 by Abou Zoubeida, a military leader of bin Laden’s organization, Al Qaeda.

Beghal’s mission: bomb the US embassy on Gabriel avenue, near the Place de la Concorde, upon his return to France.

According to Arab diplomatic sources as well as French intelligence, very specific information was transmitted to the CIA with respect to terrorist attacks against American interests around the world, including on US soil.

A DST report dated 7 September enumerates all the intelligence, and specifies that the order to attack was to come from Afghanistan.

In August, at the US Embassy in Paris, an emergency meeting was called between the DGSE (French foreign intelligence service) and senior US intelligence officials.

The Americans were extremely worried, and requested very specific information from the French about Algerian activists, without advising their counterparts about the reasons for their requests.

To the question "what do you fear in the coming days?", the Americans kept a difficult-to-fathom silence.

Contacts between the CIA and bin Laden began in 1979 when, as a representative of his family’s business, bin Laden began recruiting volunteers for the Afghan resistance against the Red Army.

FBI investigators examining the embassy bombing sites in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam discovered that evidence led to military explosives from the US Army, and that these explosives had been delivered three years earlier to Afghan Arabs, the infamous international volunteer brigades involved side by side with bin Laden during the Afghan war against the Red Army.

In the pursuit of its investigations, the FBI discovered "financing agreements" that the CIA had been developing with its "arab friends" for years. The Dubai meeting is then within the logic of "a certain American policy". – For more chilling realities on the role of governments entrusted with Power in democracy.
The foreknowledge issue is a Red Herring:

"A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue."

In standard CIA jargon, Al Qaeda is categorized as an "intelligence asset".

The CIA keeps track of its "intelligence assets". Al Qaeda is infiltrated by the CIA.

Amply documented, Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts were always known.

In other words, there were no "intelligence failures"!

In the nature of a well-led intelligence operation, the "intelligence asset" operates (wittingly or unwittingly) with some degree of autonomy, in relation to its U.S. government sponsors, but ultimately it acts consistently, in the interests of Uncle Sam.

Political Deception: The Missing Link behind 9-11 by Michel Chossudovsky

In this timely study, Michel Chossudovsky blows away the smokescreen, put up by the mainstream media, that 9-11 was an "intelligence failure".

Through meticulous research, the author uncovers a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the coverup and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.

Chossudovsky peels back the layers of rhetoric to reveal a huge hoax — a complex web of deceit aimed at tricking the American people and the rest of the world into accepting a military solution which threatens the future of humanity.

ON May 16th The New York Post dropped what appeared to be a bombshell: "Bush Knew . . .

" Hoping to score politically, the Democrats jumped on the bandwagon, pressuring the White House to come clean on two "top-secret documents" made available to President Bush prior to September 11, concerning "advance knowledge" of Al Qaeda attacks.

Meanwhile, the U.S. media had already coined a new set of buzzwords:

"Yes, there were warnings" and "clues" of possible terrorist attacks, but "there was no way President Bush could have known" what was going to happen.

The Democrats agreed to "keep the cat inside the bag" by saying:

"Osama is at war with the U.S." and the FBI and the CIA knew something was cooking but failed to connect the dots.

" In the words of House Minority Leader, Richard Gephardt:

"This is not blame-placing. . . . We support the President on the war against terrorism — have and will.

But we’ve got to do better in preventing terrorist attacks." 1


Fear and Disinformation Campaign

The Bush Administration — through the personal initiative of Vice President Dick Cheney — chose not only to foreclose the possibility of a public inquiry, but also to trigger a fear and disinformation campaign:

"I think that the prospects of a future attack on the U.S. are almost a certainty. . . .

It could happen tomorrow, it could happen next week, it could happen next year, but they will keep trying. And we have to be prepared."

What Cheney is really telling us is that our "intelligence asset", which we created, is going to strike again.

Now, if this "CIA creature" were planning new terrorist attacks, you would expect that the CIA would be first to know about it.

In all likelihood, the CIA also controls the so-called ‘warnings’ emanating from CIA sources on "future terrorist attacks" on American soil.


Carefully Planned Intelligence Operation

The 9-11 terrorists did not act on their own volition. The suicide hijackers were instruments in a carefully planned intelligence operation.

The evidence confirms that Al Qaeda is supported by Pakistan’s military intelligence, the Inter-services Intelligence (ISI). Amply documented, the ISI owes its existence to the CIA:

"With CIA backing and the funnelling of massive amounts of U.S. military aid, the ISI developed [since the early 1980s] into a parallel structure wielding enormous power over all aspects of government….

The ISI had a staff composed of military and intelligence officers, bureaucrats, undercover agents and informers estimated at 150,000."

The ISI actively collaborates with the CIA. It continues to perform the role of a ‘go-between’ in numerous intelligence operations on behalf of the CIA.

The ISI directly supports and finances a number of terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda.


The Missing Link

The FBI confirmed in late September, in an interview with ABC News (which went virtually unnoticed) that the 9-11 ring leader, Mohammed Atta, had been financed from unnamed sources in Pakistan:

"As to September 11th, federal authorities have told ABC News they have now tracked more than $100,000 from banks in Pakistan, to two banks in Florida, to accounts held by suspected hijack ring leader, Mohammed Atta. As well . . .

"Time Magazine" is reporting that some of that money came in the days just before the attack and can be traced directly to people connected to Osama bin Laden.

It’s all part of what has been a successful FBI effort so far to close in on the hijacker’s high commander, the money men, the planners and the mastermind."9

The FBI had information on the money trail. They knew exactly who was financing the terrorists.

Less than two weeks later, the findings of the FBI were confirmed by Agence France Presse (AFP) and the Times of India, quoting an official Indian intelligence report (which had been dispatched to Washington).

According to these two reports,

The money used to finance the 9-11 attacks had allegedly been "wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan, by Ahmad Umar Sheikh, at the instance of [ISI Chief] General Mahmoud [Ahmad]."

According to the AFP (quoting the intelligence source):

"The evidence we have supplied to the U.S. is of a much wider range and depth than just one piece of paper linking a rogue general to some misplaced act of terrorism."


Pakistan’s Chief Spy Visits Washington

Now, it just so happens that General Mahmoud Ahmad, the alleged "money man" behind 9-11, was in the U.S. when the attacks occurred.

He arrived on the 4th of September, one week before 9-11, on what was described as a routine visit of consultations with his U.S. counterparts.


Schedule of Pakistan’s Chief of Military Intelligence Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, Washington, 4-13 September 2001

Summer 2001: ISI Chief Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad transfers $100,000 to 9-11 Ringleader Mohamed Atta.

4 September: Ahmad arrives in the US on an official visit.

4-9 September: He meets his US counterparts including CIA Head George Tenet.

9 September: Assassination of General Massood, leader of the Northern Alliance. Official statement by Northern Alliance points to involvement of the ISI-Osama-Taliban axis.

11 September: Terrorist Attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon.

At the time of the attacks, Lt General Ahmad was at a breakfast meeting at the Capitol with the chairmen of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees Sen Bob Graham and Rep Porter Goss.

Also present at the meeting were Sen. John Kyl and the Pakistani ambassador to the U.S., Maleeha Lodhi.

12-13 September: Meetings between Lt. General Ahmad and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage.

Agreement on Pakistan’s collaboration negotiated between Ahmad and Armitage. Meeting between General Ahmad and Secretary of State Colin Powell

13 September: Ahmad meets Senator Joseph Biden, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

On the morning of Sept. 11, Goss and Graham were having breakfast with a Pakistani general named Mahmud Ahmed – the soon-to-be-sacked head of Pakistan’s intelligence service.

Ahmed ran a spy agency notoriously close to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.

While the Washington Post acknowledges the links between ISI Chief Mahmoud Ahmad and Osama bin Laden, it fails to dwell on the more important question:

What was Mahmoud doing on Capitol Hill on the morning of September 11, together with Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham and other members of the Senate and House intelligence committees?

Neither does it acknowledge the fact, amply documented by media reports that "the money-man" behind the hijackers had been entrusted by the Pakistani government to discuss the precise terms of Pakistan’s "collaboration" in the "war on terrorism" in meetings held at the State department on the 12th and 13th of September.

When the "Foreknowledge" issue hit the street on May 16th, "Chairman Porter Goss said an existing congressional inquiry has so far found ‘no smoking gun’ that would warrant another inquiry."

This statement points to an obvious "cover-up".


The Investigation and Public Hearings on "Intelligence Failures"

In a bitter irony, Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham, –the men who hosted the mysterious September 11 breakfast meeting with the alleged "hijacker’s high commander" (to use the FBI’s expression), had been put in charge of the investigation and public hearings on so-called "intelligence failures".

Meanwhile, Vice President Dick Cheney had expressed anger on a so-called "leak" emanating from the intelligence committees regarding

"the disclosure of National Security Agency intercepts of messages in Arabic on the eve of the attacks.

The messages (…) were in two separate conversations on Sept. 10 and contained the phrases

‘Tomorrow is zero hour’ and ‘The match is about to begin.’ The messages were not translated until Sept. 12"

Red Carpet Treatment to the Alleged "Money Man" behind 9-11.

The Bush Administration had not only provided red carpet treatment to the alleged "money man" behind the 9-11 attacks, it also had sought his ‘cooperation’ in the "war on terrorism".

The precise terms of this ‘cooperation’ were agreed upon between General Mahmoud Ahmad, representing the Pakistani government and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, in meetings at the State Department on September 12 and 13.

In other words, the Administration decided in the immediate wake of 9-11, to seek the ‘cooperation’ of Pakistan’s ISI in "going after Osama", despite the fact (documented by the FBI) that the ISI was financing and abetting the 9-11 terrorists.

Contradictory? One might say that it’s like "asking the Devil to go after Dracula."


An article in the French daily Le Figaro confirms that Osama bin Laden underwent surgery in an American Hospital in Dubai in July.

During his stay in the hospital, he met with a CIA official.

While on the World’s "most wanted list", no attempt was made to arrest him during his two week stay in the hospital, shedding doubt on the Administration’s resolve to track down Osama bin Laden.

Barely a few days ago Defense Secretary Rumsfeld stated that it would be difficult to find him and extradite him.

Its like "searching for a needle in a stack of hay".

But the US could have ordered his arrest and extradition in Dubai last July.

But then they would not have had a pretext of waging a war.

Meanwhile, innocent civilians are being killed by B-52 Bombers as means "to go after" Osama bin Laden.

According to UN sources, the so-called "campaign against international terrorism" could lead to the death of several million people from an impending famine.

The original article in French is also posted on the CRG webpage.

Michel Chossudovsky, CRG. 2 November 2001

——————————————————————- – For more chilling realities on the role of governments entrusted with Power in democracy.

U.S. Foreign Policy in the 20th and 21st Century

July 6, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The United States foreign policy in the twentieth and twenty first century viewed by allies and adversaries differently depending upon the U.S. engagement viz. modus operandi in the conflicts of the affected regions.

Throughout the twentieth century, the United States direct and indirect dominant role brought peace and chaos to the world order, ominously the Cuban crisis and the infamous Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos war combined with constant interventions in the Korean Peninsula, the Americas, the Middle East, Africa as well as South and South East Asia.

With the exception of sparing the world from Nazi and fascist rule in Europe and elsewhere – a significant contribution to the birth of democracies in Japan and Western Europe,

Ironically, the subsequent U.S. foreign policy mostly enabled the rise of brutal regimes and totalitarianism particularly in the under developed, poor and impoverished parts of the world.

The colonial British dethroned by the Imperial U.S. foreign policy primarily responsible for the status quo in the Middle East, while other European and Mediterranean colonialists – France, Netherlands, Spain, Greece and Portugal leaving their trademark in Africa, Asia and the Americas.

World witnessed the emergence of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Theocracy in Iran following the overthrow of U.S. backed monarchy Shah of Iran including the predecessors and the successors in the entire Middle East aided by the contrived U.S. foreign policy driven by selective internal and external political interests focused on personal agenda.

Much to the operators’ surprise, their misguided policies led to the formation of terror organization such as Al Qaeda and the coronation of its leader Osama Bin Laden, a former Mujahedeen trained by CIA and the U.S. professional armed forces during the confrontation with the Afghanistan invaders, the former Soviet Union.

Given the track record of military aggression and perpetual violence by the profiteers representing the military industrial complex successfully causing carnage and destruction around the world up until now,

The cold war era might have curbed huge conventional and nuclear clashes between the two Superpowers in the 60’s and the 70’s but certainly facilitated the lucrative arms race specifically the nuclear arsenal between the rich and poor nations.

Late twentieth century comprising the Soviet Union disintegration along with nuclear fragmentation in that politically unstable vast region left the field open for U.S. foreign policy dominance in the world.

The United States foreign policy architects wasted no time in the invasions and occupations on the national security pretext and supporting their ‘ally’ Israel in the highly volatile Middle East or promoting ill-conceived democracies in the Western hemisphere through military coups.

The United States reputation until the 2008 Presidential election, as the leader of the free world and the Superpower tarnished because of the failed U.S. foreign policies for most part of the twentieth century and well into the twenty first century. Again, U.S blunders complemented with Iraqi invasion contributed to the neglect of the U.S. mission in Afghanistan to eliminate the strengthening Al Qaeda and Taliban forces from the northwestern Pakistani turf.

Further in the Middle East, as a defense surrogate the United States’ sworn allegiance to Israel against potential threats and attacks from Iran, Syria, Lebanon through Hezbollah, and Palestinian Gaza through Hamas is another factor for skepticism towards the ‘Western partner, USA’ among the Arab nations controlling the ‘oil’, the world’s most required natural resource.

Although, the strange predicament of U.S. surrogacy towards Israel and platonic relationship with the Arab world defended by declaring energy independence to undermine Arab stance in this matter, the reality of it is at least a decade away if not longer considering the Washington stalemate in the energy bill pending Senate approval.

The existing Israeli illegal invasion and occupation of Palestinian territories through settlements expansion must end to resolve the relic Israeli-Palestinian issue.

Meanwhile, in the Iranian political crisis and nuclear program, the recent rhetoric from the key White House representatives is not helpful as it creates unnecessary obstacles on the path towards democracy and stability in the Middle East such as Iraq and inevitably Iran.

Aside from pursuing the independent Palestinian state free of Israeli control in any form or shape and ensuring Israel’s safety and security as a sovereign state, it is paramount for Iran to free itself from the repressive theocratic regime for long lasting peace in the Middle East.

Fortunately, the current developments by the Iranian dissent galvanizing pro-reformist movements and the moderate clerics’ defiance to validate the rigged June 12 election results are optimistic and encouraging in terms of the possible democratic Iran evolving amidst reprehensible pro-democracy crackdown and human rights violation.

Any assertion by the United States proclaiming Israel’s sovereignty as a precursor for military strikes against Iranian hypothetical nuclear proliferation could be immensely detrimental to the United States, Israel, Iraq, and the remaining international security.

Why United States must refrain from controversial political posturing in an effort to defend Israel against alleged Iranian nuclear threat?


Why Israel should abandon any military option against Iran?

1. Firstly, Iran embroiled in the political crisis following the courageous decision by the pro-democratic Iranian population to seek twenty first century governance that guarantees fundamental human rights and economic relief with jobs, distribution of oil revenues through investment in common national growth and development.

2. Iranian theocracy fractured from the political turmoil delineating the moderate clerics from the hardliners with respect to unlawful killings, arrests and clamp down in the wake of forming the theocratic rule with their nominee Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, an unpopular choice even among the
Ayatollahs representing the theocracy.

3. During the political transitioning in Iran any such statements by the United States – “Israel has a sovereign right to strike Iran’s apparent nuclear site and that the United States will not interfere in Israeli mission with the reaffirmation from the State Department that strike against Israel will be an attack against the United States” sever than serve the purpose.

ABC’S SUNDAY TALK ON JUNE 5, 2009: “This Week” Host George Stephanopoulos

Three times, I asked Biden if the Obama Administration would stand in the way of an Israeli military strike. Three times, he repeated that Israel was free to do what it needed to do. “If the Netanyahu government decides to take a course of action different than the one being pursued now, that is their sovereign right to do that. That is not our choice.”

A subsequent interview with the Secretary of State – Hillary Clinton.

“CLINTON: I would make it clear to the Iranians that an attack on Israel would incur massive retaliation from the United States.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Is it U.S. policy now?

CLINTON: I think it is U.S. policy to the extent that we have alliances and understandings with a number of nations. They may not be formal, as it is with NATO, but I don’t think there is any doubt in anyone’s mind that, were Israel to suffer a nuclear attack by Iran, there would be retaliation.

STEPHANOPOULOS: By the United States?

CLINTON: Well, I think there would be retaliation. And I think part of what is clear is, we want to avoid a — a Middle East arms race which leads to nuclear weapons being in the possession of other countries in the Middle East, and we want to make clear that there are consequences and costs.”
Analysis – By Padmini Arhant

President Obama’s candidacy pledged towards relentless diplomacy and peaceful negotiations in all foreign policy matters including the Middle East, assuring a dramatic shift from the Bush administration’s formula involving military action to resolve any political crisis.

The commitment reversal in the Iranian matter would deeply hurt the administration’s credibility in the Middle East as well as among the nations, the President is attempting to outreach for better international relations i.e. Russia and its allies.

United States and Israeli positions could also be misconstrued as provocative and derail the ‘behind the scenes’ progress developing in Iran. Besides fomenting fear and concern among the Iranian population already mortified from the latest violence, it could escalate tension in the neighboring Iraq adjusting to the gradual U.S. troops withdrawal from its cities with the hope of seeing complete timeline withdrawal by 2011.

United States will be officially presenting itself complicit in the catastrophic event with similar overtures not barring double standards in anything related to Israel.

Above all, the economic impact is even greater with respect to crude oil stocks superficially skyrocketing based on the speculative ramifications of Israeli strike against Iran (an OPEC member and one of the leading oil producers) on United States watch.

Moreover, Israel’s unilateral action against Iran would isolate Israel and exacerbate Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s status as a hardliner even though the Prime Minister now appearing to reconcile terms with the two states solutions vital for the Israeli-Palestinian future and,

Notwithstanding the proposed Israeli military action jeopardizing the Arab states’ recognition of Israel as a sovereign state and a viable peace partner in the Middle East.

As for the rest of the world, the terror attacks will substantially increase by default, embolden the weakened Al Qaeda in Iraq and Pakistan with vigorous recruitments through mere propaganda that U.S, and ally Israel preparing yet another military action against an Islamic nation Iran after the prolonged occupation in Iraq.

In light of the projected precarious scenarios, United States being the world leader has a moral responsibility to prioritize diplomacy and non-violence over military attacks either directly or by proxy.

It’s time for the United States to make a conscientious departure from the disastrous old ways proven counterproductive and write a new chapter in history by remaining a trustworthy partner and a reliable negotiator for all nations in the establishment of global peace.

Opportunities are rare and power guided by wisdom produce positive outcome.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iranian Uprising – 21st Century

June 20, 2009

Apocalyptic New Era

By Padmini Arhant

The Presidential election results were out in the Islamic Republic of Iran and predictably, the theocratic rule through flawed electoral process declared the incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the winner, with a landslide victory against the reformist leader Mir Hossein Mousavi of the Islamic Iran Participation Front, recognized as the largest reformist party.

Iranian youth, women and everyone oppressed by the existing regime mourning seeing no hope in the horizon for Iran aligning to the twenty first century nation governance. The re-nomination of the President Ahmadinejad by the un-elected and self-proclaimed clerics under the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei indicates the iron-fist authoritarianism executed as the guardian of the sacred Islamic religion.

The theocratic power claiming to be the representative of peaceful and respectful Islam effectively shackled the Islamic vows – equality, freedom, justice and compassion shared among all, with sheer denial of the humanitarian rights granted by the holy Islam.

Ironically, the election is anything but democratic with the election results not conforming to the actual data in more than one account. According to reliable sources, the higher voter turnout was encouraging and huge enthusiasm among the majority confirmed the readiness for the change that’s long overdue in the Islamic Republic and the entire Middle East. Upon opposition’s refusal to concede to the false ceremonial victory by the current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the streets in Tehran and the holy city Qom reverberated with chants against the undemocratic verdict.

Any ballot recount in selective areas to satisfy the republic with an insatiable appetite for emancipation is equivalent to an illusionist’s performance in charming the tense audience. Tragically, the religious order’s deception of the Islamic faith dedicated to truth, equality and justice for all vilified in the endorsement of killings and violence against peaceful protesters by the paramilitary under the top hierarchy’s direct command, reminiscent of the Tiananmen Square event.

The recent incidents in Tehran and other parts of the nation is a reminder that permanence is not in the laws of nature and change is the natural course of action to prove it. Despite resistance to positive reform, a priority beginning with the free and fair elections, the theocracy in Iran struggling to maintain credibility as the religious force inculcating bias in the contradictory version of democracy dominated by religion over the independent state rule.

Whenever any puppet government controlled by the ultimate religious authority or dynasty challenged to demonstrate democratic values towards the nationals, defiance is inevitable. Therefore, the victims subject to hard line approach viz. muzzling the voice of democracy in the technology-oriented age. Evidently, the Iranian republic determined to free themselves from the prolonged tyrannical rule of law under the guise of Islam – conflicting to the egalitarian religious philosophy.

The current events in Iran is a test for the theocracy led by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the clerics’ respect for the holiness, Prophet Mohammed’s teachings to value humanitarian rights and disavow violence, deceit, disorder in any form or shape. Importantly, the involvement of religion in the state affairs and the Supreme Leader as the head of the state is a gross violation of Islam juxtaposed to Islamic law prohibiting spiritual leaders from aspiring political power, materialistic gains and supremacy.

Autocracy implemented through theocracy is sacrilegious in the highest order.

It is imperative for the Islamic Republic of Iran to honor the will of the people towards democracy with an absolute guarantee of equal rights for all citizens of different faith and ethnicity in the historic Persian land. The reference particularly applies to the persecution and systemic abuse of the Baha’i population along with disregard for the faith until date.

Since the election outcome debunked with reprehensible practices such as vote rigging and unscrupulous means by the state in producing unrealistic victory for their choice of representative effectively disposes the results null and void. Henceforth, the reformist candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi aptly qualifies in requesting the Iranian electorate to recall the nominee, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Guardian Council responsible for the protocol reportedly swayed to the theocratic preference has created a self-dispensable status in the so-called democratic election.

With the overwhelming international support and solidarity for the Iranian moderates in the ongoing political upheaval, the camouflaged autocratic leadership in Iran is on the verge of collapse serving testimony to the apocalyptic new era pledged to deliverance around the world.

The concurrent election results throughout the Middle East, with Iraq rejecting the Iranian supported political and terror faction, Lebanese sidelining the once popular and terror sponsor Hezbollah backed by the troubled Iranian theocracy, Palestine more eager to attain the dream of freedom empowering FATAH over HAMAS is a confirmation of the apocalypse.

Although, credit for changes in the Middle East attributed to the previous and present United States Presidency, the real agent behind the democratic transitioning is the long brewing unprecedented will of the population with technological know-how rising to the occasion comprising free speech and human rights.

Similar scenario witnessed in Egypt initiated by the anti-government centrists and pro-democratic aspirants including the Muslim Brotherhood – the Hosni Mubarak government’s traditional rival. In this instance the moderates in Egypt were disappointed with the omission of Egyptian government’s prolonged human rights violation in President Obama’s Cairo address, even though the objective for detour appears to rest on the potential Egyptian influence on the Arab world in the recognition of Israel and resolving the two-state solutions crisis.

Many outspoken pro-democracy groups operating within and outside of Egypt shared their anguish over a missed historic moment by the United States Presidency to curtail excessive oppression in the Pharaoh land.

Back to Iranian political uprising contributing tremor across the Middle East – it’s no coincidence and remains an affirmation to pervasive democratic movement brought upon not by Super Power aggression instead, through peaceful and powerful populace demand, yet another desirable path in accordance to the apocalypse.

The contemporary political unrest in Iran is likely to subdue the theocracy limiting and possibly eliminating the intervention of religion in the state rule to promote real democracy. As for the reformist leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s parallel political stance with the opponent President nominee Mahmoud Ahmedinijad regarding Iranian nuclear program and Israel…

The notion between the Israeli Knesset and the White House ambivalence to the controversial re-nomination of the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad implies – “It’s better to deal with the devil you know rather than the Saint you don’t.”

This posturing by Washington and Jerusalem is disturbing considering the pivotal role by both nations as part of the military industrial complex in the lucrative and prolific nuclear and arms weaponry exhibited by the United States in Iraq and currently in Afghanistan. Likewise, by Israel in the aggression against Palestinians in Gaza in December 2008 accompanied by repeated retaliatory threats to strike Iran’s nuclear site with or without the United States alliance warrants a great deal of concern.

Israel’s selection of President Nominee Ahmadinejad over reformist candidate Mousavi suggests Israel accepting Ahmadinejad’s provocative gesture as an opportunity for military action. Such political maneuvering by Israel could prove immensely detrimental to its own national security other than raising a credibility issue as a viable peace partner in the Middle East.

An oil enriched and Shiite dominant Iran’s strong emergence in the Arab world posed a huge challenge to other oil-abundant nation like Saudi Arabia and others fearing identical fate with the impending overthrow of the political dynasty contrasting political theocracy in Iran, while both kingdoms sharing abandonment of democracy in the legislative rule.

Meanwhile, the massive rally and protests on behalf of the reformist party candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi justified when,

The reformist leader commits Iran towards modern democracy in every aspect of governance,

A nuclear free zone as the concept of nuclear energy program to generate electricity does not fit in with Iran being the third richest nation in oil reserves,

Oil reserves in Iran

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Oil reserves in Iran, according to its government, rank third largest in the world at approximately 136 billion barrels (21.6×109 m3) as of 2007, although it ranks second if Canadian reserves of non-conventional oil are excluded. This is roughly 10% of the world’s total proven petroleum reserves.

Iran is the world’s fourth largest oil producer and is OPEC’s second-largest producer after Saudi Arabia. As of 2006 it was producing an estimated 3.8 million barrels per day (600×103 m3/d) of crude oil, equal to 5% of global production.[1] At 2006 rates of production, Iran’s oil reserves would last 98 years if no new oil was found.”

Further, recognize and embrace Israel as a sovereign state,

Last but not the least; relinquish terror sponsorship in Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon including conciliatory partnership via arms supply to belligerent North Korea.

Otherwise, Iran reflecting true reform in alienating from the ideological, theocratic principles and doctrine prevailing over the fundamental democratic values desperately required by the deserving Iranian population.

The imminent victory for peace against violence will testify the strength of populace power in the declining theocratic regime systematically misrepresenting the sacred and peaceful Islam.

The Iranian electorates’ perseverance towards democratic goals will be a trailblazer for other nations to follow suit in the Middle East.

Persian, … šāʾ Allāh (ar | ما شاء الله), which means, "God has willed it". …-

Insha’Allah (إن شاء الله) – Allah Willing.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


January 15, 2009

From: Jill Biden

To: Padmini Arhant

Sent: Friday, January 9, 2009 10:24:25 AM

Subject: Our partner for change

Padmini —

We’re just 11 days away from the start of an important journey that will move our country in a new direction.

But as we all prepare for that journey, we can’t forget our commitment to help Hillary Clinton retire her campaign debt.

I got to know Hillary on the campaign trail, and I saw firsthand what a vital role she played in Barack’s election. And as our soon-to-be Secretary of State, Senator Clinton is working hard now to help Barack implement policies that will help us meet the global challenges we face.

Will you help us honor our promise and support our friend Hillary Clinton by making a donation of $100 or more today?

During the general election, Hillary was a tireless advocate for Barack, traveling across the country and uniting people in our movement for change.

As a wife and a mother, I know the kind of sacrifice she made as a candidate, an advocate for Barack and Joe, and now as a member of the cabinet. She made those sacrifices because she believed in the change that we all worked so hard for.

Now, we need to help Hillary focus on the challenges that she will face as Secretary of State. You can show your support and make sure the hard-working individuals and small businesses who were a part of Hillary’s campaign effort are paid for their hard work.

Make a donation of $100 or more now to help one of our vital partners for change:

Thank you for everything,

From: Padmini Arhant
To: Jill Biden
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:10:13 AM
Subject: Re: Our partner for change
Dear Jill,

Thank you for your email.

Due to unfortunate circumstances and bad economic situation, it is difficult to make any commitment towards such cause.

Hope you understand the predicament.

Please accept my apologies for the delay in my response and inability to comply with your request.

Best Regards



Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

December 30, 2008

Cause and Effect:

The half a century old battle between two neighbors has evolved into an eternal volcano erupting periodically with sparks flying across the Middle East and in all Islamic nations around the world.

Israeli-Palestinian crisis also created a new war in the twentieth century and that is terrorism.

Unfortunately, it is now the epidemic around the world.

Amazingly, in the wake of unresolved intolerance between the two neighbors,

Peace and Diplomacy never had a chance instead,

Both sides relegated to techniques like suicide bombing, aerial bombardment through rockets and missiles with children and women as the so-called collateral damage in this senseless violence.

Negotiations between both parties rejected due to incessant obsession to deprive one another of peaceful existence.

Ironically, neither of them is a winner confirming the fact –

Nobody ever wins a war. Every one is a loser.

As stated earlier, there is cause and effect behind every event.

All this bloodshed is because of the Israeli controlled and illegal occupation of Palestinian territories for nearly five decades and the bitter truth of the matter is,

In the twenty first century, the people of Palestine are still suffering and struggling, as they do not have a place they could call home.

Israel might claim that it endured numerous suicide bombings and constantly threatened by the neighbors instigated by Iran.

Therefore, it reserves the right to defend itself by any means.

While this is true, Israel must ask itself, who is responsible for the unnecessary unmitigated violence that has emboldened terrorists, proliferated widespread fundamentalism and relevantly encouraged nations like Iran to seek nuclear weapons for wiping Israel of the map?

Undeniably, radicalism exists around the world particularly in the Middle East region.

Again, reiterating the fact nothing happens without a cause.


Fact Check:

The criticism against Israel as the coveted ally of the United States is an absolute truth predominantly from the active lobbying and representation of Israeli interests in Washington.

Every Presidential candidate treads over a fine line not to jeopardize the Jewish votes and actively vows to protect Israeli welfare by religiously attending the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference during the Presidential campaign.


AIPAC according to

Author – Br Nathanael Kapner

What’s Behind The AIPAC Curtain?

“CONTROL” IS WHAT THE AIPAC ZIONIST JEWS are all about. Is it then any surprise that the June 2-4 2008 AIPAC Policy Conference with 7,000 attendees including 300 from Congress was a media blackout ?

How could it be that with Condoleezza Rice, all 3 Presidential hopefuls, and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in attendance, the media coverage was nill? Well – since Jews stick together, (I grew up as a Jew), the Jewish owned mainstream media apparently agreed to “stonewall it.”

The business of wielding influence is what American Jewry is all about. And American Jewry prefers not to have this made public. This was brought home to the American Conservative Magazine journalist, Phillip Weiss. At his very first AIPAC Conference this year, Weiss was demanded by AIPAC officials while writing down his report to show his credentials.

Weiss, who made the observation regarding the Conference that AIPAC was serving their tribal interests , reported: “At the outset AIPAC performed a ‘roll call.’ The names of all the politicians in attendance were read off by three barkers in auctioneer fashion. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won the day before her peers by shedding tears when mentioning the Israeli soldiers captured by Hezbollah.”

Indeed – all with political ambitions to remain in power came to the Conference to be accounted for before the influence-wielding Jews of AIPAC.



In his article, AIPAC Vs America , Rense political analyst Ted Lang observes that AIPAC controls American foreign policy in the Middle East. Lang also says that attempts to terminate the slaughter of innocent Iraqi citizens and to stop the AIPAC-ordered invasion of Iran will invoke the smear of ‘Anti-Semitism.’

And with the mass murders of Iraqi civilians and women with their children in Palestine, Ted Lang asks the most important question of our day:

“Are the world’s greatest atrocities now attributable to Jews?” Here .

If this question is not answered soon, groups like AIPAC will make our entire political system one great Zionist atrocity!



First and Foremost, Palestinians are not responsible for the horrific holocaust in the twentieth century.

Illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel since 1967 is the root cause of all evil that followed the trail of violence up until now.

Despite being the holocaust victims, it is fathomless that Israeli oppression of Palestinian population is upheld as the national defense and security act.

Israel always is in the forefront to rescue Jewish citizens in crisis around the world whether it is Ethiopian Jews or the five Jewish victims in the recent Mumbai terror attacks.

In fact, Israel volunteered to send its own commandos to rescue the five Jewish captives held hostage at Nariman Center in Mumbai, India.

Why can’t Israel expand its obligation towards humanity rather than being selective in the safeguard and rescue of Jewish people alone?

Isn’t this planet inhabited by humans of other faith and denomination as well?

Shouldn’t their life matter?

Why is Israel not forthcoming with its possession of Nuclear arsenal and Washington including United States media and news organizations relentlessly defend Israel of every offensive act against Palestinian population?

If only Washington played an unbiased role in the mediation of peace process between Israel and Palestinian people, by demanding Israel to an unconditional withdrawal of troops and settlements from Gaza, West Bank and Golan Heights and,

Granting Independence to Palestinians by allowing them to call these territories provinces of Palestine, there can be an eternal peace in the entire region including the security of Israel and United States.

Further, the Palestinian population need not rely on radical elements like Hamas and it would negate the reasons available to threaten Israel by Hezbollah and their mastermind Iran.


Recent Assault:

The escalated violence in the past three days from December 27, 2008 through up until now resulting in major civilian casualties on the Palestinian side estimated over 360 victims with children being the majority is a callous demonstration of Israeli might against weak and fragile Palestinian population.

Israel’s sophisticated airstrikes and missile attacks (Thanks to United States supply of weaponry and multibillion dollars aid) on civilian targets in retaliation to Hamas’s outdated rockets is a crime against humanity worthy of condemnation.

There is no justification whatsoever in the mass murder of civilians carried out in the pretext of national security.

It is not to glorify Hamas’ terrorist action proclaimed as “jihad” towards Israeli population either.

An eye for an eye will make the world go blind.

In the quagmire, the civilians on both sides are the targets and the action by the political factions representing the people of Gaza and Israel is belligerent and must be halted instantaneously.



Israel must refrain from further attacks for the safety and security of its own existence now and in the future.

Hamas on the other hand must realize that their reign of terror against Palestinians through exploitation and abuse of Power by encouraging young, vulnerable citizens as suicide bombers against Israeli civilians is not the kind of representation the Palestinians deserve at present and beyond.

In light of the current carnage and destruction brought upon particularly the innocent civilians in Gaza and those hurt in Israel it is evident that fundamental transformation is required in the political process on both sides.


Face the Truth:

Time’s up for conservative politics in Israel and Washington lobbying responsible for the plight of Palestinians through unlawful settlements and occupation of their homeland.

It is incumbent on Israel effective immediately to start preparing for the unconditional withdrawal from territories backtracking to 1967 i.e. Gaza, West Bank and Golan Heights to enable Palestinians their entitlement to a homeland.

Hamas in turn will wind up all of its insidious activities and ploy at the behest of Iran against Israeli population or else deal with regrettable consequences.

Similar destiny will be shared by all those elements whether it is Hezbollah or any Islamic anarchists, theocracy like Iran involved in systematic destabilization of peace and progress in the Middle East region particularly Palestine, Israel and Iraq.


Message Alert:

Information is being delivered according to the earlier warning of an imminent Armageddon through divine intervention to end sufferings of all human beings on this planet and restore peace, progress and prosperity for all.

Solutions on confrontations between nuclear neighbors India and Pakistan, Oppression of Tibet by emerging economic power China, Persecution of Burmese population by the Burmese Junta and ultimatum to Military regimes in Africa and the Americas with a promise to liberate the people of all these regions is in order.

Failure to adhere to suggested strategies and proposals will lead to unrequested and unprecedented disaster.
Special Request:

The readers of the blog posts and visitors to the website are advised that any delay in response to national and international events are not to be treated as lack of interest or concern by the entity.

While being mindful of the adverse impact such as loss of lives from conflicts like war, every article is presented after meticulous research and fact check for authenticity of the information.

Therefore, your understanding and patience is appreciated at all times.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Middle East Conflict

September 26, 2008

Vadim said…

I feel the same way about Obama. You neglected to mention his shifting stance towards Israel (perhaps it’s not your issue). He used to meet with Edward Said and do activism in the Palestinian community here in Chicago. Now he says he’s been “pro-Israel” from the start.

FISA was the last straw for me. I’m going to vote third party unless he revokes his support for the bill:

I’m in Illinois so it likely won’t make a difference but I’m too disillusioned with Obama at this point to do otherwise.

August 14, 2008 1:44 PM

Hi Vadim,

Thank you for your comment.

“Palestinian” issue is a humanitarian issue.

I have raised my concerns recently in public regarding human rights violation and the challenges faced by “Palestinian” population for more than half a century now.

I see no difference between a Palestinian Mother and an Israeli Mother’s grief stricken images resulting from this ongoing conflict that could be resolved only if everyone involved could reach out to one another as human beings first and then anything next.

As a Mother, I can’t imagine the courage and emotional strength required for any mother to bury her own child or children before her time.

Giving birth to “life” is the most arduous and joyous journey for a mother. The aspiration to raise a child in a free and secure world and provide basic to affordable comforts is a common dream of any parents.

Only if the “sources” responsible for this conflict could realize that they have been gifted with “life” by a “mother” who is rewarded with a second chance to life during childbirth despite modern medicine and technology.

Every “life” is precious and should matter.

When I see a child in Palestine, Tibet, Burma or Darfur suffering and yearning for freedom, I see beyond their ethnicity. I see the human pain and agony. The hopelessness in their eyes that “darkness” will never be expelled from their “dreams” and yet forcing
a smile for the “international press” coverage on the carnage and destruction of their lives.

I have mentioned on numerous occasions in my blogs throughout the “Democratic Primary Election” on about the “Palestinian Plight” and the importance for international support and action to restore human rights and dignity for the “Palestinian People” and others mentioned above.

My website to be uploaded and active from August 19th, 2008 has a “Humanitarian” header dedicated to human rights issues concerning all human beings on earth.

I am also in the process of publishing my very first book titled “Words Matter”,
The Mind of a Blogger, subtitled “How Democracy is Hijacked during War and Election”?

I have sincere and genuine concern for people deprived of basic human rights and liberty to think and express as well as those struggling to establish a place they could call “Home” like in the case of “Palestinians.”

Once again, your thoughts are much appreciated.


Padmini Arhant

August 15, 2008 5:57 PM

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