Syria – Geneva Agreement in ending Syrian Conflict

June 30, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

International conference held today in Geneva, Switzerland reportedly reached an agreement in ending sixteen months old Syrian confrontation.

The meeting attended by UNSC permanent members and some representatives barring Syria and Iran against UN charter prescribing inclusiveness claim to have arrived at unanimity on key issues beginning with non-militarization of the conflict.

Besides providing directives for new political process with emphasis on implementing democratic reforms including minority rights in the society.

First and foremost, the work group participation to resolve Syrian crisis is praiseworthy for concerns unless shared among members although relevantly nations confronted with incursions and sanctions threat viz. Syria and Iran respectively,

The situation could deteriorate and in warfare taking toll on precious lives on all sides with irreversible damage.

Next, the Syrian government predicament deserves recognition given the turmoil exacerbated with external powers infiltration all around especially the funding and arming of terrorists and,

The latest development in troops mobilization along northern, western and southeastern borders by western powers allies Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and perhaps Jordan.

To deescalate widespread violence in Syria contributed by western powers and Arab allies sponsoring militias and mercenaries with sophisticated weapons supply,

The Geneva accord non-militarization and weaponization must take effect immediately with troops withdrawal and complete termination of arms dealing as well as alliances attributed to massacres in towns and villages across the state.

Not to mention the loss of Syrian armed forces in national defense.

Upon normalization of conditions in every part of the country – again incumbent on western powers and Arab allies disarmament commitment per Geneva decision,

Syria could systematically review and respond to national security requirements alongside proceeding with peaceful negotiations in the political front in addition to addressing citizens’ various requests and expectations across the spectrum.

Unlike Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, Syria internationally acknowledged as a secular state with guaranteed protection to minority and majority alike.

Nonetheless, Syrian population and authority could reconcile differences and grievances among genuine opposition not affiliated to any source jeopardizing national interest.

Syrian leaderships have demonstrated political change through constitutional referendum and elections amid fierce battle between international players and state with more to be delivered after restoring calm and stability.

The state assembly has also approved many measures mentioned in the Geneva document since constitutional amendment despite concerted foreign efforts to thwart achievements posing impediments to meaningful democratic system ironically justified by outside powers in destabilization crusade under the guise of democracy establishment.

Syria as a sovereign nation with people rights to self-determination is capable of moving the nation forward in the absence of intrusions detrimental to progress.

As for authorized representative allegedly to be appointed by President Bashar-Al-Assad on Syrian internal affairs mentioned during UN and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan press conference subsequent to Geneva session,

Courtesy – UN Envoy Kofi Annan press conference post script – Thank you.

Annan: International Work Group Reached Agreement to Help Resolve Crisis in Syria Through Political Process Led by Syrians

“Regarding the date of Annan’s visit to Damascus, Annan said that he hasn’t set a date but he will certainly go to Damascus, noting that he agreed with President al-Assad that when the time comes, he will go and ask him to appoint an authorized representative to continue the process and help matters go forward, adding that President al-Assad voiced readiness to do so.”

The notion implies western powers and allies demand for President Bashar-Al-Assad resignation through delegation of responsibility to a nominee – the position is contradictory to Geneva agreement categorically eliminating pre-conditions and imposition of any kind on the leadership or nation at large.

Moreover, such circumstances would only confirm anticipated mistrust and lack of integrity from members eluding legitimate skepticism on the deal.

Honoring decisive action through Geneva consensus on this date June 30, 2012 specifically pledging against destructive course in Syria would be beneficial to all preventing catastrophe affecting the origin that the target.

Regardless, Syrian ceasefire could no longer be evaded and reiterating abovementioned requirement for peace to prevail in the war torn nation – influence and investment from abroad in firepower and military engagement must stop unconditionally leading to fulfillment of all other requisites in accordance with Syrian independent status and republic satisfaction.

With appreciation to members and committee for organizing the important event in Geneva, Switzerland,

Wishing Syrian society ever lasting peace and tranquility.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Saudi and Turkish Incursion Preemptive Warfare

June 30, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

As the international conference in Geneva discuss Syria,

Turkish and Saudi troops mobilized along the north, west and south east Syrian borders preempting warfare while the western and Arab allies backed terrorists wreaking havoc across the state with brutal killings of innocent civilians leading the nation into combat zone.

The most repressive regime in the Middle East – Western powers trusted ally Saudi Arabia behind 9/11 attacks and recently involved in Arab Spring massacre in Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Libya is a kingdom without emperor subservient to western supremacy obeying orders from the United States and NATO.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia – the two Islamic nations along with Qatar in the front line murdering fellow Muslims – unarmed men, women and children under U.S and NATO subjugation is reprehensible.

International community witnessed U.S. led NATO bombings targeting civilians under humanitarian pretext in Libya.

However in Syria, United States and NATO delegated abhorrent tasks to Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Libya spreading violence nationwide to achieve far-fetched and ill-fated regime change agenda.

Western strategy using Gulf partners in crimes against humanity escalating aggression on Syrian borders including representation through militias and mercenaries primarily responsible for bloodshed sponsoring unprecedented terror in a sovereign state.

United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton might have appeared to maintain conciliatory stance on Syria during St. Petersburg meeting with Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov by not insisting on Syrian leadership ouster due to prior arrangement through Saudi and Turkey incursions along Syrian territory to pursue the goal.

Western powers military interventional pursuit over pretentious diplomacy conspicuous on Syria.

The western belligerence is counterproductive and as for Saudi Arabia and Turkey – the surrender to western will for attack against neighbor is self-immolation with end justifying the means in the irrational conflict.

Syrian peace and democracy could not be established despite the state authority compliance with every possible demand barring President Bashar Al-Assad stepping down from office unless western and Arab aggressive invasion desist with immediate withdrawal of military artillery from Syria within and around.

Such activity is a precursor for elaborate indulgence in the region.

The insanity would not only engulf Middle East but also embroil the world in a smoldering confrontation especially with the same players nonchalant nuclear threats demonstrating urgency for their removal from power.

When nations and institutions refuse to learn from the past and present experience and continue on destructive course guided by delusional aspirations,

They eventually succumb to tragic outcome with irreversible consequences epitomizing senselessness in the otherwise resolvable crisis.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia retreat from Syrian borders is paramount respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty besides allowing diplomatic resolutions to be effective in western infiltrated turmoil.

The citizens in the western and Arab nations are obligatory to condemn and terminate governments action carried out in their name contributing to humanity suffering with privileged few carte blanche status aimed at retaining self-empowerment and enslavement of the rest.

Syria is an independent nation with population possessing the right to self-determination.

Any external meddling for detrimental objectives in direct violation of international law would deliver nothing except defeat in semblance with Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon.

Saudi Arabia and Turkey participation is provocative considering respective human rights record and calls for international isolation with boycott of goods and services to deter them from exacerbating Syrian victims plight.

In anticipation for peaceful settlements in Syria,

Wishing the people and leaderships in Syria success in national defense, peace restoration and political progress.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – U.S. Arms Supply to Rebels Violates Ceasefire

May 17, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Ceasefire imposed on Syria led by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan is in jeopardy due to United States and Gulf allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar persistent sabotage with arms supply to rebels representing them and not the Syrian people.

United States could perhaps clarify the modus operandi with respect to Syria and entire Middle East considering the intentional maneuver of initial peaceful and non-violent Arab Spring invariably steered towards violence through mercenaries imported from economically deprived North Africa and Saudi-Qatari regimes organized militants to destabilize the region.

United States and United Kingdom along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar intervention in Middle East evidently counterproductive displaying contempt for life in general.

Besides, violating peace process in Syria having voted for implementation is yet another paradoxical syndrome bound to backfire expediting departure from power.

United States latest arms sales proliferation to Bahrain deplorable especially despite the government brutal crackdown against peaceful protesters condemned worldwide with the authority showing no mercy on the citizens and aid workers helping the wounded and dying victims in the pro-democracy movement.

Similarly in Egypt, United States proxy government SCAF (Supreme Council for Armed Forces) reining control over Egypt population with U.S. provided military might costing American taxpayers $1.3 billion while they are being denied affordable health care, education, housing and clean environment…confirms elected leaderships misplaced priority and allegiance to global conglomerate agenda.

The forthcoming Presidential election in Egypt with unanimous call from mainstream and political factions to prohibit Mubarak loyalists and members from that era apparently not heeded exacerbating prevalent frustration among Egypt voters knowing too well the election without fundamental transformation i.e.

Egypt military removal from governance and restricted to national defense conforming to traditional role,

The scheduled political event under U.S. guidance is farcical and motivated to prolong status quo.

Likewise in Yemen, the cosmetic power transfer within U.S. appointed administration although headed by U.S. ally ex-President Ali Abdullah Salah behind the scenes exemplifies foreign powers reluctance to renounce unpopular intrusions undermining national sovereignty in Middle East and elsewhere.

The trend in Middle East aimed at vested interests would be catastrophic for perpetrators obstructing peace and inevitable political reform comparable to current wave sweeping across Europe rejecting ruling elite carte blanche domestic and foreign policy.

Syrian upheaval favors external opportunists vehemently opposed to democracy and diplomacy prevailing over armed conflict.

The protagonists constant ammunition supply to terror networks to prevent uprising influence in their country apart from regime change fervor claimed thousands of lives posing impediments to political developments in the war torn nation.

Constitutional amendment limiting Presidency to two terms facilitating diverse participation for the highest office that would effectively reverse inheritance legacy including recently held parliamentary elections eclipsed by outside sources deliberate chaos and unrest disrupting positive evolution in Syria.

The impression that Syria is a strategic advantage to accomplish targeted goals not only misguided but also cataclysmic for those underestimating consequences upon leading the nation into civil war.

Unlike Libya, Syrian defense capability far better than predicted in western analyses.

On the contrary, western trajectory thus far precipitously deteriorated since Vietnam War with Iraq and Afghanistan invasions epitomizing colossal defeats for modern warfare.

United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and Qatar leaderships bear responsibility in expanding Syrian internal crisis across the borders like Lebanon adding sectarian aspect to burgeoning turmoil.

Unfortunately, the serious repercussions to hostility endangering peace and life are slighted much to self-detriment.

UN ceasefire mandate was to save lives and move Syria forward in democratic transition.

Instead United States and allies relentless pursuits causing death and destruction in Syria and throughout Middle East impetus ending puppet governance and shadow powers challenging international consensus on freedom, individual rights, political and economic progress for all.

While United States and United Kingdom face verdict through electoral ballots for neglecting national issues and electorates plight creating generational indebtedness with borrowed funds divested on crimes against humanity committed in citizens name tarnishing national image,

Saudi Arabia and Qatar dynasties’ days are numbered consistent with history, contemporary fate met by authoritarianism and natural law.

Hence refraining from instigation and unnecessary interference in neighboring states would alleviate burden of atrocity and accordingly the price on lifetime deeds during settlement.

Syrian government pledge to peace, democracy and paradigm shift in political, economic and social structure largely dependent on the ability to keep the nation together practicing non-violence and democratic means guaranteed to be fruitful in national endeavor.

The government steps in addressing political demands are significant and encouraging given the tension and national security threat experienced in the approach to stabilize the situation.

Concurrently, honoring UN ceasefire and remaining focused on the establishment of peace and political power restored to republic rule equally important to win national and global trust.

With Syrian peace and political success in thoughts and prayers,

Wishing Syrian budding democracy longevity, formidability and prosperity shared amongst all.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – UNSC Non-binding Statement on Peace Proposal

March 22, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The fifteen members United Nations Security Council unanimous vote on Syria is welcome in solidarity context but not substance wise.

UNSC non-binding statement proves the seriousness or the lack thereof against legally obligatory resolution adopting peace proposals to end bloodshed in the yearlong violence arguably lucrative to defense industry representing war aspiring nations.

According to the reports UNSC outlined UN and Arab league envoy former Secretary General Kofi Annan’s proposal.

–      A cease-fire first by the Syrian government.

–       Daily two-hour halt to fighting to evacuate the injured and provide humanitarian aid.

–      Inclusive Syrian-led political talks to address the legitimate concerns of the Syrian people.

Whenever peace brokerage targets one party against another, the proposal fails to achieve common goal.

In demanding the government to cease-fire first rather than unconditional multilateral disarmament,

The conspicuous bias poses impediment in honoring the deal especially by the side i.e. Syrian government expected to bear more if not entire responsibility in the armed conflict triggered by western powers and their NATO as well as Arab league allies Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar in particular.

Similarly, the second condition – daily two-hour halt in fighting nullifies ceasefire call generating a perception of indefinite confrontation desirable to peaceful resolution.

Third suggestion on inclusive political talks is viable provided sectarian factor is not induced from external powers specifically Saudi Arabia.

As for fierce fighting in Damascus suburbs and other parts of the country like Homs, Idlib, Hama and Daraa,

Notwithstanding twin suicide bombings in Damascus past weekend followed by a violent eruption in the relatively calm northern city Aleppo – the regime change agenda overwhelms the self-defense analogy to government crackdown.

In this regard, the Islamist group Al-Nusra quoted as a front for Al Qaeda reportedly claimed responsibility for the recent bombings in the capital and second largest city Aleppo.

The explosions were apparently aimed at air force intelligence building and criminal security department killing at least 27 people and several injured in the blast with warnings for repeat incidents in the near future.

Report details Al-Qaeda supporters as Sunni Muslim extremists behind earlier suicide attacks and vowed to continue in the offing.

Interestingly, the contentious issue being President Bashar Al-Assad including other political as well as military leaderships belonging to minority Alawite sect originated from Shiite Islam ruling the majority Sunnis not acceptable to those outside Syria viz. Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The hostility attributed to Sunni significance undermined in the society and declared the main opposition in the anti-government uprising.

Even though the demography within society might not contest the status considering the secular framework and harmony that prevailed in Syria up until the situation exploited for foreign powers preferred motives applying the usual divide and conquer methodology disregarding the consequences endured by none other than the population they pretend to protect from disenfranchisement.

Poignantly the protest that began in March 2011 was not exclusive or sectarian oriented given the initial nationwide demonstration was non-violent and peaceful focused on political rights and democratic system over dynasty rule emanating from Arab Spring rejecting authoritarianism prevalent throughout the region.

Not even sparing Lebanese democracy constantly threatened by external oppression from Israel and/or U.S., France and Saudi Arabia organized coup d’état in 2010.

Besides the flip side in Bahrain with Shiite majority ruled by Sunni minority – the peaceful rally was crushed with U.S. authorized ad hoc Saudi invasion demolishing Pearl Square monument to erase the stains from proxy government massacre.

Bahraini kingdom maintaining close ties with Saudi dynasty and British Royalty regarded key strategic partner by U.S. and western allies epitomize the height of hypocrisy in the discriminatory decisions on humanitarian issues.

Despite U.N. estimates on Syrian casualties exceeding 8,000,

UNSC action limited to non-binding statement is indicative of members’ preference to escalate violence leading to civil war.

Otherwise UNSC commitment could have passed a credible and enforceable resolution enacting ceasefire on all sides with comprehensive peace agreement promoting democratic transition.

Saudi Arabia proposition to increase oil output in the wake of military options against Syria and Iran to ease economic burden on global society confirms the dynasty’s determination to eliminate Shiite presence let alone dominance in the region,

As major oil producer Saudi Arabia attention is also directed at economic advantage from incessant warfare with substantial fuel consumption required in the military operation.

Saudi disposition diametrically opposite to Islamic values and principles not to mention the religious sacrilege reflected in deeds with grave repercussions for the caretaker of Islam’s holy city Mecca.

United States – the presumed world Super Power is prodded around by two over ambitious allies in the Middle East – Saudi Arabia and Israel vying for regional ascendancy.

Saudi Arabia and Israel viewed Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein – security threat and facilitated Iraq invasion through 9/11 attacks with hijackers profiles linked to Saudi Arabia of all the Islamic nations around the world.

Yet Afghanistan and not Saudi Arabia invaded and occupied till date.

The strategic vantage from Afghanistan in terms of proximity to oil and natural gas rich Central Asia along with permanent U.S and NATO base to monitor Russia and China is picture-perfect.

Saudi Arabia instigated U.S. intervention in Afghanistan against former Soviet Union and subsequently contributed to Soviet Union collapse with oil price and production manipulation depriving Soviet economic independence from oil resources in the territory.

Saudi Arabia preparation against Iran using same tactics with western powers imposed sanctions against the Islamic Republic is Pavlovian response.

Saudi Arabia intrusion in Bahrain, Yemen and now in Syria has resulted in immense loss of lives plus as purveyor of arms and ammunitions spread militancy preventing democracy in the region and disrupting democratic functionality in other Islamic nations.

Religious fanaticism funded by Saudi Arabia through controversial madrassas in Pakistan foments insurgency and lately pervasive in Central Asian Islamic countries emulating hard line governance to repress citizens in the state.

Saudi Arabia is also well known for iron fist rule with zero tolerance to peaceful and non-violent dissenters martyred for seeking democracy and constitutional reform in the domestic front.

Evidently Saudi Arabia monarchy with power distribution amongst family denying basic rights, prejudicial customs going back to medieval era is enslaved to feudalism thriving on profits from collective productivity allocated to selective class in the hierarchy leaving the rest in abject poverty and lifelong misery.

Israel and Saudi Arabia have many commonalities beginning with geographic location, religious sites, military aggression, subjugation of neighboring states, latest weapon stockpile holders and above all –

United States most favored partners in crimes and capitalist ventures.

Unfortunately, to the victims of two-dimensional Middle East supremaciststhe architects of catastrophe in Saudi Arabia and Israel are dual hood serpentine endangering peace, sovereignty and life.

Meanwhile United States sophisticated technology and military might dispensed to serve Israel and Saudi Arabia’s interests at average Americans expense footing the bill on ideology driven extravagant warfare.

Finally, Syrian crisis is a litmus test for UNSC in defining the actual purpose and the burden of proof is upon the core members with political clout.

With Syrian peace prospects in prayers, Wishing success for smooth political and humanitarian relief to citizens in Syria.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


















Middle East – Democracy and Peace

February 17, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Middle East endowed with oil reserves is traditionally a magnum prize for energy dependent industrialized western economy.

The political instability continued through millennium is conducive for defense industry supplying arms to authoritarian regimes and opposition groups rising against the government.

Syria – The current violence specifically in Homs, Hama and earlier in Damascus spreading across the country having claimed many lives on all sides i.e. civilians, government security personnel and opposition is a matter of grave concern.

The peaceful protest transformation into armed conflict is no surprise considering Libyan precedence with foreign intervention and alleged Al Qaeda induction to the kafuffle.

UNSC resolution on No Fly zone in Libya misused by U.S. and NATO predominantly responsible for widespread destruction and casualties is unfolding in Syria without UNSC authorization.

The ammunition influx to rebels is creating disorder and confusion in delineating perpetrators from peaceful demonstrators and government forces in the crossfire.

It is a deliberate act on behalf of those determined to lead the state into civil war.

Furthermore, the genuine opposition i.e. Syrian society’s secular social democratic group willingness to commence peace talks with government is deterred due to persistent violence on the ground.

Arab league proposal for joint UN peace keeping force to monitor situation in Syria while Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE…in particular contributing to mayhem promoting individual as well as western powers agenda adds to the complexity.

The three major protagonists in Syrian political turmoil Western powers, Arab league and Syrian government immediate ceasefire is imperative to initiate communication between civilian representatives viz. unarmed peace activists and incumbent administration.

Western intelligence infiltration via armed militia repeating Libyan scenario combined with Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE collusion is arguably a hindrance in peace mediation necessary to contain bloodshed.

The regime change fervor among western principals leading Arab league behind the scenes prevents peaceful transfer of power from the ruling party to viable opposition.

Foreign interference in Syria, Iran and throughout Middle East to accomplish specific objective – warfare for global dominance is self-endangerment with paradox transcending reason.

President Bashar Al Assad recent overture for constitutional reform ending one party rule and limiting governance terms is a positive step towards political change.

Simultaneously holding peace talks with civil society members would possibly dispel lingering mistrust and apprehension attributed to undemocratic measures and foreign instigation.

Syrian civilian population could pursue political goal by rejecting sources behind divisive policy aimed at regional destabilization.

Driving foreign elements from Syria is pertinent and importantly government sincere compliance to citizens’ call for secular democratic system would guarantee peace and political stability.

Unified Syria could avert threats from within and outside.

The leaderships in the government specifically President Bashar Al Assad, military and opposition factions alike are urged to prioritize protecting civilian from any harm and expedite peace negotiations to resolve the year old unrest.

Lebanon – In 2010, the democratically elected government was toppled with U.S. coup d’état at Israel’s behest weakening Hezbollah political status in Lebanese Parliament.

The political commotion caused economic downturn in the nation with impressive growth after Israeli bombings in 2006.

Iran – The main target for western ideology to establish ‘world order under global governance’ is currently in full swing with provocative economic sanctions such as oil embargo and freezing financial operations for potential global confrontation not barring nuclear exchange.

The western powers – Israel, United States, United Kingdom, France… and EU strategy against Iran is misguided with serious ramifications upon pre-emptive strikes or efforts to generate aggression from the region.

Iran in return adjusting to western economic constrictions adopting oil exports ban to six EU members with decision to implement after winter in consideration for the people is understandable and,

Perhaps extending the gesture beyond cold weather on humanitarian ground would highlight the distinction in international relations.

The latest incidents in India, Georgia, Thailand…against Israel is unfortunate and terrorism for any purpose is reprehensible.

Thorough investigation could lead to perpetrators behind these attacks especially those at the top taking undue advantage of recruits’ vulnerabilities to carry out bomb blasts affecting innocent lives in the pre-meditated plan.

Any terror plots on foreign soil mimicking 9/11 is a huge setback for democracy given the easy access for unscrupulous elements to uninhibitedly operate undermining national sovereignty of the chosen domain.

The U.S. fleet avant-garde in Persian Gulf stoking tension in the volatile region is cataclysmic for humanity at large and best abandoned to save lives than otherwise.

Besides the incursion is a tremendous financial liability for U.S. taxpayers and coalition struggling to survive the debt burdened economy.

Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili formal request to EU foreign Secretary Catherine Ashton for talks on contentious nuclear issue is a peaceful approach to defuse the brewing storm in Middle East.

However, EU rejection to hold meeting criticizing Iran’s offer as stall tactics is extemporaneous giving up the opportunity for diplomacy to prevail over military option.

United States, United Kingdom, France and EU could exemplify democratic values in dealing with Iran and entire Middle East without maintaining double standards in the choice between ally and adversary.

Iran as Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty member admittedly has responsibilities and cooperation thus far with IAEA and UN inspection is praiseworthy.

Nonetheless, transparency in the alleged nuclear activity in central Iran viz.Natanz would clarify doubts eliminating pretexts to launch missiles against the facility.

Iran’s proactive measures in clearing skepticisms on uranium enrichment would categorically elevate the position as a reliable non-nuclear state enhancing credibility through accountability.

Similarly western powers allowing international agency verification of Iran’s nuclear status apart from participation in meaningful dialogue with Iran would reduce undercurrents in the nuclear standoff.

Bahrain – The pro-democracy anniversary this week was once again marred with violent crackdown reminiscent of last year dispersion.

U.S. prodded Saudi troops were responsible for killing peaceful protesters defying international law on human rights binding every nation on earth.

The government functioning as a constitutional monarch – minority ruling the majority is western powers’ key ally and never in short supply of ammunitions to quell non-violent dissent.

Only this time around – the arms made in ‘Britain’ and the infamous London riot Scotland Yard ex-police chief expertise apparently guided brutality against civilians in the capital Manama.

Saudi Arabia direct authority over Bahrain and rest of Middle East is evident in the election of fundamentalists to power witnessed in Egypt and across the region.

Muslim Brotherhood alliance with Islamic conservative party under hardline military rule reins control over citizens yearning for secular democracy.

Likewise dismantling regimes in Syria and Iran – viewed the arch nemesis by Saudi Arabia and western powers,

The civilization landscape rich in religious and cultural diversity is morphed into homogenous demography subservient to feudalist dynastic rule.

Saudi Arabia – Western powers financier and military hardware buyer consuming bulk of modern weaponry from the west to suppress barely 28 million population with disproportionate gender ratio 54.3% male and 45.7% female per government statistics is also the caretaker of Islam’s holiest shrine in Mecca.

Not to mention the kingdom’s prominence for being the number one oil producer provides substantial clout attracting western leaderships with a symbolic bow – a greeting ritual in utmost respect for the liquid gold in Saudi dynasty’s possession.

Saudi Arabia rulers following Wahhabism favor Sunnis in the Arab world and across the globe.

The Royal family hostility and slight for Islam’s yet another devout sect – Shiite Muslims is the compounding factor in regional dominance.

Shiites reciprocation accordingly facilitates rift routinely exploited for imperialist ambition.

United Middle East would be a formidable challenge to invasion and occupation notwithstanding Palestinian statehood as part of two state solutions with Israel no longer a myth but a reality.

The acrimony among Muslims ignores the fundamental truth about Islam.

The religion’s unanimity is found in the fabrics common thread inter woven and admirably displayed during the holy month of Ramadan when Almighty God Allah worshippers aspiring Haaj in their lifetime congregate in the holy city Mecca.

Saudi Arabia leaderships have regrettably subverted Islamic faith in the oppression of citizens to prolong hierarchical society denying basic rights and political freedom.

Sadly, Iran in the proclamation as Islamic Republic espousing theocratic rule is no different from Saudi Arabia in human rights violation and depriving political independence.

Iran and Saudi Arabia respective religious disposition is contradictory to Islamic principles of peace and equality.

Religion is a path to spiritual enlightenment with a strong emphasis on universal love, respect and compassion for all beings as Supreme energy manifestation.

In defining life purpose, religion infuses deeper understanding of the self to identify with origin based on emergence, divergence and convergence.

Therefore, religion used as political tool to humanity’s detriment is sacrilege in the highest order.

Saudi Arabia and Iran could come together instead of against each other in preserving religious sanctity and contribute to human progress.

Kuwait – Western powers strategic partner with United States enlarged presence in the Gulf state is equally influenced by Saudi Arabia and Qatar…in prohibiting fairness in society.

The Gulf nation’s new government reportedly has no women cabinet members to run political affairs or legislators in the assembly.

Report also mentions the administration comprising Prime Minister Sheik Jaber Al Hamad Al Sabah and other cabinet appointees representing regality.

The fifty member parliament is stated to have hardline Islamists in the opposition.

Kuwait has been held socially progressive by western powers in their bid to defend the Arab kingdom against the comparatively secular Iraq.

Yemen – President Ali Abdullah Saleh in United States presumably undergoing medical treatment with political amnesty discussion on the sidelines upon revolution success is also an important western ally in addition to being a U.S. military aid recipient for the proxy war in Yemen.

The Arab state bordering Saudi Arabia in the north is confronted with popular uprising longer than Syria and,

Gulf Cooperation Council brokered so-called deal is not acceptable to citizens enduring severe economic problems irrespective of the country’s resources – oil and natural gas under western ownership.

Saudi Arabia intrusion in Yemen to clamp down peaceful rally against government has resulted in enormous loss of lives with no condemnation or response in semblance with Syria or Iran from western powers.

Iraq – The fall of Saddam Hussein was celebrated with much fanfare.

The glory faded away in the unveiling of Abu Ghraib and Iraq war veterans’ courageous accounts on atrocities committed in the name of global war on terror.

Iraq troop withdrawal redeployed in Persian Gulf and Afghanistan with private contractors, mercenaries and contingents still operating in the war torn nation is far from being sovereign even though Iraq election was declared the most democratic in Babylonian history.

The proof was in the dismissal of electoral mandate for secular government with U.S. choice leadership Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki appointed to serve vested interests.

Iraq grappling with suicide bombings and sectarian violence for nearly a decade is the classic example of western democratization of Islamic world.

Summarizing Middle East chronicles, western powers systematic removal of governments under regime change doctrine opportunistically isolate nations while successfully enslaving population with intelligence agency or militarily enforced autocracy.

Peace and Democracy measured in monetary terms expecting economic gains with violence as the means is anathema to liberty revealed in status quo.

Lesson from experience discarded is declining rationality with irreversible outcome.

Middle East peace and political fate is in the hands of people.

People power in solidarity pledged to peaceful and non-violent resistance against foreign indulgence with arms distribution is the preliminary stride and,

In the same way, government armed forces refuting authoritarian order for civilian safety and national security would be honorable and qualify as patriot act.

It is time for Middle East perpetual turbulence to turn into tranquility.

Leaderships from West and East awakening to dimensions without subscribing to violence or ulterior motives in humanitarian issues would deliver promising future for all.

Moving forward, global society peaceful interaction exercising patience and diligence would help resolve disputes amicably for greater good.

Twenty first century dedicated to peace would mark the golden age with prosperity for all.

Peace dawn on Middle East would permeate world over.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







Libyan Army Fatal Attacks on Peaceful and Non-Violent Protesters

February 20, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The Arab world is rocked by the peaceful and non-violent protests determined to end autocratic rule in the region.

According to the news reports – the governments in Libya, Bahrain and Yemen are using firearms against their citizens in the violent crackdowns to quell pro-democracy peace rally.

From Libya – The peaceful protester account to CNN on Saturday February 19, 2011 while pleading for help clarified that the Libyan Army lied to the crowd by posing as their sympathizers then turned around and fired at the unarmed civilians in a reproachable response to anti-government peaceful assembly.

Earlier on the news reports revealed the aerial shooting from the helicopters resulting in more casualties thus far.

The governments’ deceitful tactics is a cowardly act deserving worldwide indignation.

International community can no longer be silent spectators to the government brutal attacks against peaceful dissent.

It is clear from the ground activities in the capital city Tripoli and other metropolitan areas like Benghazi that –

Libya’s Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi and Brigadier General Salih Rajab al-Mismari currently serving as Secretary of the General People’s Committee of Libya for Public Security are directly responsible for the merciless killing of more than 300 people with at least 15 others fatally shot at the funeral in the latest government violence against the citizens.

Muammar Gaddafi like most dictatorships assumed power in a coup d’état and has remained in office against republic will for nearly 42 years and the leader is quoted to have stated the following:

• “I am an international leader, the dean of the Arab rulers, the king of kings of Africa and the imam (leader) of Muslims, and my international status does not allow me to descend to a lower level.”

“There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory without swords, without guns, without conquests.”

The Libyan leader is fairly accurate on the latter recognition of victory to peace and non-violence.

It is evident from the latest developments across West Asia that despotism displayed with military might and backed by economic supremacy heading for a major downfall despite causing innocent beings’ bloodshed to salvage the ruthless rule.

It is an ominous warning for the presumptuous powers having persecuted their citizens for decades and the public pledge to terminate totalitarianism in any format represents the reality.

The autocracy in Libya, Bahrain, Yemen and the Egyptian military rule operating under global powers’ influence are challenged with their imminent decline.

Hence the use of force against peaceful and non-violent movement for political transformation would only precipitate their departure faced with public humiliation against the choice to honor the citizens’ call to step down in dignity in spite of the atrocity towards the people.

As stated earlier the Tunisian as well as Egyptian overthrow of dictatorial powers are the beginning of the end to authoritarianism that has been too convenient for the disguised terror groups with individual agenda to dominate the domains through permanent oppression.

The domino effects across the Middle East has indeed upset the apple cart for the existing monopoly of power misguided by the illusory status leading to the long overdue fundamental change coming to fruition via people power.

Therefore the heads of the state in Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and their allies are cautioned to refrain from physical assaults using live ammunitions, metal plated rubber bullets, truncheons or tear gas against peaceful and non-violent revolution.

Every blow to an unprotected civilian means accumulating the self-burden of crimes against humanity prompting appropriate expulsion of the perpetrators not to mention the devastating impact upon the last judgment.

Meanwhile, the people across the Middle East – Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Algeria, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and,

Palestinians in besieged Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem considering the recent U.S. veto on the condemnation of illegal settlements in Palestinian territories are –

Requested to continue the peaceful and non-violent demonstration progressing to takeover the state controlled communication media center, key government buildings and the undemocratic authorities’ residential palace.

Please remember to exercise restraint and never to resort to anarchy for the positive outcome possible only with peace and non-violence.

Again the brave patriots’ sacrifice and the revolutions’ remarkable resilience would not be in vain due to inevitable success to people power.

The embattled powers’ unscrupulous methods are guaranteed to backfire at them.

It is important to galvanize national support among citizens and gain momentum to expedite the drastic political evolution.

Military and security personnel abused by dictatorships as mindless servitudes are urged to lay down their arms and defend the people instead of attacking them.

Solidarity within society including the military loyalty to the nation rather than the authoritarian power would be effective in rising against the repressive regimes.

Civilians fighting for their natural rights and economic progress are close to prevailing over the decadent powers.

It is essential to maintain a unified voice firmly committed to seize power from the reluctant authorities dealing with incredible trepidation on the nearing conclusion of the oppressive era.

Please do not relent to any pressure from the belligerent authority or their agents.

Libyans, Yemenis, Bahrainis, Iranians, Egyptians… would benefit from rejecting false assurances and government procrastination in the transfer of power to civilian rule.

Please March forward and claim what is rightfully yours – respectful existence with political rights, civil liberty, social equality and economic opportunity.

On that inspirational note signing off – Wishing steel resolve and indomitable spirit for the revolutions’ triumph throughout Middle East and North Africa.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Bahrain Army Violence Against Peaceful Dissent

February 18, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Yet another strongest U.S. ally and dynasty in the Middle East unleashes violence against unarmed civilians during the plea for political freedom.

According to the latest news reports – Bahrain army and security personnel under the direct order from the royal authority violently attacked the pro-democracy participants camping on the site.

The crime was committed pre-dawn when the people were sleeping in the tents and had to scram for their life. The government’s cowardly act has claimed four innocent lives and several injured in the ambush against citizens caught off guard by the brutal use of force.

Bahrain is the United States’ key strategic partner having never refused any requests from the U.S. military with President as the commander-in-chief and the location being the ideal naval base for the U.S operations in the ongoing Iraq war.

The Kingdom rulers in their effort to continue the medieval tradition of monarchy treating citizens as subjects and slaves in the extreme environment like in Saudi Arabia are western allies resisting republic governed democracy.

Bahraini government aggressive response towards peaceful and non-violent protesters deserves worldwide condemnation legitimizing citizens’ demand for the authoritarianism removal.

It is evident that these puppet regimes are following the conglomerate instructions in the aggression against demonstrators seeking end to oppression.

The apex power has been unable to masquerade the pretentious act in the rebuke of the incident while having authorized the army intervention in the peaceful gathering for political rights.

As seen in Egypt, the transfer of power has shifted from dictatorship to military rule at the foreign helm unwilling to honor the Egyptian democratic rights for self-governance.

However, the Egyptian army could exercise their discretionary power rejecting foreign influence regardless of stature and empower the people they pledged to defend at all times.

Similarly, in Bahrain, Yemen, Iran and throughout Middle East it is the military and security guards’ national duty to protect citizens especially the non-combatants against domestic and foreign assault.

Instead the army and police offensive methods to curb civilian protest is in breach of conduct and military code of honor.

People are being subject to harsh treatment with metal plated rubber bullets, truncheons and tear gas used against defenseless public resulting in more casualties that are completely unacceptable in the civilized world.

If the motive is to suppress uprising through undemocratic tactics then the citizens’ call to eliminate such powers needs to be expedited in a unified manner within the society.

It’s important for the people in Bahrain and across Middle East striving to liberate them not to relent until they achieve their goals i.e. declining political rule other than meaningful democracy in the region.

Army crackdown on non-violent civilians is deplorable and accounting for it as mishaps does not bode well given the ground reality.

Besides pictures are worth thousand words.

Hence, Bahrain nationals are encouraged to stand up for their natural rights and fair economic opportunity rather than wealth distribution among the regal entities.

Without social justice and equality the economic benefits will not reach the main stream worst affected in any form of government.

Bahrain can emerge victorious in their political fight for republic rule.

Reiterating the earlier message – perseverance in the path of peace and non-violence would not let the revolution down.

Bahraini government must refrain from inflicting any harm to people in the solidarity movement desiring fundamental political change.

Citizens in Bahrain, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Algeria, Syria…. are close to realizing their dreams and determination to succeed in the cause would guarantee the positive outcome.

Again it might appear to be a hard battle to win but they are not alone in their quest for political emancipation.

Please stay on course to gain momentum for you will prevail over unjust political rule that is nearing termination.

Wishing strength and rapid success to revolutions aspiring political transition in their respective domain.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Middle East Republic Revolution

February 2, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The pro-democracy protest in Egypt is currently developed into Million Citizens March demanding the dictatorial power resignation remaining defiant in prolonging the undemocratic rule.

Meanwhile the latest report on February 1, 2011 from Washington D.C. issued by the U.S. State Department is –

“State Dept. spokesman P.J. Crowley reiterated the White House’s position that President Mubarak must enact political and economic reforms as he pledged. We want to see concrete actions that show the government of Egypt is responding to the aspirations of the Egyptian people.”

For the U.S. administration’s kind information – the aspirations of the Egyptian people is the removal of repressive regime headed by their embattled ally President Hosni Mubarak.

Ignoring the republic will for fundamental change beginning with the head of the state is categoric refusal of real democracy for vested interests.

Further the U.S. double standards in foreign policy is accentuated through staunch support for totalitarian governments across the Middle East with selective elimination of adversary (once an ally) Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein through warfare while protecting the strategic partner President Hosni Mubarak against Egyptian citizens’ peaceful plea for his ousting.

Again the differential policy maintained despite widespread persecution and human rights violation throughout West Asia.

It is ominously clear that such discriminatory foreign policy foments disenfranchisement contributing to the status quo.

Tunisian deposed leader Ben Ali and now Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as well as several other U.S allies would not be in power without the established complacency to despotism.

Until today Iraq war architects vehemently defend the illegal invasion and occupation in the face of prevalent chaos and destruction with millions of displaced Iraqis having become refugees in their homeland and significant population stranded in the neighboring nations.

The U.S. justification on military aggression at phenomenal loss of human lives and economic costs was democratic Iraq and ending Saddam Hussein’s brutal era.

If the western criteria on Middle East and any Islamic nation democracy is nominating puppet figure as the head of the state implementing autocratic rule to contain fundamentalism or radicalism although emanating from the biased policy with mediocre economic standards to inhibit political transformation in semblance to People’s Republic of China- i.e. state controlled free market economy with no political freedom,

It is noteworthy that Iraq was economically stable with decent health care, higher education facilities, solid infrastructure and poignantly no Al-Qaeda or Iranian regime infiltration prior to 2003 military attack and subsequently the U.S. appointed pro-Iranian government with Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki yet to stabilize the beleaguered nation from foreign troops.

Egypt population comparatively disadvantaged with distinct socio-economic disparities under U.S. and allies favored President Hosni Mubarak.

The U.S. stance in Egyptian uprising and the rest of Middle East is diametrically opposed to American democratic values – the so-called political and economic reforms cannot be realistic with unpopular leader President Hosni Mubarak given the trajectory over three decades.

The massive corruption and political suppression with concentrated power among the affluent members in the society is forced upon the people regardless of the devastating impact up until now.

It is deeply regrettable that those nations taking pride in individual liberty and political freedom at home are instrumental in safeguarding the illegitimate governments – monarchy, theocracy… anything except democracy in the Arab world and China.

Appointing new Prime Minister and reshuffling cabinets are ad hoc responses purely for self-salvation and compliance to foreign powers influence for prolonging authoritarianism.

It does not necessarily address the immediate requirement and that being the dynasties and theocracy renunciation of power to allow republic governance through free and fair elections with candidates endured suffering like political imprisonment for years and fought against government abuse of power by remaining in the country experiencing national political struggle.

In Egypt the opposition leader Ayman Abd El Aziz Nour imprisoned for political dissidence from 2005 to 2009 by President Hosni Mubarak and recently hospitalized for sustaining injury during peaceful protest on January 28, 2011 is committed to human rights, constitutional reform limiting Presidential powers and opening Presidential elections to multiple candidates.

People in Egypt would enormously benefit from choosing a local resident leader like Ayman Nour for having demonstrated loyalty to the people through self-sacrifice and continue to pledge support for Egypt liberation.

Moreover there is prominent commonality between the leader Ayman Nour and Egyptian main street in many aspects – the present ruling power abuse in particular and could relate to the plight on personal accounts.

Any other choices for political leadership ex-IAEA Chief Mohammed El Baradei with excess western exposure and regional power intimacy would be susceptible to skepticism among wary political factions and may not sustain power leading to destabilization within a short period.

Therefore providing opportunity to young vibrant leaderships such as Ayman Nour – national university law graduate with verifiable service to the local population would set precedence for future political aspirants considering a vast majority likely to obtain higher education from within the country due to individual situations and financial reasons.

Egypt will be strong and stable under democratic system represented by leadership dedicated to national progress devoid of foreign intervention either western or regional predominantly responsible for political mayhem as witnessed in Iraq.

People in Egypt could realize their political dream through unity and resilience paramount to prevail against the power hungry external sources backed government.

President Mubarak declaration not to run for office next term is nothing but desperate times seeking desperate measures.

The message from the Egyptian patriots is clear – President Hosni Mubarak must step down and procrastination in departure would exacerbate political crisis having already claimed many lives.

Egyptian citizens should not be disheartened from the delay tactics and political maneuvering – not uncommon for authority unwilling to surrender especially amid their crumbling world thereby confirming the self-interest over national interest.

They decline defeat – the destiny and their denial in this regard is the irony.

The pro-democracy demonstrators determined to succeed against all odds would initially conquer fear nonetheless in strict adherence to peace and non-violence – a formidable challenge against any force.

Likewise the mass movement in Jordan determined to abolish monarchy continued in the modern twenty first century would be wise to reject the political appointments carried out under global society privileged members’ instructions to rein control over domestic affairs in the entire Middle East for economic colonization and political dominance.

It is time for every Middle Eastern citizen subject to tyranny emulate Tunisian achievement in people power dismissal of the repressive government.

Whether it is Iran, Syria, Jordan, Palestine – besieged Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan…or Egypt – to rise to political awakening and restore inalienable human rights for all are born to be free and not held in permanent confinement at the elitists behest.

All things must end for a peaceful new beginning. Democracy is meaningful with public participation in electoral process to elect representatives and leaders with political will, courage, integrity and above all exemplify the solemn oath towards national defense, social equality including women empowerment, universal peace and prosperity.

Any security or armed personnel violence against peaceful dissidents would be self-detrimental for the authorities and restraining use of force is highly recommended.

Similarly looting and vandalism is unacceptable jeopardizing the non-violent civilian peace activity nearing victory for democracy. Those indulging in criminal offense should be apprehended to save lives and prevent damages to private or public property.

People power as patriotic caretakers of a sovereign nation is the inevitable outcome and accepting reality would enable authority to leave in dignity.

Best Wishes and Good Luck to fellow citizens in Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Algeria, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Palestine…in their triumph over political tribulation.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

World Economic Forum 2011 – Davos, Switzerland

January 28, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The world economic forum is currently held in Davos, Switzerland. Many issues apart from the economy are discussed at this large consortium.

Economy is the priority for the population struggling with high unemployment, housing market decline from foreclosures in addition to credit crunch experienced by potential home buyers and small businesses alike.

The bank bailouts to eliminate toxic assets off the balance sheet and facilitate lending has been mostly utilized for mergers and acquisitions with ‘too big to fail’ status intact – the precise factor that prompted taxpayer funds interjection into the crumbling finance industry.

Corporate profits across the industrial spectrum are exceedingly high not barring financial institutions yet the jobless rate and liquidity in the credit market is stagnant exacerbating the ordinary citizens’ plight.

Manufacturing sector is drastically affected in the globalized economy. The developed and developing nations are confronted with reviving blue collar jobs desperately required to ease suffering among the working class.

Corporations incentivized with generous tax cuts, taxpayer funded capital infusion and labor unions suppression continue to venture overseas in search of mega profits ultimately shared among top management through huge bonuses while depriving the hard working majority the livelihood.

The offshore dealings might be lucrative for the corporate shareholders and the respective governments with foreign exchange reserves, the labor force over there are marginalized in terms of comparable wages and employment benefits.

Again factory workers in poorer nations are often exploited under harsh economic and political conditions attributed to multinational dominance in the regions receptive to foreign investors.

Environment abuse in the globalization era has been catastrophic for the poorest people living near the industrial sites.

The weak environment standards maintained predominantly to accommodate energy, pharmaceutical…industries’ policies in the developing nations are proved detrimental to the local residents diagnosed with serious health problems.

In the industrialized world, the lower income groups are exposed to health hazards emanating from chemical industrial waste and oil spills witnessed lately with pervasive impact on all living species.

Therefore the corporate ethical conduct in the domestic and international operations deserves attention with effective remedies to restore meaningful capitalism and globalization pursuit.

Inflation is a legitimate concern without having to raise interest rates in borrowing given the real estate slump and limited credit availability having a stranglehold on the national economies.

In order to increase supply to the growing demands of any goods as an alternative inflation control measure – the businesses need finance in the prevalent restricted credit facilities and the banks with capital have responsibility to lend qualified entrepreneurs thereby promoting job growth, consumer spending and investor confidence – all relevant to stimulate the global economy.

The bankers’ claiming the existing credit control is the result of the regulatory imposition in the wake of sub-prime and hedge fund mis-management does not bode well,

Since they could not apply to all financial products that could otherwise paralyze the credit networks representing the fundamental economic source.

Sound monetary policy allowing responsible money circulation and the currency value determined by market forces rather than arbitrary means could prevent currency devaluation disputes and trade wars contributing to disproportionate surpluses and deficits among economic powers.

Fiscal policy is focused on deficit reduction through austerity mainly targeting programs like health and education for the most vulnerable demographics.

Denying affordable educational access to present generation is prohibiting better economic future made possible with qualified efficient workforce and taxpayers in the competitive global settings.

Spending cuts in alarming defense expenditure and redundant wasteful projects instead of life dependent programs and services could produce desirable results in debt containment besides a healthy productive society benefitting all.

Generating revenue in the absence of tax hikes on the extraordinary income derived from the collective input distributed within privileged members in the society is evidently counterproductive for it escalates national debt other than widening the gap between the rich and poor.

Economic activities for growth stimulus are largely related to melting the liquidity freeze to enable cash strapped small businesses, retailers and manufacturers create jobs.

Resuming lending services to home buyers upon satisfying the eligibility criteria and refinancing options to help default home owners retain their property instead of losing in foreclosures with a negative impact on the national housing sales including the construction industry is guaranteed to expedite recovery.

Transparency in derivatives with mortgage securities identified as the primary cause in the 2008 financial market brink of collapse would build trust in the international security exchange.

Interest rates, transaction fees on credit cards and regular bank accounts still remain exorbitant despite the regulation passed to curb practices that led to phenomenal debt accumulation and bankruptcies in the United States.

Failure in adherence to legislation on predatory methods has no consequences with the banks conducting business as usual delineating Wall Street from Main Street.

The reforms in general are circumvented due to loopholes in the legislation and the political clout displayed with industry lobbyists winning $19 billion tax exemptions in financial reform, no premium caps in health care law, offshore drilling permits…confirming Wall Street control over U.S. political election and legislation.

Investments in infrastructure, green energy, innovative research and development in science and technology is paramount in the protectionist aspect.

However, there is no momentum in expediting projects perhaps due to inadequate funding and/or political reasons.

The industrialized and emerging economies pledge to the developing nations has not been delivered in action on the economy and environment that could essentially alleviate poverty, hunger and disease endured by many across the globe.

Political instability arising from oppression i.e. lack of freedom and individual rights is prompting citizens’ protest against repressive governments sheltered until now with diplomatic ties and trade relationships by powerful ‘democracies.’

Civilian uprising in Egypt and Yemen reveal the breaking point in public frustration towards
authoritarianism. Political independence in these countries is long overdue.

The overthrown government heads of the state are provided refuge as seen with Tunisian former President Ben Ali received by Saudi Arabia.

These events are indicative of the established complacency to undemocratic elements disrupting political, economic and social progress.

United States, France and Saudi Arabia were reportedly involved in Lebanon’s recent political fallout disabling government services in the sovereign nation.

Reluctance to expand U.N. Security Council permanent membership in acknowledgment of twenty first century geopolitical dynamics is an impediment to world peace. The ongoing polarization efforts foment terrorism and militancy used as the perpetual warfare premise.

Hence international solidarity exemplified in rejecting the status quo is imperative for fair distribution of global resources, honoring individual liberty, political rights, social equality ultimately leading to universal economic prosperity.

World economic forum is a unique opportunity to resolve myriad humanitarian challenges through constructive dialogue and powerful strategies for a new peaceful beginning.

Wishing a successful economic summit in Davos, Switzerland.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Lebanon Political Crisis and U.S. Role in Special Tribunal Trial

January 23, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The Mediterranean country in the Middle East is situated between Syria up north all the way to the east and Israel down south.

A French Colony post World War 1, Lebanon gained independence in 1943.

The secular society enriched in cultural diversity experienced tremendous economic boom from agriculture, service sector viz. banking and the hospitality industry – tourism.

During that period it was regarded as the Switzerland of the East and the capital city Beirut – Paris of the Middle East.

Lebanon is also known for political upheavals predominantly attributed to foreign power intervention, invasion and occupation following independence up until now.

The prominent crises are – the prolonged civil war (1975-1990), Hezbollah and Israel confrontation referred to as July war or Second Lebanon war (12 July 2006 – 14 August 2006) with Israeli blockade of Lebanon ending in September 2006.

Subsequently the internal conflicts involved the Lebanese security force against the alleged Al-Qaeda motivated militants in northern Lebanon in 2007.

A year later in 2008 the political standoff between Hezbollah and the ruling government over institutional access produced casualties and resolved by Arab league mediation in Qatar.

Lebanon ‘Confessionalist’ parliamentary system has maintained power sharing among different religious and political factions since origin.

The tradition continued lately through national unity government represented by current caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri, son of the former Prime Minister Rafiq Baha El Deen Al-Hariri assassinated in bomb explosion that killed 22 others on February 14, 2005.

Consequently, Special Tribunal for Lebanon was set up at the International Criminal Court, The Hague to investigate the political assassination.

Contrary to certain assertions the STL was initiated by the former French President Jacque Chirac – a close friend of deceased Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri.

The United Nations probes reportedly implicated Lebanese suspects presumed pro-Syrian and held them in detention without charge. They were released after four years due to lack of evidence for indictment.

Meanwhile stability in Lebanon resumed with the Doha agreement in 2008 and the nation was in the healing process from the political turmoil until the news reports in Jan 2011 confirmed the United States prompted impending STL indictments against Hezbollah that led to the opposition resignation and collapse of the national unity government.

The interim government by Prime Minister Saad Hariri is backed by the United States, France and Saudi Arabia while the opposition Hezbollah and coalition are favored by Iran and Syria.

Upon the Lebanese Prime Minister’s visit to Washington on Jan 12, 2011 – The White House Blog reaffirmed the United States position on STL action.

Source: – Thank You.

“The President and Prime Minister reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening Lebanon’s sovereignty and independence, implementing all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions, and continuing a wide-ranging and long-term partnership between the United States and Lebanon.

During their meeting, the President stressed the importance of the work of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon as a means to help end the era of political assassinations with impunity in Lebanon.

The President and Prime Minister specifically discussed united efforts with France, Saudi Arabia, and other key international and regional actors to maintain calm in Lebanon and ensure that the work of the Tribunal continues unimpeded by third parties.”


By Padmini Arhant

Political repercussions on STL preparation with the United States advising Prime Minister Saad Hariri to cooperate in the trial are a major national and regional concern.

Evidently the looming political unrest with potential (1975-1990) civil war is attributed to the 11 cabinet ministers’ departure in reaction to the U.S. backed Prime Minister’s compliance to foreign authorities request.

The grave situation is the result of the needless foreign involvement in Lebanon’s internal affair hindering the war torn nation’s opportunity to protect and provide for the citizens.

United States and U.N. Security Council claim on STL inquiry for ethical reasons would be credible,

If similar measures were adopted by accepting the Goldstone report on Gaza war citing Israel and Hamas aggression towards Palestinian and Israeli innocent civilians.

Prosecuting the illegal invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation, Iraq under false premise at phenomenal human lives and economic cost.

Failure in adherence to universal fairness on international matter would reveal real motives behind selective targets jeopardizing trust and confidence in dispute settlement.

The former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri during the interview prior to his assassination clarified many issues that should serve as testimony against the allegations in the STL controversy.

It is increasingly clear that the U.S. persistent diplomatic pressure on Lebanon to move forward with the STL charges despite the status quo and the inevitable civil war could further destabilize the nation in the volatile region.

If the developments are not politically motivated then investigating all parties without exception based on respective perception of Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri as an ally or adversary at that time would eliminate bias and deliver proper justice.

Since the quagmire emanated from the stated quest to apprehend those responsible for the former Prime Minister’s assassination and implied intention to prevent any harm to political leaders’ in Lebanon,

The perspective among the opposition crucial to form a viable government is – the foreign powers’ pre-emptive steps isolating specific group viz. Hezbollah for indictment.

Simultaneously granting impunity to external influences such as the Syrian government, Israel and the United States considering the then fragile strategic relationship by all with the slain Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri cannot be ignored.

Truth finding in this regard would be legitimate in the absence of Machiavellian pursuit – ‘the end justifies the means.’

On reflection the ex-Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, a patriot and an extraordinary statesman committed to Lebanon would have prioritized national interest over internal or alien supremacy through due diligence paramount to retain solidarity – the only effective political tool to resolve Lebanon’s burgeoning crisis.

Moreover harmony among the political representatives would be formidable for national security given Lebanon’s vulnerability and past incursions decimating the country’s infrastructure not barring economic devastation.

Even in the worst global economic recession, Lebanon GDP growth in 2007–2010 at 9% is extremely impressive and widely acclaimed for tightly regulated financial sector being one of the revenue sources in the economy.

The young leader and the incumbent Prime Minister Saad Hariri could perhaps emulate his father, the honorable Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri solemn oath to safeguard national unity and disavow allegiance to elements threatening domestic peace and stability. It was exemplified at the height of intense international political maneuvering and realized detrimental to Lebanon’s sovereignty.

Similarly, the present head of the state has a daunting task nonetheless not impossible to seek fair and transparent judicial proceedings against all parties i.e. local and overseas operatives rather than submitting to intrusive power politics.

The international court of justice real purpose would come to light when all nations regardless of stature are treated equal in the crimes against humanity.

Otherwise the institution functionality is compromised through political clout – best confined to governance instead of unconstitutional interference elaborated in the separation of power.

Hezbollah and other opposition members could effectively end the stalemate by honoring the proposals from them.

Palestinian refugee camps disarmament.

Troop withdrawal from Southern Lebanon but coordination with central armed forces in national defense.

Enabling Beirut weapon free for public safety and conforming to democratic environment.

Respecting constitutional laws on veto of government decisions.

Lebanon cannot afford another violent mutiny and all parties are urged to restrain from contributing to history repeat itself for political ideology.

Recognizing the pivotal role of each political faction in national liberation is important and acknowledgment of the predecessor Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri exemplary service to Lebanon dependent on reconciliation between members of national unity government.

Hence it is earnestly hoped that rationality will prevail against induced political discord for national progress and prosperity.

Best Wishes to a strong unified Lebanon with eternal peace across the nation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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