2010 Elections – The Balance of Power

September 6, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

With less than eight weeks for the mid-term elections, the speculations are the GOP will claim the House and the House majority leader will be John Boehner. Similarly, the speculators believe the GOP has a slim chance of taking over the U.S. Senate.

In view of the optimistic Republican forecast as potential majority House members it’s essential to review the GOP plans for the nation.

Currently, the GOP mantra is the economy they successfully transformed into near ‘Great Depression,’ during their majority rule in the House and Senate under the Republican administration of the former President George W. Bush and the Vice President Dick Cheney.

The Republicans might fervently argue that the Democrats controlled the House and the Senate since 2006.

Although it’s a valid argument, the Republican members always gain control over legislation regardless of them being the majority or the minority due to their allegiance to the special interests devising the bills in Capitol Hill.

Moreover, the former President George W. Bush vowed to veto the bills passed by the Congressional Democrats on every issue and the veto record exemplifies the oath.

Per the leading conservative talk show host complimenting on the previous Republican administration – “President George W. Bush was not the lame duck for the agendas were pushed against the Democrats will.”

The comment is accurate in that respect – prominently the Iraq war, financial deregulation, blank check to Wall Street and tax exemptions to the wealthy by letting the middle class America disappear with the lower income families in poverty were all the Republican achievements that drove the surplus economy into skyrocketing deficit mostly blown away in the illegal warfare.

The GOP economic plan is none and their winning strategy in the coming elections,

According to Wall Street Journal, September 2, 2010 – By David Wessel – Thank you.

“Republican rhetoric offers little help. To the quiet discomfort of a few GOP politicians and several who advise Republicans on economics, this year’s campaign, so far, has little of the substance that accompanied the 1994 Republican renaissance with then-House leader Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America.

The only sure thing is that if President Barack Obama is for it, Republicans are against it.

Comments by Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell a few weeks ago are typical:

If a bill doesn’t kill jobs or make it harder to create them, they’re not interested. It’s time for a different approach.”

This may be smart politics. Why be specific and give the other side a target, when you’re winning by riding a wave of voter frustration: Don’t like the Obama economy? Vote for us.

The closest Republicans come to a public economic agenda are speeches by their House leader, John Boehner, who promises more detail later this month to blunt Democratic efforts to paint Republicans as the “Party of No.”

For now, a few themes are evident.

One is that the spending-heavy Obama is a failure, often extrapolated into arguing that government spending is inherently bad.

“The common logic among Washington Democrats is that government spending creates jobs when that money is used to build a hiking trail or a playground,” Mr. Boehner said, disapprovingly, during an Aug. 24 speech in Cleveland.

Adds GOP Rep. Paul Ryan: “We are not Keynesians. We don’t believe in demand-side stimulus. We’re going to stop the spending spree.”

That’s easier to promise than do. Even spending foes, once in office, tend to spend.

“Prior to the Democrats’ takeover of the Congress and the White House in 2008, the Republicans ushered in the largest expansion of federal spending since the heydays of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society in the 1960s,” says Alaska’s Joe Miller, who beat incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary.

“You’re going to have a whole bunch of people coming here who aren’t going to want to vote for any spending bill—maybe defense? Maybe not?—to fund the government,” predicts Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman. That could force GOP leaders to rely on Democratic votes for spending bills to keep the government running, hardly a recipe for curbing spending.

The leadership’s avowed interest in promoting free-trade pacts, for instance, may not be shared by the populist Republicans who are winning primaries.

The absence of a coherent Republican agenda reflects more than the usual lack of consensus. The gap between current congressional leaders and tea-party activists is huge.”

GOP Economic Plan Overview – By Padmini Arhant

There is no economic plan upon Rep. John Boehner assuming House leadership and likewise in the Senate.

Except for extending the 2000 – 2008 President Bush and Vice President Cheney’s failed economic policy.

1. Renewing all the Bush tax cuts is a top GOP priority.

2. Business friendly tax cuts enabling massive Wall Street CEO Bonuses.

3. A big corporate tax overhaul that cuts rates now – Inevitably depriving revenue for the nation, besides widening the national deficit to an alarming proportion – precedence set by the Republican administration with unique expertise in this regard.

Ironically, it’s also the GOP’s main criticism against President Barack Obama even though the President has diligently set up bipartisan committee on deficit control.

4. Promoting free trade pacts – outsourcing 90% American jobs overseas enlarging the unemployment indefinitely and facilitating,

5. Small businesses, Retail and Wholesale industry collapse from the lack of consumer spending.

On the contrary, the Congressional House Democrats under the efficient and result oriented Speaker Nancy Pelosi passed the following legislation – swiftly and favorably to all Americans including the Small Businesses and Corporations to promote job growth.

Ref: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/d?d111:0:./list/bss/d111HR.lst:

1. H.R.1: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – keeping 750,000 and more Americans employed with a significant rise in the immediate future upon complete investment.

2. H.R.2 : Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009

3. H.R.11: Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 – Guarantees equal pay for women that were denied by the Conservative Supreme Court votes followed by the Republican Senate coherence to the equal rights denial to women. The bill was passed through Democrats votes.

4. H.R.12: Paycheck Fairness Act – Subsequent to Republican Senate ‘Nay’ votes for equal pay to women, the matter was introduced through a new bill and passed with the Democrats votes.

5. H.R.13: TEACH for Our Future Act of 2009 – Focused on Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, and Competitiveness. Referred to the Subcommittee related to Higher Education…

6. H.R.14: Federal Ocean Acidification Research And Monitoring Act of 2009 – Referred to the House Committee on Science and Technology.

7. H.R.78: Stop Mortgage Fraud Act – Latest Major Action: 4/1/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Committee Hearings Held.

8. H.R.83: Homeowners Insurance Protection Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

9. H.R.84: Veterans Timely Access to Health Care Act – Latest Major Action: 3/25/2010 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Subcommittee Hearings Held.

10. H.R.74: Financial Oversight Commission Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

11. H.R.58: Green Schools Act – Latest Major Action: 3/16/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.

12. . H.R.52: Tropical Forest and Coral Conservation Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

13. H.R.49: American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act – Latest Major Action: 2/4/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.

14. H.R.47: Expand and Preserve Home Ownership through Counseling Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

15. H.R.46: Family Self-Sufficiency Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 4/30/2009 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

16. H.R.43: Medicare Access to Rehabilitation Services Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

17. H.R.21: Ocean Conservation, Education, and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act – Latest Major Action: 6/18/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Subcommittee Hearings Held.

18. H.R.16: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the deduction of State and local general sales taxes – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

19. H.R.15: National Health Insurance Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

20. Economic bills to stimulate job growth, Financial Reform, Health Care law, Unemployment Benefits extension and energy bill are the hallmark of Speaker Nancy Pelosi leadership.

Together with the extremely hardworking Democrat legislators alongside selective few Republican members votes made the historic legislation possible.

The choices are clear. American jobs, economy, education, health care, environment and energy independence are the Democrats priority.

Whereas the Republican leadership under John Boehner is clueless evidenced in the Wall Street Journal report and the minority leader’s interviews.

Why would the American electorate reject a bright future with Democrats under the leaderships of Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the House, Senate Democrats majority and President Barack Obama?

When they are all constantly engaged in improving American lives.

Quoting from the cited Wall Street Journal report –

“Many Republicans are running on “anger.” That may win the election; it’s hard to turn into a legislative agenda.”

Further, the Republican election winning strategy is to create a wedge between the solid Democrats working towards economic recovery and social progress. Usually it’s premised on distortion, false propaganda and negative attacks considering there is no specific economic or other proposals from them to move the nation forward.

GOP might have won in the past on divide and rule, polarization tactics. However, disregarding the reality on their track record that will be clarified and presented loud and clear to protect the American electorate from being misled in the coming weeks nearing election – is underestimating voter decision power.

After all, actions speak louder than rhetoric.

American voters’ prospects are assured under Democrats rule in the House, Senate and the White House.

The Republican action thus far has been protesting every legislation – particularly the jobs bill, economic revival such as unemployment extension, tax credits for consumer spending, payroll tax exemption to small businesses and corporations, $30 billion to community banks for small business lending…and,

Importantly they were against Wall Street reform and everything to do with national interest.

Republican candidates are hopeful in November 2010 to win the elections through their relentless support to Wall Street and the special interests’ campaign financing.

Unlike the Democrats accomplishments and future commitments towards American families and businesses that confirm their candidacy.

Please safeguard and secure your own, your family and the next generation’s prosperity by granting the Democrats a super majority status in the House and the Senate.

It’s well known that the Republican balance of power consistently produce “Washington gridlock,” – rewarding the special interests at the average American plight.

Allowing that to happen would be devastating for the national and global economy with slow and steady growth.

Notwithstanding history repeating itself reminiscent to 2000 – 2008 – President Bush and Vice President Cheney era.

Please visit the websites – www.dcccc.org, www.dscc.org. www.dnc.org and www.dga.org with your generous and affordable donations to help all Democratic contenders win the congressional election in November 2010.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States Senate Actions Chronicle

August 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The United States Senate in the past week (August 2nd – August 6th 2010) made inroads through following actions.

1. Senate Confirmation of the Supreme Court Nominee.

Senate confirmed the Supreme Court Justice nominee, Elena Kagan and further enhanced the intellectual as well as the judicial acumen in the United States Supreme Court.

Congratulations! To the Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan for the highest honor and a lifetime opportunity to serve the people of the United States with objectivity, diligence in the interpretation of the constitutional law and decisions evaluated on the pervasive impact.

As stated earlier, Justice Elena Kagan would be a valuable asset to the present distinguished Supreme Court representation in all aspects.

Best Wishes to Justice Elena Kagan in the new judicial responsibility.

President Barack Obama and Congress members deserve credit in efficiently addressing the nomination process.


2. Senate Confirmation of the National Intelligence Director

Senate also confirmed the National Intelligence Director – James R. Clapper to lead the nation’s 16 intelligence agencies.

Recently, there were concerns regarding the fragmented intelligence apparatus and the revolving complexity compromising the efficiency required to serve national security.

The newly appointed Director is claimed to possess the credentials and experience in the intelligence field with glowing references from the defense and intelligence departments.

Director Clapper is expected to integrate the national intelligence efforts and provide the management crucial for national security.

It appears that Director Clapper successfully demonstrated his ability in this respect and convinced the Senate Committee for a unanimous vote during the confirmation hearing.

Congratulations and Best Wishes! To the National Intelligence Director – James R. Clapper in the important designation to safeguard national interests.


3. Senate Approval of $26 Billion for States and Schools

Earlier in the week, the Senate passed the bill to fund the States and School districts in an effort to protect the teachers and the several government workers’ jobs.

Teachers, law enforcement and emergency department employees were facing layoffs due to the states’ severe deficit crisis.

The federal aid is a saving grace for it would provide the school districts with timely financial supplement in maintaining the proper academic environment.

With respect to the states, the furloughs hurt the employees and deep spending cuts were targeted against the essential programs.

But, now the funding could help in those areas and prevent job losses that otherwise would have exacerbated the state and national unemployment.

The $26 billion is a stopgap measure to allow the states in continuing the necessary educational and social services including the border security provision by deploying 1000 patrol agents as a strike force in the sensitive areas.

The benefits are also extended to the department of Justice in handling the excess case overload.

It’s noteworthy that the bill is entirely funded by the revenue from closing the business tax loophole and making spending cuts.

Therefore, it does not add to the national deficit.

The $600 million appropriated towards border security is also paid for. The 10 percent increase in spending is adjusted against the visa application fee hikes on the few companies sponsoring foreign workers.

Senate action is praiseworthy and reflects the authors such as the New York Senator Charles E. Schumer as well as others’ true commitment in defending the nation from economic woes and security foes.

House of Representatives are returning to vote on this bill next week. It’s indicative of their dedication to rescue the vulnerable members in the society. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House members’ action are attention worthy.

The public gratitude in this regard would be inevitably conveyed through ballots in November 2010.

Republican Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe share the appreciation for their bipartisan support in the recent legislations.

Perhaps, other Republican members would join their two esteemed colleagues in the near future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Environmental Disaster – Gulf Coast Oil Spill

June 7, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Ever since the explosion at the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico that initially claimed 11 lives, the avalanche of unmitigated losses has become the reality.

It is evident in the oil dripping Pelicans, dolphins and lifeless birds alongside the economically devastated fishermen, tourist industry and restaurateurs.

Approximately 1.6 million gallons of oil reportedly gushed from the spill that is yet to be completely contained.

Meanwhile, it has evolved into the economic and environmental disaster for the entire Gulf Coast threatening the inhabitants in the adjacent regions with oil plumes traced as farther in Florida.

Further, the BP oil company liable for the calamity has maintained that it could take until August 2010 to stop the leak in the face of extensive damages to the states near the Gulf Coast.

During the congressional hearing on the major environmental catastrophe, it was clear the BP executives including the federal regulators responsible for monitoring the risks failed in their assessment of the pervasive repercussions from the oceanic accident prior to issuing permits.

Like any other hearing, the company CEOs’ concern for the shareholders interest superseded national interest when they evaded the obvious questions leading to the cause and aftermath of the accident.

The disappointments following the oil spill is the BP’s unsuccessful action to block the leak and more disturbing is the legislators, especially Alaska’s Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski and others rejecting the Democrat Senator Bill Nelson’s bill to increase the cap for oil spill damages to $10 billion from $75 million,

Thereby, eliminating the possibility to hold BP accountable in the greatest man-made environmental destruction.

As it turns out, according to the NYT June 5, 2010 report – titled ‘Gulf Oil Spill’:

“The letter co-signed by Janet Napolitano, the director homeland security, said that federal agencies had already spent $93 million on the spill response, which BP is yet to reimburse.”

When the industry representatives in Congress are in the forefront protecting them from financial liabilities and diligently transferring the burden on the taxpayers,

Besides allowing the federal agency to issue more permits for offshore drilling continuation,

The combined power in Washington and Wall Street determination to ruin the habitat with unsustainable policies is conspicuous.

Not to mention their decisions adding insult to injury endured by ordinary citizens across the coastal region having a ripple effect overall.

The reason to proceed with shallow water or deep water offshore drilling is provided as the necessity to meet the enormous energy requirement in the United States.

With energy and environment directly linked to consumption and conservation, the pursuit of clean energy from natural sources – solar, wind, hydropower and bio-fuel comprise the absolute safe energy solution against the increasingly risky and hazardous resources viz. coal, oil and nuclear energy.

Now the argument is immediate availability of the latter and the projected longer duration to harness the former.

Even though the solar, wind, hydrothermal as well as bio-fuel technology is currently in use, the U.S. investment in these abundant sources is replaced by the energy industry preferred limited resources i.e. oil, coal and nuclear power.

The simple explanation for the less importance to plentiful alternatives over scarce energy resources – which has led to perpetual wars, nuclear proliferation and consequently standoff is profit driven strategy set by the OPEC, ONGC, Coal and Nuclear industry.

Anything that is freely accessible to a large extent with a higher possibility to trade within national and international territories i.e. solar, wind and hydrothermal projects are secondary choices due to the broadening energy supply capabilities inducing competition to the energy monopolies in the industry.

The recent mining accident in Virginia, oil spill in the Gulf Coast, civilian nuclear program used as a pretext for nuclear weapons –

The latest being Myanmar, the military junta is apparently involved in uranium enrichment for a nuclear warhead,

All of it underscore the urgency to adopt energy programs that are environmentally conducive.

In terms of curbing the extraordinary energy demand, the society consuming less and leaning towards environmentally healthy lifestyle is the viable remedy to the burgeoning energy shortage.

For example, California’s recent announcement to ban plastic bags throughout the state and,

Previously guiding the nation on stringent carbon emission standards through EPA regulation to avoid legislative rigmarole are the positive steps to energy saving and life enhancement on earth.

Concentrating on the green technology development to boost green jobs is a favorable short and long term economic and environment goals.

Again, divestment from the conventional minerals to natural elements is the ideal alternative to energy independence.

Unless vigorous investments are made in the solar, wind, hydrothermal, biodiesel etc.,

The world will never be ready to migrate from the life endangering fossil fuel and nuclear energy to the truly green energy production.

Planet sustenance is dependent upon the ecosystem optimized preservation that is violated through prevalent drilling and mining for oil, coal and uranium.

The limitless human wants and desires have contributed to the status quo –

A dire economy, prolonged wars, cataclysmic changes to the environment in the form of extreme drought, flood, tornadoes, hurricane and tsunamis…beyond human control.

It is made worse by the lack of recognition to rein in on the profit oriented energy opportunities depleting the earth’s resources with no regard for the present or the future.

If the energy industry giants conscientiously engage in the energy derivation from sun, wind, water and bio-fuel the demand and the affordability factor can be effectively addressed, particularly with the hydrosphere phenomena –

Oceans covering the two-thirds of the earth’s surface supplemented by sunshine and windy conditions in the equatorial zones.

Instead, polluting and contaminating the natural habitat through risky mechanisms is opted regardless of the carnage from it.

Notwithstanding, the democratic powers political appeasement of the “Petro-dictatorial” regimes merely to replenish the ever growing contemporaneous energy needs.

There are several ways to relieve the society from the energy deficiency.

Reducing the usage and maximizing the above outlined potentials is the origin to end the energy and environment crisis.

Manufacturing and distribution of eco-friendly products and services is an emerging trend but not popularized in practice.

The existing problems related to the economy, energy, environment and political issues are attributed to excess greed, self-interest and dominance ultimately affecting all.

Unfortunately, the political and economic powers resist the environmental dangers in the Gulf coast oil spill and a range of energy industry mishaps for they refuse to steer away from the traditional means irrespective of the tragic outcome.

Expecting different results from the same methods fits the fantasy than the fact.

The position on the ‘presumed’ job losses from these sectors as the justification to resume offshore drilling in spite of massive environmental harm does not bode well for it ignores the similar, if not severe economic experience by the local industries and residents affected in the oil soaked areas.

Moreover, the energy industry is being requested to retain the workforce and not abandon them by diverting to solar, wind, hydrothermal and bio-fuel sources that aptly qualify as –

“Clean energy substitutes.”

Collective reaction rather than actions is witnessed in the Gulf oil spill with BP not demonstrating the ability to terminate the leak altogether into the seventh week of the horrific incident, rendering the numerous livelihood and lives dispensable.

Monetary compensation to the victims and the states impacted by BP’s negligence is the least the oil company could offer in this instance.

Marine life has been significantly impaired creating an ecological imbalance reflective in the deteriorating food pyramid.

Offshore drilling moratorium is negated by simultaneous shallow water drilling permits despite no guarantee in the so-called ‘risk free’ process.

Conflicting preparations are detrimental to the planet, the natural habitat for all species.

Energy challenges in the modern era are best dealt with natural and holistic approach.

Gulf Coast oil spill is just the tip of the iceberg in the energy exploration.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Amendments to National Health Care Legislation

April 7, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The health care legislation was signed into law in late March 2010. Subsequently, there is lot of disappointment to the effects of law and the insurance industry obligations that appear to contain many loopholes resembling the status quo.

Hence, upon reviewing the major components of the bill per the statements from the President’s letter, along with the data made available by Congress and the Congressional Budget Office,

It’s clear that amendments are necessary to protect ‘average Americans’ interests from the health industry behemoths.

Statements from the President’s letter:

“Now we need to begin the process of implementing these historic changes.

To ensure a successful, stable transition, many of these changes will phase into full effect over the next several years.”

1. “But for millions of Americans, many of the benefits of reform will begin this year – some will even take effect this week.”

Recommendation: Although, it’s claimed that the uninsured with pre-existing conditions would be covered beginning this week, the data should be provided for public knowledge.

The insurance companies willing to offer coverage to the uninsured population with pre-existing conditions including the information on the eligibility, the premium costs and the federal funding source is essential to confirm the benefit.

2. “Uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions can join a special high-risk pool to get the coverage they need, starting in just 90 days.”

Recommendation: “High-risk” pool coverage starts effective immediately and not in three months’ time.

Insurance industry must note that this is a health issue and not a decision about any recreational activity or a vacation.

For some it could be a life threatening illness requiring urgent medical intervention.

Moreover, in the absence of specifics from the insurance industry – on coverage costs, limits and treatment level, the patients could be inhibited from seeking the comprehensive coverage they might need for their health problem.

3. “And Americans with insurance will be protected from seeing their insurance revoked when they get sick, or facing restrictive annual limits on the care they receive.”

Recommendation: This legislative law applies to the ‘currently insured,’ who are pre-screened and selected as the ‘low risk’ subscribers.

However, the law must be extended to the uninsured regardless of medical history.

4. “We passed this reform for 5th-grader Marcelas Owens, whose mother died because she didn’t get the health care she needed after she got sick, lost her job and her health insurance. Marcelas’ message to Congress was simple: “Finish health care reform. No other kid should lose their mom because they don’t have health care.”

We passed this reform for Natoma Canfield, who wrote to tell me that she could no longer afford her health insurance policy. Since losing her health insurance coverage in January, Natoma has been diagnosed with Leukemia and is fighting for her life.

Recommendation: In order to protect victims of such tragic situations, the Medicaid and Medicare (if age qualified) expansion is vital as suggested below.

5. We passed this reform for Ryan Smith, a small business owner with five employees. Ryan was doing his part to provide health insurance to his employees, but cannot keep up with rising health care costs.

Small businesses will receive significant tax cuts, this year, to help them afford health coverage for all their employees.

Recommendation: The public option is the reliable option for Small business and self-employed individuals struggling to compete in the dire economy.

Because, it’s being facilitated through tax cuts (federal funding) to enable their private coverage,

The public option is the ideal choice that would produce savings for this demography and the government.

6. “Early retirees will receive help to reduce premium costs.”

Recommendation: Again, the burden is shifted from the insurance industry to the taxpayers via federal help.

Instead, the Medicare threshold should be lowered from 65 to 55 in the amendment that would adequately address the issue.

7. Young people will be allowed coverage under their parents’ plan until the age of 26.

Recommendation: It should be at no additional costs to the subscribers.

8. Children will be protected against discrimination on the basis of medical history.

Recommendation: It’s verified to be true for the ‘insured’ but not the uninsured.

It was also revealed that the law is interpreted by the insurance industry as a discretionary action. Otherwise, a non-committal response and even coverage denial to this piece of legislation.

Therefore, imposing penalties for failure to comply will make the law effective.

9. We’re also making investments to train primary care doctors, nurses, and public health professionals.

Recommendation: It’s a step in the positive direction.

To make the investment worthwhile, it’s imperative to utilize the health care services for Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, VA patients as well as the ‘Public Option’ subscribers rather than the private industry solely benefiting from it.

10. “State-level consumer assistance programs to help patients understand and defend their new rights” –

Recommendation: This could create variation in practice allowing the insurance and the health care industry to circumvent the respective state laws as seen in the environmental matter on carbon emissions, leading the environmental agency to adopt a standard law across the country.

That’s why, the independent and non-profit ‘National Consumer Health Rights Agency,’ would be ideal to deliver the service.

“In Marcela, Ryan, Natoma, my mom and so many other Americans, we are reminded of what this fight was about. It wasn’t about politics. It was about doing the right thing, and taking care of the hardworking people that make our country great.”

It would be beneficial to the suffering population upon incorporating the above recommendations and the amendments listed below.
By Padmini Arhant

Amendments to the National Health Care Legislation

Since the health care legislation is already passed, the applicable changes should be rapid without any legislative rigmarole.

1. Effects of law commencing in 90 days, 6 months and within a year must begin tomorrow and no later than April 12, 2010 to accommodate all different health situations experienced by those who are ill at present.

2. The contentious settings in 2014 and 2019 for full effects should be brought forward to June 2010.

3. Simultaneously, the tax laws scheduled for 2013 and 2018 should be modified to be effective immediately.

Accepting the uninsured patients as new subscribers should not be a daunting task given the resources and the established system that are currently in place.

In addition, the federal funding for private insurance coverage should be diverted to ‘public option,’ program, CHIP, Medicaid and Medicare expansion notwithstanding the VA patient care.

4. Introduction of public option to induce real competition is the hallmark of the amendment.

5. Lowering the Medicare eligibility threshold from 65 to 55 as agreed by most legislators in Congress during the health care debate.

6. Medicaid expansion to the unemployed and senior citizens falling short on prescription drug expenses despite the $250 rebate upon them reaching the coverage gap.

NB: The votes are available in the House and the Senate to pass these rules via ‘the reconciliation process,’ if the bipartisanship remains impossible.

7. Revive the deal with the health care service and Big Pharma on the estimated $500 billion dollar savings that was initially committed by the industries.

8. Jan 1, 2011 – Enactment calls for ‘marketplace’ insurers to invest premium dollars on medical services by 80 percent for individuals and small plans, whereas the large groups by 85 percent respectively.

Recommendation: Monitoring is essential to ensure such practice among the insurers.

The law would be redundant without oversight.

Independent and non-profit ‘National Consumer Health Rights Agency,’ is appropriate for it would prevent breach of the investment criteria.

9. Anti-trust laws passed by Congress should be extended for a longer period i.e. until 2020.

10. Mandatory insurance should be based on affordability and individuals without sufficient financial means automatically qualify for federal medical program via public option at a lower competitive cost and not higher than the private sector as determined earlier to boost the private insurance sales, during the health care legislative process.

Alternatively, the Medicaid program should be accessible for these individuals and families experiencing sudden change in status due to loss of family income generating an insurance lapse in premium payments.

These changes will provide for all Americans.

The health care reform would be meaningful with the all of the above recommendations and amendments.

Those who contribute to these enactments need not be concerned about their re-election for they will be guaranteed a victory in November, 2010.

The legislators from both sides of the aisle could make this happen by showing their willingness to prioritize their constituent’s physical health over the special interests’ financial gains.

Ultimately, the power lies in the citizen’s vote regardless of corporate campaign financing.

‘Change’ is made possible by the people in a democracy and not the profit seekers.

If there is will, there is a way.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S: Comprehensive analysis on National Health Care Legislation was previously published on March 29, 2010 under “Health,” Category on this website.

Hon. Governor Tim Kaine, Chairman, DNC – Thank you.

March 18, 2010

DNC Letter
DNC - Letter Page 2

Demystifying the Myth

March 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

My fellow citizens of the world,

I wish to clarify the misunderstandings in the communication with respect to the power in Washington.

The new developments are not to create any confusion or pose a threat to anyone’s position whether personal or professional.

President Barack Obama is the President of the United States and the Congress members as the elected representatives would perform the legislative tasks per the constitution.

I request the responsible members in Congress or the media not to arrive at any hasty conclusion and spin the information against our President Barack Obama or the Democratic Party leadership and the members.

This message is being released in coherence with the new beginning set forth for humanity.

Regarding my identity and the precise reason for the engagement in the physical world,

I assure you that none will be kept in the dark and there is no conspiracy of any kind.

In fact, it’s the long well known prophecy eventuating to confirm the cosmic convergence in the universe.

My involvement is for a specific purpose in accordance with the cosmic evolutionary process concerning time and space.

I’ll provide an explanation with a formal introduction including the characteristics of the events since my acquaintance with all of you going back to the Presidential campaign in 2008.

I will also share my life journey for better perception.

Your patience is much appreciated.

‘Save the Planet’ and ‘Peace on Earth’ is not merely a concept but an inevitable reality.

Signing off with love and peace to every being on this planet.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

California Status Quo under Republican leadership

February 5, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Courtesy extended to enlighten the ignorant and the oblivious presenters representing the selective news media.

California economic and social calamity is falsely attributed to the “liberals” in the state by the illusionists in the magic kingdom.

Therefore, it’s important to dispel the myth and introduce sanity in the political discourse.

Being compelled by civic duty to lay facts against fiction – pervasive with respect to the California state affairs, the following data is presented for accuracy.

Fact Check: Source – wikipedia.org
– Thank you.

The current governor is Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican who was elected on October 7, 2003.
He was reelected on November 7, 2006.

His current term will expire on January 3, 2011.

The Governor of California is the highest executive authority in the California state government, whose responsibilities include making annual “State of the State” addresses to the California State Legislature, submitting the budget, and ensuring that state laws are enforced.

*The Executive Budget – The governor has the final responsibility for preparing and submitting to the legislature an annual budget containing most of anticipated state income and expenditures.

The final budget requires a two-thirds approval of the legislature.

* The Veto – The governor has the option to veto a bill within 12 days after being received from the California State Legislature. The Legislature can override a veto by a two-thirds majority vote in both the Assembly and the Senate. The governor may exercise a line-item veto, rejecting individual items in any appropriations bill.
A Californian Perspective – By Padmini Arhant

Regarding “The final budget requires a two-thirds approval of the legislature”The Republican minority have successfully derailed legislation proposal to revive the state economy resulting in an embarrassing prolonged budget crisis.

Californians’ interest on every issue ranging from job creation, education, health care, energy to environment has been rejected by the Republican members due to the pesky ‘two-third’ legislature approval.

The republican minority in the State of California emulates their counterparts in Capitol Hill and takes enormous pride in the California Status quo, i.e. successive budget deficits with no revenue based on ideological stance against tax increases on wealthy corporations and individuals.

Furthermore, the republican fiscal policy dictated by the doctrine:

“Ready my lips, No New Taxes.” That cost the former President George H.W. Bush his second term – is the formula widely used with the draconian cuts affecting the large consumer population from the younger to the older citizens in the state and across the nation.

In the absence of pragmatic approach to the burgeoning economic crisis,

The “Golden State,” is now a bankrupt state under Republican leadership with a state deficit at a staggering $19.9 billion and still bleeding because of the dominant Republican ideology in the State Assembly and legislature akin to the republican representatives’ performance in the United States Congress.

California has been under Republican duress regardless of the party ratio. The State Treasury is forced to issue I.O.U’s to creditors and furloughs (mandatory reduction in working hours) to the state employees in the year 2009 and 2010.

In addition, California being the eighth largest economies in the world is governed by clueless Republican leadership determined to drive the state economy over the cliff with the Republican candidates vying for the governor position to exacerbate the crisis, otherwise to accomplish the task.

Similarly, the Republican candidate – the Hewlett Packard former CEO, Carly Fiorina competing for the U.S. Senate against the incumbent – Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer, is conspicuously avoiding the public furor over the massive layoffs carried out under her management, reportedly leading the company to the brink of insolvency.

Conservative media and press is aggressively engaged in camouflaging Republican leadership and the minority representatives’ flaws by denigrating the democratic majority in California, dealing with a similar dilemma experienced by the fellow democrats in the Capitol Hill.

With democracy undermined during the national and state elections and expected to worsen with the Supreme Court conservative justices’ decision, it’s necessary for the Californians and the rest of the nation to be discerning in the media propaganda targeting the captive audience and concerned citizens.

Democracy is meaningful with citizens’ participation in the information process to counteract the widespread rumors, distortions and fear mongering tactics applied to evade responsibility in various discipline – predominantly by the controversial news media anchors/talk show hosts and last but not the least the selective legislators as the elected representatives.

Citizen reaction and involvement is the effective means to bring about the ‘Change,’ desperately required in the state and national politics.

Reality being – the political decisions or the lack thereof determine the ‘average’ citizens present and future.

So, please remain alert and exercise your democratic rights by calling your representatives to perform their duties for which they were elected to the public office.

Democracy thrives with the well-informed electorate.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Response to President Barack Obama – Re State of the Union Address

February 5, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Hon. President Barack Obama
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President,

I appreciate you sharing your concerns and the strategies to revive the economy, the priority for the democratic Congress.

The Democratic Party has suffered major setbacks in the recent elections and obviously, the trend cannot continue in the 2010 elections – for the work to rebuild our nation has just begun with your Presidency.

Considering the American plight particularly in the job front, the economic measures taken thus far by your administration is reassuring and the challenge lies in the legislation approval, amid lack of cooperation from the Republican members in Congress.

Although, you are earnestly seeking bipartisanship in the legislative process, the opposition is utilizing the cynical response to stall progress for political reasons especially in the election year.

They understand that their delaying tactics would let the steam evaporate leaving the charred inaction on national issues becoming a political liability for the democratic majority.

When in fact, the responsibility or rather the blame squarely lies with the trouble makers on both sides and they deserve to be voted out of power.

Needless to say that, the Democratic Party under your leadership and the distinguished members in Congress have a great opportunity to accomplish the immediate and long-term goals for our country provided, we remain steadfast in our objectives and confront obstacles through result-oriented actions.

As you stated eloquently in your State of the Union Address, people can no longer survive on rhetoric and the time is running out for the members of both political parties. It is not that people have no patience.

When the situation is desperate with many families struggling to make ends meet in the harsh economic times, the public trust is won by delivering the most required solutions to the current problems and that being job security, housing as well as affordable health care.

Despite the Supreme Court conservatives’ decision potentially causing impediments in free and fair elections, the grassroots support could be earned by staying on course in dealing with the economic woes confronting our nation.

We cannot ignore the external threats through lobbyists and their representatives to block legislations. It’s reflective of their insecurity in the wake of unprecedented call for reform in Washington.

Therefore, it’s up to us to demonstrate our resolve and integrity to stand by the people and do what is right for them. Your economic policies to help small businesses, middle class and students are prudent.

Similarly, it’s important to provide jobs for the blue-collar workers in the manufacturing sector, who are facing equal hardships due to massive layoffs from the economic recession and globalization.

With respect to health insurance, I understand the hostility surrounding the issue from the expected sources. However, I still think it’s imperative to move ahead with a public option for economic viability and social equality.

It would not only prove our determination to succeed in closing the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots but also strengthen public confidence in the Democratic Party as achievers.

Once the legislations are passed and the opposition is made aware of our intention to proceed in the tasks ahead regardless, it will weaken the opponent’s resistance to issues dedicated in improving average American lives, not to mention the culminated risks for them in the coming elections.

Further, prioritizing public needs over the industry demands is the key to electoral victories evidenced in the Massachusetts election with a political mandate to perform in people’s interest and focus on the national progress in economy, health care, education, energy and environment.

I commend you and your administration for the excellent work in the budget preparation. Nevertheless, implementing the policies efficiently is crucial to gain credibility. Again, I’m not going to pretend on the uphill battle in the legislative matter.

Sometimes, one has to adopt the tricks of the trade practiced by the opposition when they were in a majority i.e. passing legislations through reconciliation process etc.

I reiterate that adopting republican strategies in the legislative process cannot possibly cause an uproar among the conservatives on both sides, for it would prove their double standards and the priorities in pubic service.

If it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander!

As stated earlier, the purpose of my political involvement is to be the voice for the weak and the oppressed. My passionate expression is to reveal the frustration among the victims at home and overseas.

Your tremendous efforts will come to fruition and I’m working with you alongside to promote the policies developed to change the status quo.

Adversity often drives down motives. During this period, the people are vulnerable to propaganda, and as we know, it’s available in abundance.

That’s why, it would be helpful for democrats appearing on radio and television networks including the cyberspace to remind the electorate constantly of your administration’s past year achievements, present targets and future vision.

In addition, updating official websites with credible data on employment, education, health care and other issues would keep the electorate well informed as opposed to being misinformed by the opposition media.

Otherwise, transparency and accountability will go a long way now and during the elections. I’m tirelessly engaged in the humanitarian cause and trying to assist the people in alleviating their suffering.

I extend my unwavering support to your Presidency, Congress members and the Democratic Party, with the hope that every action is devoted to benefit the people and not the governments or corporate power at home and around the world.

Besides, I firmly believe that bringing more progressives into the Democratic Party is always best, for it’s easier to triumph in the legislative affairs of the people. They are also more amenable to work for common good.

You mentioned to me that you’re not a quitter, but a fighter. I believe you and you need to prove that to the American electorate. The health care reform is the place to start in proving the democrats’ ability to move the nation forward.

Rest assured I’m with you and the Congress in reaching these milestones.

I wish you success in all your endeavors.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Obama Presidency – State of the Union Address

January 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On the eve of the first State of the Union Address by the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, the media frenzy with opinions and speculations preceding the important event is not uncommon.

President Barack Obama is scheduled to address the nation and the rest of the world about the administration’s efforts and achievements in the past twelve months and the commitments moving forward.

The past week political and legal outcome has created anxiety and genuine concern among the people and some lawmakers in Congress.

Although, the political consultant based in Washington D.C. echoing the ‘K’ street sentiment by presenting oxymoron analogies would like this development downplayed, the truth of the matter is the high court decision embolden the prevalent corporate dominance and enhance the opportunity for the legislators to either remain or return to power regardless of their detrimental performance in public service.

Assailing the facts as ‘hyperventilation,’ a spin that undermines democracy when the elections are swift boated with the Corporations, Unions and religious institutions’ influence, is rather naïve if not ignorant.

Amid dismal forecasting of the Obama Presidency, the rationality beckons a fair analysis of the Obama administration’s accomplishments and errors since their election to the White House.

President Barack Obama was sworn into the office on January 20, 2009.

State of the Economy:

The former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney administration left the White House on January 19, 2009:



Deficit and Debt Increases 2001-2009 … to a total debt of $10.6 trillion as of January 2009. …

For the first time in FY 2008, the U.S. added $1 trillion to the national debt. …

Then bipartisan Congress approved taxpayer spending on two simultaneous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by allocating $1.05 trillion up until September 30, 2010.

Source: http://costofwar.com/

Total cost of wars since 2001 until date – $954 billion and rising

Spending on Iraq war – $704 billion and Afghanistan war – $250 billion

In addition, the Bush-Cheney administration Wall Street bailout that included insurance giant AIG, Mortgage lender Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, major banks and the auto industry in 2008.

Reference: www.padminiarhant.com under Business Category, Date – July 23, 2009

Title –Bush Stimulus Package

Total – $1.557 trillion i.e. $1 trillion and 557 billion dollars.

Source: The United States Labor Department

Unemployment Rate in January 2009 – 7.6 percent with 11.6 million Americans out of work.
Reality Check: By Padmini Arhant

With that being the actual state of affairs, the Obama administration initiative towards jumpstarting the economy was passing a stimulus package to benefit the average Americans and the small businesses worst hit in the economic recession that started in 2002 but acknowledged by the republican members and the Bush administration in December 2007.

Economic Stimulus: $787 billion Passed in February 2009 without any vote from the Senate and a single vote from the House of representative among the Republican minority.

Having previously voted for the Wall Street bailout to AIG and the TARP fund under Bush administration in 2008, the republican members refrained from assisting the American workers and families in the Obama stimulus package in 2009.

Obama Administration Stimulus Funding:

$787 billion economic stimulus package for job creation and tax cuts to help average American workers, families and small businesses.

$275 billion mortgage stimulus program aimed at saving troubled homeowners from foreclosure.

$30 billion bail out to AIG (in addition to the $150 billion Bush administration bailout to the insurance giant in 2008) to avert the conglomerate collapse.

$1 trillion “toxic asset” buyout program designed to get under-water assets off the U.S. banks balance sheets and facilitate the credit flow in the market to help small businesses, first home buyers, home owners refinancing as wells as the medium corporations in retaining jobs.

At the end of March 2009, the Obama Administration gave automakers General Motors and Chrysler another $22 billion in low-interest loans to protect the manufacturing jobs.

In June, the Obama Administration gave General Motors another $30 billion to help them steer through bankruptcy.

Total Obama Stimulus Package – $2.1 trillion dollars – $2 trillion and $144 billion dollars, of that $1 trillion relates to “toxic asset’ program.

It’s noteworthy that the subprime and hedge fund activities accompanied by various Wall Street speculative gambling happened on Bush-Cheney administration and the republican majority watch i.e. 2000-2006 and the recession had already been well under way, even though they refused to take responsibility.

2000 – 2006 the republican members controlled all three branches of the government.

The legislative i.e. both the House and the Senate, The executive, a.k.a. The White House and the judiciary branch.

During that time, the Bush-Cheney Presidency was preoccupied with the wild adventure in Iraq that commenced in 2003 under the pretext of WMD, the weapons of mass destruction that turned out to be Work of Mass Deception.

Again, the Bush-Cheney administration and the republican members were focused on the Halliburton, the oilfield service corporation and its subsidiary, the Kellogg Corporation’s prosperity by neglecting the U.S economy and the brewing global financial crisis.

When the same republican Congress and the Bush administration decided to accept the financial debacle and the economic crisis in December 2007, it’s a year after the democrats gained majority in the House of Congress with the selective news network and the republican members blaming the democrats for the economic crisis.

Shifting attention to the year 2009 -2010, the Obama administration and the democratic Congress passed the necessary legislations to stimulate the economy and devoted much of their time towards the historic health care reform.

President Obama and Democrat Congress Accomplishments:

Economy –

– Salvaged the global financial markets from the brink of collapse,

– Extended unemployment benefits to help families survive the massive layoffs,

– federal tax credits to first home buyers that decelerated the crumbling housing market,

– Stimulus funding generated jobs for the veterans and the green technology projects.

Education and Arts:

Provided College Students relief by shifting the unaffordable student loan payments from the private industry to non-profit organizations.

$787 billion Stimulus Package included –

Federal funding to boost K-12 education supplementing the state budget crisis across the nation.

Federal funding to preserve arts and cultural science.

Health Care Legislation – A phenomenal feat by the democrats in the Congress and the White House, despite the existing resistance from the health care industry to block the legislation.

Poignantly, the milestones in the health care legislation reached without any republican votes in the Senate and again may be with an exception of a single vote from the House of representative.

Average Americans across the nation shared their harrowing experiences from the health care industry abuses and pleaded with their representatives for a universal Medicare and save American lives – approximately 45,000 dying every year due to denial and the lack of health insurance.

Besides, the members of both political parties were well informed on the burgeoning health care costs contributing to the national deficit, an issue that has been squarely attributed to the democrats by the republican members while forgetting their own legacy to the American taxpayers, the accumulated $10.6 trillion, the wars, bailouts…cited above.

Energy and Environment:

The Copenhagen summit in December 2009 is a huge disappointment.

Nevertheless, there is an opportunity in the remaining term to accomplish the desirable goals.

President Barack Obama’s domestic environmental actions surpass the expectations in the first year.

Source: Environmental Policy – San Jose Mercury News, January 19, 2010 – By Paul Rogers

“The economy, war and health care are dominating discussions about what he has or hasn’t accomplished.

Yet with little notice from the public, Obama has been steadily rewriting a major area of American policy – the environment – from global warming to gas mileage rules, logging to endangered species.

Many of his initiatives have particular impact on California.

Obama on the Environment:

Increased gas mileage standards for cars and light trucks 40 percent, to 35 mpg by 2016.

Signed a bill establishing 2.1 million new acres of federally protected wilderness, the largest such bill since President Bill Clinton signed the Desert Protection Act in 1994.

The bill bans logging, mining and road building on federal forests and deserts in nine states, including portions of Joshua tree and Sequoia national parks and ancient bristlecone pine forests in the eastern Sierra.

Announced tougher new national smog standards from the EPA this month i.e. January 2010.
Issued EPA rules requiring large U.S. ships to cut soot emissions by 85 percent.

Blocked Bush administration rules on offshore drilling and endangered species protections.

Begun a process in December in which the Environmental Protection Agency will, for the first time, restrict the amount of greenhouse gases industry can release.

Directed more than $50 billion in funding and tax credits for renewable energy projects.

“This is by far the best first year on the environment of any president in history, including Teddy Roosevelt,” said Carl Pope, national executive director of the Sierra Club, in San Francisco.

“Most presidents have done their best environmental work late in their term. This is very very strong opening.”

Democratic Congress and White House Administration errors requiring correction:

Domestic Policy: By Padmini Arhant

Passing legislations in the partisan atmosphere is a daunting task in itself.

Both the White House and the democratic Congress have not been meticulous in the policy implementations such as,

Banks bailout approval without any stipulations.

Oversight and accountability on the stimulus funding slighted by the financial industry.

Failure to reserve actions against banks’ non-compliance in easing the liquidity crisis and the housing market revival.

Resisting pork barrel or earmarks in the stimulus funding to negate the opposition and the selective media hypocrisy.

Recruiting the faulty economic team otherwise known as the Wall Street oligarchy –

The Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the economic adviser Larry Summers and now backing the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke for a second term, much against the main street protest is a tremendous political liability.

Further, the team members were the head of the respective institutions that led the economy to a near free fall and arguably viewed by the general public as the lobbyists for the financial sector.

Job creation and protection – It’s been slow irrespective of the stimulus programs and is the primary cause for losing the recent elections.

It could be recovered by offering tax cuts to deserving corporations preserving jobs as opposed to exporting jobs overseas.

Incentivizing manufacturing sector by reviewing trade and commerce law.

Embracing protectionism over globalization is necessary to promote domestic jobs, thereby confirming the White House and Congress priority for the American people over the overseas financier, China.

Regulations and reform in the finance, health care and energy sector is paramount for the present survival and future growth.

Foreign Policy: By Padmini Arhant

Haiti disaster fund $100 million by the administration is commendable but news reports regarding the U.S military presence overwhelming the rescue and relief operation was alarming.

Remarkable improvement in the U.S. and Russian relationship particularly in the dialogue related to conventional stockpiles and nuclear arsenal reduction treaty.

The 64th U.N General Assembly session in September 2009 – Smart approach to discuss nuclear non-proliferation even though nuclear disarmament is the ideal path towards global peace and security.

G-20 meeting in April and September 2009 was a success and progress dependent on pending U.S financial reform.

April 2009 – $1 Trillion Stimulus Package – G-20 World Leaders Stimulus

The leaders of the 20 most powerful countries in the world (representing 85% of global economic production) convened in London and agreed to $1 trillion in economic stimulus funds, as well as tighter global financial regulations.

Environmental – COP15, Copenhagen Summit – A failure.

There is hope to realize the environmental scope in the 2010 and future global summits. The environmental pursuit must begin with the U.S climate bill legislation to gain credibility in the international forum.

Domestic issues like economy, health care, debates surrounding the troops increase in Afghanistan and national security have consumed most part of the 2009 and overshadowed the prominent world crises.

Pakistan – Financial aid to advance socio-economic development is a positive step as long as the funds are invested to alleviate the population plight and educate the children in the rural and urban areas. Drone attacks have caused many civilian casualties justifiably triggering anger and frustration among the local victims.

Military aid and the deployment of the private mercenary viz. The Blackwater a.k.a.Xe Services LLC and alike to eliminate the terror networks is a contentious issue to be discussed in length later.

India and Pakistan – The United States’ position to disassociate from the talks reveals political expediency.

Iranian crackdown of the democracy movement and defiance in the nuclear program – A cautious reaction and response by the United States arousing passion among the allies and the adversaries.

Worsening Israeli and Palestinian conflict – Jewish settlements, blockade and occupation continue to derail peace prospects and fomented by the United States adherence to the prior administration’s foreign policy.

The controversial three-dimensional wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen via military and intelligence intervention will be elaborated in the later segments.

Containing the saber rattling – North Korea launching missiles, a tradition maintained since the former Bush-Cheney administration. Multilateral talks are vital to curb North Korean President Kim Jong Il’s erratic behavior.

Postponing the meeting with his Holiness Dalai Lama and accepting illegal invasion and occupation of Tibet as part of China in an effort to appease the major creditor – A diplomatic trend serving none and blatantly condones oppression, a diametric stance for the world’s first democracy.

Honduran Military Coup – A setback reflecting the flagrant U.S foreign policy towards Latin America complicated by the republican members’ rendezvous with the military coup leader Roberto Micheletti.

Darfur Genocide – President Obama’s interference was refreshing and requires intense pressure on the Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to end the massacre entirely.

Burma – The Burmese junta extending the pro-democracy leader, Aung san suu kyi’s house arrest and exploiting the forthcoming election with false declaration to release the leader by November 2010 is bound to attract international interest.

Unrest in Sub-Saharan Africa – Guinea – The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appropriately condemned the violence and the message should resonate in other parts of the world for the United States to be received as the reliable negotiator in peace process.


Performance Assessment and Future Role: By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama and the democratic Congress have demonstrated leadership in dealing with the humongous challenges inherited from the previous administration on the economy, war, national security and neglected issues pertaining to human life i.e. health care and environment.

Regrettably, the White House and the democrat Congress have not utilized the political capital earned from the historic election and the weaning public support especially among the independent voters stems from the promised ‘Change,’ not being delivered with Wall Street reining control over Washington and the substantial bailouts not producing the anticipated economic recovery.

Other factors like transparency and accountability are perceived to be in coherence with the earlier administration’s discreet policy, avoiding the free press and media, thus providing fodder for the critics.

In foreign policy and war on terror – The administration policy is viewed as Bush-Cheney policy in the international main street specifically in the most vulnerable regions of the world.

President Barack Obama seeking bipartisanship with a cabinet offer to the Republican Senator, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire to serve as the U.S Commerce Secretary was turned down.

Similarly, the White House invitation to the republican members for their input in the economic stimulus went stone deaf with criticisms volleyed against the President and the democrats for the economic stimulus package.

The President and the democrats’ bipartisan outreach have been futile, for they are doomed either way among the republican members who can’t find any common ground to agree upon any proposal.

In light of the status quo, the Congress members are obligatory to the American electorate rather than their colleagues in the House and the Senate or the Wall Street.

Creating jobs and restoring confidence among the consumers, investors and taxpayers is the inevitable victory against any form of opposition.

Negative attacks and distortions will persist. Maintaining a strong disposition and determination to succeed are the key characteristics when facing obstacles on the path.

Moving diligently with the legislations on financial reform, health care with a public option and concentrating on the climate bill will prove the inherent courage in the Presidency and Congress members to fight for the people and the nation.

Ultimately, in a democracy the power lies with the people as voters, consumers, taxpayers and shareholders.

Among the members in the society – Effectively, it’s better for different groups supporting a common cause to pool resources and present them as one voice against any powerful force during the elections and legislations.

For instance, the various environmental organizations should consolidate ideas and act together to defeat the industrial threat to the planet.

Likewise, the average citizens should join together as a resilient force to represent democracy during elections, and rally behind the President and the party that is dedicated to the public and not the private or personal interest.

The United States has a unique opportunity to rebound in all aspects and emerge from the present crises under the leadership of President Barack Obama and the democratic Congress.

People have endured and overcome many upheavals in the ‘Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, the United States.

President Barack Obama brought hope to many in this country and around the world in 2008.

People are the only ones who can bring about the ‘Change,’ they desire by electing the officials and the President who are willing to undertake political risks and protect the people’s rights in a democracy.

“Yes We Can,” did it in 2008 and “Yes We Will,” should elect the doers, the democrats to office in 2010 to complete the work began in 2009, the economy and health care…

I wish President Barack Obama and Congress members of both parties success in the legislative matter concerning “We the People.”

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Supreme Court Ruling on Campaign Finance and Impact on American Politics

January 24, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The world is impressively coalescing to alleviate the Haitian population plight from the 7.0 earthquake followed by a 6.0 aftershock that hit the Caribbean nation. A spectacular performance by the benevolent Hollywood in the telethon to raise hope for Haiti should enhance the rescue operation.

Meanwhile, Washington D.C, the political capital, where the members of Congress make decisions on issues affecting approximately three hundred million American and estimated five billion lives around the globe, experienced even a greater seismic activity and an aftershock that deserves undivided attention and immediate action.

On Tuesday, January 19, 2010, the people of Massachusetts elected their State legislator Scott Brown, the republican candidate to represent their interests in the United States Senate.

Opposition is necessary to maintain checks and balances in a democracy. It’s effective when the opposing members engage constructively with valuable input in legislative matter benefiting the electorate, i.e. the people and steer the nation towards a progressive path.

Instead, politics primarily focus on destructive course aimed at bringing down the incumbent administration and the majority in power besides misleading the electorate to be dissatisfied with the power in the highest office, viz. the President.

The opposition is further emboldened through the political means such as filibuster and the news media aiding them with false propaganda, distorted views and vitriolic attacks blaring on the radio airwaves and mainstream television network.

Unfortunately, there is no bar on the opposition’s motive seeking political vengeance to regain the lost regency. The reference is suitably applied to the republican members and the selective communication media accompanied by the print press columnists ever at their disposal and,

Not precluding their powerful allies in the judiciary branch to launch snipers, witnessed in the recent Supreme Court 5-4 decision on January 21, 2010 that allows the Corporations to hijack democracy.

The newly elected Massachusetts Senator’s arrival boosts the republican minority from the existing forty to forty-one members empowering them with the filibuster right.

It’s relevant to highlight that the Senator-elect was chosen by the Republican party to strengthen the “Nay” votes to consistently derail the democrats effort to relieve the American people from the economic woes.

As expected, the Senator-elect pledged to vote against health care, climate bill and legislations designed to revive the economy.

Filibuster is a favorite tactic of the minority to subvert the majority actions in legislative affairs, available to all political representatives. However, it’s widely adopted by the republican members to protest legislations put forth by their opposition, i.e. the democrats from moving forward, thereby creating a ceaseless gridlock in legislative process.

The Senate votes crucial in the final passage of the bill in Congress often exert authority on the legislative content and framework rendering the legislation a mere formality rather than a meaningful legislative act that would safeguard the immediate and long term national interests.

It’s evident in the health care reform that has been subject to filibuster threats from the conservatives i.e. democrat, independent and the republican party to appease the Corporate sponsors.

Similar response received during President Obama’s economic stimulus package when the republican members’ unanimously abstained from voting with a warning to anticipate more obstruction on issues like the finance reform, energy, environment…otherwise, everything related to improve the ‘average’ American lives.

Republican members have continuously displayed partisanship since the dawn of the Obama Presidency. The South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint vowed to stall the health care reform claiming,

“It would break President Barack Obama. Perhaps it might be his waterloo.”

That’s not all from the SC Senator. The Christmas security issue with the Nigerian bomber on the Delta airline should be attributed to Senator DeMint’s partisan politics for blocking the appointment of TSA chief over republican alleged TSA unionization.

When the incident takes place, the Republican Regent, the former Vice President Dick Cheney and the propaganda news channel blame the President and the democrats as being too “soft on national security,”befitting the metaphor,

“They want their cake and eat it too.”

Incidentally, Osama Bin Laden proudly claiming notoriety for the Nigerian bomber attempt to wreak terror in the sky.

Same critics conveniently discard the former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the Vice President Dick Cheney’s blunder prompting a credibility factor… to set the terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden free in Tora Bora, Afghanistan.

So much for being the ‘veterans’ on national security.

The voters’ disappointment confirmed in the latest poll on the Massachusetts default victory to Republican candidate Scott Brown and the ‘controversial’ news network message reverberated in the electorate’s reason.

“There is too much government involvement aka government monopoly rather than having the businesses and individuals deal with the crisis.”

When in fact, the crisis is created by the Corporations in the finance, health care and energy industry by indulging in speculative trading and gorging practices all along.

From Reaganomics to Bush philosophy, the economic policy that gave the free market a free pass through deregulation and generous tax cuts to wealthy corporations and individuals with skyrocketing defense spending on two simultaneous wars led the economy and the global financial market to a near free fall.

Now, when President Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress is elected to clean up the mess inherited from the Republican owned Bush-Cheney disastrous Presidency, the Republican legislators unabashedly resort to cheap political stunts to sabotage every legislation, instead of cooperating and resolving their manufactured crises.

For instance, the long overdue financial reform involving tax levy against the banks, originally rewarded by the Bush-Cheney republican administration in 2008 via TARP bailout is reportedly characterized by the radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh as racial profiling of the ‘Jewish,’ bank executives.

Reports also suggest the republican legislators, not surprisingly preparing to torpedo the finance reform that will essentially protect the ‘average’ American consumers from financial fraud in credit card and mortgage transactions, an epidemic hurting millions of Americans in addition to contributing to the credit crunch in the economy.

The republican legislator reportedly confessed that the agenda is to seclude President Obama from gaining any political score as he conceded it would be a sure political winner considering the public outrage against wall street.

It must be clear to the electorate from coast to coast that the Republican administration and the republican Congress members fail to stand up for the people electing them to power.

They empathize with the big corporations and the wealthiest in the society hiring them to represent their specific profiteering goals at the expense of the average American workers.

The Supreme court decision enables the Corporations to cherry pick the representative to deliver the desirable corporate results on every issue, not withstanding the religious organizations inevitably forging their religious belief on women and gay community.

For any rational political observers, the shameful conduct by the Republican ratio whether minority or majority is all too familiar as the tradition maintained from the Carter Presidency with Iranian hostage crisis and later the Clinton Presidency, resulting in the government shut down by the former Speaker Newt Gingrich.

To shed light on the irresponsible stance by the republican appointed justices in the Supreme court decision, on the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission matter, it’s a political favor returned to the party in minority not to mention the conservatism gone awry.

The decision has appropriately caused an enormous anxiety and concern among the citizens aware of the serious ramifications where the populace voice is suppressed by the Corporate power, an existing scenario exacerbated with the highest court interference in politics.

With the exception of two members, the majority republican party is jubilant at the assault on democracy by Supreme Court activist justices reflected in the minority leader Mitch McConnell greeting the message with a warm welcome.

Republican party and the conservative forces consider this opportunity an effortless return to power with an utter disregard for the people undermined in the undemocratic ruling.

Ironically, the Republican legislators declined to cast their vote for the democrat nominee, Justice Sonia Sotomayor targeting the decisions made by the then judge Sotomayor in the United States Court of Appeals as ‘political activism,’

Yet currently embracing the conservative justices’ activism on the Supreme Court decision as free speech protection for Corporations with them being the sole beneficiaries.

The abundant hypocrisy in the conservative policy worsens with time. It’s basically centered on subjugating fascism via corporatism in a democracy.

”The Supreme Court decision in the case of Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. In a 5-4 decision, the Court ruled that a Title VII complaint must be filed within 180 days of the specific action that sets discriminatory pay, regardless of its ongoing and continuing discriminatory impact on the employee.”

Setbacks on women’s rights in the Supreme Court Decision extended in the Senate Bill on equal pay for equal work killed by the Senate Republicans via 56-42 votes on April 23, 2008 on the grounds that the legislation would trigger lawsuits from the affected parties i.e. the women in this case.

All of these events unequivocally reveal the ideology driven conservatism and their allegiance to Wall Street oppressing the main street regardless of economic conditions.

It’s not adequate to remain emotional on this extreme activism from the judicial bench by the republican justices, once believed to be corporate attorneys.

Citizens and Congress must take action to revoke the catastrophic trend originating from this radical conservative course and repeal the malevolent doctrine dominant in the judicial and legislative branch. A dangerous precedence that blatantly deprives citizen participation in the electoral process.

Citizens Action:

A constitutional amendment is urgently required to delineate “Corporations, Unions, religious institutions,” as intangible entities from the natural human material.

Therefore, the first amendment that guarantees free speech and human rights would not be applicable to the non-physical embodiments such as Corporations, Unions, religious institutions etc.,

The available websites for this particular action are:

http://www.movetoamend.org/ Corporations are not people and www.voteraction.org

Signing a petition per district and submitting to your local representative is also a place to start in stopping the unthinkable crime against democracy.

Whenever there is lack of accountability with guaranteed job security viz. the Supreme Court appointment, the abuse of power is impulsive more than prerogative.

Hence, reducing the lifetime tenure to a five-year term would be a pragmatic approach to deter extremism from the judicial branch.

Again, the citizens’ demand in this context would enforce the change for constitutional enactment and the urgency appears to have emanated from the conservative justices’ cavalier decision.

Remedy through Congress legislation:

Passing the law that would prohibit the participation of Corporations with federal and state contracts in political campaigns.

The proposal by the Illinois Democratic Senator Richard Durbin is also a constructive mechanism to minimize the corporate influence. Any one raising objection or voting against the proposal should be identified and voted out of power.

Voice of the people combined with action across the socio-economic spectrum as taxpayers, consumers, shareholders should counteract the abominable Supreme Court verdict.

Ideally, isolating corporations, unions and religious groups from the political sphere should be the American democracy’s objective.

Corporations should exclusively focus on economy by creating and protecting jobs for arguably their political intervention endangers democracy.

A message that should resonate among the electorate contrary to the conservative fear-mongering strategy about the government takeover of corporations and individual life.

In light of the conservative demolition of democratic values and principles, it’s the responsibility of the American electorate to view the status quo in broad perspective and rally behind President Barack Obama and the democratic Congress earnestly committed to resurrect the nation from the economic crisis, the Bush-Cheney republican legacy to American people.

Now is the time for the Populist movement i.e. peaceful and non-violent dissent to emerge preferably exploiting technology to protect democracy as the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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