Demystifying the Myth

March 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

My fellow citizens of the world,

I wish to clarify the misunderstandings in the communication with respect to the power in Washington.

The new developments are not to create any confusion or pose a threat to anyone’s position whether personal or professional.

President Barack Obama is the President of the United States and the Congress members as the elected representatives would perform the legislative tasks per the constitution.

I request the responsible members in Congress or the media not to arrive at any hasty conclusion and spin the information against our President Barack Obama or the Democratic Party leadership and the members.

This message is being released in coherence with the new beginning set forth for humanity.

Regarding my identity and the precise reason for the engagement in the physical world,

I assure you that none will be kept in the dark and there is no conspiracy of any kind.

In fact, it’s the long well known prophecy eventuating to confirm the cosmic convergence in the universe.

My involvement is for a specific purpose in accordance with the cosmic evolutionary process concerning time and space.

I’ll provide an explanation with a formal introduction including the characteristics of the events since my acquaintance with all of you going back to the Presidential campaign in 2008.

I will also share my life journey for better perception.

Your patience is much appreciated.

‘Save the Planet’ and ‘Peace on Earth’ is not merely a concept but an inevitable reality.

Signing off with love and peace to every being on this planet.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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