United States – Congressional and State Elections 2011

May 21, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Special election scheduled on May 24, 2011 in New York 26th Congressional district is on spotlight with the race between the Republican candidate Jane Corwin and the Democrat Kathy Hochul reportedly in dead heat predominantly due to GOP plan to overhaul Medicare and Rep. Paul Ryan’s controversial budget.

Democrat contender Kathy Hochul is presumably neither self nor special interests-funded and projected to be a fierce fighter for working class given her impressive track record as the Erie County Clerk and having previously worked for Congressional members John LaFalce and the late US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan distinctively confirming Washington experience compared with her opponents in the election.

In semblance with the dilemma experienced by mainstream representatives against lobbyists’ funded political opponents in any election,

The disproportionate money factor is a major challenge for the determined and dedicated political aspirant, Kathy Hochul.

Unless the tradition is broken with massive voter interjection rejecting such candidacies, it would be extremely difficult for any genuine leadership to emerge at the local and national level.

As stated earlier on numerous occasions, politics run by corporate power and multinational influence is formidable with the political mandate easily swayed through smear campaigns distracting public from electorate-concerned issues.

Reiterating the previous statement in this regard, people have the power to enforce the change necessary beginning with invalidating the money power right from the campaign trail to the Congressional halls and chambers that has successfully undermined democracy rendering the electoral process a mere formality.

Democrat nominee Kathy Hochul is favored to counteract the multi-faceted representation in Congress on various issues and apparently committed to her constituents in NY-26 district including the people across the state and the nation.

The voters in New York 26 Congressional district are requested and urged to pay attention to the prevalent trend with campaign promises made to the people remaining a political rhetoric,

While the pledge to campaign contributors fulfilled in legislation prepared and drafted by none other than the relevant industry and foreign interests.

Please come forward and contribute to Democrat Kathy Hochul campaign for meaningful democratic voice in Congress conspicuously missing among the majority responsible for the status quo.

The democrat Kathy Hochul’s triumph in the red district could make history given the election in the constituency won by republican candidates with the exception of three democrats’ success in the past century.

Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike have a unique opportunity to elect the democrat Kathy Hochul in promoting the average American cause.

Please extend your generous support with affordable donations to democrat Kathy Hochul’s campaign for a landslide victory on May 24, 2011.

Similarly the state of Wisconsin is set for recall elections in July 2011 with six Republican members failure to address the state problems and,

Instead launched attacks on workers and middle class families – the contemporary political scapegoat for lawmakers sworn allegiance to campaign financiers.

Wisconsin Republican candidates against ordinary citizens are endowed with political cash machine operated by veteran election maneuverers like former political adviser to Bush-Cheney administration, Karl Rove and Koch Brothers in addition to corporate money supply.

Their agenda has been to eliminate middle class and push the lower income families to the lowest economic strata.

Sadly, they have achieved their goals widening the gap between the haves and have-nots.

Republic rule has been systematically replaced with corporate and finance sector dominance buying elections through investment in political campaigns ensuring phenomenal returns on specific industry oriented matter much to the population detriment.

The question is directed to the victims – the people in the state of Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey…and across the nation.

The top 1 percent deriving economic prospects at the remaining population expense having become the norm,

What would it require to energize the voters with real power in restoring the government of the people, for the people and by the people?

Indeed there is greater urgency to reverse the process – only possible through active voter participation to reclaim fair income distribution and equality in many aspects.

Electorates can no longer be complacent to the systemic abuse of democratic system increasingly exploited by various business and political factions focused on self-interest than citizens’ or national interest.

Therefore, the electorates in New York 26th Congressional district could potentially alter the course in a positive direction by casting their vote for democrat Kathy Hochul and,

Likewise electing Progressives against Republican lawmakers recognized for their crusade to protect the wealthiest and disenfranchise the rest is paramount to revive economic and political viability.

Please exercise diligence in the democratic right by electing leadership loyal to voters and not sponsors of the individual political career with vested interests.

Best Wishes and Good Luck to Democrat Kathy Hochul of New York 26th Congressional district, Progressives in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, New Hampshire and other parts of the nation for a glorious electoral outcome.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
























United States – Budget Deal Prevents Government Shutdown

April 9, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Congressional members under the leaderships of the House Speaker John Boehner, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and minority leader Mitch McConnell passed the budget providing federal funding to last until Thursday April 14, 2011 that averted the government shut down.

The stopgap measure allows government functionality and further time to complete the required tasks i.e. federal funding for the remaining year and the fiscal year 2012 budget approval.

Budget deal is claimed to have achieved $78 billion savings against deficit reduction without social issues holding up the legislation and the political gridlock serving none except news discussion.

As stated earlier the debt reduction is necessary but not at the vulnerable population expense.

The other areas consuming significant proportion of spending with negative returns are to be targeted rather than aiming at life saving programs and essential investments guaranteed to boost economic growth in the immediate and long term future.

The negotiation methods leading to a general consensus on the budget could be emulated in the coming week to avoid any delay or threats to government operation.

The elected representatives to public office bear greater responsibility to diligently engage in meaningful debates and reconcile the differences for a desirable outcome in legislative matter.

Again disagreements for political reasons are detrimental to national interest with an inevitable electoral backlash common in a democracy.

Identifying the unreasonable and unaffordable causes effectively benefitting all could facilitate better environment in public policy engagement.

Although every elected official is inclined to serve their respective constituency and political party,

The national legislation especially fiscal management is always contentious and requires rationality as well as balanced approach resisting political appeasement for universal benefit.

Every American is part of the society. Therefore health, education, jobs, housing and environment problems experienced as individuals or communities has ripple effects.

Poignantly denying funding for Planned Parenthood involved in women’s health care and wellness contributes to the national health care costs overriding deficit containment.

The Republican lawmakers and conservative democrats opposed to Title 10 related to funding for Planned Parenthood are requested to focus on the wide range of health benefits received by women in lower income category that otherwise could deprive them from healthy living standards not to mention the economic liabilities exceeding the fund provision for preventive care.

Such unnecessary opposition is deflective from the objective to reduce national debt.

Besides the political position could generate gender bias perception usually reflected in the electoral outcome.

Change promised on the campaign trail could be realized upon cooperation, acknowledgment of issues in the broader sense and sincere commitment to serve the people and nation at large.

Working in harmony could alleviate partisanship attributed to legislation failure.

Adopting a strategy to exchange ideas and recommendations at various levels to improve American lives while leaving behind the political ideology found in the legislation blockade would enhance performance and fix the broken system in Washington.

Nonetheless the renewed teamwork displayed in the budget agreement is commendable.

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, The White House Staff, Congressional leaderships and members’ perseverance in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Hopefully similar actions will prevail in the week ahead becoming the new resolution rejecting obsolete practices in Washington politics.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Budget Impasse and Possible Government Shutdown

April 7, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

United States is confronted with many contentious issues.

The disagreement on federal spending, funding for the rest of this year, the deficit, and the FY 2012 budget constitutes the highlight of the political standoff.

There is no doubt that deficit is a major concern not only for the elected officials but also the mainstream taxpayers especially the average citizens forced with tax burden and drastic spending cuts directly affecting vital programs such as health, education and environment protection.

Republican members have always maintained that balancing a budget means targeting essential services to the vulnerable members i.e. children health, youth population dependent on educational grants, senior citizens and veteran affairs without due consideration for the reverse impact on the net output.

Meanwhile, the tax breaks to the wealthiest including estate tax exemption passed during the Bush tax cuts extension in 2010 combined with disproportionate defense expenditure on the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which were never even budgeted prior to engagement are contradictory to their objective in containing deficit.

The White House fiscal year 2012 budget and the 2011 federal spending is also based on drastic cuts in domestic discretionary spending expected to cause significant pain in states with budget crisis.

Again the Pentagon spending and corporate tax evasions have not drawn the White House and the conservatives’ attention in the crucial debate.

Otherwise – General Electric, America’s largest corporation having made ($14.2B) $14,200,000,000 in profits last year paid $0 in taxes — that’s right, zero dollars in taxes.

Further GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt ensured his compensation doubled and then diligently concentrated on imposing severe concessions in wages and benefits against 15,000 workers.

Ironically Jeffrey Immelt is the Chair of President Barack Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness – the coveted status for any Corporate Executive to be in the realm of policy making at the executive branch.

People grievance in this regard is justified – Mr. Immelt assisted his company to evade taxes on its mega profits and subsequent to securing personal compensation double has been pursuing the workers to accept pay cuts – signifying the culture in the corporate dominant political systems.

Citizens petition seeking CEO Jeffrey Immelt to step down and President Barack Obama for Mr. Immelt’s resignation is yet to be obliged much to public frustration.

CEO Jeffrey Immelt position as the Chair of the White House council is evidently in conflict of interest and therefore honoring citizens’ call to quit from the controversial post would be a dignified decision in a democratic setting.

Perhaps the lawmakers’ favoring austerity on the middle and low income America could review their overwhelming generosity in tax breaks facilitating certain corporations and the super rich executives to defraud the current taxation law.

Congressional Democrats particularly the progressives being the only hope for average Americans are hamstrung in their efforts to prevent the intense attacks against the working class.

Social security – the guaranteed safety net for the baby boomers and retirees is another misplaced political maneuver in the fiscal mismanagement.

The latest stopgap measure passed in the House by Republican majority providing a mere week funding instead of the remaining year reflects the lack of seriousness to perform the services pledged on the campaign trail.

Balanced approach and clear rationale is required to overcome the political gridlock contributing to possible government shutdown likely to exacerbate the situation rather than resolving for national benefit.

Congressional members from both parties are urged to set aside their respective political differences and earnestly involve in fruitful discussions to exemplify their commitment to the American electorate.

Representatives are elected to run the government efficiently and not dedicate to the closure for political appeasement.

Besides the House Speaker John Boehner in the tearful moment upon being elected the Republican leader declared the victory as the strong message from the American people to “change course.”

It is poignant to remind the esteemed Speaker John Boehner on the promises made at the emotional hour.

Republican Congressman John Boehner’s statements were:

“The people’s priorities will be our priorities. The people’s agenda will be our agenda.

This is our Pledge to America; this is our pledge to you!

Let’s start right now by recognizing this is not a time for celebration. This is a time to roll up our sleeves and go to work. We can celebrate when small businesses are creating jobs again.”

The status quo could be attributed to politics served more with rhetoric than actions and as for changing direction – it is worth travelling down memory lane when the then Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich successfully led the Government shut down under the former Democratic President Bill Clinton.

Experimenting old ways for new results might yield self-satisfaction and in this instance to national detriment.

However prolonging the stalemate only confirms the reluctance to ‘Change’ despite the relevance in political stagnancy.

Promoting inaction is not the solution to the burgeoning problem and,

Political leaderships arriving at a consensus through middle ground without marginalizing those struggling to make ends meet or the demography striving hard to revive the economy is instrumental in leading the nation forward.

Spending cuts are vital in the areas that are redundant and destructive to humanity like incessant warfare as well as incentives to energy behemoths indulging in environmental damage.

Contrarily the spending reductions are invariably focused on life saving and prospective investments.

Hence the two substantial avenues to address the federal spending, balancing the budget and deficit control – essentially fiscal responsibility are:

Containing military expenditure with a definitive exit strategy on Iraq, Afghanistan and military bases around the world.

Tax reform to close tax evasion loopholes and tax structure review for fair assessments.

Additionally eliminating wasteful spending i.e. earmarks with the exception of infrastructure improvement in the congressional districts or uplifting social standards producing business and community growth opportunities benefitting all are viable for a meaningful breakthrough in the budget dispute.

It is time to deliver and not deliberate on the government functionality through collective reconciliation of the fiscal matter.

Hopefully all parties will rise to the occasion by recognizing their individual obligation to public and national service without alienating the issues for political purpose.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Wisconsin State Budget Resolution and Preserving Workers’ Rights

February 27, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

In the State of Wisconsin thousands of protesters are defending the collective bargaining rights staved off in an attempt to deprive workers across the economy from any benefits viewed as liability by the Republican majority.

Budget crisis is widespread within United States and around the world.

As a result the governments at all levels have been adopting severe austerity targeting the worst affected demography through spending cuts on essential programs further exacerbating the vulnerable population plight.

Although the cuts are necessary – the focus is on the vast majority dependent vital services rather than eliminating redundant costs and trimming discretionary investments that are untimely and unaffordable.

Similarly balancing the budget without any revenue from increased productivity or tax hikes on the wealthiest including products and services that are detrimental to health as well as general environment contributes to the growing anti-austerity measures viz. Greece, Ireland and United Kingdom.

Wisconsin for instance could review the areas to generate revenue from manufacturing – being one of the economic strengths in addition to,

The tax rates on personal income especially the top bracket and sales tax that is comparatively lower than other states in the nation.

There appears to be no inheritance tax with the large estate taxes again arbitrarily collected.

Highway and road construction along with maintenance is currently funded by motor fuel tax only. Exploring other avenues like toll roads could provide for any shortfall in the budget.

Similarly the alcohol beverage tax appears to have been contentious emanating from the political influence by the Wisconsin Tavern League behind the state’s reluctance to lower the DUI offense from BAC 0.10 to 0.08 until recently.

The State reliance on full market value based property tax in the sluggish housing trend for income to manage the entire operating costs is a limited pursuit when there are many options available to offset the budget deficit that could ease the burden on any particular segment in the society.

In terms of denying the workers’ rights on collective negotiations – the State assembly approval confirms the misplaced priority and disconnect with the society at large.

The common experience among employees and workers is the difficulty in making inroads with the employers on any legitimate concerns about working conditions and economic opportunity.

It is even harder during the tough economic times deterring individuals to bring the matter to management’s attention due to the fear of losing their job.

The political ideology combined with corporate financing in the election campaign is evidently unleashing power on the electorate typically ignored after the electoral victories.

Republican Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is reportedly determined to ‘bust the State worker unions and eliminate their collective bargaining rights.’

Political establishment that has no respect for labor force – the human capital and the fundamental resource in the economic activities would categorically lead the free market to a free fall upon any sabotage to the engine of the economy.

Without workers and consumers the private and public sector cannot exist and the politically motivated steps against worker representation is analogous to hurting the hands that feeds them.

The demonstrators’ persistence gaining momentum thus far against Republican rejection is indicative of the inevitable political backlash in 2012 for Wisconsin incumbents and others following suit.

Furthermore, the worker unions are vital for checks and balances in the corporate dominant politics, economics and social domain.

Republican members’ strategy in this regard would be equivalent to opposition dismissal effectively voiding democracy.

It is a dangerous precedence and pervasive as seen in France implemented aggressive pension reform vigorously pushed forward in the U.S. Congress extending retirement age and privatizing social security for corporate direct control over public assets.

Now the bill passed in the Wisconsin State assembly is yet another goal to diminish worker unions involvement to discuss corporate policy if found detrimental to work force and ultimately the overall productivity.

It would again lead to kamikaze outcome benefitting none but certainly ruining all.

Governor Walker’s order to track down the State Senate democrats having left the capital city, Madison in disagreement of the shortsighted approach to a sensitive humanitarian issue is regrettable and does not reflect the Republican rule in the world’s modern democracy.

Hence Governor Scott Walker and the Republican Senate in Wisconsin is urged to abandon the ill-conceived notion to deprive workers their voice in a capitalist economy poised to thrive in a democratic setting.

Honoring the workers rights is the only respectable act and guarantees a better employer-employee relationship crucial for corporate and national progress.

Meanwhile the citizens from all walks of life against the proposal in Wisconsin, Indiana, Nevada…are requested to remain committed in securing their rights in the rapidly deteriorating ethical efficacy.

Best Wishes and Good Luck! To all parties for a peaceful resolution favoring the workers requirement.

Besides they are also the consumers, taxpayers and most importantly the electorates holding the key to office.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

DREAM ACT – Development, Relief & Education of Alien Minors

December 20, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

United States is effectively United Nations in diversity with myriad of cultures, race, religion… co-existing despite varied characteristics.

In fact this particular feature about United States is emulated in other parts of the world deriving economic and social benefits from immigrant population with assorted skills.

Poignantly the United States status quo would be different had the pilgrims been denied entry and forced to return to their land of origin.

The DREAM ACT is a bipartisan bill introduced by Assistant Senate Majority Leader Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) to address the key issues confronting the United States – border security and availing the talent of American Minors born overseas through the path to resident status legalization.

Border security is a bipartisan goal to restrict drugs and arms trade including the contentious illegal crossing. Despite this component, the legislation failure by 55 – 41 votes on December 18, 2010 in the Senate is intriguing.

On the legalization of American Minors’ resident status – the eligibility criteria is absolute and completely favor the United States specifically the U.S. military and the educational institutions besides generating desperately required revenue to offset the rising national debt upon these qualified graduates entering the work force.

According to the DREAM ACT individuals must fulfill the following eligibility requirement:

< Have arrived in the United States at the age of 15 or under;

< Have lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years;

< Graduate from high school;

< Serve in the military or attend college for at least two years; and

< Have good moral character

These legitimate conditions create opportunities for the U.S. Defense force and the American job market to recruit the “cream of the crop” among applicants as presented by Senator Richard Durbin during the passionate plea to the Senate.

U.S. military is not only outstretched due to casualties suffered from ongoing wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan…but also facing increasing challenge to attract volunteers with solid background placing an enormous burden on the institution to accept less qualified enrollees requiring more spending for proper training and preparedness to serve in the sophisticated United States military.

Such demand is often reflected in the disproportionate defense budget contributing to national deficit – arguably the mutual concern for members in both political parties and the American public.

Considering Republican members’ stance on national security and corporate welfare – the DREAM ACT fits the bill per se by providing high caliber candidates producing beyond expectation results.

The reason behind the DREAM ACT inevitable success is based on the carefully designed program targeting the high achievers with exemplary academic record admirably earned under extraordinary circumstances.

These young Americans having proved their resolve in overcoming obstacles without a shadow of doubt display genuine desire to serve the only nation they call ‘home’ in various capacity.

Again as elaborated above the net gain in legalizing American minors’ presence far outweighs the hypothetical negative evaluation that led to the votes shortfall in the DREAM ACT legislation.

United States being the land of immigrants proudly attributes the phenomenal progress thus far to cosmopolitan aptitude prevalent in prudent immigration laws.

The DREAM ACT constitutes the urgency to secure borders along with promoting policy guaranteed to enhance United States economic and defense position.

Moreover the DREAM ACT has been previously brought to the Senate floor on numerous occasions going back to the Republican administration under the former President George W. Bush.

Most recently it was submitted to 109, 110 and now 111th Congress subsequent to the House approval only to be rejected by the Republican Senate minority.

Therefore the selective Republican members’ claiming that DREAM ACT is being rushed for final vote does not bode well given the facts on the time frame for passing this crucial legislation.

Unfortunately, the decision to block the DREAM ACT is political without any consideration for national interest. The pattern in Washington gridlock is detrimental to domestic growth and prosperity not to mention the political backlash in the 2012 election.

The revival of DREAM ACT before the end of 111th Congress is respectfully requested with a direct plea to the moderate Republican members who honorably cooperated in repealing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell legislation to once again come forward and extend their bipartisan support to the bipartisan bill that is evidently beneficial to the United States Defense, the economy and most importantly enabling the young Americans in realizing the American dream.

United States distinguished Senate members have the power to acknowledge the DREAM ACT prospects with their final votes in recognition of national priority.

Above all coherence in holiday spirit would demonstrate the individual caring for greater good.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Unemployment Benefits, Tax cuts with Skyrocketing Deficit

December 17, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The bill is passed in the Senate and currently making its way in the House of Congress despite the legislation’s long term repercussions on national deficit and social security.

In the deal struck between the current Republican minority and the White House – the deficit spending through tax cuts extension for the 1% wealthiest including estate tax concessions is hailed as a bipartisan victory against the overwhelming public opposition to the reckless compromise.

As stated earlier in the article titled Bush tax cuts, Unemployment benefits and National deficit, December 7, 2010 published on this website – the average Americans are burdened with the liability from the tax credit to the super-rich.

They are being punished for the unemployment benefits extension, child tax breaks and college tuition credits in the bill – the combined costs of these desperately required provisions is significantly lower than the over $700 billion expense from the tax cuts to the top 1% wealthy in the country resulting in the total spending of $858 billion added to the skyrocketing national debt.

The two year tax cuts to the affluent members in the society are expected to become permanent and the social security with payroll tax holiday targeted for privatization potentially wiping out the only safety net for the retirees while the retirement period prolonged to offset national spending.

It is a remarkable win for the Republican minority soon to be the majority in the House with further representation in the Senate.

Unfortunately the voices for the average Americans in Congress are drowned by the political agenda to implement policies aimed at gains in the short-run with no due concern for future ramifications on the fiscal irresponsibility.

The strange partnership with similar motives is a sheer betrayal having been elected with the overwhelming democratic base votes and thus far delivering to the campaign financiers in Wall Street and military industry complex.

Beginning with Health Care Reform – the mandatory health care subscription without reining in on the health insurance industry and Bigpharma protocol alone is a huge setback for the vulnerable majority – the sick, the middle income and the senior citizens.

Likewise in the financial sector regulation – the $19 billion tax exemption to Wall Street – the primary source for the global economic recession is a major boost to conduct business as usual weakening the regulatory impact.

The Republican vote favoring Wall Street sought by the White House against a democratic vote seeking robust measures blocking loopholes to avert repeat economic disaster is disillusionment and disappointment for the electorate anticipating real change that also in part contributed to the midterm election outcome.

In the areas of warfare and foreign policy – the Bush-Cheney hawkish strategies vigorously carried out tarnishing the national image and seriously jeopardizing credibility in the international domain.

Now with the Bush tax cuts agreement to protect the wealthy is an affirmation of the ideological priorities substantially affecting the national deficit in addition to widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots.

It is clear from these developments that democratic aspirations in terms of industry regulation, effective economic policy, peace and diplomacy against nuclear threats continue to remain far-fetched objectives when acceding to Republican demands and upholding oligarchy principles – profit by any means even if it is proved detrimental to vast population and national interest.

Considering the status quo the only hope to restore democratic values and pragmatism is the substantial public participation in the legislative process through various communication channels conveying the message not only to their elected representatives but also the executive branch for the evident complacency.

Only the citizens’ will to enforce change at the political, economic and social fronts could lead to desirable progress in a democratic system.

Democracy is functional when the government of the people committed to the electorate entrusting power for collective actions benefiting all rather than the privileged members in the society.

History is testimony to the fact that people power never failed in challenging any rule other than the republic.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Bush Tax Cuts, Unemployment Benefits and National Deficit

December 7, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The 111th Congress with Democrats still in control of the House and Senate is challenged by the White House capitulation to the Republican unsustainable deal on Bush tax cuts.

Fortunately the House passed the bill per initial democratic plan – allowing tax cuts to the wealthy expire and granting permanent tax cuts to the families with income $250,000 and below.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi leadership and the House representatives’ commitment to the middle class America is commendable.

‘Political Irony in Republican Congress Victory’ – Article published on November 18, 2010 under ‘Politics – United States’ category on this website highlighted the specifics on Bush Tax Cuts and Protecting Social Security for America.

There are different proposals from the majority and the minority in Congress.

Republican members unanimously dedicated to the top 2% wealthy Americans getting wealthier at the rest of America’s expense pushed tax cuts extension for the multimillionaires while disregarding their irresponsible claim’s devastating impact on the ballooning deficit – the primary political slogan that enabled Republican victory in the recent mid-term election.

Unlike the Republican minority, the Democrat majority are divided on this issue.

The Senate Democrats have laid few options – Some favor the House version which is the initial Democratic strategy outlined above. It is unequivocally a pragmatic solution to the status quo.

Other Senate Democrats are considering $1 million threshold for tax cuts redefining the middle class category that is contradictory to reality.

Yet another democrat’s perspective opposes any tax cuts alongside rising deficits.

“We can’t afford any of these tax cuts,” says Rep. Bobby Scott (D) of Virginia. “It is hard to imagine that extending all of the tax cuts at a cost of $3.7 trillion is fiscally irresponsible but extending $3 trillion worth of tax cuts [to families earning less than $250,000] is somehow fiscally sensible.”

It’s obvious that the opposition to tax cuts for middle class America stems from blanket assessment of the fiscal crisis without any consideration to the slow economic growth and rising unemployment predominantly affecting the poor and the middle class not the super-rich.

According to the latest reports the deal between the White House and Congressional Republican members comprises the following;

Bush tax cuts extended at all income level for two years – the cost of this compromise is estimated at $700 billion over the next two years.

Estate tax capped at 35 percent after $5 million exemption to each wealthy individual – This alone would deprive the economy of the desperately required revenue contributing further to the alarming deficit.

The Republican two year extravagant tax breaks to the wealthiest is in exchange for the jobless benefit to the long-term unemployed up to 13 months at the anticipated $60 billion cost and last but not the least,

Social Security payment is diverted from retirement savings and added to the present income through 2% payroll tax reduction for workers.

However, this detrimental step is substituted for the general tax relief provided to the middle and lower income groups in the previous year economic stimulus.

Otherwise the bill eliminates last year tax credit from the middle and lower income families’ paychecks and utilizes their only safety nest thus far – the Social Security for consumer spending in the payroll tax diversion.

It’s a dangerous precedence with the possible depletion of reliable income to the baby boomers nearing retirement notwithstanding the easier access to Republican goal in privatizing Social Security and increasing the retirement age similar to the unpopular Pension bill enforced upon the people in France.

The contentious issues are the disproportionate concession to the 2% with an extraordinary disposable income mostly invested in personal holdings against harsh imposition on the 98% hard working middle and lower income groups burdened with not only diminishing income, spending cuts on life dependent programs, savings replaced for tax credits but also expected to pay substantially towards national debt mainly accumulated from irrational economic and defense policy.

Above all the Republican members’ euphoria on the pending bill –

‘Not raising taxes on anyone in the country’ is ideological for it rejects the ramifications on national deficit. Again the issue presented as pivotal to the conservative agenda during the 2010 election.

If there are no tax hikes for two years, the essential unemployment aid up to 13 months in the provision combined with a magnanimous estate tax credits,

How do the decision-makers of this deal propose to trim the burgeoning national deficit?

Are the Republican members complacent to the Borrow and Spending concept that was targeted against the Democrats in the past two years irrespective of the Democrats Pay-go rule to fund the key economic legislations?

Given the undercurrent in the U.S and China relationship from currency devaluation to North Korea skirmishes – China the major U.S. creditor may not volunteer to be the Santa Claus.

Who is then expected to bailout the wealthiest Americans in the GOP sponsored –

Who wants to be a billionaire contest?

It’s imperative to dispel the myth surrounding the bizarre agreement that Republican minority have control over the crucial legislation when the Democrats are the majority in the legislative branch and the White House currently has the power to do the right for the suffering Americans as demonstrated by the House Democrats on this bill.

Republican legislators assuming cart blanche to steer the critical economic decision despite the catastrophic effects on their constituents and the nation at large is purely political besides betrayal of the electorates’ trust in the Republican action to protect self-interest over the average American interest.

In fact, Republican party awaiting House dominance and increased Senate representation is on national watch to deliver their campaign promise on containing the growing deficit, coordinate efforts in easing unemployment not excluding jobless aid to the millions who elected them in the fall election and transcend Washington partisan culture visibly promoted by special interests.

The Speaker-elect John Boehner emotional speech upon victory reminiscing the hard times experienced to achieve the American dream is a common factor in the contemporary society.

Relevantly, Republican lawmakers’ allegiance to the campaign financiers instead of the people they are elected to represent clearly revealed in their failure to address the American plight.

In the difficult economic period the GOP priority to undermine main street struggles is regrettable sending a strong message to the electorate to exercise diligence during election since Washington is not amenable to change.

Therefore the people power must exert pressure on the elected representatives with a reminder about the legislative responsibility towards the constituents and the nation they are elected to serve during their term in office.

The republic position in this matter is absolute and that being “No deals on tax cuts for the wealthy.” Overwhelming electorate disapprove the GOP reckless demand to shift the economic liability on the average Americans – the driving force of the economy.

Hence the Senate Democrats and moderate Republicans focused on fiscal constraints have a unique opportunity to exhibit bipartisanship in passing the House approved Bush tax cuts bill.

Ignoring public concerns is a political misstep and often realized in the electoral results. If GOP won in November 2010 then it does not take long for the political tide to turn against them and that is politics.

It is incumbent upon the esteemed Senate to acknowledge the American families’ hardships and the escalating deficit when casting votes on this particular bill evidently vital for national and global economic recovery.

Good Luck! To the Congressional members for a successful passage of the prudent economic legislation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Midterm Elections 2010

November 4, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To the Congressional members from both political parties on their victory in the 2010 midterm elections.

The Republican members experience on November 2, 2010 is similar to the Democrats 2006 election results.

Regardless, all contenders deserve praise and recognition for their tireless campaigning in the political race.

The Democrats dedicated their valuable time and resources to improve American lives.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, The House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Franks and other honorable Congressional representatives worked diligently and demonstrated commitment.

Likewise, the isolated Republican members’ contribution is equally valid in the legislative matter.

Welcome to the New House Speaker – The Hon. Rep. John Boehner.

Rep. John Boehner’s remarkable life journey to attain the American dream is admirable.

The Republican majority in the House beginning January 2011 have an opportunity to resolve the national crises.

Any solutions to the contentious problems are meaningless if they fail to address the average citizens’ plight and protect national interest over special interests.

Hopefully both sides will set the differences aside and work together in alleviating the main street struggles. Washington gridlock is the reason for the alternation in the Capitol Hill.

If the political parties cannot arrive at a consensus on legislative affairs, it defeats the purpose of winning elections.

There were many surprises and setbacks in the electoral outcome. Democracy being undermined in contemporary politics is not unusual and conspicuous during elections with corporate cash drowning the republic voice.

In other instances, candidacies unfairly targeted to settle political scores contributed to the elimination of veteran political figures with exemplary record.

Politics ignoring merits and rewarding misrepresentation is a travesty and a national loss.

The mandate is clear underscoring the republic rule – Washington is required to deliver the campaign promises and not a political rhetoric.

Unfortunately the tradition continues with any administration in the absence of real change causing public frustration and disappointment reflected in the electoral backlash.

Among many national issues, the economy is a primary concern with stagnant growth in the job market. Foreclosures, liquidity freeze… and other economic hurdles in the Housing and Financial sector are far from over.

There are many challenges ahead and now it depends on the Republican majority to coordinate with the Democratic minority in the House to prevail in all fronts.

Transparency and accountability is realistic when it is applicable to all – given Washington clout and Wall Street influence on the political parties.

The key industries monopoly on the legislation is the deterrent factor producing watered down reforms directly affecting the economic conditions and the national deficit.

In the environmental matter the California ballot measure – Prop. 23 successfully prevented the oil companies’ dominance and their polluting strategies. The action saved the rapidly growing clean energy sector currently providing 500,000 jobs.

The environmental organizations such as Earthjustice and several prominent groups along with committed supporters were responsible for the phenomenal intervention.

Synonymous steps by other states on public issues yielded the desirable change.

People power can never be underestimated in any form of government. Throughout history, political transformations, social and economic progress have been made possible by people movement exemplifying that ordinary citizens are capable of extraordinary achievements.

Therefore, if legislations are controlled by affluent sources empowered with the lack of political will in Washington then the citizens’ response – ‘change course’ is inevitable and effectively conveyed through ballots.

It is imperative for all factions to come together and consolidate efforts in leading the great nation forward. Nation thrives with prosperity accessible to all and not just the privileged members in the society.

Good Luck! To the newly elected Congress in reaching the anticipated milestones.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Freedom Struggle – People vs. Power in the New World Order

October 14, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Evidently, the facts in every respect confirm that the nation is heading in the wrong direction.

The NWO chartered by the secret society elite members has grave consequences.

It is exacerbated by their unwillingness to confront the people on the illogic strategies behind relentless warfare, sinking economy, alarming national debt, rising health care costs, cataclysmic energy undertakings and importantly – gross violation of the constitution in every possible civil and human rights issue.

When the incumbent administration launched the Presidential campaign in 2007, the core message was about the country and the world in need of a dramatic Change with tremendous Hope raised on the campaign trail.

The message for most part of the campaign resonated the impending Change and delineated from the opponents as them being –

More of the Same citing the Bush-Cheney administrations’ disastrous course on war, economy, environment and utter disregard for the constitution.

Although the Bush-Cheney record is unique in aimlessly leading the nation and the world on wild adventures causing immeasurable misery all around,

The current administration’s Bush policy continuation and complicity to the crimes committed by the predecessor is a major concern among the electorate that casted their vote for Hope and Change.

Upon reflection, Obama campaign swiftly deviated from the initial pledge after securing the party nomination in 2008 democratic primary election.

From voting for FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) favoring the Patriot Act, surpassing the opponents in receiving corporate donations towards the campaign by rejecting the McCain – Feingold campaign finance reform rules that was acknowledged by the then Senator Barack Obama in 2007,

To joining the rest in the drill baby drill contest at the height of induced gas crisis in 2008 –

There was no ambivalence in the dramatic change even prior to the campaign promise Change coming into fruition.

The stark contrast between the candidate Senator Barack Obama in 2006-2007 and the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2008 subsequently the 44th President of the United States cannot be overlooked for it has evolved into an accelerated Bush-Cheney policy especially on the extensive military operations, corporate deals with finance, energy and health care industries and regrettably the nuclear disarmament issue, the campaign’s hallmark that captivated world attention.

Again upon careful observation, there is no revelation on the warfare, U.S. foreign policy and Wall Street negotiations.

The Ex-Presidents warnings and the former President FDR experience related to corporate coup d’état attempts along with the worldwide events throughout the twentieth and twenty first century exemplify the catastrophic damages inflicted on innocent civilians, brave young men and women in uniform and the planet.

The NWO secret society would not comply with the request to hold meetings in public view and invite the independent press representing democracy.

Like stated earlier, if the powerful entities assemble to resolve the problems that they have successfully created as the ultimate authorities in the respective discipline i.e. politics, economics, finance, energy and military operations…

Then why not share the self-proclaimed noble doctrine with the people for whom the NWO is apparently devised through the secret policies.

Even the iron curtains eventually came down due to public resistance to economic struggles imposed by the hard liners’ inherently flawed governance.

When the authorities evade legitimate public demand for reasons behind warfare leading nowhere and issues directly affecting their lives such as health care, constitutional rights violation…

It arouses doubts in the public mind and generates mistrust against the power.

How do the NWO treat the dissidents raising these questions on the republics’ behalf?

They deny the dissidents the civil rights and completely strip away the privacy by invading their homes with the 24/7 surveillance eavesdropping on family conversations, not even sparing the private moments with nature calls,

Monitoring on-line and off-line regular communications from email, telephone to typing on the personal computers detected via the FCC approved microchips implanted keyboard.

In addition to snooping on every routine normal activity, cripple them financially, disable supporting progressive political candidates, confine to house arrest and keep close tabs on every single breath of their victims.

A bizarre approach to seek support was made when,

The blank birthday card sent with a message – “Praise the President in your own words,” and mail it back by the deadline. It was followed by a reminder when the earlier message was discarded.

Subsequently the birthday message was written to read the following:

“Dear Mr. President,

I hope and pray for all your decisions to be guided by peace, wisdom and truth. Happy Birthday with Best Wishes.”

An appraisal on the economy and the state of affairs at both national and international level was also sought in the same context.

In response, candid evaluation was presented based on the deteriorating situation in economy, health care costs etc.

Simultaneously the uncanny similarities with the previous administration in warfare, foreign policy and civil rights indicated did not bode well with the authorities.

Pushing the envelope, the Presidential aide through selective networks was conveying that;

“When the Commander-in-Chief expects any citizen to do any task, it should be carried out without any hesitation” implying whether the citizens are employed by the administration, federal, state, any branch of the government or not.

These individuals in their faithful demonstration of their duty forget that –

The President is the Commander-in-Chief to the armed forces in uniform serving the nation.

To the civilians – President is the civilian authority in the capacity as the democratically elected leader bound by constitutional rule of law that appropriately sets limits on the executive power over the republic represented by the Congress in a democratic society.

Above all, the constant propaganda is in place through their selective loyalists on payroll as newspaper columnists, television hosts and some introduced as the movie director on foreign soil with the tailor made delusional scripts maligning the dissidents’ image to propagate rumors for non-cooperation.

Yet the interesting factor being them playing the victim as their paid defenders define it as an unfair game given the authority they amass within a short period of their time in power against the constitutional law.

As pointed out by concerned citizens in their comments on this website – it’s all about three R’s.

Rubber stamp on legislations regardless. Refrain from scrutiny as the public watchdog.

Upon refusal, deal with the baseless Rumors spread by the agents operating in the vast dragnet to mislead the inevitable next target – the people at home and the world over.

The excessive authority on the dissidents is an experiment to be applied on the mass once the position is secure to unleash more power.

All happening in the so-called democracy.

What hope do the people in China, Iran, and Myanmar…nations under overt iron-fist regimes have in the supposedly modern civilization run by the elitists focused on safeguarding their personal interests by implementing unconstitutional and undemocratic rules to dictate and dominate the world?

That’s why they have the warrantless wiretapping on American civilians, policing cyberspace and going beyond to legislate shutting down the internet last year.

Conducting the so-called war on terror by ignoring the immense casualties,

Contributing to undesirable political situations in the war zones and the developing nations yearning for peace and,

Declining to substantiate the false pretext for war…cannot be accepted in silence.

Incidentally, the world is still waiting on the authorities to present Osama Bin Laden – the NWO by-product, dead or alive.

Resurrecting the dead virtually is a no brainer for the NWO authorities controlling the cyber space.

However, the mortals immortalizing the mortal would be presumptuously assuming an impossible feat with a guaranteed defeat on the horizon.

The irony with the established demagoguery is the global issues such as the economy, energy, environment and poignantly the incessant warfare are discussed in a clandestine consortium.

Meanwhile the same NWO elitists are in control of the private citizens’ private life in a democracy becoming more a hypocrisy through their over-indulgence in citizen rights.

The Cabal recently made the following declaration:

“If you get ahead of us, we will not follow you.

We are here as one, an exclusive group set in our own agendas and determined to enforce them sooner than you can do anything to prevent it. NWO is real and happening.”

Since peace and diplomacy is a misnomer with the conglomerate espousing the archaic philosophy of concentrated power,

The cabal is entrenched in colonialism, misused capitalism and communism strengthened by cronyism in the empire survival with baron, baroness, multinational corporations, Communist leaderships, certain heads of the state, intelligence agencies, military top brass, media moguls as the privileged members in the organization.

Winding up military operations that are proved to be a fundamental failure from the onset primarily due to false premise, propaganda and rising death toll on all sides is rejected.

Stop preying on innocent civilians in the United States and around the world with the doomed decadent policies that is designed to favor the minority in the NWO against the majority.

Cease offshore drilling and environmentally dangerous energy pursuit on the planet, the only habitat for innumerous life.

Planet earth belongs to all and not just the ostentatious powerful members in the society.

New World Order is oxymoron because there is nothing new, worldly or orderly in principle.

The elitists with the power to control the society are not new rather an old ideology and disturbingly bear semblance to the pre-world war II fascist era at the worst reverting to stone age in the master-slave mentality intended to pervade across the globe.

In this exclusive club, the definitive goal to profit in every frontier at the populace and the planet’s peril is not representative of the world but a narcissist agenda.

Last but not the least;

The entire framework is diabolical especially with reference to the term Order promoting authoritarian rule suggestive of a disorder in the offing.

NWO is a recipe for disaster aimed at the world population by the oligarchy engaged in a kamikaze mission.

Hence, NWO should have never existed and will no longer prevail in the domestic or global decisions severely affecting humanity, the weak and the vulnerable in particular.

Defiance in this respect would precipitate the dismantling with people power.

New Global Era is imminent with power entrusted to people in a democratic setting, restoring individual freedom yet embracing solidarity to achieve equal rights and opportunities for all.

The Real Change with the people governing themselves as the republic through their democratically elected representatives in Congress under constitutional guidance with power assigned to the executive, legislative and judicial branch according to the constitution.

Freedom will be cherished as the inalienable human right.

Those nations invaded and occupied will be free and recognized as a sovereign state.

Repressive regimes will have to exit and pave way for the republic rule.

Big and small nations would receive equal respect and attention on various issues affecting the local or the international community.

Global resources will be shared for greater good and the planet sustenance.

New Global Era would epitomize peace and unity among people from different cultures and traditions coming together as one race – the Human race nurturing life on the planet.

Nuclear disarmament is no longer an option but a necessity with compliance from all nations through forced entry into CTBT, NPT,FMCT, START and PAROS irrespective of stature outlined in the 09/29/10 article –

‘The 65th U.N. General Assembly on Multilateral Disarmament Treaty’ under National and Global Security on this website.

In the latest development, the U.N. General Assembly – 187 out of 191 nations overwhelmingly approved India for a non-permanent Security Council rotating membership after nineteen years.

It is a significant honor for India and the U.N. General Assembly members’ magnanimous gesture is commendable.

Likewise, every other nation deserves representation to signify their individual importance in global affairs.

Permanent Security Council membership expansion is vital to reflect the twenty first century reality and the new members would enormously contribute to resolving complex global crises.

It would be helpful to subject the current permanent memberships for U.N. General Assembly review and make necessary revisions to accommodate the present global requirements.

Nations retaining their sovereignty but working together for global peace, progress and prosperity is the vision in the New Global Era.

Humanity thrives through consolidated efforts for mutual benefits made possible by the unified world.

Peace to all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Secure Your Future by Electing Progressives in the Fall Election 2010

September 16, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Democrats, Independents and disappointed Republicans – Please extend your support and contribute to the following candidates’ campaigns.

Please remember your future and the national interest is dependent upon your representation in Washington D.C.

Please ensure your economic prosperity and civil liberty by casting your votes earlier for the Progressive Democrats and restore Washington.

Voting is a constitutional right and gateway to your personal progress. Please begin voting now for the following candidates dedicated to improve your life and spread the word around by visiting Democracy for America or DFA at the address provided below.


Your cooperation and enthusiasm is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Progressives’ national service is detailed in the DFA endorsement section.

Please help them win a landslide victory in their respective states.

You are invited to contribute and volunteer for their campaign.

Senator Barbara Boxer – (D) California – www.barabaraboxer.com

Further please donate and vote for the Democrats listed in DFA website.

Courtesy: http://www.democracyforamerica.com/current-endorsements – Thank you.
Home » Current Endorsements

Democracy for America | PO Box 1717 | Burlington, VT 05402
Phone: 802-651-3200 | Fax: 802-651-3299

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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