Avatar (Reincarnation) – Part II

May 24, 2017

Identity Politics (Hindi)


United States – Bilderberg 2017 Meeting in Chantilly, Virginia

By Padmini Arhant

The global elites with corporate heads, bankers, European Royals and government representatives including officials from the past and present U.S. administrations discreetly gather annually to discuss on world matter.

The leading news organizations from overseas and the United States presence with press editors and chief from Bloomberg, Economic Times, The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal this year and previously The New York Times and The Washington Post…to name a few are regular at the conclave.

The secret meeting today June 1st – 4th in Chantilly, Virginia slight democracy and transparency considering the decisions made at this gathering are enforced on world population.

The idea of secrecy in unanimous agreement not to disclose issues and details barring minutes of the meeting or press briefing pose serious threat to freedom of press and right to information concerning humanity. The press and media attendees at this assembly remaining silent further explains complicity in events against national and international interest.

The past and present participants’ collusion to maintain the undemocratic tradition with Presidential candidates joining the session witnessed in 2008 and earlier continued until now.

The Bilderberg group as incognito power asserting authority with egregious plan of actions to benefit the group and others pledged allegiance to them is gross violation of access to knowledge and proposals affecting lives and livelihoods of citizens across the globe.

This year agendaWar on Information is not surprising given the misuse of public trust with fake news, propaganda, distortion, subversion and fabrication leading the charts under the guise of free speech waging war against truth and facts condemned as hate speech to suppress reality.

Bilderbergers efforts to contain actual messages and instead supply concocted versions along with irrelevant news serving as major distraction remains the primary goal. Those who have been loyal to secret society stratagem are monetarily rewarded and abundantly credited regardless of their involvements in terror sponsorship and economic deals having serious impact on victims in targeted missions.

The clandestine meeting verifies the credibility or the lack thereof on members’ intention to resolve global problems for greater good rather than personal and vested gains at the majority expense.

Bilderberg group activities are evidently detrimental besides controversial. The exclusivity rejecting people outcry over privacy of the meeting exemplify determination to prolong status quo proved unsustainable.

Any meeting with powerful entities claiming absolute control over destiny of more than seven billion inhabitants and their unwillingness to hold open forum is scandalous not to mention the tolerance to such practice generating false impression as mass approval.

Allowing the convention to be the norm clarifies the state of affairs in systems poised as democracy.

Democracy subjugated in disguise is worse than declared repression.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission



Europe – EU and Election

By Padmini Arhant

In the events led by Supremacists, maintaining bankers and bureaucrats run EU as the ultimate power undermining EU member states sovereignty is the primary goal in European and western nations elections.

Behind the veneer rallying for liberal or moderate governments against conservatives even though there is allegiance to oligarchy from all sides in this respect, the real expectations from global elites is the selection under the guise of election to see pro-EU and conglomerate choice prevail in the election.

Britain – The former conservative Prime Minister David Cameron betting on pro-EU platform in BREXIT referendum cost his term in office despite the TORI representative and then U.S. President Barack Obama, the apparent democrat campaigning in EU favor in 2016.

Fast forward, the liberal candidate Jeremy Corbyn pro-EU stance is welcome amongst EU establishment in semblance to recent France election where the so-called socialist government economics Minister turned born-again neo-centrist French President Emmanuel Macron receiving EU and Supremacy cadre mass approval against oligarchy branded nationalist contestant Marine Le Pen in France.

United States the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton also pro-EU advocate losing the election is regarded a major blow than U.S. citizens and foreign nationals falling prey to 9/11 terror attack and subsequent casualties in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria besides elsewhere due to internal collusion and complicity in illegal invasion, occupation and terror sponsorship.

Canada – The current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of liberal party affirmation to EU emulating predecessor the conservative party Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Canadian politics is indicative of indifference in political affiliation with commonality on their positions towards EU and bankers controlled politics and economy.

Germany The bankers’ chief representative, German Vice Chancellor Angela Merkel remains the all-time favorite for enforcing IMF and ECB authorized austerity defined as fiscal responsibility on euro zone members ignoring dire consequences experienced until now in Greece and other member nations viz. Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain.

To summarize on strategy, the oligarchy and global elites controlled world political system evidently seeks representation pledged allegiance to them and their policy.

Any perception on gender bias noted against French candidate Marine Le Pen and Britain’s incumbent Prime Minister Theresa May is offset with endorsement of U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Germany’s VC Angela Merkel considering their positions to stand by EU and financiers ambit.

Likewise, the political parties regardless of right, left, centrist, progressive and independent do not matter. The ex-Prime Minister David Cameron, the conservative touting for EU was cheered as much as the liberal candidate Jeremy Corbyn loyalty to EU.

The shadow powers through UN, IMF, World Bank, EC, ECB and EU with NATO prolonging status quo overrides sovereignty for unipolar authority.

The dysfunctional system continued for fiduciary in the name of democracy denying people fair opportunity to republic representation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Supremacists Rise and Decline

By Padmini Arhant

Jews and Christians half-brothers and sisters Muslims are patronized in the academic and entertainment world.

The western policy sponsoring terrorism and illegal invasion and occupation of Islamic countries worldwide is aimed at two specific goals and they are transforming Muslim youth into terrorists and imposing refugee status on the population.

The worst overture is empathy to anti-Muslim and Islamophobia from the quarters responsible for the trend pioneering prejudice based on race, religion, ethnicity, class and social economic background.

Supremacy and quest for dominance is a psychological disorder emanating from insecurity and inadequacy prompting subjugation and discrimination of anyone regarded a threat to self-asserted exceptionalism.

Supremacists legacy is polarization and exploitation of targets leading to superficial status as dominant force with fear and ignorance guiding them towards violence and sedition.

The Supremacist traits are a result of lack of understanding and humility in accepting diversity as core element of creation.

The paradoxical peculiarity amongst Supremacists seek homogenous society contrasting homophobia although homosexuality practiced in relations and representation. Similarly they express zero tolerance to Islamophobia while being instrumental in Muslim cleansing through terrorism and military interventions in Islamic regions.

Supremacists xenophobic sentiments arise from exclusivity and paranoia barring anything not fitting the profile. The self-contradictory existence and false image eroding individual values contributes to decline.

Hubris indigenous to Supremacy is behind inevitable downfall.

The topic will continue to shed light on events led by Supremacy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant. com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Climate Change

The climate treaty would be effective and meaningful upon terror sponsors and arms dealers ceasing activities to save life and the planet.

The multi billion dollars weapons contract with Saudi Arabia and free arms supply to Israel and various terror factions in Syria and Iraq besides weapons reaching groups in South Asia, Latin America and Africa claiming innocent lives and polluting environment impede any efforts on climate change.

United States and Israel backed Saudi Kingdom assault on Yemen resulting in massive casualties and outbreak of cholera and other epidemic impact environment in the region spreading across the world with the free flow of goods and services as well as travel in the global economy.

Any advice from one to another on violation of climate treaty is farcical since G-7 members are responsible for major arms sales and proliferation of terrorism.

Needless to say practising what one preaches would exemplify credibility.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant. com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Political Scam 

The  Murder Inc. and Masonic society is deceiving the world in claiming the war on terror funded by them proliferating terrorism as lifeline to prolong status quo.  The duplicity objecting to travel ban on Muslim countries as liberal view to refute incumbent administration is simultaneously reversed in bombing the same Muslim nations by both the so-called democrat and republican White House.

What needs to be understood is the travel ban enforced indirectly ensuring there are not many Muslims left to travel with relentless shelling and killings through terror sponsoring since 2011 under presumably liberal Presidency Barack Hussain Obama in the United States that continues until now.

The former President Barack Hussain Obama denying any affiliation with Islam despite the name and lineage never regarded an issue.

Similarly the apparent liberal, left wing and democratic President Barack H. Obama outreach in overturning the lawsuit filed in New York against the right wing Prime Minister of India, Narinder Modi  for instigating communal violence in Gujarat resulting in many casualties with large number of muslims is accepted with admiration.

The present clamor over concern on anti-Muslim or Islam emerging from the western quarters that are committed towards decimating Islamic nations is hideous hypocrisy. 

The anti-Islam agenda is the brainchild for fundamentalists behind Greater Israel under the pretext of Project for New American Century that launched the major terror attack in the United States on 9/11 followed by series of invasions of Muslim countries in different parts of the world.

Accordingly the proxies representing them in the United States and western domain from the right, middle and left including allies in the Middle East and elsewhere remain complicit in the destructive cause.

The western empathy to Muslim refugees having been responsible for their plight and status is conflicting when they would not cease fueling terror and violent interventions in Islamic world. 

Judaism’s half brother Islam sharing the connection with Christianity is exploited for ideological extremism. In the process United States resources are depleted and western sphere targeted in the recent terror attacks convicting Islam in the zero-sum game.

The masterminds and catalysts behind this messed up operation are in a bind and clueless in averting self-inflicted disaster victimizing ordinary people. 

Fomenting and fostering terror is unjustified geopolitical strategy.

One reaps what one sows in life.  

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


Social Hypocrisy 

The nefarious international clique and unscrupulous proxies represented media and communication outlets revealing real character in comments such as waitress, maid, housekeeper, stewardess and chauffeur…clearly indicative of their disdain and condescendence to people in the service and hospitality industry. The same would apply to families world over as overwhelming majority lead a modest life.

The crassness is a classic example of hypocrisy on etiquettes and political correctness across the spectrum.

The ignorant, arrogant and insolent view cleaning up ones’s own mess is beneath someone in contrast to them leaving behind their muck for others. 

By the way, how do these pompous fleecers deal with nature calls? 

Do they have one of their own come to aid given the crony culture?

What is forgotten by these dim parasites and opportunists is their worthlessness to be otherwise due to the same folks waiting around them without whom they would never be important notwithstanding their destructive presence evidently a major liability soon to be vanquished for good reasons.

Besides who do they think they are begging for votes to legitimize their illegitimacy and dependent on the labor?

The same people who are scrubbing floors, serving tables and doing dishes to earn dignified livelihood unlike them amassing wealth from treason, corrupt dealings, embezzlement, tax evasion not barring murder of the people electing them to office and enabling their rise to fame. 

Life with fear and guilt gilded in gold is a waste defeating the purpose of human embodiment ultimately ending in undesirable destination.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

Avatar (Reincarnation) – Part II

By Padmini Arhant

In my last segment, I presented a synopsis on incarnation and journey after death highlighting the worlds that exist other than earth.

The topic will be elaborated for better understanding on life after death in my forthcoming book.

Is there a place called hell? – Hell there is.

Who else would know better than hell raisers on earth and their victims?

When beautiful earth is transformed into hell by those inflicting immeasurable pain and misery on others posing no threat to them, their karmic debts could never be evaded as they do with taxes and atrocities committed for centuries to exert supremacy and dominance that continues until today.

In their relentless efforts to maintain status quo with duplicity and hostility, the gatekeepers of hell poignantly chosen their destination upon imminent death since all living beings are subject to mortality regardless of whoever they assume to be in the world.

The irony is those sentencing others to death are fearful of own fatality due to inner fear on the inevitable terminus upon being deceased.  Yet there is no inclination to change course and introspect in self-acknowledgment on crimes and misdeeds in their lifetime.

Whenever the clock is turned counterclockwise evident in the past and contemporary events accelerated in the dawn of twenty first century with medieval feudalism and vassal statehood asserting authority, the conditions terminate the function and the ones behind the operation in any capacity.

The reliance on falsehood and violence barely the lifeline for international clique despite incest amongst them and proxies boarding the doomed vehicle headed towards the cliff.

Additionally, the propaganda to subvert facts is fervent in the hope to prevail in mass deception forgetting the reverse impact experienced in this experiment thus far.

The devious ploys are a gamble with the tide turning against gamblers in fait accompli.

The tradition in creating enemy serving as the premise to invade, occupy and destabilize nations carried out with every administration in the United States and western world.

In the focus on hypocrisy in politics and society – I begin with politics in the world arena.

There are four main rivals among many others for hegemony with whom sable rattling and belligerence continues for unsubstantiated cause.

They are North Korea in Korean Peninsula poised at warning the major creditor China next to Japan holding substantial stake on U.S. Treasury securities besides remaining the largest exporter of goods to the United States having extended the most favored nation (MFN) status to the apparent competitor under former President Bill Clinton and successors thereafter.

Next – Russia. In the wake of overthrow of democratically elected government in Ukraine by EU and United States leaderships under former President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton prompting Russian interference,

Russia is a convenient reason to boost NATO presence and incursion in the Baltic sea and around eastern and central Europe. Russia was slammed with sanctions for Crimea resulting from U.S. and EU direct role in dismantling Ukraine and installing pro-Nazi government while expressing zero tolerance to incidents cited as Nazism.

In the Middle East –Israel and Saudi Arabia’s arch nemesis – Iran and Syria.

Following United States and NATO illegal invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003, United States and EU key western powers sponsored terrorism in 2011 with spate of recent terror attacks in western sphere is self-inflicted lesion.

Terror sponsors crying foul on terrorism is analagous to  arsonists objecting to fire crackers sale manufactured by them.

More on hypocrisy in politics and society to resume shortly.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


















headlines in main stream media ratcheting investigations on incumbent administration ties with Russia.















World Events – Parallel Powers Perilous Pursuits

April 27, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

The parallel powers UN, EU and International Crime Syndicate (ICS) authorized world events at present are desperation inviting self-devastation.

UN appointment of Saudi Arabia to the Commission on Status of Women (CSW) in secret voting clarifies the members respect or the lack thereof for womanhood.

Saudi Arabia prohibiting women from driving a car and imposition of law that bar women from exercising self-discretion on all matter concerning their education, health and career in addition to women requiring male permission to leave home for essential purpose elected as the guardian of women’s rights reflects misogyny.

Likewise, Saudi Arabia’s death penalty on atheism is reckless mindset without navigation submitted to adverse destination.

UN – the parallel body with UNSC selective embargo continues to remain the major impediment for peace, social justice and economic development.

NORTH KOREAObsession with North Korea is fatal attraction. Then punishing citizens of that country with harsh sanctions and subsequent mockery of DPRK lagging in economic growth is modern day persecution by those claiming to be champion of human rights.

United States provocation with military drills, nuclear armament threatening DPRK and occupation of Korean Peninsula is a serious violation of sovereignty not to mention hypocrisy in own border security with unaffordable and impractical wall heading towards government shut down.

SYRIA – The latest air strike and bombing of Syria’s international airport in Damascus to disrupt Syria’s progress in the war against International Crime Syndicate (ICS) sponsored ISIS, IS and ISIL proves the real terror forces protecting terror factions and manufactured terrorism in the war-torn nation.

The cowardly act targeting nations for economic resources and strategic dominance is a state of despondency relying on despotism despite defeat marking legacy. The wealth amassment from such aggressions for parasitic existence represents eternal larceny leading towards termination of hegemony.

VENEZUELA – The Organization of American States (OAS) based in Washington D.C. specializing in coup to destabilize democratic nations and governments is yet another form of political terrorism to intimidate nations and leaderships for their commitment to serve their country and importantly invest revenue from natural resources in national economy.

The tradition to dismantle and destroy countries for economic and vested interests besides grandstanding bully pulpit is self-vulnerability on display crying foul upon caught in foul play on all affairs. Unwillingness to wind up dysfunctional operations is imminent dissolution against misconception on success in flawed ambitions.

AFGHANISTAN – The illegal invasion under the pretext of democratization and providing security demonstrably in disarray with violence and mayhem dominant to boost defense contracts for arms and ammunition sales to all sides in the region. The hegemonic goals draining United States treasury in the quest for foreign endowments is self-inflicting damage showing no intention to abandon course.

PALESTINEThe illegal settlement activities and settlers’ callousness hosting BBQ to taunt pro freedom peaceful hunger strikers explains the creed bent on deed eventually hurting them in the land grab losing everything due to greed exceeding the need.

FRANCE – The French Presidential election results is a repeat political duplicity experienced in the United States with Hope and Change Presidency delivering to globalists and oligarchy in the introduction of ISIS, IS, ISIL and deceptive legislations protecting campaign financiers’ interests.

The performance laden in secrecy with Benghazi scandal, false claim in the killing of deceased Osama Bin Laden and eliminating NAVY SEAL operatives to close the chapter on that issue and deals brokered amid breach of trust favoring syndicate agenda accordingly led to backlash in consecutive congressional and 2016 Presidential election. The misrepresentation promoted opportunity for successor adopting extreme and  egregious approach to sensitive situations in the eagerness to exacerbate global crisis.

Not surprisingly, the French election is directed towards pre-selected contender pledged allegiance to status quo having been a member of the incumbent administration with key portfolio as economics minister doing more harm than good to improve struggling French economy.

The elections in general are a formality with more of the same unveiled as fresh and new similar to recycled item in fancy gift wrap arousing enthusiasm.

At the same time, the opponent aiming religion, race and ethnocentric sentiments for political gains might draw attention as controversy often ignites reaction although not without consequence and stigma. The ideology driven messages polarizing society impair positive achievements that are realized in collective contributions and fair income distribution benefitting all not just the preferred demography.

The shadow powers rule by proxy and invest in candidacy to maintain absolute control over citizens’ destiny. The political establishment and extraneous apparatus EU enforced austerity on European population under the guise of fiscal responsibility crippled ordinary people lives denying them any prospects while creating generational debt bondage to fund lofty aspirations of those behind the game.

Finally, the saber rattling and confrontational positions against nations permanently regarded adversaries are irrational and invariably produce undesirable outcome for the source.

The world has witnessed the mighty and the unscrupulous using brute force and wickedness succumb to fate.

Better to make peace than proliferate enmity in vain superiority.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission














Global Status Quo – Crimes Against Humanity

September 15, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Marking 9/11 anniversary, I published the article on terrorism – the global issue haunting humanity.

The militarily superior and nuclear armed America was attacked on political, intelligence and military establishment watch.

The world was led to believe that dilapidated terror network al Qaeda suddenly incapacitated the nation poised as Superpower.

The terror attack on American soil became the premise for protagonists, catalysts and colluders to invade nations and implement pre-conceptualized Project for New American Century.

They proceeded towards their mission and even declared accomplished in the face of counterproductive adventure.

They launched military intervention in Afghanistan in October 2001. The fourteen years old Afghanistan war continues until now and become the permanent military base to dominate Central Asia.  Pakistan remains terror haven with military aid at U.S. taxpayers expense.

Meanwhile the extravagant imperial goals in Afghanistan and across the globe costing United States taxpayers trillions of dollars leaving over 50 million families on food stamps, war veterans homeless and significant number unemployed in the country.

The architects and administration were barely involved bombing Afghanistan, yet another nation on the target – Iraq was invaded under false pretext claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction only to be proved otherwise. 

The WMD in reality was weapons of mass deception.

In 2009 and 2010 – the U.S. troops were increased in Afghanistan.  Although the troop withdrawal from Iraq was stated as conclusion of occupation, the ground situation confirmed troops presence with military activity.

Furthermore, the troops withdrawn from Iraq were redeployed in Afghanistan and beefed up in the Middle East rather than returning home.

In 2011 – the Arab Spring that began in Tunisia spread to Egypt resulting in the overthrow of western and Saudi Arabia backed dictatorial regimes generating hope for the oppressed population in the Middle East.

These events were capitalized to expedite PNAC objectives and spearheaded in Libya and Syria.

The world was once again misled with deceptive authorization of no fly zone in Libya for western air raids and subsequently Libya was destabilized to serve as weapons warehouse channeling delivery to western sponsored terror networks in Syria.

Syrian war with terror infiltration – funded, trained and provided logistic and military hardware until now.

United States, EU and middle east allies rejected successive peace accord on Syria to end four years old conflict.

Currently, Yemen is under relentless shelling by Saudi Arabia on United States and Israel’s purview not barring U.S. supplied cluster munitions to Saudi Arabia in onslaught on Yemen.

In Eastern Europe, EU and United States organized anti-government right wing political unrest produced massive chaos with hardline government installed leaving the nation in turmoil in eastern region and Crimea union with Russian Federation.

South East Asia – The democratically elected government in Thailand was forcibly removed from power on baseless allegations and substituted with military junta reviving political repression.

Latin America –  Democratically elected governments were toppled in Honduras, Paraguay with ongoing efforts against Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia to name a few in the region. 

The Caribbean nation Haiti denied request to reinstate exiled popular leader Jean Bertrand Aristide to power.

Africa – The continent militarized with West and Central Africa recolonized under the guise of security against western and ally’s armed rebel factions in Mali, Central Africa and South Sudan.  The strategy promotes perpetual disasters.

Asia Pacific – United States and South Korea military drills escalate tensions alongside building coalition in the staged confrontation with China driving exponential increase in defense budget among ASEAN nations essentially boosting defense industry interests in the military industrial complex.

The outcome from these events is millions of lives killed and several millions displaced with generational impact notwithstanding refugees upsurge creating humanitarian catastrophe for Europe. 

The deliberate destruction and damages inflicted on scores of inhabitants not to mention the economic setbacks from political crises brought upon in sabotage of democracy declining hegemony control witnessed in above mentioned territories worldwide.

Accordingly, in the article published on this site titled – United States – 9/11 Anniversary 2015, those actually responsible for 9/11 and wars waged against selected nations in PNAC including protracted aggression in the above cited regions deemed guilty for crimes against humanity.

Considering subversion of justice and institutionalized criminality with political impunity, the entities behind heinous crimes evade accountability.

However, I reiterate that final judgment with consequences are indisputable and cannot be challenged delivering justice to victims to restore dharma (principles in adherence of fairness and righteousness).  The segment will be elaborated in the upcoming topic.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant









World – Nuclear Armament 2015

June 25, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Hello Everyone!

I present the topic with emphasis on nuclear armament exacerbating global security.

In my previous segment, I talked about the implications of nuclear proliferation currently invigorated amongst major nuclear powers as well as other nuclear states worldwide.

Being a nuclear power is a burden than formidability. The misconception about nuclear empowerment deserves discussion and debate.

I reiterate my statement that nuclear status is meaningless. The reason I say this is because a nuclear state deploying nuclear arsenal or nuclear components against non-nuclear state as it happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 20th century and subsequently in Vietnam, Iraq, and recently in Syria demonstrates weakness not strength and further highlights belligerence.

The nuclear nation air strikes laden with nuclear substance against non-nuclear state is a routine affair.

The reckless indulgence is in direct violation of the rules of engagement in warfare.

There is no deliberation prior to the use of depleted uranium or white phosphorous causing tremendous suffering to victims evident in citizens of Iraq and Gaza.

During Iraq war, the aggressors and allies used uranium on civilians in Fallujah and as a result the babies are born with congenital birth defects leading to generational impact.

This is one dimension of nuclear showdown.

The frivolous statements during presidential election in the United States warning non-nuclear adversary on the possible use of nuclear arsenal against them and euphemistically quoting all options on the table are maintained as acceptable norm of speech.

The other scenario is – nuclear nation threatening another nuclear state. The dangerous precedence ignores the preemptive nuclear exchange besides creating tensions in the region. The example is Cuban missile crisis in the 20th century that brought two nuclear powers – United States and the former Soviet Union on the brink of nuclear confrontation.

Likewise the two nuclear states in the Indian sub-confinent, South Asia – India and Pakistan Kargil war in May 1999 almost led to nuclear meltdown. 

In the 21st century, the provocation persists in the Korean peninsula with regular military drills showcasing nuclear capable fighter jets and submarines contributing to North Korea missile testing and investment in nuclear enhancement. The P5+1 usual response to North Korea’s nuclear activities is economic sanctions lasting over decades forcing population in that country into starvation.

The incumbent administration in the United States – pivot Asia policy in Asia pacific and counterpart China’s territorial annexations is another development for the world to contend with in the ongoing skirmishes in the region.

Similarly in the Baltic Sea – NATO involvement and continuous military exercise prompts Russia towards missile defense system preparedness amid disagreements between Russia and western powers on Ukraine instability.

Middle East – volatility from violence and pervasive terrorism is the choice amongst terror networks sponsors unyielding to peace prospects in ending Syrian conflict.

The intention in the Middle East is to prolong status quo having changed that part of the world into hot bed for terror operation.

Central Asia – Afghanistan designated as war zone under the pretext of combating Taliban and al Qaeda operatives in the nation.

United States military presence in central Asia substituting former Soviet Union projects the nuclear triangle with Russia and China 

Pakistan – another nuclear state with extensive terror infiltration should be a matter of great concern for the world. United States arms supply to Pakistan while extending cordial relations with ally India is a paradoxical paradigm.

Latin America – Imperial aspirations pursued with territorial disputes alongside military and naval occupation of the region.

Africa – the militarization of the continent claiming to safeguard African borders underestimates human intelligence on the real reason behind massive military incursion.

The risks that accompany nuclear status are attention worthy.

The safekeeping of nuclear weapons demand vigilance, prudence and effective management taking both human and technological errors into account.

The nuclear arsenal maintenance is no ordinary task and requires constant monitoring to avert any disorder.

The safe disposal of outdated and obsolete inventory alone costs a fortune.

In the event of mobilization of nuclear stockpiles carried out from time to time, the lapse during transportation and transit is alarming based on past incident in the United States with missing arsenal upon arrival in the destination.

Then there are nuclear sites wear and tear triggering leakage and contamination of rivers are issues that affects residents in the area.

In the aftermath of Soviet Union disintegration – the former nuclear states like Ukraine, Georgia and other nations under Soviet bloc are yet to confirm complete nuclear disarmament with remnants stock misplaced following rapid fragmentation and Soviet withdrawal.

Nuclear status is a menace costing taxpayers in billions and accordingly an economic liability to the nuclear state.

Nuclear powers military interventions and imperial ambitions through invasion and occupation has depleted national treasury in quest for regional and global conquest.

There is no guarantee that there would be no extemporaneous and impulsive actions using nuclear weapons as there are entities promoting such concept as a casual experiment much to global detriment.

Nuclear power is redundant and best renounced with a commitment to preserve life and habitat i.e. the planet for present and future existence.

The world becoming nuclear free zone is global responsibility and could no longer be evaded for that would mean denying peace, stability, security and most importantly life on earth.

The next segment will be on economic woes and miscalculation in the illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land.

I will be back with my thoughts on that subject.

Thank you for your interest.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant











World – Political And Electoral Reform 2015

May 27, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The incognito power installs proxy governments to implement policies favorable to privileged class in global society.

New World Order with one world government emerged as United Nations Organization comprising unipolar system – UNSC with P5 + 1 exclusive club in possession of veto power.

UNSC target nations deemed adversaries for the members and their allies waging economic warfare via trade sanctions depriving people in Cuba and North Korea with basic food supplies and survival means until now.   The military invasion through conventional ground troops and air raids is another option. 

The recent activities in Yemen, Syria and Iraq, the drone attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa and Latin America assert supremacy.

The latest strategy is sponsoring terrorism in Libya, Syria, Iraq and North, East, West and Central Africa.

Elsewhere false flag events staged to smear nations and oust governments perceived as obstruction to hegemony ambition such as in Ukraine and Thailand. The constant unrest created in Venezuela and neighboring states in South and Central America cannot be ignored.

The other New World Order prototype is European Union with euro currency in the euro zone. The results are evident in member states like Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy, Portugal…and Ireland.

New World Order directs loyalists in the so-called democracies and non-democratic states across the globe.

The subversion of democracy witnessed in elections held to legitimize illegitimate authority.

The elections claimed democratic is infiltrated with special interests funding. Then there are domestic and foreign bidders in political campaigns gaining priority on legislations and corporate influence on political body hailed economic milestones in the convoluted version.

Not to mention hegemony controlled social media, press and entertainment deployed in mind manipulation exemplifying distortion gone awry. The educational institutions are also used for this purpose.

New World Order (NWO) rule and aspirations are unsustainable considering the disastrous experience thus far.

The clean up actions are paramount to restore sanity, sensibility and responsibility facilitating new beginning.

The citizens’ plight as labor force, consumers, taxpayers and electorate could be alleviated in initiating fundamental change in politics with necessary applications in other domains.

Current political structure is premised on extraordinary power, hierarchy with agencies and bureaucracy as expansive government. There are archaic designations in certain so-called democracies maintained to prolong imperial era. The political representation designed to achieve hegemonic goals and preserve corruption culture.

In pseudo democracy projected as functioning republic viz. India and alike – hegemony choices are rewarded with not one but two key posts like defense and finance ministry despite losing election i.e. constituents rejected candidate in national election are appointed to important positions against people’s will.

The taxpayer money is wasted in political extravagance promoting self-image and profiteering from statewide canteens (cafeteria) driving restaurateurs out of business, the other extremes are building and unveiling personal statues not excluding auctions to trumpet political figures and upper echelons price tag.

While significant population nationwide is forced into abject poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy and unemployment, the political fanfare at states and national level squandering citizens tax contributions is a routine affair.

Accordingly following recommendations are made to prevent abuse of power.

  1. Downsizing government along with extended affiliations to contain excess operational expenditure.
  1. The lavish accommodations, perks, benefits, vacations at taxpayers expense to public officials from top to bottom eliminated as austerity measure.
  1. Fiscal discipline on government limiting personnel or entourage accompanying political members within and outside the country. All costs to be accounted and audited by independent body and made available as public record.
  1. The enormous income derived in cash and kind as bribes on government contracts and favors due to powerful positions is not possible upon stripping discretionary rights in the decision-making process.
  1. Briefly, political evolution is required with emphasis on public service representing the people and not elements or agenda threatening sovereign status.

At present, the three branches of government – the executive, legislative and judiciary are reserved for the affluent and bourgeois in society with incentives ranging from luxury to immunity on crimes not barring treason.

Notwithstanding the eligibility criteria – complicity to foreign run enterprise.

Hence, there is no desire to perform national duty and fulfill constitutional oath to serve constituency and country.

Removing opulence and entitlements from political career would then make selfless motives the reason for joining politics and appealing to genuinely committed citizens to come forward in serving community, nation and humanity at large.

In the absence of political and electoral reform, the electoral mandate obtained by deception would continue to be misused with no end in sight in human suffering.

Darkness is dispelled with light and rising to the occasion would demonstrate the populace might.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




Session – Humanitarian Issues, Afghanistan and Indian General Election

April 4, 2014

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

You are welcome to the session on Humanitarian Issues followed by Afghanistan and Indian General Election scheduled in approximately 45 mins to your local time.

The topic will also include United States instigated unrest in Venezuela and tensions in Korean Peninsula.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant


Russia – Hegemony Trump Card To Rescue Imminent Imperialism Decline

March 17, 2014

By Padmini Arhant

(The Article Presented with Addendum in blue highlight).

The Syndicate doctrine is two sides of the coin – heads and tails designed to favor the shadow power. 

The premise prominent in political campaign viz. United States and similar proxy governance worldwide to suit hegemony agenda. 

Hegemony latest tactic involves pseudo opposition to Washington primarily to convince the world as challenger to status quo.

However in reality the cooperation between major powers – Washington and Moscow in this context are locked steps on all major issues invariably leading to anchored goals for strategic dominance.

Since Russian President Vladimir Putin assumed formal position as head of the Russian Federation following election in 2012, the Russian authority decisions on international crises arguably met hegemony satisfaction.

They are enumerated according to global events in recent memory.

1.  North Korea – UNSC Resolution imposed economic sanctions against North Korea. The five permanent members viz. United States, Britain, France, Russia and China unanimously voted to exacerbate North Korean population suffering in the Korean peninsula. 

2. Mali – UNSC Resolution on France invasion of the West African nation, Mali – Again all members along with EU approved military aggression and Moscow providing logistic support in the operation.

3. Central African Republic –  UNSC Resolution on France troop deployment in Central African Republic – Russia and counterparts authorized Resolution 2127 mandating military intervention.

4. SyriaRussia honoring EU, United States and allies arms embargo on Syria withheld prepaid military consignment especially S-300 despite for exclusive defensive purpose.

The measure consequently facilitated more than two Israeli air strikes laden with nuclear component targeting Syrian scientific and research center as well as other interests near and around the capital, Damascus in 2013 notwithstanding many casualties and infrastructure destruction.

5. Syria – Moscow initiated agreement with Washington yielded Israel, United States and Saudi Arabia aspired chemical weapons disarmament from Syria without multilateral enforcement on real perpetrators i.e. the sponsors of terrorism and five chemical attacks in the war torn nation. 

6. Iran – Russia in compliance with Untied States and Israel’s objection indefinitely postponed S-400 delivery to Iran regardless of the latter advance payment on the deal. 

7. Russia –  On 20 December 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin pardoned oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky at EU and Israel’s behest.   The oligarch held on corruption charges visited Israel soon after release from prison to reconnect with business associates from the previously owned oil corporation Yukos for revival.

8. Russia –  Kremlin’s tolerance or the lack thereof to free speech surfaced in disguise with suppression of alternative press in the otherwise predominant state owned or represented broadcast media. 

Synonymously on social trend whether federal response to undocumented immigrants in Moscow or anti-gay rights movement upends democratic prospects in the failure to guarantee pervasive fairness and equality in society.

9. JordanRussian aummition supply to Jordan – one of the key players enabling terror networks operation against Syria not necessarily considered conflict of interest ignoring subsequent provision to mercenaries for easy access.

10.  Egypt – Hegemony instruction to Washington to suspend military aid to interim government in Cairo – engaged in confrontation with pro-Morsi supporters and further accused of violent crack down essentially reestablished by Moscow.

Egypt’s defense minister and potential Presidential candidate Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi during Moscow visit signed weapons contract worth $ 2 billion offsetting $1.5 billion United States assistance maintaining Israel and military industrial complex respective policy.  

President Vladimir Putin officially endorsed the visiting dignitary for Egypt Presidency in the anticipated Presidential election.

11.  Russia – The Southern Russian city Volgograd bombings in less than two months duration in October and December 2013 conforming to false flag terror incidents linked Islamic states such as Dagestan and Chechnya…in North Caucasus region seeking autonomy and independence from Russia.

12. PalestineRussia relations with Israel and relevantly the controversial settlement expansion comprising settlers from Russia, Poland and other states in Eastern Europe serving as deterrence in the seven decades old peace process with Moscow refraining from active participation or exerting influence on Russian ally Israel. 

13. CubaRussian President Vladimir Putin strengthened ties with Cuba through debt forgiveness waiving 90 percent of $ 32 billion including $ 20 billion in fees and accrued interest originating from former Soviet Union transaction. 

The quid pro quo typically encompasses the remaining 10% payment i.e. $ 3.2 billion over 10 years from Cuba in addition to accommodating Russia’s military presence in the Caribbean nation.

Such developments are indicative of Russian leadership prevalent ambition to reinstate former Soviet tradition in pro-Russian territories around the world.

The fact of the matter is whenever foreign powers occupy nations – the occupied country surrender republic statehood and transformed into colony.

In this particular accord between Moscow and Havana – Is Cuba sovereignty valued at only $ 28.8 billion rather than being non-negotiable exemplifying liberty as invaluable?

14. Russia Nuclear testing continues unabated in correlation with United States proliferation and likewise conventional arms trade exponentially increased escalating human rights violation in volatile and oppressed conditions world over.

Russia focus on economic opportunity in nuclear power plant technology and equipment viz. reactors to developing nations neglects Fukushima generated environment disaster besides fostering possible nuclear arsenal pursuits in the long run. 

15. Ukraine – Considering Russian intelligence apparatus with former KGB dissolved into covert and overt espionage activity nonetheless sharing information in the areas concerning domestic and regional security among neighboring states apparently overlooked United States and EU infiltration to derail democracy in Ukraine.

Hegemony divide and conquer strategy in the removal of democratically elected government in Kiev allowed on Russia’s watch promoting Crimea disintegration from Ukraine.

Finally, the paradoxical paradigm utilizing Russia and United States in congruence to hegemonic mission evidently the last hope to rescue inevitable and imminent extinction of feudal system espousing imperialism.

Good Luck! To humanity in protecting individual freedom, national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



















Session – Syria, Palestine, North Korea and Global Freedom

February 15, 2014

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

You are welcome to join the session on Syria, Palestine, North Korea and Global Freedom.

The briefing is scheduled in approximately 60 mins to your local time.

Thank you for your attention.

Padmini Arhant


Briefing – Afghanistan Exit Strategy And North Korea Peace Talks

June 30, 2013

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens of the World,

In about 30 mins from publication of this message, there will be briefing on Afghanistan exit strategy and North Korea peace talks resumption.

You are welcome to this session. Your participation is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Global Alert: Critical Communiqué Suspension

April 5, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

In addition to submissions on this website www.padminiarhant.com

Verbal Presentation and briefing i.e. Communiqué to press and listeners worldwide providing vital information, guidance and alerts on international events as well as future plans critical in historical moment currently suspended pending immediate action from those responsible for international conflicts and crises.


1. SYRIA – Ending proxy war through international terrorism in Syria with ceasefire accompanied by unconditional and comprehensive withdrawal of terror networks deployed in Sovereign state of Syria.

All sanctions against Syria and Iran to be lifted to save lives and enable normal existence.


A. Terminating Israeli aggression against Palestinians with release of all prisoners held under
unlawful administrative detention.

B. Freezing settlement activities on occupied Palestinian land.

C. Voiding illegal Israeli blockade on Gaza.

D. Palestinian Statehood recognition by Non-Aligned Movement considering United Nations
consistent failure demonstrated in the latest Arms Trade Treaty.

3. BAHRAIN: Al-Khalifa Kingdom to release all political detainees and acknowledge citizens
demand to political system.

4. SAUDI ARABIA – Saudi dynasty to free Senior Muslim Cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr and release
all political dissidents with preparation for twenty first century republic state
transcending feudalist monarchy.

5. QATAR – Similar actions required with invalidation of present head of state Emir al-Thani
given direct involvement in Syrian genocide.

6. JORDAN – To follow suit with Bahrain and Saudi Arabia rather than stalling political reform with
four Prime Ministers in four months.

7. TURKEY – Renounce cross border terrorism into Syria. Withdrawal of foreign forces
from Turkey occupied under false pretext of Patriot Missile Deployment.

Trial of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu for
Syrian massacre.


1. MALI – Ceasefire and French, Britain plus other western forces instantaneous withdrawal.


1. KOREAN PENINSULA – Defusing crisis with suggested implementations from sanctions
removal to sovereignty recognition including United States forces withdrawal
from the region.

2. AFGHANISTAN – United States troop withdrawal including ISAF with no further extension
as stated earlier.

Stop drone strikes and night raids terrorizing innocent civilians in various
parts of Afghanistan.

Election held with genuine political parties unlike western nominees or selection of
Taliban militancy to govern the nation.

A. Cessation to United States drone strikes and foreign instigation behind
secessionist movement in Baluchistan and Sindh province.

B. Pakistan authority in cooperation with military and intelligence to contain
violence against Shia, general public and cross border incidents with India
and Afghanistan.

C. Release of Pakistan civilians abducted by intelligence agencies held in
undisclosed indefinite detention.

UNITED STATES: Closure of Guantanamo Bay and secret prison cells around the world with release of all detainees in the United States and abroad.

Upon meeting these initial requirements, the communication process will resume based on developments.

Remaining priorities for other nations to follow in due course.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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