World – Nuclear Armament 2015

June 25, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Hello Everyone!

I present the topic with emphasis on nuclear armament exacerbating global security.

In my previous segment, I talked about the implications of nuclear proliferation currently invigorated amongst major nuclear powers as well as other nuclear states worldwide.

Being a nuclear power is a burden than formidability. The misconception about nuclear empowerment deserves discussion and debate.

I reiterate my statement that nuclear status is meaningless. The reason I say this is because a nuclear state deploying nuclear arsenal or nuclear components against non-nuclear state as it happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 20th century and subsequently in Vietnam, Iraq, and recently in Syria demonstrates weakness not strength and further highlights belligerence.

The nuclear nation air strikes laden with nuclear substance against non-nuclear state is a routine affair.

The reckless indulgence is in direct violation of the rules of engagement in warfare.

There is no deliberation prior to the use of depleted uranium or white phosphorous causing tremendous suffering to victims evident in citizens of Iraq and Gaza.

During Iraq war, the aggressors and allies used uranium on civilians in Fallujah and as a result the babies are born with congenital birth defects leading to generational impact.

This is one dimension of nuclear showdown.

The frivolous statements during presidential election in the United States warning non-nuclear adversary on the possible use of nuclear arsenal against them and euphemistically quoting all options on the table are maintained as acceptable norm of speech.

The other scenario is – nuclear nation threatening another nuclear state. The dangerous precedence ignores the preemptive nuclear exchange besides creating tensions in the region. The example is Cuban missile crisis in the 20th century that brought two nuclear powers – United States and the former Soviet Union on the brink of nuclear confrontation.

Likewise the two nuclear states in the Indian sub-confinent, South Asia – India and Pakistan Kargil war in May 1999 almost led to nuclear meltdown. 

In the 21st century, the provocation persists in the Korean peninsula with regular military drills showcasing nuclear capable fighter jets and submarines contributing to North Korea missile testing and investment in nuclear enhancement. The P5+1 usual response to North Korea’s nuclear activities is economic sanctions lasting over decades forcing population in that country into starvation.

The incumbent administration in the United States – pivot Asia policy in Asia pacific and counterpart China’s territorial annexations is another development for the world to contend with in the ongoing skirmishes in the region.

Similarly in the Baltic Sea – NATO involvement and continuous military exercise prompts Russia towards missile defense system preparedness amid disagreements between Russia and western powers on Ukraine instability.

Middle East – volatility from violence and pervasive terrorism is the choice amongst terror networks sponsors unyielding to peace prospects in ending Syrian conflict.

The intention in the Middle East is to prolong status quo having changed that part of the world into hot bed for terror operation.

Central Asia – Afghanistan designated as war zone under the pretext of combating Taliban and al Qaeda operatives in the nation.

United States military presence in central Asia substituting former Soviet Union projects the nuclear triangle with Russia and China 

Pakistan – another nuclear state with extensive terror infiltration should be a matter of great concern for the world. United States arms supply to Pakistan while extending cordial relations with ally India is a paradoxical paradigm.

Latin America – Imperial aspirations pursued with territorial disputes alongside military and naval occupation of the region.

Africa – the militarization of the continent claiming to safeguard African borders underestimates human intelligence on the real reason behind massive military incursion.

The risks that accompany nuclear status are attention worthy.

The safekeeping of nuclear weapons demand vigilance, prudence and effective management taking both human and technological errors into account.

The nuclear arsenal maintenance is no ordinary task and requires constant monitoring to avert any disorder.

The safe disposal of outdated and obsolete inventory alone costs a fortune.

In the event of mobilization of nuclear stockpiles carried out from time to time, the lapse during transportation and transit is alarming based on past incident in the United States with missing arsenal upon arrival in the destination.

Then there are nuclear sites wear and tear triggering leakage and contamination of rivers are issues that affects residents in the area.

In the aftermath of Soviet Union disintegration – the former nuclear states like Ukraine, Georgia and other nations under Soviet bloc are yet to confirm complete nuclear disarmament with remnants stock misplaced following rapid fragmentation and Soviet withdrawal.

Nuclear status is a menace costing taxpayers in billions and accordingly an economic liability to the nuclear state.

Nuclear powers military interventions and imperial ambitions through invasion and occupation has depleted national treasury in quest for regional and global conquest.

There is no guarantee that there would be no extemporaneous and impulsive actions using nuclear weapons as there are entities promoting such concept as a casual experiment much to global detriment.

Nuclear power is redundant and best renounced with a commitment to preserve life and habitat i.e. the planet for present and future existence.

The world becoming nuclear free zone is global responsibility and could no longer be evaded for that would mean denying peace, stability, security and most importantly life on earth.

The next segment will be on economic woes and miscalculation in the illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land.

I will be back with my thoughts on that subject.

Thank you for your interest.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant












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