Israel – Victimhood

November 27, 2023

Israel – Victimhood

Padmini Arhant

Is this TRUCE from Israel?

The Israeli IDF crimes against Palestinians in the occupied territories not only unaccountable but also reject interim ceasefire and humanitarian aid including ambulance in any Palestinian residential area. 

The latest reaction from different regions whether Egypt in North Africa or Malaysia in South East Asia and African Union leadership…prominent expulsion of Israel from their league severing diplomatic ties related to Gaza war is merely addressing the symptoms of the carcinogenic effects caused by British colonialism in 1948 with the establishment of Israel in Palestine purely for self-interests to exert control over West Asian, North and North East African oil resources in the territory.

Subsequently the colonial era transformed into United States and NATO (EU) imperialism in the revival of western colonial century.

The establishment of Israel in Palestine largely benefitted the United States hegemonic goals in the Middle East with United States permanent military and financial aid to Israel prolonging western imperialism in the region.

United States along with Britain together with France exercising veto in the UNSC resolutions on proxy and ally Israel’s series of violations and atrocities are verifiable testament to Israel serving western political and economic interests in the region.

In the present time, the United States, Britain and key EU states together with coalition partner like Indian government among any other non-western support are all responsible for the genocide in Gaza.

The United States in particular at the moment – the so-called peace seeking democrat administration is in the forefront funding $14.5 billion and more for Israel’s carnage and graveyard mission in Gaza.

The latest cold callous response from the United States’ Obama administration as the incumbent power to Indonesian President’s statement on Gaza is quite chilling.

The pseudo prioritization of climate over Gazan genocide orchestrated by the present U.S. administration and Presidency exemplify apathy to human life not even caring for children in Gaza having been the primary targets in the U.S. and coalition onslaught via Israel against Gazan civilians in the war zone.

The Democrat administration poised as environment friendly proved otherwise in trajectory and evident in war policy as the primary proponent and aggressor behind the slaughter and displacement of Gazans and Palestinians in entire Palestine is quite revealing as the open sky.

Besides, the Barack Obama administration having violently overthrown democratically elected Ukrainian government in the actual insurrection in Kiev in 2014 exacerbating political unrest, ethnic clashes and corruption with the U.S. administration installed neonazi governments in Ukraine in 2014 and thereafter is irrefutable testimony.

In 2022, the Barack Obama administration under the guise of Biden leadership resumed the incomplete chaos and mayhem with war against Russia leaving the Ukrainians to fight proxy war against Russia on western states’ behalf besides covering up Biden family corruption scandals and Clintons unsavory shady dealings in Ukraine.

These events display democrat echelons’ true colors in vying with Republican counterpart on aiding and abetting violence experimenting military stockpiles and new inventory in the playgrounds Gaza and Ukraine.

The trend maintained in semblance with Republican predecessors Bush – Cheney war strategy diligently continued by successive democrat Obama – Biden administration in 2009- 2016 and 2020 – 2023 until now testing defense stockpiles, drones, nuclear laden missiles, chemical weapons like white phosphorus and biological agents through NATO and Israel in the most offensive means on vulnerable defenseless population wherever possible – Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine viz. Gaza and worldwide.

Accordingly, the African Union, South East Asian and West Asian viz. the global South measures such as sanctions, isolation, elimination and condemnation against Israel is merely symptomatic in the absence of none against the chief perpetrators especially the United States current administration headed by proxy Joe Biden Presidency and members like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton legacy premised on war to establish supremacy that surpass the Republican history.

Likewise, the United States politics’ partners in crime Britain, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Australia and allies India and others share the burden of culpability and accountability in the genocide – the heinous crime against Palestinians in Gaza war. The analogy applicable to Ukraine tumult and turmoil as well.

Not surprisingly, there is absolutely no desire for complete ceasefire now in Gaza or Ukraine and instead rallying for incessant violence inflicting deaths and devastation by the Democrat administration behind both wars in the post pandemic for which they are responsible considering the activities transpired in 2015 and earlier.

Sanctions on Israel preceded by similar actions against the benefactor, financier and military weaponry provider present United States administration, Congress and others behind the carnage in Gaza and indefinite war in Ukraine would reflect the global South real understanding and commitment towards ending wars and resolving western authorized political and humanitarian crisis.

Importantly, the global South identifying members within in the overt / covert facilitation of Gaza decimation and actions against them also equally relevant for credibility.

Israel’s victimhood all along demonstrated as paradoxical victimizer against Palestinians and neighbors Syria, Lebanon, Iran…with United States and western support is imperialistic travesty fostering parasitic existence and inter-dependency for expansionism resulting in provocative destructive endeavor thus far.

Padmini Arhant 

Geopolitics – Reality Check 2023

January 13, 2023


Reality Check


Padmini Arhant

The power of the powerless v. the so-called powerful in the world.

Afghanistan v. Western Imperialism and earlier Former Soviet Union preceded by British invasion representing the prolonged time line.

Afghanistan – The nation invaded by imperialists for usual reasons – economic interests for its rich mineral resources and rare essential ingredient lithium used in large batteries in electric cars and wide variety of clean energy systems…bid farewell to western imperialists in 2021.

Ukraine – Western destabilization of democratic system in 2014 led to Russian annexation of Crimea followed by aggressive violent invasion in Feb 2022 continued until now.

Syria – Invasion and occupation by western ally Israel and western collusion with middle-east clients’ relentless shelling, bombing and occupation proved futile leading to western sponsored and creation of IS, ISIS and nexus in the region in 2012 and thereafter.

Yemen – the North African nation enduring relentless violence and bombing aided by western weapons viz. United States, Israel  and Britain to energy partner Saudi Arabia and regional alliance proven counterproductive for the major powers backing the corrupt Yemeni government against the local Houthi tribe and their supporters since 2014.

As for Britain’s role in Yemen war –

“The report by the Oxfam charity found that the Saudi-led coalition used weapons supplied solely by the U.K. and the U.S. in hundreds of attacks on civilians in Yemen between January 2021 and the end of February 2022. Britain is the second-biggest supplier of weapons to Saudi Arabia, after the U.S.”

The west also lost their ally in Yemen – the former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh – assassinated in Dec 2017 resulting in blow back for the west and their Middle-East partner Saudi Arabia – the chief rival reining United States and Britain supplied artillery on the poorest nation Yemen in the Arabian peninsula.

Yet the major western powers and Saudi Arabia unable to wield control experiencing setbacks from the war onset in 2014 until now.

In Asia :

Taiwan – the saber rattling from China against independent democratic Taiwan is formidably challenged by the female led leadership Taiwanese President Tsai-Ing wen along with courageous pro-democracy political dissidents despite tremendous hardships and human rights violations inflicted on them by Beijing.

Africa – the African Union fighting back western colonization revisited by France and EU in Mali recurrence to French invasion in 2014 supposedly to curb Islamic militants movement to north that went wry like other western interventions in foreign soil like Iraq, Syria, Libya etc…

Similarly in Latin America – the smaller poorer nations constantly targeted for political unrest and instability involving western footprints have over a period of time and currently defiant and resilient to defend their sovereignty and economy from predator western foreign policy.

The lesson from these events is never to take anyone or anything for granted. Big is not necessarily mighty for the one who has ultimate control over universe is Almighty presiding over just and unjust cause including activities as well as operations never allowing falsehood and deceit to prevail at any time.

The superiority concept has failed time and time again evidenced in the above sequences entirely due to grit, determination and strong will amongst population defending their sovereignty, independence and civil liberty – the fundamentals of a free country.

Regardless of violent intrusions and extreme oppressive strategy, the victims rise like phoenix from ashes in reclaiming their legitimate status.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Afghanistan – Turmoil in Talibanization

August 17, 2021

Afghanistan – Turmoil in Talibanization

Padmini Arhant 

Afghanistan siege prolonged with Talibanization forcing native Afghans and foreign occupants to flee the nation.

Could this by any definition – Mission Accomplished in accordance with then crafted Project for New American Century (PNAC) built-in with 9/11 terror attack followed by decimation of nations in symmetry?

Imperialism insignia is turmoil, tumult and treachery since the dawn of dominance far and wide.

What else is new in the Superpower game?

Please stay tuned to find out more on the enthralling adventure involving illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


United States – Critical Race Theory (CRT)

July 16, 2021

United States – Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Padmini Arhant

Who is behind the controversial critical race theory?

In 2020Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa (supposedly Anti-Fascism) were unleashed in major cities of the United States wreaking havoc with deaths and destruction of lives and livelihoods, torching and burning private and public properties nationwide without any legal implications whatsoever to those behind the unruly mob conduct embarrassing the nation and society at large.

The BLM i.e. BSM (B.S. Movement) together with Antifa proved themselves the progeny of Fascism and feudalism running the gamut in the global stage.

Not to mention, the destructive forces and their agents ever committed to deception, deceit and devious agenda propagate via crony broadcasting networks in social media, the information lifted from ethical and credible entity and domain to malign the source inviting self-inflicting irreversible damage.

Once again, these egregious indulgences clearly distinguish the fake and fraudulent from the original.

In 2021 – the critical race theory is promoted to stir reactions and controversy on the race subject. Unfortunately, the promoters expectations to season and fry the race related ingredients are working as they continue to pit people against each another in some form or another.

Notwithstanding the transgender mania having become the obsessive compulsive disorder affecting the identity politics peddlers, the classic ignoramus surrendered to own folly and personal identity crisis.

The critical race theory is debated as contentious due to the projection of a race and in this instance casting the White population, the oppressor in history.

Needless to say in any situation of abuse, violence and violations, the victimizer and the victims i.e. the oppressors and the oppressed are well aware of the truth and facts without any interpretation or revision of history.

It is important to highlight that those who are crying foul to critical race theory today are nowhere to be seen in the relentless assault on other races, religions, cultures and civilizations that are continuously mocked, ridiculed and denigrated not only in school textbooks but also in every available medium since time immemorial.

In this regard, Hollywood and the so-called authors in literary society have taken the liberty for granted and left others far behind in stereotyping anything and anyone they have targeted a fair game entirely for pecuniary interests. The prejudice playing a role cannot be ruled out in such behavior.

The customs and traditions of race other than their own often described and portrayed as barbaric, primitive and backward in every possible channel and outlet thus far are irrefutable. It always hurts upon own experience of incidents and events that are not necessarily reflected in others pain and suffering. Perhaps that is human nature.

Let it not be forgotten, the divide and conquer strategy is the premise to rein control and dominance throughout imperialistic and colonial supremacy.

There could be no denial in the fact that racial superiority and hierarchy is the norm and prevalent more so today than even before. Any belief to the contrary is superficial and farcical.

The proof is in the cancel culture – the epitome of intolerance to alternative views and contribution.

The concerted efforts and actions in silencing genuine voice with anonymity while ambush the individual life invading home, privacy and identity appropriating to whom so ever they deem suitable fitting their contaminated mindset is regarded their prerogative. None of these despicable engagements on their part are considered shameful or criminal by them.

Otherwise the groups like White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi gatherings in  Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 would not serve as political tool for those in favor or against race orientation. Likewise the black lives matter, antifa and alike would not be the catalysts for chaos and mayhem even though the outcome serve none including them and those behind these organizations except them deriving bizarre satisfaction from ruinous participation.

Above all, the superiority complex has transcended from race to elitism typically narcissism and nepotism blending the racial mix of similar concoctions on social economic status based on fame, fortune and power in global society.

The billionaire club, celebrity clique, academia flaunting A-Z titles after their name as intellectualism, political circle as world leaders and self-proclaimed statesmanship, media organizations and press touted as power brokers in exaggeration or embellishing records of anyone and anything to boost ratings.

Last but not the least, the religious God men and women especially the former in the costume with flowing robe sweeping the floor they walk on and the long beard competing with their robe in touching the ground is quite a sight to see them performing to the script in the mega theatrics currently representing the so-called global elitism – the contra euphemism for narcissism in the contemporary era.

The world is a circus under the purview of those lost in their lofty ambitions and delirious goals. They struggle and stumble revealing their cluelessness amid the house of cards crumbling on them.

The billionaire club – what anyone does with their personal wealth in their private life is entirely individual discretion. Again, the same principle is not extended to all by the global elitists having assumed the power as entitlement to enroll or expel whom ever they prefer or reject in society. The idea of free speech in the present time is transformed into a privilege. The social media they overwhelmingly own and control albeit due to ordinary citizens engagement in these social platforms as users and consumers are conveniently forgotten forbidding citizens from the public domain for not conforming to their political ideology and faction they represent in the government.

The global elites reserve the rights to be discreet and hold secret meetings as secret society to discuss and strategize on global affairs directly affecting every man, woman, child, their dog and livestock in any situation. However, the content and minutes of the meetings are ever held secret barring public and real independent investigative press knowledge on the matter.

Ironically, they criticize their arch nemesis as recluse for living a normal life and importantly they are irked with their enemy for unwilling to bow taking marching orders from them in reminiscence of enslavement of those they regard not worthy of any respect. The proverbial old habits die hard is prevalent in the indignation of anyone who do not agree with them and roll over in the swamp that are expected and carried out by the servile appointees to the position remaining a front for the secret society and the deep state.

The space travel is a new fad among the latest billionaires who have otherwise declared bankruptcy laying off more than 3250 employees citing global pandemic for massive termination and even sought governments’ assistance at average tax payers expense despite the latter already hit beyond revival. The wealth at their disposal apparently is well spent on extravagant pleasure trip to the galaxy that were otherwise not available to retain the heavily hurt ordinary workers in the worst crisis. The other billionaires on their part justify their stance on pushing merchant fees $7.50 in credit card payments on solar energy to struggling home owners saving the costs from it for their space journey. There are others in the billionaire league whose employees share their grievances on poor working conditions such as long hours with less pay and no incentives on hard labor of thousands of workers contributing to the billionaires’ success story.

Then there are billionaires entrenched in defining and regulating human genome, lifestyle and mind via investments in scientific experiments and altering seeds germination targeting staple diet of mankind and livestock hormone injection…regarded innovative ignoring cataclysmic ramifications experienced right now.

The topic is continued under separate titles highlighting the quandary confronting humanity today.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

India – Colonialism Elimination or Enforcement?

November 9, 2019

India – Colonialism Elimination or Enforcement?

Padmini Arhant

India – the nation and prominent members in society ever obliging in maintaining colonial legacy premised on hierarchy, prejudice, gender and communal bias entrenched in archaic casteism persistently suffer from severe identity crisis.

With governments run by global colonial diktat, the puppet regimes installed in power are expected to display nothing but obedience and acquiescence to their masters who in return regard selves as eternal beings running a muck at own peril.

Europe as the colonial dais and remaining so until today with economy surviving then and now from colonized nations wealth and resources that continues until today in attracting illegal illicit funds linked to black money, tax evasions, embezzlement, human trafficking, sex trade, extortions and various nefarious unscrupulous dealings hoarded in Swiss banks vaults encrypted in secret codes not surprisingly willful offenders’ sought after destination.

India in particular boasts colonial pride and over two hundred years of brute imperialism cherished as tradition in modern age. Indian society subject to repressive rule demonstrated in evaluation of individual skills predominantly tied to english language.

The assessment on individual’s intellect and aptitude is largely related to proficiency in foreign language english. Accordingly, the prevalent colonial lexicon recognized as official language of India.

Indian Congress political party having originated from colonial entity Alan Octavian Hume founded Congress party on the one side and the other RSS representing Hindu fundamentalism alongside Muslim league fostered and buttressed by the same colonial rulers infusing divide and rule strategy adapted until now.

British Raj implemented several laws to prolong oppression and colonization with little or no respect for human lives and civil rights retained by Indian political parties alternating to power is yet another example of Indian governments subservience to imperialism.

Indian politics and upper echelons flirting with colonial past and contemporary globalists strictly for personal and vested interests is ongoing custom.

The false assertions and nuances on eliminating colonialism and Mughal invasions insignia while embracing embarrassing episodes and characteristics in Indian history aptly reflect political convenience.

The point in reference is the interim RSS controlled BJP government not without foreign power management touting the latest Supreme Court ruling on controversial Ayodhya matter in their favor as the path to declare India – the Hindu State serve nothing more than a desperate need to deflect depressed public attention from declining economic situation.

BJP members statements on the ruling party erasing British Imperialism symbols and remnants apparently not extended to political system and policies that would determine reality.

Furthermore, removal of Queen Elizabeth statues and changing the streets and roads names amid efforts to honor RSS political activist, Hindutva ideologue and chief architect Vinayak Damodar Savarkar with India’s highest civilian award – Bharat Ratna pronounce duplicity.

V.D.Savarkar having buckled to British Raj, engaged in strengthening British Raj atrocities in India by recruiting young vulnerable Indian citizens to serve the imperialist army besides implicated in Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination speak volume on Indian politics’ treason albeit intense in the present time.

In the height of overarching practice to imperialism and current globalists demands, Indian political class and affluent elements reaping undeserving benefits from external power appeasement is the continuing Indian saga resisting renunciation of homogenous trait.

India is anything but an independent nation evident in India’s pledge of allegiance to the fake crown proclaiming India as dominion republic in the official treaty.

India’s rich, famous and powerful stashing wealth offshore enriching foreign economies and occupying positions of power and authority in politics, economic, entertainment sector…deprive overwhelming majority the due economic progress and development.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 












UNSC – Declared Illegitimate Body 

August 6, 2017

UNSC – Declared Illegitimate Body 

By Padmini Arhant

United Nations Security Council is declared an illegitimate body effective immediately no longer in a position to enforce illegal and biased sanctions or authorize unlawful military interventions at will against nations regarded a fair target.

United Nations Security Council – a unipolar body representing imperialism and Supremacy in the twenty first century violating sovereign status of nations around the globe is not recognized a valid international authority.


United Nations Security Council is eliminated for the following reasons.

1. The council formed in the twentieth century subsequent to World War II primarily funded by the same forces that are behind perpetual wars in the twenty first century inventing and sponsoring terrorism as pretext to warfare decided on concentration of power through UNSC.

2. UNSC comprising five permanent members with veto powerUnited States, Britain, France, China and Russia with the new addition Germany proclaimed as P5+1 asserts superior authority over the rest of the world.

3. The P5+1 imperial legacy and quest is no secret in the illegal invasion, occupation and territorial annexations that continues unabated until today.

4. Not long ago, the second tier was introduced within UNSC. The fifteen members have temporary status lasting two years rotated among other UN members again subject to approval with P5+1 exerting influence in the selection and rejection process. The maneuver was to deny other nations permanent membership in the exclusive club.

5.  The same principle is adopted using coercion not barring threats and underhand techniques to win votes on UNSC resolutions undermining legitimacy and integrity on international law.

6. UNSC promotes imperialistic goals that will be highlighted in this article.

7.  UNSC is a platform for some permanent members to settle political scores on issues that are binding on them to comply with in the increasing threat from them exacerbating global peace and security.

8. UNSC permanent members trajectory and ongoing trend violating territorial rights of other nations besides gross human rights violations within and outside the country disqualify them to preside over global disputes that they are responsible for and never held accountable.

9. UNSC is instrumental in imposing starvation and mass poverty via economic sanctions they have never been subject to despite their egregious involvements in international affairs.

10. Last but not the least, UNSC is defunct, not trustworthy and proved incapable of resolving global crisis due to their footprints and full fledged engagement in causing immeasurable pain and misery among world population.

The ex-UNSC permanent members sprawling imperialistic goals not surprisingly overlap with each other’s lofty ambitions in different regions exposing one another in the undying territorial quest with little or no concern for myriad problems in the domestic front.

Since rationality never given a chance at UNSC from formation to functioning with decades of failed policies, the UN Security Council paradoxically transformed into a committee championing chaos and political instability world over.

In the former UNSC, United States military bases across the globe along with NATO allies Britain and France confront Russia in the Baltic and China in the Yellow, South and East China sea as well as Africa.

Notwithstanding the U.S. presence in Afghanistan extending over to Central Asia and military operations in Latin America maintained in the aftermath of colossal failures and regional population demanding foreign troops exit from their soil.

Having exhausted means to justify militarization anywhere including the Korean Peninsula, UNSC was a convenient fallback to constrict nations defending sovereignty against wanton aggression.

Consequently, the sanctions imposed by United States and UNSC against nations – North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Iran and Venezuela are null and void. Similarly Israel’s unilateral economic blockade against GAZA is ineffectual and invalid. The resolutions to these nations issues will be presented in due course.

The former UNSC permanent memberships with veto power could be best described as the foxes guarding the chickens house unable to shed the trait revealed in vigorous hegemony.

Moving forward subsequent to UNSC dissolution is review and reorganization of UN General Assembly inviting all members for fair participation and equal opportunity around the globe regardless of statehood – applies to independent nations such as Palestine, Tibet and Taiwan not any promulgated groups, terror factions and networks or states founded to divide sovereign nations.

Any obstruction to UN role as reliable global forum to preside over international issues would lead to forming a new international body barring obstructionist measures and anti-humanity strategy while inviting members in agreement to creation of an international consortium substituting preferential status with egalitarian position allowing all nations to contribute in global crisis management through one vote per nation removing prevalent proxy in the voting process.

The issues to be addressed by UN in the post UNSC annulment will be enumerated in the immediate future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


Politics – Facts and Features

March 17, 2016

By Padmini Arhant


P – Pandering

O –Opportunism

– Lobby

–  Inconsistency

T –  Treason

–  Irony

C – Corruption

S –  Scandal


E – Embed

S – Superficial

T – Tactic

A –Acquiescence

B – Betray

L – Lunge

– Institution

S –Sinister

H –Haughty

M -Malfunction

E – Extol

N – Nepotism

T – Tradition


E – Evasion

L – Lambast

E – Elimination

C – Charlatan

T – Target

– Influence

O – Occasion

N – Nomination


V – Victim

O – Operation

T – Tragedy

E – Expiry 


F – Fraudulence

E – Enslavement

U – Usurp

D – Dominate

A – Accost

L – Larceny

I – Insolence

S – Severance

M – Malfeasance


P – Presumptuous

L – Ludicrous

U – Unscrupulous

T –  Tortuous

O – Obnoxious

C –  Covetous

R – Rapacious

A – Ambiguous

C – Capricious

Y – Yores


O – Observable

L –  Liable

I  –  Insatiable

G – Gobble

A – Actionable

R –  Rubble

C – Culpable

H – Horrible

Y – Yobbery 


C – Control

O – Obstacle

M – Masquerade

M –Muzzle

U – Unstable

N –Noticeable

– Impoverish

S –Struggle

M –Misery


S – Subversion

O– Omission

C– Commission

I– Invention

A- Adoption

L– Liquidation

I- Illusion

S– Simulation




A– Acquisition

P– Profitability

I– Insolvency

T-Tax Exemption


L –Liaison

I – Immunity

S – Securities

M– Merger 


T –Travesty

H –Hypocrisy

E – Eclipse

O –Opaque

C –Conflict

R –Religion

A – Aberration

C – Counterproductive

Y – Yet


I –Invalid


P –Pernicious

E –Empire

R -Ruthless

I – Insidious


L -Lofty

I -Incorrigible

S -Supremacy

M -Medieval 


M –Mendacious


N– Nefarious

O– Ostentatious

P– Pugnacious

O– Ominous

L– Lawless

Y– Yex


S – Superiority



C –Calamity

T– Treaty

I –Indiscretion



S -Suppression



I  -Indignation


L –Limitation

E –Exclusion

N –Notion

C – Cessation

E – Exception


R -Rage





C –Criminality

R -Rewarded

I – Idolized


E -Endorsement


J -Jeopardy

U -Upend

S -Sardonic

T -Trivialize

I -Impunity

C -Cronyism

E -Embarrassment


P -Proxy







M –Manipulation

E –  Exaggeration

D – Dramatization

– Indoctrination

A –Adulation


S -Symbolic

T -Tainted

A -Auspice

T -Trajectory


S -Secrecy

Q -Questionable

U -Unsustainable

O -Obsolete

The fundamental change in political structure and practice is imperative to experience positive outcome made possible by functional republic and uncompromising sovereign status.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





Face the Truth – Featuring Hegemony

November 7, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Welcome to Face the Truth program.

Hegemony, incognito power represented by myriad forces in diverse background.

Hegemony in control of politics, economy, social issues, communication media, entertainment, environment and religion.

Hegemony policies and strategies are responsible for status quo.

Accordingly, I pose the following questions to hegemony.

  1. Is there democracy today?
  1. The unlimited financing from different sources near and far in election campaigns deprive electorate from representation – In these conditions could elections be considered free and fair?
  1. Do political dynasty, royalty, constitutional monarchy and theocracy rule constitute democracy?
  1. Are governments representing the people or incognito power?
  1. Hegemony rule through proxy governance promoting incognito power agenda. How does it serve the nation or the people?
  1. Hegemony reliance on subversion and deception to prolong authority confirms desperate times seeking desperate measures despite fait accompli. What is the purpose behind continuation of fallacious dogma?
  1. Why should taxpayers fund feudalism, imperialism and elitism premised on parasitic tradition?
  1. Hegemony policies and strategies proved recipe for disasters. Why should the world remain hostage to destructive course?
  1. Hegemony deployment of terror for vested interests resulting in death and decimation of lives and nations worldwide. The incessant violence benefitting military industrial complex stakeholders target innocent citizens and states for destabilization. Are they not valid reasons to end hegemony dominance?
  1. Hegemony representatives are granted immunity from crimes essentially authorizing lawlessness and criminality not to mention abuse of power. How could such representation become legitimate leadership in the so-called democracy?
  1. Last but not the least – Hegemony intolerance to truth, free speech, equal rights and opportunity besides illegal intrusive surveillance, selective profiling and prejudice verify authoritarianism. Is it not appropriate to reject hegemony and hypocrisy in disguise as democracy?

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





Gandhi Jayanthi (146th Birth Anniversary) – Remembering the Mahatma in 2015

October 2, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Commemorating Mahatma Gandhi’s 146th birth anniversary.

Peace and non-violence pioneer’s steadfastness to free India from foreign rule posed immense challenge to the imperial power.

Mahatma Gandhi’s simple and humble attributes was in contradiction to flamboyance and pompous disposition maintained in the position of authority.  The genuine leadership is often recognized in sincerity, integrity, courage and commitment to serve humanity.

Most importantly speaking the truth without fear or concern for smear determines individual character and selflessness – a rarity in power oriented politics promoting false image to subvert reality.

Gandhi exemplified virtues with emphasis on equality and harmony transcending prejudice based on race, religion, caste and creed. The world blinded by violence and acrimony emanating from greed and desire for dominance rejects peace with no respect for life other than own existence despite death a certainty for all.

Mahatma’s relentless pursuit on liberty and unity characterized Gandhian principle in the hope to alleviate suffering among the poor, hungry and oppressed population worldwide.

Freedom struggle continues in the aftermath of Mahatma Gandhi and compatriots sacrifice with corruption and criminality governing politics contributing to huge economic and social disparity.

In pre-independence period there were remarkable members in society pledging their life, time and resources for the country sharing the common dream to liberate homeland. 

The alacrity in claiming sovereignty from foreign control attracted volunteers across the spectrum with single goal in mind to decline subjugation.

In comparison, the present time sworn allegiance to sources embarked on treason and depleting state treasury with guaranteed political impunity.

The dominion republic status is acceptable due to benefits to political establishment and affluent class from subservience to undemocratic system compromising national and public interest.

Nonetheless, Mahatma Gandhi and legions dedication in  patriotic endeavor ever remain the beacon of light to awakened mind.

Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and other great souls for indelible mark on patriotism and honorable legacy.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




Imperialism – Anti Humanity Doctrine

September 13, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Colonialism survival predominantly dependent on hierarchy and polarization in society with duplicity in policy not to mention adopting any means to sustain unsustainable parasitic tradition.

Colonial strategy is subversion of religion sanctity and civilization heritage.

British Raj during overt reign in India created Rashtriya Sevak Sangh (RSS) in 1930 promoted as Hindu fundamentalists when in reality the organization and political parties pledged allegiance to colonial power until today.

RSS creation is imperialists affront to Hindu religion and Hindu philosophy committed to secularism. At the other end of the spectrum are factions in British partitioned Pakistan opposed to constructive process with India.

Similarly, British colonial power produced Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt projected as Islamic fundamentalists while aiding and abetting the rise of Muslim Brotherhood behind the scenes to serve colonial agenda.

Not surprisingly Muslim Brotherhood refrained from participation in Egypt uprising against Western ally – the dictatorial regime of ex-President Hosni Mubabarak in Tehrir Square, Cairo in 2011.

Furthermore, the so-called first democratic election in Egypt following the western partner Mubarak government ouster in 2011 fielded western candidate Mohammad Morsi representing none other than Muslim Brotherhood.

The dichotomy in imperialists pretense to generate impression of western aversion for fundamentalism with legacy fostering extremism using religion and communal divide expose true identity.

The contrived position extended through RSS in India essentially subscribes to subordination and marginalization prevalent in Indian caste system.

The imperialist response via RSS to the article published on this site titled India – Good Governance Upon Clean Governance calling for abolition of antiquated caste structure in Indian society beckons attention.

RSS chief – interestingly named Bhagwat in the backdrop of goddess Durga banner referring to Indian caste classification as Indian family system proclaimed the degenerative practice – Akshunn interpreted as unbroken and Takat (power) of Hindu Samaj (society).

In fact, the society crafted caste pyramid is proved Apshakun i.e. bad omen and  b weakness not power derailing social progress notwithstanding contradiction in India’s status as thriving secular democracy.

A real functioning democracy would exemplify equality and respect human values determined by deed not creed. 

The archaic caste custodians cherish discriminatory practice voiding eligibility to be part of human race for the term human is derived from HUMANE – the  salient characteristic for Homo sapiens in Mammalia.

Again India’s caste orientation always ranks first among other problems in western criticism about India revealing imperialists hypocritical overture.

The caste denomination is farcical conflicting with the current trend in every other individual’s claim as almighty God. 

Above all the superiority asserted on caste based criteria bowing to cannibal sponsors is the irony.


RSS and Muslim League / Brotherhood are two sides of the coin to serve imperial cause – disparage religions relevantly Hinduism and Islam respectively besides establishment of proxy governance.

Imperialism favored dynasty and despotism alternated in politics denying sovereignty and republic rule.

Imperialism contemporary involvement sponsoring terrorism recruit vulnerable and credulous youth branded as jihadists to destabilize nations in the Middle East and North Africa.

Likewise, Central and South Asia notably Afghanistan and Pakistan declared failed states with terror manifestation strengthened through arms supply and military aid.

ISIL evolution into ISIS having emerged from imperial power designed al Qaeda is a classic symptom of ailing supremacy to prolong decadence.

The imperialist destructive goals verifiable in Afghanistan’s Helmand province depriving Afghan farmers from food agriculture such as wheat, maize, mung beans, nuts and produce…forced into poppy cultivation from western capital and profits shared by Taliban – supposedly the enemy combatant fighting against United States and NATO for the last fourteen years in the U.S. taxpayers funded warfare.

Imperialists anti humanity doctrine targets religion, social, political, economic and environment development in the self-effacing stratagem.

The counterproductive course best abandoned since actions have repercussions without exception.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







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