India – Colonialism Elimination or Enforcement?

November 9, 2019

India – Colonialism Elimination or Enforcement?

Padmini Arhant

India – the nation and prominent members in society ever obliging in maintaining colonial legacy premised on hierarchy, prejudice, gender and communal bias entrenched in archaic casteism persistently suffer from severe identity crisis.

With governments run by global colonial diktat, the puppet regimes installed in power are expected to display nothing but obedience and acquiescence to their masters who in return regard selves as eternal beings running a muck at own peril.

Europe as the colonial dais and remaining so until today with economy surviving then and now from colonized nations wealth and resources that continues until today in attracting illegal illicit funds linked to black money, tax evasions, embezzlement, human trafficking, sex trade, extortions and various nefarious unscrupulous dealings hoarded in Swiss banks vaults encrypted in secret codes not surprisingly willful offenders’ sought after destination.

India in particular boasts colonial pride and over two hundred years of brute imperialism cherished as tradition in modern age. Indian society subject to repressive rule demonstrated in evaluation of individual skills predominantly tied to english language.

The assessment on individual’s intellect and aptitude is largely related to proficiency in foreign language english. Accordingly, the prevalent colonial lexicon recognized as official language of India.

Indian Congress political party having originated from colonial entity Alan Octavian Hume founded Congress party on the one side and the other RSS representing Hindu fundamentalism alongside Muslim league fostered and buttressed by the same colonial rulers infusing divide and rule strategy adapted until now.

British Raj implemented several laws to prolong oppression and colonization with little or no respect for human lives and civil rights retained by Indian political parties alternating to power is yet another example of Indian governments subservience to imperialism.

Indian politics and upper echelons flirting with colonial past and contemporary globalists strictly for personal and vested interests is ongoing custom.

The false assertions and nuances on eliminating colonialism and Mughal invasions insignia while embracing embarrassing episodes and characteristics in Indian history aptly reflect political convenience.

The point in reference is the interim RSS controlled BJP government not without foreign power management touting the latest Supreme Court ruling on controversial Ayodhya matter in their favor as the path to declare India – the Hindu State serve nothing more than a desperate need to deflect depressed public attention from declining economic situation.

BJP members statements on the ruling party erasing British Imperialism symbols and remnants apparently not extended to political system and policies that would determine reality.

Furthermore, removal of Queen Elizabeth statues and changing the streets and roads names amid efforts to honor RSS political activist, Hindutva ideologue and chief architect Vinayak Damodar Savarkar with India’s highest civilian award – Bharat Ratna pronounce duplicity.

V.D.Savarkar having buckled to British Raj, engaged in strengthening British Raj atrocities in India by recruiting young vulnerable Indian citizens to serve the imperialist army besides implicated in Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination speak volume on Indian politics’ treason albeit intense in the present time.

In the height of overarching practice to imperialism and current globalists demands, Indian political class and affluent elements reaping undeserving benefits from external power appeasement is the continuing Indian saga resisting renunciation of homogenous trait.

India is anything but an independent nation evident in India’s pledge of allegiance to the fake crown proclaiming India as dominion republic in the official treaty.

India’s rich, famous and powerful stashing wealth offshore enriching foreign economies and occupying positions of power and authority in politics, economic, entertainment sector…deprive overwhelming majority the due economic progress and development.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 













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