Syria – Conflated Hegemony Conflict

October 1, 2015

Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant

By Padmini Arhant

Syrian conflict has many dimensions with hegemony premeditated scheme to destabilize Syria. The plan implemented in 2011 under the guise of Arab Spring.

The war premised on achieving hegemony goals i.e. toppling governments regarded adversary in the Middle East and elsewhere.  Iraq, Libya, Thailand and Ukraine are examples preceded by nations in Latin America, Asia and Africa throughout twentieth and twenty first century.

United States, Britain, Israel and France along with allies in the Middle East – Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Kuwait and UAE involvement since onset devised different strategies to invade Syria.

The principal approach was to circumvent congressional or parliament approval knowing well that would be confronted with public dissent following the deception on Iraq war.

Additionally, disillusionment on 9/11 as insiders collusion with United States allies to accelerate Project for New American Century (PNAC) substantiated in PNAC listing Afghanistan as the initial target among several nations viz. Iraq and Syria.

Hence any direct military interventions would have prevalent hegemony control disguised as democracy prominent.

Citizens protest to hegemony intrusions in foreign land thwarted United States and Britain military actions on Syria.

United States, Britain, Israel, France together with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Jordan sponsored al Qaeda.  The terror network was relocated from Afghanistan to Syria having organized Libya as weapons warehouse to channel arms delivery.

Western nations and coalition in the Middle East declined peace initiatives with EU lifting arms embargo rather than extending ban on ammunitions supply to terrorists in Syria. 

EU decision repercussions experienced now in the refugee influx on EU shores having been responsible for fueling fire.

The western and Middle East allies backed al Qaeda evolved into al Nusra Front in return becoming ISIL, ISIS and now Daesh Takfiri not surprisingly assigned yet another name in the near future.

Western and Middle East armed, trained and funded terror factions were not limited to wreaking terror in Syria. 

They also became cannibals besides committing horrendous crimes like use of chemical weapons, rape, abductions, forcing children to become terror recruits in the four and half years old brutal terrorism unleashed in Syria.

United States, Britain, Israel and France as the origin of weapons cache to terrorists directed Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan to provide comprehensive support to terror camps to decimate Syria.

The western powers and coalition sabotaged Geneva peace accord on more than two occasions to end bloodshed in Syria posing illegitimate demands on the population for Syrian government to step down despite Syrian electorate overwhelming mandate electing the incumbent power in the internationally monitored and appraised Presidential as well as national election.

United States, Israel and Turkey launched air raids in Syria with U.S. and Israel air attacks laden with nuclear components repeating combat operations similar to Iraq and Gaza respectively.

United States backed terrorists were behind chemical weapons massacre in incidents verified and confirmed in the U.N. investigation.

In a bizarre twist, instead of disarming terrorists in possession of biological and chemical weapons, Russia and United States subjected the victim Syria to stockpiles disposal under UN agency purview.

Meanwhile, Israel the major weapons of mass destruction (WMD) stockholder having used against Gazans in 2008-2009 shelling and supplied terrorists in Syria never probed or expected to comply with so-called international law.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Moscow to express personal gratitude to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Syrian disarmament.

U.S., Britain, Israel, France and alliance – Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar notwithstanding Lebanon drawn into quagmire.  The terror infiltration in Syria until today with spill over effects in Iraq has left nearly 250,000 dead and millions as refugees in Syria alone.

Turkey citizens have also been hit with terrorism due to Turkish authorities overt engagement in aiding and abetting terror against Syria and Iraq. 

Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan close relationship with Iran irrespective of Turkish administration role in proliferating terror explains political and economic interests prioritized over humanitarian issues and regional security.

Not to miss the opportunity amid chaos Germany occupies Turkey with Patriot missile installation and western defense contingency in Turkey stated as necessary for missile management.

Similarly, hegemony trump card Russia occupation of Syria in the Mediterranean coast Tartous with the Russian naval base and the latest airstrikes claimed as wiping Daesh Takfiri on western counterpart behalf is exploiting Syrian political trust in advancing hegemony agenda.

Russia having recently annexed Crimea from eastern Ukraine predominantly to maintain Russian strategic advantage in Black Sea and overture to Caribbean nation Cuba with debt forgiveness in exchange for Russian military base corroborate hegemony multifaceted expansionism in the One World government and New World Order.

The former Soviet Union presence in Afghanistan essentially revived in the current extension of United states and NATO military permanence.

Russiathe key member representing hegemony with veto privilege at unipolar UNSC exemplifying military options in Syria perhaps exhausting defense inventory to replenish reserves other than promoting military industrial complex stock value.

The terror manifestation via hegemony terror recruitments  that began to debilitate Libya, Yemen and other parts of North Africa facilitating mayhem in the Middle East is a convenient situation to justify aggressive maneuver.

Hegemony waged Syrian and Iraq war creating, manufacturing and fostering terror clarifies exalted organized crime against humanity.  States bankrolled terrorism asserted as political leaderships license to kill innocent children, women and men anywhere.

Not to mention hegemony colonization through pervasive terrorism substituting conventional warfare.

Hegemony apocalyptic ambitions contribute to alarming rise in death toll and humanitarian disaster in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine and wherever hegemony footprints are detectible i.e. almost worldwide.

The terror networks survival is dependent on financing, artillery procurement and logistics made available by none other than hegemony.

Upon terminating terror groups lifeline, the activities would substantially diminish without the need for exhibiting aerial military might.

Hegemony duplicity in classifying militancy into moderates and extremists to suit policy fall short on facts deepening fallacy.

The terror operatives are instructed and led by hegemony authorized organizations and affiliation.

The real commitment to expunge terrorism would commence with the source and catalysts held accountable for heinous crimes and atrocities against unarmed civilians in Syria, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere.

No terror outfit could possibly exist without hegemony and proxy governments complicity in the nuclear age and superior information technology era.

Regardless, conclusion of protracted warfare in Syria, Iraq and Libya with the exclusion of bombs, missiles and air assaults that invariably produce massive destruction of infrastructure and civilian sites is prudent.

The global sanctions on weapons transportation or transfer to terror elements combined with terror shelters demolition and freezing terror benefactors undertakings is the preliminary step towards stifling terrorism.

Addressing the root of all evil fomenting terrorism would cease terror existence.

Hegemony and terror domains exit in entirety is the saving grace marking turbulence and tribulations expiry.

Syria, Iraq and Libya or for that matter any other nation on earth could no longer be subjugated under false pretexts to prolong dying supremacy and parasitic tradition.

The counterproductive measure on regional and global dominance best abandoned with resources divested in improving lives in the domestic front and international cooperation on universal economic development would guarantee global peace and progress.

Wishing peace and stability in every aspect to citizens in Syria, Iraq and Libya.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




















Global Status Quo – Crimes Against Humanity

September 15, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Marking 9/11 anniversary, I published the article on terrorism – the global issue haunting humanity.

The militarily superior and nuclear armed America was attacked on political, intelligence and military establishment watch.

The world was led to believe that dilapidated terror network al Qaeda suddenly incapacitated the nation poised as Superpower.

The terror attack on American soil became the premise for protagonists, catalysts and colluders to invade nations and implement pre-conceptualized Project for New American Century.

They proceeded towards their mission and even declared accomplished in the face of counterproductive adventure.

They launched military intervention in Afghanistan in October 2001. The fourteen years old Afghanistan war continues until now and become the permanent military base to dominate Central Asia.  Pakistan remains terror haven with military aid at U.S. taxpayers expense.

Meanwhile the extravagant imperial goals in Afghanistan and across the globe costing United States taxpayers trillions of dollars leaving over 50 million families on food stamps, war veterans homeless and significant number unemployed in the country.

The architects and administration were barely involved bombing Afghanistan, yet another nation on the target – Iraq was invaded under false pretext claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction only to be proved otherwise. 

The WMD in reality was weapons of mass deception.

In 2009 and 2010 – the U.S. troops were increased in Afghanistan.  Although the troop withdrawal from Iraq was stated as conclusion of occupation, the ground situation confirmed troops presence with military activity.

Furthermore, the troops withdrawn from Iraq were redeployed in Afghanistan and beefed up in the Middle East rather than returning home.

In 2011 – the Arab Spring that began in Tunisia spread to Egypt resulting in the overthrow of western and Saudi Arabia backed dictatorial regimes generating hope for the oppressed population in the Middle East.

These events were capitalized to expedite PNAC objectives and spearheaded in Libya and Syria.

The world was once again misled with deceptive authorization of no fly zone in Libya for western air raids and subsequently Libya was destabilized to serve as weapons warehouse channeling delivery to western sponsored terror networks in Syria.

Syrian war with terror infiltration – funded, trained and provided logistic and military hardware until now.

United States, EU and middle east allies rejected successive peace accord on Syria to end four years old conflict.

Currently, Yemen is under relentless shelling by Saudi Arabia on United States and Israel’s purview not barring U.S. supplied cluster munitions to Saudi Arabia in onslaught on Yemen.

In Eastern Europe, EU and United States organized anti-government right wing political unrest produced massive chaos with hardline government installed leaving the nation in turmoil in eastern region and Crimea union with Russian Federation.

South East Asia – The democratically elected government in Thailand was forcibly removed from power on baseless allegations and substituted with military junta reviving political repression.

Latin America –  Democratically elected governments were toppled in Honduras, Paraguay with ongoing efforts against Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia to name a few in the region. 

The Caribbean nation Haiti denied request to reinstate exiled popular leader Jean Bertrand Aristide to power.

Africa – The continent militarized with West and Central Africa recolonized under the guise of security against western and ally’s armed rebel factions in Mali, Central Africa and South Sudan.  The strategy promotes perpetual disasters.

Asia Pacific – United States and South Korea military drills escalate tensions alongside building coalition in the staged confrontation with China driving exponential increase in defense budget among ASEAN nations essentially boosting defense industry interests in the military industrial complex.

The outcome from these events is millions of lives killed and several millions displaced with generational impact notwithstanding refugees upsurge creating humanitarian catastrophe for Europe. 

The deliberate destruction and damages inflicted on scores of inhabitants not to mention the economic setbacks from political crises brought upon in sabotage of democracy declining hegemony control witnessed in above mentioned territories worldwide.

Accordingly, in the article published on this site titled – United States – 9/11 Anniversary 2015, those actually responsible for 9/11 and wars waged against selected nations in PNAC including protracted aggression in the above cited regions deemed guilty for crimes against humanity.

Considering subversion of justice and institutionalized criminality with political impunity, the entities behind heinous crimes evade accountability.

However, I reiterate that final judgment with consequences are indisputable and cannot be challenged delivering justice to victims to restore dharma (principles in adherence of fairness and righteousness).  The segment will be elaborated in the upcoming topic.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant









Imperialism – Anti Humanity Doctrine

September 13, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Colonialism survival predominantly dependent on hierarchy and polarization in society with duplicity in policy not to mention adopting any means to sustain unsustainable parasitic tradition.

Colonial strategy is subversion of religion sanctity and civilization heritage.

British Raj during overt reign in India created Rashtriya Sevak Sangh (RSS) in 1930 promoted as Hindu fundamentalists when in reality the organization and political parties pledged allegiance to colonial power until today.

RSS creation is imperialists affront to Hindu religion and Hindu philosophy committed to secularism. At the other end of the spectrum are factions in British partitioned Pakistan opposed to constructive process with India.

Similarly, British colonial power produced Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt projected as Islamic fundamentalists while aiding and abetting the rise of Muslim Brotherhood behind the scenes to serve colonial agenda.

Not surprisingly Muslim Brotherhood refrained from participation in Egypt uprising against Western ally – the dictatorial regime of ex-President Hosni Mubabarak in Tehrir Square, Cairo in 2011.

Furthermore, the so-called first democratic election in Egypt following the western partner Mubarak government ouster in 2011 fielded western candidate Mohammad Morsi representing none other than Muslim Brotherhood.

The dichotomy in imperialists pretense to generate impression of western aversion for fundamentalism with legacy fostering extremism using religion and communal divide expose true identity.

The contrived position extended through RSS in India essentially subscribes to subordination and marginalization prevalent in Indian caste system.

The imperialist response via RSS to the article published on this site titled India – Good Governance Upon Clean Governance calling for abolition of antiquated caste structure in Indian society beckons attention.

RSS chief – interestingly named Bhagwat in the backdrop of goddess Durga banner referring to Indian caste classification as Indian family system proclaimed the degenerative practice – Akshunn interpreted as unbroken and Takat (power) of Hindu Samaj (society).

In fact, the society crafted caste pyramid is proved Apshakun i.e. bad omen and  b weakness not power derailing social progress notwithstanding contradiction in India’s status as thriving secular democracy.

A real functioning democracy would exemplify equality and respect human values determined by deed not creed. 

The archaic caste custodians cherish discriminatory practice voiding eligibility to be part of human race for the term human is derived from HUMANE – the  salient characteristic for Homo sapiens in Mammalia.

Again India’s caste orientation always ranks first among other problems in western criticism about India revealing imperialists hypocritical overture.

The caste denomination is farcical conflicting with the current trend in every other individual’s claim as almighty God. 

Above all the superiority asserted on caste based criteria bowing to cannibal sponsors is the irony.


RSS and Muslim League / Brotherhood are two sides of the coin to serve imperial cause – disparage religions relevantly Hinduism and Islam respectively besides establishment of proxy governance.

Imperialism favored dynasty and despotism alternated in politics denying sovereignty and republic rule.

Imperialism contemporary involvement sponsoring terrorism recruit vulnerable and credulous youth branded as jihadists to destabilize nations in the Middle East and North Africa.

Likewise, Central and South Asia notably Afghanistan and Pakistan declared failed states with terror manifestation strengthened through arms supply and military aid.

ISIL evolution into ISIS having emerged from imperial power designed al Qaeda is a classic symptom of ailing supremacy to prolong decadence.

The imperialist destructive goals verifiable in Afghanistan’s Helmand province depriving Afghan farmers from food agriculture such as wheat, maize, mung beans, nuts and produce…forced into poppy cultivation from western capital and profits shared by Taliban – supposedly the enemy combatant fighting against United States and NATO for the last fourteen years in the U.S. taxpayers funded warfare.

Imperialists anti humanity doctrine targets religion, social, political, economic and environment development in the self-effacing stratagem.

The counterproductive course best abandoned since actions have repercussions without exception.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







United States – 9/11 Anniversary 2015

September 11, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The terror attack in the United States on September 11, 2001 is an unforgettable event that claimed many lives and subsequently used as the premise to invade and occupy nations until now.

The premeditated plan Project for New American Century (PNAC) implemented with assault on United States to move forward on agenda targeting nations for economic and strategic interests besides global dominance is a heinous crime notwithstanding treason in collusion.

United States citizens and foreign nationals were victims of calibrated strikes on that fateful day and since then U.S. taxpayers are funding never ending wars until today.

The catastrophe on 9/11/2001 inflicted tremendous damage with heavy death toll on innocent population in the United States and nations that were earmarked for prolonged occupation.

Afghanistan and Iraq are still paying the price and transformed into terror havens to justify U.S. and NATO permanent military base.

Libya and Syria were pursued in 2011 with no end in sight on the conflict.  United States and western allies together with Middle East coalition continue aggression in Syria.

The western air raids in 2011 facilitated weapons warehouse in Libya. The prevalent strategy prevents Libya from containing violence for unfettered access to oil and other resources in North African nation.

Similarly, in Syria – United States, Britain and France terror sponsorship with Mideast partners Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Jordan, UAE and Kuwait created al Qaeda splinter groups – al Nusra Front, ISIl and now ISIS enlarged into global terror operation.

ISIL evolved into ISIS is funded, trained and strengthened with United States and allies direct support including arms supply to them.

Yet another war in North Africa with United States and Israel providing required ammunitions to aggressor Saudi Arabia against Yemen. 

United States distribution of cluster munitions with explosives substitutes banned land mines and as a result many children, women and elderly citizens have been killed considering Saudi shelling in densely populated areas and public premise.

In the past few years i.e. from 2009 until now – United States predator drones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and West Africa has consumed thousands of lives predominantly children, youth and women.

In terms of personal cost – United States and NATO suffered many casualties among defense personnel deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq from 2001 and until now.

The young men and women in the army having served in Afghanistan and Iraq war zones experience physical, mental, emotional and economic hardships with many become homeless in the United States.

The human tragedy originating from 9/11 terrorism spreading across the world is substantial alongside economic liabilities leading to severe recession far from recovery.

Above all, the real perpetrators of 9/11 established as internal complicity with PNAC protagonists, catalysts and beneficiaries including then administration headed by former Vice President Dick Cheney and former President George W. Bush in the United States and counterpart Britain’s ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair together share responsibility for war crimes against humanity.

These entities evade justice due to impunity.  However, the final judgment with consequences is indisputable.

Terrorism having replaced conventional warfare, the repercussions in blowback ignored by those behind terror operation. 

Global dissent on terrorism and terror incidents is critical although sponsors are instrumental in terror manufacture, recruitment, training and funding.

United States ending Syrian conflict and ceasing arms delivery to Saudi Arabia terminating destruction of Yemen would prove sincere commitment to peaceful resolution.

Citizens affected from terrorism in thoughts and prayers,

May 9/11 anniversary be a reminder to free the world from terror.

The world deserves peace only possible upon collective response against terrorism and the source.  Always addressing the cause would resolve the matter in entirety.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






Pakistan – Independence Day Celebration 2015

August 13, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

As much as I would like to wish citizens in Pakistan – Azadi Mubarak with August 14 observed as Independence Day, the situation reflect otherwise.

Pakistan may have sought independent status following British Raj partition of India in 1947.

However, Pakistan is yet to experience real freedom with fledgling democracy and foreign controlled intelligence and military restraining democratic evolution.

Pakistan is also under siege with terrorism within and across the borders in every frontier.

Saudi Arabia funding and influence in Pakistan is one of the reasons for terror manifestation considering Saudi kingdom involvement in terrorism since 9/11 in 2001 up until now in the Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan and Central Asia.

Saudi Arabia has also been heavily engaged in running madrassas – the religious schools in Pakistan and Central Asia inculcating extremism despite contradiction with religion of Islam.

Saudi Arabia and Israel policy in the Middle East fostering terror against Iraq, Syria and Lebanon also directed in Pakistan.

The external forces designed U.S. foreign policy is aimed at maintaining Pakistan and Afghanistan as failed states to justify arms sales to the former while prolonging U.S. and NATO presence in Afghanistan.

There is also vested interest in fomenting border tensions between Pakistan and neighbors India and Afghanistan with weapons delivery to various sides in addition to necessitating increase in national defense budget.

Pakistan’s major problem is terrorism wreaking havoc inside the country and across the boundaries and those behind incessant violence are operatives within Pakistan representing sources that are behind secessionism in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and Yemen.

The internal radicalism exploiting economically deprived youth recruited by terror factions viz. Lakshar è Taiba (LeT) and Jaish è Mohammad (JeM) besides other factions receiving support from Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) remain existential threat to all – Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.

Pakistan border skirmishes with Iran pose security issue as well.

Amid terror and relentless violence, Pakistan is affected by natural disasters like severe floods leaving significant majority in adverse conditions with obstacles for humanitarian relief.

Pakistan is also targeted for provincial separatism in Sindh and Baluchistan.

Kashmir is a distraction restricting Pakistan from forging normal ties with India and avail opportunity in economic, cultural and infrastructure development.

Pakistan’s political system reliance on Saudi Arabia that is strongly opposed to democracy due to insecurity emanating from inevitable ending of dynasty rule should be a cause for concern and accordingly transform relations to economic trade excluding direct intervention in governance and society.

Saudi Arabia connection to sectarian killings of Shia Muslims in Pakistan in semblance with Iraq exacerbates Pakistan’s political and economic growth.

The absence of peaceful environment with terrorism and continuous bloodshed is a major hindrance for Pakistan in attracting foreign investment.

In conjunction to these constraints, Pakistan like most nations worldwide has to contend with corruption and black money in Swiss banks and offshore accounts again denying mainstream population basic means for survival.

The positive sign could perhaps be enabling democratic process to function with departure from military and intelligence agency backed coup disrupting political and economic progress.

Combatting terror is a collective responsibility and critical apparatus such as intelligence and military along with local law enforcement agency cooperation with people representatives in government rather than terror groups could lead to national freedom.

Pakistan’s focus and sincere commitment in this regard would guarantee better relations with neighbors and economic prospects in the competitive global economy.

Best Wishes to citizens in Pakistan on Independence Day celebration for a new chapter with peace and harmony.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Social Predicament – Misogynists Against Same Sex Marriage

August 9, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The controversial theme brought to public attention for education and introspection obligatory in the process of evolution.

Incognito power and representatives paradoxical stance on all issues is well established with no recollection and realization of personal conduct due to preoccupation minding others life.

Recently the United States Supreme Court approved Same Sex Marriage bringing the states not in favor to conformity.

Although the action was politically motivated and not necessarily aimed at redressing inequality and ostracism,

The verdict is a victory in humanitarian context.

I present the facts for clarity.

As a woman and a mother, I regularly face condescendence and expected to contend with the notion that capability and independent thinking inconceivable for anyone isolated by those using various reservations as pretext for their prejudice.

There is constant reminder about the man’s world with no place for woman to lead and guide humanity.

The disposition emanates from lack of understanding and truth about womenfolk. There is also the element of negativities and insecurity subscribing to impropriety.

Concurrently there is no inhibition in plagiarism of my thoughts, words and identity that are declared as own for commercial and political gains much to inevitable karmic effects of such indulgence.

The divine status of woman in Hindu religion is slighted to maintain contemporary class of women as subordinate.

The present rulers and their proxies – women representatives follow instructions to the letter and delegated to tasks that defy characteristics like wisdom, vision, integrity, courage, care, compassion and patience to name a few in persona.

Alternatively contrived performance commonly witnessed during election campaign and term in office to prolong authority. Again anything unauthentic surface since falsehood continuity is not viable.

Importantly treatment of women at present is reminiscent of decadent era.

The persisting socio-economic disparity notably in wages and participation across the spectrum is anything but similar compared with male counterparts in many societies in the world.

The women plight range from abuse to denial of freedom and individual rights in developing nations and orthodox domain.

Likewise in the developed world women are projected and perceived as objects of voyeurism under socially advanced banner partly because of women willingness to compromise for fame and fortune.

A woman in pants and short hair adapting to man’s attire euphemistically regarded women liberation even when they are obedient servile functionary.  Not to mention the appearance alluding to transgender or transvestite perception.

Among mainstream, women are victims of social stigma in rape, infertility and economic conditions tied to dowry deaths in India.

The sexual assault and concept of rape driven to denigrate a woman even though that poorly reflect on offenders’ weakness to lust and behavior suggestive of deviation from human race.

The sharp rise in incidents of rape targeting any age group attributed to leniency and tolerance in the absence of effective laws and measures to curb violation.

The irony is prominent figures, lawmakers and police are often cited for philander, sexual harassment and rape miscalculating fanfare and citizens funded designation. The crimes escalate in the comfort of political immunity.

Instead of directing society to treat and respect others in congruence to anticipation by them, the campaign foster unruly demeanor in lock stock and barrel with influential forces misleading for destructive purpose.

The propagations about women by and large focus on body and physical features that are perishable upon soul exit from corporal state.

Interestingly mind and intelligence acknowledged as masculine trait rather than equal endowment in feminine quality.

How does society augur arrival of female child?

Female infanticide discarding fetus (foetus) misusing ultrasound and innovative technology and neonatal disposal are yet to be eliminated in entirety in India and alike.

China’s policy on population control introducing one child per couple led to orphanages inundated with female children.

In the Middle East live burial of women for breach of antiquated imposition show no sign of dissipation.

Stoning women as capital punishment is considered prerogative in rural parts of the world.

The women in Afghanistan and Pakistan endure dishonorable honor killings and a woman vying for high profile professions in Afghanistan politics or judiciary viz. supreme court justice instantly disqualified based on gender bias over merit.

Women are denied normal life and forced to undergo genital mutilation upholding archaic procedure in Africa.

Elsewhere different connotations to womanhood are worth mentioning for awareness.

I repeat the explanation I provided earlier that predisposes the opposite gender to male with unique interpretation in English language.

Wo(Man), Wo(Men), Fe(male), S(HE) – the reference to femininity in widely spoken English language generates impression of the species as hermaphrodite.

Nonetheless, the fe(male) leading the male in the lexicon cannot be ignored despite misogynistic practice.

The contention on Same Sex Marriage is related to opinion on marriage confining marriage sanctity to union of man and woman in matrimony as worldwide custom.

The trend deserves review with proper evaluation.

The marriage vows for most remain a ritual and not always fulfilled in a relationship contributing to alarming rise in divorce across the globe.

Notwithstanding pre-nuptial agreement to protect wealth is linked to mistrust and credibility factor in marriage.

The other aspects are infidelity with or without offspring in extramarital affairs and spousal dominance over another emerging as dysfunctional family situation.

The domestic violence cannot be ruled out and growing tensions become the basis for marriage dissolution.

Sometimes the extended family interference to break marriages is not uncommon.

In all these circumstances, the children pay enormous price and bear the brunt of marital disputes transformed into family feud destroying lives extending into next generation.

The marriage institution is distinctive depending on cultural background.

For instance, polygamy and divorce are acceptable in Muslim culture.

In fact those unable to marry involving bigamy due to certain religion or law bindings avail opportunity in Muslim convention through apostasy. The convenience at times allow apostate to betray original and adopted faith. 

There is sense of abandonment when women are subject to such customs in marriage.

The acceptance of women as equal is far from genuine in modern age.

To some degree women in different category exacerbate women problems as well with discrimination and indifference.

The woes on children born out of wedlock are significant. They suffer from social and economic setbacks in the absence of nucleus family. The impact is severe with teenage pregnancy.

The details mentioned above essentially describe inviolability or lack thereof in marriage.

In terms of religious opine on same sex issue – the scandals concerning parish boys and children in church are not resolved with secrecy evading transparency.

The gay definition varies in accordance with sparsely obtained data and misconstrued to suit customized view.

As for natural law on the Same Sex topic the delineation is profound in the prelude to procreation feasible only through male and female consummation.

The idea of marriage in gay community necessitated largely from legality to married status in general life decisions like property will and health matter.

Then there is also symbolic aspect seeking joy of celebration in rites comparable to a birthday event that cannot be claimed as specific segment exclusive right and deprive the rest from experience.

The clamor on Same Sex marriage alongside misgivings on woman’s inherent talent and knowledge confirms ignorance at best and hypocrisy at worst from the clueless clique.

The practitioners patronizing women and contemptuous to different lifestyle orientation in the backdrop of little known vast creations are confronted with social predicament as the world is not meant to be homogenous.

The woman is instrumental in facilitating life from conception to adulthood and relevantly in widespread fad for stem cell cloning the embryo development requires unfertilized egg and female surrogacy to enable birth.

Neglecting female excellence in diverse fields and critical role as a result, the marginalization of women in society is unprecedented and regrettably sustained to societal detriment.

Attempts to suppress reality increasingly expose nature’s indomitable composition refining rhythms appropriate for balancing act.

Civilization progress is a collaborative effort attained with mutual appreciation and gratitude.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



































United States – White House Carbon Emissions Reduction Rule

August 4, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama announcement on rule to curb green house gas pollution from power plants is a positive step and deserves national and international cooperation for formidable climate treaty.

The proposition targeting carbon emission from coal plants and automobile industry is one aspect of environment protection scheme.

However, environment hazards are multi-faceted and accordingly involve diverse industrial groups besides federal and state governments within nation.

United States energy consumption remaining significantly higher amongst industrialized nations, the variation in objectives and standard on containing and decreasing carbon emission across the country result in net negative trend and discrepancy in national tally in improving performance.

The plan encompassing basic formula applicable to all with necessary modifications depending on pollution output would be a viable option.

The White House anticipation in cutting carbon emission around 32% by 2030 alongside extending renewable energy from current 5% to 35% in that timeframe is feasible with efficient strategy across the spectrum for impact.

Unfortunately, the U.S. administration dual track in opposite directions confining specific fossil fuel division to environmental law while allowing access to oil companies for deep water drilling despite devastating experience creates huge credibility issue.

British Petroleum (BP) oil spill in Gulf of Mexico in 2010 continues to be major environment disaster.

Please double click and click again on the illustration to view content.

In the backdrop of environment catastrophe in continental shelf from offshore drillings, the Obama administration approval of Shell Corporation to drill in Arctic juxtaposed White House latest proposal on limiting carbon emission is a direct contradiction posing hindrance in environment goals.

The White House conflicting positions could deter potential achievements not only on lowering carbon emission but also in different areas related to environmental cause.

Furthermore, the existing environment conditions exacerbated from relentless warfare using artilleries, ammunitions, grenades, Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), landmines, chemical weapons against Syria, missiles in Yemen, Libya, nuclear component viz. depleted uranium in Iraq, white phosphorous in Gaza and drones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Mali and Colombia…to name a few in contemporary practice.

The pragmatic approach to environment problems is to end conflicts in the Middle East, Central Asia, South East Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America.

The death and destruction from conventional wars and terrorism has produced outbreaks of diseases controlled earlier spreading into neighboring parts of the region.

The warzones endure grave economic and environment woes with population facing serious health complications due to toxicity and contamination of water as well as air pollution from lethal weapons and terror operatives gross violations inflicting maximum damage.

United States led coalition funding and arming terror networks in Syria, Libya and Iraq contributing to massive casualties and bloodshed not to mention refugees in millions represent humanitarian and environment calamity.

Unless there is recognition to this effect amongst sponsors of terrorism and military interventions prompting them to ceasefire and permanent conclusion to wars, the measures towards environment programs would not have universal benefit.

Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa, Latin America and oppressed citizens worldwide forced into perpetual suffering depriving them from normal existence.

Planet preservation to sustain life is no longer a choice but necessity with departure from military aggression and terror infiltration to destabilize nations for dominance.

Above all nuclear disarmament of P5+1 and remaining nuclear states is paramount to guarantee global peace and security in the immediate term and future.

The architects and catalysts promoting wars and terrorism together with opponents to environment laws share responsibility in denying safe and healthy habitat to inhabitants of earth.

Safeguarding environment is a collective duty with individual participation making life possible on earth.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant











Syria – Turkey Aggression And No Fly Zone At United States Behest is Terrorism

July 27, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Turkey under former Prime Minister changed to current President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and former Foreign Minister turned incumbent Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu transformed into western powers terror domain against Syria.

Interestingly the power swap was meant to extend Erdogan rule in Presidential post.  

However the election results altered Turkish political dynamics enabling PKK to enter Parliament with significant mandate and stifled AKP rise dashing political figures Erdogan and Davutoglu’s hope to contour Turkey political system. 

Man proposes and God disposes in unique format.

Since western powers authorized war on Syria in 2011, the western allies in the Middle East – Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar, Turkey, UAE and Jordan have assumed diverse roles in creating terror networks al Nusra Front, ISIL, ISIS from original al Qaeda deployed to destabilize Syria, Iraq and Lebanon followed by Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

The western powers having destroyed Libya through military air raids introducing no fly zone in 2011, the North African state now serving as weapons warehouse with free oil supply to the west via militia.

Turkey as NATO ally is under Germany occupation with Patriot missile installation in 2012 and a designated terror facilitator against Syria and Iraq.

Turkey transitioned from stable and secular democracy to chief terror operator essentially obeying the White House direct command.

Turkey leaderships Erdogan and Davutoglu are primarily responsible for Turkey’s fragile security and frail economy disregarding Turkish constitution that forbids aggression against non-threatening neighbors and nations anywhere. 

Turkish electorate disapproval of leaders Erdogan and Davutoglu’s aggressive stance and servility to western agenda cost AKP – the Justice and Development Party suffering a serious blow in the recent national election.

The AKP leader Davutoglu often slighted with western outreach to counterpart Erdogan on all affairs – enhancing terrorism in particular only to backfire at Turkey with terror attacks within state and lately near Syrian border.

Also leaders Erdogan and Davutoglu run administration reversed peaceful settlement with Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) into confrontational position favoring terror strategy.

Turkish leaders Erdogan and Davutoglu under United States purview continue to foster terrorism by training and arming ISIL and ISIS against Syria and Iraq.

The latest massacre resulting in Kurdish deaths with at least 30 killed and several critically injured in Turkish town Suruc along Syrian border was determined as ISIL attack arousing anger and retaliation from PKK highlighting Turkish formal training of terror operatives in the past five years maintained until now.

Accordingly PKK deemed Turkish authority accountable based on facts.

Turkey’s comprehensive terror promotion from the beginning of Syrian crisis and invigorated today with Washington’s authorization and coordination unravel falsehood in United States and allies disposition to combat terror.

Turkish leaderships Erdogan and Davutoglu terror operation maneuver is aimed at Kurds and Syrians in Syria.

Although claiming to contain ISIL and ISIS, the terror groups existence made possible with Turkish, Saudi, Qatar, Israel and Jordan’s support on United States and western coalition oversight.

The ongoing trend is for Turkey to launch air assault on Syria under the guise of joining the bandwagon to remove ISIL and ISIS even though reality confirms the activities strengthening ISIL and ISIS ability with Turkish authorities long provided assistance.

The alarming development that deserves international attention and rejection is United States pact with Turkey against Syria.

United States and Turkey latest agreement reached from talks between Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan and United States President Barack Obama allows U.S. to utilize Turkish Incirlik Air Base near Syria establishing Libyan style no fly zone in Syrian towns Marea and Jarabulus inside Syria.

The operation expected to have United States planes equipped with bombs and missiles accompanied by Turkish air raids denying Syria participation on their soil.

The plan warning that Syrian warplanes would be targeted upon entry into no fly zone in Syria ominously clarifies U.S and Turkey commitment to exacerbate Syrians terror experience.

U.S. and Turkey cooperation is not to dismantle ISIL and ISIS but designed to debilitate Syrian army achievement thus far.

In fact Turkey aerial attacks inside Syria in the past few days projecting Turkey pursuing ISIL and ISIS is misleading with no fly zone scenario in the offing.

United States and partners funded terror outfits in Syria are not in possession of warplanes and the idea behind no fly zone prohibiting Syrian fighter jets are to paralyze Syrian airspace.

Furthermore Ankara and Washington deal to train and arm anti-Syria Takfiris with the program having officially commenced in July 2015 seek to prepare 15,000 militants and more over three years to prolong terrorism.

United States presence in Turkey with 120 soldiers on the ground for this purpose under estimates human intelligence to accept setup as eliminating terror.

No foreign nation regardless of political stature and military capability could justify systematic destruction of sovereign state leaving over 250,000 dead and rendering millions as refugees in Syria.

United States led terror forces in Syria spreading into Iraq and Lebanon including Afghanistan with ISIL and ISIS arrival over there arguably leads to conclusion that terror sponsors remain the existential threat to humanity at large.

Terrorists did not emerge from nowhere. New World Order architects and protagonists representing United States and coalition using intelligence and military wings recruit economically deprived, gullible and vulnerable youths from different parts of the world to implement detrimental policy.

United States, Britain, France and allies like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and Jordan are instrumental in terror manifestation.

Their insistence to stay on course evident in U.S. defense personnel training militants in Turkey at present to proliferate militancy against Syria and Iraq then moving across Middle East.

Turkey intervention in Syria at United States behest is serious violation of Syrian sovereignty.

The pending no fly zone barring Syrian planes on their turf proves absolute disrespect for Syrian territorial integrity and population plight with relentless violence unleashed on innocent children, women and men in that country.

United States and allies refraining from manufacturing, aiding and abetting terror networks is paramount for global peace and security alongside their credibility precipitating UNSC decline.

The scores of lives lost in Syria and citizens’ refugee status squarely falls on sponsors and catalysts of terrorism.

No real leader or head of the nation could possibly be proud of endless bloodshed and catastrophe brought upon a nation that never meant any harm towards them and the rest of the world.

Syria war must come to conclusion with no further procrastination to save mankind from irreversible calamity affecting all.

Everything has limit notwithstanding tolerance to incessant violence. The situation beyond control would prompt divine interception that could perhaps be prevented with immediate ceasefire and peaceful resolution.

Best Wishes to Syria and people in prevailing over terrorism and insidious western stratagem in the so-called war on terror.

Peace to Syria!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant










United States – Conflicting Policies And Contradictions on Human Rights Violations

July 23, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

United States declined Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari request for arms to combat Boko Haram militant group during recent meeting at the White House on July 20, 2015.

Boko Haram is Nigeria’s nightmare wreaking havoc in daylight as well.

Nigerian President Buhari briefing on the militant faction Boko Haram incessant violence since 2009 having claimed at least 10,000 innocent lives and abductions of women and girls in large numbers did not receive White House empathy.

Accordingly Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari reaction to White House position is United States aiding and abetting Boko Haram.

United States exemplary record in this context cannot be slighted due to significance of the issue.

Palestine:  United States with Congress approval of annual $3 billion in military aid besides monetary assistance to ally Israel prolong violent occupation with continuous oppression, persecution and killing of children, women and men in Palestine.

Egypt:  United States $1.4 billion annual aid allows for U.S. direct control over Egypt military and political affairs suppressing human rights in Pharaoh land.

Libya:  The North African nation is a weapons warehouse to United States and western sourced stockpiles with Saudi Arabia and Qatar as chief distributors to terror operatives in the Middle East and North, Central, East and West Africa.

Yemen:  United States supplied F-16’s and diverse military hardware with armory to Saudi Arabia relentlessly used to decimate oil rich impoverished nation.

Bahrain: The Gulf state headed by Al-Khalifa regime hosting United States naval fifth fleet is a regular recipient of conventional arsenal from United States through Saudi Arabia and Britain’s defense contracts for use in the violent crackdown of pro-democracy movement up until now.

Syria:  United States sponsoring terrorism with ammunitions cache channeled via Croatia to Saudi Arabia reaching terror networks conflated with Qatar and Turkey arms provisions perpetuate conflict in Syria giving birth to al Nusra Front, ISIS, ISIL from the original al-Qaeda spreading across to Iraq, Lebanon and beyond.

Afghanistan:  Taliban and al-Qaeda access to arms and ammunitions made available from poppy cultivation and dealing with drug lords under United States and NATO operation.

Pakistan:  United States latest agreement on arms flow to Pakistan is to maintain the nation as terror haven subjecting Pakistan citizens to hostile conditions besides cross border tensions and incidents involving neighbors on all sides viz. India, Iran and Afghanistan.

Latin America:

South America: Colombia:  The South American nation with oil reserves and producer of gold, silver, platinum, emeralds and coal is United States military base. Colombia lately became the launch pad for United States predator drones in the region.

United States intelligence agency instigated killings of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) leaders and FARC retaliation sabotage peace talks with Colombian government.

Caribbean & Central America:  United States extensive military and intelligence presence predominantly to topple democratically elected governments notwithstanding drug trade is the bedrock for corruption and political instability.

North America:  Mexico:   United States fast and furious program under incumbent administration facilitated weapons flurry to Mexican drug cartels prompting massive bloodshed and population exodus along the border.

United States intelligence apparatus linked to latest event with drug lord el Chapo – Joaquin Guzman escape from maximum security prison causing embarrassment to ruling government is self-explanatory.

United States traditional indulgence and sprawling activities having increased at an alarming rate,

The White House response to Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari plea to contain Boko Haram, stating United States law prohibits arms sales to nations that fail to tackle human rights– is a comedy mocking tragedy and highlights United States conflicting policy worldwide.

The solution to Nigeria situation is for government to intercept and prevent arms procurement by Boko Haram and affiliates with tough measures blocking delivery passage alongside pursuing militant group to surrender and end external forces backed terror outfit.

Contemporary dogma on war and terror is to promote extremism and militancy not barring cannibalism witnessed in Syria defining decadence era conclusion.

Military might presumed right only to discover the idea was not bright.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







Political Election – Synopsis on NWO Matrix

July 18, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Synopsis on election and re-election presented for reference and understanding.

The election is the means to legitimize illegitimate conglomerate rule reining authority over world politics, economy, press and communication media, entertainment, education, environment, social issues and religion.

The election essentially an event that facilitates cash flow and money laundering in the so-called democracies with highest bidder and the wealthiest seizing power translated as electoral mandate.

Political parties buying votes with notes notwithstanding counterfeit currency distribution in the election confirms similar offers to election commission turning a blind eye to fraudulence.

As a result any claim on electoral victory with impressive margin in pseudo democracy where nowadays major political parties opt out to compete in by-polls allowing re-emergence of corrupt and scandalous to regain power unopposed is nothing more than complicity honoring external diktat.

The topic will focus on selection deceptively conducted as election asserting incognito rule – the new world order (NWO) matrix in myriad format.

United States – The re-election of incumbent President Barack Obama in 2012 strengthened MIC – the military industrial complex, Wall Street and Zionism control within and outside the country.

France – In 2012 the election of Socialist President Francois Hollande pledged to Capitalist Socialism and Imperialism revival especially in Africa replaced pro-military and corporatism President Nicolas Sarkozy despite the former French President bombing of Libya in 2011 to appease incognito power.

The karmic effects on President Sarkozy is profound having been the recipient of $50 million from the Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in the first term election campaign led air raid on Libya that led to public lynching of the benefactor Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

Perhaps the French President Sarkozy hoped for NWO forces support and instead received infidelity with their choice to beguile French electorate on the supposedly Socialist contender – President Francois Hollande.

Germany – The re-election of Chancellor Angela Merkel for third term in 2013 and selected for fourth term in 2017 as international creditors insurance to prolong failing EU and euro zone only expediting the inevitable fate.

Britain – Prime Minister David Cameron sworn into second term with the conservative majority TORY in 2015.

Prime Minister David Cameron was acknowledged for accelerating hegemonic goals – the sale of defense contracts far and wide benefiting BAE and the military industrial complex (MIC) at large besides cooperation in conflicts viz. Libya bombing, Syria and other hegemony endeavors.

Prime Minister David Cameron dubbed the chief sales executive for the defense industry was not without a reason.

Russia – The alternating in positions of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin with President Dmitri Medvedev in 2012 re-established Putin Presidency for third term. President Vladimir Putin dominant presence as Prime Minister and President of the Russian Federation contributes dynamics in the NWO matrix.

Ukraine – Following violent overthrow of democratic government and removal of then President Viktor Yanukovych and the cabinet,

EU and United States govern the eastern European state imposing the government in Kiev in 2014 with President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk  in the pro-western territory leaving the pro-Russian eastern region under Russian Federation purview.

Iran – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad departure paving way to President Hassan Rouhani arrival in 2013 allowed reconfiguration with ecclesiastic representation for NWO influence.

Israel – The resurgence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2015 for fourth term promulgate Zionist ideology – defying peace, stability and rationality.

India – The election in 2014 providing respite to ally Congress by favoring another Prime Minister candidate Narendra Modi of BJP familiarized as Hindu fundamentalists and RSS Saffron Party along with factions forming NDA alliance directed towards feudalism beginning with seizure of land from farmers in the land acquisition act and extends NWO matrix in South Asia.

Pakistan – Saudi dynasty funded election enabling embattled Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 2013 is convenient in continuing political maneuver and terror operation with Saudi Arabia being hegemony financier.

Afghanistan – Installation of government headed by President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani – the signatory to unpopular BSA – Bilateral Security Agreement for United States and NATO indefinite occupation is least surprising to secure NWO geopolitical ambitions in Central Asia.

Japan – Prime Minister Shinzō Abe also re-elected in 2012 delivering promise to NWO – in direct violation of electorate trust and constitution passed the contentious security bill that reserves Japanese armed forces for combat situation abroad despite absence of any direct threat to the island nation.

Greece – The debt saddled Mediterranean state with high political turnover since economic crisis in 2008 participated in more elections and referendum than experiencing relief from financial burden.  

NWO banking legion through representative German Chancellor Angela Merkel commandeered Greece premier Alexis Tsipras of the ruling Syria party to fall in line and implement more austerity on Greece population.

The election and re-election in the past years and up until now present the clear picture of new world order – NWO matrix exerting dominance through proxy governance.

In order to maintain status quo sovereignty is stripped and transformed into vassal statehood with loyalty to NWO agenda – feudalism, militarism and oligarchy suppression of the republic enforced via election.

The situation raise poignant question – Is election serving or hurting electorate interests with unlimited financing and multinational bidding in behind the scenes management leading to the appointment of pre-determined candidacy?

Accordingly the participation in polls under such conditions is endorsement of illegal tradition.

Unless the custom together with operatives and nominees are rejected election would remain catharsis for voters and catalyst to exploiters in the political game.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




























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