Pakistan – Independence Day Celebration 2015

August 13, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

As much as I would like to wish citizens in Pakistan – Azadi Mubarak with August 14 observed as Independence Day, the situation reflect otherwise.

Pakistan may have sought independent status following British Raj partition of India in 1947.

However, Pakistan is yet to experience real freedom with fledgling democracy and foreign controlled intelligence and military restraining democratic evolution.

Pakistan is also under siege with terrorism within and across the borders in every frontier.

Saudi Arabia funding and influence in Pakistan is one of the reasons for terror manifestation considering Saudi kingdom involvement in terrorism since 9/11 in 2001 up until now in the Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan and Central Asia.

Saudi Arabia has also been heavily engaged in running madrassas – the religious schools in Pakistan and Central Asia inculcating extremism despite contradiction with religion of Islam.

Saudi Arabia and Israel policy in the Middle East fostering terror against Iraq, Syria and Lebanon also directed in Pakistan.

The external forces designed U.S. foreign policy is aimed at maintaining Pakistan and Afghanistan as failed states to justify arms sales to the former while prolonging U.S. and NATO presence in Afghanistan.

There is also vested interest in fomenting border tensions between Pakistan and neighbors India and Afghanistan with weapons delivery to various sides in addition to necessitating increase in national defense budget.

Pakistan’s major problem is terrorism wreaking havoc inside the country and across the boundaries and those behind incessant violence are operatives within Pakistan representing sources that are behind secessionism in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and Yemen.

The internal radicalism exploiting economically deprived youth recruited by terror factions viz. Lakshar è Taiba (LeT) and Jaish è Mohammad (JeM) besides other factions receiving support from Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) remain existential threat to all – Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.

Pakistan border skirmishes with Iran pose security issue as well.

Amid terror and relentless violence, Pakistan is affected by natural disasters like severe floods leaving significant majority in adverse conditions with obstacles for humanitarian relief.

Pakistan is also targeted for provincial separatism in Sindh and Baluchistan.

Kashmir is a distraction restricting Pakistan from forging normal ties with India and avail opportunity in economic, cultural and infrastructure development.

Pakistan’s political system reliance on Saudi Arabia that is strongly opposed to democracy due to insecurity emanating from inevitable ending of dynasty rule should be a cause for concern and accordingly transform relations to economic trade excluding direct intervention in governance and society.

Saudi Arabia connection to sectarian killings of Shia Muslims in Pakistan in semblance with Iraq exacerbates Pakistan’s political and economic growth.

The absence of peaceful environment with terrorism and continuous bloodshed is a major hindrance for Pakistan in attracting foreign investment.

In conjunction to these constraints, Pakistan like most nations worldwide has to contend with corruption and black money in Swiss banks and offshore accounts again denying mainstream population basic means for survival.

The positive sign could perhaps be enabling democratic process to function with departure from military and intelligence agency backed coup disrupting political and economic progress.

Combatting terror is a collective responsibility and critical apparatus such as intelligence and military along with local law enforcement agency cooperation with people representatives in government rather than terror groups could lead to national freedom.

Pakistan’s focus and sincere commitment in this regard would guarantee better relations with neighbors and economic prospects in the competitive global economy.

Best Wishes to citizens in Pakistan on Independence Day celebration for a new chapter with peace and harmony.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



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