Briefing – Violence is not the Solution to Crises

August 17, 2013

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Friends and Citizens of the World,

Please join the briefing on ‘Violence is not the solution to Crises.’

The session is scheduled in approximately 30 mins to your local time.

Your attention is appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Briefing – Egypt Crises And U.S. NSA Program

August 15, 2013

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Friends and Citizens of the World,

You are invited to the briefing on developments in Egypt and U.S. NSA program.

The session will begin in approximately 30 minutes to world local time.

Your participation is appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Pakistan – Azadi Mubarak! (Happy Independence Day!)

August 14, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Azadi Mubarak! To citizens of Pakistan commemorating 66th anniversary of independence day.

Pakistan celebrates Independence Day on August 14 every year and the event rejoiced with political and social customs.

Although liberation is a cause for celebration, the national day also a reminder to review status quo and address issues confronting the nation.

Pakistan deprived of civilian rule until recently yet to experience coherence essential for political stability.

The uphill battle for Pakistan is curbing violence and terrorism claiming innocent lives within the country spreading across Afghanistan and India.

Pakistan army, police force and government together could gain considerably in eliminating foreign sources funded and promoted terror infrastructure including ammunitions influx into the country.

Another factor not unique to Pakistan, however affecting national sovereignty is external powers influence over military and intelligence apparatus notwithstanding corruption in political system having pervasive impact on society.

After sixty-six years since creation of Pakistan, the nation struggles to decline hegemony infiltration representing imperialism and extremism reining control over the nuclear state.

Pakistan has tremendous potential to move the nation forward upon restoring security currently sabotaged in the absence of unequivocal rejection of CIA paramilitary and private contractors presence exacerbated with Saudi financing of religious schools such as madrassas aimed at exploitation of the poor faciltiating radicalism and Takfiri elements behind unrest in the Indian sub-continent.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif administration and political opposition face challenges in many frontiers and the priority besides economy is safety and normalcy for citizens in Pakistan and neighbors in the region.

Political will combined with commitment reflected in policies would guarantee positive outcome on national and international goals.

Pakistan efforts to improve bilateral and trilateral relations with India and Afghanistan would benefit the population of all three nations considering the pursuits not necessarily welcome among powers aspiring dominance through polarization evident in cross border activities involving killing of soldiers along Pakistan and India Line of Control (LOC) and bombing of Indian consulate in Kabul.

Nonetheless, Pakistan leaderships across the spectrum and civil society perseverance transcending religions and communal barriers could begin a new chapter in history in recognition of one another as allies rather than adversaries easing tensions instigated by foreign nations through false propaganda and bias reporting for respective vested interests capitalizing on human plight.

Pakistan leaderships initiatives in this regard is noteworthy and further expansion in trade, cultural exchange, education, environment and humanitarian affairs would strengthen peace required for individual as well as regional growth and development.

Wishing people in Pakistan peaceful co-existence with a promising future for all.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Egypt – Peaceful Resolution To Political Crises Save Lives And Restore Stability

August 14, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The casualties reported in recent clashes between pro Morsi supporters and security personnel are regrettable and evidently not in Egypt interest.

Prolonging stalemate unnecessarily foment violence and discord that could otherwise be ended with agreement on national reconciliation forum.

The western and regional powers funded and manufactured confrontation is yet another display of anti-peace strategy embarked on favoring sectarianism over secularism using religion as means to polarize society.

United States appointment of ambassador Robert Ford to Egypt perceived counterproductive and clarifies ongoing unrest considering the emissary trajectory in deployment of death squads in disguise to create rivalry and escalate tensions among groups in the western orchestrated destabilization agenda.

Egypt leaderships in the interim administration and Muslim Brotherhood are obligatory to avert foreign exploitation of political standoff the nation could do without to save lives and lead the country towards civil engagement.

Any reluctance to amicable settlement would prove the parties loyalty to sources behind destruction of the state for hegemonic goals with loyalists abandoned later upon achievement.

The immediate priority to prevent bloodshed is to identify the terror agents working on foreign forces behalf and apprehending them for investigation and lawful action.

Both sides bear responsibility to disavow ties with national foes fostering chaos and carnage for undue advantage aimed at further subjugation of people.

The current situation provides opportunity to external and internal elements against Egyptian liberation holding the entire population hostage to political crises.

Western leaderships in partnership with dictatorial regimes sponsor governments amenable to proxy governance implementing hegemony policies in domestic and foreign affairs.

United States at Israel’s behest authorized Egypt military SCAF to assume power in 2011 post Mubarak ouster and introduced then Presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi representing Muslim Brotherhood as the viable choice in the so-called democratic election held amid violent crackdown limiting the possibility for suitable options in the first electoral process.

Subsequently the nation submerged in continuous turmoil with ex-President Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood failure to address security problems and political reform.

The government inefficiency prompted peaceful demonstration demanding effective measures on core issues confronting the nation.

The deposed Morsi administration lack of remedial response to burgeoning political and economic challenges combined with misplaced priority to recruit Takfiris in terrorism against Syria essentially led to status quo conforming to Unites States and allies stratagem.

The caretaker government under SCAF and former President Morsi represented Muslim Brotherhood aided and promoted by United States espouse doctrine not necessarily in Egypt benefit.

Egypt belongs to all Egyptians regardless of individual identity and accordingly fair political representation imperative to alleviate legitimate public concerns on relevant issues unlike foreign introduced or aligned factions emergence seizing opportunistic moment to mantle of power having not participated in overthrow of oppressive Mubarak rule or delivering justice to victims of persecution.

Egypt in solidarity rejecting outside intervention in sovereign matter and exercising self-determination rights is the way forward to establish republic governed democracy devoid of militarism and fundamentalism.

Any political groups and entities declining peace and constructive discourse to bring hostility to conclusion obviously not pledged to national service.

The leaders on all sides are urged to set aside differences and grievances with a determination to heal the nation and enable multidimensional recovery.

Patriotism best demonstrated in defending not compromising national sovereignty.

Best Wishes to Egypt citizens across the spectrum for a successful political outcome encompassing the needs of nation at large.

Peace to Egypt!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Briefing – Shadow Power behind Status Quo

August 12, 2013

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Friends and Citizens of the World,

You are invited to join the briefing on ‘Shadow Power behind Status Quo.’

The session is scheduled in approximately 40 mins world local time.

Your attention is appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Egypt – Crises Resolution For Republic Rule

August 10, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The former President Morsi supporters ongoing sit in protests contributing to political impasse rather than ending the dispute.

In the western and regional partners manufactured Egypt crises,

The clear intentions are to prolong unrest and deny Egyptians self-determination rights to their political future.

The western powers – United States, Britain, Israel and EU along with regional allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Turkey interventional policies serving respective vested interests care less about Egypt citizens and more about reining control over North Africa and Middle East.

Israel using United States taxpayers funded annual aid $1.5 billion to Egypt military keen on preserving Camp David accord whereby Egypt expected to remain subservient and continue subsidized gas supply to Israel at Egyptians expense.

Additionally cooperation with Israel in maintaining Gaza fortress blocking passage on Rafah crossing to beleaguered Palestinians across Sinai Peninsula is enforced with instigated violence and terror attacks on Egypt soldiers and security personnel.

United States obstinacy to proceed with controversial military assistance i.e. $1.5 billion to Egypt at American families costs considers the quid pro quo convenient to usurp power in the region.

Britain as the imperial relic having introduced Muslim Brotherhood to scuttle democratic aspirations favors proxy governance under the guise of democracy or alternatively military appointed administration protecting western engineered coup d’état leaving the nation in eternal turmoil.

EU positioning as intermediary between Egypt military SCAF and ousted President Morsi essentially fulfilling hegemony demands on strategic dominance despite EU failure to resolve myriad problems confronting Europe.

Meanwhile, Arab states like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Turkey striving to defend oppressive rule in their domain offer generous monetary contributions as incentives including suggestions to prevent functioning and meaningful democracy in Egypt.

The false propaganda on secularism alluding to Zionism, imperialism and affiliates concept requires clarification due to political factions deliberate misuse of the term secular circumventing concerted efforts to destabilize target nations.

The fact of the matter is anti-secularism among forces espousing specific political and religious agenda perhaps the binding factor in stifling republic governance in Egypt and elsewhere.

The commonality between Zionism accused of Judaization of Palestine and similarly those propagating Islamization of nations and territories is they share hegemonic goals geared towards polarization and stratagems premised on subversion with religion as means for authoritarianism.

Although the two identical groups superficially poised at odds against each other, the striking resemblance in approach to undermine secular states pose imminent threat to peace and security anywhere.

The religious dogma and imperialistic quest together have two choices for people seeking democracy and political freedom and they are fundamentalism tied to religious doctrine in contrast with original teachings of sacred texts and the other being institutionalized politics dictating rule of law to suit ambitions at national detriment.

As a result, the dichotomy of heterogeneous society represented across the spectrum and the so-called republic comprising majority and disenfranchised demography pave way for unrest related to social injustice and human rights violation.

Evidently the latter provides plutocracy and theocracy opportunity to deprive citizens the real democracy through self-governance.

Egypt regardless of religious composition endures oppression under plutocratic maneuvers deploying militaristic and fundamentalist tactics and,

Arguably deserves government pledged to serve all transcending barriers and most importantly courageous enough to stand up to sources behind political mayhem and reject ideology driven representation creating a wedge in society.

Pro- Morsi camp stalling governance and economic activity exacerbates Egyptian suffering in the uncompromising stance apparently beneficial to national foes and not the nation at large.

Instead the participation in national reconciliation forum with a referendum from Egypt electorate on political reform barring regional and foreign interference would demonstrate patriotism and true commitment to the nation.

The interim government bears responsibility in restoring calm and stability by refraining from use of force in crowd dispersal techniques that otherwise perpetuates stalemate.

Egypt political destiny is to be decided by entire country and dependent on citizens’ willingness to move forward in solidarity with national liberation from status quo as the foremost priority.

Best wishes to Egypt citizens in reclaiming sovereignty and establishment of people power leaving behind none in progress and prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Religious Festival – Eid al-Fitr Mubarak To Followers of Islam

August 9, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Felicitations on the religious occasion of Eid al-Fitr to Muslims around the world!

The festival marking the end of holy month Ramadan observed with fasting and prayers is rejoiced in full splendor and social activity.

Celebration in tranquility enhance the essence of customs and traditions with a purpose to appreciate the benefactor – Almighty God’s benevolence to mankind.

However, the contemporary situation mired with senseless violence motivated by greed and quest for dominance targets innocent lives resulting in turmoil.

Those behind political and social unrest notwithstanding propaganda misuse power for agendas detrimental to humanity interest.

The sectarian or communal discord is caused to create a wedge in society and between nations thwarting peace at every opportunity.

Such representation cares for none except their ambitions at the vast majority expense.

The appropriate response to violent aspirations and deception is to reject the premise and strive for peaceful resolution on issues made complex with external intervention while remaining committed towards ending prolonged conflict or political stalemate.

The consolidated actions promoting solidarity transcending differences for common benefit could be instrumental in overcoming challenges surrounding national and international goals.

Hopefully reason and pragmatism would guide in decision-making process delivering meaningful and progressive outcome.

Wishing followers of Islamic faith joyous Eid al-Fitr with Almighty God’s blessings for pervasive peace and harmony necessary to achieve growth and development.

Eid-al Fitr Mubarak to Muslim Ummah!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Global Security – Nuclear Disarmament Without Exception

August 6, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The White House issued statement prior to G-8 summit in Northern Ireland on June 17, 2013 that President Barack Obama is scheduled to address U.S. nuclear weapons reduction by third and negotiate with counterpart Russia for similar contraction.

President Barack Obama in his Berlin speech on June 19, 2013 expressed desire to downsize nuclear arsenals and minimize tactical weapons in Europe held on United States behalf through NATO alliance.

Furthermore, United States and Russia signed Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) calls for limiting nuclear warheads to 1550 by the year 2018.

Meanwhile, Washington continues to strengthen strategic nuclear weapons capability ranging from interception to various offensive interventions.

The Obama administration 2014 budget proposal targeting nuclear non-proliferation programs with drastic cuts at 20 percent i.e. $460 million below the existing $2.45 billion and,

In juxtapose reallocating the fund towards nuclear surge by 7 percent or $500 million above the prevalent $7.227 billion to be expended in weapons modernization and uranium enrichment for nuclear warheads in a new facility contributes to nuclear arms race increasing volatility in the war fatigued surrounding.

Notwithstanding White House misplaced priorities during gloomy economic climate exacerbating American families plight.

Washington’s paradoxical paradigm detouring from defusing nuclear proliferation to profuse production necessitates Russia and other nuclear states to consider comparable preparation.

The subcritical nuclear test on plutonium shock absorbency to chemical explosives titled Pollux conducted in Nevada desert in December 2012 is direct contradiction to United States and western policy on nuclear testing traditionally used as premise to impose economic sanctions against nations like North Korea and earlier on India and Pakistan accused of enhancing nuclear status.

In fact, United States generous funding towards nuclear warheads development and advancement has spiked recently in the last four years while demanding other nuclear states to refrain from such accumulation and expansion.

United States incumbent administration pivot to Asia doctrine aimed at provocation demonstrated in Korean peninsula with redeployment of 23rd Chemical battalion used in biological warfare amid flying B-52 and B-2 nuclear capable bombers during military drill with South Korea represent aggressive tactics displaying weapons of mass destruction in possession.

The Pentagon report on United States nuclear strategy stated to maintain nuclear capable bombers, ballistic missile submarines and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) in addition to ongoing annual investments estimated at $31 billion in sustaining nuclear stockpile and infrastructure.

Above all the grim reality on nuclear arms attributed to five major nuclear nations – United States, Britain, France, Russia and China.

These countries as United Nations Security Council (UNSC) permanent members with veto power evidently accelerate nuclear weapons program rather than deterrence.

Their decision to upgrade nuclear inventory quality and quantity in the absence of accountability for violation of international standards and protocol that otherwise apply to several nuclear and non-nuclear members in the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) serve as the reason for nuclear states India, Pakistan and North Korea non-participation in NPT.

According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) assessment on contemporary nuclear status published in June 2013,

The five prominent nuclear states – United States, Britain, France, Russia and China are engaged in improving nuclear weapons delivery systems and techniques with arrangement to own nuclear arsenals indefinitely.

SIPRI data claims that United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, India, Pakistan and Israel approximately have 4,400 operational nuclear weapons and the combined total of these nations nuclear warheads is a staggering 17, 300 in early 2013.

In specific reference to Israel – The non signatory to NPT having declined inspections remain in non-compliance of existing rules and regulations despite holding 200 to 400 nuclear warheads with 80 intact nuclear weapons comprising 50 Jericho II medium-range ballistic missiles and 30 gravity bombs at disposal.

Israel also positioned in non-strategic weapons, not excluding artillery shells and atomic demolition munitions per SIPRI.

United States nuclear stock held in safekeeping with NATO allies viz. Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and Turkey to name a few and simultaneously in Asia Pacific the nuclear consignment in South Korea and Japan essentially qualifies these nations as nuclear states as well.

Yet another dimension to nuclear dilemma is nuclear energy pursued as alternative source to fossil fuel that creates controversy regarding uranium enrichment and classifications to prevent weapons manufacturing due to precedence in the course considered routine in elevation from preliminary process to productivity.

Not to mention the contentious nuclear waste management and radioactive material leaks endangering environment as well as citizens lives with catastrophic impact experienced in Chernobyl and subsequently in Fukushima and lately in Hanford Site located on Columbia River in the state of Washington.

The hierarchy in nuclear empowerment asserting responsible vs. reckless category when those aligned in the former group notably behind humanitarian disaster in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq and now Syria evade responsibility.

These nuclear powers in their quest for geopolitical dominance escalate risks involved in potential nuclear attacks against any nation worldwide.

The solution to burgeoning nuclear crises is Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) in conjunction with Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) enforcement as the initial step towards universal commitment to nuclear disarmament.

Collective action along with independent monitoring committee on mandatory denuclearization without exception is a necessity for global peace and security.

History is testimony to foregone conclusion that nuclear armament benefits none and reliance on deadly dynamite would blind the world in entirety.

Wishing humanity success in the establishment of nuclear free planet.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

International Political Event – Presidential Election And Inauguration

August 4, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Pakistan – Presidential Election

Congratulations! To President Mamnoon Hussain elected to represent Pakistan.

Pakistan’s democratic experience is not without trials and tribulations especially post election resulting in political factions dissatisfaction with electoral process.

Pakistan stability is linked with containing violence emanating from terror networks and anti-democratic forces funding Takfiri elements aimed at national and regional destabilization.

The leadership commitment in ending United States drone strikes producing civilian casualties would determine public trust on the incumbent power.

Upon eliminating militancy and extremism premised on fundamentalism, sectarian clashes and cross border terrorism could perhaps be laid to rest.

Pakistan uphill battles comprise combating corruption and recovery of national income held in overseas bank accounts through tax evasion.

Additionally, building economy to improve living conditions is not unique to Pakistan.

However, the political dynamics with foreign interference under the guise of military aid hinder economic revival.

Hopefully the current government headed by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and President Mamnoon Hussain would introduce effective strategies to redress burgeoning violence restoring calmness and peace necessary to reach milestones in national goals.

Wishing Pakistan citizens and President Mamnoon Hussain dawn of peace and tranquility.


Iran – Presidential Inauguration

Iran – Congratulations! To President Hassan Rohani on the Presidential inauguration as 7th President of Iran.

Under the newly elected Presidency, the Iranian electorate choice for reformist candidacy over others is a mandate for moderation.

The voters’ aspirations to evolve and emerge from constraints and convictions are dependent on developments in the near future.

United States and EU unlawful sanctions exacerbates mainstream normal existence with access to medicines and other essentials restricted due to financial blockade disabling payments processing and transaction facility for free flow of trade in international market.

The unilateral western decisions lacking in fairness and legitimacy unnecessarily targets innocent victims across the nation.

Nonetheless, Iranian resolve in enduring arbitrary rule is evident in efforts exploring options to overcome crises.

Inflation and higher unemployment draw attention amongst various challenges in the economic front.

In other areas of governance, the common problems shared worldwide such as corruption and mismanagement in different branches of government pose impediments to real progress.

With hopes and expectations, the nation looks forward to fresh beginning and optimism in domestic and foreign relations minimizing tensions for positive outcome.

Best Wishes to people of Iran and President Hassan Rohani in addressing issues of the nation.


Zimbabwe – Presidential Electoral Dispute

The re-election of ruling party Zanu – PF governed by long serving President Robert Mugabe once again contested by opponent Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.

The contender declining to concede in the latest national polls could be resolved in independent re-assessment of voting mechanisms with appropriate measures to avoid prolonged disputes now and later.

Despite previous experience in 2008, the top electoral official resignation in disapproval of existing polling method and inconsistency reveals the election commission lack of coordination and preparation.

Had inherent flaws been identified earlier and addressed effectively, the status quo might be different and any disagreements may not be related to voting irregularity.

Nevertheless, leaderships vying for power seeking amicable settlements could save lives with mass support behind peaceful reconciliation.

Zimbabwe leaders rational approach in national interest could deliver viable solution.

Good Luck! To Zimbabwe electorate and leaderships in finalizing political victory via communication and dialogue rather than confrontation.

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Briefing – Ending Syrian Conflict For Regional and World Peace

August 3, 2013

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear World Citizens,

You are welcome to participate in the briefing on ‘Ending Syrian Conflict for Regional and World Peace.’

The session is scheduled in about 30 mins to your local time.

Your attention is appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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