Approval of Impeachment Proceedings for Abuse of Presidential Power

April 13, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Recently, the former President Bill Clinton admitted that imposing the ‘Free Trade’ policy against Haiti was a mistake before the Senate Foreign Relations committee.

The apology was honorable. Only if this were realized during his Presidency, thousands of Haitians would have been spared from tremendous suffering and loss of lives.

President Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar and recognized for making calculated decisions as he stated in one of his letters to me that he is no novice. He is a veteran politician.

I say – no arguments there.

In 2003, the Bush-Cheney administration decided to wage war against a nation that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 attack.

Yet, they managed to convince a minority while ignoring a dissenting majority and proceeded using the ‘Executive Power’ as carte blanche in their oil for profit schemes, torture…financial market deregulations that was set in motion by the former President Ronald Reagan and continued until now.

The war in Iraq is still not over ‘according to them’ and the troop withdrawal indefinitely delayed in Afghanistan and the U.S. military bases elsewhere.

Then a dramatic Presidential event was staged with ‘Hope and Change’ as the mantra to magnetize the depressed and desolate mass tired of lies, deceptions and corrupt political system embedded with Corporate power and military industrial complex.

However, there are some earnest political figures in the system. Perhaps, they feel helpless for they are stonewalled by the superior force.

Somehow, the Presidential candidates as witnessed in the year 2000 and 2004, maneuver the democratic electoral process and gain entry to the Ivory Tower, from where they can diligently perform their duties set in ‘code’ by the organization sponsoring them.

Let us examine the significant events since the dawn of the twenty first century.

The previous administration under President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney arrived with a prototype for Iraq war even prior to 9/11. This was confirmed by the administration’s defectors some of whom testified before Congress.

Then the devastating 9/11 attack happens, despite the ‘in your face’ warnings that,
‘Osama Bin Laden is staging an attack in the American soil,’ in a memo to the National Security Adviser and the former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice who, in her testimony to Congress was unable to provide a legitimate response to this effect.

The extensive analysis supported by visual content of ‘Rice Testimony,’ was presented on this website for public knowledge.

The Bush-Cheney administration took over the White House in 2001, followed by a series of calamities with no end in sight.

They are:

9/11 attack in September ensued by Afghan war in Oct 2001.

Meanwhile, the preparation for the Iraq war in 2003 was well underway to allow the public to digest the 9/11 horror and the expected casualties from Afghan war that has become a way of life in the continuing nine-year battle.

Afghan war began in Oct 2001, followed by Iraq war in 2003, while fueling civil wars in Africa and military coups in Latin America, the Middle East always reserved as the tipping point due to convenience.

What happened to the economy with the Bush-Cheney administration’s focus on the wars?

Just like when you try to cook too many dishes on high temperature and fail in your juggling act, the dish meant to satisfy the hunger is burnt, leaving the weaker ones famished.

In fact, during the Bush-Cheney rule, the economy was on autopilot granting the free market a free pass that predictably headed for a free fall.

Similarly, in 2009, the new administration under a Democratic President with lots of hope and commitment to ‘Change’ the way Washington and the rest of the world behaved was sworn in.

The wars and the related activities like closing of Guantanamo, 9/11 terrorist trials, overseas rendition…was declared as the ‘National Security,’ issues and justified with the refusal to prosecute the masterminds (Professor John Yoo and the likes ascending to the top of the previous administration)) behind torture techniques that conspicuously violated the Geneva Convention and other international laws.

A much more palatable topic, health care legislation was adopted to distract public outrage from the perpetual wars that have bankrupted the economies with irreplaceable loss of lives.

The nation and the Congress were absorbed in the bitter health care battle, and the administration got involved in a third war in Yemen. Although, the operation is disguised as a proxy war, it’s costing the American taxpayers notwithstanding the U.S. and Yemeni lives.

Further, the administration declined to ratify the ban on land mine treaty signed by many countries around the world to protect children from deaths and life-long physical disabilities forcing many to survive on prosthetic legs.

This was yet another cooperative action by the Obama administration embracing the Bush doctrine, written and authorized by the military industrial complex.

When the top military Commander General Stanley McChrystal placed the order for an overwhelming 108,000 troops to serve in Afghanistan, it was cleverly broken down in three phases.

This is in addition to the 20,000 troops that were dispatched soon after the Obama Presidency took the oval office.

Therefore, the initial 40,000 troops were reduced to 30,000 due to my strong protest with the administration evidenced in the blogposts on this website.

I was against any troops presence leave alone the troops increase for they knew from the beginning that my demand to them was troop withdrawal from all fronts and not just in Afghanistan.

In the health care legislation, the Obama candidacy onset disguised their preference with ‘Single Payer System.’

Upon securing the Democratic primary victories, the Senator rapidly moved over to private for profit system – the intended policy all along, again per the ‘Corporate Power’ agenda.

After assuming power, the Obama administration rejected the public request for ‘single payer’ system or the ‘public option’ in the least.

The legislators in the House and the Senate favoring either of the two options were slighted by the administration, notably the non-legislator and ex-DNC Chairman, Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, describing his position as:

“We are not concerned about Howard Dean or others interested in these two options.”

Health care legislation was meant to be buried during summer 2009 with the ‘Tea Party’ express gaining momentum and the public’s diminishing faith on the issue.

The administration even declared that it was going to move along to other domestic and international matter.

When I questioned their lack of enthusiasm and insisted on persevering until it’s approved via the blogpost:

Why Public Option is not an option in the Historic Health Care Reform? – December 29, 2009

I saw in the news report that if the health care bill is revived,

It would be without a public option.

The Senate bill was prepared and sure enough, it shored up anger and disgust in many corners of the country.

They blamed it on the lack of legislative votes.

Subsequently, I confirmed my grievance through these articles:

Public Opposition to Senate Health Care Bill – December 24, 2009

The Senate Health Care Bill – Defrauding Democracy – December 16, 2009.

It’s clear that the health care legislation was decided by the industry through their representatives in the Senate and the oval office.

Senator Rockefeller was advocating for public option until certain period.

In 2010, the Senator shifted gears. When confronted by the media reporter, he said in passing that he was opposed to public option.

Public needs are no longer a consideration in legislative matter.

Legislation is passed to promote the corporate welfare against the people’s choice.

Soon after the election, the Executive branch is altered into a subsidiary by the puppeteers.

If you view the pattern from the Reagan Presidency until now, regardless of political party, the financial deregulations, wars, health care, energy, environment and foreign policy are enigmatic.

The attempt is a temporary fix or band-aid treatment to silence the courageous dissenters and then the policy restores the original setting.

It appears there is enormous strife in achieving the legislative goals and then eventually the winners are the Corporate Power and the military industrial complex with the ‘President’ of the United States proudly declaring it as the ‘people’s victory.’

When ‘Hope and Change’ was marketed, it raptured millions not only at home but also overseas.

There were promises made towards transparency and accountability.

What happened to those ideals?

Evidently, they were campaign slogans not to be believed as the solemn oath carved on stones.

The Bush-Cheney administration ignores the 9/11 warning drags the nation to Iraq war on false pretext, tortures and holds the ‘terror suspects’ indefinitely by denying Habeas Corpus, bankrupts the economy and ruins the national image.

In spite of the administration’s tarnished record, the Obama Presidency upon swearing in, decides to ‘move forward,’ and not cling on to ‘the past.’


It’s one administration covering another. Perhaps, it’s also related to the ‘oath’ at the secret meeting attended by the Presidential candidates with the press corps, media and the public duped in a bizarre circus scenario.

Presidential ‘oath’ in public to serve the nation is violated in the issue of national health care legislation and abjudication of Presidential duty to investigate and prosecute the former administration led by the President George W. Bush and the Vice President Dick Cheney for their constitutional breach from 2000 to 2008.

The former President Barack Obama has failed to honor the constitutional oath to serve the nation and safeguard the interests of the people of the United States.

His resignation was due on April 12, 2010, which has been discarded, in an utter disrespect for the office of Presidency.

Hence, I approve the impeachment proceedings against the default President Barack H. Obama by the members of Congress effective immediately.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
President of the United States of America

Welcome to a New Era!

April 12, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Dear Fellow Americans and Citizens of the World,

This morning a major decision was made to allow the smooth transition of Executive Power in the Oval Office.

It was done in order to move forward in achieving the domestic and international goals.

There are far too many challenges to deal with, here at home and abroad.

Beginning with politics, economics, health care, education, social issues, energy, environment, national and global security are the main issues.

In the United States, the economy and the health care legislation require fixing. There is an urgent need to expedite the job recovery and simultaneously revive the slow housing market.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the March unemployment rate remained at 9.7 percent with the number of unemployed persons at 15.0 million.

Of this data, the long term unemployed appears to have increased by 414,000 over to 6.5 million. Further, in March alone 44.1 percent have been unemployed for 27 weeks or more.

This is a difficult situation for the American families and the economy.

Extending the unemployment benefits along with resurrecting the manufacturing base, energize the small business and retail outlets including tax incentives to corporations should provide a reasonable relief to the job market.

The housing market experiencing foreclosures and credit crunch require immediate attention with credit flow and effective strategies to reverse the trend.

Therefore, the American families can retain their home values and for most of them, it would be the loan adjustment programs allowing them to make affordable payments in order to stay in their homes.

Both job and housing markets are dependent on credit supply.

The financial sector is due for a financial reform with the re-enactment of Glass Steagall Act along with an independent consumer rights agency to monitor the home loans, credit card and other retail transactions.

Reducing national deficit and fiscal responsibility will be a primary objective.

A thorough review of the financial market is essential to implement the regulations to protect the consumer, investor and the taxpayer from any future bailouts.

Health care legislation will be amended to conform with the ‘Medicare for all,’ Single Payer System and the necessary reform for the private industry to coexist as detailed in the ‘Universal Health Care’ article recently.

Education will be reviewed to address the funding status in terms of salaries to attract highly qualified teaching staff, school supplies and better facilities, curriculum to assist K-12 students in becoming more competitive at the local and international level.

Focus on Science, Math, Arts, languages, sports will be a priority including programs for students with special needs.

College education fees revised for the students from low-income families and federal grants for research and development to the state run institutions with an investment value return.

Social issues would involve immigration, gay rights; focus on improving poorer neighborhoods and community services, early child centers and senior citizens services to be renewed with an identifiable revenue source to fund the programs.

Energy Policy – Clean renewable energy will be pursued – Solar, wind, hydro thermal notwithstanding bio fuel to supplement the varying demand.

Environment – The Mexico summit in 2010 is crucial for the global nations to accomplish the COP15 agenda and other environmental issues.

National and Global Security – Troop withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan along with military budget divestments to Peace Corps and diplomacy will precede the extraordinary military budget consumption.

The national and global security issues – A departure from the activities since 2000-2010 on torture, overseas rendition, Guantanamo bay etc. in compliance with the humanitarian law.

High value terror related sources would be verified and structured accordingly to meet with the national as well as international security.

Socio-economic investments in the regions susceptible to terror recruitment will replace the military expenditure.

Economic aid to Africa, Middle East, Latin America, Asia and Island nations will be promoted.

Foreign Policy:

Israeli-Palestinian Peace Treaty – Independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. Palestine and Arab nations’ agreement on recognition of Israeli sovereignty and security. Freezing settlements and return of land to Palestine in the Palestinian territory.

Iran and North Korea – Strategic dialogues initiated with the governments. Efforts in outreaching the population of these countries by exchanging cultural, educational and travel activities would vastly improve the political situation.

Cuba – Dialogue and diplomacy with the Cuban government. Extending round trip travel for U.S. residents and the families in Cuba. Eliminate the trade embargo as it hurts the population more than the power.

Latin America – Democracy will always be favored over military regimes and repressive governments. Military base in these regions is to be withdrawn to ease tensions within borders.

Brazil – It’s an emerging economic power and a regional force in Latin America. There is hope and optimism in the relationship between the United States and Brazil.

Mexico – The drug related violence would be addressed by prohibiting the arms supply from the United States.

United Kingdom – The partner in the Afghan and Iraq war. The U.K and the U.S share a vision on many issues. Exchange intelligence information to safeguard global security and maintain the formidable unity between the two nations.

Russia – It is promising. U.S and Russia along with other nuclear powers should arrive at a consensus on complete nuclear disarmament.

Europe – Healthy relationship will continue and work together on economy, environment and energy policies.

Japan – Strong economic ties and strategic partnership to resolve the North Korean nuclear and political standoff in the Korean peninsula.

South Korea – Warm friendly relations reflected in economic trade, political and cultural exchange.

China – Beijing has been conciliatory on the currency value adjustment. It’s enormously encouraging.

However, fair trade practices towards foreign corporations could enhance the bilateral economic prospects.

Human rights issues in China and Independence for Tibet will commence shortly as part of the planetary preparation to form free nations on earth. I look forward to Beijing leaders’ positive reaction.

India – Many opportunities are on the horizon. Economic, environment, nuclear disarmament, energy and educational ties could mutually benefit the two popular democracies. Regional security in the Indian sub-continent and the Indo-China border would be a dominant issue.

Nepal – The nation at the Himalayan foothill should form a democratic government and not desire a communist system even in a coalition as it had experienced the political unrest from it. Nepal is a tourist attraction for the American tourists.

Pakistan – Similar relationship with that of India. Transform warfare into peace through investments in economic, social and educational projects. Collaborate on eradicating terrorism and share resources for common security.

Afghanistan – President Hamid Karzai’s administration has to disavow corruption and make the government more transparent. Peace with Taliban fighters willing to disarm is a good approach. It has to be a long-term commitment. Afghan government must start working on the economy and the infrastructure.

It’s understandable that it cannot make progress with the war on the Afghan soil. That’s why the troop withdrawal will be a priority beginning this year.

President Karzai should repeal the non-consensual consummation law against women and allocate funding for social advancement to uplift the women’s status. Nation building with international aid is the fundamental step towards progress.

Central Asia – Trade and economic cooperation in the region would be mutually beneficial.

Sri Lanka – The ethnic Tamil population and other minority groups deserve equal economic, educational and social rights particularly the political representation in the Sri Lankan Parliament.

Burma – Democracy is the preferred system by the Burmese population and the military junta should release the pro-democracy leader Ang Sang Suu Kyi for her participation in the national election. Burmese people have suffered long enough. It’s time for them to be free and lead the nation to the twenty first century.

Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam – The U.S relationship with all of these nations is solid and has a great potential to grow in many areas.

South Africa – An economic, cultural, environment and a peace partner with the United States. South Africa is the regional leader in Africa. There are lots to look forward to with the young democratic nation.

Rest of Africa – Renunciation of civil wars, military regimes and corruption is earmarked for the African nations. No more political instability and investments in conventional arms. Instead, African countries will be assisted to become the self-sufficient and economically vibrant region.

Middle East:
Saudi Arabia – Will continue to remain a strong ally of the United States.

The coalition government in Iraq with Sunni representation is important for the region. The United States and Saudi Arabia need to collaborate in helping Yemen economically that would alleviate the Yemeni plight and perhaps end the internal political turmoil. Moreover, the terror networks might find it hard to hire young recruits in a better economy.

Jordan – A great friend and an ally of the United States. The mutual aspiration to see a Palestinian state is imminent. Jordan’s economic and political partnership with the United States is poised for a continuous success.

Egypt – Is another vital representative and a key player in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
United States and Egypt go back a long way in the political remaking of the Middle East.

Like other nations, the people in Egypt yearn for freedom of expression and a free and fair election. Egypt could probably transcend the current system to enable the people rejoice their newfound liberty in the next election.

Iraq – Is unique like a phoenix. The latest general election dispute should be settled without any violence and the secular coalition government is the ideal political solution to bring peace to Iraq. United States troop withdrawal in 2010 would normalize the people’s existence in Iraq.

Syria and Lebanon – U.S. could have fresh diplomatic ties with both nations. At the same time, it’s best for Israel, Syria and Lebanon to reconcile the differences and aim for a peaceful beginning.
Peace is attainable with peace seekers perseverance.

UAE & Bahrain, Qatar and the Rest of the Middle East:
Economic ties and military cooperation with all of these nations are good. Much to anticipate in the long run.

Australia – The land of OZ is a beautiful country with common democratic principles. Environment, nuclear disarmament, renewable energy, trade and commerce create tremendous outcome for both U.S and Australia.

New Zealand – United States and New Zealand could become leading partners in green technology and explore other trade partnerships.

All other island nations across the globe – Each one of you are equally important and the United States will work with you to resolve the environmental threats you face in the rapidly changing climate. We should strive to reach an agreement during the Mexico summit in 2010. In addition, the U.S. will coordinate efforts in the economic, energy and all other fronts.

I welcome you all to a new era. I request that we put our differences aside and work together in harmony for a peaceful, brighter and prosperous world.

We must reject war for peace. Let there be freedom for all with none held against their will.

As the earth’s inhabitants, we have individual responsibility to preserve the habitat for eternal life.

We can make it possible collectively in appreciation of nature’s gift to humanity.

May God bless all and the Planet Earth.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
President of the United States

Oath of office of the President of the United States

April 12, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

45th President of the United States

I, Padmini Achintya Arhant do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Judgment Deliverance

April 12, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Judgment delivered against the 44th President of the United States:

President Barack Obama you have failed the people of the United States.

You have violated the people’s trust in the national health care legislation.

You have committed an act of treason against the nation you were elected to serve.

The office of Presidency has been ill-served under your guidance.

I seek your resignation and offer you the opportunity to step down from the office of Presidency gracefully effective immediately.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Credibility Issue – President Barack Obama

April 12, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

A forewarning was issued since April 2008, regarding the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama that was disregarded.

Monday, May 5, 2008 @

Electability Factor – By Padmini Arhant

Senator Barack Obama during his speech delivered on March 18th, 2008 in Philadelphia, following the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s rhetoric, ascribed to the relationship with his former pastor as;

Source – “WORLD NET DAILY” (Thank you).

“And this helps explain, perhaps, my relationship with Reverend Wright. As imperfect as he may be, he has been like family to me. He strengthened my faith, officiated my wedding, and baptized my children.

Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect.

I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother.

For some, nagging questions remain.

Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course.

Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.”

Source –, April 29, 2008 – (Thankyou).

• The following is a transcript of Illinois Sen. Barack Obama’s remarks about his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. This speech was delivered in Hickory, N.C., on Tuesday, April 29, one day after Wright appeared at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to address accusations that he had made inflammatory remarks about the United States. The transcript was provided by the Federal News Service.

“Yesterday, we saw a very different vision of America. I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened over the spectacle that we saw yesterday.

You know, I have been a member of Trinity United Church of Christ since 1992.

I have known Rev. Wright for almost 20 years.

The person I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago.

His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but I believe that they end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate, and I believe that they do not portray accurately the perspective of the black church.

Now, I’ve already denounced the comments that had appeared in these previous sermons.

As I said, I had not heard them before.”

The contradictory statements from the Illinois Senator Barack Obama during his speeches on two different occasions concerning Rev. Wright unarguably provides legitimate reasons for critics and discerning electorate to question the judgment, loyalty and Patriotism factor from the candidate seeking the office of the “Presidency of United States.”

The inconsistency in the statements by the Senator foments the argument for the electorate that despite knowing his former pastor intimately for twenty years as described by the Senator himself,

He has been unable to change or influence the “mindset” of the controversial Rev. Wright about the nation that has embraced human race across the globe and provided unlimited opportunities for all like a mother towards her children with unconditional love.

The question arises about Senator Barack Obama’s leadership ability to transform “Washington Politics”, the other premise of his campaign, considering the above fact with “Rev. Wright.”

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Powerful Truth

April 12, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Ever since the health care legislation bill was analyzed and presented on this website, democracy has been suppressed by powerful forces represented in the highest office through false propaganda by media and press corps including the nation’s so-called liberal magazine against Truth.

The obituary for Truth published in the newspapers through innuendo against the evidence of its existence is oxymoron, if not unscrupulous.

Again, for the record – Truth is well, alive, and more determined than ever to prove the purity and sanctity of its element.

When one has nothing to hide and is honest, open and completely transparent – the vehemently opposed ethical practice in contemporary politics, the deadly carcinogens polluting the minds beyond salvation consider Truth as a major threat to their diabolical means.

Often those who judge others on the premise of disparaging information provided by those in  Power against truthful dissent ought to turn inward and question their own morality prior to voluntarily reaching the lowest ebb in journalism and/or theatrical performance via skits and movies on the specific overseas vile television network.

Is news being reported to inform public or entertain them by transforming their magazine or program to a cheap tabloid and a desperate source of concocted lies to appease those in power with nuclear arsenal?

If it’s the latter, then it’s doomed to fail on  complicity with authority’s flagrance allegation of debauchery against Truth.

Any honorable individual would confront the facts and take responsibility for their wrong doings rather than indulging in character assassination of Truth.

As for the alleged cover up in the health care scandal – any incident political and otherwise propagated in the selective nation’s so-called liberal magazine and the public funded network in the name of  Free Speech,

The Bible – King James Version: John 1:47

“Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!”

I present the unequivocal facts about my involvement going back to the political campaign of the candidate –

Senator Barack Hussein Obama and his spouse Michelle Obama.

a. 1608, William Shakespeare, King Lear, II, II, 102.
“I know, sir, I am no flatterer: he that beguiled you, in a plain accent.”

Beginning with my personal life, I was nurtured with the value to earn respect and not demand it.

My Principle – Rise to glory through your noble deeds that you can share with all.

Regarding the unsubstantiated allegation of debauchery –  I wish to state that chastity and morality is revealed in the human conduct.

When the guilty accuses the truth finder of debauchery for exposing the factual Presidential scandal it’s a confirmation of the accuser’s personal experience.

My personal life is no longer personal and subject to the triviality of –

‘She is anyone’s guess and a fair game indeed.’

Accordingly, the self promoted moral guardians of the society consider their prerogative to target the woman who is a mother, sister, daughter…in family relations.

More importantly, a human being committed to the sanctity of spiritual call by accepting God’s will. 

I bear none other than the Almighty God witness to this truth.

Never mind about the fact that she too has a family.

The passion, dedication, sacrifices made thus far for humanitarian issues is presumed a sheer exhibition on the world stage, despite enormous benefits to those responsible for the caricature.

Further on chastity and morality issue:

The irony is the purveyors of physical pleasure (the flesh trade) are denigrated by those contributing to the establishment.

What does one call trading human trust for profit and self-interest in today’s politics?

If morality and ethical norm is patented by those holding the power mantel, then it’s incumbent upon them to demonstrate through action.

After all, isn’t action believable than rhetoric?

Reverting to the political involvement that began in January through April 2008 – then September 2008- until March 2010.

I was approached by the candidate Senator Barack Obama via email, subsequent to my first time political donation in life – an amount $25.00.

From then onwards, I had repeat requests from then Senator Barack Obama, his spouse Michelle Obama and other prominent Democratic Party members to volunteer for the campaign and make regular donations.

The endless course literally led me to financial bankruptcy serving the beneficiaries not only in political gains but also material for mockery of my difficult monetary status.

The email requests were periodically published on the website including my responses.

I adopted the policy of transparency and accountability from day one of the Presidential election campaign and advocated vigorously in that regard.

On all issues pertaining to political, economic, social and environment matter, I emphasized on ethical efficacy conspicuously abandoned in the political capital, Washington D.C. where decisions concerning millions of lives across the globe are made.

I routinely submitted the communication with all political entities via World Wide Web for public view and understanding of the issues that are imperative to global community.

All my ideas, suggestions and strategies were presented on the web site and were addressed to the authorities for implementation.

However, they were selectively neglected on both domestic and international issues. The ones that were adopted like the economic stimulus and the job bill assumed the administration’s titles.

I deplored the pork barrel or earmark spending in the stimulus bill through the blogpost upon identifying the items in the news report.

Any communication from the President of the United States and the Democratic Party were strictly related to campaign donations, rallying for the candidates and complaints about the opposition attacks.

The communication was published on the website and available for public review.

I unsubscribed to the email from the President Barack Obama, the administration and the campaign in early October 2009.

The reason being, it had only instructions to energize the public on health care, energy legislation asking constituents to contact their local representatives without providing any details on the bill.

I learned about the components from the news report published in my local newspaper, on-line news publications and television broadcast.

My communication was always relayed through the website, for which there was no response.

I was not privy to the White House and/or the Congress members’ dealings and discussions with any interest groups in Wall Street, Washington and elsewhere.

My information source on legislative matter and the political affairs was solely through local and international news reports available in print and public news media.

As stated earlier, I was never hired by the White House, the Democratic Party, corporations, any groups or agencies intimately or remotely affiliated or associated to political members or authorities in Washington, Wall Street or anywhere in the World.

I was constantly approached for mandatory service without pay as the political aide by the Obama campaign and then the administration in getting the Democrats elected to Congress and never briefed or detailed on the nature of any developments on the legislations or administration’s policies.

I worked since January 2008 and until now without any payments or benefits.

Now, there are false rumors about me claiming unemployment benefit, which is absurd and completely distorted. I’ve never been on any unemployment benefit.

At the same time floating the fictitious narrative on me as super wealthy to drown any other candidate.

A  Super wealthy  collecting unemployment benefit alongside!  Obviously, they were attributing own practice to feel better.

Then the comedy satire insinuating bipolar disease, acute mental illness and the continuous slander thereafter to show their loyalty to political class is nothing more than own mirror reflection.

Perhaps, the notion is that Brown Foreigners are not supposed to eat. They don’t need a home and maintain a modest existence by being able to pay their utility bills, transportation needs, and provide for their family.

My explicit request to President Barack Obama on my precise role in the administration or the Democratic Party following the influx of donation reminders had no response to that until date.

I regularly clarified my position with President Barack Obama in 2009 and 2010 through the website, that I was unwilling to be a cheerleader of policies against public interest and refused to be an attack dog for the administration at any time.

I had no previous knowledge about the distant period setting and the health bill negotiations between the White House and their special interest allies.

It was also published on the website and obtainable if required.

I was treated as the political campaigner for the Democratic Party and not an administration or Congress member. They sought help with the political election in 2010 to boost public support for President Barack Obama.

There is political smear from the critics, more interested in the investigation of my openness instead of channeling their resources towards the Bilderberg secret meeting attended by Presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain in 2008 that I unveiled on my website for public awareness and fearlessly dissented the authorities’ decisions on many issues including the troops increase in Afghanistan.

If I were to allegedly cover up on the health care or any other issue manufactured by the White House,

Why would I become the victim of violent threats by the authority in power?

Why would they insist that I should quit being inquisitive and even nick named me Snoop Dog in their parlance?

I questioned the then candidate Barack Obama on flip-flopping of issues during the political campaign and after the administration assuming power in the White House.

For switching from Single Payer System to private health care for profit.

Defaulting on campaign finance at the crucial moment of the Presidential election.

Casting his vote on FISA in 2008. Patriot act and the discriminatory policy in 2009.

Torture, detention, overseas rendition, troop withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, altering the 9/11 terrorists federal trial to a military jurisdiction, the continuation of the predecessor, the former President George W. Bush’s policy.

Collecting public donations while claiming that there were no special interests’ contributions to his campaign, when the funds were flowing from Goldman Sachs, AIG, health industry and others – the figures that I published on the website much to the administration’s anger.

The administration and the State Department blocked the EU unilateral declaration under Sweden’s Presidency that embraced my policy on Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It was scheduled in November 2009. The people in both states were prepared and unbeknown the news vanished.

Similarly, in the Honduran crisis, the military coup leader agreed to step down and allow the former President Manuel Zelaya to remain in office until the national election in November 2009. The prospect was extinguished with the administration not inclined to intervene.

The materials with visual content were published on the website to this effect.

Haiti – the recommendation on the exiled leader Jean Bertrand Aristide’s return to his country was ignored.

Challenged on the environmental policies that was contradictory to the pledge made on the campaign trail. I called the COP15 summit a failure in the absence of real achievement.

In the 2008 Pennsylvania Primary election – I expressed my objection earlier on about Senator Obama’s approval to spend an estimated 11 million dollars on the television advertisement against his formidable opponent Senator Hillary Clinton while they declined to pay the foot soldiers $10 an hour for going door-to-door campaign. Most of them were African Americans eager to serve in the contentious primary that he lost to his democratic contender.

Lately, I responded to the Washington Post’s article by Richard Cohen on,

“Obama Policy unappreciated by the right and the left,” where I indicated that showering praise on the inadequate or failed policy would qualify as cronyism and exacerbate the corrupt political system.

I was issued a warning and a remark ‘She does not follow rules and creates her own that does not bode well with the authority.’  i.e. the international incognito clique running the gamut via proxies and puppet governments worldwide.

Because of my strong position on ethics and morality, I was abruptly eliminated from the campaign in March 2008 after ensuring the Democratic Party nomination in the primary election victories.

Perhaps, the critics’ selective memory may not serve them well.

I launched a campaign through my earlier website and endorsed the former Vice President Al Gore for President in May 2008. Furthermore, in an unprecedented gesture, I selected the Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold as the Vice Presidential candidate on the ticket.

It was in protest of the dramatic shift in Senator Obama’s policies visible after clinching the Democratic Party nomination. My rejection of the international Presidential candidate Barack Obama infuriated many of his ardent supporters, who have now become my cynics.

I was called a traitor even though the Senator’s policies did not synchronize with the base.

After the arrival of the Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, the Republican candidates gained momentum in the general election and so did the communication from the candidate Barack Obama, his spouse Michelle Obama (for whom I was non-existent during the Gala Democratic Party Nomination) and the Obama campaign.

The flurry of emails and snail mail asking me to get back in the campaign was superfluous.

They managed to persuade the Vice President Al Gore to email me and send a letter in that regard, which was also published on the website.

Somehow, the alleged ‘character’ of the woman they have misportrayed now didn’t seem to matter then, when they were aspiring their dreams.

Is it political expediency or cutthroat politics to borrow the term recently used by them?

My communication medium from the start has been the website to keep the public informed on the direct engagement with the power in Washington throughout the election and up until now.

Unlike the then candidate Barack Obama’s surrogate and spouse Michelle Obama, reportedly dictated the The View  show hosts on the permissible questions that debarred the co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck from straying in the contrived conversation.

The press media also confirmed on the restrictions imposed by the Obama campaign that prohibited many reporters and anchors from asking relevant questions with the candidate and the talking heads.

The prevalent censorship on free speech and the Nuclear Policy signed with Russia on April 9, 2010 – especially the overtone against the non signatories of NPT and reservations to use nuclear weapons is extremely disturbing and deserves scrutiny.

There were verbal attacks against me on the delay in rebuking the administration on the health care legislation scandal.

It’s easier to view the situation from one’s own perspective.

According to the news media, certain African American legislators were in the process of creating a preventive measure to grant immunity to Obama Presidency against impeachment following the inauguration.

Besides, it was necessary to be mindful of the repercussions such as the racial discord, two wars and the stock market in the aggressive removal of the President of the United States, found guilty of treason.

Therefore, the systematic procedure was to hold the elected official to the highest office accountable to the people, who have been betrayed in the national legislation that was bound to impact millions of lives.

Hence, soon after I exposed the unethical bargain with the health insurance industry,

I waited for the explanation from the President of the United States and the Congress leaders who shared the recognition as the victorious team of historic health care reform.

I ask the Press Corps and the media,

Why are you not pursuing those members in this matter, who are the signatories to this legislation?

Isn’t Congress leaders and other legislators’ responsibility to review the content prior to casting their vote?

I was never presented with the details of the bill, until the report from the New York Times, which none of the critics, who are attacking me bothered to analyze and bring it to public attention.

So much for their investigative journalism in the liberal frontier.

The President then conveniently sent me a letter in the usual manner – glorify privately and vilify publicly.

There was no request from the President to share with the public, I still went ahead and published the content to honor democracy.

Subsequently, there is no remorse or acknowledgment from the President of the United States, elected to the office to protect the republic interest.

Up until such time, I was a mere blogger to indefinitely campaign for elections.

If my word was the rule of law,

Why was my plea prior to the final health care vote, to modify the legislation to universal health care in the letter published on the website to President Barack Obama discarded?

After them being caught in the act of ethical compromise that I detected on my volition, I was bullied with death threats and implicated as an accomplice to turn the tide against me, the public watchdog all along.

Any domestic and global policy submission through the web site was initiated exclusively due to my commitment to the higher calling to serve humanity.

When there is divine intervention the integrity is measured by the solemn oath to serve the people not just in the United States but also across the globe and I’m expected to deliver the humanitarian goals determined by the Supreme cosmic force.

Unlike the tradition in contemporary politics, there is neither carte blanche nor financial gains in humanitarian service. The rules cannot be circumvented for the appointee’s agenda.

Whatever is being organized, it’s in coherence with universal convergence for a new beginning and a bright future.

I hope this would put the derogatory demagoguery to rest. If it doesn’t then it would be to the offenders’ downfall caused by their recalcitrant behavior.

People in glass houses should not cast stones at others.

The content is in reference to the events unfolding at present.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Redemption and Reorganization for a New Beginning

April 9, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On March 10, 2010, the former President Bill Clinton delivered an apology statement to the people of Haiti.

President Bill Clinton is appointed the UN Special Envoy to Haiti.

I commend the former President Bill Clinton in coming forward willfully and taking responsibility for the unpopular economic policy that caused immense grievance to the suffering population of Haiti.

The courageous action by the former head of state in acknowledgment of a negative political decision that led to an immeasurable despair for the trusting population in Haiti is praiseworthy.

President Clinton – Your action is honorable and demonstrated the remorse you had experienced from the judgment error in the ‘Free Trade’ agreement imposed upon the people of Haiti against their will.

Your recognition of the mistake is an affirmation that it’s never too late for anyone regardless of stature to admit his or her wrongdoings and contribute to a positive beginning identifiable as repentance, when defining the human character.

Finally, Please review the articles from different sources in this subject matter.

I concur with the article’s author ‘Dave Johnson’ – – Thank you.


“This is just one more example of conservative failure.

Decisions based on ideology eventually hit a wall of reality.

Free trade wiped out American manufacturing.

Free market deregulation wiped out our economy.

Low taxes wiped out our infrastructure and competitiveness.

It’s time for progressives to find their voice and vision, stop reacting to conservative nay-saying, and get the country moving in a positive, progressive direction.”

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

1. Source:“– Thank you.

“We Made a Devil’s Bargain”: Fmr. President Clinton Apologizes for Trade Policies that Destroyed Haitian Rice Farming

“President Bill Clinton, now the UN Special Envoy to Haiti, publicly apologized last month for forcing Haiti to drop tariffs on imported, subsidized US rice during his time in office.

The policy wiped out Haitian rice farming and seriously damaged Haiti’s ability to be self-sufficient.

On Wednesday, journalist Kim Ives of Haiti Liberté questioned Clinton about his change of heart and his stance on the return of ousted Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.”



Local activists surprised by Clinton apology to Haiti

Former US president admits trade policy “a mistake”

Posted by Bruce Wark on Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 5:09 PM

Nova Scotia activists are expressing surprise that former US president Bill Clinton has apologized for flooding Haiti with cheap American rice beginning in the mid 1990s.

During testimony before a US Senate committee three weeks ago, Clinton admitted that requiring Haiti to lower its tariffs on rice imports made it impossible for Haitian farmers to compete.

The trade policy forced farmers off the land and undercut Haiti’s ability to feed itself.

“It may have been good for some of my farmers in Arkansas, but it has not worked.

It was a mistake,” Clinton — now a UN special envoy to Haiti — told the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 10. “I had to live everyday with the consequences of the loss of capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti to feed those people because of what I did; nobody else.”


3. – Thank you.


By Dave Johnson – March 29, 2010 – 11:15am ET

The “free trade” craze wiping out Haiti’s farmers by flooding the country with cheap American rice.

The same this happened in northern Mexico with cheap (heavily subsidized) American corn.

On March 10 Bill Clinton apologized to Haiti. See With cheap food imports, Haiti can’t feed itself
[W]orld leaders focused on fixing Haiti are admitting for the first time that loosening trade barriers has only exacerbated hunger in Haiti and elsewhere.

They’re led by former U.S. President Bill Clinton – now U.N. special envoy to Haiti – who publicly apologized this month for championing policies that destroyed Haiti’s rice production.

Clinton in the mid-1990s encouraged the impoverished country to dramatically cut tariffs on imported U.S. rice.

“It may have been good for some of my farmers in Arkansas, but it has not worked.

It was a mistake,” Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 10.

“I had to live everyday with the consequences of the loss of capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti to feed those people because of what I did; nobody else.”

Here is how it happened:

Three decades ago things were different. Haiti imported only 19 percent of its food and produced enough rice to export, thanks in part to protective tariffs of 50 percent set by the father-son dictators, Francois and Jean-Claude Duvalier.

When their reign ended in 1986, free-market advocates in Washington and Europe pushed Haiti to tear those market barriers down. President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, freshly reinstalled to power by Clinton in 1994, cut the rice tariff to 3 percent.

Impoverished farmers unable to compete with the billions of dollars in subsidies paid by the U.S. to its growers abandoned their farms. Others turned to more environmentally destructive crops, such as beans, that are harvested quickly but hasten soil erosion and deadly floods.

This is just one more example of conservative failure. Decisions based on ideology eventually hit a wall of reality.

Free trade wiped out American manufacturing. Free market deregulation wiped out our economy. Low taxes wiped out our infrastructure and competitiveness.

It’s time for progressives to find their voice and vision, stop reacting to conservative nay-saying, and get the country moving in a positive, progressive direction.”

Universal Health Care – Single Payer System

April 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On April 7, 2010 the amendments to the health care law were recommended based on the components in the bill.

Since the sole purpose of health care reform was to end the plight of the several million Americans without health insurance and those denied coverage for various unscrupulous practices by the insurance industry, the federal program via public option and expansion of the prevalent system such as Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP and VA was proposed.

Besides, the amendments to health care legislation are also focused on containing the burgeoning health care costs that has been contributing to the rising national deficit.

Therefore, in order to achieve the combined goals of providing quality and cost controlled health care, the formal decision is to amalgamate the federal programs into a unified Single Payer System that has been long approved as the most effective measure by the non-partisan groups within and outside the health care industry.

Universal health care through Single Payer system is ideal in many aspects.

The important elements being the non-discriminatory health care access to all citizens regardless of gender, age and medical history as well as the convenience in enlarging the existing model that is accepted by the legislators on both sides of the isle.

In addition, the main feature of this system is the universal standard that would be applicable in the health care management saving lives and costs attributed to overheads reflected in the high premiums charged by the private insurance industry.

Single Payer System set up with a common facility providing services to all – 24/7, and a medical treatment available anywhere around the country is the prudent policy to meet the challenges in the health care crisis.

It would streamline the costs and eliminate the most feared concerns such as waiting period, pre-authorization, annual limits…experienced by the insured and the uninsured patients right now.

Even though the health care legislation that was passed addresses some of these issues, there is no guarantee that the private sector would not default through loopholes. It’s a persisting frustration among the insured.

The universal health care creates opportunity to negotiate periodically with the health service and pharmaceutical industry that would inevitably produce savings for all contributors in the industry.

Furthermore, the centralized system is easy to monitor and update technology, the nerve center of the concept.

Competition among the health care service providers promotes quality including the desirable choices for the insured in seeking the appropriate treatment.

Fraud and malpractice could be curtailed under the blanket rule for the industry.

Rewarding the health service and pharmaceutical industry through incentives upon quality improvement including limiting expenses for consumers and taxpayers would benefit the economy.

Universal insurance under federal program would ease the burden on the society – the individuals, small businesses and the Corporations.

With respect to the private insurance industry and their survival in the face of the ‘Single Payer system’:

The private health insurance industry is going to continue their service to the affluent demography and the segments resistant to federal health insurance program like the single payer system.

During the health care debate, there were voices expressing content with the health care policy they own and have maintained for some time. Perhaps, they belong to the healthy groups and low-risk category.

Needlessly, they were misguided by the opponents propagating false information – ‘the “socialized medicine” an imminent threat to their mere existence and that the federal program is being imposed upon them against their will.’

Nevertheless, it’s a significant proportion of the market share that would allow the private sector to cater to the population interested in high-end products and services.

For instance, there are consumers who prefer the private insurance determined by individual lifestyle and clients seeking non-medical procedures like the cosmetic surgery that would not be covered under the universal health care.

It offers preferences to the insurance subscribers to accommodate their personal needs.

Having monopolized the market until now, there are avenues available to the private sector within the consumer base that are impenetrable.

At the same time, being mindful of the factor that the private insurance industry also employs a large number of the American workforce, the ‘selective media’ critics demand to erode the private sector in the health care repair would exacerbate the unemployment status in the dire economy.

Even though, the job loss in the private industry could be absorbed by the public sector expansion, the disproportionate hiring in the private industry as compared to the public system would leave behind a residual number without jobs, thereby affecting the struggling job market.

Hence, restoring those jobs is essential in the health care salvation.

Innovation is the key to success in a competitive environment and the private insurance not likely to submerge with the abundant resources at their disposal.

Universal Medicare is a guaranteed protection for it would be available 24/7 regardless of the citizens’ health conditions.

The people of the United States deserve an efficient, cost saving, choice oriented health care system such as the Medicare for all.

Under the ‘not-for-profit’ universal healthcare, otherwise the single payer system, the consumers would invest the premiums in their health rather than the insurance industry agenda.

Citizens across the socio-economic spectrum will have peace of mind with the universal Medicare.

I request the leaderships to modify the health care legislation to a “Universal Medicare,” also known as the “Single Payer System,” with recognition that,

It’s legislatively possible through the legitimate reconciliation method, and the law made effective latest by April 16, 2010.

Funding source would remain the same that were passed in the health care legislation including the revival of the deal with the health care service and the Big Pharma during the health care legislative process.

Also, please refer to the article titled “Amendments to National Health Care legislation,’ for funding details.

Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Amendments to National Health Care Legislation

April 7, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The health care legislation was signed into law in late March 2010. Subsequently, there is lot of disappointment to the effects of law and the insurance industry obligations that appear to contain many loopholes resembling the status quo.

Hence, upon reviewing the major components of the bill per the statements from the President’s letter, along with the data made available by Congress and the Congressional Budget Office,

It’s clear that amendments are necessary to protect ‘average Americans’ interests from the health industry behemoths.

Statements from the President’s letter:

“Now we need to begin the process of implementing these historic changes.

To ensure a successful, stable transition, many of these changes will phase into full effect over the next several years.”

1. “But for millions of Americans, many of the benefits of reform will begin this year – some will even take effect this week.”

Recommendation: Although, it’s claimed that the uninsured with pre-existing conditions would be covered beginning this week, the data should be provided for public knowledge.

The insurance companies willing to offer coverage to the uninsured population with pre-existing conditions including the information on the eligibility, the premium costs and the federal funding source is essential to confirm the benefit.

2. “Uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions can join a special high-risk pool to get the coverage they need, starting in just 90 days.”

Recommendation: “High-risk” pool coverage starts effective immediately and not in three months’ time.

Insurance industry must note that this is a health issue and not a decision about any recreational activity or a vacation.

For some it could be a life threatening illness requiring urgent medical intervention.

Moreover, in the absence of specifics from the insurance industry – on coverage costs, limits and treatment level, the patients could be inhibited from seeking the comprehensive coverage they might need for their health problem.

3. “And Americans with insurance will be protected from seeing their insurance revoked when they get sick, or facing restrictive annual limits on the care they receive.”

Recommendation: This legislative law applies to the ‘currently insured,’ who are pre-screened and selected as the ‘low risk’ subscribers.

However, the law must be extended to the uninsured regardless of medical history.

4. “We passed this reform for 5th-grader Marcelas Owens, whose mother died because she didn’t get the health care she needed after she got sick, lost her job and her health insurance. Marcelas’ message to Congress was simple: “Finish health care reform. No other kid should lose their mom because they don’t have health care.”

We passed this reform for Natoma Canfield, who wrote to tell me that she could no longer afford her health insurance policy. Since losing her health insurance coverage in January, Natoma has been diagnosed with Leukemia and is fighting for her life.

Recommendation: In order to protect victims of such tragic situations, the Medicaid and Medicare (if age qualified) expansion is vital as suggested below.

5. We passed this reform for Ryan Smith, a small business owner with five employees. Ryan was doing his part to provide health insurance to his employees, but cannot keep up with rising health care costs.

Small businesses will receive significant tax cuts, this year, to help them afford health coverage for all their employees.

Recommendation: The public option is the reliable option for Small business and self-employed individuals struggling to compete in the dire economy.

Because, it’s being facilitated through tax cuts (federal funding) to enable their private coverage,

The public option is the ideal choice that would produce savings for this demography and the government.

6. “Early retirees will receive help to reduce premium costs.”

Recommendation: Again, the burden is shifted from the insurance industry to the taxpayers via federal help.

Instead, the Medicare threshold should be lowered from 65 to 55 in the amendment that would adequately address the issue.

7. Young people will be allowed coverage under their parents’ plan until the age of 26.

Recommendation: It should be at no additional costs to the subscribers.

8. Children will be protected against discrimination on the basis of medical history.

Recommendation: It’s verified to be true for the ‘insured’ but not the uninsured.

It was also revealed that the law is interpreted by the insurance industry as a discretionary action. Otherwise, a non-committal response and even coverage denial to this piece of legislation.

Therefore, imposing penalties for failure to comply will make the law effective.

9. We’re also making investments to train primary care doctors, nurses, and public health professionals.

Recommendation: It’s a step in the positive direction.

To make the investment worthwhile, it’s imperative to utilize the health care services for Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, VA patients as well as the ‘Public Option’ subscribers rather than the private industry solely benefiting from it.

10. “State-level consumer assistance programs to help patients understand and defend their new rights” –

Recommendation: This could create variation in practice allowing the insurance and the health care industry to circumvent the respective state laws as seen in the environmental matter on carbon emissions, leading the environmental agency to adopt a standard law across the country.

That’s why, the independent and non-profit ‘National Consumer Health Rights Agency,’ would be ideal to deliver the service.

“In Marcela, Ryan, Natoma, my mom and so many other Americans, we are reminded of what this fight was about. It wasn’t about politics. It was about doing the right thing, and taking care of the hardworking people that make our country great.”

It would be beneficial to the suffering population upon incorporating the above recommendations and the amendments listed below.
By Padmini Arhant

Amendments to the National Health Care Legislation

Since the health care legislation is already passed, the applicable changes should be rapid without any legislative rigmarole.

1. Effects of law commencing in 90 days, 6 months and within a year must begin tomorrow and no later than April 12, 2010 to accommodate all different health situations experienced by those who are ill at present.

2. The contentious settings in 2014 and 2019 for full effects should be brought forward to June 2010.

3. Simultaneously, the tax laws scheduled for 2013 and 2018 should be modified to be effective immediately.

Accepting the uninsured patients as new subscribers should not be a daunting task given the resources and the established system that are currently in place.

In addition, the federal funding for private insurance coverage should be diverted to ‘public option,’ program, CHIP, Medicaid and Medicare expansion notwithstanding the VA patient care.

4. Introduction of public option to induce real competition is the hallmark of the amendment.

5. Lowering the Medicare eligibility threshold from 65 to 55 as agreed by most legislators in Congress during the health care debate.

6. Medicaid expansion to the unemployed and senior citizens falling short on prescription drug expenses despite the $250 rebate upon them reaching the coverage gap.

NB: The votes are available in the House and the Senate to pass these rules via ‘the reconciliation process,’ if the bipartisanship remains impossible.

7. Revive the deal with the health care service and Big Pharma on the estimated $500 billion dollar savings that was initially committed by the industries.

8. Jan 1, 2011 – Enactment calls for ‘marketplace’ insurers to invest premium dollars on medical services by 80 percent for individuals and small plans, whereas the large groups by 85 percent respectively.

Recommendation: Monitoring is essential to ensure such practice among the insurers.

The law would be redundant without oversight.

Independent and non-profit ‘National Consumer Health Rights Agency,’ is appropriate for it would prevent breach of the investment criteria.

9. Anti-trust laws passed by Congress should be extended for a longer period i.e. until 2020.

10. Mandatory insurance should be based on affordability and individuals without sufficient financial means automatically qualify for federal medical program via public option at a lower competitive cost and not higher than the private sector as determined earlier to boost the private insurance sales, during the health care legislative process.

Alternatively, the Medicaid program should be accessible for these individuals and families experiencing sudden change in status due to loss of family income generating an insurance lapse in premium payments.

These changes will provide for all Americans.

The health care reform would be meaningful with the all of the above recommendations and amendments.

Those who contribute to these enactments need not be concerned about their re-election for they will be guaranteed a victory in November, 2010.

The legislators from both sides of the aisle could make this happen by showing their willingness to prioritize their constituent’s physical health over the special interests’ financial gains.

Ultimately, the power lies in the citizen’s vote regardless of corporate campaign financing.

‘Change’ is made possible by the people in a democracy and not the profit seekers.

If there is will, there is a way.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S: Comprehensive analysis on National Health Care Legislation was previously published on March 29, 2010 under “Health,” Category on this website.

For the Record

April 6, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

I have never been on the White House payroll or received any payments in cash or kind from the authorities and any political parties, or anyone remotely associated or affiliated to the political, corporate and any form of organizations in the United States or anywhere in the world.

Furthermore, the humanitarian work has been entirely a free service, on a “volunteer” basis from the beginning and up until now.

Any communication received from or sent to the White House and the political party has been published for the worldview throughout my involvement in politics.

The painting that was mailed by the Chairman of the Democratic National Party, Gov. Tim Kaine with a request to contribute to electing the Democratic Party members was published on the website prior to the final health care vote that I did not endorse.

Unlike the public network pledging to be the ‘voice for democracy,’ who attacked me for not doing so, yet applying my current donation for the negative attributes towards whistle blowers is the irony in public affairs.

Is mudslinging a sign of insecurity or a “Free Speech” misnomer?

I have never met the then candidate and now the President Barack Obama in person nor had verbal conversations during the campaign and until now.

All communications have taken place via email and conventional mail up until last year.

Subsequently, the communication has been through regular mail only.

The materials were all published on the website and available for public review.

Therefore, for journalism to thrive in honor of democracy, I request certain members unnecessarily engaged in unsubstantiated allegations to refrain from defamation of persons dedicated to humanitarian service.

Instead, invest their time and my donations for a productive cause.

Solidarity in promoting truth and justice is required from the media and the press corps, the only hope for democracy to succeed.

Human values are determined by their actions and the noble virtues reflected through their courage to face those challenging the ideals.

I remain steadfast in lending the voice to the voiceless and will continue to strive for peace on earth.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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