For the Record

April 6, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

I have never been on the White House payroll or received any payments in cash or kind from the authorities and any political parties, or anyone remotely associated or affiliated to the political, corporate and any form of organizations in the United States or anywhere in the world.

Furthermore, the humanitarian work has been entirely a free service, on a “volunteer” basis from the beginning and up until now.

Any communication received from or sent to the White House and the political party has been published for the worldview throughout my involvement in politics.

The painting that was mailed by the Chairman of the Democratic National Party, Gov. Tim Kaine with a request to contribute to electing the Democratic Party members was published on the website prior to the final health care vote that I did not endorse.

Unlike the public network pledging to be the ‘voice for democracy,’ who attacked me for not doing so, yet applying my current donation for the negative attributes towards whistle blowers is the irony in public affairs.

Is mudslinging a sign of insecurity or a “Free Speech” misnomer?

I have never met the then candidate and now the President Barack Obama in person nor had verbal conversations during the campaign and until now.

All communications have taken place via email and conventional mail up until last year.

Subsequently, the communication has been through regular mail only.

The materials were all published on the website and available for public review.

Therefore, for journalism to thrive in honor of democracy, I request certain members unnecessarily engaged in unsubstantiated allegations to refrain from defamation of persons dedicated to humanitarian service.

Instead, invest their time and my donations for a productive cause.

Solidarity in promoting truth and justice is required from the media and the press corps, the only hope for democracy to succeed.

Human values are determined by their actions and the noble virtues reflected through their courage to face those challenging the ideals.

I remain steadfast in lending the voice to the voiceless and will continue to strive for peace on earth.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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