Midterm Elections 2010

November 4, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To the Congressional members from both political parties on their victory in the 2010 midterm elections.

The Republican members experience on November 2, 2010 is similar to the Democrats 2006 election results.

Regardless, all contenders deserve praise and recognition for their tireless campaigning in the political race.

The Democrats dedicated their valuable time and resources to improve American lives.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, The House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Franks and other honorable Congressional representatives worked diligently and demonstrated commitment.

Likewise, the isolated Republican members’ contribution is equally valid in the legislative matter.

Welcome to the New House Speaker – The Hon. Rep. John Boehner.

Rep. John Boehner’s remarkable life journey to attain the American dream is admirable.

The Republican majority in the House beginning January 2011 have an opportunity to resolve the national crises.

Any solutions to the contentious problems are meaningless if they fail to address the average citizens’ plight and protect national interest over special interests.

Hopefully both sides will set the differences aside and work together in alleviating the main street struggles. Washington gridlock is the reason for the alternation in the Capitol Hill.

If the political parties cannot arrive at a consensus on legislative affairs, it defeats the purpose of winning elections.

There were many surprises and setbacks in the electoral outcome. Democracy being undermined in contemporary politics is not unusual and conspicuous during elections with corporate cash drowning the republic voice.

In other instances, candidacies unfairly targeted to settle political scores contributed to the elimination of veteran political figures with exemplary record.

Politics ignoring merits and rewarding misrepresentation is a travesty and a national loss.

The mandate is clear underscoring the republic rule – Washington is required to deliver the campaign promises and not a political rhetoric.

Unfortunately the tradition continues with any administration in the absence of real change causing public frustration and disappointment reflected in the electoral backlash.

Among many national issues, the economy is a primary concern with stagnant growth in the job market. Foreclosures, liquidity freeze… and other economic hurdles in the Housing and Financial sector are far from over.

There are many challenges ahead and now it depends on the Republican majority to coordinate with the Democratic minority in the House to prevail in all fronts.

Transparency and accountability is realistic when it is applicable to all – given Washington clout and Wall Street influence on the political parties.

The key industries monopoly on the legislation is the deterrent factor producing watered down reforms directly affecting the economic conditions and the national deficit.

In the environmental matter the California ballot measure – Prop. 23 successfully prevented the oil companies’ dominance and their polluting strategies. The action saved the rapidly growing clean energy sector currently providing 500,000 jobs.

The environmental organizations such as Earthjustice and several prominent groups along with committed supporters were responsible for the phenomenal intervention.

Synonymous steps by other states on public issues yielded the desirable change.

People power can never be underestimated in any form of government. Throughout history, political transformations, social and economic progress have been made possible by people movement exemplifying that ordinary citizens are capable of extraordinary achievements.

Therefore, if legislations are controlled by affluent sources empowered with the lack of political will in Washington then the citizens’ response – ‘change course’ is inevitable and effectively conveyed through ballots.

It is imperative for all factions to come together and consolidate efforts in leading the great nation forward. Nation thrives with prosperity accessible to all and not just the privileged members in the society.

Good Luck! To the newly elected Congress in reaching the anticipated milestones.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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