DREAM ACT – Development, Relief & Education of Alien Minors

December 20, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

United States is effectively United Nations in diversity with myriad of cultures, race, religion… co-existing despite varied characteristics.

In fact this particular feature about United States is emulated in other parts of the world deriving economic and social benefits from immigrant population with assorted skills.

Poignantly the United States status quo would be different had the pilgrims been denied entry and forced to return to their land of origin.

The DREAM ACT is a bipartisan bill introduced by Assistant Senate Majority Leader Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) to address the key issues confronting the United States – border security and availing the talent of American Minors born overseas through the path to resident status legalization.

Border security is a bipartisan goal to restrict drugs and arms trade including the contentious illegal crossing. Despite this component, the legislation failure by 55 – 41 votes on December 18, 2010 in the Senate is intriguing.

On the legalization of American Minors’ resident status – the eligibility criteria is absolute and completely favor the United States specifically the U.S. military and the educational institutions besides generating desperately required revenue to offset the rising national debt upon these qualified graduates entering the work force.

According to the DREAM ACT individuals must fulfill the following eligibility requirement:

< Have arrived in the United States at the age of 15 or under;

< Have lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years;

< Graduate from high school;

< Serve in the military or attend college for at least two years; and

< Have good moral character

These legitimate conditions create opportunities for the U.S. Defense force and the American job market to recruit the “cream of the crop” among applicants as presented by Senator Richard Durbin during the passionate plea to the Senate.

U.S. military is not only outstretched due to casualties suffered from ongoing wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan…but also facing increasing challenge to attract volunteers with solid background placing an enormous burden on the institution to accept less qualified enrollees requiring more spending for proper training and preparedness to serve in the sophisticated United States military.

Such demand is often reflected in the disproportionate defense budget contributing to national deficit – arguably the mutual concern for members in both political parties and the American public.

Considering Republican members’ stance on national security and corporate welfare – the DREAM ACT fits the bill per se by providing high caliber candidates producing beyond expectation results.

The reason behind the DREAM ACT inevitable success is based on the carefully designed program targeting the high achievers with exemplary academic record admirably earned under extraordinary circumstances.

These young Americans having proved their resolve in overcoming obstacles without a shadow of doubt display genuine desire to serve the only nation they call ‘home’ in various capacity.

Again as elaborated above the net gain in legalizing American minors’ presence far outweighs the hypothetical negative evaluation that led to the votes shortfall in the DREAM ACT legislation.

United States being the land of immigrants proudly attributes the phenomenal progress thus far to cosmopolitan aptitude prevalent in prudent immigration laws.

The DREAM ACT constitutes the urgency to secure borders along with promoting policy guaranteed to enhance United States economic and defense position.

Moreover the DREAM ACT has been previously brought to the Senate floor on numerous occasions going back to the Republican administration under the former President George W. Bush.

Most recently it was submitted to 109, 110 and now 111th Congress subsequent to the House approval only to be rejected by the Republican Senate minority.

Therefore the selective Republican members’ claiming that DREAM ACT is being rushed for final vote does not bode well given the facts on the time frame for passing this crucial legislation.

Unfortunately, the decision to block the DREAM ACT is political without any consideration for national interest. The pattern in Washington gridlock is detrimental to domestic growth and prosperity not to mention the political backlash in the 2012 election.

The revival of DREAM ACT before the end of 111th Congress is respectfully requested with a direct plea to the moderate Republican members who honorably cooperated in repealing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell legislation to once again come forward and extend their bipartisan support to the bipartisan bill that is evidently beneficial to the United States Defense, the economy and most importantly enabling the young Americans in realizing the American dream.

United States distinguished Senate members have the power to acknowledge the DREAM ACT prospects with their final votes in recognition of national priority.

Above all coherence in holiday spirit would demonstrate the individual caring for greater good.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



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