G-8 and G-20, 2010 Summit – Toronto, Canada

June 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

A warm welcome to the world leaders attending the back to back G-8 and G-20, 2010 summit in Toronto, Canada.

The G-8 summit held on Friday, June 25, 2010 appeared to focus on the common economic issues such as financial regulations, deficit reduction and economic aid to disadvantaged countries on the financial side.

International peace and security – the leaders’ discussions are expansive from Iran’s controversial nuclear program, disarmament of North Korea, war in Afghanistan, Pakistan including the tensions in the Middle East.

Also in the agenda is the African leaders outreach on economic progress.

Social issues are related to protecting women’s health viz. maternal well being and infant growth in the regions lacking in antenatal care.

It’s important to begin with the financial sector and the economy for this topic.

Congratulations! To President Barack Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and the Congress members for the bipartisan votes in the long overdue financial reform.

It’s a major milestone and a fresh beginning to avert future financial crisis responsible for the global economic meltdown with spiraling effects on the housing, credit and job market.

Other industrialized nations like Germany passed their financial regulation with a mandatory deficit reduction. The constitutional amendment by Germany to contain the deficit to 0.35 percent of GDP by 2016 provided the higher deficit not attributed to GDP decline is a trendsetter in curbing the economic recession.

Similarly, the United Kingdom, Japan and the hard hit economies with huge deficits are in the process of clamping down on the national debt through fiscal austerity and tax hikes.

The deficit reduction is the popular stance among the member nations in this summit.

Although, containing national debt is an immediate priority, the measures to achieve the desirable goal needs to be balanced, so that the vulnerable population like children, senior citizens and the people with disabilities or life threatening conditions are not deprived of basic services from the targeted spending cuts.

Maintenance of social services and programs availed by the citizens across the spectrum would prevent the inevitable outcome – For the elimination would lead to unsustainable economic costs impacting health, education, housing, consumer spending, states’ emergency units – fire and police departments.

Notwithstanding the potential increase in domestic crime rate that had been relatively low nationwide.

Likewise, raising taxes on health and environmentally harmful sources is a place to start due to the dual cause. It would protect the people and the habitat while generating revenue to pay off the accumulated debt.

In the United States, the legislation aimed at economic revival and federal aid to the states for essential programs is challenged by the opposition minority based on their national debt concern.

It’s a legitimate reason but the disapproval is directed at the nerve center of the society.

By denying unemployment benefits to the laid off workers and,

Blocking federal aid to the states is an erroneous decision. States’ employment would be affected leading to massive retrenchment resulting in tax revenue losses.

Already, some states have furlough hurting many American families. In addition, the states offer lifeline support to many contributing back to the system via taxes as wage earners and consumers.

Despite the reality, the ‘Nay’ vote defies logic.

There are ways to pay for these bills by reallocating the unutilized funds in defense spending and pet projects. Moreover, there cannot be anything significant than helping the workers survive and enable them to be gainfully employed yielding tax payments.

Ignoring citizens’ plight has much higher economic and political ramifications.

Therefore, the stimulus bills with guaranteed tax returns are the means to expedite economic recovery.

Since globalization is embraced as the twenty first century economic policy, the anomalies in the system beckon the world leaders’ attention.

There is an urgency to implement international labor and environmental laws binding on transnational corporations to safeguard the environment and the workers’ interest against exploitation, negligence including fair and equal compensation regardless of territories.

Even though, the child labor is banned in some developing nations, the practice is widespread in the desperate parts of the world often engaged by the established multinational companies from the industrialized nations.

Stringent strategies against financial investment firms’ speculative activities that led the Greece and the neighboring economies to the brink of collapse are quintessential in the sweeping financial overhaul.

Some have addressed the problem by enforcing strict rules on the ‘derivatives’ and hedge fund mismanagement in the financial reform. However, the global standard would strengthen the application.

Currency adjustments by the emerging economic power creating trade imbalance and subsequently influencing the rising deficit financed by the creditor is yet another matter to resolve in the present meeting.

Tax havens and withholding income from offshore investments by corporations are impediments to the struggling economies irrespective of stature. Again, cooperation from the G-20 partners facilitating such activities is to be sought on this occasion.

Clean energy to free mankind from fossil fuel and nuclear technology is crucial to replace the discriminatory civilian nuclear program paving way for nuclear proliferation.

Global terrorism and security – Coordinating with international intelligence agencies as opposed to militarization or deploying military personnel on espionage to collect information is a serious violation of the respective nations’ sovereignty. The clandestine military operation is bound to exacerbate the insurgency in the volatile regions forcing the local population to favor the militants reluctantly against the infiltrators.

The article titled “U.S. Military Espionage – Directive for Global Operation,” May 30, 2010 highlighting the inherent dangers of the provocative activities, was presented under the “National and Global Security,” category on this website for further understanding.

International Peace Agreements – Unanimous condemnation of Iran and North Korea nuclear capabilities and belligerent displays against neighbors is a positive step.

Similarly it should be extended to allies violating human rights through illegal invasion and occupation of land, prominently Israel and China viewed by the international community as the U.S and Europe’s ‘turn a blind eye,’ foreign policy.

Actions are effective and meaningful when they are universal and not selective in the enforcement.

Other nations like Thailand cracking down on civilian population with military might in public square deserve international isolation for successfully thwarting the democratic uprising against abuse of power.

Democracy has become a token political system undermined by excessive military involvement and constitutional monarchy as seen in Thailand.

Burma/Myanmar belongs to the league in brutality against its citizens by the military junta reportedly occupied with the nuclear activity.

Worldwide nuclear disarmament is the course to pursue for global peace.

In other humanitarian issues – whether it is women’s rights, social justice or dealing with hunger, poverty and disease, they are all related to the political power governing the nations.

United States, EU, United Nations, Arab countries and emerging economic powers have a decisive role in promoting democracy, peace, human rights, economic and social progress by remaining impartial and committed towards the noble mission.

Best Wishes to G-8 and G-20 nations attending the 2010 summit.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama in Spotlight

February 23, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama was a guest at the CNNs Larry King Live show on Monday, February 22, 2010.

During the interview, the host Larry King stated,

“Most Americans do not want the United States relationship strained with China over Tibet’s independence.” 

Interestingly, Mr. Larry King did not provide any specifics like who exactly these Americans are, the pollster name and details for authenticity.

Such position could not be from the mainstream population given the fact that by and large American people are samaritans and strong believers of democracy including human rights for them and others.

That being the case, it makes one wonder –

Like everything else is Made in China, if the questionnaire for this interview was possibly,

Prepared by China or Beijing’s representatives in the United States due to the provocative and insensitive questions posed in the interview.

Should a major international network like CNN compromise on substance to boost rating?

As for the alleged statement cited by the CNN talk show host, the anonymous individuals prioritizing economic opportunities over Tibetan people’s freedom cannot be living in the,

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

More likely, they belong to the – Land of the Narcissists, Home of the Hypocrites.

The people of the oppressed nation, Tibet may not necessarily be the strongest ally of the United States for whom the latter poised as the leader of the free world would not undertake risks against the invader and persecutor, the Communist China, like it did in 1991 –

When the U.S and allies waged war against Iraq in retaliation to Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein’s invasion of a comparatively small kingdom, the oil rich Kuwait,

Or for that matter,

Threatening to wipe out (Obliterate with nuclear weapons- the rhetoric during Presidential campaign) anyone harassing the nuclear armed Israel, the United States surrogate partner in the middle east despite Israel prominently established as the Neo-Imperialist in the region.

Is freedom a natural right and an entitlement for the privileged while remaining a fantasy for the weak and defenseless?

What would be the twenty first century like in the absence of the following events?

The women’s suffrage movement leading to the women’s vote in the United States of America.

If, President Abraham Lincoln had not ended slavery.

A young civil rights leader DR. Martin Luther King daring to dream a world without prejudice.

If, a resilient leader Mahatma Gandhi had failed in the non-violence principle to free his nation from two hundred years of colonialism.

Creating the state of Israel in OId Palestine amid Arab disagreement in the aftermath of holocaust.

The fall of Berlin wall and Eastern Bloc nations set free from the former Soviet Union.

Liberation of South Africa from the brutal apartheid.

Likewise, Independence for the small island nation East Timor -after prolonged tyranny and massacre.

Emancipation of human beings is not up to free individuals or the oppressive authority to decide whether the enslaved are eligible for liberty or not.

Reiterating the earlier message – All living beings are created equal and born to be free.

The people in Tibet, Palestine, Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, Afghanistan and the nations in Africa, Middle East, and Latin America are no exception to this natural rule of law.

No military might and economic power can continue to suppress the freedom of the population for their false sense of political superiority.

His Holiness Dalai Lama for diplomacy sake could seek autonomy rather than independence for the persecuted and tortured six million Tibetans on account of Tibet’s economic dependency on China.

China’s communist politburo decline political freedom and economic opportunities for long oppressed Tibetans in the Buddhist land.

However, India and South Africa would not be independent had they been abandoned under similar notion that the fate of the several millions are better off as the oppressed minority in their domicile.

Every tribe, community and society has leadership potential to guide and govern the people irrespective of the economic and educational status.

It’s an innate quality provided by nature and commonly seen throughout the animal kingdom.

Because of human greed to amass wealth and territories poignantly,

China – In spite of being third largest nation by total area and the second largest in land area, Beijing authorities insist on retaining Tibet, Xinjiang province, annexing Taiwan and currently eying on neighbor India.

Furthermore, the Chinese Communist rule conspicuously reining in on the most powerful nation, the United States transformed into a subservient economic debtor through unfair trade practices.

Not barring the Most Favored Nation (MFN) status, WTO membership and veto power in the UN Security Council consistently abused by the Communist nation at any given time.

Again, the United States and allies biased treatment of other communist nations is noteworthy.

Cuba and North Korea are incessantly subject to economic sanctions for a variety of reasons ranging from human rights violation to the nuclear standoff.

On the other hand, China, the ultimate communist authority with gross human rights violation and utter disregard for international rule of law is granted immunity based on the emerging economic power status by the democratic nations.

United States lacking in political will and corporations with investments in China are pressuring media to evade democracy depriving the people of Tibet the political freedom.

Then the real power – the people as consumers from all walks of life across the world should prove that the political and economic stakeholders can no longer determine the destiny of human beings.

Worldwide boycott of Made in China goods along with investments withdrawal from the state controlled Chinese holdings by humanitarians, democracy and peace seekers for all contrary to the selective few could lead to the beginning of the end of the communist rule in China and elsewhere.

Not long ago, in the latter part of the twentieth century i.e. during the cold war, the former Soviet Union was formidable opponent of the United States.

Lo and behold, the iron curtain dropped astonishing the rest of the world in marking the end of the repressive rule.

History is testimony to the fact that the rise and fall of empire and emperors not attributed to honorable surrendering of power or the oligarchs’ magnanimity but instead the voice for democracy within and outside oppressed nations have enabled the political transition.

With an inevitable freedom for the people of Tibet, Palestine, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea and others, the optimism will prevail over the lingering insecurity among the authorities and their proxies in the political and economic domain.

Caring, compassionate and peace activists from around the world must stage a non-violent protest and display solidarity in the freedom movement for Tibet, Palestine…the only hope and a guaranteed victory towards democracy for these nations.

Finally, the consumer power always succeeds against any economic and political power.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Reflection on the World Economic Forum – Davos, Switzerland

February 19, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The World Economic Forum on January 27 – 31, 2010, at Davos, Switzerland contemplated the global economic crises.

Speakers from the large consortium expressed their thoughts and hope or the lack thereof about the global economic prospects at the annual meeting.

Summarizing the summit issues:

The general focus has been:

The economic recession.

The financial crisis and the need for financial reform.

U.S economy, the dollar, the deficits and the gridlock in Washington due to Special Interests’ control of Congress.

Skepticism on the EURO currency strength and concerns regarding European market from the economic struggles in Greece, Spain, Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Latvia to name a few further exacerbated by the majority euro members surpassing the 3percent budget deficit cap, a criteria for the euro currency usage.

ECB (European Central Bank) role in easing the liquidity crisis.

UK urging banks to assume responsibility – i.e. resume credit to the frail economy.

National Debt from bailouts – A common symptom shared by the major global economies.

Emerging Markets’ potential in stimulating economic growth through international mergers and acquisitions.

Corporate leadership in risk undertaking, growth sustainability and resisting or embracing reform.

Technological impact on business and adapting social networking concept to promote global agenda.

Google – China controversy on hackers and censorship.

Green Technology and consensus on the climate change policy.

Humanitarian issues related to natural resources such as water scarcity, inadequate food supply in fighting hunger, poverty and disease worldwide.

Economic Synopsis – By Padmini Arhant

Global economic recession – The general agreement is:

The massive capital interjection with public money in the private sector particularly the finance and the auto industry in the United States was essential in the year 2008 and 2009 to avert a major catastrophe – a full blown depression.

Following that, the bailed out bankers have supporters and cynicists to defend or vilify the mega rewards via executive bonuses amid severe financial meltdown mostly attributed to the current economic crisis.

Another contentious issue related to the financial sector is:

Should governments continue to bailout banks under the banner?

“Too Big to Fail.”

Regardless, it’s clear from the recent experience that a serious financial reform is no longer an option but a necessity to counteract risk undertaking in the financial market.

Moreover, the finance industry being the vehicle for the economic growth, it cannot resist regulations due to the uninsured public funds management by the private sector.

Evidently, the real estate slump exacerbated the liquidity crisis in the global economies viz. Iceland (nicknamed as the “subprime economy”) Ireland, Spain and not sparing the once booming commercial real estate capital – Dubai, UAE,

Leaving the United States not unique in the burgeoning residential and commercial real estate decline.

In terms of stimulating the economic growth, industrialized nations and the emerging markets face a common dilemma – stimulus packages, bailouts and the rising national debt.

Government stimulus programs target specific industries in the domestic economy with the green technology touted as the promising field.

Unequivocally, the green technology should be promoted by all nations big and small besides infrastructure projects and reviving the manufacturing industry.

However, the stimulus activity is bound to create national debt from the budget deficit because of sluggish GDP and the negative current account balance for import-oriented economies like the United States.

U.S Economy:

Although, the multi-trillion dollar deficit has not drastically affected the U.S credit rating as the investor confidence in the U.S market is not lost,

The status quo cannot prolong with the persisting Republican members’ opposition against tax hikes to protect self-interest and special interest.

Notwithstanding their blockade in the financial, health care and energy sector reform.

Therefore, the American electorate must be careful prior to swinging their support to the Republican members in Congress.

The ideologues were responsible for bringing America on its knees under the disastrous Bush-Cheney administration.

Now, the same republican members are determined to stay on the course to debilitate the U.S economy with an utter disregard for the ‘average’ Americans.

While comparing the economies in the stimulus funding, it’s clear that the nations investing in the domestic economy like China, Japan, India, Brazil… have survived the worst crisis through quasi participation.

Private sector project with public capital infusion is seemingly a viable economic strategy to reduce unemployment and curb public outcry over increasing national debt.

It’s attention worthy that President Barack Obama has similarly approached the economic woes with the SBA loans to boost small businesses, tax credits to the corporations and the green sector only to be browbeaten by the “fiscal conservatives” in name only on both sides of the aisle.

Again, something to remember about the so-called “fiscal conservatives” successful derailment of economic progress.

So far, the opposition policy in every national issue is “Penny wise and Pound foolish.”

Not to mention their conduct exemplified in the tarnished U.S image at WEF with,

Communist China scorn democracy by citing the Special Interests’ dominance in American politics.

The statement is not far-fetched except for scapegoating democracy against totalitarianism.

United States should adopt big and bold economic actions to contain the high unemployment and that would be:

Job creation in the infrastructure projects, innovate the manufacturing sector with technology alongside revolutionizing industrial growth on eco-friendly foundation.

Energizing the small businesses and retail industry is equally important to enhance the per capita income, an appropriate inclusion in the economic progress measurement rather than reliance on GDP growth alone.

United States is rich in resources in every aspect with an advantage of being the pioneer across the economic spectrum.

The rumor about United States weak economic status and attempts to denigrate the U.S dollar as the international currency is nothing but smear tactics by the competitors vying for the leading role in the world economy.

What the investors should bear in mind is the U.S economy’s resilience to rebound in the face of worst economic and political crisis and history is testimony to that effect.

In addition, the democratic system is a positive factor in attracting investments within and offshore.

European Economy:

The EU and the ECB (European Central Bank) proposals are pragmatic in many ways.

ECB intervention to pull the European financial markets from the liquidity crisis would facilitate the anticipated credit flow in the union.

Economic setbacks in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Latvia and last but certainly not the least Iceland are significant and cannot be abandoned for it might reach a crescendo irrespective of the trade volume.

Accordingly, the conditional offer from Germany and France to bailout Greece is vital to protect the EU economic interest with Greece being the union member.

The leadership in the Mediterranean nation under the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is capable of salvaging the dire economic situation.

When the reckless banking sector was bailed out for speculative trading, otherwise gambling of public investments,

The Greek economy with labor capital, entrepreneurial exuberance and political stability deserves EU / IMF /World Bank assistance to survive the economic turmoil.

It would be detrimental to hinder the borrowing opportunity for Greece and other ailing economies predominantly due to the regional impact.

At the same time, Greece and Iceland should be transparent with facts and display fiscal responsibility to the international monetary oversight for creditworthiness.

United Kingdom is right on target in demanding the financial sector to resume credit to the frail economy.

U.K has been forceful in urging the much-required global financial regulations even though not surprisingly, the conservative political faction is against it.

France – Recommendation on the long overdue closing of corporate tax havens is a step in the right direction.

In fact, the rule of thumb for the global economies dealing with budget deficits is to:

Eliminate redundant expenditure

Differ or limit discretionary spending

Scale back unaffordable commitments like wars, conventional stockpiles and nuclear proliferation not barring extravagant agenda like moon travel more for prominence than purpose.

Revision of tariffs and taxation laws to expand the revenue horizon.

It’s imperative to consider tax increases and close tax evasion loopholes through tax havens.

Spending freeze with tax cuts and synonymously tax increases with skyrocketing expenditure would be oxymoron at any given time.

Emerging Markets viz. BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China):

The salient feature in the group is their ability to focus and invest entirely on the domestic economy.

Unlike the United States and NATO, none of the four nations is currently engaged in active warfare though; cross border tension is permanent with contingent defense forces on the periphery.

Still, the four nations ‘combined defense spending falls short of the exponentially escalating U.S military expenditure appropriated for –

Two overt wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,

A proxy war in Yemen with drones and fighter planes provided to the Yemeni forces,

Over and above the U.S military base situated nationally and overseas.

Poignantly China more than Russia is engaged in the lucrative arms race to Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, North Korea, war torn Africa – Darfur in Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Guinea, Rwanda…

Yet, not competitive enough to the United States in this respect and confirmed by:

The New York Times article By THOM SHANKER – Thank you.

Published: September 6, 2009

Despite Slump, U.S. Role as Top Arms Supplier Grows

“Despite a recession that knocked down global arms sales last year, the United States expanded its role as the world’s leading weapons supplier, increasing its share to more than two-thirds of all foreign armaments deals, according to a new Congressional study.”

Economic Synopsis – By Padmini Arhant

BRIC countries impressive performance is expected to continue with the investor confidence higher in these regions than Europe.

Their view on the U.S domestic job creation as isolationism or protectionism do not bode well since the BRIC nations have adapted the domestic investment policy to expedite economic revival.

The irony is the characterization of the United States and Europe adhering to similar strategies as ‘protectionism.’

It’s noteworthy that Brazil, India and China have benefited from globalization with transnational ventures in their shores.

Such anomalies beckon paradigm shift in the globalization concept among the emerging markets.

Some U.S corporations as the global operators echo the sentiments much to the displaced domestic workforce anguish and disappointment.

They remain oblivious to the facts that the United States being the largest consumer base and a major importer is struggling to contain high unemployment, fragile housing market and credit crunch in the financial sector.

U.S economic recovery is paramount for the global economic stability.

Optimize Technological Applications:

World society is more digitalized than before and technology embedded industry maximize efficient output. Incorporating technology in every imaginable field is the cornerstone for the present and future generation.

Green Technology and Climate Change Policy:

Industrialized countries along with developing nations are grappling to arrive at a consensus on climate change policy.

Fortunately there is tremendous enthusiasm towards green technology and the economic powers are reluctant to make the swift transition by renouncing fossil fuel and nuclear power to natural sources like solar, wind and hydrothermal energy.

The main problem lies with the profit guiding politics by the energy behemoths obstructing the fossil fuel and nuclear technology abandonment against all natural elements for energy production.

Life survival and sustenance on the planet is dependent upon clean air, water and food chain maintenance, not achievable without an aggressive climate change policy.

Hybrid policy targeting carbon emissions through carbon tax and cap & trade is the viable solution from the economic and political standpoint, other than possibly winning bipartisanship in the climate bill legislation in the United States.

Humanitarian Issues:

Water scarcity and inadequate food supply is the global challenge confronting humanity.

Emerging markets favoring globalization have a primary responsibility in addressing the plight of the vast majority in their domain rather than exclusively focused on GDP growth.

The population in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East cannot be ignored by the affluent nations and their $100 billion commitment in economic aid during the G20 meeting reflects meagerness and not eagerness to alleviate suffering on the planet.

Poverty being the reality, the global community can provide to the needy by reining in on personal greed.

Communal development against concentrated growth guarantees a bright future for humanity.

Global progress and prosperity begins with economic equality, social justice and political freedom.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

People’s Republic of China – Domestic and Foreign Policy

February 19, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

There is an inherent danger in the hybrid economies with the state controlled capitalism conspicuous in the Google – China controversy with the hackers in China infiltrating the Gmail user accounts.

Having been threatened by Beijing recently, I can relate to the incident.

Hence my message to Beijing is:

I remain steadfast in my commitment to the humanitarian cause and strongly condemn the Communist nation’s following actions:

Human rights violation against the people of China,

Suppression of democracy

Imprisonment of Chinese dissidents

Failure to curb human trafficking and organ extortion crimes in and from China.

Interference in foreign nations’ visitor protocol – example United States and India.

Harassment of foreign investors in Chinese soil,

Patent law and Copyrights infringement.

Music, Movies and Software piracy.

Currency manipulation to gain export advantage against the United States and the rest of the world.

Arms supply to Africa,

Aiding ethnic cleansing in Sri Lanka,

Promoting tension between Pakistan and India on Kashmir,

Territorial dispute with India and incursion in the northeastern border concerning the Indian state Arunachal Pradesh.

Refusing to acknowledge Taiwan’s sovereignty.

Forging defense and economic partnership with the dictatorial regime, the military Junta in Burma.

Non-cooperation with international community on Iran and North Korea nuclear standoff.

Abuse of the U.N Security Council permanent membership.

Declining support in the global financial regulations on tax havens used by corporations.

Disregard for the COP15 Copenhagen environmental accord.

And the most reprehensible crime against humanity being –

The illegal invasion and occupation of the independent nation – Tibet

Innocent men, women, children and the Buddhist Monks of Tibet subject to tyranny and persecution.

Systemic eradication of Tibetan culture.

Desecration of the Tibetan shrines and the Tibetan Buddhist religion constituting sacrilegious in the highest order.

It’s important for the Chinese leadership to understand that economic prosperity without freedom is analogous to the bird with clipped wings locked in a golden cage.

Sooner than later the caged bird would set itself free as all living species are born to be free.

Individuals with authority fail to understand that no matter how mighty and powerful one might be –

All things must end for a new beginning in compliance with the natural law.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Obama Presidency – State of the Union Address

January 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On the eve of the first State of the Union Address by the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, the media frenzy with opinions and speculations preceding the important event is not uncommon.

President Barack Obama is scheduled to address the nation and the rest of the world about the administration’s efforts and achievements in the past twelve months and the commitments moving forward.

The past week political and legal outcome has created anxiety and genuine concern among the people and some lawmakers in Congress.

Although, the political consultant based in Washington D.C. echoing the ‘K’ street sentiment by presenting oxymoron analogies would like this development downplayed, the truth of the matter is the high court decision embolden the prevalent corporate dominance and enhance the opportunity for the legislators to either remain or return to power regardless of their detrimental performance in public service.

Assailing the facts as ‘hyperventilation,’ a spin that undermines democracy when the elections are swift boated with the Corporations, Unions and religious institutions’ influence, is rather naïve if not ignorant.

Amid dismal forecasting of the Obama Presidency, the rationality beckons a fair analysis of the Obama administration’s accomplishments and errors since their election to the White House.

President Barack Obama was sworn into the office on January 20, 2009.

State of the Economy:

The former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney administration left the White House on January 19, 2009:



Deficit and Debt Increases 2001-2009 … to a total debt of $10.6 trillion as of January 2009. …

For the first time in FY 2008, the U.S. added $1 trillion to the national debt. …

Then bipartisan Congress approved taxpayer spending on two simultaneous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by allocating $1.05 trillion up until September 30, 2010.

Source: http://costofwar.com/

Total cost of wars since 2001 until date – $954 billion and rising

Spending on Iraq war – $704 billion and Afghanistan war – $250 billion

In addition, the Bush-Cheney administration Wall Street bailout that included insurance giant AIG, Mortgage lender Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, major banks and the auto industry in 2008.

Reference: www.padminiarhant.com under Business Category, Date – July 23, 2009

Title –Bush Stimulus Package

Total – $1.557 trillion i.e. $1 trillion and 557 billion dollars.

Source: The United States Labor Department

Unemployment Rate in January 2009 – 7.6 percent with 11.6 million Americans out of work.
Reality Check: By Padmini Arhant

With that being the actual state of affairs, the Obama administration initiative towards jumpstarting the economy was passing a stimulus package to benefit the average Americans and the small businesses worst hit in the economic recession that started in 2002 but acknowledged by the republican members and the Bush administration in December 2007.

Economic Stimulus: $787 billion Passed in February 2009 without any vote from the Senate and a single vote from the House of representative among the Republican minority.

Having previously voted for the Wall Street bailout to AIG and the TARP fund under Bush administration in 2008, the republican members refrained from assisting the American workers and families in the Obama stimulus package in 2009.

Obama Administration Stimulus Funding:

$787 billion economic stimulus package for job creation and tax cuts to help average American workers, families and small businesses.

$275 billion mortgage stimulus program aimed at saving troubled homeowners from foreclosure.

$30 billion bail out to AIG (in addition to the $150 billion Bush administration bailout to the insurance giant in 2008) to avert the conglomerate collapse.

$1 trillion “toxic asset” buyout program designed to get under-water assets off the U.S. banks balance sheets and facilitate the credit flow in the market to help small businesses, first home buyers, home owners refinancing as wells as the medium corporations in retaining jobs.

At the end of March 2009, the Obama Administration gave automakers General Motors and Chrysler another $22 billion in low-interest loans to protect the manufacturing jobs.

In June, the Obama Administration gave General Motors another $30 billion to help them steer through bankruptcy.

Total Obama Stimulus Package – $2.1 trillion dollars – $2 trillion and $144 billion dollars, of that $1 trillion relates to “toxic asset’ program.

It’s noteworthy that the subprime and hedge fund activities accompanied by various Wall Street speculative gambling happened on Bush-Cheney administration and the republican majority watch i.e. 2000-2006 and the recession had already been well under way, even though they refused to take responsibility.

2000 – 2006 the republican members controlled all three branches of the government.

The legislative i.e. both the House and the Senate, The executive, a.k.a. The White House and the judiciary branch.

During that time, the Bush-Cheney Presidency was preoccupied with the wild adventure in Iraq that commenced in 2003 under the pretext of WMD, the weapons of mass destruction that turned out to be Work of Mass Deception.

Again, the Bush-Cheney administration and the republican members were focused on the Halliburton, the oilfield service corporation and its subsidiary, the Kellogg Corporation’s prosperity by neglecting the U.S economy and the brewing global financial crisis.

When the same republican Congress and the Bush administration decided to accept the financial debacle and the economic crisis in December 2007, it’s a year after the democrats gained majority in the House of Congress with the selective news network and the republican members blaming the democrats for the economic crisis.

Shifting attention to the year 2009 -2010, the Obama administration and the democratic Congress passed the necessary legislations to stimulate the economy and devoted much of their time towards the historic health care reform.

President Obama and Democrat Congress Accomplishments:

Economy –

– Salvaged the global financial markets from the brink of collapse,

– Extended unemployment benefits to help families survive the massive layoffs,

– federal tax credits to first home buyers that decelerated the crumbling housing market,

– Stimulus funding generated jobs for the veterans and the green technology projects.

Education and Arts:

Provided College Students relief by shifting the unaffordable student loan payments from the private industry to non-profit organizations.

$787 billion Stimulus Package included –

Federal funding to boost K-12 education supplementing the state budget crisis across the nation.

Federal funding to preserve arts and cultural science.

Health Care Legislation – A phenomenal feat by the democrats in the Congress and the White House, despite the existing resistance from the health care industry to block the legislation.

Poignantly, the milestones in the health care legislation reached without any republican votes in the Senate and again may be with an exception of a single vote from the House of representative.

Average Americans across the nation shared their harrowing experiences from the health care industry abuses and pleaded with their representatives for a universal Medicare and save American lives – approximately 45,000 dying every year due to denial and the lack of health insurance.

Besides, the members of both political parties were well informed on the burgeoning health care costs contributing to the national deficit, an issue that has been squarely attributed to the democrats by the republican members while forgetting their own legacy to the American taxpayers, the accumulated $10.6 trillion, the wars, bailouts…cited above.

Energy and Environment:

The Copenhagen summit in December 2009 is a huge disappointment.

Nevertheless, there is an opportunity in the remaining term to accomplish the desirable goals.

President Barack Obama’s domestic environmental actions surpass the expectations in the first year.

Source: Environmental Policy – San Jose Mercury News, January 19, 2010 – By Paul Rogers

“The economy, war and health care are dominating discussions about what he has or hasn’t accomplished.

Yet with little notice from the public, Obama has been steadily rewriting a major area of American policy – the environment – from global warming to gas mileage rules, logging to endangered species.

Many of his initiatives have particular impact on California.

Obama on the Environment:

Increased gas mileage standards for cars and light trucks 40 percent, to 35 mpg by 2016.

Signed a bill establishing 2.1 million new acres of federally protected wilderness, the largest such bill since President Bill Clinton signed the Desert Protection Act in 1994.

The bill bans logging, mining and road building on federal forests and deserts in nine states, including portions of Joshua tree and Sequoia national parks and ancient bristlecone pine forests in the eastern Sierra.

Announced tougher new national smog standards from the EPA this month i.e. January 2010.
Issued EPA rules requiring large U.S. ships to cut soot emissions by 85 percent.

Blocked Bush administration rules on offshore drilling and endangered species protections.

Begun a process in December in which the Environmental Protection Agency will, for the first time, restrict the amount of greenhouse gases industry can release.

Directed more than $50 billion in funding and tax credits for renewable energy projects.

“This is by far the best first year on the environment of any president in history, including Teddy Roosevelt,” said Carl Pope, national executive director of the Sierra Club, in San Francisco.

“Most presidents have done their best environmental work late in their term. This is very very strong opening.”

Democratic Congress and White House Administration errors requiring correction:

Domestic Policy: By Padmini Arhant

Passing legislations in the partisan atmosphere is a daunting task in itself.

Both the White House and the democratic Congress have not been meticulous in the policy implementations such as,

Banks bailout approval without any stipulations.

Oversight and accountability on the stimulus funding slighted by the financial industry.

Failure to reserve actions against banks’ non-compliance in easing the liquidity crisis and the housing market revival.

Resisting pork barrel or earmarks in the stimulus funding to negate the opposition and the selective media hypocrisy.

Recruiting the faulty economic team otherwise known as the Wall Street oligarchy –

The Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the economic adviser Larry Summers and now backing the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke for a second term, much against the main street protest is a tremendous political liability.

Further, the team members were the head of the respective institutions that led the economy to a near free fall and arguably viewed by the general public as the lobbyists for the financial sector.

Job creation and protection – It’s been slow irrespective of the stimulus programs and is the primary cause for losing the recent elections.

It could be recovered by offering tax cuts to deserving corporations preserving jobs as opposed to exporting jobs overseas.

Incentivizing manufacturing sector by reviewing trade and commerce law.

Embracing protectionism over globalization is necessary to promote domestic jobs, thereby confirming the White House and Congress priority for the American people over the overseas financier, China.

Regulations and reform in the finance, health care and energy sector is paramount for the present survival and future growth.

Foreign Policy: By Padmini Arhant

Haiti disaster fund $100 million by the administration is commendable but news reports regarding the U.S military presence overwhelming the rescue and relief operation was alarming.

Remarkable improvement in the U.S. and Russian relationship particularly in the dialogue related to conventional stockpiles and nuclear arsenal reduction treaty.

The 64th U.N General Assembly session in September 2009 – Smart approach to discuss nuclear non-proliferation even though nuclear disarmament is the ideal path towards global peace and security.

G-20 meeting in April and September 2009 was a success and progress dependent on pending U.S financial reform.

April 2009 – $1 Trillion Stimulus Package – G-20 World Leaders Stimulus

The leaders of the 20 most powerful countries in the world (representing 85% of global economic production) convened in London and agreed to $1 trillion in economic stimulus funds, as well as tighter global financial regulations.

Environmental – COP15, Copenhagen Summit – A failure.

There is hope to realize the environmental scope in the 2010 and future global summits. The environmental pursuit must begin with the U.S climate bill legislation to gain credibility in the international forum.

Domestic issues like economy, health care, debates surrounding the troops increase in Afghanistan and national security have consumed most part of the 2009 and overshadowed the prominent world crises.

Pakistan – Financial aid to advance socio-economic development is a positive step as long as the funds are invested to alleviate the population plight and educate the children in the rural and urban areas. Drone attacks have caused many civilian casualties justifiably triggering anger and frustration among the local victims.

Military aid and the deployment of the private mercenary viz. The Blackwater a.k.a.Xe Services LLC and alike to eliminate the terror networks is a contentious issue to be discussed in length later.

India and Pakistan – The United States’ position to disassociate from the talks reveals political expediency.

Iranian crackdown of the democracy movement and defiance in the nuclear program – A cautious reaction and response by the United States arousing passion among the allies and the adversaries.

Worsening Israeli and Palestinian conflict – Jewish settlements, blockade and occupation continue to derail peace prospects and fomented by the United States adherence to the prior administration’s foreign policy.

The controversial three-dimensional wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen via military and intelligence intervention will be elaborated in the later segments.

Containing the saber rattling – North Korea launching missiles, a tradition maintained since the former Bush-Cheney administration. Multilateral talks are vital to curb North Korean President Kim Jong Il’s erratic behavior.

Postponing the meeting with his Holiness Dalai Lama and accepting illegal invasion and occupation of Tibet as part of China in an effort to appease the major creditor – A diplomatic trend serving none and blatantly condones oppression, a diametric stance for the world’s first democracy.

Honduran Military Coup – A setback reflecting the flagrant U.S foreign policy towards Latin America complicated by the republican members’ rendezvous with the military coup leader Roberto Micheletti.

Darfur Genocide – President Obama’s interference was refreshing and requires intense pressure on the Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to end the massacre entirely.

Burma – The Burmese junta extending the pro-democracy leader, Aung san suu kyi’s house arrest and exploiting the forthcoming election with false declaration to release the leader by November 2010 is bound to attract international interest.

Unrest in Sub-Saharan Africa – Guinea – The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appropriately condemned the violence and the message should resonate in other parts of the world for the United States to be received as the reliable negotiator in peace process.


Performance Assessment and Future Role: By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama and the democratic Congress have demonstrated leadership in dealing with the humongous challenges inherited from the previous administration on the economy, war, national security and neglected issues pertaining to human life i.e. health care and environment.

Regrettably, the White House and the democrat Congress have not utilized the political capital earned from the historic election and the weaning public support especially among the independent voters stems from the promised ‘Change,’ not being delivered with Wall Street reining control over Washington and the substantial bailouts not producing the anticipated economic recovery.

Other factors like transparency and accountability are perceived to be in coherence with the earlier administration’s discreet policy, avoiding the free press and media, thus providing fodder for the critics.

In foreign policy and war on terror – The administration policy is viewed as Bush-Cheney policy in the international main street specifically in the most vulnerable regions of the world.

President Barack Obama seeking bipartisanship with a cabinet offer to the Republican Senator, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire to serve as the U.S Commerce Secretary was turned down.

Similarly, the White House invitation to the republican members for their input in the economic stimulus went stone deaf with criticisms volleyed against the President and the democrats for the economic stimulus package.

The President and the democrats’ bipartisan outreach have been futile, for they are doomed either way among the republican members who can’t find any common ground to agree upon any proposal.

In light of the status quo, the Congress members are obligatory to the American electorate rather than their colleagues in the House and the Senate or the Wall Street.

Creating jobs and restoring confidence among the consumers, investors and taxpayers is the inevitable victory against any form of opposition.

Negative attacks and distortions will persist. Maintaining a strong disposition and determination to succeed are the key characteristics when facing obstacles on the path.

Moving diligently with the legislations on financial reform, health care with a public option and concentrating on the climate bill will prove the inherent courage in the Presidency and Congress members to fight for the people and the nation.

Ultimately, in a democracy the power lies with the people as voters, consumers, taxpayers and shareholders.

Among the members in the society – Effectively, it’s better for different groups supporting a common cause to pool resources and present them as one voice against any powerful force during the elections and legislations.

For instance, the various environmental organizations should consolidate ideas and act together to defeat the industrial threat to the planet.

Likewise, the average citizens should join together as a resilient force to represent democracy during elections, and rally behind the President and the party that is dedicated to the public and not the private or personal interest.

The United States has a unique opportunity to rebound in all aspects and emerge from the present crises under the leadership of President Barack Obama and the democratic Congress.

People have endured and overcome many upheavals in the ‘Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, the United States.

President Barack Obama brought hope to many in this country and around the world in 2008.

People are the only ones who can bring about the ‘Change,’ they desire by electing the officials and the President who are willing to undertake political risks and protect the people’s rights in a democracy.

“Yes We Can,” did it in 2008 and “Yes We Will,” should elect the doers, the democrats to office in 2010 to complete the work began in 2009, the economy and health care…

I wish President Barack Obama and Congress members of both parties success in the legislative matter concerning “We the People.”

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Misplaced Diplomacy – His Holiness Dalai Lama’s Visit to Washington

October 8, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama is one of the favorite guests for the people around the world. The spiritual leader is a personification of peace, joy and immense hope for the people of Tibet and an overwhelming majority in the international community.

His Holiness’ visit has been anything except controversial in any part of the world, despite the authority in China politicizing the spiritual leader’s visit to deflect the horrendous humanitarian crime against the peaceful Tibetan population not barring the suppression of democracy in the Mainland and ethnic provinces of China.

According to the news reports, Washington has differed the meeting with his holiness as a precautionary measure due to the impending visit by the President of the United States to China and the possible ramifications on the Chinese leadership cooperation or the lack thereof in the economic and environment policy, notwithstanding the contentious Iranian nuclear negotiations.

All the more reason for the urgent expansion of the United Nations Security Council that holds the globally persecuted population hostage to camouflage the atrocities against humanity.

The White House elected option in this context is extremely disappointing considering the democratic status and the tradition followed with respect to receiving guests from diverse backgrounds to promote diplomacy unless the entity is a threat to national or international security…

There appears to be a mistaken identity. The regime in China should realize that the guest denied honorable reception to appease them is not Osama, but instead the diametrically opposite being, the Dalai Lama and Beijing’s implied deliberations on the important global matter suggests the implicit spread of the world’s most fearsome ‘Communist’ rule by proxy against even the firmly democratic United States and other nations.

Interestingly, China’s neighbor and the obvious thorn on their side, Taiwan was threatened by the Communist regime stating the protocol as provocative during the holiness recent visit to the island nation. However, the Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou let diplomacy override the political shenanigan from Beijing.

As detailed earlier in the blogpost on this website –” People’s Republic of China – The Deadly Dragon” published on 08/13/2009, letting the Communist regime dictate terms and conditions to the nations regardless of stature is a dangerous precedence and inflates the hubris of the authority responsible for the most genocides worldwide.

The irony is, the repressive regime reining in on the economic power through tactical investment in U.S. Treasury notes while dumping goods on the U.S. consumers thereby enslaving the ‘Superpower’ to the point of no return. Meanwhile, the Communist nation engaged in worst humanitarian crimes in history remains a mere spectacle dissipating into a fading memory.

The International Court of Justice as the UN judiciary has diligently held trials against the perpetrators of human atrocities until date. Similarly, the International criminal court, a permanent tribunal potentially has global jurisdiction on war crimes to genocides and other massacres. Yet, the two most internationally dependent judicial systems are oblivious to the regime’s historical brutality towards humans across the globe.

The heinous crimes among them are – the systemic abuse of the Tibetan population and desecration of the holy shrines including the enriched Tibetan culture.

Subsequently, the Tiananmen massacre in worldview, Darfur genocide, Sri Lankan Government ethnic cleansing and now the mass killings of the people of Guinea, West Africa by the military dictator has Beijing’s footprints i.e. trademarks as the chief supplier of the conventional deadly arsenals to these impoverished regions.

North Korea, Pakistan and Iran are in the MFN (Most Favored Nation) category for the Communist nation in the prolific arms race.

Notably in Darfur, the authoritarian rule violating the self sanctioned UN arms embargo as the permanent member of the UN Security council is the absolute defiance for the international rule of law by the regime, essentially delivering the present P5 UN Security Council irrelevant, if not a laughing stock to say the least.

In light of the continuous denouncement by Beijing towards his holiness’ visit to any nations for a spiritual and educational purpose or otherwise, it’s imperative for the UN General assembly to condemn the dictatorial regime and act vigorously by demanding the dissolution of the UN Security Council with members violating their resolutions for political and economic gains.

The present UN Security Council has emboldened the rogue nations with the leadership of China as the Chieftain successfully enabling the holocausts around the world particularly the oppressed Tibet in the Himalayan foothills.

China had no business to invade Tibet before and has no reason to occupy the region now. Therefore, it’s in the best interest of the Chinese regime to heed to the prophetic warning and prepare for Tibet’s inevitable independence and not the autonomy as pleaded by the spiritual leader, Dalai Lama.

The Tibetan population deserves freedom and democracy through self-governance and not be subject to a diabolical rule in the twenty first century. This is not the Genghis Khan or Kublai Khan era for annexations and the international authorities cannot ignore the extreme human suffering under the past and the present Communist dictatorship.

Lack of action to bring the Chinese leadership to justice is complicity to the human annihilation in the worst order leaving a violent legacy for the future world.

As for China, holding the U.S. trillion dollar debt and defying the climate issue will be self-detrimental. Any willful harm to the world’s largest consumer base, the U.S. economy is an economic disaster for the global warehouse, China interdependent on the U.S. performance to sustain the presumptuous ‘emerging economic’ position in the global market. Even if China threatens to discard the U.S. currency, it would be fatal for the Chinese economic prospects given the volatility in the other international currency such as Euro resisting the precipitous rise, taking toll on the export nations like Germany.

Non-compliance to the environmental requirement is an invitation to the calamities continually experienced in several parts of China ranging from the earthquake, floods and typhoons that no longer constitutes a natural act.

With respect to the Iranian nuclear negotiations, it should be clear from the horrific evidence in Sudan (Darfur), North Korea and Burma that Beijing’s commitment to world peace and order is to be taken with a grain of salt because of the back alley trading and cohesion to the belligerent leaderships in these regions, conforming with the belief,

Birds of a feather flock together.

Besides, the present UN Security Council will be unable to deter Beijing from trading with Iran. China’s huge investments in the oil refineries, the hindering factor for Iran from becoming the leading crude oil exporter is in the elimination process through Beijing’s extensive involvement with Iran to satisfy the oil quest from the economic growth.

The only alternative to contain the recalcitrant Beijing is to expand the UN Security Council from P5 to P11 and introduce credibility to the UN authority governing the global crisis.

Throughout history, the communist leadership in China has demonstrated a disturbing and an untrustworthy relationship with its neighbors and other economies to achieve the long desired ‘Superpower’ goal. The mounting betrayal to humanity is a tip of the iceberg.

The U.S. subservience to China is a regrettable trend reflected in Beijing’s unethical demands to the American investors e.g. Google barred from competing in China on bizarre accounts and the mandatory regulation for technology sector to market PCs with built-in filters to curb free speech… are a few of the unscrupulous practices in the Far-Eastern ethos. Free and fairness is oxymoron to the regime.

The White House obliging to Beijing’s unnecessary intervention in diplomatic course with individuals and nations warrants a serious threat to the U.S sovereignty previously undermined by the espionage charges against Beijing’s agents and the recent alleged spying via telecommunication cables.

It’s time for the world population to come together and reject the totalitarian regime in China wreaking havoc not only in its own soil but also for the entire humanity. Since the democratically elected governments are reluctant to challenge the regime, pursuing peaceful and non-violent dissent against injustice is symbolic and a guaranteed success for liberation proven in the twentieth century.

Another effective strategy for the world population is to invest in other economies deserving equal opportunity to economic freedom.

The White House misplaced diplomacy against the spiritual leader might be an interim false victory for Beijing. Nevertheless, the ancient wisdom confirms that the end is near when the mind is unclear revealed through Beijing’s double-crossing in the domestic and international affairs.

Tibet was once a free spiritual sanctuary and destined to be so in the immediate future. Only time will prove the certain outcome for the pious and peace-loving Tibetan population.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The 64th Session of the UN General Assembly and G-20 Summit

September 25, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Welcome to the forum on the important global gathering of nations to discuss the issues confronting the international community at large.

A humble request to all visitors to the website https://www.padminiarhant.com to take a moment and view the featured videos that speaks volume of the serious humanitarian crisis in hand. As we all know that pictures are worth thousand words and a confirmation of the reality.

Again, the visuals may not be appropriate for all, given the graphic content. The dire situations in these parts of the world beckon the worldwide condemnation and put an end to these atrocities against humanity and bring the perpetrators irrespective of stature to justice as an evidence there is still hope for goodness to prevail in the ever deteriorating immoral world.

Please remember silence is the worst act of crime.

The general debate by the United Nations began early this week with President Barack Obama addressing the General Assembly for the first time since elected to the office of Presidency. The debate continued then onwards with the address by the undemocratically nominated authorities like the Islamic Republic of Iran and The Great Socialist People’s Libya…

The UN Security Council Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty was the highlight of the UN session. The objective of this particular conference was aimed at bringing the States that have not yet agreed to or ratified the treaty for the Non-Proliferation Treaty to come into effect.

Another attention worthy factor is “the Conference effort to bring together representatives of ratifying States, States Signatories, and States that have not yet signed or ratified the Treaty. They will examine how hold-out States can be brought in to sign and ratify the Treaty for it to come into effect.”

What’s also missing in the effort is to have the covert states like the State of Israel, Iran and North Korea to declare their nuclear capability and quantity to determine the dangers of unaccounted nuclear stockpiles by these nations.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapons_testing – Thank you.

• Soviet Union: 715 tests (involving 969 devices) by official count,[3] most at Semipalatinsk Test Site and Novaya Zemlya, and a few more at various sites in Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine.

• France: 210 tests by official count (50 atmospheric, 160 underground[4]), 4 atomic atmospheric tests at C.E.S.M. near Reggane, 13 atomic underground tests at C.E.M.O. near In Ekker in the then-French Algerian Sahara, and nuclear atmospheric tests at Fangataufa and nuclear undersea tests Moruroa in French Polynesia. Additional atomic and chemical warfare tests took place in the secret base B2-Namous, near Ben Wenif, other tests involving rockets and missiles at C.I.E.E.S, near Hammaguir, both in the Sahara.

• United Kingdom: 45 tests (21 in Australian territory, including 9 in mainland South Australia at Maralinga and Emu Field, some at Christmas Island in the Pacific Ocean, plus many others in the U.S. as part of joint test series)[5]

In 1963, all nuclear and many non-nuclear states signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty, pledging to refrain from testing nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, underwater, or in outer space. The treaty permitted underground nuclear testing. France continued atmospheric testing until 1974, while China continued up until 1980.

The last underground test by the United States was in 1992, the Soviet Union in 1990, the United Kingdom in 1991, and both France and China continued testing until 1996. After adopting the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty in 1996, all of these states have pledged to discontinue all nuclear testing. Non-signatories India and Pakistan last tested nuclear weapons in 1998.

The most recent nuclear test was announced by North Korea on May 25, 2009.

There have been many attempts to limit the number and size of nuclear tests; the most far-reaching was the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty of 1996, which was not ratified by the United States.

Nuclear testing has since become a controversial issue in the United States, with a number of politicians saying that future testing might be necessary to maintain the aging warheads from the Cold War. Because nuclear testing is seen as furthering nuclear arms development, many are also opposed to future testing as an acceleration of the arms race.”


True Perspective: By Padmini Arhant

In light of the real scenario, it is incumbent on the nuclear powers to follow through what they are prescribing for others in the most contentious issue of WMD that is by far the significant threat to global security in the twenty first century.

The irony behind such ambition is the key members enforcing the ban have not either ratified the treaty solemnly or themselves violated the pledge on numerous occasions with the continual nuclear testing by some not necessarily in their own backyard. Further, the meeting agenda was to move towards a nuclear free world, a phenomenal shift from the past that considered such notion to be naïve and a far-fetched principle in the prolific nuclear and conventional arms race era.

It is also important for the states in possession of nuclear arsenal but not admittedly so like the State of Israel to become the signatory and the rattling sabers like Iran and North Korea to abandon their nuclear status.

Such measure is necessary to ensure the credibility of the authorities exclusively focused on cornering the overt nuclear states unwilling to ratify the NPT on these moral grounds. There are clearly double standards by the twentieth century imperial powers in their dealings on most issues not to mention their reluctance to embrace the new world development and requirements.

Naturally, the dominant nuclear powers’ isolated targeting of the confirmed nuclear states to ratify the NPT is perceived by the respective populations as hypocritical to say the least.

Moving on to other matter pertinent to the UN General Assembly meeting is –

The absolute necessity for the expansion of the present Security Council, conspicuously discarded by the members with the exception of France willing to acknowledge the new memberships with a veto power that were listed earlier on such as Brazil, Japan, India, Germany, South Africa and UAE (The United Arab Emirates).

The existing Security Council performance thus far in most global issues have been a dismal failure due to discord among the member nations and mistrust by the international community, especially with the P5 inadequately measuring up to the global decision making essential to resolve complex international issues.

Unless and until a legitimate resolution to expand the Security Council is carried out in this session, any other proposals regardless of its magnitude are irrelevant, as it would signify the P5 resilience to conform to the rapidly changing global environment besides posing a major impediment for any international progress on all issues.

There are many urgent international crisis deserving the assembled world leaders attention and action.

They range from political, economic, energy, education, humanitarian issues related to women, children and exploited labor, global pandemic and epidemic problems, environment to international security.

Although, the heads of the government from different parts of the world command the center stage with speeches that resonates the sentiments of the regions they represent, the nexus of the meeting relies on the earnest commitment towards international peace, progress and prosperity.

Unfortunately, the nations fail to recognize the individual liabilities accumulated on their part towards their own population in denying them democracy, free and fair elections, equal rights to women, trustworthy regional and global trade partnerships, cross border relationships extending to the other international area and last but not the least respect for the humanitarian laws.

The UN General Assembly in the twenty first century should no longer be the diplomatic congregation dedicated to rhetoric and abstinent in concrete actions. The unique opportunity must be utilized to the full potential by all nations to consolidate ideas and strategies in promoting regional and world peace possible upon addressing the few of the many burgeoning crisis.

The first and foremost – Freedom and Democracy in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iran and other parts of the Middle East, Tibet, Mainland and ethnic provinces in China, Burma, North Korea,

Emancipation of ethnic Tamils from the brutal genocide in Sri Lanka, Civil liberties in war ravaged Africa,

Restoration of democratic rule in Honduras and other parts of Latin America and,

Law and order in nuclear Pakistan to list a few as the priorities among the world political crisis.

The G-20 Summit: BY Padmini Arhant

With respect to the G-20 summit, the selective nations view should encompass the rest of the world dependent on the elitists’ economic policies and environmental decisions interrelated to eliminate poverty in the impoverished regions of Africa, Latin America, Asia, notwithstanding the unemployment plight among the middle and lower income groups in the Western world.

Whether or not the summit involves the global economic challenges including the environmental issues, the consensus should be to provide pragmatic solutions to the entire world through reform and restructuring of the different economic and world agencies such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, WTO, ILO (International Labor Organization) and review of the G-20 role in the economic recovery plan.

In this aspect, the anomalies in the trade surpluses and deficits between economic powers must be effectively resolved for global benefits rather than the personal gains of the premier membership committee.

There is enormous work required to combat the global economic woes having a ripple effect as seen in the finance sector, housing market, international trade, manufacturing demanding desperate regulations to avert catastrophes in the future.

In the environmental front, the universal green revolution is paramount for lasting life sustenance on the planet. The United States energy and environmental policy in leading the G-20 nations is vital to achieve the targeted environmental goals.

Various economic treaties between nations due for a thorough review and evaluation at the summit to improve the labor laws, ethics and industrial obligations essential to expedite the sluggish global economy and contain the environmental degradation.

Finally, the UN General Assembly and the G-20 summit are worthwhile with the global community engaged in harmony rather than acrimony to confront the humanitarian crises at all levels for the universal cause.

On that note, every United Nations and G-20 member visit as well as the non-member nations’ participation is appreciated not barring their interest and contribution to the myriad of international achievements thus far.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. The featured videos contain graphic content that may not be suitable for all.

International Affairs

September 19, 2009

BY Padmini Arhant

Japan’s General Election

Congratulations! to the DPJ (Democratic Party of Japan) leader, and the recently sworn in Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama of Japan.

The DPJ’s landslide victory in the general election held on August 30, 2009 is an auspicious beginning for the land of the rising sun in breaking the long political tradition held with the LDP, the Liberal Democratic Party due to its failure on both the political stability and economic growth.

Japan‘s economic revival is crucial for the global economy and the new administration’s economic policy to stimulate the national economy is yet to be presented. The new government’s effort to address the social-economic issue in the agriculture and manufacturing is progressive. Nevertheless, Japan being one of the largest Capital economy and having suffered major setbacks in the finance sector shares the common economic woes i.e. the economic contraction and a relatively higher unemployment rate.

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama’s political strategy to clean up the familiar bureaucratic ties between the government and the private sector largely responsible for the lack of accountability factor experienced in market economies bolstered the opportunity to win the general election.

The new Prime Minister’s vision for Japan is promising and utilizing the substantial political capital is vital for the expected economic recovery besides being relevant in addressing the universal matters viz. energy, environment and peace.

In terms of the persistent threat from the North Korean leadership, the Japanese population concerns against national security are justified. It leads towards the urgency to expand the United Nations Security Council’s permanent membership as suggested earlier from P5 to P11 during the general debate scheduled later this week at the 64th session of the U.N. General Assembly in New York. The measure is prudent to contain the lingering dangers on international security with nuclear proliferation, global terrorism and escalation of wars in the vulnerable regions.

Further, the United Nation Security Council expansion will provide additional leaderships required to confront the global requirements that are not limited to the economy. Such action is a step in the right direction and yields flexibility in resolving multitude international issues presently differed due to the lack of necessary support from within the existing memberships.

On that note, Best Wishes offered to the new Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama for a successful term and even more prosperous Japan.

From: Padmini Arhant

Re-Election of the European Union President

Congratulations! to the President José Manuel Barroso initially representing the Portuguese Republic on the re-election to the EU Commission.

The appointment of José Manuel Barroso as President of the European Commission for the second five-year term signifies the Commission President’s popularity and confidence in the center-right leadership among the EU members.

Hopefully, the drive to center-right agenda apart from the European political integration will also include accountability, trade partnerships with the other EU members and the outside world, notwithstanding the social, peaceful and democratic policies essential for the invitees’ lateral advancement in the united Europe.

Although, the EU President Barroso welcoming other nations to become EU members is honorable, the eastern bloc countries like the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and others in that region deserve equal attention and opportunity in trade relationships, economic ties, political stability and regional security to ensure each and every nation’s significance in the world performance.

President Barroso’s invitation to nations all over Europe to join the European Union is a magnanimous gesture and a symbolic movement to solidify Europe, an important ally to the rest of the world.

Since the formation of the European Union, the EU progress has been substantial in all major fronts from the regional economy, the environment to the cross border security in the least respect. Given the EU potential in different dynamics, its full-fledged participation for global peace and economic prosperity is pertinent to expedite the positive transformation in the impoverished regions of the world.

The European Union together with the United States and other economic powers in Asia and Latin America can consolidate efforts, work towards the common goal of improving the lives of millions living below the poverty line, and assist the vast population deprived of freedom and basic human rights.

Even though, the NATO involvement in Afghanistan in spite of considerable casualties is praiseworthy, the present disproportionate economic and defense burden on the United States to restore law and order, otherwise normalcy in Afghanistan could be equally shared by all EU members not in a combative format, but rather through logistic support and financial aid to the war ravaged Afghanistan.

However, the EU role in the current controversial Afghan election has been tremendous and the findings reflect the fair and non-partisan decision by the panel conforming to the United Nations and other international political watchdog groups’ report on the election outcome.

The latest report on the Europe’s economic recovery is refreshing despite the gloomy global unemployment forecast rising from 8.6% to a possible 10% in the immediate future. In addition, the strengthening of the Euro currency against the U.S. dollar has exacerbated the problems for export-oriented nations like Germany, France and Italy in the large-scale production of consumer goods and other demands. A robust stimulus economic policy addressing the synonymous issues faced by the United States in the financial, housing and manufacturing sectors should resuscitate the ailing components in the economy.

Finally, Europe’s solidarity shared with the remaining global members would ease the economic costs and increase the viability in meeting the enormous challenges for humanity.

I wish the European Union peace and success in all endeavors to benefit mankind.

Thank you.

Padmini “Arhant

Reconfiguration of the U.N.Security Council

August 9, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” – simple yet meaningful creation by the renowned American Poet – Robert Lee Frost.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Only if the authorities in power – the corporations and the governments alike, in the contemporary world honor the commitment to their people and prioritize the promise to the general population over personal quest for profit, privilege, prestige and politics,

Perhaps, it might be possible to wipe out the global problems such as poverty, disease and war polluting the planet and restore the deep, dark and lovely woods that once used to be the nature’s paradise.

The past week event involving the release of two American journalists – Laura Ling and Euna Lee through high profile diplomacy aided with the former President Bill Clinton’s visit is a confirmation that communication and dialogue can be effective in resolving international crisis.

Congratulations! to President Bill Clinton on the job well done and the American citizens Laura Ling and Euna Lee on the reunion with their respective families. The former Presidents’ expertise and popularity always remains a valuable asset to the nation and the international community.

The world is not a safe place than it was before. In fact, in the nuclear era and arms proliferation – the trading of conventional and modern weaponry particularly the nuclear arsenal is a major threat to global security. It’s not the question of who’s entitled to the possession of new age weapons of mass destruction gauged by the threats materializing into action and the responsible vs. irresponsible nuclear ownership etc.

Whenever there is a hierarchy in terms of quantity and superiority, it foments a possibility for back channel arms race or illicit exchange of the nuclear technology as it is prevalent now. It’s relevant to the recently intercepted cargo shipment allegedly containing nuclear materials from North Korea to yet another brutal regime Burma.

Even though, the recent agreement between the United States and Russia in the arms reduction including the non-proliferation of nuclear warheads is significant due to President Obama’s strategy, the desire among other nations like North Korea and Iran to be a nuclear power is symbolic not to mention the defiance towards the Superpower and the United Nations.

The present volatility in international security stems from the lack of trust and cooperation among the major players in control of the world security and economic prosperity and their undue dominance for five decades yielding the status quo counter-productive. The focus is directly on the United Nations Security Council permanent membership.

U.N.Security Council originally set up with the five nations permanent membership following the major world wars I and II in identification of the role and economic status then, does not synchronize with the present reality.

Besides the poor achievements or the lack thereof on global fronts i.e. economic, political and environmental issues by the exclusive body, the obvious polarization within the P5 or the permanent membership club has been detrimental for the world security and prosperity.

The P5 has demonstrated politics more than delivering solutions on many international crises rendering the United Nations most important component redundant and controversial. The council’s inability in arriving at a consensus on crucial international matters due to predictable action by members exhibiting economic and political clout is strongly indicative of its impotence in the decision making process.

Much to the frustration and disappointment of other big and small nations, the P5 management of genuine global catastrophes ranging from nuclear containment or disarmament to alleviating poverty, hunger and disease has been a miserable failure. Any positive results in the latter attributable to the relentless work by the non-governmental and non-profit organizations funded through private endowments and caring international groups.

Again, not all P5 members meet the criteria primarily based on economic status given the conspicuous shift in the current world economic dynamics. Notwithstanding, the precipitous decline of P5 performance in hosts of issues particularly with respect to North Korea, Iran, Burma and other despot leaderships around the world, unequivocally requiring the urgent expansion of the Security Council from P5 to P11.

Further, the ‘so-called’ P5 and Plus in reference to the western ally Germany as a defacto member of the U.N.Security Council regarded hypocritical by the deserving and true economic powers seeking permanent membership for years only to be declined noting obvious reasons reminiscent of the twentieth century imperialism not in concurrence with the new millennium geo-economic and political setting.

P5’s likely opposition and reluctance to the proposal possibly viewed as a monopoly of the power, thereby unnecessarily creating opportunities for aptly qualified potential members to seek alternatives undermining the P5 course of action in the regional and worldwide issues.

Apart from the Security Council permanent membership enlargement, the U.N. Preamble is due for review and modification in the permanent members’ tenure depending on the member track record to world peace, progress and prosperity. Otherwise, the U.N. Security Council permanent membership no longer set in stones as a guaranteed life-long privilege for the perceived presumptuous players despite them abdicating responsibilities, and voting rights abuse on global matter witnessed until date.

To reiterate, under the new structure, the permanent membership will be strictly merit based and humanitarian objectives attained collectively from the individual member contribution. Non-cooperative members on universal cause viz. defense programs and warfare, environment…disqualified and replaced with other aspirants subject to eligibility conditions.

In light of the true perspective, the new members to the imminent expanded P11 Security council, in addition to the existing ones – United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia and China are:

Brazil, Japan, India, South Africa, Germany and UAE (United Arab Emirates) assuming functions of the permanent council members in the leadership role for the respective regions reflecting diligence and fair representation anchored on promoting regional trade, security, economic prosperity, cultural exchange and eventually nuclear disarmament.

The inevitable expansion in addition to the prevailing U.N. temporary membership on roster allowing other U.N. members to participate in the international resolution to global issues is the only and concrete remedy for the burgeoning arms deal, human rights violation, illegal occupation of lands, economic disparities, natural disasters and last but not the least global warming.

As stated above, the five members council neither adequately represents nor addresses the growing demands by the rest of the world in terms of political, economic, energy, social, cultural, and environmental challenges.

Therefore, it is incumbent on the United Nations to pursue the proposal set forth for immediate reorganization of the Security Council irrespective of the five members dissent or approval in accordance with the new world order.

Reconfiguration of the Security Council would provide positive outcome with majority voting
in favor of curbing international threats and terrorism, nuclear non-proliferation leading to disarmament by all nations, economic prospects, and political stability by liberating occupied lands as well as containing if not eliminating miseries in the impoverished regions of the world.

The recommended action targeted towards power and responsibility sharing among other economic and democratic/progressive nations rather than the continuation of twentieth century dominance proven ineffective in advancing the humanitarian rights and goals.

Finally, Congratulations are in order for the new member nations to the Security Council –

Brazil, Japan, India, South Africa, Germany and UAE (United Arab Emirates)

Appropriately representing the continents/regions considering their contributions to the world economic, political and international security.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

National Security Act – Torture

May 6, 2009

By Padmini Arhant


The nation riddled with recent events pertaining to national security.  In the past few weeks, there have been vigorous debates and discussions on the release of the torture memos describing the torture tactics applied on the speculative terror suspects in Guantanamo Bay and those held in Bagram Prison, Afghanistan.

There are polarizing views regarding the release of these materials claiming the potential threat to national security including the CIA and FBI operatives’ difficulty in performing their duties to keep the country safe.  Those in favor of transparency welcome the Obama administration’s gesture subject to further course of action. Merely releasing the materials will not suffice considering the misuse of power and gross violation of humanitarian laws.

In addition, the subsequent argument on the possible prosecution of the individuals responsible for torture against the Geneva Convention contributing yet another dilemma in the definition of torture and accountability factor.  Obviously, the predecessors’ supporters vehemently oppose the entire action thus far – from revealing the information to investigation.

The Obama administration‘s ambiguity on the humanitarian issue perceived as the White House conspicuously avoiding ‘retribution’ smear and possible distraction from the legislative matters like the universal health care.   Meanwhile, concerned citizens intrigued by the extreme strategy implemented to justify the imminent danger hypothesis, a constant practice by the previous administration notably the successful fear-mongering tactic during and after the Iraq invasion and occupation.

A full disclosure of the interrogation techniques particularly the notorious water boarding , ill-treatment and the indefinite imprisonment of the ‘so-called suspects’ in these captive centers confirm the serious violation of International Code namely the rejection of GCIII and Habeas Corpus.

It is important to examine the exact interpretation of the International laws set up for guidance and ethical purpose.  Further, the enforcement of these laws is to ensure precisely the state/the authorities remain confined to the jurisdiction of power against unarmed human beings in detention.

Source: The Wikipedia.org (The Free encyclopedia) – Thanks

The Third Geneva Convention of 1949 (abbreviated GCIII or GPW) , one of the Geneva Conventions, is a treaty agreement that primarily concerns the treatment of prisoners of war (POWs), and also touched on other topics. It replaced the Geneva Convention (1929).

According to Article 3, Part 1, General Provisions referred to as ‘Convention in miniature,’

“Noncombatants, combatants who have laid down their arms, and combatants who are hors de combat (out of the fight) due to wounds, detention, or any other cause shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, including prohibition of outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment.

The passing of sentences must also be pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees, which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.  Article 3’s protections exist even if one is not classified as a prisoner of war.”

Habeas corpus (IPA: /ˌheɪbiːæsˈkɔːpəs/) (Latin: You (shall) have the body[1]) is a legal action, or writ, through which a person can seek relief from the unlawful detention of him or herself, or of another person.  It protects the individual from harming him or herself, or from being harmed by the judicial system.  The writ of habeas corpus has historically been an important instrument for the safeguarding of individual freedom against arbitrary state action.

Simply put,

Habeas corpus, a legal action through which a person can seek relief from unlawful detention.

The due process for such petitions is not simply civil or criminal, because they incorporate the presumption of nonauthority.  The official who is the respondent has the burden to prove his authority to do or not do something.  Failing this, the court must decide for the petitioner, who may be any person, not just an interested party.  This differs from a motion in a civil process in which the movant must have standing, and bears the burden of proof.”

Here are some news articles detailing the torture on presumed ‘suspects’ held in captivity by the U.S authorities.

Warning: The following articles are graphic and may not be suitable for all.

“I Could Not Stop Screaming”

“The British newspaper Guardian (2/18/2005) reported that one Bagram prisoner, a Palestinian named Mustafa, was blindfolded, handcuffed, gagged, and forced to bend down over a table by three American soldiers.  He said, “They forcibly rammed a stick up my rectum… I could not stop screaming when this happened.”

In another case reported by the Guardian, a Jordanian prisoner, Wesam Abdulrahman Ahmed Al Deemawi, said that during a 40-day period at Bagram he was threatened with dogs, stripped and photographed “in shameful and obscene positions” and placed in a cage with a hook and a hanging rope.  He says he was hung from this hook, blindfolded, for two days.

Both men were freed from U.S. detention last year after being held at Bagram and Guantánamo.  Neither has been charged with anything by any government.

Dilawar, a 22-year-old Afghan taxi driver and farmer, was killed by U.S. torturers at Bagram in December 2002.  He had been beaten and chained by his wrists for four days. After his last torture session, Dilawar was chained back to the ceiling.  Several hours passed before a doctor saw him—by which time he was dead and already beginning to stiffen.

“An official of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission questioned –

“Are They Going to Vanish Forever?”

“The Americans are detaining people without any legal procedure. Prisoners do not have the opportunity to demonstrate their innocence.”

Despite the unprecedented human rights violations… translated barbaric in modern times, the defense for the authorities authorizing and executing the medieval customs against unarmed detainees charged guilty without due process is astonishing.  The world witnessed the pervasive prisoner abuse in Abu Ghraib, Iraq, Bagram, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay through explosive visuals, editorials, columns and interviews predominantly from the international sources and on-line mass media.

Incidentally, the torturers’ loyalists cry ‘foul’ against the latest revelation.  Even though, the international news organizations and human rights groups have been reporting these incidents all along per above articles.  Contrasting the detainees position, all those responsible for the unconscionable crime against humanity involving innocent victims in the witch-hunt for terror suspects, are also exempt from due process however, with the distinction of them proclaimed “Patriotic” in their utter disregard for International laws and human rights.

Clearly, the abuse of power in this context from the pyramid‘s apex to the base is symbolic in the embarrassing chapter of American history.  Ironically, the explanation for torture attributed to national defense while ignoring the brutality against other nationals and their families’ ordeal.

One might argue if it’s worth treading the retribution path rather than moving forward.  It’s possible to move forward if the past had no remnants of violation of the laws involving global citizens in prolonged detention specifically in the absence of any evidence or trials.  Similar treatment of American nationals would have created pandemonium at all levels.

Besides, such practices open the floodgates for misuse of power by future administrations notwithstanding other nations…currently witnessed in the treatment of American journalists imprisoned on allegedly espionage charges by Iran and North Korea.

Whenever there is excessive abuse of power, unequivocally democracy threatened aside from the Constitution made irrelevant.  Therefore, it’s incumbent on the people in a democracy to ensure that neither the state nor any authority is above the law in the land of justice.

Please stand by for more information and analysis on related topics.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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