The Secret Society – Secrecy, Spying and Systemic Abuse of Power

March 1, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The secret society premised on secrecy, spying and systemic abuse of power epitomize hypocrisy in the highest order. 

Secret society members represent different backgrounds nonetheless share common goals such as wealth amassment and dominance for exclusive interests.

The world is a playground to them using politics, economy, commerce, communication media, educational institutions, entertainment industry, environment, religion, charity and human rights group that are instrumental in prolonging status quo.

Having no control over excess greed and self-destructive vices, they exert authority on the rest of the population denying freedom, basic rights and equal opportunity.

The legacy is misery, chaos and catastrophe worldwide.

Secret society is structured on the pyramid scheme with one eye tunneled vision rather than 20/20 sight in functionality. Accordingly their involvement in activities is to benefit self and selective entity at the vast majority expense. 

Their key representatives amplify objection to unipolar world while maintaining monopoly on everything they come in contact with contaminating in entirety.

The archaic supremacy imposed decadent establishments and values are obsolete and obstruct progress.

Criminality, corruption, terrorism, incessant warfare for invasion, occupation and destabilization are the secret society’s hallmark traits.

They continue to pursue disastrous ambitions despite colossal failure every step of the way.

The presumptuous notion claiming superiority to masquerade inferior and unscrupulous agenda reflect reality within degenerative ambit.  The infighting vying for apex position clarifies fraudulence extraordinaire.

Sparing none in exploitation, the secret society is on suicidal mission considering detrimental policies implemented through proxy governance under the guise of democracy and republic rule.

The electoral process is the catalyst to legitimize illegitimacy in the shadow organization engineered mandate pledged allegiance to hegemony.

Creating imposters and prodding wannabes with flawed performance is the latest trend in the futile attempts to avert inevitable ending of cataclysmic conglomerate.

As a result the willful performers buffoonery and promiscuity is on display with the individuals eagerness to appease hegemony for material gains and publicity pronounce notoriety.

In the absence of credibility, the secret society and surrogates violation of trust, propaganda and false flag events peak in the desperate measure to combat imminent decline.

The secret society crusade to perpetuate unsustainable present confirms insolvency in every aspect evident in dysfunctional operation. 

The taxpayers in the United States and western nations are forced into dire economic situation. The wealthiest in society evade taxes shifting the burden on ordinary citizens struggling to make ends meet in life.

Besides, the tax dollars are utilized for funding warfare and intrusion in toppling governments targeted for non-compliance on secret society demands.

Elsewhere, the taxpayers are beguiled with sycophants headed governments stashing wealth in Swiss bank accounts and other tax havens in pervasive corruption deals depriving the respective nations due national revenue.

The money held in illegal format is widely promoted to augur secret society existence unheeding ramifications with reverse impact debilitating the crumbling empire.

Furthermore, the taxpayer funded federal agencies like intelligence bureau and national security is misused with dragnet surveillance on law-abiding citizens not to mention the harassment during travel at the airports conducting elaborate body scan alluding to perversion under the pretext of curbing terrorism when the secret society is the existential terror.

In the domestic front, law enforcement authorities i.e. police brutality against unarmed and innocent civilians especially the minorities is on the rise due to ignorance and prevalent discriminatory practice revealed in the trials exacerbating victims plight.

The judiciary set up on secret society oversight and political influence make a mockery of justice in the system that rewards the crafty and insidious in defiance of fairness and facts that in itself void the politically motivated judgment.

Juxtaposed hegemony operatives crimes against humanity and treason are not even subject to investigation let alone incarceration. 

The convenient rule granting political immunity to incumbents although the privilege is extended beyond the term in office exemplify the travesty of justice.

Similarly public access whether communication, education, entertainment, environment, recreation, religion or charity maneuvered for subversion and mass subjugation.

Anything exceeding limit with resistance to checks and balances ominously evolve into self-endangering act expediting expiration.

Overall the secret society alias the illuminati are destined for dissolution conforming to natural law that predicates extinguishing wild fire threatening lives and habitat.

Wisdom and conscience guided conduct could possibly serve in fait accompli leading to renunciation of delusions on invincibility.

Wishing humanity liberty from calamity experienced under secret society since antiquity. 

Peace to all! 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Happy Thanks Giving!

November 27, 2014






From:  Padmini Arhant

Happy Thanks Giving!

Whom do we thank for global status quo?  This will be the topic scheduled to be presented  in due course.

Meanwhile enjoy the happy occasion and also please remember the less fortunate in  society unable to experience similar situation in life.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



India – Parody on Political Establishment

November 23, 2014

Interview in Italian with India’s Congress Party President

Sonia Gandhi

Padmini Arhant

Dear Global Citizens,

Please click on the audio link for the topic presentation.

Thank you for your attention and interest. Padmini Arhant


Interview with  Cecilia Capone alias Sonia Gandhi

By Padmini Arhant



Come stai?

Belle. Grazie.

Q.   I will do interpretation for our international listeners in this interview.  Is that fine with you?

A.  That’s fine.

 Q.  Could you please introduce yourself?  

A.  My name is Cecilia Capone. But now I am Sonia Gandhi.

Q.  Why Sonia Gandhi?  What made you choose Sonia Gandhi?  

A.  The current trend is to become whoever you prefer to be.  

A.  I chose Sonia Gandhi based on origin. 

Also  because I am in antique business. Sonia Gandhi is antique supplier from India. 

Sonia Gandhi and several others are presenting and projected as someone other than them.

So I thought there is nothing wrong  in me claiming to be her. 

Even though what I am doing is being an imposter.

In any law abiding civil society, such portrayal would be criminal activity considering this is identity theft.

1.Q.    What inspired you towards Politics?   

A.     Power, Prestige and Prosperity.  

2.Q.   What is your view on many corruption scams in Indian politics with you referred to as the High Command during your term in office?    

A.   Corruption, scams and scandals make  politics exciting.  Power is meant to be utilized for individual interests and not wasted in being concerned about consequences especially when power comes with political impunity.

 3.Q. What was the reason for your personal intervention in preventing investigation and extradition of Ottavio Quattrocchi – one of the major beneficiary besides yourself and few others in Bofor Scandal?   

AYou know that the answer is in your question. Why would I stir the beehive when I continue to have honey?

4.Q. You quelled anti-corruption movement in India in 2011.  Your political coalition with members like Karunanidhi and Ooman Chandy known for criminality reflects political character. Your Congress Party is rejected in every election. What makes you think you can stay at the helm given the dismal record?       

  A.   Politics is known for strange bedfellows. I might be known as Congress Party Chief but essentially I direct any party that comes to power at hegemony behest. BJP and various political factions in India represent Congress and foreign agenda. Why do you think I have strong support from EU and imperial powers along with political parties in India regardless of my involvement in various corruption scandals?

5.Q. Do you favor political dynasty under the guise of democracy?     

A.  As member of political dynasty having usurped to power, I favor the system.  Also as hegemony representative democracy is not desirable except to use the concept to legitimize illegitimacy  i.e. global supremacy.

6.Q.   What is your ambition in life?     

A.   To see my son Rahul as Prime Minister of India and succeeded by my daughter Priyanka Vadra considering this is their prerogative as members of political dynasty.

7.Q.  Your Congress Party member conferred the title Mother India on you. Would you consider surrender of wealth held in swiss bank and other tax havens given the people’s rights on national treasury?     

A.   There is no such thing as national treasure in politics. Position of authority is meant for personal empowerment.  I have exemplified the art of accumulating wealth evidenced in explosive corruption deals throughout my political career.

8.Q. You accepted Indian citizenship only in  2006 while you assumed power back when your spouse late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was in office. What took you so long for this decision?     

A.  My decision for Indian citizenship in 2006 was political expediency. Such actions help win elections and voters trust.

9.Q. Your personal intrusion exerting authority has claimed innocent life and other times denied justice to citizens in Indian society.  example the rape victim Jyoti deprived survival and individuals of Italian origin committing crimes against Indian fishermen or any ordinary citizens are invariably granted immunity.

Despite your egregious decisions, you aim to govern India.

Do you have any regrets regarding your actions?     

A.  None whatsoever. Power comes with privilege.  As hegemony proxy and political class member  the discretionary power cannot be challenged particularly when corruption serves as means to evade accountability.

10.Q. Finally. Do you believe in Karma?       

A.  I believe in my doctrine evident in my legacy.

Conclusion. Cecilia Capone alias Sonia Gandhi.  Thank you for revealing your identity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

भारतीय राजनीतिक भ्रष्टाचार और घोटालों पर अनुकरण काव्य

November 8, 2014

From:  Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

You are welcome to listen to the parody on Indian Political Corruption and Scams.

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant


भारतीय राजनीतिक भ्रष्टाचार और घोटालों पर अनुकरण काव्य

लेखक,  कलाकार और प्रस्तुतकर्ता – पद्मिनी अरहंत



प्रश्न:      आपका  शुभ  नाम

उत्तर:    मेरा नाम  है  मुन्नीभाई  पटेल

प्रश्न:      आप  क्या  उद्योग क्षेत्र से है?

उत्तर:    मेरा  बहुत  बड़ा  कारोबार  है

प्रश्न:      अच्छा  तो  आप  इंडस्ट्रियलिस्ट   है

उत्तर:    आप  भी  कमाल  करती है,  जब  मैं  पूरी  इकॉनमी,  राजनीति,  सेना  और  समाज  संभालता  हूँ  तो आप  मुझे  केवळ  उद्योगपति  कहकर  मेरा  अपमान  कर  रही  हैं

प्रश्न:       हमें  स्पष्ट  रूप  से  समझायेंगे?

उत्तर:   जी,  मैं  भारत  का  प्रधान मंत्री  हूँ.  मैं  ही  नरिंदर दामोदर मोदी  हूँ.

प्रश्न:      मगर  आपने  तो  अपना  परिचय  मुन्नीभाई पटेल.  कहकर  आरम्भ  किये  थे.  अब  अचानक  प्रधान मंत्री  नरिंदर  मोदी  कैसे  हो  गए?

उत्तर:    वैसे  ही  जैसे  नरिंदर  मोदी  रातों  रात  हर  हर  महादेव  बना  दिए  गए  है.  और  तो  और  उन्हें  उनके  अस्तित्व  से  विपरीत  किसी  अन्य  पहचान  भी  दिए  जाते  हैं.              जैसेकि   किसी  और  के  नेक काम  और  विचारों  को  उनका  अपना  बना  दिया  जाता  है  जो  सरासर  अनुचित  होने  पर  भी उचित  मानते ह.

प्रश्न:      चलिए  आप  भारत  के  प्रधान  मंत्री  नरिंदर  मोदी  ही  सही  क्या  मैं  आप  से  कुछ  प्रश्न  पूछ  सकती  हूँ?

उत्तर:    अवश्य पूछिये.  आखिर  प्रधान  मंत्री  किसलिए  हूँ.  जो  भी  संदेह  और  आशंकाएं  हैं  उसे  दूर  करना  मेरा  उत्तर दायित्व  है.

प्रश्न:      मेरा  पहला  प्रश्न   है –  धर्म  को  लेकर  समुदाय   में  अंबनी  हो  यानि  कि  सांप्रदायिक  हिंसा  किस प्रकार  हल  करेंगे?

उत्तर:    देखिये   गोदरा  वाली   किस्सा  तो  भारत  ही  नहीं  पूरे   विश्व  को  ज्ञात  है,   उस  घटना  से  अनुमान लगा  सकते  हैं  कि  हम  इस  प्रकार  के  समस्या  किस  तरह

निपटाते  हैं.

प्रश्न:      गोदरा  हिंसा  मैं  तो  कई  लोग  मारे  गए  थे  और  उसके  पश्चात  निरंतर  दंग  चलता  रहा.  उसके बारे  में  आप  क्या  कहेंगे?

उत्तर:    हाँ.  राजनीति  में  सब  का  अपना अपना शैली  और  रणनीति  हो/ता  है.   है  कि  नहीं.  हम  ने  जो  सूत्र

प्रश्न:      आपका  कहना  है  फार्मूला  –

उत्तर:    जो  भी  हो, आप तो जानती हैं मैं  हिंदी  में  भाषण  और  वार्तालाप  करते  हैं  इसलिए  में यह  अंग्रेजी  वंगरेजी  कि अनुवाद  नहीं जानता  है.

गोदरा में  आग  भुजाने  के  बदले   तोडा  भड़कादिया था.   यूं  समझ  लीजिये  कि  जिनके  पास  अधिकार  हो,  वो  किसी  भी  तरह  उस  अधिकार  का  उपयोग मेरा  कहना है  दुरूपयोग  कर  सकते  है.  राजनीति  में  ये  तो  सत्ता  के  साथ  मिलता  विशेषाधिकार  है.   इसे  कौन  चीन  सकता  है?

गोदरा  को  लेकर  मैं  यह  भी  कहूँगा  कि   चिंगारी  को  उत्तेजित  करना  कोई  अपराध  नहीं  माना गया.   हाँ  कई  लोगों  कि  मृत्यु  हुई.   यह  उनकी  दुर्भाग्य  है  उन्हें  समय  से  पहले  संसार  त्यागना पड़ा.  इसमें  मेरा  या  मेरे  सरकार  का  क्या  दोष?

वैसे  भी  सरकार  कि  मुख्या  मंत्री  या  कोई  विशेष  सदस्य  कुछ  भी  कर  सकते –  हत्या,  दंगेफसी, लूटमार .   यह  तो  उनका  रिआयत  ही.   अजी  यही  तो  रहनीति  के  लक्षण  है.   भला  इसे  क्यों  मैं  भंग  करूंगा?

प्रश्न:   अब  मेरा  दूसरा  प्रश्न  है –  काल धन,  कर चोरी (टैक्स इवेशन) और  दूषण (करप्शन)  के बारे में  आप का क्या राय है   और आप कि सरकार का क्या योजना है?

उत्तर:  देखिये   मैं   पूर्ण  रूप  से   इन  विषयों   पर  यह  निर्णय  लिया  हूँ  कि,  राजनीति  में  जितने  भी  सदस्य  चाहे  वह  पक्ष  हो  या  विपक्ष  सभी  अपने  है.  और  एक  बात  बताऊँ  विपक्ष  कि  दृश्य  तो  जनता  की  प्रसन्नता  के  लिए  है.   वार्ना  राजनीति  में  आपस  कि  गठबंधन  बहुत  गहरा  और  मज़बूत  है.  हम  एक  दुसरे  कि  रक्षा  करते  हैं  मुख्या  तौर  पर  आपराधिक  गतिविधियों  के  मामले  में  चाहे  बड़ी मछली  हो या  छोटी  मछलियाँ   –  प्रधान  मंत्री  होने  के  नाते  उन  सब  कि  सुरक्षा  मेरा  परम कर्त्तव्य   है.  और  मैं  प्रतिबद्ध  हूँ.

प्रश्न:      इन  तीन  समस्याए  के  कारण   देश  को  जो  घाटा  होरा  रहा  है  और  करोड़ों जीवन  नष्ट  होने  पर –  आपको  कोई  परवाह  नहीं?

उत्तर:    यह  तो  आप  जैसी  शुभचिंतक  को  समस्या  होगी.   मैंने  कब  आप  से  कहा  कि  इसे मैं  समस्या समझता  हूँ?

देश  के  धनि  और  धनवान  हो –  घूस  देकर  या  लेकर,  काला  धन  बटोरकर,  हर  अवसर  टेड़े  मेढे रास्ते  अपनाकर   अपना  सुनेहरा  मुहूरत  बना  लेने  में  कोई   अपराध  नहीं.   मान  लिए  आम  नागरिुक  को  इस  का  भोज  सहना  होता  है –  तो  क्या  हुआ?

जब  सामान्य  आबादी  के  प्रतिशत  अधिक  है  तुलना  में  धनि  वर्ग  को  क्यों  कष्ट  उठाना  है?

प्रश्न:       आप  का  कहना है  कि –   करप्शन  देश  को  डुबाने  से  कोई  मसला  नहीं.  साथ  साथ  आर्थिक असमानता  से  देश  में  कोई  अंतर  नहीं  पड़ता.

कथन:    धनि   वर्ग    कि  सहयोग  को  आप  मुख्यत्व  देते  आये  हैं.  यह  तो  गुजरात  में  प्रत्यक्ष  है  जब  आप  उस  प्रदेश  के  मुख्य  मंत्री  थे –  सार्वजनिक  भूमि  को  निजीकरण  बनाकर  कई  इंडस्ट्रलिस्ट  को  गुजरात में  प्रधान  ओनरशिप  दिलाये.

प्रश्न:      तीसरा  और  अंतिम  प्रश्न  है –  यूनाइटेड  स्टेट्स और  हेजेमनी  (नायकत्व)  जो  विश्व  पर  झूठा प्राधान्य  अधिकार  जमाये  हुए  है अथवा  सुप्रीमसी –  उनके  साथ  आप का  घनिष्ठ  संबंध  प्रकट  है.   कुछ  ही  समय पेहेले  यूनाइटेड  स्टेट्स  ने  आप  को  विजिटर  वीसा  के  लिए  भी  अनुमति  नहीं  दिए.  अब  एकाएक  यह  परिवरतन  कहाँ  से  आगय?

उत्तर:   सब  समय  समय  कि  बात  है.   आज  हम  इसलिए  उनके  विरोधी  नहीं  क्यों  कि  हम  उनके प्रतिनिधि  है.   उनके  प्रत्येक  विषय  पर  अनुकूल  है.   सहमत  है.  उनके  पालिसी  से  लेकर  अन्यथा राज  शासन  प्रधानता  से  प्रभावित  होकर  अपना   संपूर्ण  समर्थन  देते  है.  ऐसे  ही  तो  पदवी,  यश और  कीर्ति  प्राप्त  होता  है.   पाप  करना  और  पाप  कि  सहायता  से  राज नीति  यथास्थिति   है.

निष्कर्ष:                 अच्छा  मुन्नी भाई  पटेल  उपनाम बनावटी  प्रधान  मंत्री  नरिंदर  दामोदर  मोदी –  मेरे  प्रश्नों  के  उत्तर  के लिए  धन्यवाद.


पद्मिनी अरहंत

From:  Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

Welcome to the parody on Indian Political Corruption and Scams as well as identity theft. 

For international visitors, English translation is provided below. 

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant


By Author, Actor and Presenter – Padmini Arhant



Q.      What is your name?

A.       My name is Munnibhai Patel.

Q.      Are you from the economic sector? 

A.       I have large business.

Q.     Are you an industrialist?

A.     What are you saying? When I manage  economy, politics, security and society, you are being disrespectful by classifying my designation      as  an industrialist.

Q.     Could you please clarify?

A.     Yes. I am India’s Prime Minister. I am Narinder Damodar Modi.

Q.    But you introduced yourself as Munnibhai Patel in the beginning!   Now, suddenly how come you are Narinder Modi?

A.    I have become Narinder Modi just like Narinder Modi is presented as Almighty God Shiva overnight.  Moreover Narinder Modi is being assigned identity paradoxical to his individual trait besides attributing specific entity’s good work and ideas as his and not to mention such unethical practice regarded ethical in society. 

Q.  All right. Assuming you  as the Prime Minister of India, Narinder Modi, could I ask you  few questions. 

A.  Certainly. You may ask questions. As  Prime Minister it is my responsibility to clarify doubts and dispel fears about anything.

Q.  My first question is – How would you resolve religion related social unrest i.e. communal violence in society?

A.  You see. Godhra incident is well known not only in India but worldwide.  You can assess from that event how we deal with these issues.

Q.  There were many casualties during Godhra violence. Subsequently continuous riots happened.  What is your view in this context?

A.  In politics, everyone has their own style and strategy. My tactic…

Q.  You mean your formula?

A.  Yes. Something like that and you know  I communicate and  deliver speech only in Hindi.  I don’t know English translation.

      In Godhra, rather than dousing  fire, I instigated violence.  Try to understand that those who are in a position of authority has every right to use, I mean misuse power.  This is a prerogative that comes with power in politics.  How can anyone seize this privilege?

      Furthermore on Godhra, I would say that inflaming the ignited spark was not considered a crime. I agree that many people died in the outcome    They are the unfortunate ones who had to prematurely depart from this world.  How could anyone hold me or my administration responsible?

     In fact in government – leaderships and key political figures are absolved of crimes ranging from murder, violence and embezzlement.  This is concession to them and depicts political reality.  Why would I ever dissolve this norm?

Q.  My second question is – What is your view on black money, tax evasion and corruption and your administration plan regarding this problem?

A.  You see in after thought on all these issues – I have decided that in politics there are no rivals for they are all one of us. Let me also add that there is no such thing as opposition in politics.  Whatever is being demonstrated is to appease the public.   Otherwise unity within political establishment is quite deep and strong. 

       We defend each other and look out for one another especially in criminal activities whether they are a big or a small fish – being the Prime Minister safeguarding them is my prime duty and I am committed in that respect.

Q.  Are you not concerned about these three issues causing national revenue loss notwithstanding the destruction of billion lives as a result.

A.  This could be a problem for well-wisher like you. When did I tell you that I consider these issues are a problem?

      The rich getting richer through bribery, black money hoarding and using nefarious means as golden opportunity to accumulate wealth is not a crime.  Agreed that the average citizens are forced to bear the burden and so what if they have to do so?    

     When average citizens are the majority among the population, why should the wealthiest experience any difficulty?

Q.  Do you mean that corruption being detrimental to the nation alongside creating economic disparity makes no difference?

Remark: Your trajectory reflects your consistent support to the affluent class since you were the chief minister of Gujarat.  This is also evident in your approval of privatization of public land allowing many industrialists to acquire prime ownership in that state.

Q.  My third and final question is – United States and hegemony exerting false authority i.e. supremacy across the globe – your close relationship with them is revealed.  Not long ago United States State department declined even visitor visa to you and now what brings about this transformation?

A.  This is all a matter of time.  Today I am not their rival because I am their representative.  I am in agreement with them on every issue.  I am impressed with their policy and global dominance and extend complete cooperation to them.  This is how you achieve power, fame and fortune.  Committing sins and complicit with sinners leads to political status quo.

Conclusion:  All right Munnibhai Patel alias fake Prime Minister Narinder Damodar Modi – Thank you for  your answers to my questions.


Padmini Arhant































Topic Discussion – United States Mid Term Election Results and Politics As Usual

November 5, 2014


From:  Padmini Arhant

The topic discussion on United States Mid Term Election Results and Politics as Usual is scheduled in approximately 30 mins to your local time.

Your attention and interest is appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Topic Discussion – Current Events

November 3, 2014


From:  Padmini Arhant

Dear Global Citizens,

You are invited to topic discussion on Current Events scheduled in approximately 30 mins to your local time.

Thank you for your attention.

Padmini Arhant

Topic Discussion – World Events

October 18, 2014

From:  Padmini Arhant

Dear Global Citizens,

You are invited to topic discussion on World Events besides covering Contemporary Politics and the so-called democratic electoral process.

Your attention and interest is appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



Topic Discussion – World Events

October 12, 2014

From:  Padmini Arhant

Dear Global Citizens,

The topic discussion on World Events will begin in approximately 30 mins to your local time.

You are welcome to the session.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

Topic Discussion – Current Events

October 6, 2014

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Global Citizens,

The topic discussion on Current Events is scheduled in 2 hours and 30 mins to your local time.

The session extended after an hour break to accommodate international listeners on relevant issues in different regions.

Your participation is welcome and appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



India – Gandhi Jayanti 2014

October 3, 2014

 The audio version of the text is presented for citizens across the spectrum.  Your interest and support is always appreciated.

By Padmini Arhant 

India celebrates Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday on October 2, 2014.

Mahatma Gandhi, the prominent leader led India towards independence movement.

However, the foreign influence and political loyalty to domestic and overseas interests lay overcast and confirm the dominion republic status rendering Mahatma Gandhi and several other patriots sacrifice futile.

India’s political system under hegemony control conditioned to oblige and appease colonial powers and institutions behind global mayhem.

The subversion of democracy evident in flawed electoral events invariably comprising vote rigging, counterfeit notes distribution to buy votes, black money circulation alongside foreign financing is anything but free and fair election. 

Regardless of political parties and factions, the proxy rule continues at hegemony behest with subjugation substituting liberation.

The world’s largest democracy in disguise represents and implements hegemony agenda beginning with suppression of free speech, zero tolerance to fact finding and truth presentation, curbing constructive criticism against misuse of authority, excess power to leaderships and Parliament members and,

Last but not the least extraordinary privileges at taxpayers expense are the core elements of dysfunctional governance.

The key factor is the lack of initiative and political will to crackdown on corruption leaving politics the epicenter for abuse of public office and funds using the relevant position to rake profits through strong alliance with economic, entertainment and other sectors in the nation.

The current administration and political counterparts participation in the Clean India campaign could perhaps be appropriate in directing attention towards Clean Indian Politics bringing entities involved in various scandals and scams without exception to justice. 

Furthermore, the political authorities in ruling and opposition pursuing high moral ground could lead the nation with asset disclosure and surrender of wealth desperately required to promote economic and social equality.

The leaderships’ action in this context as trendsetter for rank and file in politics as well as the entire country might be the turning point in Indian political history. 

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan could be successful only upon Swatantra Bharat Prayas in the freedom from corruption and hegemony policy arguably posing impediments in meaningful development.

The resistance to sanitize political environment witnessed until today with little or no desire to pass effective anti-corruption bill and law enforcement on lawmakers despite them being the majority lawbreakers is reflective of fractured structure.

Not to mention criminal background amongst ruling class become the acceptable norm evolving into life threatening epidemic.

The internal purification is essential in removing the clutter and waste from human mind.

The self-cleansing act via introspection while renouncing illegal surveillance on selective targets is the preliminary step towards reconciliation with reality.

Subsequently the process would facilitate to exemplify honesty and integrity – a rare commodity in politics.

Clean India motto preceded by Corruption free India as cornerstone to healthy living standards would then prove political commitment to pervasive progress.

Failure to clear clogging in political apparatus and government operation attributed to net deficit in ethics and propriety.

The general surroundings nationwide are the mirror image of political stagnation and foreign dominance.

Accordingly, addressing the issue at origin would improve the situation all around.

Mahatma Gandhi and other brave souls hard fought independence is compromised in the contemporary political pledge of allegiance to regency and dynasty.

The emancipation struggle is prolonged for those yet to experience liberty from economic woes and disenfranchisement.

On that note, I convey my best wishes to Indian electorate in revival of democracy representative of people and governance protecting national treasury and endowments rather than political members crimes with impunity.

Jai Bharat!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






















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