Authoritarian Despotism Case Study

December 28, 2021

Authoritarian Despotism Case Study

Padmini Arhant

What leads to authoritarianism?

There are several factors that leads to authoritarian rule in a system.

The first and foremost is weak or lack of opposition to incompetence, corrupt and criminal activities in government and leadership.

No checks and balances is the cornerstone of authoritarianism.

The constitution is made irrelevant and inconvenient under authoritarian power.

The economy is segregated into the poorest, poor, lower income and middle income comprising the work force with these groups classified as mere working class and among them the middle class are taxpayers. 

Juxtaposed, the upper middle class, wealthy and super rich stash wealth offshore, deplete national treasury in tax evasion and money laundering. This group become the authoritarian stalwarts in quid pro quo. The hierarchy in society premised on social economic status enable authoritarian rule.

The media, press and communication outlets become the voice of the dictatorial leadership heading the failed government. There are overt and covert operatives with mainstream conventional media representing and protecting authoritarian flagrant violations.

Whereas the other touted as the so-called independent and investigative media is another wing of authoritarian regime to mislead public in nuanced narratives and by far the ardent promoter of authoritarianism with false accounts on the leadership so-called popularity and charisma in contradiction to ground reality. The blatant fabrication is aimed at adding insult to human intelligence.

The successive defeats in big state elections, the fear of losing upcoming elections based on electorate disillusionment with leadership at national as well as local government prompting postponement of state assembly elections would not be happening at the height of any leadership’s immense popularity and irresistible charisma projected by the media circus favoring authoritarianism.

The old adage – it is better to deal with the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.  The devil in disguise is a major threat in any situation aptly applicable to the above mentioned deliberate deception and deceit.

Anything out in the open is at least visible. In contrast the insinuations and innuendoes from the so-called independent media claim to delineate from mainstream are the intimate bed fellows hard wired with authoritarianism in the wireless digital era. Accordingly, with all form of communication channels including the social media under control, the rise of authoritarianism is no longer veiled in euphemism.

Additionally, the systematic control and takeover of institutions beginning with judiciary, government agencies such as intelligence bureau, income tax, the central reserve bank and financial institutions are brought under the executive branch purview and direct authority. The absolute rein over these organizations further enhance and energize authority in silencing dissent.

In other words, the constitutionally empowered autonomous body are dismantled and centralized under the leadership at the helm.

The civil servants are delegated to propaganda and constant misinformation to condition public mind on taxpayers funded government dissemination and indoctrination.

Above all, the dangerous move ominously raising the red flag is when the executive branch in a Parliamentary system unilaterally shift the military command from the President to Prime Minister’s ambit. The civilian leadership posing in military camouflage outfit could not be a mere fashion statement.

The most common trait in dictatorial governance is targeting a particular demography, pawn religion as political ideology, subvert constitution governed secular democracy to fundamentalist, radical rhetoric arousing majoritarianism.

The political twists and turns of twenty first century authoritarianism compared to previous century of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, the combined dictatorial regimes in Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Asia is the glaring transformation of democracy into fascism today.

In the past century, the dictators enforced authoritarian rule gradually with convincing socialism, communism and majoritarian rule.

In fact the idea of socialism, communism and pluralism veneered underlying coarse rough crude fascism in the making. These concepts were conveniently misused to subjugate population.

Without a shadow of doubt, the imperialists and major economic stakeholders’ direct and indirect involvement in the creation and nurture of dictatorial powers worldwide contributed to extensive authoritarian rule lasting several decades into the twenty first century continued until now.

The difference between then and present time is  transparency. The modern day witness and aware of oligarchs appointed and approved governments typically puppet regimes installed to serve oligarchy feudal system antithetical to constitution, secular pluralist democracy and capitalism with real market economy.

In terms of economic system, the contemporary trend overwhelmingly favor and positioned as monopolists economy displacing the capitalism defined competitive market economy.

The ongoing developments are far worse than in any other time. The global elites – the tech giants owned social platform arbitrary censorship of facts and truth in public domain is the fact of life despite free speech infringement.

The cancel culture evolving into intrusion and invasion of individual rights, life and privacy is carried out as prerogative. Notwithstanding restrictions on decisions related to personal health, lifestyle and well being is the latest law. 

Apparently, the individual liberty to exercise discretion on all things concerning personal life is no longer private matter. Instead it is entirely left to powerful groups in health industry and various dealers, shakers and movers in global syndicate. 

Politically, the authoritarian government transcending to autocracy with elections reduced to formality or even better deferred and delayed to suit individual interests especially when the odds are against incumbency is yet another sign of unpopularity, impropriety and carte blanche authority in full view. These are clear omens initiating 24/7 propaganda to mitigate image damage and event management. 

What is the role of academia, religious consortium and influential civil society in the manufacture of autocracy?

Unfortunately there are divisions in this respect as well.

One section of society presumably representing any or all of the above specified groups are very active in exalting autocracy such as drawing parallels from the past authoritarian style even it happened half a century ago to justify current autocratic rule. Again the reminder about the past authoritarianism invariably fails to note fatal consequences to that effect.

In other issues, they go further and normalize autocrat perversions via Pegasus and variety spyware with references from western activities rather than condemning the lewd indulgence not boding well for any civilized society and a make-believe democracy. It is plain complicity in elevating autocracy.

The other group conversely choosing to remain silent spectators entirely in self-interests is a do nothing segment until own experience dawn on them. This category falls under complacency.

Either groups do more harm in their respective ways than imaginable.

On the other hand, the rare righteous voice against autocracy is often under relentless attack from all directions for standing up to cronyism buttressed authoritarianism.

Upon righteous prevailing in the interception of autocracy, the complicit and complacent parties cited above would be in forefront to enjoy the benefits and fruitful outcome completely sidelining and rejecting righteous function in the entire cause. Such response is routine and hardly surprising. 

The opportunists and wannabes massive collusion in the rise of despotic dictatorial regimes inevitably fall together in the zero-sum game of democracy vs. dictatorship since time immemorial. 

There is glimpse of hope provided the republic repudiate autocracy neutralizing ravaging autocratic environment. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Entitlement Challenged by Emancipation

August 29, 2021

Entitlement Challenged by Emancipation

Padmini Arhant

Human enslavement since creation up until now has been enforced on the ill-conceived notion of entitlement.

Throughout history oppression, persecution and prejudice leading to dominance and supremacy emanated from greed and tyranny. These characteristics are the only hope for superficial power invariably crumbing like a sand castle. The incontrovertible fact in this context witnessed by the world since time immemorial.

The unquenchable quest for power and territorial annexations by any means via illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land, colonization of nations and territory under false pretexts citing political, religious and economic factors continued into the twenty first century.

The current events bear relevance deserving attention with no substantial change in human behavior. It is evident in terms of exerting authority justifying unruly subjugation in return objecting retribution with repeat castigation.

In the modern era, the innovative techniques are deployed in mass killings via drones, nuclear laden short and long range missiles and/or sponsoring terrorism and cannibalism.

The old fashioned divide and conquer strategy polarizing communities and society in deep rooted hierarchy and presumptuousness expended in political and vested interests slighting self and en masse peril.

Last but not the least pandemic unleashed through the ominous Gain of Function Research transforming into a bioweapon warfare against human population executing depopulation agenda.

In the latest charade and tirade, the self-touted olympic decathlete and a physician prescribing holistic approach to life again the phrase stolen from the target’s vocabulary accused of kleptomania and profanity while the accusers reserving the right to execrations and expletives is only expected of the insolent and impertinent exercising perversion in crude lewd intrusion of their target’s life, home and personal space.

The conduct smothered in malice and criminality exhibit acute xenophobia and specifically ethnocentric gender bias against a woman with sexual connotation.

Nothing new in the obsessive compulsive disorder using Pegasus spyware, malware and nefarious tactics paradoxically delivering explosive exposure of nude insecurity amongst the users and losers in constant constellation of witch hunting.

The misadventure eventually evolving them into ghosts haunting life and homes rather than acknowledgment of own delusions is least surprising.

Importantly, the resolute in abusing science and everything at the their disposal clearly submitting to impulsive entropy exemplify dysfunctional frontal lobe failure to inhibit impulse in theft, perjury, plagiarism, hatred, misogyny and relentless venom with vicious attacks ad hominem.

These attributes from them reflect inner conflict within and degenerative mind, thoughts and physiological conditions resulting in necrotizing fasciitis ultimately rendering fatality or long term disability.

Either way, the waywardness and pernicious indulgence of those is least gratifying and contrarily mortifying them besides a reminder to cohorts to abandon such extravagant farcical fascism.

Needless to say, karmic effects are far more powerful in resonance with scientific applications on actions with equal and opposite reactions disrobing and dethroning the sources orchestrating the motion. As for the catalysts the irreversible outcome suffice judgment in destructive engagement. 

Simply stated nothing happens without a cause and behind every cause there are effects that are consequential to anything and everything in entirety.

The entitlement challenged by emancipation is obfuscated in the determination to sustain the unsustainable supremacy and narcissism retaining feudalist system.

The demise of the obsolete practice asserting antiquated entitlement evading meritocracy and legitimacy is imminent and inevitable.

All things are set for expiry and the counterproductive ones such as entitlement in particular riding on superiority are expedited in expiration without exception.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 


July 24, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

What is elitism?

Status specializing in hubris, ignorance, xenophobia, megalomania, sneering, jeering, condescendence, contemptuousness, envy, prejudice, polarization, deception, subversion, treason, deceit, duplicity, demagoguery, debauchery, perversion, promiscuity, plagiarism, grand larceny, misogyny, gluttonous, cronyism, servility and last but not the least parasitic existence conveniently asserted as elitism amongst contemporary feudalists and fiduciaries frozen in the medieval era.

Perhaps the dog’s tail could be straightened but not the twisted twits set in one direction with a dead end.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission






Bilderberg – Feudalism and Vassal Statehood

May 8, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Bilderberg – Feudalism and Vassal Statehood

The organization that prides on elitism appropriately narcissism with an eye on global resources and wealth amassment from nations that are referred to as third world countries to maintain self-asserted first world category,

Bilderbergers philosophy is finance control that in return rein authority over politics, military, economy, media, entertainment and the rest fall in place.

Bilderberg members’ hypocrisy on all matter confirms the convenient rule – what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.

The presentation of facts on their adverse actions affecting billions of lives are characterized as rant, whining and hate speech while unabated subversion, perversion and distortion on their part in diverse format crossing the line on civility and decorum non-existent in hegemony culture deemed free speech.

Obsessed with spying, prying and snooping, Bilderbergers activities are conducted discreetly with clandestine meeting among chosen members plotting on world dominance and excavation of earth’s endowments besides exploiting global population for personal enrichment.

Classifying themselves as the ruling class, Bilderbergers parasitic existence predominantly premised on feudalism with nations worldwide targeted for subjugation and vassal statehood. The massive wealth possession largely seized by unscrupulous means and tactics lasting several generations never enough for them with quest to gain access to treasures regarded their exclusive right.

War is considered a profitable venture and accordingly direct countries investments in defense hardware and nuclear proliferation with little or no concern for other living beings on earth.

Bilderberg approval of political candidates to the highest office is necessary for them to continue with business as usual. The vetting process seek candidates’ with shady background and accepted favorable against clean record as that would pose conflict of interest in executing masonic orders.

There is also initiation ritual involved to test the mettle of their chosen candidate on mass killings authorizing cluster bombs, predator drones and missiles not excluding nuclear threats against nations earmarked for invasion and occupation.

Bilderberg policy is anti-sovereignty branding patriotism as nationalism with constitution considered a barrier in implementing goals to benefit them and long desired aspirations in altering geopolitical landscape.

They promote treason, corruption and carte blanche authority in the misuse of power in public office and private sector with guaranteed immunity for those in violations regardless of crimes against electorate and humanity at large.

The incentives are greater upon delivery exceeding expectations in mass murder and genocide. The accolades vary from Nobel Peace Prize to courage awards and lifetime protection against litigation.

Bilderberg strategy is military intervention that has now evolved from conventional warfare to sponsoring terrorism introduced in 2011 onwards denying nations under attack respite from violence and carnage. The developing nations are also used as testing grounds for defense stockpiles and bombs detonated ignoring sovereignty of those nations and impact on native population.

Yet another policy to curb economic freedom and development is sanctions against non-western nations crippling economy and forcing starvation, malnutrition and premature deaths from preventable disease due to lack of essential medicines and lifesaving items.

Bilderberg doctrine encompasses all political factions from conservative to liberal, centrist, left of center, right of center, independent, moderates and progressive with all of them sharing common objective to prolong status quo.

Election is a formality with voters voluntarily renouncing the right to dissent in the event of electoral outcome and social reform.  The zero tolerance to peaceful assembly and constructive criticism of the government and affiliates is demonstrated in handling of protesters in main street and derision via communication media.

At the same time, there are no reservations in authority containing meaningful analysis and exposure of problems within government that are invariably labeled security threat obviously to the forces behind the system.

The rare leaderships and government committed to alleviating people plight are removed from office by coup instigating political unrest to obstruct governance.

Alternatively, media, entertainment and educational institutions inundate audience and students respectively with material lacking in substance and loaded in fabrication.

The members of political establishment in lock step and barrel with globalists are honored and complimented for their compliance in undermining democracy and safeguarding decadence.

Bilderberg dominant with financiers viz. international bankers grip on national treasury tightened with private ownership under the guise of Federal institution.

The corporations’ objection to government regulations on environment, labor laws, consumer rights and fair trade practices are recognized as legitimate with removal or amendments to accommodate corporate demand.

Simultaneously, governance by corporations and super wealthy through campaign financing and lobbying to fix legislations to their advantage is never an issue for political members supposedly representing constituents and the nation.

International Affairs – In the previous century, the World War II with the rise of Germany and aftermath reminisced as tumultuous testing humanity endurance on aggression.  In the present time, the parallel government EU with Germany exerting authority and inclusion of Germany in the P5 +1 at UNSC suggests mutual appreciations with any past grievances disingenuous.

Irony being the hallmark in all their engagements, the current emphasis on European Union and euro remaining intact not necessarily applied to other parts of the world.

EU and allies’ role in fragmentation of the Middle East, meddling in Ukraine and NATO build up in central and eastern Europe, bifurcation of Sudan in 2012,

United States declining unification of Korea in the Korean Peninsula, Latin America suppressed from regional cooperation with western influence, South Asia pitted against each other with arms supply and terror manufacture to name a few amongst many wanton endeavors to disrupt peace and progress worldwide.

Again, the disposition contrast conduct whether it be Islamophobia, xenophobia, misogyny and hierarchy in society. They claim to be against discrimination.

However, the bombing and shelling of Islamic countries and recruiting terror operatives to continue the war on terror confining youths in Muslim countries and in the west to terrorism in addition to creating refugee crisis apparently viewed as noble deeds.

Similarly, the women representing them as world leaders adhere to policies exacerbating human suffering in imposing austerity, issuing nuclear warnings and spreading fear and prejudice within and outside their territory.  The paradoxical contribution from a woman not in their league is subject to ridicule and indignation conforming to misogyny.

Social inequality with people of color, different race and religion refused equal opportunity with superficial modifications and token appointments barely meeting the minimum requirement in addressing poverty and unemployment among minority and disenfranchised in society.

The ideology to dictate and dominate the world using brute force, terror, deception and propaganda evidently a failed and dysfunctional stratagem. Anything in disguise never last long with imminent conclusion as the show cannot go on forever.

Feudalism is primitive with greed sowing the seed for self-destruction and irreversible ramification.

Humanity deserves governance barring influence from secretive and delusional domain insensitive to reality.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission



Politics – Facts and Features

March 17, 2016

By Padmini Arhant


P – Pandering

O –Opportunism

– Lobby

–  Inconsistency

T –  Treason

–  Irony

C – Corruption

S –  Scandal


E – Embed

S – Superficial

T – Tactic

A –Acquiescence

B – Betray

L – Lunge

– Institution

S –Sinister

H –Haughty

M -Malfunction

E – Extol

N – Nepotism

T – Tradition


E – Evasion

L – Lambast

E – Elimination

C – Charlatan

T – Target

– Influence

O – Occasion

N – Nomination


V – Victim

O – Operation

T – Tragedy

E – Expiry 


F – Fraudulence

E – Enslavement

U – Usurp

D – Dominate

A – Accost

L – Larceny

I – Insolence

S – Severance

M – Malfeasance


P – Presumptuous

L – Ludicrous

U – Unscrupulous

T –  Tortuous

O – Obnoxious

C –  Covetous

R – Rapacious

A – Ambiguous

C – Capricious

Y – Yores


O – Observable

L –  Liable

I  –  Insatiable

G – Gobble

A – Actionable

R –  Rubble

C – Culpable

H – Horrible

Y – Yobbery 


C – Control

O – Obstacle

M – Masquerade

M –Muzzle

U – Unstable

N –Noticeable

– Impoverish

S –Struggle

M –Misery


S – Subversion

O– Omission

C– Commission

I– Invention

A- Adoption

L– Liquidation

I- Illusion

S– Simulation




A– Acquisition

P– Profitability

I– Insolvency

T-Tax Exemption


L –Liaison

I – Immunity

S – Securities

M– Merger 


T –Travesty

H –Hypocrisy

E – Eclipse

O –Opaque

C –Conflict

R –Religion

A – Aberration

C – Counterproductive

Y – Yet


I –Invalid


P –Pernicious

E –Empire

R -Ruthless

I – Insidious


L -Lofty

I -Incorrigible

S -Supremacy

M -Medieval 


M –Mendacious


N– Nefarious

O– Ostentatious

P– Pugnacious

O– Ominous

L– Lawless

Y– Yex


S – Superiority



C –Calamity

T– Treaty

I –Indiscretion



S -Suppression



I  -Indignation


L –Limitation

E –Exclusion

N –Notion

C – Cessation

E – Exception


R -Rage





C –Criminality

R -Rewarded

I – Idolized


E -Endorsement


J -Jeopardy

U -Upend

S -Sardonic

T -Trivialize

I -Impunity

C -Cronyism

E -Embarrassment


P -Proxy







M –Manipulation

E –  Exaggeration

D – Dramatization

– Indoctrination

A –Adulation


S -Symbolic

T -Tainted

A -Auspice

T -Trajectory


S -Secrecy

Q -Questionable

U -Unsustainable

O -Obsolete

The fundamental change in political structure and practice is imperative to experience positive outcome made possible by functional republic and uncompromising sovereign status.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





Face the Truth – Featuring Hegemony

November 7, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Welcome to Face the Truth program.

Hegemony, incognito power represented by myriad forces in diverse background.

Hegemony in control of politics, economy, social issues, communication media, entertainment, environment and religion.

Hegemony policies and strategies are responsible for status quo.

Accordingly, I pose the following questions to hegemony.

  1. Is there democracy today?
  1. The unlimited financing from different sources near and far in election campaigns deprive electorate from representation – In these conditions could elections be considered free and fair?
  1. Do political dynasty, royalty, constitutional monarchy and theocracy rule constitute democracy?
  1. Are governments representing the people or incognito power?
  1. Hegemony rule through proxy governance promoting incognito power agenda. How does it serve the nation or the people?
  1. Hegemony reliance on subversion and deception to prolong authority confirms desperate times seeking desperate measures despite fait accompli. What is the purpose behind continuation of fallacious dogma?
  1. Why should taxpayers fund feudalism, imperialism and elitism premised on parasitic tradition?
  1. Hegemony policies and strategies proved recipe for disasters. Why should the world remain hostage to destructive course?
  1. Hegemony deployment of terror for vested interests resulting in death and decimation of lives and nations worldwide. The incessant violence benefitting military industrial complex stakeholders target innocent citizens and states for destabilization. Are they not valid reasons to end hegemony dominance?
  1. Hegemony representatives are granted immunity from crimes essentially authorizing lawlessness and criminality not to mention abuse of power. How could such representation become legitimate leadership in the so-called democracy?
  1. Last but not the least – Hegemony intolerance to truth, free speech, equal rights and opportunity besides illegal intrusive surveillance, selective profiling and prejudice verify authoritarianism. Is it not appropriate to reject hegemony and hypocrisy in disguise as democracy?

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant