Acknowledgment of Worldwide Support to Humanitarian Mission

December 31, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The website was launched in June 2008 to serve humanity by addressing the various challenges in all fronts.

Human civilization is aptly reflected in science and technology constituting an intricate part of modern existence.

Technology has revolutionized world performance while simultaneously increased vulnerability in the misuse of the medium.

The dawn of new millennium was celebrated in the shadow of political, social and economic inequality.

Life is a gift and born to be free. Yet in the contemporary society these fundamentals are denied with the significant population subject to oppression, persecution and premature deaths due to the powerful minority dominance over the vast majority.

As a result, individual freedom is regarded a privilege than an inalienable right in the present environment.

Poverty, hunger and disease are widespread from failed policies favoring those in power against the powerless.

The brave and the bold expressing their concerns are falsely accused and condemned for standing up against injustice. Truth is vilified and subversion glorified blocking access to improve status quo despite deteriorating conditions threatening the habitat to the point of no return.

Nonetheless the commitment towards humanitarian service remains strong and determined to stay on course until the tasks are completed.

It’s truly an honor to serve humanity and experience the joy of giving for greater good.

Human spirit is exalted in the devotion to heal the wounded and the suffering defining the purpose in life.

At the minimum abstinence from wrong doings could be helpful to a large extent promoting peace within and around.

The arduous journey thus far would not have been possible without the tremendous love and support from wonderful friends all over the world.

Your genuine care and words of courage provide motivation to persevere in the humanitarian mission.

The kind remarks and outpouring appreciation are accepted with profound gratitude.

Likewise the skeptics and critics’ reservations are respected to accommodate diversity and tolerance.

On the last day of the year 2010 marking the first decade ending,

I sign off with fond memories from the exciting global adventure to many interesting domains.

I look forward to the beginning of the new decade with events hopefully comprising less or no conflicts and more cooperation to make this beautiful planet a reality for all.

Best Wishes and Warm Regards to the citizens across the globe.

Farewell 2010! and Welcome 2011!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. A snapshot of 2010 events is presented in the featured videos.

Environment Protection and Endangered Species Act

December 29, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

United States pledge to contain carbon emission and enact effective environmental laws in accordance with global objectives at the 2010 COP16 Cancun summit is now challenged by energy sector promoted new bills that violates the existing laws and threatens life sustenance.

The Environment Protection Agency’s postponement of rigorous emission standards on smog and toxic pollution is capitulation to energy industry defiance jeopardizing the clean air requirement for survival.

In this context EPA declaration to adopt California rule as national policy was much anticipated to combat air pollution proved to be directly related to serious respiratory and various other illnesses affecting the vast majority – the children and seniors in particular.

Therefore delivering the intent through verifiable action would confirm EPA role as the legitimate regulatory authority living up to the reputation to ‘protect’ the environment against any opposition.

Similarly the federal agency as the oversight for U.S. oil and gas exploration is preparing to allow Shell Oil company to drill for oil in the Arctic nearing summer.

After the worst environment disasters from BP oil spills in the Gulf coast the federal agency consideration to grant permission for drilling is disappointing especially with the responsibility to safeguard national environment.

It also confirms energy companies’ dominance over the governing power.

The energy sector monopoly in striking against environmental measures is fostered by the entities prioritizing self and special interests over national interest.

Any negative consequences affecting the inhabitants such as BP oil catastrophe is neglected in the profit oriented scheme.

When mistakes are repeated despite the inevitable harmful effects then they are intentional to serve individual purpose at the humanity’s detriment.

The energy corporations’ reluctance to transform from fossil fuel use towards renewable energy viz. solar, wind, hydroelectric and biofuel…is a major impediment in the international environment goals.

Furthermore, the dismissal of CO2 factor in global warming during the committee hearing on climate change is denial of the present reality i.e. the extreme weather conditions like freezing temperatures, drought, floods, tsunami, hurricane, tornadoes etc. experienced by the world population.

Somehow subversion of facts prevails over hard core evidences in climate debate enabling polluters to accelerate destructive operations regardless of the devastating results.

It has come to light that the Bureau of Land Management has proposed a 1,000-acre timber sale in the heart of old-growth forest vital to the spotted owl.

This issue is relevant to deforestation contributing to greenhouse gases and again vehemently rejected by the industries engaged in depleting natural resources essential for ecological balance.

Life species that were once statistically well represented are increasingly becoming part of the endangered species due to reckless utilization of the planet’s natural substances.

Mankind failure to respect the environment relied upon by myriad sources providing lifeline support to human existence is best characterized as kamikaze indulgence for materialistic gains.

United States bears greater responsibility given the enormous energy consumption while ranked second following China in atmospheric contamination.

Hence the elected officials entrusted with power by the people are urged to exercise diligence in the approval of the energy sector activities decisively focused on generating personal wealth at the environment degradation.

Planet earth is the natural habitat for infinite life and the energy industry’s egregious engagement in the assault on air, land and water leading to the status quo can no longer be ignored with political rhetoric claiming climate change a ‘myth’ – an irresponsible stance precipitating the environment decline.

However, the powerful energy industries refutation in this matter could be countered with citizens’ collective response through their Congressional representatives at any time. Please call the lawmakers and request them to end the environmental damages caused by energy industry’s adverse strategies.

Public participation in legislation and governance is paramount for it can produce the desirable outcome that guarantees planet preservation.

Unity is the indomitable force in defending mother nature.

Please Save the Planet – the only shelter and a precious gift to humanity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Veterans Day – Remembering the War Victims and the Armed Forces Sacrifice

November 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On this important day we remember the brave hearts who volunteered to sacrifice their precious life for their nation and humanity at large.

The cherished freedom would not be possible without the selfless dedication of the young men and women in uniform who willfully offer their service for national and global security.

However, war should never be an option against peace and diplomacy. The simultaneous wars in different parts of the world today have claimed many innocent lives including casualties suffered by the duty bound armed forces in the battle grounds.

It has resulted in enormous pain, grief and agony for the victims’ families all around.

Besides, the economic liability from the relentless wars is exacerbating the national deficit for the U.S and the global economy.

Only if the funds were instead invested in social and economic development the terror recruitment would substantially decline allowing peace to dawn on the war torn regions.

Although many are reminiscent of the past victories and argue about the necessity to go to war for territorial conquest or eliminating authoritarian rule,

They also forget that independence, civil rights and many humanitarian goals were achieved through peace and non-violence by the venerable leaders.

The lesson from history is to pursue peaceful means i.e. constructive dialogue and meaningful strategies as preventive measures than adopting military options.

Violence begets violence and is not the ideal response to belligerence. The incredible loss of life during war cannot be resurrected and nothing can possibly compensate the human tragedies from the horrendous war crimes.

It’s important for the world leaders to pause and deviate from the decisions to engage in war. There are no winners in war considering the inevitable bloodshed, carnage and destruction shared by all warring factions.

There is an urgent requirement for denuclearization and strategic arms reduction to ensure global security. Universal policy is imperative for the nuclear disarmament and conventional stockpile containment.

In other areas of warfare, the veterans and their families are often neglected despite their patriotic duty to the country.

Not all human beings can pledge their life to serve the nation in a combat environment and those who come forward to do so are uniquely honorable. Every one of these individuals deserves national appreciation for their tremendous contribution towards security, freedom and humanitarian deeds.

It’s important to maintain the federal run VA health care and rehabilitation programs for all service members and their families.

Further, the government assistance to the veterans’ families with housing, education and other social services are equally essential to help them cope with the economic hardships while their family members are engaged in active duty or otherwise. It’s the least any nation can do for the armed personnel deployed in various parts of the world.

Since the contemporary wars are conducted for reasons beyond national defense, the exorbitant military spending has taken precedence over critical life dependent programs for the vulnerable population in the society.

Sadly, in the materialistic world life is easily dispensable. The present is dictated in monetary terms and,

Profit is regarded as the Prophet.

Nevertheless, the world is still intact as there are great many humanitarians, unsung activists in every corner tirelessly devoted to improve life on earth.

On this day when the parents, young widows, widowers and orphaned children experience sorrow and pride in loving memory of their dear ones,

The nation acknowledges the armed forces and national guards’ significant sacrifices for others.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Dr. Jill Stein – Green-Rainbow Party Candidate for Governor of Massachusetts

October 22, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Massachusetts status quo is no different from other states in the nation.

Massachusetts residents are dealing with similar problems on the economy, health care, education and environment.

With respect to solutions – policies that conforms to Washington tradition are pursued with the misguided hope of delivering change.

It’s not political parties related anymore. It depends upon the candidacy and their record that confirms the policy failure in applying the same strategies for different results.

Washington is a perfect example in this instance.

Although the legislative gridlock is mostly contributed by the Republican members, the corporate democrats in the Senate and the conservative blue dogs in the House are equally defiant in their opposition to bills favoring the mainstream America.

Despite the democrat majority in the House and the Senate until January 2010, the legislation thus far favor the special interests than the average citizen in every national issue predominantly due to their representatives’ staunch support to safeguard the corporate interests at national cost.

In this particular gubernatorial race, the Green-Rainbow Party candidate Jill Stein stands apart unequivocally from other contenders including the incumbents representing the major political party.

Dr.Jill Stein is the alumna of the distinguished Harvard Medical School. Dr. Stein is an environmental activist. As the Co-Chair of the Green-Rainbow Party, the avant-garde on many political-social issues ranging from Fair elections to spreading public awareness on life matter, Dr. Stein is a board member on health oriented community programs involving medical professionals.

Dr.Jill Stein is the candidate for the Governor of Massachusetts in the 2010 election.

Dr.Jill Stein’s exemplary background as a physician with extensive knowledge in health care eminently qualifies the candidacy as the appropriate advocate for universal health care, the only remedy to the escalating health care expenses contributing to the state and national deficits.

Dr.Stein is also a stalwart on social issues such as same-sex marriage, addressing poverty and fixing educational system as a top priority besides an array of environmental causes.

During the debate, the other candidates were unanimously endorsing the casino set up in Massachusetts claiming that will create jobs while ignoring the proven social risks and the lack of guaranteed income in this trade.

Whereas, Dr.Stein emphasized the above outlined reasons behind her rejection to the casinos and instead committed to green jobs as the ideal alternative apart from improving and expanding the transportation facilities in the state of Massachusetts.

Dr.Jill Stein is an outsider with pragmatic approach to the burgeoning crises confronting the people of Massachusetts. Dr.Stein is the PEOPLE candidate and accordingly funded by the electorate desiring real change in their deteriorating economic conditions.

Dr.Stein’s campaign is exclusively built on public contributions to implement the Change in the electoral mandate.

Contrarily, the other contenders have the political party backing with corporate funding conspicuous in the special interests prepared state and national legislation leaving the ordinary citizens marginalized in the process.

Massachusetts has unique opportunity to elect the third party candidate genuinely dedicated to alleviate their plight in all aspects through diligence and practical measures epitomizing the authentic Change.

As stated above, it is not the party that matters but the policies and the candidates’ zeal to produce the anticipated outcome benefiting all rather than just the privileged groups in the society.

By electing the Green-Rainbow party candidate to the public office the Massachusetts voters would send a strong message to the special interests monopoly on the two political parties and potentially break the oligarchy influence in political campaigns.

Perhaps it could motivate the respective parties’ incumbents and new challengers to renounce the contemporary political practice and fulfill their obligation to the people electing them as their representatives to the office.

Hopefully, the Massachusetts electorate deserving strong leadership would set precedence by electing the Green-Rainbow candidate Dr.Jill Stein, the visionary with extraordinary credentials and impressive public service record fortified by the enormous passion to serve the people in the state regarded as the seat of intellect.

Best Wishes to Dr.Jill Stein for a glorious victory as the Governor of the State of Massachusetts in the November 2, 2010 election.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Freedom Struggle – People vs. Power in the New World Order

October 14, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Evidently, the facts in every respect confirm that the nation is heading in the wrong direction.

The NWO chartered by the secret society elite members has grave consequences.

It is exacerbated by their unwillingness to confront the people on the illogic strategies behind relentless warfare, sinking economy, alarming national debt, rising health care costs, cataclysmic energy undertakings and importantly – gross violation of the constitution in every possible civil and human rights issue.

When the incumbent administration launched the Presidential campaign in 2007, the core message was about the country and the world in need of a dramatic Change with tremendous Hope raised on the campaign trail.

The message for most part of the campaign resonated the impending Change and delineated from the opponents as them being –

More of the Same citing the Bush-Cheney administrations’ disastrous course on war, economy, environment and utter disregard for the constitution.

Although the Bush-Cheney record is unique in aimlessly leading the nation and the world on wild adventures causing immeasurable misery all around,

The current administration’s Bush policy continuation and complicity to the crimes committed by the predecessor is a major concern among the electorate that casted their vote for Hope and Change.

Upon reflection, Obama campaign swiftly deviated from the initial pledge after securing the party nomination in 2008 democratic primary election.

From voting for FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) favoring the Patriot Act, surpassing the opponents in receiving corporate donations towards the campaign by rejecting the McCain – Feingold campaign finance reform rules that was acknowledged by the then Senator Barack Obama in 2007,

To joining the rest in the drill baby drill contest at the height of induced gas crisis in 2008 –

There was no ambivalence in the dramatic change even prior to the campaign promise Change coming into fruition.

The stark contrast between the candidate Senator Barack Obama in 2006-2007 and the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2008 subsequently the 44th President of the United States cannot be overlooked for it has evolved into an accelerated Bush-Cheney policy especially on the extensive military operations, corporate deals with finance, energy and health care industries and regrettably the nuclear disarmament issue, the campaign’s hallmark that captivated world attention.

Again upon careful observation, there is no revelation on the warfare, U.S. foreign policy and Wall Street negotiations.

The Ex-Presidents warnings and the former President FDR experience related to corporate coup d’état attempts along with the worldwide events throughout the twentieth and twenty first century exemplify the catastrophic damages inflicted on innocent civilians, brave young men and women in uniform and the planet.

The NWO secret society would not comply with the request to hold meetings in public view and invite the independent press representing democracy.

Like stated earlier, if the powerful entities assemble to resolve the problems that they have successfully created as the ultimate authorities in the respective discipline i.e. politics, economics, finance, energy and military operations…

Then why not share the self-proclaimed noble doctrine with the people for whom the NWO is apparently devised through the secret policies.

Even the iron curtains eventually came down due to public resistance to economic struggles imposed by the hard liners’ inherently flawed governance.

When the authorities evade legitimate public demand for reasons behind warfare leading nowhere and issues directly affecting their lives such as health care, constitutional rights violation…

It arouses doubts in the public mind and generates mistrust against the power.

How do the NWO treat the dissidents raising these questions on the republics’ behalf?

They deny the dissidents the civil rights and completely strip away the privacy by invading their homes with the 24/7 surveillance eavesdropping on family conversations, not even sparing the private moments with nature calls,

Monitoring on-line and off-line regular communications from email, telephone to typing on the personal computers detected via the FCC approved microchips implanted keyboard.

In addition to snooping on every routine normal activity, cripple them financially, disable supporting progressive political candidates, confine to house arrest and keep close tabs on every single breath of their victims.

A bizarre approach to seek support was made when,

The blank birthday card sent with a message – “Praise the President in your own words,” and mail it back by the deadline. It was followed by a reminder when the earlier message was discarded.

Subsequently the birthday message was written to read the following:

“Dear Mr. President,

I hope and pray for all your decisions to be guided by peace, wisdom and truth. Happy Birthday with Best Wishes.”

An appraisal on the economy and the state of affairs at both national and international level was also sought in the same context.

In response, candid evaluation was presented based on the deteriorating situation in economy, health care costs etc.

Simultaneously the uncanny similarities with the previous administration in warfare, foreign policy and civil rights indicated did not bode well with the authorities.

Pushing the envelope, the Presidential aide through selective networks was conveying that;

“When the Commander-in-Chief expects any citizen to do any task, it should be carried out without any hesitation” implying whether the citizens are employed by the administration, federal, state, any branch of the government or not.

These individuals in their faithful demonstration of their duty forget that –

The President is the Commander-in-Chief to the armed forces in uniform serving the nation.

To the civilians – President is the civilian authority in the capacity as the democratically elected leader bound by constitutional rule of law that appropriately sets limits on the executive power over the republic represented by the Congress in a democratic society.

Above all, the constant propaganda is in place through their selective loyalists on payroll as newspaper columnists, television hosts and some introduced as the movie director on foreign soil with the tailor made delusional scripts maligning the dissidents’ image to propagate rumors for non-cooperation.

Yet the interesting factor being them playing the victim as their paid defenders define it as an unfair game given the authority they amass within a short period of their time in power against the constitutional law.

As pointed out by concerned citizens in their comments on this website – it’s all about three R’s.

Rubber stamp on legislations regardless. Refrain from scrutiny as the public watchdog.

Upon refusal, deal with the baseless Rumors spread by the agents operating in the vast dragnet to mislead the inevitable next target – the people at home and the world over.

The excessive authority on the dissidents is an experiment to be applied on the mass once the position is secure to unleash more power.

All happening in the so-called democracy.

What hope do the people in China, Iran, and Myanmar…nations under overt iron-fist regimes have in the supposedly modern civilization run by the elitists focused on safeguarding their personal interests by implementing unconstitutional and undemocratic rules to dictate and dominate the world?

That’s why they have the warrantless wiretapping on American civilians, policing cyberspace and going beyond to legislate shutting down the internet last year.

Conducting the so-called war on terror by ignoring the immense casualties,

Contributing to undesirable political situations in the war zones and the developing nations yearning for peace and,

Declining to substantiate the false pretext for war…cannot be accepted in silence.

Incidentally, the world is still waiting on the authorities to present Osama Bin Laden – the NWO by-product, dead or alive.

Resurrecting the dead virtually is a no brainer for the NWO authorities controlling the cyber space.

However, the mortals immortalizing the mortal would be presumptuously assuming an impossible feat with a guaranteed defeat on the horizon.

The irony with the established demagoguery is the global issues such as the economy, energy, environment and poignantly the incessant warfare are discussed in a clandestine consortium.

Meanwhile the same NWO elitists are in control of the private citizens’ private life in a democracy becoming more a hypocrisy through their over-indulgence in citizen rights.

The Cabal recently made the following declaration:

“If you get ahead of us, we will not follow you.

We are here as one, an exclusive group set in our own agendas and determined to enforce them sooner than you can do anything to prevent it. NWO is real and happening.”

Since peace and diplomacy is a misnomer with the conglomerate espousing the archaic philosophy of concentrated power,

The cabal is entrenched in colonialism, misused capitalism and communism strengthened by cronyism in the empire survival with baron, baroness, multinational corporations, Communist leaderships, certain heads of the state, intelligence agencies, military top brass, media moguls as the privileged members in the organization.

Winding up military operations that are proved to be a fundamental failure from the onset primarily due to false premise, propaganda and rising death toll on all sides is rejected.

Stop preying on innocent civilians in the United States and around the world with the doomed decadent policies that is designed to favor the minority in the NWO against the majority.

Cease offshore drilling and environmentally dangerous energy pursuit on the planet, the only habitat for innumerous life.

Planet earth belongs to all and not just the ostentatious powerful members in the society.

New World Order is oxymoron because there is nothing new, worldly or orderly in principle.

The elitists with the power to control the society are not new rather an old ideology and disturbingly bear semblance to the pre-world war II fascist era at the worst reverting to stone age in the master-slave mentality intended to pervade across the globe.

In this exclusive club, the definitive goal to profit in every frontier at the populace and the planet’s peril is not representative of the world but a narcissist agenda.

Last but not the least;

The entire framework is diabolical especially with reference to the term Order promoting authoritarian rule suggestive of a disorder in the offing.

NWO is a recipe for disaster aimed at the world population by the oligarchy engaged in a kamikaze mission.

Hence, NWO should have never existed and will no longer prevail in the domestic or global decisions severely affecting humanity, the weak and the vulnerable in particular.

Defiance in this respect would precipitate the dismantling with people power.

New Global Era is imminent with power entrusted to people in a democratic setting, restoring individual freedom yet embracing solidarity to achieve equal rights and opportunities for all.

The Real Change with the people governing themselves as the republic through their democratically elected representatives in Congress under constitutional guidance with power assigned to the executive, legislative and judicial branch according to the constitution.

Freedom will be cherished as the inalienable human right.

Those nations invaded and occupied will be free and recognized as a sovereign state.

Repressive regimes will have to exit and pave way for the republic rule.

Big and small nations would receive equal respect and attention on various issues affecting the local or the international community.

Global resources will be shared for greater good and the planet sustenance.

New Global Era would epitomize peace and unity among people from different cultures and traditions coming together as one race – the Human race nurturing life on the planet.

Nuclear disarmament is no longer an option but a necessity with compliance from all nations through forced entry into CTBT, NPT,FMCT, START and PAROS irrespective of stature outlined in the 09/29/10 article –

‘The 65th U.N. General Assembly on Multilateral Disarmament Treaty’ under National and Global Security on this website.

In the latest development, the U.N. General Assembly – 187 out of 191 nations overwhelmingly approved India for a non-permanent Security Council rotating membership after nineteen years.

It is a significant honor for India and the U.N. General Assembly members’ magnanimous gesture is commendable.

Likewise, every other nation deserves representation to signify their individual importance in global affairs.

Permanent Security Council membership expansion is vital to reflect the twenty first century reality and the new members would enormously contribute to resolving complex global crises.

It would be helpful to subject the current permanent memberships for U.N. General Assembly review and make necessary revisions to accommodate the present global requirements.

Nations retaining their sovereignty but working together for global peace, progress and prosperity is the vision in the New Global Era.

Humanity thrives through consolidated efforts for mutual benefits made possible by the unified world.

Peace to all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The 65th U.N. General Assembly Focus – Millennium Development Goals and Biodiversity

September 25, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

A warm welcome to the Heads of the State and dignitaries around the world attending –

The 65th U.N. General Assembly in New York, U.S.A.

The 65th U.N. General Assembly key meeting held between September 20 and September 22, 2010 reached an accord on Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and coordinated with the International Year of Biodiversity.

Per the U.N. Accord on MDG, more than $40 billion is pledged towards women and children’s health, hunger, poverty and technology access over a five year period.

According to the U.N. statement – the unanimous agreement from the various groups such as the Heads of the State and the Government, private sector, foundations, international organizations, civil society and research companies expected to expedite the targeted goals.

There is no doubt that an overwhelming world population is battling with starvation, preventable diseases and chronic illnesses due to lack of health professionals and inadequate facilities exacerbated by natural disasters, political and economic crisis.

The U.N. effort is praiseworthy. However, in addition to the international community consistent engagement in rescue operation, the United Nations and the nexus organizations could address the issues causing the human misery.

Otherwise directing focus on prevention and cure.

What is the reason behind global poverty, hunger, disease, social injustice and gender inequality?

The mass opinion in this regard is Politics.

Politics has not entirely committed to alleviate human suffering in their respective domain.

Policies are geared towards political expediency i.e. remaining in power and adhering to decisions benefiting a selective few rather than the general society especially the average citizen.

Further, experimenting the same methods for different results have conspicuously widened the gap between the haves and the havenots.

Divisiveness in the political discourse is polarizing the society on religious, ethnic and gender related concepts.

Understanding and appreciating the cultural differences, religious and human rights would enormously benefit the people in a cosmopolitan global village.

Social challenges are often best dealt with proper knowledge and facts on the issues promoting empathy and unity in the society.

Political situation directly affects the citizens’ life and determines their future. With the prevalent close relationship between politics and economic leaderships, the political system is represented by all interests except the public.

There is a unique prospect for the government-business relationship to work in favor of the people being the electorate, taxpayers, workers, employees and consumers in the society.

Poverty and disease is a universal problem more visible in the poor countries and shielded in the industrialized nations. The desperate human conditions around the world are created by both economic and political warfare declining peace and persistently pursuing the agenda that are counterproductive.

If peace were to be embraced in the same manner it’s rejected, half the battle against the social and economic disparities would be won. For every nation has some natural resources and possess the valuable asset – the human capital that has been deprived the opportunity for progress.

The damages inflicted with ill choices and the declaration of war against the weak and the vulnerable are later attempted for salvation thereby being the cause and the remedy in the ceaseless cycle.

In the developing and some developed regions, election is perceived as a mere democratic formality adding to the public frustration and disappointment.

Politics essentially controls the life existence and sustenance. From economic to environmental issues, the political dynamics play a major role in shaping the human evolution.

Communications Media aid politics in propagating information with truth being the primal casualty.

Even in the so-called democratic settings few media hosts and anchors volunteer as the political surrogates rather than being the voice for democracy transforming the medium into a state owned enterprise.

Meanwhile, in the economic front – globalization has provided incredible means to corporations with options to empower and exploit the local population. Unfortunately, the reality confirms the latter exceeding the former in most economic areas.

The basic survival factors – jobs, health, and energy resource under finance, health and energy sectors respectively revealed the extent of greed in the recent crises pervasively affecting humanity and the planet.

Yet, compromises are made with the health care industry, finance sector rewarded with $19 billion tax exemptions and energy giants allowed unlimited oil explorations, mining and nuclear programs across the globe despite the past and present catastrophic experience.

Waging wars for economic purpose is an acceptable norm in the modern civilization with accountability and transparency becoming a misnomer at the easily dispensable human lives cost not to mention the environmental degradation.

More disturbing aspects emerge from the judicial systems made redundant with the imprudent silence to the escalating death tolls and civilian displacements granting refugee status in their homeland.

Law and order only applicable to the law abiding citizens to display the political strength in the domestic turf.

Once again, the innocents abandoned to fend for themselves in the quest for political and economic freedom.

The synopsis is the synchronization between certain economic, political and religious factions along with a narrow communication media not sparing some internet entrepreneurs enable in disabling advancement across the social demography.

Such coordination could be applied towards talent enrichment among the less privileged communities worldwide seeking a diverse platform for their political, social and economic development integrating with the twenty first century growth.

The MDG or the Millennium Development Goals are commendable but improving the women and children’s life is also dependent upon the political will imperative to nurture the providers’ dreams and ambitions in a peaceful and prosperous atmosphere.

There is tremendous hope and optimism in the noble humanitarian goal.

Contributions at all levels in the MDG framework and agreement deserves recognition and the commitment is honorable.

Best Wishes to the United Nations and all participating members across the political, social and economic spectrum in their noteworthy endeavor.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Cuba – New Economic Model

September 19, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The island nation is in the process of shifting towards an economic model to rescue the state from the employment burden across the public sector.

State’s overwhelming expansion in all areas of the economy is forcing the government to change course in an effort to salvage the sagging public enterprises into private industry.

The combined woes of political sanctions, global economic crisis and natural disasters have produced massive revenue losses for the socialist system struggling to maintain the infrastructure.

As a result, Cuba has reportedly decided to lay off 500,000 state employees by March 2011 and promoting the private entrepreneurial opportunities by issuing business licenses to its population in a limited measure.

Such economic strategy is a wise move for Cuba and could potentially ease the pressure off the government funded organizations that are becoming unaffordable.

The underground economy that managed the private businesses in the state controlled environment is apparently being considered for legal recognition.

Again the consideration is a positive step that would guarantee state revenue through taxes and necessary fees besides facilitating free flow of goods and services not only within the island but across Latin America.

In terms of public education, health care, subsidized food and housing – Cuba could adhere to universal public education and health care alongside private developments in these areas forging a competitive market with enhanced services focused on research and innovation attracting the higher income groups upon the private sector growth.

With respect to subsidized food and housing – the state could perhaps reduce the percentage to the optimum based on means test for families with little or no income to address poverty and let the remaining population assist the market economy.

That way there is tremendous access for small businesses in the food supply enabling the wholesale and the medium to large size corporations to emerge in the long term.

Activating the manufacturing side is equally important for it would absorb the massive workforce expected to be without jobs following the state retrenchment.

The private markets cannot surface overnight without the adequately funded and regulated financial sector which in turn might require IMF and World Bank monetary assistance to expedite the transition.

Initially the federal authorities could divert the savings from the half a million workforce wages to the community banks for private sector lending and earn interest on the borrowings, thereby converting the state liability to income.

Cuba with a much better supply demand prognosis has a greater ability to implement the changes and prepare the Federal Reserve along with the Treasury to monitor the hybrid economic activities.

The questions are raised on Cuba’s capacity to import the essential resources and technology for the proposed transformation by March 2011 and relevantly the state’s action plan on the immediate income surge from the private economy boosting middle and higher earnings categories in the society.

Importing necessary items could be made possible by approaching current trade partners and the industrialized nations like the United States, Germany… have unique advantage in being the supplier especially with the higher end equipment and machinery contributing to the overall benefits in creating and retaining manufacturing jobs in their respective domain.

Obviously ending the economic trade sanctions would serve the international purpose.

Adjusting to the inevitable income hierarchy post economic model could be effectively addressed through a progressive tax structure that protects the lower income and the middle class while the wealthier groups offered tax incentives for domestic investments preventing tax evasions.

Cuba would prosper through reconciliation with reality in accepting the private enterprises
role and build the national economy with a harmonious balance between the state and free market owned assets.

Except for the regular public services, health care and education under state management – the vast areas of the economy are best run by the private industry delivering the people with quality products and services at a market price.

Any concerns about the capitalism risk experienced in the developed economies is legitimate and could be avoided with appropriate regulations comprising checks and balances for smooth operation.

In other matter, Cuba released seven dissidents in July 2010 and vowed to free the 52 political prisoners recently. These actions are praiseworthy and promising in improving human rights record which is significant to win the trust and confidence among the majority in the international community disappointed with the state human rights violation.

President Barack Obama pledge to lift travel ban allowing Cuban Americans and others to travel to Cuba is an optimistic beginning in the U.S – Cuban relationship for the policy would revive the flat travel industry with many dependent livelihoods.

Cuba is gradually heading towards the direction desirable by not only its people but also the global citizens. Similar initiatives in the political dimension would be highly beneficial now for Cuba considering the economic urgency and the trade sanctions posing obstacles for imports to mobilize privatization.

Nevertheless, it’s a refreshing start and there is hope for the Caribbean nation to make progress in every aspect.

As long as there is political determination to evolve and embrace the new possibilities then sky is the limit.

Best Wishes to the wonderful Cuban population for a bright future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Truth Verification and Implication on Whistle Blowers

September 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

In the bizarre political environment – certain talking heads for the political class or the establishment in Washington condemn truth in the name of free speech while forbidding others of the same constitutional right confirming hypocrisy in the so-called democracy.

Propaganda through subversion of facts is the typical characteristics in the denial and dismissal of truth, despite evidences in the relevant matter.

Truth and first amendment rights are the primary targets in successfully evading debates concerning human tragedies from health, economic to incessant warfare.

Attempts to discredit those raising legitimate questions on national issues and humanity at large bear uncanny semblance to the political systems depriving citizens of the democratic right to express views and opinions.

Ordinary citizens are expected to accept responsibility for their actions; meanwhile the extraordinary held above the law regardless of the issues.

The buffer created to protect the authorities from any investigation constitutes the distinctive hierarchy that in itself is undemocratic expanding the opportunities for history to repeat itself in recent times.

As for the various speculations on the possible intentions behind the humanitarian issues facts finding – there is no materialistic, political aspirations or celebrity quest involved in the spiritually guided humanitarian mission selflessly carried out to protect the planet and the inhabitants from further degradation in preparation for the new peaceful era.

The declaration in April 2010 is not a personal affirmation to any political status but a revelation in the contemporary sense on the spiritual being’s arrival and presence as the humanity’s protector to complete the cosmic realization in correlation with time and space.

Any skepticism or criticism in this regard would be an individual prerogative and the perspective is respected.

Nonetheless, if there are any from the expected quarters, then it would be a ‘selective and convenient,’ position given their precise instructions to get the political candidates elected in the midterm elections and follow the order.

Innuendoes suggest political approach as ‘calculating,’ and not “Saintly” – disregarding the notion that when defending the oppressed, persecuted and exploited population – the victims in the contentious politics with excess greed for power, fame and fortune,

The defender’s position to the powerful and the critics would always appear anything but reasonable.

Besides, from earlier experience it’s clear that when dealing with political and social issues, politeness is mistaken for weakness and silence misconstrued as an ‘apology,’ among some elite and presumptuous in the social-political circle. The populace grievances are neglected with no real or long lasting solutions to the problems.

Immigrants cited as ‘foreigners’ continue to be marginalized by the visibly clamorous ‘minority’ in the television and news media representing the oligarchy.

Fairness and equality is a misnomer with high level of suspicions against individual’s genuine sacrifices for humanitarian good reflecting xenophobia.

However, the horrendous crises resulting in loss of life or serious health problems requiring attention are not a priority and considered unimportant at the least inconvenient.

The lack of empathy for the poor and the ignored majority is an accepted norm in the contemporary society. Upon request to alleviate suffering, the action is misinterpreted as an unnecessary intrusion with ulterior motives.

Unless there is unanimous recognition for honest commitment to deliver in common interest, the gap between the rich and poor will widen with the continuous burden on the wealthy to provide for the rest.

Human conditions could vastly improve with the ability to survive and maintain an affordable economic and healthy habitat. It is made possible by strong political will dedicated to serving the people electing them to office.

Moral and ethical failure is contributed by the abuse of power with no accountability and transparency in political and corporate dealings. Above all, the concerted effort to discourage the pursuit is quite disturbing.

Hence dissent against war and disappointment in other national issues are easily suppressed under these conditions.

Therefore, whistle blowers are forced to submerge and portrayed as potential threats to the status quo through certain volunteers in the news media across the spectrum contrary to them being the voice for democracy.

Democracy is cosmetic rather than realistic in a society without equal rights.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Australian Federal Elections 2010

September 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Australia – Welcomes the first female Prime Minister Julia Gillard after the political stalemate Down Under yielded victory to the ruling Labor Party in coalition with Green Party Independent members to form a government.

The Australian federal election held on August 21, 2010 produced a hung parliament with the incumbent Labor party and the opposition Liberal party (conservatives in political ideology) winning 72 seats short of 76 required in the 150 seats House of Representatives elected to the Parliament.

Australian Green Party as the name suggests is renowned for environmental cause and increasingly becoming prominent in Australian politics dominant with two major parties i.e. Labor, the Democrats equivalent and the Liberal being the conservatives.

The two independent members’ conditional alignment with the Labor Party was reportedly related to climate change legislation and expansion of the fastest and sophisticated Internet broadband networks in the country.

Green Party proposals in the environmental and technological fronts are praiseworthy.

However, there is a greater need for the environmental groups and their legislators to review Australia’s role as the leading coal exporter to China and a competitive bidder in uranium supply to India – the two emerging economic powers with a huge energy demand could be encouraged to abandon fossil fuel and nuclear power for clean renewable energy sources.

Planet sustenance is dependent upon collective environmental goals. The industrialized nations have better opportunities and resources to promote clean energy options on their shores and abroad.

Although each nation bears individual responsibility in protecting the environment, their economic outlook on trading fossil fuel and nuclear technology would render the domestic efforts redundant.

Tsunami in the Indian Ocean could directly affect Western Australia sharing the coastal region with South East Asia. An environmental disaster in one part of the planet could be potentially devastating for the rest of the inhabitants.

Australian economic performance despite global recession is impressive. The GDP growth at 3.3% with 5.3% unemployment in July is a boost for the Labor government and now the political mandate for further progress across the economic and social spectrum will determine the coalition strength.

Congratulations and Best Wishes! To Prime Minister Julia Gillard of the Labor Party and the coalition partners for a successful term and a bright future to all Australians.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Economy – The Job Factor

September 7, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The major national concern among the American families are finding and retaining jobs.

There is no doubt that jobs are Democrats’ priority in the Republicans created deficit economy.

Not surprisingly, the response to unveiling the economic plan at this time is “Too little, too late.”

It confirms political expediency to oppose the Obama initiatives rather than extending bipartisan support to help the President save American jobs.

Contrary to the political mindset in the election year, it’s never too late to rescue American workforce and people in distress.

With the high unemployment in certain parts of the country such as Ohio, California, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Indiana…the workers disappointment and voters’ anxiety is about the jobs and the economy.

President Barack Obama eloquently laid out some job aspects in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Labor Day. The infrastructure proposal for repair, restoration and rebuilding America has great potential for jobs in the construction and service industry.

The President also clarified on the self-funding of the $50 billion job creation plan. Allocating the revenue from tax loopholes is fiscally responsible for it would not affect the contentious national deficit.

Moreover, the remaining funds from the earlier $787 billion stimulus bill allocated towards infrastructure could be verified and appropriated around this time.

Another bill that requires the legislators’ immediate attention is the $30 billion funding to community banks for small business lending in the worst hit areas of the economy. Again identifying wasteful spending to pay for the short and long term job opportunities is economically prudent.

The American plight from coast to coast is clearly visible seeking attention from both the private and public sector. Perhaps, the bipartisan recognition to set the political differences aside and work towards a common goal in the economic revival benefits all.

Those who are opposed to government spending to create jobs need to focus on the economic outcome i.e. helping American families with income that eventually returns to the government through consumer spending and taxes.

Unlike the same opponents’ “no-objection” on defense expenditure for warfare not only consumes enormous budget proportion but also contributes to the national deficit – prominently the two simultaneous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that triggered the rising deficit problem during the former Republican administration led by President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

On the Democrat side, easing taxations on Corporations pledged to generate jobs has already been enacted in 2009. Further, facilitating job growth in the manufacturing sector would minimize the blue collar job losses and boost the service industry alongside.

The national consortium comprising both private and public enterprises on job stimulus by exchanging ideas and resources is poignant to jumpstart the economy.

By providing specific reasons behind the recent layoffs and slow hiring, the Corporations representing the manufacturing, service and other industries could assist the legislators and federal authorities in understanding the issues – so that remedial measures are implemented for the much anticipated economic recovery.

Similarly, outreaching the small business and retail communities for the targeted assistance would bring relief to the struggling American families.

It’s not sufficient to display mere empathy in these tough economic times. Consumers and businesses are looking for simple to innovative solutions in accelerating the job growth.

Financial sectors have not complied with their end of the bargain in expediting job production, although it was among the criteria during the massive taxpayer bailout in 2008 and 2009.

Credit crunch still remains an economic impediment for small businesses and retailers. Household income having declined due to the job situation, lack of home equity and volatile investment returns are directly affecting consumer spending.

Monitoring the housing market by extending the foreclosure moratorium, $8000 first home buyer credit and affordable refinancing could ease the burden on the homeowners besides improving national home sales figures. These concessions have been tried in 2009 and proved to be positive for the housing sector.

Social security is yet another priority for the baby boomers and retirees dependent on the income. The conservative candidates’ threat to privatize social security in any economic conditions is a political stance more than a pragmatic approach.

Job oriented economic resuscitation is much anticipated among the American workforce and made possible with the combined economic decisions from the private, state and federal institutions.

Above all, the legislators’ bipartisan actions in addressing the serious unemployment status serve as the litmus test for the congressional candidates in the coming elections.

The incumbents and the new candidates have much better prospects of prevailing upon their legitimate demonstration including actions to invigorate job market rather than criticism on the unemployment data.

Jobs are justifiably the primary expectations among the American electorate. Therefore, the private, the state and the federal investments in this respect is paramount.

While the private sector flourishes from consumer spending and investor holdings, the government will gain from tax revenues.

There is no time to procrastinate on this matter as American families are striving hard to provide for their loved ones and a majority of them are in dire financial crisis.

Hopefully, the lawmakers, corporate executives and the economists’ collective actions will soothe the economic pain experienced by many working families in the harsh and competitive job environment.

Your concerted efforts will be appreciated by the suffering American workforce when the economy turns around for common good.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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