United States Presidential Race 2016

June 17, 2015

Dear Citizens,

The segment will focus on the United States Presidential race 2016.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Domestic Issues Review 2015

June 5, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

United States is preparing for 2016 Presidential race.  The election season is accompanied with media frenzy.  The candidates initially exchange barbs within their own party and then turn against members of the other political party.

The election is a catharsis to legitimize illegitimate incognito power.  The United States Supreme court decision in the Citizens united vs. Federal Election Commission landmark trial favoring corporations to bid on candidacies with unlimited funding is a major setback for democracy.

Congressional intervention reversing the verdict in constitutional adherence and amendment to prevent future modification could protect electoral sanctity.

The representatives elected to Congress and the White House follow special interests instructions and diligently obey orders neglecting people with economic woes and various constraints that require congressional remedy via legislation.

United States congress and white house time and efforts are devoted to hegemony ambitions like U.S. invasion of foreign land and interference undermining sovereign statehood of that nation.

The latest strategy is sponsoring terrorism and using al Qaeda offshoots viz. al Nusra, ISIS, ISIL and Boko Haram…al shabaab – as pretext to preempt and prolong conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and throughout Africa.

The election is means for external forces to rule United States through proxy governance in the White House and Congress.  The Congressional bipartisanship on warfare and foreign policy combined with White House approval is pledging allegiance to hegemony.

United States and world politics is under siege with secret society exerting authority to suppress political rights and freedom.  The political system is not constitution based and citizens’ rights such as peaceful assembly, discourse and debates are intercepted with violent tactics witnessed against Occupy Wall Street and reaction to protests during NATO summit in the country.

The introduction of National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in 2010 targeting United States citizens in and outside the country by government together with surveillance on people and continuous attempts to deny public access to information highway through SOPA, ACTA and other intrusive measures are in direct violation of constitutional and natural right. 

To make matters worse, the false flag events having successfully launched on September 11, 2001 are yet another way to induce fear and violence.  The warfare and foreign policy architects drain United States resources for hegemonic goals aimed at global supremacy.

United States civilians and military are used for hegemony aspirations leaving generational indebtedness among ordinary people and militarily imposing premature deaths on young men and women by sending them to war zone in Afghanistan and military bases in Africa as well as worldwide.

The domestic issues beginning with Obama care has been lucrative for health insurance industry due to mandatory subscriptions while the subscribers struggle to receive appropriate health care despite high premiums and copayments plus deductibles in the plan.

The seniors’ eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid to lower income group are contested with Congressional disagreement on this issue.   Similarly unemployment benefits and food stamps to citizens unable to find employment in the sluggish economy are also at Congressional mercy. 

Congressional gridlock is common on citizens related legislations sometimes ending in government shutdown although maintaining salary payments to Congress during this period.  The fiscal conservatives behind such activity do not have problems with losses to taxpayers in billions of dollars and continue with stalemate for unjustifiable reasons contributing to national debt.

The economy is far from recovery as many still remain jobless or underemployed and the statistics are greater among African Americans in the absence of corporate investments and government initiatives to boost economic growth in inner cities and states affected in the recession.

In the housing industry, the subprime mortgage crisis effects persists from foreclosures and home owners losing homes as a result with dire financial situation and damages to credit history impact economy at the retail level.

Inadequate educational funding starting at preschool to K-12 education pose challenges with dependency on humanitarian groups and charities to raise money for this purpose.

Moving forward, the families are barely able to afford college tuition.  Students from lower income groups face many hardships to earn University qualifications with no job guarantee upon graduation.

The government grants to students from poor economic backgrounds made easily available would perhaps alleviate students’ plight and motivate them to pursue higher education.

In terms of crime, the police brutality towards African American youths and frequent fatalities in police custody confirm the lack of concern to growing abuse of power in the law enforcement agency.

United States human rights record is irreparable  predominantly with resistance to shut down Guantanamo Bay prison and overseas prison camps in Afghanistan, Thailand and Eastern Europe.  Likewise renditions and torture of prisoners denying them habeas corpus is a routine affair.

In the domestic front, the prison industrial complex preying on vulnerable segments has no desire to part with profitability at the victims’ expense.

Environmentally, the climate talks never come to fruition as major polluters do not agree with binding treaty.  The commitment to provide technology and rescue operational knowhow to developing countries especially the island nations also missing in action allowing massive casualties from natural disasters.

Last but not the least, the shadow power influence and ownership on communication and mass media including press and internet outlets not barring entertainment and educational institutions is primarily used for mind control with propaganda, distortion and subversion of facts to deter independent thoughts and alternative views on national and global issues.

In a nutshell, the widening gap between the haves and have-nots exacerbated with taxation policy that exempts the wealthiest and multinational corporations from fair share of taxes along with assets stashed away in tax havens and overseas bank accounts shifting the burden on mainstream population.  The exponential national deficit is superficial and could be contained with tax reform and offshore holdings retrieval.

The electoral process prohibiting campaign donations from diverse sources and preserving credibility through transparent public financing is the preliminary step towards restoring democracy.  Until then participating in election is complicity to fraudulent occasion.

Citizens’ awareness and awakening with action is vital in rejecting unscrupulous enterprise responsible for human misery.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant













World – Political And Electoral Reform 2015

May 27, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The incognito power installs proxy governments to implement policies favorable to privileged class in global society.

New World Order with one world government emerged as United Nations Organization comprising unipolar system – UNSC with P5 + 1 exclusive club in possession of veto power.

UNSC target nations deemed adversaries for the members and their allies waging economic warfare via trade sanctions depriving people in Cuba and North Korea with basic food supplies and survival means until now.   The military invasion through conventional ground troops and air raids is another option. 

The recent activities in Yemen, Syria and Iraq, the drone attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa and Latin America assert supremacy.

The latest strategy is sponsoring terrorism in Libya, Syria, Iraq and North, East, West and Central Africa.

Elsewhere false flag events staged to smear nations and oust governments perceived as obstruction to hegemony ambition such as in Ukraine and Thailand. The constant unrest created in Venezuela and neighboring states in South and Central America cannot be ignored.

The other New World Order prototype is European Union with euro currency in the euro zone. The results are evident in member states like Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy, Portugal…and Ireland.

New World Order directs loyalists in the so-called democracies and non-democratic states across the globe.

The subversion of democracy witnessed in elections held to legitimize illegitimate authority.

The elections claimed democratic is infiltrated with special interests funding. Then there are domestic and foreign bidders in political campaigns gaining priority on legislations and corporate influence on political body hailed economic milestones in the convoluted version.

Not to mention hegemony controlled social media, press and entertainment deployed in mind manipulation exemplifying distortion gone awry. The educational institutions are also used for this purpose.

New World Order (NWO) rule and aspirations are unsustainable considering the disastrous experience thus far.

The clean up actions are paramount to restore sanity, sensibility and responsibility facilitating new beginning.

The citizens’ plight as labor force, consumers, taxpayers and electorate could be alleviated in initiating fundamental change in politics with necessary applications in other domains.

Current political structure is premised on extraordinary power, hierarchy with agencies and bureaucracy as expansive government. There are archaic designations in certain so-called democracies maintained to prolong imperial era. The political representation designed to achieve hegemonic goals and preserve corruption culture.

In pseudo democracy projected as functioning republic viz. India and alike – hegemony choices are rewarded with not one but two key posts like defense and finance ministry despite losing election i.e. constituents rejected candidate in national election are appointed to important positions against people’s will.

The taxpayer money is wasted in political extravagance promoting self-image and profiteering from statewide canteens (cafeteria) driving restaurateurs out of business, the other extremes are building and unveiling personal statues not excluding auctions to trumpet political figures and upper echelons price tag.

While significant population nationwide is forced into abject poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy and unemployment, the political fanfare at states and national level squandering citizens tax contributions is a routine affair.

Accordingly following recommendations are made to prevent abuse of power.

  1. Downsizing government along with extended affiliations to contain excess operational expenditure.
  1. The lavish accommodations, perks, benefits, vacations at taxpayers expense to public officials from top to bottom eliminated as austerity measure.
  1. Fiscal discipline on government limiting personnel or entourage accompanying political members within and outside the country. All costs to be accounted and audited by independent body and made available as public record.
  1. The enormous income derived in cash and kind as bribes on government contracts and favors due to powerful positions is not possible upon stripping discretionary rights in the decision-making process.
  1. Briefly, political evolution is required with emphasis on public service representing the people and not elements or agenda threatening sovereign status.

At present, the three branches of government – the executive, legislative and judiciary are reserved for the affluent and bourgeois in society with incentives ranging from luxury to immunity on crimes not barring treason.

Notwithstanding the eligibility criteria – complicity to foreign run enterprise.

Hence, there is no desire to perform national duty and fulfill constitutional oath to serve constituency and country.

Removing opulence and entitlements from political career would then make selfless motives the reason for joining politics and appealing to genuinely committed citizens to come forward in serving community, nation and humanity at large.

In the absence of political and electoral reform, the electoral mandate obtained by deception would continue to be misused with no end in sight in human suffering.

Darkness is dispelled with light and rising to the occasion would demonstrate the populace might.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




Election – Legitimizing Illegitimate Incognito Rule As Electoral Mandate

May 19, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The reason behind global mayhem is the incognito establishment governing politics, economy, religion, communication media, educational institutions, entertainment and environment.

The imposition of feudal system with vassal statehood through proxy governments pledging allegiance to hegemony is prevalent retaining concentration of power among selective group directing loyalists and servile contingency in the operation.

In this configuration, the people or the electorate are used to legitimize illegitimate power via election. The ordinary citizens taxes paid in sales, income and property levies are then expended in warfare for territorial expansions and illegal invasion as well as occupation of foreign land to freely access economic resources and exploitation of human capital. These activities are conducted entirely to benefit the self-proclaimed privileged class as secret society.

The hegemony ideology is dominance by any means and denial of basic rights exerting control over world population. The taxpayer-funded governments are channeled into promoting and achieving hegemonic goals favoring the military industrial complex, capitalist socialism strengthening mercantile influence in legislations and royalty including political dynasties thriving on the so-called commoners’ charity.

With the wealthiest exempt from tax and granted immunity on crimes, the ordinary people bear the burden in society.

The two critical ammunitions for the ruling class are election and taxes from the vast majority representing the 99% in the nation.

Furthermore, the electoral process is a catharsis for public satisfaction and the government upon being elected submits to foreign run enterprise. The laws and legislations are then passed to meet campaign donors demands leaving the electorate at shadow power mercy.

The legislators as lawmakers then onwards remain committed to internal and external investors in respective political candidacy or party. They are more engaged in fund raising for the next term rather than addressing issues confronting the constituents and voters at large.

While petitions are filed to draw legislators’ attention on matter concerning the people, country and the environment, the course may not be pursued and necessary upon the elected representatives fulfilling the constitutional oath to serve the constituency and the nation without a reminder or request to perform the legislative task as the elected officials prime responsibility.

Elections are not free and fair in any format enabling the unscrupulous and dysfunctional governance to maintain business as usual.

Voting irregularities and diverse interventions with unlimited funds notwithstanding black money and counterfeit notes viz. In India and alike in circulation and distribution during election exceeding billions could not possibly be democratic and yet the event characterized as propriety.

The term public servant is considered derogatory and instead the public expected to revere the political class as the authority when people are the employer essentially paying for civil service.

Given the austerity era claimed as fiscal discipline targets many programs not even sparing the infants, seniors and citizens with serious health problems or disabilities juxtaposed the government positions consisting hierarchy squanders tax revenue in lavish accommodations, perks, incentives and extensive entourage that accompany the political members within and outside the state.

The election promises mesmerize voters and eventually lead to dismay and disappointment.

As such the political impunity segregates the ruling class and appointees to various key posts allowing them to be above law despite evidence based involvements in scandals costing taxpayers and depriving the nation of due income.

The unsustainable drain on provincial and national treasury in the absence of transparency and accountability contributing to huge economic and social disparity.

Obviously the remedial strategy to contemporary political trend is to reject election in the current conditions and seek electoral reform preventing candidacies for sale besides barring political parties and contestants renowned for notoriety and treason.

Although this step might be a tall order, continuing the present culture is proved detrimental with republic transformed into repression.

Undemocratic election shackle voters to accept undesirable and unethical elements in power regardless of them as puppets to covert operatives destined for supremacy decline.

Fraudulent election produce fake results and usurpation to power via deception and destructive forces support cannot guarantee real progress.

The functional democracy would strive for meaningful and effective measures in institutionalizing political renaissance.

Until then, election is willful sentencing with electorate participation as blessing to prolong status quo.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant











The Secret Society Dilemma

April 20, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The privileged society relentless efforts to discredit and deny facts presented on this site is a continuous struggle for them.

The members’ disdain for clarity and reality is transparent and the antagonism spills over in different format.

Despite imposters and wannabes futile indulgence in incorrigible performance, the so-called elite society engagement in the losing battle expedite the inevitable conclusion of destructive era represented by them.

Interestingly, the privileged society paraded characters as Avatars and the ultimate Divas parroting and lip-syncing scripted material only brings their duplicity to surface in the absence of credibility and talent to deliver original thoughts and selfless actions for greater good.

The attempts to sabotage preordained divine mission exemplify the beginning of the end of saboteurs’ existence prompting them to squander life in the quest for fame, fortune and power guaranteed to produce malefic results in accordance with deeds defining destiny.

The lack of respect for women and human rights in general signify civilization decline and attributed to those exerting authority and influence through illegitimacy and dominance.

These characteristics not being innate human qualities, such conduct raise questions on the source identity considering the negative traits represent corrupt culture and delusional supremacy status.

The choices are available either to renounce self-detrimental course or reap the consequences in the counterproductive approach.

None are exempt from final judgment upon departure and redemption is not an entitlement given the deliberate and voluntary involvement for personal satisfaction and benefit.

Life is an opportunity for self-purification and liberation from guilt with conscience witness to lifetime accounts necessitating debt settlement known as karma. The artful manipulation and evasion exacerbates experience without exception as a reminder to learn from mistakes rather than violations becoming legacy.

There is much to gain from acknowledgment of wrongdoings and seek forgiveness from victims with reparation costs and alternatively lose everything in defiance to fait accompli.

The secret society is at the crossroads and could no longer prolong the unsustainable dilemma.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

World – End of Dark Age (Kaliyug)

March 4, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Since industrialization, the imperial quest to acquire resources through invasion, occupation and colonization persists until today.

The imperial powers legacy is rape, slavery, genocide, destruction, annihilation and decimation of civilization that continues with no end in sight.

National defense force is deployed as imperialists’ private army and similarly national treasury squandered for delusional aspirations such as global dominance.

Western democracy is anything but democratic with monarchy or political dynasty usurped to power disguised as republic.

Besides, hegemony as secret society is the primary authority misusing the electoral process to legitimize illegitimate incognito rule. 

Accordingly, elsewhere democracy is not desirable with constant western intervention to topple governments of people choice and replaced by puppet regimes and authoritarianism for proxy governance.

Imperialists’ parasitic existence from emergence to dying period is unsustainable. 

The royalty evidently the major liability for the relevant nation and most importantly the colonies considering the wealth amassment and generational exploitation in these regions to build the empire and the continent that is crumbling to mark the end of the Dark Age.

Anything founded on theft and plunder using brute force with no regard for life and habitat miserably fails the test of time and serves as testimony in the future.

The representatives of the declining enterprise claiming superiority despite abhorrent trajectory reflect their denial of reality.

Furthermore the superior complex is typically the inferior quality surfacing due to low self-esteem and envy contributing to self-deception on individual character.

The combination of ignorance and arrogance also exacerbate such attribute revealing vulnerability to internal deterioration.

Supremacy is the masquerade for contempt towards virtues alien to those with this syndrome refusing to acknowledge the fact.

Yet another dilemma for them is reconciliation or rather compliance with natural law. Nothing is permanent with evolutionary process designed for a new beginning especially systems that are fundamentally flawed and dysfunctional.

Time is not stagnant and spatial variations generate different environment for conduciveness in preparation for a fresh era.

Conclusion of Dark Age (Kaliyug) comprehensively representing decadency and infamy is imminent to relieve the victims from prolonged suffering.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




Political Strategy: Comedy in Tragedy

February 22, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Hegemony create and breed despotism evident in the past and present events forming the basis for intervention in those nations whether Iraq, Libya, Egypt and elsewhere.

The former heads of the state Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak in Iraq, Libya and Egypt were groomed by hegemony with financial support, supply of chemical and biological weapons and maintained ties promoting human rights violation in the respective nations for permanent dominance over the population in the Middle East and North Africa.

Hegemony latest strategy is producing imposters in the futile attempts to discredit genuine entity and sacred mission.  The tactics deployed in the process continue to backfire stupefying the source and operatives with self-defeating outcome.

The recent political debacle for hegemony prodded ally Indian Prime Minister Narinder Modi in the capital New Delhi assembly poll has prompted the conceding leader to seek mass attention resulting in contradictory position.

Politics spare none including religion and charity.  The auction on Prime Minister Narinder Modi’s monogrammed suit apparently sold for Indian Rupees 4.31 crore i.e. 43 million rupees equivalent to approximately US$ 693,048 is the price tag on the owner.

Obviously the bidding was not on the suit instead the bearer of the clothing article.

Politics controlled press and communication media propagating auctioning for charity fail to recognize the facts revealed in such activity.

Having lost miserably in the mid-term New Delhi election preceded by similar setbacks in other Indian states that are conveniently missing in hegemony and domestic media reporting, the desperate measure to elevate proxy government represented by Prime Minister Narinder Modi in New Delhi demonstrates comedy in the tragedy.

Prime Minister Modi has once again proved close relationship with the wealthiest considering the buyer at the auction is a diamond trader.

In politics, dalliance with plutocracy is all about exchanging favors to rescue one another during image diminishing or popularity sinking crisis.

Notwithstanding the opportunity to launder surplus black money and facilitate counterfeit money circulation conforming to the concept that anything goes in politics.  

The projection of Prime Minister Modi as celestial body and associating the individual with divinity and yet the value determined at the auction is indeed the irony.

On the contrary, the real and authentic supernatural force is invaluable and eternally remains the benefactor rather than beneficiary.

Politics overture to bourgeois in society under the pretext of charitable cause confirms the irrevocable marriage between the power in political, economic and entertainment sector.

Perhaps the incumbent in New Delhi crackdown on wealth surrender beginning with self and members in the ruling, opposition and other representation would exemplify sincerity in national assets recovery adequately providing for the entire nation without having to indulge in self-serving performance under the guise of charity.

The government action enforcing transparency and accountability that is slighted with mockery in the prevalent system would mean credibility arguably a rare commodity in politics.

Besides, charitable deeds for political or personal gains has reverse karmic effects due to inherently flawed purpose.

Anything led by the blank and beguiling forces at the helm in the pyramid scheme is destined for decadency.

Political maneuvering for salvation with extemporaneous involvement pronounce insolvency.

Accordingly hegemony imposed status quo is unsustainable.

The acknowledgment of reality i.e. fait accompli and graceful exit is a better option in the otherwise inevitable conclusion.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant









February 7, 2015


By Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens,

In the contemporary age, those in position of authority and power whether political, economic or any other domain while fearing own mortality evident in heightened security at tax payers expense or otherwise,  have no inhibitions in imposing premature death and immense suffering on millions of lives worldwide.

Do they express remorse for their actions? 

Apparently not.

When there is no recognition of any wrongdoing despite mayhem and misery inflicted through egregious decisions, erroneous policies and deliberate involvement, regrets or accepting responsibility remains a challenge for victims affected in the misuse of power, celebrity status and criminality ruling the world.

Accordingly I present the poem on Destiny.


By Padmini Arhant


1. Monarch Butterfly or a Queen Bee,

    Mystique or a Wannabe,

    May delay but never deter death.

    Must you waste time?

    Misfortune befall thee sinking in crime;

    Might proved not right

    Mortality as certainty bring new opportunity.


2. Promiscuous is conspicuous

    W ith bribery and flattery,

    Proud and presumptuous

    Trouncing thyself in trickery.

    Peek at inner self

    Trekking on slippery slope,

    Perilous adventure stifling hope.


3. Dancing with delusions

    Seeking ceremonial ecstasy,

    Dreaming reflect emotions

    Serving thy fantasy.

    Depleting in imagination

    Stooping to fallacy,

    Defining character infamy.


4. Contingency rife in sycophancy

     Dalliance with deception

     Evade natural perception.

     Fraudulence feign discrepancy

     Geared towards dissolution

     Hypocrisy vainly promote deflection

     Incorrigibly infusing idiocy.


5.  Having brought nothing at birth

     Take nothing upon leaving earth.

     Life is a learning process

     Rejecting reason for ruinous causes,

     Defeats the purpose of existence

     Evident in flawed fruitless persistence.

     Heeding conscience wise for sustenance.


6.  Prepare for the journey

      None spared from scrutiny

      Denial would be irony

      For proxies and hegemony.

      Unlike bargain with money

      Class, creed as testimony

      Only deed determine destiny.


 Peace to all!

Thank you.

 Padmini Arhant














































Q&A. on World Affairs

January 22, 2015

 By Padmini Arhant

Syria – Dire Humanitarian Crises from U.S. Imposed Economic Sanctions with Arab League and OIC Complicity

Ques. belstaff brooklands

Those types of events can bring our business to its knees speaking. What can we do about these situations? What can we do to manage our risks and implement strategies for risk avoidance?

 Ans. Unfortunately politics governed by hegemony as shadow power along with their proxies in governments and other fields in society are responsible for global status quo.

The egregious decisions like sanctions are motivated by hegemonic goals to deprive targeted nations from economic growth.

The irony in the flawed policy is such actions blindside economic development in the respective domestic front with severe impact on business sector. Not only the people in the sanctioned nations suffer but also the citizens from the nation imposing sanction pay heavy price as well.

The solution is for business community from top to bottom to petition their representatives in Congress or Parliament to reverse the detrimental trend and urge them to prioritize national and citizens’ needs over self and external powers interests.

Congress or Parliament failure to act means – the loyalty is not with the people.

Accordingly the electorate need to replace the members with those delivering the pledge to serve constituents and the nation at large.

As for business risk mitigation in these circumstances – you should seek exemptions through your government in order to protect investments and remind the authority in your domain that declining your request would mean denying the nation – the revenue and GDP.

Meanwhile reevaluation of risk management and exploring options via alternative supply chain and financial sources to maintain trade within relevant state and region would be worthwhile.

Regardless the governments intervention to lift sanctions is critical in the near and long term.

Padmini Arhant



Irony – Political Characterization of Patriotism and Populism as Nationalism

January 21, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

A quick review on political characterization and misinterpretation of positions deserves attention.

In the hegemony i.e. the shadow power controlled system, the proxies during political campaigns and ordinarily are instructed to follow script and regurgitate regardless of such delivery only confirming idiocy and hypocrisy in the highest order.

Hegemony straddling to create confusion using all factions servile to hegemonic goals evidently caught in the web with no way to escape from illusive pursuits.

As for the political establishment and their sponsored contenders pandering to foreign agenda, further exemplify the pledge of allegiance to external authority notwithstanding treason in the process.

Anything clinging to the object on the mudslide is guaranteed to accompany in the pitfall.

Whenever population is educated on the requirement to protect individual freedom, civil rights, sovereignty and natural resources for better economic opportunity to all in their respective domain – immediately the lackeys representing hegemony and their agents in the territory are prompted to brand the entity a nationalist – the deliberate term reserved to refute the irrefutable patriotism and populism.

Unlike prejudice and preferential treatment contributing to social and economic disparity besides immigration issue with human rights violations descriptive of communalism and nationalism.

Again in contrast – the controversial declaration as Jewish state ignoring the religious connotation undermining the proclaimed democratic status is regarded loyalty to faith.

Likewise the previously colonized nations deemed dominion republic and presumptuous claim on various islands as private estate upheld with pride as regal and legal.

The practice redefining values against appropriate meaning proves the desperate times seeking desperate measures adopting devious means for survival.

The mind numbing and dumbing strategy to promote destructive cause is clearly indicative of the self-defeating purpose in life for the source and catalysts alike.

The failed policy to continue business as usual despite colossal setbacks in hegemony aspirations is yet another example of the quest for conquest beguiling self and the rest.

Recognition of folly and reversal of course would be wise than otherwise.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





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