India – Caste Stereotype

July 12, 2017

India – Caste Stereotype

By Padmini Arhant

I, Padmini Arhant formally submit my application to the government of India for compensation on concession, quotas and financial aid not availed by me that are provided to Dalits – the segment regarded outcast in Indian society.

Since I wasn’t Dalit then when I was growing up in India making me ineligible for any minority benefits, the political decision designating me as Dalit by Indian political establishment at their international masters’ behest is acrimony similar to attributing the Delhi rape victim tragedy to me as Nirbhaya (meaning fearless) by declining to disclose the victim’s real name despite the victim’s parents request to refer to their daughter by her given name  The episode sequence presented by Britain’s BBC funded and produced documentary titled India’s daughter depict the rape victim at fault in the apparently female directed film.

I regard the insensitive treatment of me appropriately fitting the demand for fairness and equality in reference and acknowledgment of my inalienable individual right.

The modification in conduct or otherwise would confirm India’s democracy. In a real democracy, all are equal unlike the archaic caste segregation exploited by political class in the fierce power grab contest defining India’s political system to be anything but democratic altering the sovereign status into vassal statehood.

On the educational front, degrees and scholastic achievements perhaps enhance career prospects and boost membership opportunity in elite clubs.  However, the invaluable asset in life is unyielding virtue and selflessness developed and sustained with or without major qualifications.

Is it possible for behavioral change in society with rise to fame, fortune and power dependent on opportunism?

As long as limits and reservations exist denying anyone classified as inferior and alternatively favoring those for reasons not serving the actual purpose the essence of meritocracy is null and void.

India abandoning caste structure that remains a stigma on diverse culture beginning with elimination in political discourse, communication media and social interaction would reflect any overall progress.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission




July 11, 2017


By Padmini Arhant

The world is conditioned to accept terror as part of life.  Those sponsoring terrorism with free flow of arms and ammunitions, providing training, funding and logistic support to terror outfits are directly responsible for unspeakable crime against humanity. The senseless violence targeting innocent people world wide is condemned at the time of terror attacks and soon forgotten until repeat terror incidents elsewhere.

Could condemnation from those behind terror be taken seriously? Anyone against terrorism would not be involved in any manner in heinous crime against people from anywhere.

Should empathy from forces profiteering from arms deal to terror factions and states behind terrorism be regarded genuine? Such reactions are analogous to setting homes on fire and pretending to douse the fire they ignited without any concern for loss of lives that are irreplaceable.

Terrorism is acknowledged as major threat to national and global security today which is a fact without a shadow of doubt in the world forced to brace violence without warning or advanced notice. However, there is no desire to cease terror sponsoring with continuous delivery of weapons and diverse means made available to terror networks operating under nations denouncing terror and in the same breadth fostering terrorism for own agenda. The duplicity pervasive in contemporary events with politics leading the artful maneuver could not be underestimated though the cliché resulting in public disillusionment. 

Terror was invented to undermine sovereignty and security of target nations replacing conventional warfare deploying troops on the ground that required congressional / parliament approval which means dealing with public protest on illegal invasion and occupation.

Foreign States sponsored terrorism is disguised as resurgence to destabilize nations vulnerable to strategic dominance. Terror manufacturers are not in favor of positive measures against terrorism understandably with weapons supply to terrorists proved lucrative besides powerful nations prominent role fomenting terror through various resources witnessed in Syria and Iraq. 

Terrorism could be successfully mitigated upon international demand translating into effective actions to ban artillery and any other lethal as well as non-lethal supplies to terror groups anywhere in the world. In the dragnet surveillance on ordinary citizens rather than terror organizations, the spate of terror attacks in different parts of the world explains misplaced scrutiny revealing the lack of interest to desist the cause and not simply attempt to address the symptoms.

The dismantling of terror based in different locations is no longer a debate of choice with victims plight creating the urgent situation for world leaderships to arrive at general consensus to prohibit any form of aid to terror outlets exerting overt or covert control.

The international law tied to sanctions on violation regardless of stature would set precedence to dispose terror unravelling links to sources behind mass killings and fear mongering to deter normal existence.

Global commitments to fight terror is largely based on transparency and intercepting any sign of intent to harm citizens within or outside the country before the event. The terror attacks in Europe, Iran and the latest in India where the pilgrims to holy Amarnath temple were killed in crossfire from the assault on police post in Kashmir are appalling.  These incidents could have been averted in exercising precautions and vigilance on terror strike.

In the environment where nations are in possession of state of the art technology and modern defense mechanisms, terror prevailing over national and international oversight convey a message that does not bode well for authorities responsible for citizens safety and security. The necessary political will is lagging despite combating terrorism unanimously agreed as top priority in global summit.

Where there is will, there is a way.

The world willingness to stifle terror has to begin in ending terror manifested war against Syria and Iraq. The incursions and confrontation in the valley of Kashmir to be restrained protecting the citizens and travelers in the state while initiating the process for peaceful resolution on Kashmir. 

I convey my sincere condolences to terror victims world over and wish the survivors speedy recovery.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission 







World of Irony

July 8, 2017

World of Irony

By Padmini Arhant

The condescendence to physical attributes conforming to prejudice is accepted as elitism. The small and big comparisons often project the latter as strong though such premise is baseless. Juxtaposed the ones upholding anything big as mighty are actually submissive to tiny nations on the globe viz. Britain, Israel and Germany.

Tiny Britain became the dominant imperial power exerting clout until now.  Germany with 357,000 square kilometers nearly conquered Europe in twentieth century and at present elevated as prime authority in EU ambit besides inclusion in UNSC as P5+1.

Likewise, small state Israel holding vast United States hostage on domestic legislations and foreign policy is a glaring irony in elitist playbook.


By Padmini Arhant

What is wrong with the ruling elites?  Have they exhausted materials in the spin zone?

The contemporary practice to mislead the world on matter continues unabated much to own dissatisfaction and hard to convince the mass predicament due to duplicity in domestic and international affairs.

The grave concern echoed in threat to western civilization is inconceivable considering western policies since dawn of industrialization until now have destroyed non-western civilizations and culture on the notion they are barbaric, primitive and unsuitable for western dais.

Western invasion, occupation and colonization of continents for economic and strategic interests systematically decimated heritage of nations with little or no regard for cultural and rich ethnic values irreplaceable in modern times with materialism undermining humanism alongside erosion of intellectualism and spiritualism.

The concept of bondage and subservience emerged in imperial era persists until today with revival of feudalism evident in vassal statehood disguised as democracy.

Sovereignty and constitutional governance is substituted with secret organization comprising members pledging allegiance to agenda not conforming to democratic principles by not allowing public access to discussions on global issues and decisions pertaining to more than seven billion population in the world.

Election is a convenient process to legitimize illegitimacy with pre-selection and Super pac as well as special interests bidding on candidacy voiding ordinary citizens participation in the polls.

Corporations control over governments steering legislations to suit private goals is the norm leaving taxpayers at authorities’ mercy with imposition of mandatory laws tied to penalty in existing health care.

Additionally, the organizations like AIPAC representing foreign country such as Israel demand for compulsory aid in multi-billion dollars on one side and pressure to submit to protecting United States allies in building NATO defense on the other while depriving United States taxpayers and citizens from quality health care is unfortunately not considered a betrayal of electorate trust.

The ongoing debate about Russia meddling in U.S. election in 2016 is an interesting complaint from the nation with institutions and government legacy on interventions world over installing dictatorships and regimes displacing democratic governments and popular leaderships time and time again appears to have no end in sight.

The trend maintained by both republican and democrat administrations in the United States intercepting and lodging proxies adhering to United States foreign policy typically engineered by organizations and institutions viz. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Tri Lateral Commissions and think tanks representing globalists apparently not included in the same category of interference in foreign internal event.

Obviously, what is good for hegemony not approved for others as the case on every issue related to humanity.

Creating parallel unipolar system with veto power whether UNSC within United Nations or European Union to oversee member states, the alternate body exerting influence is enormous. The pattern once again subjugating nations independent status implemented as global requirement.

UNSC authorized economic sanctions and military aggressions on nations targeted for not in agreement with western goals are forced into starvation and perpetual violence.

European Union and euro zone functioning under bureaucrats in Brussels and financial institutions – ECB, IMF and Germany’s Central bank economic policies largely premised on bankers’ profitability enforcing sovereign debt via austerity in the absence of growth and opportunity exacerbate economic problems in respective member domains.

EU economic and foreign policy has been successful in producing refugees generating the need for liberal immigration strategy without borders in Western Europe.

EU lifting ban on arms supply and funding to terror outfits in Syria opened the floodgates for terror victims to flee their country. The economic refugees from austerity and population affected from terror sponsorship in Syria and Iraq are the results of erroneous determinations with no review and modifications to EU plan of action.

Similarly, EU prominent role along with United States in destabilizing Ukraine is yet another debacle leading to Ukraine losing Crimea to Russia.

The quest for territorial annexations in South and South East Asia is a cause for regional trepidation especially when major economic powers have boundary issues and encroachment in common territory.

The relations straining over border incursions could be improved with mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity to avoid escalation of tensions between emerging economies in the region. In this context, there is confrontation of false pride hindering peaceful reconciliation.

On the nuclear front, North Korea Inter Continental Ballistic Missile capability is arousing anxiety. 

Nuclear non-proliferation arguably linked with nuclear disarmament incumbent on all nuclear and non-nuclear states without exception transcending arbitrary rule against some as nuclear threats from any against another triggered nuclear arms race to begin with evolving into latest development.

Any climate treaty with or without United States is ineffective and meaningless provided serious ramifications of nuclear status among nuclear powers regularly conducting subterranean and overland testing is factored into environment degradation.

Unless the war strategy deploying uranium, plutonium and other chemical weapons contaminating rivers and polluting air cease allowing nations under attack to overcome treacherous conditions inflicted upon them for strategic dominance, the climate accord would be cosmetic rather than constructive.

Planet survival is challenged in many frontiers with nuclear arsenals, drones and diverse technological means engaged in combat situations excluded from elimination in climate pact weakening the issue of addressing climate change.

In the world of irony embarked on fault finding ignoring flaws and failures within is an incredible irony.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


















Nonsensical Trend

July 7, 2017

Nonsensical Trend

By Padmini Arhant

I clarify my unequivocal position regarding unprecedented nonsensical trend associating me with anybody from anywhere both good and bad with overwhelming negativities in the hope of achieving devious goals. The mission is evidently unattainable with one of them being tainting me and invalidating my positive contributionssomething I have done since my childhood until now.

The activities are nothing more than petulance confirming desperate times seeking desperate measures by those behind this culture.

I am Padmini Arhant. Padmini is my name from birth into adulthood given with blessings similar to christening or baptizing newborns in other religions. Accordingly, I am not X, Y or Z regardless of background, popularity or notoriety in any sequence.

Every individual has specific identity denoted by DNA that cannot be altered, interchanged or mixed and matched to suit convenience of time and targets. The preposterous exercise witnessed currently is insanity leading the blank in the height of insidious aspirations.

The custom riding on one’s back to claim glory and dumping one’s absurdity is anything but civil or decent not to mention the unethical aspect of such behavior. These actions are not without repercussions anytime especially in the event of departure from the world which is a certainty none can defy or differ for eternity.

Life is an opportunity to alleviate the burden of karmic woes and not exacerbate with deliberate and intentional indulgence to harm and hurt others that eventually bind on the source. Let there be no misconceptions about this issue.

The bizarre tradition invented portraying those in the hall of fame as gods and divas in the absence of traits in them to be normal ordinary human being speaks volume of their character. The never ending desire to remain in spotlight whether deserving or not explains priorities in their life as well as those promoting such practice.

In fact, to be good human renouncing characteristics like pride, egotism, condescendence, greed, envy and prejudice to mention a few replaced with humility, honesty, selflessness, genuine care and compassion is tall order for those ever competing in superficiality contest.

I ask those participants in the madness to subvert reality substituting with fictitious prerogativeswhen do you think you might realize your delusions are meaningless defeating the purpose of your existence?

As for those questioning my chastity and integrity? I ask them why not prove yours first by walking on fire and emerging intact demonstrating your purity and sanctity to ridicule me? 

Never too late to wise up and refrain from self-inflicting travesty.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


United States – July 4th Celebration

July 3, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

United States celebrating independence anniversary on July 4th would be meaningful upon liberty and justice experienced by all transcending race, religion, economic and ethnic background.

Unfortunately, the social racial divide and economic disparity deprives many citizens from claiming equal rights witnessed in judicial outcome and deteriorating living standards among Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos, and immigrant population.

The increasing wealth and monopoly on fame, fortune and power characterized as elitism subjugate the rest with little or no concern for actions and decisions affecting majority. The apathy qualifying as narcissism is not a healthy trend given reliability on the less fortunate to work in harsh conditions making survival a challenge.

A free nation would not impose existing mandatory laws such as health insurance subscription with penalty upon failure to do so favoring profit centric health insurance industry without similar provisions tied to penalty on insurance industry regularly not meeting their end of the bargain.

In a real democracy, there would be no tolerance to private entities and foreign members like European Royals secret meeting behind closed doors barring public and citizens represented press from gaining information on policies regarding global matter and more than seven billion inhabitants fate.  The reference is to Bilderberg conclave held annually with attendees sworn to secrecy in heavily guarded location.

The free country would not selectively profile law abiding citizens under the guise of national security while granting immunity to members in the position of authority on treason, corruption and criminal dealings based on fraternity and mutual advantage.  

Then there is misrepresentation and false propaganda misusing communication resources to mislead the nation and world at large to maintain status quo.

United States could lead in many frontiers provided the nation is liberated from illegitimate incognito forces functioning by proxy to promote self and vested interests exerting supremacy and dominance proved counterproductive thus far.

United States efficiency and energy is a consolidation of efforts and contributions from people of diverse orientation working towards common goal to improve lives for self and others in different domains.

Accordingly, collective rather than exclusive progress in society would define fair income distribution alleviating burden on lower and middle- income class and socially disadvantaged segments bearing imbalance in the economy.

United States strategies in domestic and foreign affairs are premised on benefits to political class their campaign financiers, special interests and influential entities ignoring ramifications at national and international level.

The private ownership of federal reserve in control of monetary policy and money circulation further undermines United States independent status. With legislations directed to profit campaign donors from economic sector and those near and far, the electorate expectations are barely met disappointing voters in the otherwise opaque unaccountable and devious system.

National and state operation is outsourced to private management like the credit bureaus run by three specific private companies with no oversight apply arbitrary rules leaving the victims of home mortgage fraud and credit card exorbitant interest hikes by banks at their mercy.

As long as government remains a mechanism for private organizations, political factions and those forging close relations with insiders to promote agenda threatening unity, peace and economic development,

Freedom for all is a mere dream and available at a dear price.

July 4th arrives and remembered with joy every year. The day equal opportunity and greater accessibility for optimistic future to citizens across the spectrum is no longer a struggle, the celebration would be worthwhile.

Hope for a better tomorrow beginning at present sets the path to reach milestone.

Happy July 4th !

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


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