Congressional Elections 2010 – Prognosis

September 15, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The recent primaries indicate a strong surge among the Republican base compared to the Democrats and the independent voters.

There is urgency for the Democrats and the independents to get back into action similar to the tidal wave witnessed in 2008 to accomplish their goals.

Grievances on some issues among both groups are justified. However, they cannot be addressed without effective representation in the House and the Senate. Abstinence or the eleventh hour effort could only lead to more frustration allowing the conservative blockade to continue.

Both democrats and independents need candidates with high quality performance reflecting solid commitment to the people and environment. Candidates willing to stand up to the entities against public and national interest from corporate affair to military warfare, the two predominant factors contributing to the alarming national deficit and myriad of social-economic disparities deserve voter approval.

The Republican members are not the choice whether they are tea party candidate or establishment nominee for they represent the big industries and not the average citizens. It is confirmed in the ‘Nay’ votes on legislation concerning the economy and host of other issues since January 2009.

Likewise, the democratic establishment instrumental in opposing single payer system or public option in health care reform, closing loopholes in finance legislation and swaying to the energy behemoths’ call to adhere to fossil fuel, nuclear energy despite the misgivings and horrific mining accidents in the United States and around the world,

Last but not the least against troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere – owe valid explanation to the democratic base and independents for rejecting their voices in all these issues.

Democrats have struggled with legislative process in both Houses of Congress, more in the Senate than the House, even while being a majority in 2009 as seen during the contentious health care bill and economic issues.

It’s paramount for the industry, union or any special interest backed candidates to be transparent and clarify their true representations on all things related to the American electorate in addition to providing legitimate reasons for not demonstrating them in action.

The voters have an obligation to identify their requirements and choose the candidate with proven record or having demonstrated the will to challenge the forces undermining democracy on all issues.

Essentially pragmatism over ideology enhanced by inclusive rather than divisive positions would yield bipartisan solutions to the problems confronting the nation.

Republican legislators have absolved themselves from constitutional duty to work with the Democrat majority in legislative matter throughout Obama Presidency letting partisanship prevail in life threatening issues such as jobless benefit extension, small business lending and 9/11 rescue workers health care assistance.

Unfortunately, the persisting Republican opposition on legislation to benefit average Americans fails to recognize the social and economic cost ultimately affecting all in the interdependent society with the irony being the national deficit used as a pretext in this context.

Democrats, independents and disenchanted republicans have a great opportunity to come together this election in electing the officials pledging allegiance to the American people and not the oligarchy responsible for the Washington status quo.

The electability criteria in consistent with the constitutional oath is the real test for the new contenders and the incumbents alike.

They could precisely be the following:

Disavow partisanship, declining special interests influence and,

Above all maintain ethical standards through accountability with corruption in politics being a worldwide epidemic denying progress to a substantial population living in abject poverty and lifelong miseries.

Honesty and integrity determines human character, yet it’s not an integral element in the quest for public office.

In fact, the systemic abuse of power is the fundamental cause of the contemporary social and economic inequality.

American electorates hold the power to implement these changes in Washington through the electoral process that could restore the broken system and renew the tarnished image.

Voting is no longer an option but an absolute necessity to rescue the nation from the repeat catastrophe experienced at the dawn of twenty first century under President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

Besides, voting is a constitutional right granted to citizens in a democracy to protect their civil liberties and freedom from internal or external threats.

American electorates have awesome responsibility to elect the hard working, diligent and trustworthy officials not only to represent them in the United States but also the fellow citizens across the globe.

Congressional decisions made in Washington impact the approximate 6.5 billion people destiny.

Therefore, it is imperative to ensure the massive voter turnout in November 2010 or earlier in states like Ohio facilitating mail-in ballots.

First time voters may register in their local districts and join the other electorates to cast their votes on or before the election date provided it is permissible.

Democrats, independents and disillusioned republicans – please contribute to
Democracy for America (DFA) dedicated to the positive change in Washington and across the United States at:

Also, Please help Senator Barbara Boxer in raising $200,000 by September 18, 2010 for media fund. It’s a daunting task. Nonetheless, the Senator’s campaign is grassroots funded unlike her opponent Carly Fiorina – financed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce apart from the contestant’s personal campaign investment.

Please visit for your affordable and generous donations.

Most importantly, please secure your future and the dependents prospects by casting your vote as early as possible.

Please rally America via email, texting or visiting DFA to energize voters.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Midterm Election 2010 – An Opportunity to Rebuild the Great Nation

September 13, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Midterm Election 2010 is an opportunity to rebuild the great nation – the United States of America.

From the latest developments it’s clear that Washington is broken and desperately requires citizens’ involvement in governance to restore the renowned American values that remains the basis in attracting many across the globe.

United States is resilient, resourceful and admirably courageous in dealing with any crisis.

It is evident in this great nation’s history for it has weathered the fierce storms and survived even the “Great Depression.”

The people representing the stars and stripes have come forward as one nation and contributed their unique skills in building the United States as the economic engine and a model democracy.

United States is the beacon of light for the entire world and the leadership will continue to provide the necessary guidance to those seeking political, economic and social progress in their domain.

The fall election is crucial to implement the changes that Washington has been deprived due to partisanship and special interests dominance in the legislation.

The political majority and the minority that prioritizes public interest and delivers the campaign promise are worth re-electing.

It predominantly rests with the American electorate in their choice of candidates as their representatives in Washington.

The combined forces such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce influencing the Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited cash flow in the election campaign together with the political architects determined to distract the electorate through distortion and negative attacks render the democratic elections irrelevant.

Whenever a candidate with no established record or substantive policies to move the nation forward is dependent upon the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and smear campaign, that candidate is unequivocally pledged to the sources behind them and not their constituents.

Their name might be on the ballot but only in theory for the real candidates are the big industries devising the policy and the strategists with the political ideology.

Voter discernment in electing the candidates with proven record and service against those without solutions to any problems could make the desirable change possible.

Congressional Democrats in the House and the Senate have worked extremely hard and are committed to improve the American lives. The selective few Republican members share the credit for their bipartisanship that enabled the recent reforms.

The policies related to ongoing wars contributing to the brave armed forces’ death toll and, the national deficit from the disproportionate defense expenditure with no accountability and transparency have been largely accepted without subjecting the claims to due process.

Public concern and views are disregarded and democracy undermined through propaganda subverting facts to promote the specific agenda.

The abuse of power with little or no respect for the constitutional law and democracy, reckless decisions that led to a bankrupt economy, chaos, death and destruction are minor details as compared to the serious ramifications on the office of Presidency – setting a dangerous precedence for history to repeat itself citing the predecessor’s exemption from law in the land of justice.

Ignoring the warnings on 9/11 attacks and conspicuously neglecting the constitutional duty to protect American lives is a colossal Presidential failure.

Above all, granting immunity to the status is rejecting the constitution set up to safeguard the national interest and the democratic principles that guarantees equal justice.

Accordingly, the nation particularly the United States Congress is obligatory to the 9/11 victims and their families in initiating a thorough investigation in public view with appropriate findings against all those implicated regardless of stature.

Democracy is threatened when the lawmakers become the lawbreakers and decline action against unethical conduct exemplifying discriminatory practice with law being applicable only to the law abiding ordinary citizens but not the powerful absconding the law.

These are truly the trying times for democracy and their representatives in presenting unwavering justice to preserve national security and the rule of law reflecting the fact that no one is above the law.

Massive voter turnout exceeding the 2008 statistics is paramount to overhaul Washington.

Please vote for the democrats so that they can cast their vote in return on legislation addressing the average citizens’ plight.

At the same time, the Republican members have invariably cast ‘Nay’ votes on ‘regular citizens’ issues while some of their colleagues choose abstinence to facilitate special interests victory.

Voting is the basic right denied to a significant population in some parts of the world and the citizens in a democratic society have tremendous chance to reshape the political landscape.

Hence ‘rally America’ to the midterm elections is an important call for all citizens.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Mystery behind Osama Bin Laden and MIC (Military Industrial Complex) Mission

September 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Today the nation and the world remembers the victims of the earth shattering attack on American soil nine years ago.

September 11 created fears, mistrust and global anxiety followed by terrorism in other parts of the world.

Besides death and destruction in the United States and worldwide, it also became the premise to launch an illegal invasion in Iraq, prolong the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan with expansion in other Islamic countries like Yemen, Sudan and Somalia.

The persisting warfare in Islamic nations foment fundamentalism enabling recruits for the
terror networks. It’s a vicious cycle with no end in sight.

Further it deprives the impoverished population from the economic and social development due to corrupt inefficient governments placed by the powerful democracies such as the United States as seen in Afghanistan and now pursued in Iraq through ill recommendations made against the democratic will.

Where the political solutions are achievable, procrastination and undemocratic choices are
preferred leading to chaos and perpetual political turmoil facilitating smooth operation for Al-Qaeda and splinter terror networks thereby promoting continuous warfare.

As a result, the warring factions are forced to commit to enormous defense expenditure that is currently advocated by the high profile cabinet appointees in the U.S. State and Defense departments.

There are lot of questions that are being asked by the mainstream public and media only to be ignored or misled on various issues.

Where is Osama Bin Laden?

Will the U.S. and NATO ever find the terror mastermind having been groomed as a Mujahideen by the CIA against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan ?

Why did the then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld along with President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney make an unconscionable decision against capturing Osama Bin Laden in Tora Bora on December 14, 2001 upon the U.S. armed personnel order request?

The details confirmed by the Senate Foreign Relations committee in 2009 through the media without any appetite for investigation.

While the spiritual leaders of different religions are placed in spotlight with visuals from 2001 replayed to refresh the audience memory stirring anti-racial and religious sentiments, the architects behind the massive relentless warfare claiming millions of civilian lives and thousands of young men and women in uniform until now – are granted permanent immunity with no accountability or transparency in the decade old military operation.

The increasing public interest arising from war fatigue and economic downturn deserves truthful response on the continuation of Bush-Cheney administration policy in the Afghan war,

Iraq political choice resembling Afghanistan in 2009 i.e. allowing the unpopular polarizing incumbent Prime Minister Nouri-Al-Maliki to remain in power despite existing insurgency on the ground leaning towards sectarian violence and most disturbingly the leader’s strong ties with Iran – a position that is detrimental to U.S. strong ally Israel and the economic partner Saudi Arabia.

Notwithstanding the strategic threats in the Middle East region from such proposals.

Similarly, in matter related to torture, renditions, Guantanamo Bay prisoners – the highly criticized Bush doctrine is yet to be phased out. It was reflected in the Justice department reluctance to probe the Bush-Cheney legal counsel on torture techniques or the federal prosecutors firing implicating the former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Reverting to Afghanistan war, according to the latest CIA report there are meager 100 Al-Qaeda members left in the Pakistan territory. The Afghan war was initially presented as retaliation to September 11 attacks in addition to involving Osama Bin Laden, Al-Zawahiri and the Taliban leader Mullah Omar apprehension.

It is past nine years for the Afghan war with several thousand U.S. and NATO casualties at a staggering economic cost and yet the reasons for the ongoing conflict has not changed.

Even now the hunt for Osama Bin Laden is claimed to be in progress.

In fact, Osama Bin Laden will never be found because the terror mastermind has been long dead as per the statement from the Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto during her exclusive interview with the renowned and reputable British Television Host Sir David Frost.

Pictures are worth a thousand words. The interview is presented below in the website’s featured video.

The controversy surrounding the Lower Manhattan Interfaith center demanding the funding source for the construction is contentious.

Perhaps, those individuals seeking funding details from Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf who has volunteered to share the entire information with the American public, could shed light on the visual content included in the featured video about the ex-President George W. Bush family ties with Osama Bin Laden family and the administration handing over the oval office to the Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar.

All of which leads to the missed opportunity and conscientious negligence on 9/11 attack warnings.

Poignantly raising the questions about 9/11.

Business is conducted as usual. Life goes on with death toll rising in the killing fields as warfare is declared no longer a public affair.

Power is powerless when the defenseless are left to fend for themselves with truth becoming inconvenient in contemporary politics.

Democracy is meaningful when the government of the people is run by the people and for the people.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Tribute to September 11 Victims and Families

September 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Nine years after the catastrophic terror attack on American soil, the nation pays tribute to the victims and the families. Since the horrific event, the entire population has been subject to the ordeal in one way or another.

The citizens’ resilience to overcome personal tragedies is seen throughout the decade.

Many still silently suffering from the personal loss are coping with inner and external source of strength.

Life cannot be resurrected but the memories continue to provide the necessary comfort and solace to the survivors. The departed members’ dreams and aspirations sometimes fulfilled by those they leave behind.

The brave rescue workers during 9/11 deserve special remembrance and gratitude for a great number of fire fighters are now dealing with chronic illnesses that is exacerbated with the recent Senate legislation blockade on medical assistance to them.

It’s important to highlight the social setbacks following September 11, 2001.

Although the nation rallied behind the then President George W. Bush, soon after the society had become polarized giving birth to Islamaphobia. The anti-Muslim sentiments emboldened the fragmented terror groups to retaliate against western and other democracies around the world.

As a result, the civilian population with the peaceful Muslim majority among them continue to pay the price and subject to constant denigration including the extreme motives expressed lately.

There are many players responsible for the tensions prevalent within society. As stated earlier certain political factions eager to gain traction in the election year along with religious ethos devoted to divisiveness and selective media partnership enable the persistent discord.

At the same time, there is hope to revive genuine trust, mutual respect and understanding in the secular democracy. Unfortunately, controversies easily win media attention than peaceful activities.

Nonetheless, there is tremendous opportunity for the society to thrive on the individual uniqueness to serve greater good. It’s a matter of choice between harmony and acrimony.

The 9/11 aftermath has been complex and challenging for the people in New York and the international community. Yet the human spirit is not lost and that remains the beauty in the face of reality.

Peace to all New Yorkers and other citizens around the globe in their solemn moment on this day about their loved ones, friends and neighbors they parted with nine years ago.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Spiritual Events

September 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Ganesh Chathurti

On September 11, 2010 the Hindu festival – “Ganesh Chathurti,” will be celebrated with ceremonial prayers for ‘Lord Ganesh.’

Lord Ganesh is worshiped across India. On this auspicious occasion the devotees pray for peace and progress in their life.

In some parts of India like Mumbai – being the commercial capital the festival is observed for more than a week.

Wishing all Hindus in India and around the world – “Shubh Mangal Ganesh Chathurti.”

Rosh Hashanah

The Jewish holiday that marks the first day of the Jewish calendar – otherwise the
“Jewish New Year.” Also believed to be the “day of judgment.”

It was observed upon sunset on September 8 through September 10, 2010.

Wishing “Shana Tova Umetukah” to the people in Israel and the followers of Judaism across the globe.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Presidential Q&A Session

September 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama this morning addressed the press corps on a variety of issues ranging from the economy to international affairs.

The President elaborated on the Congressional Democrats and the White House achievements thus far.

President Obama also laid out the economic progressive tax structure with permanent tax cuts for the middle class and those earning up to $250,000 income.

On the previous administration’s tax cuts expiration for the top 2% wealthy individuals earning above $250,000 – the economic strategy would benefit the higher income groups and not hurt them as claimed by the critics.

As the President explained – the first $250,000 earnings would qualify for the permanent tax cuts and only the remaining income would be subject to the applicable tax. Essentially 98% taxpayers might qualify for the permanent tax cut creating a vast middle income that would expedite economic recovery.

In terms of various appointments being stalled pending Senate confirmation – the President’s frustration was justified. Among them the Consumer Protection Agency Director position that needs to be filled in the immediate future requires bipartisan support in the Senate.

The consumer related problems on credit cards, mortgages and other financial commitments could be addressed effectively through the agency specializing in these issues.

The President also emphasized on the urgency to pass the bill facilitating small business loans through community banks for economic revival. The bipartisanship on this legislation is crucial for it would clarify the opposition minority stance in assisting the small business community worst hit in the economic recession.

In fact, the President urged on the bill to be approved upon the Senate resuming session in the coming weeks.

On the infrastructure plan – the President’s second stimulus $50 billion was raised at the news conference. Considering the proposal is self-funded by closing tax loopholes, any blockade would be political rather than economic.

Further, the $787 billion stimulus had funds allocated for this purpose and the combined investments would be a job booster upon $50 billion bill overcoming the Senate hurdle.

The economic plan is sound and guaranteed to generate jobs provided the Senators across the aisle extend their bipartisan cooperation to help the President and the Congress members jumpstart the economy to improve American lives.

Other matter at the session will be discussed individually.

Overall the President’s message on the economy and Israeli-Palestinian peace talks were very hopeful and optimistic.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Islam – The Religion of Peace

September 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Islam has been the target of the political, religious and social demagoguery.

Today, Islam – a sacred religion with an approximate 1.5 billion followers is the scapegoat for the ideologues representing the various factions in the world society.

From terrorism, warfare, politics, religion to social domain – Islam is the convenient alibi.

The actions are meant to reflect the so-called “tolerance, acceptance, and social equality.”

The ideology has no limit in seizing the opportunity to promote the individual belief, rights, political clout and image. Such irrationality stems from defiance against one’s own reasoning faculties.

If religion is commercialized by the religious authorities, the political opportunists politicize for their personal agenda.

As for the mainstream media – they do not wish to be left behind in the popularity contest.

So they play a dominant role in sensationalizing the issues and elevate narcissism to evangelism.

United States is confronted with two social issues surrounding Islam.

Burn the “Qur’an” day and the interfaith community center construction in Lower Manhattan, New York.

With respect to the provocative declaration against “The Holy Qur’an,” – The pastor Terry Jones in Gainesville, Florida – an unknown entity for obvious reasons until yesterday is now a celebrity in his own rights predominantly due to unnecessary media attention.

Amid speculations on the consequences following the desecration threat, the global condemnation from the highest hierarchies is justified but fails to recognize the real forces behind the inflammatory remarks and actions.

Pastor Terry Jones having assumed the responsibility to preach the gospel teachings of “Lord Jesus Christ,” is preparing to demonstrate his misconceptions about Islam and the religious scripture that personifies peace in every aspect.

The pastor’s intention overrides the virtues exemplified by the founder of Christianity – “Lord Jesus Christ,” – peace, love and compassion icon.

Attempts to insult Islam or any religion without exception are a direct assault on the religion they pretend to represent.

For true believers and the faithful ones would do everything in their power to be inclusive and not exclusive as witnessed in the contentious religious discourse.

As a result ignorance is pervasive in claiming that Christianity, Judaism and Islam are distinctive in one way or another regardless of all religions epitomizing peace and solidarity.

Denying equal respect to all religions is blatant rejection of “Almighty God,” – one supreme spiritual power worshiped by all through different sources.

Notwithstanding the discriminatory practice being disingenuous to the religion upheld as superior against the rest.

In this instance, the pastor’s decision to denigrate Islam suggests “Lord Jesus Christ” repeat crucifixion.

Allowing hatred, malice and presumptuousness to prevail over peace, harmony and humility is a sign of weakness and insecurity.

Islam is revered by Muslims in the same manner as Christianity by Christians, Judaism by Jews, Hinduism by Hindus, Sikhism by Sikhs, Buddhism by Buddhists, Jainism by Jains, Zoroastrianism by Parsis, Baha’ism by Baha’i…and all others whose forgiveness is sought for not being specified.

Any dispute in this regard would be arising from personal disposition against universal acknowledgment.

Pastor Terry Jones needs soul searching and reconciliation with reality.

If the pastor is submitted to Lord Jesus Christ and the lord’s clearly defined morals then he would wisely refrain from negative thoughts, words and deeds with an inevitable harm to fellow human beings whether they are American troops or Muslim friends and neighbors – essentially the humanity at large.

Pastors and priests have a greater obligation to pursue peace and help easing tensions in communities not become the cause for publicity.

Hence for Christ sake and the love of Jesus, abandoning disrespectful and demeaning activities against other religions would lead to discovering peace within and eventually assist in spreading peace around.

Hopefully, the pastor would heed to the concerned citizens plea and devote his attention in bringing people of all faiths together rather than indulging in divisive motives.

Peace to Islam and all other religions around the world.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Australian Federal Elections 2010

September 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Australia – Welcomes the first female Prime Minister Julia Gillard after the political stalemate Down Under yielded victory to the ruling Labor Party in coalition with Green Party Independent members to form a government.

The Australian federal election held on August 21, 2010 produced a hung parliament with the incumbent Labor party and the opposition Liberal party (conservatives in political ideology) winning 72 seats short of 76 required in the 150 seats House of Representatives elected to the Parliament.

Australian Green Party as the name suggests is renowned for environmental cause and increasingly becoming prominent in Australian politics dominant with two major parties i.e. Labor, the Democrats equivalent and the Liberal being the conservatives.

The two independent members’ conditional alignment with the Labor Party was reportedly related to climate change legislation and expansion of the fastest and sophisticated Internet broadband networks in the country.

Green Party proposals in the environmental and technological fronts are praiseworthy.

However, there is a greater need for the environmental groups and their legislators to review Australia’s role as the leading coal exporter to China and a competitive bidder in uranium supply to India – the two emerging economic powers with a huge energy demand could be encouraged to abandon fossil fuel and nuclear power for clean renewable energy sources.

Planet sustenance is dependent upon collective environmental goals. The industrialized nations have better opportunities and resources to promote clean energy options on their shores and abroad.

Although each nation bears individual responsibility in protecting the environment, their economic outlook on trading fossil fuel and nuclear technology would render the domestic efforts redundant.

Tsunami in the Indian Ocean could directly affect Western Australia sharing the coastal region with South East Asia. An environmental disaster in one part of the planet could be potentially devastating for the rest of the inhabitants.

Australian economic performance despite global recession is impressive. The GDP growth at 3.3% with 5.3% unemployment in July is a boost for the Labor government and now the political mandate for further progress across the economic and social spectrum will determine the coalition strength.

Congratulations and Best Wishes! To Prime Minister Julia Gillard of the Labor Party and the coalition partners for a successful term and a bright future to all Australians.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Economy – The Job Factor

September 7, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The major national concern among the American families are finding and retaining jobs.

There is no doubt that jobs are Democrats’ priority in the Republicans created deficit economy.

Not surprisingly, the response to unveiling the economic plan at this time is “Too little, too late.”

It confirms political expediency to oppose the Obama initiatives rather than extending bipartisan support to help the President save American jobs.

Contrary to the political mindset in the election year, it’s never too late to rescue American workforce and people in distress.

With the high unemployment in certain parts of the country such as Ohio, California, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Indiana…the workers disappointment and voters’ anxiety is about the jobs and the economy.

President Barack Obama eloquently laid out some job aspects in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Labor Day. The infrastructure proposal for repair, restoration and rebuilding America has great potential for jobs in the construction and service industry.

The President also clarified on the self-funding of the $50 billion job creation plan. Allocating the revenue from tax loopholes is fiscally responsible for it would not affect the contentious national deficit.

Moreover, the remaining funds from the earlier $787 billion stimulus bill allocated towards infrastructure could be verified and appropriated around this time.

Another bill that requires the legislators’ immediate attention is the $30 billion funding to community banks for small business lending in the worst hit areas of the economy. Again identifying wasteful spending to pay for the short and long term job opportunities is economically prudent.

The American plight from coast to coast is clearly visible seeking attention from both the private and public sector. Perhaps, the bipartisan recognition to set the political differences aside and work towards a common goal in the economic revival benefits all.

Those who are opposed to government spending to create jobs need to focus on the economic outcome i.e. helping American families with income that eventually returns to the government through consumer spending and taxes.

Unlike the same opponents’ “no-objection” on defense expenditure for warfare not only consumes enormous budget proportion but also contributes to the national deficit – prominently the two simultaneous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that triggered the rising deficit problem during the former Republican administration led by President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

On the Democrat side, easing taxations on Corporations pledged to generate jobs has already been enacted in 2009. Further, facilitating job growth in the manufacturing sector would minimize the blue collar job losses and boost the service industry alongside.

The national consortium comprising both private and public enterprises on job stimulus by exchanging ideas and resources is poignant to jumpstart the economy.

By providing specific reasons behind the recent layoffs and slow hiring, the Corporations representing the manufacturing, service and other industries could assist the legislators and federal authorities in understanding the issues – so that remedial measures are implemented for the much anticipated economic recovery.

Similarly, outreaching the small business and retail communities for the targeted assistance would bring relief to the struggling American families.

It’s not sufficient to display mere empathy in these tough economic times. Consumers and businesses are looking for simple to innovative solutions in accelerating the job growth.

Financial sectors have not complied with their end of the bargain in expediting job production, although it was among the criteria during the massive taxpayer bailout in 2008 and 2009.

Credit crunch still remains an economic impediment for small businesses and retailers. Household income having declined due to the job situation, lack of home equity and volatile investment returns are directly affecting consumer spending.

Monitoring the housing market by extending the foreclosure moratorium, $8000 first home buyer credit and affordable refinancing could ease the burden on the homeowners besides improving national home sales figures. These concessions have been tried in 2009 and proved to be positive for the housing sector.

Social security is yet another priority for the baby boomers and retirees dependent on the income. The conservative candidates’ threat to privatize social security in any economic conditions is a political stance more than a pragmatic approach.

Job oriented economic resuscitation is much anticipated among the American workforce and made possible with the combined economic decisions from the private, state and federal institutions.

Above all, the legislators’ bipartisan actions in addressing the serious unemployment status serve as the litmus test for the congressional candidates in the coming elections.

The incumbents and the new candidates have much better prospects of prevailing upon their legitimate demonstration including actions to invigorate job market rather than criticism on the unemployment data.

Jobs are justifiably the primary expectations among the American electorate. Therefore, the private, the state and the federal investments in this respect is paramount.

While the private sector flourishes from consumer spending and investor holdings, the government will gain from tax revenues.

There is no time to procrastinate on this matter as American families are striving hard to provide for their loved ones and a majority of them are in dire financial crisis.

Hopefully, the lawmakers, corporate executives and the economists’ collective actions will soothe the economic pain experienced by many working families in the harsh and competitive job environment.

Your concerted efforts will be appreciated by the suffering American workforce when the economy turns around for common good.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

2010 Elections – The Balance of Power

September 6, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

With less than eight weeks for the mid-term elections, the speculations are the GOP will claim the House and the House majority leader will be John Boehner. Similarly, the speculators believe the GOP has a slim chance of taking over the U.S. Senate.

In view of the optimistic Republican forecast as potential majority House members it’s essential to review the GOP plans for the nation.

Currently, the GOP mantra is the economy they successfully transformed into near ‘Great Depression,’ during their majority rule in the House and Senate under the Republican administration of the former President George W. Bush and the Vice President Dick Cheney.

The Republicans might fervently argue that the Democrats controlled the House and the Senate since 2006.

Although it’s a valid argument, the Republican members always gain control over legislation regardless of them being the majority or the minority due to their allegiance to the special interests devising the bills in Capitol Hill.

Moreover, the former President George W. Bush vowed to veto the bills passed by the Congressional Democrats on every issue and the veto record exemplifies the oath.

Per the leading conservative talk show host complimenting on the previous Republican administration – “President George W. Bush was not the lame duck for the agendas were pushed against the Democrats will.”

The comment is accurate in that respect – prominently the Iraq war, financial deregulation, blank check to Wall Street and tax exemptions to the wealthy by letting the middle class America disappear with the lower income families in poverty were all the Republican achievements that drove the surplus economy into skyrocketing deficit mostly blown away in the illegal warfare.

The GOP economic plan is none and their winning strategy in the coming elections,

According to Wall Street Journal, September 2, 2010 – By David Wessel – Thank you.

“Republican rhetoric offers little help. To the quiet discomfort of a few GOP politicians and several who advise Republicans on economics, this year’s campaign, so far, has little of the substance that accompanied the 1994 Republican renaissance with then-House leader Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America.

The only sure thing is that if President Barack Obama is for it, Republicans are against it.

Comments by Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell a few weeks ago are typical:

If a bill doesn’t kill jobs or make it harder to create them, they’re not interested. It’s time for a different approach.”

This may be smart politics. Why be specific and give the other side a target, when you’re winning by riding a wave of voter frustration: Don’t like the Obama economy? Vote for us.

The closest Republicans come to a public economic agenda are speeches by their House leader, John Boehner, who promises more detail later this month to blunt Democratic efforts to paint Republicans as the “Party of No.”

For now, a few themes are evident.

One is that the spending-heavy Obama is a failure, often extrapolated into arguing that government spending is inherently bad.

“The common logic among Washington Democrats is that government spending creates jobs when that money is used to build a hiking trail or a playground,” Mr. Boehner said, disapprovingly, during an Aug. 24 speech in Cleveland.

Adds GOP Rep. Paul Ryan: “We are not Keynesians. We don’t believe in demand-side stimulus. We’re going to stop the spending spree.”

That’s easier to promise than do. Even spending foes, once in office, tend to spend.

“Prior to the Democrats’ takeover of the Congress and the White House in 2008, the Republicans ushered in the largest expansion of federal spending since the heydays of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society in the 1960s,” says Alaska’s Joe Miller, who beat incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary.

“You’re going to have a whole bunch of people coming here who aren’t going to want to vote for any spending bill—maybe defense? Maybe not?—to fund the government,” predicts Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman. That could force GOP leaders to rely on Democratic votes for spending bills to keep the government running, hardly a recipe for curbing spending.

The leadership’s avowed interest in promoting free-trade pacts, for instance, may not be shared by the populist Republicans who are winning primaries.

The absence of a coherent Republican agenda reflects more than the usual lack of consensus. The gap between current congressional leaders and tea-party activists is huge.”

GOP Economic Plan Overview – By Padmini Arhant

There is no economic plan upon Rep. John Boehner assuming House leadership and likewise in the Senate.

Except for extending the 2000 – 2008 President Bush and Vice President Cheney’s failed economic policy.

1. Renewing all the Bush tax cuts is a top GOP priority.

2. Business friendly tax cuts enabling massive Wall Street CEO Bonuses.

3. A big corporate tax overhaul that cuts rates now – Inevitably depriving revenue for the nation, besides widening the national deficit to an alarming proportion – precedence set by the Republican administration with unique expertise in this regard.

Ironically, it’s also the GOP’s main criticism against President Barack Obama even though the President has diligently set up bipartisan committee on deficit control.

4. Promoting free trade pacts – outsourcing 90% American jobs overseas enlarging the unemployment indefinitely and facilitating,

5. Small businesses, Retail and Wholesale industry collapse from the lack of consumer spending.

On the contrary, the Congressional House Democrats under the efficient and result oriented Speaker Nancy Pelosi passed the following legislation – swiftly and favorably to all Americans including the Small Businesses and Corporations to promote job growth.


1. H.R.1: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – keeping 750,000 and more Americans employed with a significant rise in the immediate future upon complete investment.

2. H.R.2 : Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009

3. H.R.11: Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 – Guarantees equal pay for women that were denied by the Conservative Supreme Court votes followed by the Republican Senate coherence to the equal rights denial to women. The bill was passed through Democrats votes.

4. H.R.12: Paycheck Fairness Act – Subsequent to Republican Senate ‘Nay’ votes for equal pay to women, the matter was introduced through a new bill and passed with the Democrats votes.

5. H.R.13: TEACH for Our Future Act of 2009 – Focused on Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, and Competitiveness. Referred to the Subcommittee related to Higher Education…

6. H.R.14: Federal Ocean Acidification Research And Monitoring Act of 2009 – Referred to the House Committee on Science and Technology.

7. H.R.78: Stop Mortgage Fraud Act – Latest Major Action: 4/1/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Committee Hearings Held.

8. H.R.83: Homeowners Insurance Protection Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

9. H.R.84: Veterans Timely Access to Health Care Act – Latest Major Action: 3/25/2010 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Subcommittee Hearings Held.

10. H.R.74: Financial Oversight Commission Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

11. H.R.58: Green Schools Act – Latest Major Action: 3/16/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.

12. . H.R.52: Tropical Forest and Coral Conservation Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

13. H.R.49: American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act – Latest Major Action: 2/4/2009 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.

14. H.R.47: Expand and Preserve Home Ownership through Counseling Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.

15. H.R.46: Family Self-Sufficiency Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 4/30/2009 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

16. H.R.43: Medicare Access to Rehabilitation Services Act of 2009 – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

17. H.R.21: Ocean Conservation, Education, and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act – Latest Major Action: 6/18/2009 House committee/subcommittee actions. Status: Subcommittee Hearings Held.

18. H.R.16: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the deduction of State and local general sales taxes – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

19. H.R.15: National Health Insurance Act – Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

20. Economic bills to stimulate job growth, Financial Reform, Health Care law, Unemployment Benefits extension and energy bill are the hallmark of Speaker Nancy Pelosi leadership.

Together with the extremely hardworking Democrat legislators alongside selective few Republican members votes made the historic legislation possible.

The choices are clear. American jobs, economy, education, health care, environment and energy independence are the Democrats priority.

Whereas the Republican leadership under John Boehner is clueless evidenced in the Wall Street Journal report and the minority leader’s interviews.

Why would the American electorate reject a bright future with Democrats under the leaderships of Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the House, Senate Democrats majority and President Barack Obama?

When they are all constantly engaged in improving American lives.

Quoting from the cited Wall Street Journal report –

“Many Republicans are running on “anger.” That may win the election; it’s hard to turn into a legislative agenda.”

Further, the Republican election winning strategy is to create a wedge between the solid Democrats working towards economic recovery and social progress. Usually it’s premised on distortion, false propaganda and negative attacks considering there is no specific economic or other proposals from them to move the nation forward.

GOP might have won in the past on divide and rule, polarization tactics. However, disregarding the reality on their track record that will be clarified and presented loud and clear to protect the American electorate from being misled in the coming weeks nearing election – is underestimating voter decision power.

After all, actions speak louder than rhetoric.

American voters’ prospects are assured under Democrats rule in the House, Senate and the White House.

The Republican action thus far has been protesting every legislation – particularly the jobs bill, economic revival such as unemployment extension, tax credits for consumer spending, payroll tax exemption to small businesses and corporations, $30 billion to community banks for small business lending…and,

Importantly they were against Wall Street reform and everything to do with national interest.

Republican candidates are hopeful in November 2010 to win the elections through their relentless support to Wall Street and the special interests’ campaign financing.

Unlike the Democrats accomplishments and future commitments towards American families and businesses that confirm their candidacy.

Please safeguard and secure your own, your family and the next generation’s prosperity by granting the Democrats a super majority status in the House and the Senate.

It’s well known that the Republican balance of power consistently produce “Washington gridlock,” – rewarding the special interests at the average American plight.

Allowing that to happen would be devastating for the national and global economy with slow and steady growth.

Notwithstanding history repeating itself reminiscent to 2000 – 2008 – President Bush and Vice President Cheney era.

Please visit the websites –, and with your generous and affordable donations to help all Democratic contenders win the congressional election in November 2010.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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