Spiritual Events

September 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Ganesh Chathurti

On September 11, 2010 the Hindu festival – “Ganesh Chathurti,” will be celebrated with ceremonial prayers for ‘Lord Ganesh.’

Lord Ganesh is worshiped across India. On this auspicious occasion the devotees pray for peace and progress in their life.

In some parts of India like Mumbai – being the commercial capital the festival is observed for more than a week.

Wishing all Hindus in India and around the world – “Shubh Mangal Ganesh Chathurti.”

Rosh Hashanah

The Jewish holiday that marks the first day of the Jewish calendar – otherwise the
“Jewish New Year.” Also believed to be the “day of judgment.”

It was observed upon sunset on September 8 through September 10, 2010.

Wishing “Shana Tova Umetukah” to the people in Israel and the followers of Judaism across the globe.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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