U.K. New Prime Minister

May 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To the Conservative Party leader, David Cameron upon being sworn in as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The new P.M.’s decision to form a coalition with the liberal democrats for majority rule is a positive approach in the absence of viable democratic alternatives.

Although, the alliance is a political choice, the public confidence rests on the leaderships’ ability to work together in national interest.

Often, the political merger is predicted dysfunctional based on the precedence by the present and the past coalition governments worldwide.

Regardless, the contemporary politics is challenged with partisanship even among the majority and attributed to the electorates distrust against any political power in delivering their campaign promise.

Nevertheless, Prime Minister Cameron has assured complete cooperation with the liberal democrats on key national issues including the electoral reform, the winning factor for the liberal democrats in the recent election.

Perhaps, the solidarity between the two leaders could be reinforced by confirming the rumor into reality with the liberal democrats leader, Nick Clegg designated as the Deputy Prime Minister.

It would then bolster the liberal-democrat leader’s position to represent the fellow democrats in the labor party as well as others and negotiate with them effectively on legislative matter.

Political gridlock is the contentious issue among the electorates in any democracy and their justified frustration emanates from the legislators’ misplaced priority on politics over economy, high unemployment, national deficit, housing market crisis, unpopular wars, social and environmental issues.

Both leaders from the center-right and left are confronted with serious economic problems demanding urgent actions.

In addition, the impending bank regulations and the contagious financial crisis in Europe causing anxiety on the main street.

The electorate mandate is clear urging immediate response to their economic plight.

Now it’s up to the coalition government to perform and succeed in the daunting tasks ahead.

The leaders of both parties being young, dynamic and energetic have great potential to meet the national and global expectations.

There is hope in the unconventional political representation provided the two parties settle their differences and arrive at a consensus on national issues to benefit the electorate in a democracy.

Best Wishes to Prime Minister David Cameron and the Liberal Democrat Leader, Nick Clegg in their endeavor to lead United Kingdom towards a bright future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

U.K. Elections and the Political Dilemma

May 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The last week General Election results in the United Kingdom generated political confusion.

With the conservatives aka the Tory Right led by the leader, David Cameron as the front runner and the incumbent Labor Prime Minister Gordon Brown trailing behind, the liberal democrats’ leader Nick Clegg is the ‘kingmaker,’ in the hung Parliament.

In the absence of a clear majority, the political parties are attempting unconventional alliances to form a government raising anxiety among the observers at the domestic and international front.

According to the reports, the Tory Right members are advising their leader David Cameron to function as the minority government daring the opposition majority in the Parliamentary affairs.

Unfortunately, it’s an ill advice for the majority could render the minority redundant in the legislative voting process and turn the tide against them in the next possible election.

The conservative leader, David Cameron’s approach to seek liberal democrats coordination is better in resolving the political dilemma.

Moreover, in politics, the public trust and patience is like a flickering candle light particularly in the backdrop of political scandals, high unemployment, and housing market crisis.

Political stability is crucial for economic recovery, national security and the future.

The conservative party and the liberal democrats’ merger characterized as the ‘odd couple,’ are trying to reach a workable agreement on major issues.

Recent discussions held between the two political factions appear promising.

However, the electorate would prefer the talks delivered in actions.

Since the liberal democrats are urging on the electoral reform to increase the marginal winners leverage in the Parliament and during political negotiations,

The conservatives reluctance to accommodate the liberal democrats’ valid proposal could diminish the prospects for a viable coalition.

If the liberal democrats step away from the much-anticipated electoral reform,

It might jeopardize the momentum considering their victory was way below the expectations despite the leader, Nick Clegg’s popularity in the political debate.

Further, the supporters’ confidence in the leadership could potentially dwindle for not remaining firm in the political bargain.

Similarly, the conservatives artful maneuvering on this issue might backfire projecting them to be domineering and unreliable even while being dependent upon the liberal democrats for majority rule or in the legislation.

All of this would exacerbate the electorates anti-government sentiments producing more of the same electoral outcome in the forthcoming elections.

Therefore, the ideal political settlement would be to minimize the risks of losing the liberal democrats cooperation on issues relevant to their base.

Sharing a macro vision on the economy, deficit reduction, bank regulations, foreign policy, social issues and environment are quintessential to reaffirm the solidarity in the unique political mandate.

The U.K. economic situation could greatly improve with the immediate financial sector regulations and demonstrating fiscal responsibility through deficit reduction programs.

Auditing defense spending and eliminating wasteful expenditures is the beginning of the end to national deficit.

Reallocating and reconciling Social services funding to identify excess and shortfall is prudent.

Job market review and curbing housing market decline are the immediate priorities in the global recession.

Providing tax incentives to the corporations, small business and Retail industry for hiring and retaining jobs would stimulate the economy via consumer spending.

The tax breaks on applicable sources to corporations and other industries for job creation would generate tax revenue from the employees personal income tax, business payroll tax and consumer sales tax.

Housing market could be revived by containing foreclosures and enforcing rules through bank regulations to reassess the loan status on individual basis,

Apart from resuming credit facilities to revive qualified mortgage financing and business borrowing.

Upon adopting appropriate measures, the United Kingdom could emerge from the political and economic strife.

Congratulations! To the winners of the various political parties and,

Good Luck! To the leaders on the political decision to serve the people in the United Kingdom.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Happy Mother’s Day!

May 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

An opportunity to display gratitude to a mother for her various contributions beginning with the gift of life, endless love, family values and always being there to provide necessary support.

Although, it may not apply to all, a mother’s arduous and joyous experience in giving birth to life in itself deserves respect and appreciation.

A mother nurtures life from conception to adulthood teaching valuable lessons to her offspring.

Mother’s natural instinct to protect her child from harm is seen commonly in life species.

For some, the special relationship may not be shared with a biological parent.

Wherever there is genuine affection, care and companionship, that situation assumes motherhood, fatherhood or both.

Children benefit enormously by growing up in a loving and caring environment. It’s pervasive and has positive effects in life.

Society is represented by citizens and the individual productivity or the lack thereof often reflects the personal satisfaction in life.

Productivity not in monetary terms but the selfless service for greater good is the real achievement that guarantees inner peace and happiness.

A mother plays an important role in early childhood and cultivating those aspirations through simple actions enrich the human character.

It’s similar to sowing the seeds and nurturing all the way for full bloom with widespread fragrance.

On mother’s day, it would be symbolic to honor ‘Mother Earth/Nature,’ for the life sustenance elements and the incredible beauty that brings pleasure to the beholder.

Emulating Mother Nature’s abundant attributes could lead to ‘Nirvana,’ the enlightened soul attaining the universal knowledge.

Mother or Father’s day is everyday for they strive hard to be the family caregivers.

The caregivers are truly acknowledged when the beneficiaries return obligations by attending to the parents or the surrogates’ needs during any crisis particularly in the old age.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Political Game

May 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Politics is universally known for facts subversion.

Any fair perspective on national issues and campaign promise reminders are perceived as unconventional and thwarted with false accusations.

There were assaults regarding the concerns raised on the past and pending legislation.

It’s important to dispel the myths surrounding the open communication to the authorities in power through this website.

Since the 2008 Presidential campaign and up until now, the communication channel allows the authorities in power to submit their various demands to me but prohibits my response to them.

My communication to them is possible only via the website.

I’ve never had direct communication access during the election campaign and it continues to date.

Information sent earlier has been either rejected or redirected to ‘Auto response.’

As such, every communication sent and received by me has been published on this website periodically.

Upon being approached by the authority in power on several occasions lately with the routine message:

‘Stand up to Fear and Hate,’ against the Republican opponents and donate minimum $450 towards the election campaign,

The position was clarified in the blogpost titled ‘Reconciliation for a new beginning’

Not surprisingly, it was retorted by the authority through the talking heads.

The remarks varied ranging from the alleged pitch, uneven playing field, intimidation, improper delegation and ill preparation of the staff…

Never mind the ordeal endured by me in the recent ‘character assassination, serious death threats, 24/7 surveillance enabling attacks via the national and international outlets,’ –

The irony of ‘Fear and Hate,’ in this context cannot be ignored.

Computer and telephones are vulnerable to illegal spying aided by on-line sources in addition to the agencies.

Moreover, the unconstitutional monitoring by the notorious organization implicated for turning in the pro-democracy dissidents’ personal emails to the Beijing authorities is the tip of the iceberg.

Their profit-oriented action had rendered the courageous political activists’ life imprisoned, not to mention the billions deprived of freedom.

One would think this would be the random conduct of this particular corporation, but it doesn’t appear to be so as their activity is widespread in democratic systems as well.

Privacy is a misnomer for those standing up to the power and exposing the truth to revive democracy.

Truth finders are not entitled to the first amendment or the right to defend themselves against power abuse.

The victim is barred from sharing the experiences, otherwise characterized as ‘rants, wailing and even inflammatory by the extreme sources.

In case the authority and their ardent supporters/attackers were unaware of it, then they ought to be in a parallel universe.

Democracy is best served with the critics’ investing their talent and resources to investigate the closed chamber deals carried out prior to legislation rather than targeting the unprecedented transparency displayed on this website thus far.

With respect to the level playing field – it’s forgotten by the authority’s defenders that –

In order to publish the articles on this website for national and global service to humanity –

There are no speechwriters, Teleprompters, news briefing, consultants, confidantes, czars, any aide or a task force dedicated to feed the selective news media the rebuttal in the form of distorted information.

Further, the service is not for profit and purely a humanitarian deed without costing the taxpayers or the federal and state authorities.

On the so-called “ill preparation of the staff leading to legislative failures,’ – poignantly,

Politics chooses one to be the authority when convenient and regards the same entity irrelevant in all circumstances.

Prominently scapegoating the individual engaged in the selfless crusade is the trend.

Political expediency is the norm and begins on the campaign trail to infinity.

Unlike the distracting voluminous bills, the details admittedly escaping the lawmakers’ attention and more often used by the Republican members as the contentious factor,

Every topic on this website – from finance reform, stimulus package, unemployment, environment, foreign policy…are elaborated and categorically stated to benefit the public, national and international interest.

Despite the numerous articles on Health care legislation clearly defining the requirements with visual presentations emphasizing the need for federal run program – Single Payer system or the Public option at the least – published on this website and in the congressional survey delivered via priority mail to the authorities,

The baseless allegation is the proof of the integrity crisis in the broken system.

It requires rationality to view that the instructions were always clear but the intentions among the executors were not there.

The “bipartisan” health care summit conspicuously excluded the elected officials seeking ‘Public Option,’ or ‘Single Payer System,’ while unsuccessful attempts were made to appease the conservatives on both sides.

Issuing the executive order to win the ‘anti-abortion’ Senate votes and,

Contrarily weakening the Medicare program in the absence of Single Payer or Public option for effective competition reveals the misplaced priority.

On the eve of the final health care vote, the leading authorities proudly declaring to the press that,

“The liberals and progressives quest for public option or medicare expansion has been muted.”

Evidently, the claim that the health care law is serving the deserving population under the private for profit health care to a tune of $35 trillion dollars over a decade with 34 million remaining uninsured until 2020 fit the political dogma prevailing over pragmatism.

Similarly, in the face of the reality on the oil spill in the gulf coast, maintaining the offshore drilling decision instead of its reversal confirms defiance.

Power comes with many privileges and in politics governed by profits, the truth is the regular casualty.

The only hope for democracy’s survival is the people’s discernment in electing the candidacy pledged to serve the nation and not the special interests agenda.

It’s essential to verify the incumbents’ voting record and the actual beneficiaries from it in the assessment.

Campaign finance reform could be achieved by merely rejecting the corporate representatives and electing the public financed candidates vowed to national and environmental protection.

Democracy has been privatized by seeking public votes and the consequences are voting abstinence balanced with pro-special interest votes during legislation.

At present, the special interests controlled political system is configured to favor the respective industry resisting regulations and recommendations for a viable economy, besides planet sustenance.

History is testimony to ‘Change’ brought upon by ordinary citizens’ with extraordinary commitment to the long cherished democracy that guarantees economic opportunities, equal rights, safe environment and eternal peace.

People have the ultimate power as consumers, taxpayers and voters in a democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Reconciliation for a New Beginning

May 5, 2010

Honorable. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for the opportunity to clarify the position for a new beginning.

With deep appreciation for democracy, free speech and ethics, I reiterate the facts presented on this website.

I remain steadfast in my commitment to work for the people and serve our great country as well as the citizens across the globe.

Since my responsibilities are towards humanitarian peace and progress, besides environmental protection, I pledge unequivocal support to promote the daunting, yet noble cause in every aspect.

I do not have any doubts in reaching the milestones by working together with a common goal in the domestic and international matter.

However, I’m disappointed with the special interests’ control over the hard fought legislation against the democratic principles and consequently,

The electorate deprived of immediate and long lasting benefits.

Although, the trend is no revelation, there were tremendous expectations from the ‘Hope and Change’ promise made by your candidacy on the campaign trail.

Again, some argue that campaign promises are not always deliverable and, they define the default as the political norm.

That being the case, the voter frustration with any political party or candidate for the trust violation is justified.

Notwithstanding, the challenges originating from the misrepresentations during elections.

The consistent voting abstinence from the Republican members in Congress is visibly the sworn allegiance to various interests guiding the legislative process.

It is true that the health care legislation was a courageous step in Presidential history.

Nevertheless, the reform needs to be meaningful and,

I understand that you are in agreement with the health care bill lacking in serious competition without the federal programs for the vast majority.

Not surprisingly, the health care and insurance companies like their counterparts in other sectors welcome the federal funding and bailouts to facilitate their prosperity,

But, they are resilient to federal regulations and recommendations such as the Single Payer system.

It’s an uphill battle with every legislation because of the special interests’ investments in lobbying.

It could be easily overcome, if the candidates running for office decline the corporate financing and instead rely upon their ability in winning the public confidence by honoring the constitutional oath to serve the nation.

Now is the time to reverse the corporate dominance in legislation to favor the public interest.

The long held tradition has bankrupted the economy with multitrillion-dollar deficits and betrayed consumer rights.

Free market resistance to regulations through overindulgence in a democratic political system has backfired leading the economy to an abyss.

It cannot possibly continue forever. It’s unsustainable and evidenced in the domestic and global economy.

That’s why there was enormous faith in your Presidency to ‘Change’ the course and liberate the government from privatized status.

It’s never too late to act for better results and sometimes one has to strive hard to achieve the targets.

I believe that ‘Change,’ is necessary and extend my relentless cooperation to your administration and the elected officials on both sides of the political aisle provided the policies be implemented to protect the Main Street interest and the environment.

They are:

Campaign finance reform – barring corporate donations and eliminating loopholes towards campaign contributions,

Adherence to transparency and accountability in national and international affairs,

Medicare expansion via Single Payer system to contain costs and save life either through amendment or annexure by reallocating federal funding from the private health care.

Tough financial measures to prevent economic meltdown,

Job creation by reviving the manufacturing sector and boosting the small business/Retail industry –
The tax credits to the corporations and small businesses for hiring and retaining employees is praiseworthy.

Fiscal responsibility – National deficit reduction by enforcing the– “Waste not and Want not” ethic – beginning with defense budget spending is paramount.

Nuclear weapons eradication – Your efforts to gain international consensus is progressive and perhaps, persistence will yield the desirable outcome.

Environment by adopting clean renewable energy, which means abandoning offshore drilling, uranium and coal mining,

Maintaining K-12 and higher education funding as a prudent investment for a bright future – Federal funding has been impressive unlike certain states’ with misplaced priorities.

Social justice such as gay rights and fair immigration laws,

Similar approach in resolving international conflicts, establishment of peace and freedom for oppressed population –

Comprise the basic requirements.

Power is powerful when used to empower the powerless in the society and that being –

Secure jobs, 24/7 health care access, good education, safe environment and eternal peace.

I am optimistic that together we can accomplish the highlighted goals and proceed in a positive direction.

I look forward to working with you in all these issues and dedicate my service to humanity.


Padmini Arhant

Environment – The Green Revolution

May 3, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The two major disasters in the energy fields viz. the West Virginia coal mine explosion killing at least 25 miners and the gulf oil spill with 11 workers presumed dead is a great tragedy for the victims’ family,

Notwithstanding the catastrophic impact on the environment along with the economic costs involved in rescue operation of the species and the cleaning required in protecting life and livelihood.

As stated earlier through numerous environment articles on this website, no matter how vigorously the energy independence is debated claiming the “offshore drilling,” “clean coal technology,” and “nuclear power,” as the reliable energy resources,

The inherent danger to the workforce and the habitat from these sources cannot be underestimated for it is repeatedly proved through these horrific mishaps.

The catchphrase – ‘Drill baby drill,’ ‘drill now – offshore,’ and every other area with liquid gold, regardless of the consequences is the myopic view driving the global energy quest endangering life on planet.

Already the several accidents in the related sectors have been responsible for the irreversible outcome producing loss of human life and rare species extinction.

In addition, it has created huge environmental hazards as well as economic liabilities that are shared nationally.

Although, the general awareness to these issues are much better today than earlier, when important event like ‘Earth Day,’ and treaty such as ‘Kyoto Protocol,’ could not convince the leading polluters to acknowledge the devastations on the habitat.

At the same time, Global warming still remains contentious and discarded as a ‘myth,’ despite the extreme weather conditions causing famine, floods, tsunami, typhoon, tornadoes exacerbated by frequent earthquakes etc.,

The COP15 Copenhagen summit attended by 192 countries and more failed to arrive at a consensus due to politics prevailing over pragmatism.

Unfortunately, the lack of cooperation during the unique gathering is a lost opportunity with serious ramifications on all, but suffered most by the vulnerable regions in the world.

However, the 2010 U.N. climate conference in Mexico City is yet another occasion for the international community to make a firm commitment and diligently implement the universal climate policy in an effort to reverse the environmental degradation.

Meanwhile, every nation is indebted to the future generation in saving the habitat by passing the effective climate change legislations sooner than later to prevent different adversities.

In terms of renewable energy, it’s time to embrace the risk free solar, wind, hydro projects in conjunction with bio-fuels as the preferred power suppliers.

The recent ‘Cape Wind Project’ – Approved “to build the first offshore wind farm in the United States off the coast of Massachusetts in Nantucket Sound,” is a fabulous beginning to the safe and clean energy endeavor.

Likewise, the other options using the pure natural elements are the gateway to promoting energy diversity, while considering measures for energy conservation and economic viability.

Understandably, the United States has a tough battle in the climate bill legislation with the energy behemoths’ investments in lobbying to maintain the status quo irrespective of the periodical deadly incidents.

Unless the energy companies recognize the urgent need to pursue the common goal in carbon reduction and pioneer technology using solar, wind, hydrothermal, bio-fuels…the climate bill comprising the offshore drilling, coal and uranium mining would continue to offset the targets in containing the greenhouse gas emission.

Self-sufficiency in energy is not necessarily derived from oil and mine explorations. On the contrary, the cost/benefit ratio proves otherwise.

The energy industry is in denial if the latest casualties in the coalmine explosion and oil spilling, the health problems from harmful uranium exposure were not accepted as the activities detrimental to life, environment and the economy.

Similar occurrences in Nigeria, China and Chernobyl nuclear meltdown are few other examples that confirm the reality when seeking the energy alternatives.

Increasing energy demand from the developing nations – Brazil, India and China have generated the surge in fossil fuel and uranium enrichment, although these emerging economies are simultaneously engaged in the solar, wind, biodiesel and hydrothermal energy.

China has achieved prominence in environmental programs, besides importing coal from Australia, oil through dealings with Iran and Sudan, natural gas from Burma to supplement the domestic fossil fuel deficiency.

Perhaps, they could be the model in the twenty first century by adopting the absolute clean energy rather than the hybrid choice that allows for the fossil fuel and nuclear power procurement.

Global initiative to preserve the environment is encouraging.

Nevertheless, the concept of recycling and energy saving techniques is not widespread to realize the gains.

Farming and Agriculture – Genetically modified produces are more available and lot cheaper than the organic food grown with natural fertilizers.

Healthy meals are costlier than the high caloric, cholesterol rich and fatty food items.

It should be the other way around to cultivate healthy eating habits and prolong life.

Clothing – Natural fiber as opposed to synthetic, nylon and polyester fabric are eco-friendly and nonallergenic.

The pervasive knowledge and determination to save the planet is vital and made possible with individual decision influencing the entire mass in a chain reaction.

Planet survival and sustenance is dependent upon the inhabitants’ consolidated contributions.

Mother Nature is holistic and thrives in harmony.

The green revolution is the secret to success.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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