Environment – The Green Revolution

May 3, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The two major disasters in the energy fields viz. the West Virginia coal mine explosion killing at least 25 miners and the gulf oil spill with 11 workers presumed dead is a great tragedy for the victims’ family,

Notwithstanding the catastrophic impact on the environment along with the economic costs involved in rescue operation of the species and the cleaning required in protecting life and livelihood.

As stated earlier through numerous environment articles on this website, no matter how vigorously the energy independence is debated claiming the “offshore drilling,” “clean coal technology,” and “nuclear power,” as the reliable energy resources,

The inherent danger to the workforce and the habitat from these sources cannot be underestimated for it is repeatedly proved through these horrific mishaps.

The catchphrase – ‘Drill baby drill,’ ‘drill now – offshore,’ and every other area with liquid gold, regardless of the consequences is the myopic view driving the global energy quest endangering life on planet.

Already the several accidents in the related sectors have been responsible for the irreversible outcome producing loss of human life and rare species extinction.

In addition, it has created huge environmental hazards as well as economic liabilities that are shared nationally.

Although, the general awareness to these issues are much better today than earlier, when important event like ‘Earth Day,’ and treaty such as ‘Kyoto Protocol,’ could not convince the leading polluters to acknowledge the devastations on the habitat.

At the same time, Global warming still remains contentious and discarded as a ‘myth,’ despite the extreme weather conditions causing famine, floods, tsunami, typhoon, tornadoes exacerbated by frequent earthquakes etc.,

The COP15 Copenhagen summit attended by 192 countries and more failed to arrive at a consensus due to politics prevailing over pragmatism.

Unfortunately, the lack of cooperation during the unique gathering is a lost opportunity with serious ramifications on all, but suffered most by the vulnerable regions in the world.

However, the 2010 U.N. climate conference in Mexico City is yet another occasion for the international community to make a firm commitment and diligently implement the universal climate policy in an effort to reverse the environmental degradation.

Meanwhile, every nation is indebted to the future generation in saving the habitat by passing the effective climate change legislations sooner than later to prevent different adversities.

In terms of renewable energy, it’s time to embrace the risk free solar, wind, hydro projects in conjunction with bio-fuels as the preferred power suppliers.

The recent ‘Cape Wind Project’ – Approved “to build the first offshore wind farm in the United States off the coast of Massachusetts in Nantucket Sound,” is a fabulous beginning to the safe and clean energy endeavor.

Likewise, the other options using the pure natural elements are the gateway to promoting energy diversity, while considering measures for energy conservation and economic viability.

Understandably, the United States has a tough battle in the climate bill legislation with the energy behemoths’ investments in lobbying to maintain the status quo irrespective of the periodical deadly incidents.

Unless the energy companies recognize the urgent need to pursue the common goal in carbon reduction and pioneer technology using solar, wind, hydrothermal, bio-fuels…the climate bill comprising the offshore drilling, coal and uranium mining would continue to offset the targets in containing the greenhouse gas emission.

Self-sufficiency in energy is not necessarily derived from oil and mine explorations. On the contrary, the cost/benefit ratio proves otherwise.

The energy industry is in denial if the latest casualties in the coalmine explosion and oil spilling, the health problems from harmful uranium exposure were not accepted as the activities detrimental to life, environment and the economy.

Similar occurrences in Nigeria, China and Chernobyl nuclear meltdown are few other examples that confirm the reality when seeking the energy alternatives.

Increasing energy demand from the developing nations – Brazil, India and China have generated the surge in fossil fuel and uranium enrichment, although these emerging economies are simultaneously engaged in the solar, wind, biodiesel and hydrothermal energy.

China has achieved prominence in environmental programs, besides importing coal from Australia, oil through dealings with Iran and Sudan, natural gas from Burma to supplement the domestic fossil fuel deficiency.

Perhaps, they could be the model in the twenty first century by adopting the absolute clean energy rather than the hybrid choice that allows for the fossil fuel and nuclear power procurement.

Global initiative to preserve the environment is encouraging.

Nevertheless, the concept of recycling and energy saving techniques is not widespread to realize the gains.

Farming and Agriculture – Genetically modified produces are more available and lot cheaper than the organic food grown with natural fertilizers.

Healthy meals are costlier than the high caloric, cholesterol rich and fatty food items.

It should be the other way around to cultivate healthy eating habits and prolong life.

Clothing – Natural fiber as opposed to synthetic, nylon and polyester fabric are eco-friendly and nonallergenic.

The pervasive knowledge and determination to save the planet is vital and made possible with individual decision influencing the entire mass in a chain reaction.

Planet survival and sustenance is dependent upon the inhabitants’ consolidated contributions.

Mother Nature is holistic and thrives in harmony.

The green revolution is the secret to success.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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