Israel – Gaza Ceasefire Violation An Unnecessary Provocation

November 23, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Despite ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas following Israeli aggression against infants, teenagers and elderly citizens in Gaza that claimed 160 innocent lives and left many wounded per official figures with unofficial report yet to ascertain death toll underneath the rubble,

Israel military option is also responsible for five Israeli citizens demise and few residents hurt in Southern Israel during eight days air and sea assault on besieged Gaza.

Soon after ceasefire, Israeli forces proceeded with violent arrests of 55 Palestinian peaceful protesters in the occupied West Bank for non-violent participation to support their extended families in Gaza when Israeli shelling continued more than a week.

Israel’s latest attack resulting in Gaza casualty – a twenty one year old farmer killed while at least seven others injured is unnecessary provocation to Israel, United States and western allies detriment already reflected in declining economy and overwhelming condemnation for western status quo.

Evidently Israel and United States determination to pursue violence as the means to exert authoritarianism and superiority have no concern for their respective citizens safety or business sector prospects seriously affected due to regional and international community perception holding Israel and United States leaderships for state sponsored terrorism in direct violation of humanitarian law and civil standard.

The global response to rein in hegemony ideology posing imminent danger to all irrespective of identity is required more than ever.

Citizens from all walks of life could come forward and demonstrate solidarity in several ways such as – enforcing BDS movement against Israel.

Boycott Divestment Sanctions and extend stance towards western powers including Gulf allies fomenting killing of vulnerable citizens in Palestine, Israel, Syria, Bahrain, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya…around the world.

Mexico – The drug war financed and fueled by United States through controversial ‘Fast and Furious’ program implicating U.S.Justice department has enormously suffered on economic and political front with nearly 50,000 lives lost and more reported on daily accounts devoid of world’s attention thus far.

Similarly, avoiding travel and on-line purchases related to consumer trade could have a dramatic effect on nations behind revoking peace accord.

Since existing international body viz. UNSC, ICC and other organizations are under hegemony control and influence granting impunity to perpetrators presumptuously proclaiming as the world authority to commit crimes against humanity,

The global society are burdened to restore peace and justice with personal involvement in declining goods and services essentially imposing trade embargo and effective measures regularly vetoed by offenders at the UN conforming to double standards on international matter.

Additionally, applying pressure on their governments to exercise sovereignty and denounce atrocity in Palestine, Bahrain, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia and in the above mentioned nations by Israel, U.S., U.K. Canada, France, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan – the facilitators and financiers of warfare is paramount to end the escalation of terror world over.

The instigation promoting current unrest throughout Middle East, Pakistan, Latin America and Africa is to accomplish unattainable goals by hegemony in the face of deep economic recession.

Western power departure from dialogue and diplomacy with fascination for warfare and continuous bloodshed is counterproductive and exemplify misguided mission.

Notwithstanding reality in the alarming suicide rates among U.S. armed forces having exponentially risen in correlation to prolonged occupation in Afghanistan and military incursions in Persian Gulf and South China sea.

Irrationality overriding prudence and diligence precipitate inevitable multi-dimensional national crises given western powers misplaced priority on interference in foreign internal affairs exploited for destabilization.

Israel and United States in particular are urged to exercise restraint and refrainment from stoking unfavorable sentiments towards western strategy visible among significant majority with strong consumer power.

Ceasefire brokered in Egypt is an international treaty binding on all sides in respect for life and attempts to sabotage peace plan would reiterate western preference for turmoil and an invitation to self-disaster.

Global resistance beginning immediately with boycott and peaceful dissent to hegemony policy depriving humanity peaceful existence is imperative to reverse the outcome.

Gaza ceasefire monitored to maintain calmness crucial for survivors recovery from carnage and destruction in Israel’s bombing last week.

The recommendations at grassroots level intended to curb further hostility from Israel based on present breach of ceasefire.

Supernatural intervention is best averted in upholding ceasefire that could perhaps mitigate consistent loss of credibility.

With sincere condolences to Gaza victims and empathy to Israeli citizens held hostage in the election war,

Wishing long lasting peace to Palestine and Israel.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

International Recognition of Israeli Palestinian Peace Process

January 10, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Israeli Palestinian peace talks have come to a grinding halt following the moratorium expiration on Jewish settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem last September.

The Palestinian casualties in early January 2011 involving a man and a woman in the northern West Bank checkpoint and the barrier is a setback for the long anticipated peace resolution between Israel and Palestinian authorities.

Additionally the recent tension in beleaguered Gaza with Israel reporting on the rocket firing by Hamas across the southern border resets the status quo after a prolonged ceasefire promoting hope for exports from Gaza to Israel.

Subsequently Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s invitation to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for direct dialogue is praiseworthy.

However, the Israeli Prime Minister’s terms on negotiations without preconditions in the backdrop of ongoing settlement expansion is a dilemma for the Palestinian President considering the political challenges in their domain.

Any agreement would be feasible upon instantaneous settlement freeze that has long been contentious in the crucial interaction between the two heads of the states.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu having previously proved Israel’s commitment to two states solution through temporary settlement containment could perhaps persuade opposition within Israeli coalition in this matter rather than expecting Palestinian approval of the continuing occupation.

The two states recognition could be easily achieved with natural understanding and acknowledgment of 1967 lines for an Independent Palestinian State concurrently suspending settlement activities in Palestinian territories viz. West Bank and East Jerusalem.

As mentioned earlier Israel’s security will be strengthened by expediting the peace treaty that would enable free Palestine to focus on nation building beginning with infrastructure, economic growth, education and health care…guaranteed to promote social progress transforming existing mistrust and discord into a reliable trading partnership fostering bilateral relationship with their neighbor, Israel.

Further the Arab world would widely accept Israel’s sovereignty when peace protocol per 1967 territory is honored ceasing claim on Palestinian meager land with exponential rise in the local population.

Again reiterating requests made to both parties per post titled “Peace Dawns on Palestine and Israel – Two States Solution,” published 9/2/2010 under International Politics on this website,

Both states could reach common destination by removing roadblocks such as occupation, settlement, troop presence with checkpoints and barriers from the Israeli side and,

Palestinian efforts in maintaining solidarity within political factions while pursuing their goals through non-violent means is the pragmatic course to prevail in the decades old conflict.

Peace deal is not attainable with demolition in East Jerusalem, skirmishes in Gaza and West bank under siege. The Palestinian preparation to approach United Nations Security Council for international endorsement of liberated Palestine along the 1967 lines reveals the peace brokers’ lack of influential power and interest in resolving the Mideast crisis.

Therefore the international society could intervene in ending the Palestinian plight and Israeli political gridlock over settlements and troop withdrawal by reviewing the reality and the impact of ignoring the humanitarian suffering currently benefiting terror recruitments serving as the reason for perpetual warfare.

By addressing the Palestinian political struggle and Israeli desire for national security, the international community would effectively contribute to the success of the Israeli Palestinian peace process.

On that optimistic note, the Palestinian and Israeli leaders are urged to set their differences aside and cooperate in signing the peace accord with international blessings.

Good Luck and Best Wishes to Palestinian, Israeli and world leaders in finalizing the amicable Mideast peace doctrine.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Independent Palestine – End to Israeli Occupation and Jewish Settlements

October 25, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The Israeli-Palestinian peace process had tremendous potential for development and the recent impasse is primarily due to the lack of political will in leading the authorities to the desirable outcome.

Although the moratorium expiry on settlement expansion has contributed to the friction with the building permit issued for an estimated 534 homes in the Palestinian territory – West Bank, the United States less enthusiastic efforts to dissuade the controversial incursion predominantly derailed the progress.

Lately, the legitimate questions were raised through the panel on Israeli-Palestinian peace process:


Sara Roy, Senior Research Scholar – Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies – Thank you.

In the continued absence of a political resolution to the conflict,

1. Why must occupation be the default position?

Response – Occupation will no longer be the default position. The Israeli authorities are being misguided by the real forces behind the Middle-Eastern quagmire.

As long as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains unresolved the profiteering from the prolific arms trade continues debilitating the peace prospects and thereby exacerbating the Palestinian plight.

However, this situation will change in semblance to the historical facts that all illegal occupations and invasions eventually cease contrary to the false assumptions.

Moreover, the Palestinian and other oppressed states freedom are a top priority among the inevitable Change in the immediate future.

2. Why must Gaza be pauperized and the West Bank cantonized?

Response: Again, there is absolutely no reason for the status quo. If the strongest ally United States could influence Israel in every U.N vote on minor to major international issues,

It is incomprehensible that U.S. is unable to achieve similar consent from Israel on the settlements, territorial disputes, economic embargo on Gaza, East Jerusalem and West Bank militarization.

Israel is misled by the factions not necessarily pledged to its sovereignty or peace in the region. The coalition with the orthodox groups relying on self-determined course in promoting unlawful settlements are yet another impediment in the Israeli – Palestinian peace agreement.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared hopeful at the last month’s preliminary peace talks and even disassociated from the Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman’s views delivered at the U.N. General Assembly in September 2010.

Therefore, the subsequent setback conspicuously leads to the internal and external political pressure on Israeli leadership to procrastinate until the Palestinian conditions deteriorate to the point of no return forcing the beleaguered Palestinian residents in Gaza and other occupied territories to become the Israeli subjects on Palestinian homeland.

Imperialism in the twenty first century is a far-fetched aspiration for a democratic nation unnecessarily projecting the provocateur image to the international community.

Further, the provocation generates the requirement to stockpile weaponry not excluding nuclear arsenal pervading across the globe.

It would be fair to point out that Israeli leadership might not be overtly pursuing the agenda but the current occupation confirms the reality much to the global disappointment.

Israel must realize that with the rocket firing cessation and relatively isolated violence from Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem construction and series of human rights violation through unilateral economic sanctions against Gaza combined with the military deployment in the Palestinian territories are counterproductive placing the democratic nation in spotlight as the belligerent authority.

As a result, Israel is isolated from the rest of the world and made vulnerable with United States and the remnant Western nations as the few allies for normal relationship.

Additionally, the U.S. threat not ruling out the nuclear options against Israel’s adversary undermines the sovereignty and capability to defend itself despite Israel’s nuclear empowerment.

Israel is a free nation but has not demonstrated in the U.N. voting or Palestinian issue thus far.

Accordingly Israel is perceived as the United States Union territory rather than an independent state maintaining cordial relations with Arab and other nations around the world.

3. Why are Palestinians treated as a humanitarian problem rather than as people with political and national rights entitled to self-determination?

Response: The Palestinians have endured enormous pain and misery in the prolonged political stalemate.

Palestinians as people are entitled to political and national rights in every aspect.

Under the imminent free Palestine – the territories clearly demarcated prior to 1967 Israeli conquest would constitute the integral part of the liberated Palestine particularly the entire West Bank and Gaza comprising East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital.

With respect to the refugee population spread across Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza – the new treaty enacting the right of return to the Palestinian expatriates would grant naturalization to the emigrants.

4. Why should Palestinians be forced to accept their own decay?

Response: Palestinians will not decay any more.

There is unanimous consensus among the majority in the global society to expedite the two states solution with independent Palestine co-existing alongside democratic Israel confined to the internationally recognized pre-1967 boundaries.

Jerusalem being the holy city for all three religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam,

It is imperative that the leaderships establish peace and harmony between Palestinian and Israeli citizens for mutual social and economic benefits.

5. Why must they be punished for resisting?

All are born to be free with equal rights. Palestinian and fellow citizens around the world seeking independence are not deprived from it.

Unfortunately quelling dissent is increasingly accepted as the norm even in a democratic society let alone any other form of government.

History is testimony to the fact that one voice ultimately transforms into the universal representation prevailing against undemocratic rule and social injustice.

Since time immemorial, the unjust annexation or in the other extreme the unruly secessionism defying historical evidence is narcissism than serving the humanitarian cause.

Palestine and similar states liberation is not a hypothesis but a definitive reality.

If Israeli coalition partner is the obstacle in the Palestinian political resolution, then the Israeli authority could forge alliance with the party prioritizing Israel’s peaceful existence over personal ideology.

Hence, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas could seize the opportunity and proceed with the meaningful dialogue beginning upon settlement termination.

Settlement issue is not a pre-condition but rather a reasonable request to facilitate negotiations leading to the diplomacy success.

Two states solution is paramount to both Israel and Palestine for a long lasting relationship extending to other Arab neighbors as seen in Syria’s overture towards Israel at the 65th U.N. General Assembly session in September 2010.

Finally, regarding the two chilling responses from Palestinian Children during the survey on their wish list – “Get out of Gaza or Die,”

NO child in any part of the world should experience the frustration to leave their homeland or desire to end their precious life.

Palestine needs these brave and intelligent architects to build their nation with strong democratic principles vowed to peace, non-violence and solidarity within and outside the territory.

It is important for the Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem to come together as one nation in moving their country forward.

Likewise, setting the differences aside for a new partnership with their Israeli friend and neighbor is equally essential to sustain permanent peace.

It would ensure security, political stability and economic prosperity for the two states permeating to the entire region.

Palestinian liberty and Israeli security means a bright future for their people.

Peace to Palestine, Israel and throughout Middle East.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

War and Geo-Political Status 21st Century – The Ultimate Resolution

October 8, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

In the twenty first century, the war is interestingly waged in Islamic nations around the world.

Beginning with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Palestinian Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem, Yemen, Chechnya, Somalia and Sudan with skirmishes in Central Asia as seen in the recent Kyrgyzstan with Uzbek Muslims largely massacred in ethnic violence –

Terrorism and insurgencies are the by-product of relentless warfare and foreign policies fostering political instability in turn exacerbating economic and social development.

The trend is prevalent to date.

Afghanistan – The former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney started the war in 2001 declaring the terror mastermind Osama Bin Laden will be captured “dead or alive.”

Even the message resonated in the 2008 Presidential campaign with Senator John McCain as the Republican Presidential candidate pledging –

“I will follow Osama Bin Laden to the gates of hell.”

The Democratic Presidential candidate, the then Senator Barack Obama essentially repeated his predecessor’s rhetoric –

“Bush had earlier vowed to catch bin Laden “Dead or Alive,” and … “My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him. …”

We are in 2010 and the war is a decade old with tremendous loss of lives on all sides.

U.S and allies economy drained with the superfluous troops and financial investment, the troops’ low morale after continuous deployment and the public war fatigue at its peak,

Afghanistan today is still in the medieval age under the U.S. and NATO appointed Karzai administration that has been unanimously criticized for massive corruption and lack of direction in governance.

Meanwhile, Taliban leaders in Afghanistan are reportedly held hostage by the Pakistani military and ISI prohibiting them from initiating negotiations with the Afghan government to demonstrate Pakistani officials’ clout in the crisis.

Superseding these issues is the Al-Qaeda ring leader; Osama Bin Laden neither captured alive nor pronounced dead, a convenient situation to prolong the unsustainable war strategy.

If Osama Bin Laden is alive as it is claimed by the authorities, it raises the following questions:

Given the formidable U.S. and NATO forces in operation and the significant troops involvement since the war began in 2001, the severely incapacitated Osama Bin Laden remains at large according to the political and military high command.

Further, the White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel prior to his departure last week is quoted to have questioned the administration on this issue with a statement in sheer amazement.

“We are spending about $50 billion on intelligence and we still don’t know where Osama Bin Laden is?”

Despite CIA overt operation through para-military in Pakistan and the Pakistani intelligence provided with U.S. intelligence assistance, the mastermind Osama Bin Laden cannot be found in the all too familiar territories Afghanistan where the U.S. trained the Mujahedeen, prominently Osama Bin Laden who later created the terror network ‘Al-Qaeda,’ is;

Remarkably similar to the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq that could never be found because it did not exist.

Any re-creation or resurrection accentuates the flaws due to the unauthentic replay leading to the fact that the scenario is ‘weapons of mass deception’ in the public eye.

Besides the former President George W. Bush family’s close ties with Osama Bin Laden’s immediate family is common knowledge and such relation enabled the Bin Laden family departure from the United States when all flights were grounded soon after 9/11.

Another compelling factor being Osama Bin Laden was not apprehended in Tora Bora even though the armed personnel requested for the former President George W. Bush, the Supreme Commander- in- Chief’s order for action.

These events were legitimized by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the terror experts, the media reports and cited by Senator John McCain during his Presidential bid.

The strange predicament being Osama Bin Laden is wanted “dead or alive,” and when there were opportunities to capture the terror leader, the executive order was not delivered to the armed forces to attain the goal.

Terror warnings are being issued claiming that Osama Bin Laden is preparing to wreak havoc in Europe like he did in Mumbai that took place on November 26, 2008, even though this particular terror activity was directly linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba and acknowledged by the assassin;

“Ajmal Kasab, the only attacker who was captured alive, disclosed that the attackers were members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Pakistan-based militant organization. He said the attackers came from Pakistan, and their controllers were in Pakistan.”

Osama Bin Laden is continually used in the possible terror attacks and claimed as the primary target in the war on terror with no news regarding his whereabouts and sources except during the terror alerts surfacing upon Osama Bin Laden reference by the peace activists.

It’s crucial to resolve this issue once and for all considering the brave young men and women in uniform are deployed to supposedly eliminate Al-Qaeda and find Osama Bin Laden in the mission that began in 2001.

Many service men and women are serving for nearly a decade with some redeployed after having been in Iraq for four to five years. Most of these courageous frontline soldiers sacrificed in the on-going war are in the age group between 19 – 21 years old and have barely experienced life.

If a 29 year old private sergeant is killed in action after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan for twelve straight years and survived by his young pregnant spouse and a toddler and the war agenda is still a mystery then it becomes necessary to find out,

What exactly are we doing in these battle grounds?

As per the latest CIA report, along the Pakistan-Afghan border – Waziristan, there are fewer than one hundred Al-Qaeda members and negligible Taliban forces compared to U.S representation around 120,000 troops with NATO alliance.

Regardless the world’s most powerful by far the sophisticated U.S. and NATO contingency with all the imaginable resources at their disposal are experiencing difficulty over nine years in seizing the fractional terror members with inferior ammunition is astonishing for it defies logic.

Therefore, if the military commanders in the best interest of the troops, the nation and the international community could unequivocally clarify on the precise mission in Afghanistan and particularly, present the facts on Osama Bin Laden it would be enormously helpful in the decisions related to ongoing wars and defense spending during legislation and election.

Above all, the Afghan population deserves the truth for they are severely dispensed with their family generations wiped out in the ceaseless conflict.

If the Al-Qaeda leader is alive, it shouldn’t be harder to locate with the intelligence dragnet across the globe perhaps within twenty four to forty eight hours and brought to justice.

Alternatively, it would be honorable to declassify the classified public information and submit the verifiable facts on the Al-Qaeda leaders’ death.

As for all issues concerning the military operation, the President of the United States being the Supreme Commander-in-Chief bears complete responsibility.

The defense and the national security team are accountable to the President – responsible for the troop level authorization, withdrawal timeline and final approval on war strategies.

In the Afghan war, the information on the ultimate authority in the decision-making process is not clear.

While it is being maintained that there is disconnect and discord between the military and the civilian exchange on operational matter and that the President is not briefed on vital military positions such as the actual troop numbers by the top security adviser and military command,

It is suggested that any dissatisfaction in the Afghan war status quo should be attributed to the military command and not the civilian authority, the President of the United States who is also incidentally, the Commander-in-Chief.

This is contradictory to the latest occurrence that involved the military’s top ranking official
Gen. Stanley McChrystal, removed by the President of the United States for ‘off-the’ record comment about the administration,revealing the authority in control.

Now in the expansive military role especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan taking horrendous toll on human lives and economic costs, the ambiguity in management as to,

“Who is calling the shots,” is rather disturbing and,

Require clarification to the armed forces and their families including the taxpayers footing the expense for the extravagant and uncertain adventure.

In that context, the exclusive secret meetings held for the selective members belonging to nexus organization apparently to discuss global economic health and the general humanitarian issues with the press and public debarred from participation is unsettling based on the discussions being related to the world population and not any private individual matter.

In fact, the nature of such gathering by the privileged members – selective heads of the state, corporate leaders and military command, a majority representing democratic societies alienating the voice of democracy – the communication media and the public is undemocratic not to mention the forum failing to meet transparency and accountability.

These meetings where the Presidential candidates as the future leader of the ‘free world’ prior to being approved by the electorate are summoned inconspicuously defying the press and denying access to the democratic process in itself is a serious credibility factor and beckons legitimate reasons on the definitive purpose.

It’s imperative to highlight the security measures taken during these sessions reflecting the twentieth century pre-world war II characteristics in the twenty first century causing frustration among the members in the society from various discipline gravely concerned about the abnormal clandestine consortium.

The public opinion upon revelation on the political, economic, corporate media and military institutional assembly behind closed doors to map out global direction is;

If it is conducted to benefit humanity then it is commendable and praiseworthy.

But then, why not hold them in public view and elaborate on the objectives to the republics’ complete satisfaction eliminating any doubts on the validity of the futuristic aspirations.

In conclusion, the fulcrum power has two immediate priorities to stabilize the deteriorating global environment predominantly due to incessant warfare and undemocratic principles adopted in the universal policies targeting humanity.

Disclosure on Osama Bin Laden and dismantling secret organizations – the deafening silence thus far proved detrimental to human progress in every frontier.

Any reluctance to conform or evasion through false propaganda and negative attacks would categorically confirm the “Who is Who” and the intrinsic aspects of –

‘The New World Order’ inevitably setting itself for a disastrous end.

Humanity thrives with consolidated contributions benefiting all and not a ‘specific society’ in the globalization concept.

Peace and perseverance to make this world a better place for all inhabitants is the natural path to prosperity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Peace Dawns on Palestine and Israel – Two States Solution

September 2, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

There is potential for a breakthrough in the ongoing Palestinian and Israeli meeting in Washington D.C.

The issue has received worldwide attention with several mediation attempts by the U.S. Presidents, European leaders and humanitarians from different nations in the past six decades.

People on both sides have suffered enormous casualties –

The rocket firing, suicide bombings including the recent killing of the Jewish settlers in Hebron, West Bank and,

On the other side – The military intervention with heavy artillery shelling against the Palestinians in Gaza, while the West Bank and East Jerusalem citizens denied normal existence through check posts, strong defense presence and above all the contentious settlement expansion in the Palestinian territories.

These actions inflicting pain and agony on each other are deeply regrettable with innocent civilians being the victims in the quagmire.

After years of unsuccessful negotiations, Palestinian and Israeli authorities’ willingness to recognize the two states solution is encouraging.

Although there are justified grievances on the prevalent attacks and disruption in daily life, the mainstream population in the respective states desire peaceful co-existence with mutual respect for sovereignty and national security.

In fact, the forces in opposition to peace are essentially against their own people and the nation they represent. The parallel provocation through violence and settlements promotes the proponents’ personal ideology and hinder the pragmatic course for peace.

Palestinians have been seeking independence for more than half a century and were not effectively led by the PLO in the initial phase due to the ‘intifadas,’ premised on ‘armed struggle,’ rather than peace and diplomacy. However, it was acknowledged later and now vigorously pursued by Fatah in the West Bank under Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and President Mahmoud Abbas leaderships.

On the Israeli side, the political leaderships’ earnest decisions for reconciliation thwarted by the hard liners’ overwhelming influence to embrace aggression and expand settlements that is proved detrimental largely affecting Israel’s image and credibility as a viable peace partner.

The violent retaliations became the bedrock for terrorism and enabled the peace opponents to gain political power in Gaza. As a result the beleaguered Gazans are currently held hostage in the political dilemma.

Considering the preconditions on both sides, the issues deserve fair evaluation.

Palestinian expectations apart from an independent state is predominantly focused on settlement freeze, Israeli troop withdrawal, border demarcation, Palestinian expatriates’ right to return and East Jerusalem as the state capital.

It’s in Israel’s best interest to accommodate the Palestinian requests and relinquish the territories held since 1967. Israel can then invest the resources for national growth and the armed personnel to safeguard its own borders.

Further, Israeli policies on the Palestinians right to return and Jewish settlements in West Bank, East Jerusalem would ultimately impact the settlers as the inevitable minorities given the evolving demography.

For instance, the documented population figure for 2005 in Golan Heights was 38,900 (in the Israeli-occupied part) 79,000 (in the Syrian- controlled part) and likely to be exponentially higher in 2010.

Even the one state proposal through settlement occupation would render Israeli citizens the minority status in the near future for similar reasons.

Therefore, Israel’s sovereignty and the majority rights are intact in Israel’s land prior to 1967 invasion.

With respect to Gaza, Israel’s concerns are understandable. Again the stark contrast in economic progress between West Bank at an impressive 11% growth in the last quarter and the lack luster Gaza economy under Hamas would lead the Gaza residents to a political transformation in the upcoming elections.

Palestinians in Gaza could democratically bring about the change for their own economic prosperity and political freedom. The choice is clear for them to renounce the militant statehood under Hamas and adopt the Fayyad-Abbas governance prospering on the democratic principles by maintaining peaceful relationship with Israel.

Israel’s sovereignty and security is the major factor – peace with independent Palestine would guarantee the global assurance in that regard. International support broadens the horizon for Israel in strengthening political and economic ties with nations other than the United States viz. Turkey, Arab neighbors and other democracies disappointed with the latest developments in Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Any threats to Israel or Palestine would constitute a regional security issue with an appropriate global response.

The coalition members in the Israeli political system might challenge the initiatives as seen earlier.

Israel upon reflection would realize that living in peace is bliss compared to the eternal warfare and the lingering insecurity over the piece of land that has caused immense misery all around.

Not to mention the generational decline particularly the youth population – Israel and Palestine’s hope for a new beginning.

What belongs to Israel will remain with Israel and likewise for Palestine i.e. West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, the Palestinian state capital. Extending the same strategy on Golan heights with Syria would place Israel in a favorable situation as a thriving democracy that honors legitimacy in territorial disputes.

Israel and Palestine can foster a good relationship built on trust and ability to set their differences aside for a long lasting peace and security.

There is tremendous opportunity to exchange resources facilitating trade and commerce between free Palestine and democratic Israel.

People in Israel and Palestine have endured traumatic experience from the conflict. It’s time to move forward and let peace dawn on the region with a pledge to a bright future for all.

Good Luck and Best Wishes to President Barack Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian leaderships – President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, President Hosni Mubarak and King Abdullah for a successful peace process.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Freedom Flotilla Crisis – Exacerbating Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

June 2, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Israel is in spotlight for the recent intervention of the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara originally scheduled to deliver humanitarian aid directly to the beleaguered Palestinian population in Gaza.

According to the worldwide reports, the Israeli Navy commandos stormed the ‘Freedom Flotilla,’ that was carrying humanitarian essentials like medical supplies, equipments, children’s toys other than cement and building materials on board to help the Gazans rebuild the enclave that has been under siege in the ongoing Israeli Palestinian conflict.

As a result, per IBA – Israel Broadcast Authority at least 15 international activists on the Turkish cruise liner have died and several including around seven Israeli soldiers are wounded from the skirmish,

That prompted the U.N. Security Council to convene an emergency session to express concern and regrets over the loss of lives in the clash between the Israeli forces and the Pro-Palestinian activists.

Israel’s blockade on Gaza subsequent to the 2008 Gaza invasion is claimed by Israel as a territorial trade embargo to weaken the Palestinian authority, Hamas and prohibit conventional weapons importation into Gaza from Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria.

While Israel has adopted these measures to deter the possible arms shipment from its adversaries in the region, the joint display by Israel and its strongest ally, U.S. on October 22, 2009,

Titled –“Juniper Cobra 2009 – Reports stated that:

“U.S. and Israel conducted massive missile defense drills to create the world’s most sophisticated anti-missile umbrella to protect the Jewish State,”

Further, it emphasized that:

“Unlike past Juniper Cobras, this one will employ the widest spectrum of missile defense assets yet, including the US’s Aegis BMD ships, Patriot PAC-3 batteries, THAAD batteries, the mobile X-Band radar currently stationed in the Negev, and Israel’s own Arrow 2 batteries. Interoperability between allied systems is the main goal.”

United States does have a small military garrison at a strategic radar, X-band, stationed in Israel’s southern Negev desert.

“The Israel Defense Force can defend Israel alone,” Gavish said. “But it is good to know that U.S. capabilities are available.”

Despite the unflinching U.S. military aid to Israel and its nuclear capability, the Israeli policies against the Palestinian population under the “national security,” pretext in the Gaza war and,

Now in the Freedom flotilla raid is characteristic of the twentieth century Imperialism promoted into the twenty first century – through illegal invasion, occupation, oppression, persecution and denial of basic human rights in the modern civilization.

Israel’s persisting provocative actions in this instant along with Jewish settlements expansion in Palestinian territories, refusal to comply with international humanitarian law including the Geneva Convention violation as detailed in the “Goldstone Report,” are responsible for Israel’s self-inflicted insecurity.

Ironically, not long ago, Israel found an ally in Hamas when they both were implicated in the ‘Goldstone report,’ much to the frustration and disappointment of the West Bank authority – Fatah leader and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in their successful attempt to evade the potential trial for war crimes by the offenders in the international court of justice.

Thus, proving that “politics finds strange partners.”

It’s apparent that the innocent civilians in Palestine and Israel were victims in the Gaza war with the perpetrators on both sides forging alliance to prevent prosecution in the U.N. sponsored investigation.

The independent investigation in the Freedom flotilla deaths and the Goldstone report on Gaza war deserve to be honored and executed.

Nevertheless, the Palestinian plight in the past six decades and their struggle for an independent state is nearing end due to the increased international awareness and solidarity to liberate Palestine from Israel.

Israel is at the crossroads amid widespread global disdain for the systemic abuse of power against Palestinians.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the hard line Likud Party coalition partners advocating anti-democratic doctrine fail to recognize the mirage in the occupied land.

History is testimony to the fact that colonization eventually leads to emancipation.

Israeli check posts, blockades, military aggression, settlements has consumed the moderate and the conservative powers’ time and resources leaving Israel in self-bondage without truly experiencing the independent statehood granted in 1948.

Israel is perceived to exist in the shadow of the staunch supporter, the United States, in spite of the great many attributes within not optimized to attain peace and harmony with the fellow human beings – the Palestinians.

Rather than adopting the ‘Live and let Live,’ maxim, the prolonged annexation of boundaries from 1967 to until now has generated acrimony, bloodshed and perennial border disputes among Israel and Arab neighbors.

By enduring the generational loss in the quest for freedom that has sadly remained a fantasy among the young and the old on the Palestinian side and similarly the Israeli side deprived of normal existence from the fear of being attacked, the two-fold tragedy has a simple solution.

Signing the Israel and Palestinian Peace Treaty as outlined on several occasions.

1. Complete withdrawal of Israeli settlers and the military base from all Palestinian territories including the occupied peripheral lands since 1967.

2. Palestine is to be internationally recognized as a sovereign nation with East Jerusalem as the Capital for the independent state.

3. The policy restricting Palestinians the right to return to Israel would conversely apply to the Jewish settlers and Israeli citizens on the Palestinian land. Similar reciprocation applies to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s insistence to call Israel the ‘Jewish’ state.

Therefore, it’s very important to weigh the pros and cons of the harsh terms and conditions being imposed by the powerful against the powerless to avoid the inevitable backlash from such extemporaneous demands.

4. Palestinian and Arab nation’s reaffirmation of Israel as a sovereign nation in the Middle East along with a solemn oath to disavow violence in the form of suicide bombings, rocket firing and last but not the least any nuclear threats against Israel.

5. Free flow of Economic and Humanitarian aid to Palestine for reconstruction purpose, to commence effective immediately without Israeli authority intrusion.

6. Evidently, the International community seeks equal support from the United States and other economic powers to both Israel and Palestine to reflect fairness in the deal.

Finally, it’s imperative and incumbent on the U.S., the U.N.,the EU and the Arab league to be honest brokers in implementing the Peace Treaty to restore credibility in resolving international problems.

Palestinians and Israelis are entitled to a long lasting peace and a bright future. It’s time to set the differences aside and reconcile terms with reality that,

Future is determined by the present as time and tide waits for none.

The burden lies more on Israel as the occupying power in setting the corner stone for peaceful resolution in the age-old conflict.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Happy 62nd Anniversary to the State of Israel!

April 22, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The State of Israel celebrated its 62nd birth anniversary on April 21, 2010.

It’s a joyous occasion and a great moment in history. Israel is a sovereign state with a democratic system.

The twentieth century holocaust, a horrendous crime against humanity led to the creation of the Israeli state.

Israel is an economic partner and a strategic ally of the United States as well as many nations in Europe and other parts of the world.

Israel’s relationship in the Arab world has been understandably restricted to the regions.

Israel’s cordial relationship with Egypt and Jordan are the result of peace treaty and diplomacy between them for a long time.

Similarly, Israel should forge the peace process by completely freezing the Jewish settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem and,

Move forward with the negotiations on the two state agreements to help their neighbor, Palestinians secure an independent Palestine.

Israel has a unique opportunity to be the beacon of light in securing freedom and democracy in the Middle East by paving the way for Palestine.

That way Israel would be remembered in history for the peace establishment.

Congratulations! To Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the people of Israel for their accomplishments and contributions towards various progress in Israel and the rest of the world.

Happy 62nd anniversary to the State of Israel.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Humanitarian Challenge

February 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Recently there was a flurry of criticisms and admonishments for the article titled “His Holiness Dalai Lama in Spotlight,” and the earlier ones related to the,

“Iranian Theocracy cracking down on pro-democracy protestors and the inflammatory rhetoric against Israel.”

Alternatively, the Israeli authorities’ oppression of the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank.

Likewise, social issues regarding human rights violation –

Self-interest and greed reflected in the globalization v. protectionism including,

The article on the racial attacks against the Indian students and other immigrants in Australia, scorned for the delivery and the condemnation of discriminatory practices.

Hence, it’s important to clarify the difficulties surrounding when addressing social injustice of this enormity.

Needless to emphasize that it’s much easier and less distressing to discuss non-controversial issues related to the economy, environment, travel, food, entertainment…etc.,

However, when the social injustice is concerned,

Whether it’s about the denial of equal rights to the gay community,

Women’s rights,

Burgeoning Health care crisis in the absence of a universal health care or a public option,

Students plight with the rising educational costs,

Growing economic disparity,


On a serious level – The invasion and occupation of foreign lands through wars,

Nuclear proliferation,

Slighting human rights over economic opportunities,

Double standards in the terrorism definition,

Ignoring environmental warnings…all of which draws immediate attention from the critics representing the specific agenda.

Prior to moving forward with the discussion, it’s necessary to accept the bestowed honor for being compared with the canines by the critics.

As an animal lover, particularly the canines, I consider the comparison – a true compliment.

The reason being, the canines are known for their unconditional love, loyalty and protective instincts towards their owners and the families. They are also well regarded for their intuitive nature.

Due to these extraordinary characteristics, the canines have earned the title as “Man’s best friend.”

Although, sometimes it’s worth posing the question if the man deserves a best friend in a canine.

Similarly, the attacks through innuendoes and nuances seen against the articles on atrocities that were presented with evidence, are intriguing.

Cynicisms vary such as the articles meeting the “critics standards” attributed to the guardian or the ‘Almighty’ out of fear as the case might be and phrased as the ‘Brisk walk.’

While, the so-called ‘inappropriate berating’ of the human misconduct selectively ascribed to the “off-leash” canine, apparently not accustomed to the ‘city lifestyle.’

It beckons the argument on whose side is, these city slickers as the “judges” and “critics” on, when the articles on the website are invariably factual and visuals supported, portraying the systemic degradation of humanity at every level.

If the presentation or the style is the issue, then it’s worth remembering that the art of diplomacy and sophistication is at its best in a dialogue with the virtuous free of vices and that being envy, ego, pride, prejudice and greed.

Moreover, the offenders condemned in these articles are no missionaries or monks in the monasteries.

Instead, they are individuals as well as powerful authorities deliberately and conscientiously engaged in killing and mass murder of their own population, specifically the oppressed minorities.

Economic opportunists causing immense agony and misery for humanity through deceitful and deceptive actions.

It appears that any one daring to highlight the inherent omission of fairness by the corporate owned networks and the political figures’ evasion of responsibility on vital national issues like health care, financial reform, environment are declared ‘reprehensible’ by their representatives.

The double standards in the first amendment act as found in the terrorism definition among the critics are attention worthy.

When the articles on this website raise genuine credibility issue against the major corporations and their political allies, not excluding the foreign governments’ human rights activities, the news outlets are instantaneously used by the mighty and the powerful to warn the legitimate substance or comment as “off-limit,” in a democracy.

On the other hand, the constant vilification of the “progressives,” the “liberals,” anyone defending righteousness and the most favorite of all,

The religion of Islam and its followers…by the Fox news presenters viz. Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly, not barring the radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh are,

Permitted as ‘free speech’ parlance with an exclusive right to trigger violence, hostility, anger and fear mongering.

Even if the extreme provocation leads to untoward incidents like the death of DR. George Tiller of Wichita, Kansas,

The green jobs advocate Van Jones’ resignation and,

Last but not the least, the recent anti-government groups promoted “terrorist attack” by Joe Stack against the IRS building in Austin, Texas.

Despite the track record, when the White House contemplated to exclude the Fox news in the press conference, the entire news media and the leading news organizations deemed such action as objectionable.

Only if the mainstream media like CNN, Fox News and others had placed the former administration under President George W. Bush and the Vice President Dick Cheney in spotlight with tough questions on the Iraq war, akin to the ones posed to His Holiness Dalai Lama, it could have led to a favorable status quo.

Humanity’s response to the Prophets / Messiahs, the Political leaders and the Peace activists thus far has been,

Lord Jesus Christ crucified.

Prophet Mohammad ( May peace be upon him) diminished in status as an alibi by the pretentious followers of Islam like the terrorist network Al Qaeda and others, Iranian Theocracy and the dictatorial powers in the Middle East.

The Holy Buddhist Temples in Afghanistan desecrated by the Taliban forces.

Holy Islamic sites under siege by the Israeli authorities in the disputed Hebron.

Hindu Temples attacked in Kashmir (Indian and Pakistani side) by the Pakistani fundamentalist terror groups.

President Abraham Lincoln assassinated for ending slavery.

President John F. Kennedy assassinated. President Kennedy was a vocal critic of the secret society and the military industrial complex.

Mahatma Gandhi assassinated for the peaceful effort to unite Hindus and Muslims.

DR. Martin Luther King assassinated for civil rights movement.

Egyptian President Anwar Sadat assassinated for signing the Israel-Egypt peace treaty.

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassinated for the peace initiative and signing the Oslo Accords pertaining to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On an optimistic note, the universal peace mission might have been successfully thwarted by the anti-peace factions for centuries,

Nevertheless, the reversal is imminent in the immediate future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Israel Palestine Peace Treaty

November 14, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The fate of the two states solution is hanging in balance and the peace process has once again come to a screeching halt. Initially, there appeared to be momentum on both sides until the controversial yet credible issues surfaced and ignored by the parties in default.

The contentious issues are –

Freezing Jewish settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem in its entirety.

Honoring the Gaza report compiled by the Head of the UN Fact Finding Mission, Justice Richard Goldstone, overwhelmingly approved by the U.N. Human Rights Council and the U.N. General Assembly recently.

However, the U.S. House of Representatives proactively rejected the international consensus with a majority vote and condemned the report as biased against Israel. In addition, the House of Congress seemingly solidified their support on this issue by urging the White House to follow suit.

The Congress initiative in this respect is extremely disappointing and unconstitutional as it does not represent the popular view. Furthermore, the humanitarians in Israel confirm that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal approach with the House members on this issue led to the sweeping vote suggesting the U.S. democracy is a puppet to Israeli Knesset.

Preceding these events, the White House reportedly pressured the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to abandon any action at the U.N.General Assembly pertaining to the Gaza war crimes. The Palestinian President’s compliance with the White House requirement had jeopardized his leadership as the head of the democratically elected government. Fearing backlash in the upcoming elections in January 2010, the PLO leader decided not to run for re-election creating confusion and opportunity for all in the fragmented Palestinian politics.

It’s important to shed light on the Goldstone report dismissal by the relevant authorities viz. Israel, the United States, Russia, China and others sharing the burden of disproportionate military engagement and activities in direct violation of the Geneva Convention. Essentially, the deliberate invalidation of the well-balanced and meticulous findings by the honorable justice, Richard Goldstone possessing the background semblance with Israel than Palestine merit hearing and appropriate action in the international court of law.

In the war crime investigations, the authorities in power particularly the permanent U.N. Security Council members are united in the vilification or exoneration of their adversaries and allies for self-absolution. In fact, the protocol renders the process redundant besides displaying the international court of justice as a judicial committee exclusively set up for the U.N. P5 Plus targeted nations against a universal mandate.

The status quo justify the urgency to expand the U.N. Security Council permanent membership enforceable only through the U.N. member nations’ concerted action. Alternatively, defiance by dishonoring the present U.N. Security Council proposals would produce the desired membership extension.

Since, both Israel and Hamas are implicated for the crimes against civilian population, the trial in the international court of law is mandatory and appropriate to begin a new chapter in the twenty first century. War related atrocities, genocides, ethnic cleansing is dominant in the contemporary era setting a dangerous precedence now and in the future. It further exemplifies that the privileged nations with powerful allies are above the law and exempt from heinous crimes against humanity under the guise of national security, a contrived political fallacy.

Other pertinent issue stalling the peace negotiations is the unacceptable acceleration of Jewish settlements in the West Bank claimed by the Israeli authorities as a ‘natural growth,’ neglecting the explicit assault on the intelligence of the international community. Jewish settlements in the clearly demarcated Palestinian territories i.e. the West Bank and East Jerusalem is by far the most explosive and a provocative political maneuver by Israel to prolong the illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

No matter, how the Jewish settlements representing the nuclear component in the peace strategy is circumvented, the civilian and armed forces’ indefinite establishment is an infringement on human rights and unequivocally qualifies as an invasion of a foreign land in the eyes of the universal law, if not the U.S. law.

Unless and until the Israeli government recognizes the abominable settlement activity with a unilateral commitment to cease occupation through complete withdrawal of settlers and the military base, the regional conflict will continue to fuel global terrorism predominantly affecting the nations complicit to the colonization.

Although, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the cabinet ministers visit to Washington seeking peace talks resumption is a refreshing change in the half a century old crisis, peace mediation premised on Israel’s terms and conditions is analogous to the test drive conducted on a one way street with a dead end.

Earlier this week, Europe commemorated the fall of Berlin Wall marking the twentieth anniversary, a historic moment for the people liberated from the iron fist rule under ‘Communism,’ that caused political oppression and economic depression. Accordingly, the occasion attracted the prominent political figures reminiscent of the post demolition.

Ironically, the world rejoiced the fall of the Berlin wall while being complacent to a similar wall constructed by Israel along the Jerusalem neighborhoods and the West Bank resurrecting the repressive environment.

Indeed, the modern democracies’ pride and prejudice shines through these celebrations.

Interestingly, Israel’s offer to contain the new settlement expansion with the on-going construction permits issued behind the scenes earned a compliment from the U.S. Secretary of State as ‘unprecedented’ gesture that also echoed the Israeli Prime Minister demanding the Palestinian side to refrain from pre-conditions in the peace discussion.

The bone of contention in the embattled Israeli-Palestinian dispute is the irrefutable Jewish settlements, the concrete wall and the systemic abuse of human rights denying freedom, dignity and respect to the Palestinian population correlative to the twentieth century holocaust, a dark age in human civilization.

Tolerating imperialism in the new millennium is nullifying democracy to human beings born to be free like other species in the animal kingdom.

On the Palestinian front, Hamas is benefiting from the political vacuum in Fatah governing the West Bank. The situation is likely to become the worst nightmare for Israel and the United States without Israel’s co-operation in the peace pact.

Given the limited resources and territories, the best hope for the Palestinian people is to unify and present a consolidated political, economic and social agenda through young leadership embracing democratic values, peace over terrorism strengthened by a strong vision and dynamic qualities to build the newly independent Palestine.

As for the core issues in the Israeli-Palestine Peace Treaty:

1. Complete withdrawal of Israeli settlers and the military base from all Palestinian territories including the occupied peripheral lands since 1967.

2. Palestine is to be internationally recognized as a sovereign nation with East Jerusalem as the Capital City for the independent state.

3. The policy depriving Palestinians the right to return to Israel would conversely apply to the Jewish settlers and Israeli citizens on the Palestinian land. Similar reciprocal apply to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s insistence to identify Israel as the ‘Jewish’ state.

4. Palestinian and Arab nation’s reaffirmation of Israel as a sovereign nation in the Middle East along with a solemn oath to disavow violence in the form of suicide bombings, rocket firing and last but not the least any nuclear threats against Israel.

5. Economic aid to Palestine for reconstruction purpose.

6. United States and other economic powers pledge equal assistance to both Israel and Palestine to reflect fairness in the deal.

Finally, it’s imperative and incumbent on the United States to be an honest broker in implementing the Peace Treaty as stated above to restore credibility in resolving international problems.

Palestinian and Israeli children are entitled to a long lasting peace and a bright future. It’s time to set the differences aside and reconcile terms with reality that,

War has no winners whereas everyone is a winner in Peace.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Expansion of Jewish Settlements’ Impact on Mid-East Peace Process

September 9, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Israeli authorities’ determination to expand Jewish Settlements in Palestinian West Bank along the borders and on the private Palestinian land as well as the colonization of East Jerusalem is provocative. Besides, it is reflective of the Likud Party hard line policy to disregard the universally applicable International treaty on territorial issues and the will of the Israeli democracy for a viable two state solution necessary to end the half-a-century old conflict.

Despite call from President Obama to cease settlements and the international condemnation of the illegal occupation of Palestinian land, under the guise of ‘Israeli security,’ the Israeli coalition government continues with the settlements in a business as usual gesture thumbing their strongest ally, the United States and antagonizing the tolerant international community.

Israeli Palestinian issue has had numerous international interventions with the United States in the active and passive role depending on the administrations in the White House, other than the Oslo proposal to resolve the contentious burgeoning crisis that has consumed several thousand innocent Palestinian and Israeli lives under varied leaderships from both sides.

The world has been tirelessly urging the leaderships to halt the belligerent ‘settlement expansion’ on the Israeli part and the incendiary barrage against Israel by the divided Palestinian governments, but to no avail. It is obvious to the rest of the world that neither authority is seriously committed towards emancipating their population and restore the respective lands within the confines of the clearly demarcated boundaries free of turmoil.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a unique opportunity to demonstrate to the international community with whom Israel must co-exist as a democratic nation that his administration will prioritize peace over eternal battle with the neighbor Palestine. Now is the time for the Prime Minister to transform the pledge into action with a complete and not a partial freeze of Israeli settlements on the Palestinian land.

When the leadership is subject to test on the political front, the leader’s character revealed based on the decision whether or not to compromise national interest for personal survival in the aggressive political environment.

The interim minority might exalt the leadership acquiescing due to political pressure within. However, the long term world view on the missed occasion is noted in the reference to the authority as a ‘sheer politician’ and not a leader, a rare moment in life to deliver for humanitarian cause that ultimately matters in any sense.

All past wrongdoings inadvertently or otherwise easily reversed with one major accomplishment in the common goal for long lasting peace and security to benefit the Israeli and the Palestinian population.

The people on both sides deserve an atmosphere that is conducive for normal existence, only possible with the mutual recognition of similar rights comprising a settlement free and independent Palestine alongside Israel acknowledged as a sovereign state by all governing parties in Palestine.

Israeli leaderships’ credibility relies on the settlement abandonment in compliance of the International law and respect for the fellow human beings, the neighbor – the long-suffering Palestinian women, children and youth, who have waited over five decades for a place, they could call ‘home.’ It cannot happen sometime in the near future because the future is now and any further delay would be an affirmation of the Israeli occupation that would no longer fly under the security threat banner.

The forces behind such illegal occupation and invasion regardless of domicile share the consequences for an outrageous crime against humanity. Justifiably, the patience is wearing out even among the international allies and reliable intermediaries such as Jordan and Egypt in the Middle East.

It is incumbent on the Israeli government to contribute to peace and set precedence in the monumental challenge against global terrorism by voluntarily leaving the Palestinian land and granting the Palestinians their human right to freedom and life without the check posts and tunnels to move around their own state.

As for the Palestinian authorities – it is essential for Gaza and West Bank governments to display solidarity and work together in promoting peace between them and their neighbor Israel. Above all, the ruling factions, the FATAH and HAMAS should relinquish any plotting, verbal assaults and distortions against Israel, as it would unnecessarily jeopardize the peace and settlement evacuation deal.

Israeli settlers must unequivocally vacate the housing complexes built with the Israeli local and federal governments’ approval anywhere near or along the Palestinian private land. Any procrastination or evasion on the repatriation is unacceptable.

The consensus is if it was possible to allow the influx of settlers on foreign soil, the similar strategy should apply in receiving the exodus from the foreign land, as the authorities in Jerusalem should have realized that the rest of the world would no longer remain silent spectators to the oppression and persecution of the Palestinian population. It must end now to expedite the establishment of the two states with East Jerusalem rightfully allocated to Palestine as the state capital.

It is important to understand that in the Israeli settlers’ case, they are neither political nor economic refugees but unfortunately, they are the active and willful participants in the government sponsored housing program directly in violation of the international law.

No law-abiding citizens in any part of the world would agree to a stranger across the territory to encroach on their property line leave alone build an extension or a two story home of the residence they are currently residing in.

Failure to cooperate on the settlement issue will leave the settlers with ‘illegal’ status and deprive them of any citizen rights and legitimately regarded as the occupants with unauthorized entry. Therefore, forging identical immigration laws enforced in Western democracies against inappropriate or forced arrivals, often leading to deportations would be in accordance with the international migration law.

The peace accord should reflect that clause as a deterrence to prevent the status quo in the future.

Israeli settlements have attracted worldwide criticism across the spectrum of the many humanitarian groups including the Americans for Peace Now founded by the esteemed Professor Mark Rosenblum, History Professor and Director of the Jewish Studies Program, Queens College and within Israel – Shalom Achshav, the Israeli counterpart of the along with,

Columnist Ari Shavit wrote in Israeli daily Haaretz echoing similar sentiments –

“Figures provided by Peace Now show that 80 of the 100 outposts in the West Bank were built wholly or partly on private Palestinian land. Sixteen outposts are located entirely on private land, and more than half of the other outposts are on private land. This has to cause outrage.”

Ignoring international plea by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would exacerbate the thinning global support. Also, possibly accelerate the worldwide movement and resolve to free nations under foreign occupation, until the impending United Nations Security Council reconfiguration.

In conclusion, Israel and Palestine have lost a generation in the senseless violence and on-going dispute that could leave the economies without taxpayers to support the system – the baby boomers, soon to be the retirees for Israel and the desolate Palestinian youth population fallen victims to the political quagmire that has seen only despair and hopelessness as their future.

Not anymore, the people of Israel and Palestine must come together and urge their governments to disavow hatred and religious discord to enable the children and the younger generation, the torchbearers of a new peaceful legacy live in harmony alongside each other.

With the commencement of the ‘Holy Ramadan’ for the people of Islamic faith in Palestine and around the world, to be followed by the Jewish New Year for the fellow citizens of Jewish faith in Israel and elsewhere, the dawn of peace is on the horizon bringing joy and prosperity in abundance.

Ramaḍān Karīm رمضان كريم – Arabic for “Blessed Ramadan” and Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה‎, for the approaching “Jewish New Year.”

Thank you

Padmini Arhant

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