Veterans Day

November 11, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

On this important day, we take a moment to remember the men and women in harm’s way and their courageous service at home and overseas. This particular time is remorseful with the recent tragedy at Fort Hood, Texas involving the loss of innocent lives and subsequent grief among the victims’ families.

Not all human beings can pledge their life to serve the nation in a combat environment and those who come forward to do so are uniquely honorable. Every one of these individuals deserves national appreciation for their tremendous contribution towards security, freedom and humanitarian deeds.

It’s important to maintain the federal run VA health care and rehabilitation programs for all service members and their families. Further, the government assistance to the veterans’ families with housing, education and other social services are equally essential to help them cope with the economic hardships while their family members are engaged in active duty or otherwise. It’s the least any nation can do for the armed personnel deployed in various parts of the world.

Since the contemporary wars are conducted for reasons beyond national defense, the military spending on modern weaponry has taken precedence over providing safety equipments viz. the body armor for the soldiers in the frontline as evidenced in the Iraq war. When a mournful mother in England expresses her shock and pain from the tragic loss of her young son possibly saved with the timely dispatch of a helicopter, no apologies can resurrect the departed soldiers’ life valiantly surrendered to protect the country he loved.

Sadly, in the materialistic world life is easily dispensable. The professions once considered noble are commercialized whether it is national service through politics, military, medicine, or even spirituality. The present is dictated in monetary terms and,

Profit is regarded as the Prophet.

Nevertheless, the world is still intact as there are great many humanitarians and unsung activists in every corner tirelessly dedicated to improve the life on earth.

On this day when the parents, young widows, widowers and orphaned children experiencing sorrow and pride in loving memory of their dear ones,

The nation salutes the brave heroes for their significant sacrifices towards others welfare.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

National Unemployment – A Reality Check

November 10, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

According to the latest reports, the current jobless rate is 10.2% with 16 million Americans competing for 3 million jobs. Apparently, this figure does not include the underemployed. The Corporate related unemployment is further expected to rise up to 10.8% by the end of next year. Another grim factor is the joblessness among the self-employed and the small business retrenchments reportedly escalate the figure to an alarming 17.5% resembling the severe depression era.

Growing unemployment is a major impediment as consumer spending is directly linked to the job market posing a downside for the entire economy. Despite, the economic growth at 3.5% along with the 9.5% annual productivity for the recent quarter, the American workforce is yet to benefit from the surge in these areas.

The most affected sectors appear to be construction, manufacturing and retail. Although, the recent stimulus signed by President Obama extends unemployment benefits for 14 weeks and 20 weeks to the worst hit states combined with the tax credits for the first time and other home buyers, the problems confronting the industries required to generate jobs is attention worthy.

Construction industry is obviously dependent upon the housing sector and the housing market revival methods are due for review with respect to foreclosures and lending practices by the finance sector.

In fact, the credit crunch is predominantly responsible for the sluggishness in the respective areas of the economy. Unless and until the bailed out finance industry honor the commitments made to the American public during the substantial bail outs, the industries tied to credit market particularly the housing, manufacturing and retail cannot emerge from the recession.

If the various bailouts approved thus far have the built-in transparency and accountability factor then the oversight committee ought to investigate the recipients on the investments of those taxpayer funds legislated for providing jobs and stimulating the economy. Regardless, the trillions of dollars accumulated to the national deficit from the banking sector and automobile industry bailouts deserve scrutiny in terms of actual allocation that is not conspicuous given the depressing jobless data.

On the other hand, the government must provide a legitimate reason for not moving forward with the committed investments held in the $787 billion stimulus package including the remainder from the Bush administration passed TARP funds. When the controversial economic stimulus took place at different times, the purpose was to revitalize the economy with the desperately needed job growth besides enabling the relevant productivity levels and overall economic performance.

Any delay in energizing the job market would adversely affect the broader economic prospects for all industries with the consumer base lagging in the necessary spending, the fulcrum of the economic cartwheel.

Manufacturing industry has been harshly hit with the corporate executive failure in the automobile industry precipitated by the finance sector’s liquidity freeze that triggered the economic meltdown in the shadow of the hedge funds and sub-prime debacle. It is imperative to jumpstart the manufacturing sector macro economically to achieve the targeted employment goals.

Evidently, the prevailing policies and the applied mechanisms are either inadequate or ineffective. Perhaps, the additional or aggressive measures could bolster the weak sectors in promoting the anticipated job growth, the real indicator of the economic pulse. Nevertheless, the consolidated interjection of the monetary reserves and management resources from the private and the public sector is paramount to resuscitate the ailing job market.

A disturbing aspect of the impressive 9.5% productivity report is the executive attitude towards the workforce. In spite of the workers’ significant contribution, i.e. limited labor force tripling the mass production, the management has categorically denied wage increases, additional hiring or other compensations in the form of bonuses etc. claiming that it would be detrimental to the organization ‘s profit oriented schemes.

It is elaborated as corporations aimed at increased earnings in the backdrop of weak dollar, declining exports, business decision to operate on lower inventories and other economic woes. As reasonable as they might be, somehow the conditions seem to apply only towards the labor force explicitly stated by the industry spokesperson that the workers should remain content with the fact that they have a job in the gloomy economy.

Meanwhile, the CEO’s salary package maneuvered from the Congress chided bonuses to lucrative shares and stock options with immediate encashment irrespective of the corporate results; the disingenuous modesty is adequately serving the highest in the hierarchy. Never mind the exploitation of the workforce, the human capital in this context.

In terms of the businesses with cash reserves operating on small inventories, the strategy is counterproductive, not to mention the catastrophic impact on the wholesale, small businesses and the retail industry. The wholesalers relying on the medium and large corporations’ inventory purchases forced to carry out massive layoffs potentially having a ripple effect on the economy with a possible inflation.

The swift passage of the ‘Cap and Trade’ bill boosting the green technology sector would be a phenomenal job growth subsequently alleviating the burden on the national deficit.

In light of the available facts, it would be appropriate to attribute the unemployment status to the myriad of activities or the lack thereof by both private and the public entities. It could be highlighted as the culmination of stringent corporate policies, limited private and public investments, reining credit flow, uncontained foreclosures and lack luster home sales in the housing market…causing the precarious unemployment situation.

Therefore, the government and the free market thorough evaluation of the status quo are essential to invigorate the frail job market.

A jobless economic recovery ultimately leads to a negative economic trend in the absence of robust stimulants explained above. Jobs represent the nerve of the economy with serious economic and political ramifications.

Contrary to the rhetoric echoed in the chambers of Congress and the media, the health care reform is equally important in the equation because it bankrupts the small businesses and individuals alike. Both groups are constantly struggling to make ends meet with the atrocious health care costs prohibiting investments in other necessities.

Economy and health care matter are intertwined and partisan politics has no place at the critical moment debilitating many American lives.

It is incumbent on the United States Senate to rise to the occasion and overwhelmingly approve the health care bill with the federal run health care program titled as the ‘public option’ in recognition of the American plight.

The simultaneous actions by Washington and free market are vital in curbing the rising unemployment statistics. Job assurance to every American translates into job security for the legislators and the executives. Since jobs create taxpayers and consumers,

Washington and Wall Street cannot thrive without progress in the main street.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

A Candid Disclosure

November 8, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Last night the health care legislation passed by the House of Congress is a major step towards recognizing the American people’s plight in the most stressful economic times. The House members confirmed that their consolidated efforts and commitment to the American electorate could produce the desirable results in the economic, social and environmental cause.

Health care is relevant to all and no longer an individual matter.

I had recently fallen ill from women’s related health issue in the months of September and October 2009. Accordingly, I was scheduled for a major surgery on November 4, 2009 – ironically on the anniversary of the historic Presidential election date and around the special elections.

In order to deal with the health crisis, I had to suspend some activities and focus on the immediate recovery plan. It was a temporary action and not meant to avoid communication at any level. Now, I’m able to resume direct contact with the responsible authorities.

Even though, the surgery was finalized and the consent forms were handed out for signing three days prior to the operation, I experienced a sudden change with the symptoms disappearing and felt a sense of well being without any medical intervention. Therefore, I had no reason to proceed with the surgery and it was cancelled the day before the scheduled date.

I attribute the positive outcome to spirituality and enormously grateful for the grace and compassion from the ‘Almighty God.’

During my illness, I frequently thought about the people diagnosed for a medical condition but unable to undergo treatment due to the lack of affordable insurance and hence deprived of medical care. Needless to say, there are many infants, children, young adults and others who require medical attention and the families are left with hard choices in saving the lives of their loves ones.

In my case, the medical insurance is mainly used for the routine check-ups as a preventive care with the exception of a foot surgery three years ago. Despite the underutilization, the insurance company – Blue Cross Blue Shield wanted to conduct an interview with me regarding the procedure. Perhaps, the aim was to rule out the pre-existing scenario. Again, the insurance company having profited from my good health all these years had a pre-screening protocol that did not take place because the surgery was cancelled.

The Senators against public option in the health care bill owe a legitimate explanation to the millions of Americans forced to postpone decisions on life and death matter in the absence of effective competition through federal run health care against the profit oriented insurance industry.

I emphasize that health care is not a privilege but a necessity for survival. If the richest nation on earth fails to provide a decent health care plan to citizens, the achievements in other areas are meaningless with the public health in jeopardy.

I sincerely hope that the United States Senate will coordinate with the recently passed House bill without compromising the core element i.e. the federal managed health insurance program at a minimum to help the thousands of ailing Americans rightfully seeking the public option in the embattled health care reform.

As for as my health is concerned, I’m feeling fine and remain steadfast in my support to the legislative affairs and foreign policies benefiting the people of the United States and the rest of the world.

I stand by President Barack Obama and the Congress in serving the nation and humanity through legislations and strategies comprising economic growth, social justice and political fairness at home and overseas.

In compliance with the highest commandment, the purpose of my political involvement is to assist the leaderships in the United States and around the world to establish peace, progress and prosperity for all human beings besides protecting the environment.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Misplaced Diplomacy – His Holiness Dalai Lama’s Visit to Washington

October 8, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama is one of the favorite guests for the people around the world. The spiritual leader is a personification of peace, joy and immense hope for the people of Tibet and an overwhelming majority in the international community.

His Holiness’ visit has been anything except controversial in any part of the world, despite the authority in China politicizing the spiritual leader’s visit to deflect the horrendous humanitarian crime against the peaceful Tibetan population not barring the suppression of democracy in the Mainland and ethnic provinces of China.

According to the news reports, Washington has differed the meeting with his holiness as a precautionary measure due to the impending visit by the President of the United States to China and the possible ramifications on the Chinese leadership cooperation or the lack thereof in the economic and environment policy, notwithstanding the contentious Iranian nuclear negotiations.

All the more reason for the urgent expansion of the United Nations Security Council that holds the globally persecuted population hostage to camouflage the atrocities against humanity.

The White House elected option in this context is extremely disappointing considering the democratic status and the tradition followed with respect to receiving guests from diverse backgrounds to promote diplomacy unless the entity is a threat to national or international security…

There appears to be a mistaken identity. The regime in China should realize that the guest denied honorable reception to appease them is not Osama, but instead the diametrically opposite being, the Dalai Lama and Beijing’s implied deliberations on the important global matter suggests the implicit spread of the world’s most fearsome ‘Communist’ rule by proxy against even the firmly democratic United States and other nations.

Interestingly, China’s neighbor and the obvious thorn on their side, Taiwan was threatened by the Communist regime stating the protocol as provocative during the holiness recent visit to the island nation. However, the Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou let diplomacy override the political shenanigan from Beijing.

As detailed earlier in the blogpost on this website –” People’s Republic of China – The Deadly Dragon” published on 08/13/2009, letting the Communist regime dictate terms and conditions to the nations regardless of stature is a dangerous precedence and inflates the hubris of the authority responsible for the most genocides worldwide.

The irony is, the repressive regime reining in on the economic power through tactical investment in U.S. Treasury notes while dumping goods on the U.S. consumers thereby enslaving the ‘Superpower’ to the point of no return. Meanwhile, the Communist nation engaged in worst humanitarian crimes in history remains a mere spectacle dissipating into a fading memory.

The International Court of Justice as the UN judiciary has diligently held trials against the perpetrators of human atrocities until date. Similarly, the International criminal court, a permanent tribunal potentially has global jurisdiction on war crimes to genocides and other massacres. Yet, the two most internationally dependent judicial systems are oblivious to the regime’s historical brutality towards humans across the globe.

The heinous crimes among them are – the systemic abuse of the Tibetan population and desecration of the holy shrines including the enriched Tibetan culture.

Subsequently, the Tiananmen massacre in worldview, Darfur genocide, Sri Lankan Government ethnic cleansing and now the mass killings of the people of Guinea, West Africa by the military dictator has Beijing’s footprints i.e. trademarks as the chief supplier of the conventional deadly arsenals to these impoverished regions.

North Korea, Pakistan and Iran are in the MFN (Most Favored Nation) category for the Communist nation in the prolific arms race.

Notably in Darfur, the authoritarian rule violating the self sanctioned UN arms embargo as the permanent member of the UN Security council is the absolute defiance for the international rule of law by the regime, essentially delivering the present P5 UN Security Council irrelevant, if not a laughing stock to say the least.

In light of the continuous denouncement by Beijing towards his holiness’ visit to any nations for a spiritual and educational purpose or otherwise, it’s imperative for the UN General assembly to condemn the dictatorial regime and act vigorously by demanding the dissolution of the UN Security Council with members violating their resolutions for political and economic gains.

The present UN Security Council has emboldened the rogue nations with the leadership of China as the Chieftain successfully enabling the holocausts around the world particularly the oppressed Tibet in the Himalayan foothills.

China had no business to invade Tibet before and has no reason to occupy the region now. Therefore, it’s in the best interest of the Chinese regime to heed to the prophetic warning and prepare for Tibet’s inevitable independence and not the autonomy as pleaded by the spiritual leader, Dalai Lama.

The Tibetan population deserves freedom and democracy through self-governance and not be subject to a diabolical rule in the twenty first century. This is not the Genghis Khan or Kublai Khan era for annexations and the international authorities cannot ignore the extreme human suffering under the past and the present Communist dictatorship.

Lack of action to bring the Chinese leadership to justice is complicity to the human annihilation in the worst order leaving a violent legacy for the future world.

As for China, holding the U.S. trillion dollar debt and defying the climate issue will be self-detrimental. Any willful harm to the world’s largest consumer base, the U.S. economy is an economic disaster for the global warehouse, China interdependent on the U.S. performance to sustain the presumptuous ‘emerging economic’ position in the global market. Even if China threatens to discard the U.S. currency, it would be fatal for the Chinese economic prospects given the volatility in the other international currency such as Euro resisting the precipitous rise, taking toll on the export nations like Germany.

Non-compliance to the environmental requirement is an invitation to the calamities continually experienced in several parts of China ranging from the earthquake, floods and typhoons that no longer constitutes a natural act.

With respect to the Iranian nuclear negotiations, it should be clear from the horrific evidence in Sudan (Darfur), North Korea and Burma that Beijing’s commitment to world peace and order is to be taken with a grain of salt because of the back alley trading and cohesion to the belligerent leaderships in these regions, conforming with the belief,

Birds of a feather flock together.

Besides, the present UN Security Council will be unable to deter Beijing from trading with Iran. China’s huge investments in the oil refineries, the hindering factor for Iran from becoming the leading crude oil exporter is in the elimination process through Beijing’s extensive involvement with Iran to satisfy the oil quest from the economic growth.

The only alternative to contain the recalcitrant Beijing is to expand the UN Security Council from P5 to P11 and introduce credibility to the UN authority governing the global crisis.

Throughout history, the communist leadership in China has demonstrated a disturbing and an untrustworthy relationship with its neighbors and other economies to achieve the long desired ‘Superpower’ goal. The mounting betrayal to humanity is a tip of the iceberg.

The U.S. subservience to China is a regrettable trend reflected in Beijing’s unethical demands to the American investors e.g. Google barred from competing in China on bizarre accounts and the mandatory regulation for technology sector to market PCs with built-in filters to curb free speech… are a few of the unscrupulous practices in the Far-Eastern ethos. Free and fairness is oxymoron to the regime.

The White House obliging to Beijing’s unnecessary intervention in diplomatic course with individuals and nations warrants a serious threat to the U.S sovereignty previously undermined by the espionage charges against Beijing’s agents and the recent alleged spying via telecommunication cables.

It’s time for the world population to come together and reject the totalitarian regime in China wreaking havoc not only in its own soil but also for the entire humanity. Since the democratically elected governments are reluctant to challenge the regime, pursuing peaceful and non-violent dissent against injustice is symbolic and a guaranteed success for liberation proven in the twentieth century.

Another effective strategy for the world population is to invest in other economies deserving equal opportunity to economic freedom.

The White House misplaced diplomacy against the spiritual leader might be an interim false victory for Beijing. Nevertheless, the ancient wisdom confirms that the end is near when the mind is unclear revealed through Beijing’s double-crossing in the domestic and international affairs.

Tibet was once a free spiritual sanctuary and destined to be so in the immediate future. Only time will prove the certain outcome for the pious and peace-loving Tibetan population.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Iranian Uprising – 21st Century

June 20, 2009

Apocalyptic New Era

By Padmini Arhant

The Presidential election results were out in the Islamic Republic of Iran and predictably, the theocratic rule through flawed electoral process declared the incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the winner, with a landslide victory against the reformist leader Mir Hossein Mousavi of the Islamic Iran Participation Front, recognized as the largest reformist party.

Iranian youth, women and everyone oppressed by the existing regime mourning seeing no hope in the horizon for Iran aligning to the twenty first century nation governance. The re-nomination of the President Ahmadinejad by the un-elected and self-proclaimed clerics under the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei indicates the iron-fist authoritarianism executed as the guardian of the sacred Islamic religion.

The theocratic power claiming to be the representative of peaceful and respectful Islam effectively shackled the Islamic vows – equality, freedom, justice and compassion shared among all, with sheer denial of the humanitarian rights granted by the holy Islam.

Ironically, the election is anything but democratic with the election results not conforming to the actual data in more than one account. According to reliable sources, the higher voter turnout was encouraging and huge enthusiasm among the majority confirmed the readiness for the change that’s long overdue in the Islamic Republic and the entire Middle East. Upon opposition’s refusal to concede to the false ceremonial victory by the current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the streets in Tehran and the holy city Qom reverberated with chants against the undemocratic verdict.

Any ballot recount in selective areas to satisfy the republic with an insatiable appetite for emancipation is equivalent to an illusionist’s performance in charming the tense audience. Tragically, the religious order’s deception of the Islamic faith dedicated to truth, equality and justice for all vilified in the endorsement of killings and violence against peaceful protesters by the paramilitary under the top hierarchy’s direct command, reminiscent of the Tiananmen Square event.

The recent incidents in Tehran and other parts of the nation is a reminder that permanence is not in the laws of nature and change is the natural course of action to prove it. Despite resistance to positive reform, a priority beginning with the free and fair elections, the theocracy in Iran struggling to maintain credibility as the religious force inculcating bias in the contradictory version of democracy dominated by religion over the independent state rule.

Whenever any puppet government controlled by the ultimate religious authority or dynasty challenged to demonstrate democratic values towards the nationals, defiance is inevitable. Therefore, the victims subject to hard line approach viz. muzzling the voice of democracy in the technology-oriented age. Evidently, the Iranian republic determined to free themselves from the prolonged tyrannical rule of law under the guise of Islam – conflicting to the egalitarian religious philosophy.

The current events in Iran is a test for the theocracy led by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the clerics’ respect for the holiness, Prophet Mohammed’s teachings to value humanitarian rights and disavow violence, deceit, disorder in any form or shape. Importantly, the involvement of religion in the state affairs and the Supreme Leader as the head of the state is a gross violation of Islam juxtaposed to Islamic law prohibiting spiritual leaders from aspiring political power, materialistic gains and supremacy.

Autocracy implemented through theocracy is sacrilegious in the highest order.

It is imperative for the Islamic Republic of Iran to honor the will of the people towards democracy with an absolute guarantee of equal rights for all citizens of different faith and ethnicity in the historic Persian land. The reference particularly applies to the persecution and systemic abuse of the Baha’i population along with disregard for the faith until date.

Since the election outcome debunked with reprehensible practices such as vote rigging and unscrupulous means by the state in producing unrealistic victory for their choice of representative effectively disposes the results null and void. Henceforth, the reformist candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi aptly qualifies in requesting the Iranian electorate to recall the nominee, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Guardian Council responsible for the protocol reportedly swayed to the theocratic preference has created a self-dispensable status in the so-called democratic election.

With the overwhelming international support and solidarity for the Iranian moderates in the ongoing political upheaval, the camouflaged autocratic leadership in Iran is on the verge of collapse serving testimony to the apocalyptic new era pledged to deliverance around the world.

The concurrent election results throughout the Middle East, with Iraq rejecting the Iranian supported political and terror faction, Lebanese sidelining the once popular and terror sponsor Hezbollah backed by the troubled Iranian theocracy, Palestine more eager to attain the dream of freedom empowering FATAH over HAMAS is a confirmation of the apocalypse.

Although, credit for changes in the Middle East attributed to the previous and present United States Presidency, the real agent behind the democratic transitioning is the long brewing unprecedented will of the population with technological know-how rising to the occasion comprising free speech and human rights.

Similar scenario witnessed in Egypt initiated by the anti-government centrists and pro-democratic aspirants including the Muslim Brotherhood – the Hosni Mubarak government’s traditional rival. In this instance the moderates in Egypt were disappointed with the omission of Egyptian government’s prolonged human rights violation in President Obama’s Cairo address, even though the objective for detour appears to rest on the potential Egyptian influence on the Arab world in the recognition of Israel and resolving the two-state solutions crisis.

Many outspoken pro-democracy groups operating within and outside of Egypt shared their anguish over a missed historic moment by the United States Presidency to curtail excessive oppression in the Pharaoh land.

Back to Iranian political uprising contributing tremor across the Middle East – it’s no coincidence and remains an affirmation to pervasive democratic movement brought upon not by Super Power aggression instead, through peaceful and powerful populace demand, yet another desirable path in accordance to the apocalypse.

The contemporary political unrest in Iran is likely to subdue the theocracy limiting and possibly eliminating the intervention of religion in the state rule to promote real democracy. As for the reformist leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s parallel political stance with the opponent President nominee Mahmoud Ahmedinijad regarding Iranian nuclear program and Israel…

The notion between the Israeli Knesset and the White House ambivalence to the controversial re-nomination of the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad implies – “It’s better to deal with the devil you know rather than the Saint you don’t.”

This posturing by Washington and Jerusalem is disturbing considering the pivotal role by both nations as part of the military industrial complex in the lucrative and prolific nuclear and arms weaponry exhibited by the United States in Iraq and currently in Afghanistan. Likewise, by Israel in the aggression against Palestinians in Gaza in December 2008 accompanied by repeated retaliatory threats to strike Iran’s nuclear site with or without the United States alliance warrants a great deal of concern.

Israel’s selection of President Nominee Ahmadinejad over reformist candidate Mousavi suggests Israel accepting Ahmadinejad’s provocative gesture as an opportunity for military action. Such political maneuvering by Israel could prove immensely detrimental to its own national security other than raising a credibility issue as a viable peace partner in the Middle East.

An oil enriched and Shiite dominant Iran’s strong emergence in the Arab world posed a huge challenge to other oil-abundant nation like Saudi Arabia and others fearing identical fate with the impending overthrow of the political dynasty contrasting political theocracy in Iran, while both kingdoms sharing abandonment of democracy in the legislative rule.

Meanwhile, the massive rally and protests on behalf of the reformist party candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi justified when,

The reformist leader commits Iran towards modern democracy in every aspect of governance,

A nuclear free zone as the concept of nuclear energy program to generate electricity does not fit in with Iran being the third richest nation in oil reserves,

Oil reserves in Iran

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Oil reserves in Iran, according to its government, rank third largest in the world at approximately 136 billion barrels (21.6×109 m3) as of 2007, although it ranks second if Canadian reserves of non-conventional oil are excluded. This is roughly 10% of the world’s total proven petroleum reserves.

Iran is the world’s fourth largest oil producer and is OPEC’s second-largest producer after Saudi Arabia. As of 2006 it was producing an estimated 3.8 million barrels per day (600×103 m3/d) of crude oil, equal to 5% of global production.[1] At 2006 rates of production, Iran’s oil reserves would last 98 years if no new oil was found.”

Further, recognize and embrace Israel as a sovereign state,

Last but not the least; relinquish terror sponsorship in Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon including conciliatory partnership via arms supply to belligerent North Korea.

Otherwise, Iran reflecting true reform in alienating from the ideological, theocratic principles and doctrine prevailing over the fundamental democratic values desperately required by the deserving Iranian population.

The imminent victory for peace against violence will testify the strength of populace power in the declining theocratic regime systematically misrepresenting the sacred and peaceful Islam.

The Iranian electorates’ perseverance towards democratic goals will be a trailblazer for other nations to follow suit in the Middle East.

Persian, … šāʾ Allāh (ar | ما شاء الله), which means, "God has willed it". …-

Insha’Allah (إن شاء الله) – Allah Willing.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Keeping Democracy Alive

March 8, 2009

The new administration is still in the process of filling positions and since the beginning, there has been problems with some major cabinet appointments as the nominees had withdrawn from considerations to avoid political challenges during the hearing process.

Lately, it appears to be the nominee CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

It is evidenced in the following article;

Gupta won’t be next surgeon general

Neurosurgeon and TV Correspondent withdraws from Consideration

By Richard Alonso-Zaldivar, Associated Press – Thank you.

CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta won’t be the next surgeon general, the Obama administration confirmed Thursday.

Gupta 39, a neurosurgeon with star appeal, was seen as President Barack Obama’s first pick for the job. He would have brought instant recognition to the office of surgeon general, a post that has lacked visibility since the days of C. Everett Koop during Ronald Reagan’s presidency.

An administration official said that Gupta had been under “serious consideration” but took himself out of the running because he wants to focus on his medical career and spend more time with his family.

“We know he will continue to serve and educate the public through his work with media and in the medical arena,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of nominations.

The official said there were no problems that would have disqualified Gupta, and it was his decision to withdraw.

The surgeon general is the nation’s doctor, and while the job doesn’t involve much policymaking responsibility, it’s a bully pulpit for promoting public health. Gupta could have helped Obama pitch his health care reform plan.

Initial reports in early January that Obama had approached Gupta about the job created a stir. The new president had not yet taken office. The chairman of the American Medical Association’s board said at the time it would be a boon to the government if Gupta accepted.

But Gupta would have had to give up a lucrative career. He hosts “House Call” on CNN, contributes reports to CBS News and writes a column for Time magazine. He also practices surgery at Atlanta’s Grady Memorial Hospital, which sees more than its share of trauma cases.

Political opposition had started to form.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich., called Gupta inexperienced and circulated a letter urging Obama not to appoint him. Conyers is a leading supporter of health care reform that would create a government system similar to Canada’s and is particularly influential among liberals.

Gupta does have some Washington experience. During the Clinton administration, he served as a White House fellow and a special adviser to then-first lady Hillary Clinton.”


Washington Hypocrisy:

Strangely enough, with recent appointees for high profile cabinet positions involving decision-making on International crisis affecting billions of lives around the globe “experience” didn’t seem to matter to the members of the hearing committee.

Some were sworn in with a mere formality hearing and they were aptly called by the media a shoe-in appointment.

Also, there was swift approval of nominees considered “controversial” with tax issues, conflict of interest notwithstanding the nation’s critical cabinet post supposedly being “unconstitutional.”

However, an administrative post with none or minimal policymaking responsibility as cited in the above article, aroused skepticism in the minds of certain members prompting them to an all out campaign against the adequately qualified and nationally as well as internationally prominent candidate with White House experience, reveals the true colors of Washington Politics.

Last fall, history was made for a reason. People of the human race overwhelmingly came together  to convey a loud and clear message…

It is no longer the “red states” or the “blue states”, but it is the United States of America.

Apparently, like everything else it is being regarded a catchy campaign slogan rather than embracing and most importantly practicing to keep democracy alive.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

December 30, 2008

Cause and Effect:

The half a century old battle between two neighbors has evolved into an eternal volcano erupting periodically with sparks flying across the Middle East and in all Islamic nations around the world.

Israeli-Palestinian crisis also created a new war in the twentieth century and that is terrorism.

Unfortunately, it is now the epidemic around the world.

Amazingly, in the wake of unresolved intolerance between the two neighbors,

Peace and Diplomacy never had a chance instead,

Both sides relegated to techniques like suicide bombing, aerial bombardment through rockets and missiles with children and women as the so-called collateral damage in this senseless violence.

Negotiations between both parties rejected due to incessant obsession to deprive one another of peaceful existence.

Ironically, neither of them is a winner confirming the fact –

Nobody ever wins a war. Every one is a loser.

As stated earlier, there is cause and effect behind every event.

All this bloodshed is because of the Israeli controlled and illegal occupation of Palestinian territories for nearly five decades and the bitter truth of the matter is,

In the twenty first century, the people of Palestine are still suffering and struggling, as they do not have a place they could call home.

Israel might claim that it endured numerous suicide bombings and constantly threatened by the neighbors instigated by Iran.

Therefore, it reserves the right to defend itself by any means.

While this is true, Israel must ask itself, who is responsible for the unnecessary unmitigated violence that has emboldened terrorists, proliferated widespread fundamentalism and relevantly encouraged nations like Iran to seek nuclear weapons for wiping Israel of the map?

Undeniably, radicalism exists around the world particularly in the Middle East region.

Again, reiterating the fact nothing happens without a cause.


Fact Check:

The criticism against Israel as the coveted ally of the United States is an absolute truth predominantly from the active lobbying and representation of Israeli interests in Washington.

Every Presidential candidate treads over a fine line not to jeopardize the Jewish votes and actively vows to protect Israeli welfare by religiously attending the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference during the Presidential campaign.


AIPAC according to

Author – Br Nathanael Kapner

What’s Behind The AIPAC Curtain?

“CONTROL” IS WHAT THE AIPAC ZIONIST JEWS are all about. Is it then any surprise that the June 2-4 2008 AIPAC Policy Conference with 7,000 attendees including 300 from Congress was a media blackout ?

How could it be that with Condoleezza Rice, all 3 Presidential hopefuls, and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in attendance, the media coverage was nill? Well – since Jews stick together, (I grew up as a Jew), the Jewish owned mainstream media apparently agreed to “stonewall it.”

The business of wielding influence is what American Jewry is all about. And American Jewry prefers not to have this made public. This was brought home to the American Conservative Magazine journalist, Phillip Weiss. At his very first AIPAC Conference this year, Weiss was demanded by AIPAC officials while writing down his report to show his credentials.

Weiss, who made the observation regarding the Conference that AIPAC was serving their tribal interests , reported: “At the outset AIPAC performed a ‘roll call.’ The names of all the politicians in attendance were read off by three barkers in auctioneer fashion. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won the day before her peers by shedding tears when mentioning the Israeli soldiers captured by Hezbollah.”

Indeed – all with political ambitions to remain in power came to the Conference to be accounted for before the influence-wielding Jews of AIPAC.



In his article, AIPAC Vs America , Rense political analyst Ted Lang observes that AIPAC controls American foreign policy in the Middle East. Lang also says that attempts to terminate the slaughter of innocent Iraqi citizens and to stop the AIPAC-ordered invasion of Iran will invoke the smear of ‘Anti-Semitism.’

And with the mass murders of Iraqi civilians and women with their children in Palestine, Ted Lang asks the most important question of our day:

“Are the world’s greatest atrocities now attributable to Jews?” Here .

If this question is not answered soon, groups like AIPAC will make our entire political system one great Zionist atrocity!



First and Foremost, Palestinians are not responsible for the horrific holocaust in the twentieth century.

Illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel since 1967 is the root cause of all evil that followed the trail of violence up until now.

Despite being the holocaust victims, it is fathomless that Israeli oppression of Palestinian population is upheld as the national defense and security act.

Israel always is in the forefront to rescue Jewish citizens in crisis around the world whether it is Ethiopian Jews or the five Jewish victims in the recent Mumbai terror attacks.

In fact, Israel volunteered to send its own commandos to rescue the five Jewish captives held hostage at Nariman Center in Mumbai, India.

Why can’t Israel expand its obligation towards humanity rather than being selective in the safeguard and rescue of Jewish people alone?

Isn’t this planet inhabited by humans of other faith and denomination as well?

Shouldn’t their life matter?

Why is Israel not forthcoming with its possession of Nuclear arsenal and Washington including United States media and news organizations relentlessly defend Israel of every offensive act against Palestinian population?

If only Washington played an unbiased role in the mediation of peace process between Israel and Palestinian people, by demanding Israel to an unconditional withdrawal of troops and settlements from Gaza, West Bank and Golan Heights and,

Granting Independence to Palestinians by allowing them to call these territories provinces of Palestine, there can be an eternal peace in the entire region including the security of Israel and United States.

Further, the Palestinian population need not rely on radical elements like Hamas and it would negate the reasons available to threaten Israel by Hezbollah and their mastermind Iran.


Recent Assault:

The escalated violence in the past three days from December 27, 2008 through up until now resulting in major civilian casualties on the Palestinian side estimated over 360 victims with children being the majority is a callous demonstration of Israeli might against weak and fragile Palestinian population.

Israel’s sophisticated airstrikes and missile attacks (Thanks to United States supply of weaponry and multibillion dollars aid) on civilian targets in retaliation to Hamas’s outdated rockets is a crime against humanity worthy of condemnation.

There is no justification whatsoever in the mass murder of civilians carried out in the pretext of national security.

It is not to glorify Hamas’ terrorist action proclaimed as “jihad” towards Israeli population either.

An eye for an eye will make the world go blind.

In the quagmire, the civilians on both sides are the targets and the action by the political factions representing the people of Gaza and Israel is belligerent and must be halted instantaneously.



Israel must refrain from further attacks for the safety and security of its own existence now and in the future.

Hamas on the other hand must realize that their reign of terror against Palestinians through exploitation and abuse of Power by encouraging young, vulnerable citizens as suicide bombers against Israeli civilians is not the kind of representation the Palestinians deserve at present and beyond.

In light of the current carnage and destruction brought upon particularly the innocent civilians in Gaza and those hurt in Israel it is evident that fundamental transformation is required in the political process on both sides.


Face the Truth:

Time’s up for conservative politics in Israel and Washington lobbying responsible for the plight of Palestinians through unlawful settlements and occupation of their homeland.

It is incumbent on Israel effective immediately to start preparing for the unconditional withdrawal from territories backtracking to 1967 i.e. Gaza, West Bank and Golan Heights to enable Palestinians their entitlement to a homeland.

Hamas in turn will wind up all of its insidious activities and ploy at the behest of Iran against Israeli population or else deal with regrettable consequences.

Similar destiny will be shared by all those elements whether it is Hezbollah or any Islamic anarchists, theocracy like Iran involved in systematic destabilization of peace and progress in the Middle East region particularly Palestine, Israel and Iraq.


Message Alert:

Information is being delivered according to the earlier warning of an imminent Armageddon through divine intervention to end sufferings of all human beings on this planet and restore peace, progress and prosperity for all.

Solutions on confrontations between nuclear neighbors India and Pakistan, Oppression of Tibet by emerging economic power China, Persecution of Burmese population by the Burmese Junta and ultimatum to Military regimes in Africa and the Americas with a promise to liberate the people of all these regions is in order.

Failure to adhere to suggested strategies and proposals will lead to unrequested and unprecedented disaster.
Special Request:

The readers of the blog posts and visitors to the website are advised that any delay in response to national and international events are not to be treated as lack of interest or concern by the entity.

While being mindful of the adverse impact such as loss of lives from conflicts like war, every article is presented after meticulous research and fact check for authenticity of the information.

Therefore, your understanding and patience is appreciated at all times.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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