Israel – Victimhood

November 27, 2023

Israel – Victimhood

Padmini Arhant

Is this TRUCE from Israel?

The Israeli IDF crimes against Palestinians in the occupied territories not only unaccountable but also reject interim ceasefire and humanitarian aid including ambulance in any Palestinian residential area. 

The latest reaction from different regions whether Egypt in North Africa or Malaysia in South East Asia and African Union leadership…prominent expulsion of Israel from their league severing diplomatic ties related to Gaza war is merely addressing the symptoms of the carcinogenic effects caused by British colonialism in 1948 with the establishment of Israel in Palestine purely for self-interests to exert control over West Asian, North and North East African oil resources in the territory.

Subsequently the colonial era transformed into United States and NATO (EU) imperialism in the revival of western colonial century.

The establishment of Israel in Palestine largely benefitted the United States hegemonic goals in the Middle East with United States permanent military and financial aid to Israel prolonging western imperialism in the region.

United States along with Britain together with France exercising veto in the UNSC resolutions on proxy and ally Israel’s series of violations and atrocities are verifiable testament to Israel serving western political and economic interests in the region.

In the present time, the United States, Britain and key EU states together with coalition partner like Indian government among any other non-western support are all responsible for the genocide in Gaza.

The United States in particular at the moment – the so-called peace seeking democrat administration is in the forefront funding $14.5 billion and more for Israel’s carnage and graveyard mission in Gaza.

The latest cold callous response from the United States’ Obama administration as the incumbent power to Indonesian President’s statement on Gaza is quite chilling.

The pseudo prioritization of climate over Gazan genocide orchestrated by the present U.S. administration and Presidency exemplify apathy to human life not even caring for children in Gaza having been the primary targets in the U.S. and coalition onslaught via Israel against Gazan civilians in the war zone.

The Democrat administration poised as environment friendly proved otherwise in trajectory and evident in war policy as the primary proponent and aggressor behind the slaughter and displacement of Gazans and Palestinians in entire Palestine is quite revealing as the open sky.

Besides, the Barack Obama administration having violently overthrown democratically elected Ukrainian government in the actual insurrection in Kiev in 2014 exacerbating political unrest, ethnic clashes and corruption with the U.S. administration installed neonazi governments in Ukraine in 2014 and thereafter is irrefutable testimony.

In 2022, the Barack Obama administration under the guise of Biden leadership resumed the incomplete chaos and mayhem with war against Russia leaving the Ukrainians to fight proxy war against Russia on western states’ behalf besides covering up Biden family corruption scandals and Clintons unsavory shady dealings in Ukraine.

These events display democrat echelons’ true colors in vying with Republican counterpart on aiding and abetting violence experimenting military stockpiles and new inventory in the playgrounds Gaza and Ukraine.

The trend maintained in semblance with Republican predecessors Bush – Cheney war strategy diligently continued by successive democrat Obama – Biden administration in 2009- 2016 and 2020 – 2023 until now testing defense stockpiles, drones, nuclear laden missiles, chemical weapons like white phosphorus and biological agents through NATO and Israel in the most offensive means on vulnerable defenseless population wherever possible – Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine viz. Gaza and worldwide.

Accordingly, the African Union, South East Asian and West Asian viz. the global South measures such as sanctions, isolation, elimination and condemnation against Israel is merely symptomatic in the absence of none against the chief perpetrators especially the United States current administration headed by proxy Joe Biden Presidency and members like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton legacy premised on war to establish supremacy that surpass the Republican history.

Likewise, the United States politics’ partners in crime Britain, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Australia and allies India and others share the burden of culpability and accountability in the genocide – the heinous crime against Palestinians in Gaza war. The analogy applicable to Ukraine tumult and turmoil as well.

Not surprisingly, there is absolutely no desire for complete ceasefire now in Gaza or Ukraine and instead rallying for incessant violence inflicting deaths and devastation by the Democrat administration behind both wars in the post pandemic for which they are responsible considering the activities transpired in 2015 and earlier.

Sanctions on Israel preceded by similar actions against the benefactor, financier and military weaponry provider present United States administration, Congress and others behind the carnage in Gaza and indefinite war in Ukraine would reflect the global South real understanding and commitment towards ending wars and resolving western authorized political and humanitarian crisis.

Importantly, the global South identifying members within in the overt / covert facilitation of Gaza decimation and actions against them also equally relevant for credibility.

Israel’s victimhood all along demonstrated as paradoxical victimizer against Palestinians and neighbors Syria, Lebanon, Iran…with United States and western support is imperialistic travesty fostering parasitic existence and inter-dependency for expansionism resulting in provocative destructive endeavor thus far.

Padmini Arhant 

Brahmin Orientation and Affirmation is Fraudulent

November 6, 2022

Brahmin Orientation






Padmini Arhant 


The brahmin orientation and affirmation from the propaganda origin until now is fraudulent.

The caste system induction in Indian society is exertion of dominance and superiority by foreign invaders and nomads  – the topic abundantly elaborated with well substantiated incontrovertible facts and numerous data on this site and sub-domain.

The ancient primitive manu dharma sastra upholding prejudice, misogyny and untouchability practiced till today is fraudulence epitome to prolong illegitimate supremacy.

The brahmin identity marred with complexity and duplicity as Aryans and zionists simultaneously is representation of feudalism and anachronism.

The Hindu (?) – the term coined by foreigners is one of many examples leading to foreign established hierarchy. The holy scriptures pertaining to inhabitants in Tamil Nadu and elsewhere in India manipulated and subverted to suit mythical hypothesis on caste subordination and subjugation.

The concept interjecting brahmin existence in Lord Vishnu’s avatar especially as Parashuram and Vaman is distortion as nauseam. Again the deceitful claims to impose brahmin indoctrination proved baseless and yet the narrative continued in vain confirm desperation.

As such, the world creation began as hunters and gatherers synonymous to survival means by animals and other living species including mankind.

The human civilization began as hunters and gradually introduced by Tamil civilization to agriculture by transforming forests to agrarian lands growing variety of plants and vegetables for human consumption sparing many animal variety to maintain balance in eco system. Again this is explained on this site in the topic Tamil civilization.

In the beginning, there was no vegetarianism in human diet claimed exclusive to brahmins which is again deeply misconstrued position not in sync with reality. There are brahmins exceeding non-brahmins in consuming non-vegetarian items like meat and animal produce in overt and covert indulgence.

Briefly, the human genome never created on hierarchy based attributes since the world onset. The superficial status is entirely man-made inequality and imbalance to address individual and communal deficiency and deficit in intellect, physical strength, entrepreneurial skills and services demanding humility and ability to perform any tasks regarded beneath presumptuous status.

Needless to say the human predator instincts prevalent more than ever prey on anyone considered a fair game in the ruthless supremacy contest with the predators ultimately succumbing to own folly and delusional engagement.

The world and society in the twenty first century glorifying assertion of class and casteism is medieval and mendacious further exposing inherent incompetence to compete in level playing field with equal opportunity barring nefarious unscrupulous suppression of others’ rights promoting fallacy over meritocracy. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Prejudice – Dispelling Myths and Ignorance

October 15, 2022


Dispelling Myths and Ignorance

Padmini Arhant

The habitual sleaziness of some especially in the highest designation in politics appropriately earning the title creepy crawly and supremacists’ inferiority complex smothered in insecurity prompting racism and misogyny in particular demand the need to dispel ignorance and arrogance. 

First of all religion based propaganda is the tool to exert superiority since time immemorial. The misuse of religion in this context from then until today is an unbridled indulgence.

The preposterous justification of core discrimination in Indian caste system is attributed to Lord Krishna and Srimad Bhagwat Gita which like many religious scriptures has been distorted and distracted to suit the minds of those having own convoluted crafty agenda.

Lord Vishnu none other than Lord Krishna has demonstrated on many occasions during the avatar or incarnation in human form teaching ignorant minds to renounce hatred and prejudice.

As mentioned earlier in this site and sub-domain, Lord Vishnu as Lord Ram in the epic Ramayana categorically explained the character of a human being relevant over creed, class and other criteria during his interaction with Sabri the so-called untouchable woman aka Dalit. Lord Vishnu as Lord Ram immensely appreciated her devotion and sincerity in her worship.

The other important event again related to Lord Vishnu teaching brahmin priest Saranga a harsh lesson when the priest denies entry to then so-called untouchable human who was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu.

The event took place in Sri Ranganatha temple in Sri Rangam near Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. 

The so-called untouchable devotee of Lord Vishnu was Thiruppan Alwar. The unconditional love and devotion of Thiruppan Alwar towards Lord Vishnu was not tolerated by the brahmin priests claiming proprietorship and patent rights on worship and service to God exclusive to them.

The so-called upper caste viz. brahmins untouchability practice against the so-called lower caste or Sudras included barring the sight and presence of Sudras in front of a brahmin.

A Sudra and so-called Dalit facing a brahmin or other so-called upper caste was deemed unholy followed by a dip in the nearby river or quick rinse by pouring water over the head to apparently wash away the sins of coming across a Sudra or the untouchable in public domain. 

Lord Vishnu’s devotee Thiruppan praying by the riverside was seen by the brahmin priest Saranga. The brahmin priest demanded Thiruppan to leave the river banks showering insults and insolence. Before Thiruppan could move away, the priest hurt him by hurling rocks at Thiruppan leaving him bleeding by the riverside. 

The priest Saranga returned to Lord Vishnu’s temple to perform the religious service in the morning. The priest as usual tried to unlock the doors of the sanctum sanctorum with the matching keys on that day. Much to his surprise and bewilderment, the doors did not open despite the right keys used to unlock the door. 

The priest then gathered help from others to open the doors of the holy shrine. Again, the men with collective muscle power could not open the door even when they attempted to knock it down in desperation. 

Subsequently, they heard the divine command from the sanctum sanctorum ordering the priest Saranga to visit Thiruppan’s village and carry Thiruppan on the priest shoulders with utter respect in public view and present the true devotee at Lord Vishnu’s holy shrine. 

The brahmin priest Saranga had no choice but to oblige the Lord’s command and brought Thiruppan on his shoulders with the so-called untouchables in the village and brahmins witnessing the entire event in dismay. 

Upon Thiruppan being brought in the manner as decried by Lord Vishnu, the doors of the sanctum sanctorum flared open. The Lord Vishnu or Sri Ranganatha idol in the shrine was bleeding signifying the rocks cast at Thiruppan actually hurt the Lord exemplified in the stone idol bleeding as a result. 

Lord Vishnu then urged Thiruppan to perform the service while ordering the priest and the rest gathered at the temple to accept the service from his true devotee.

The incident was meant to be an eye-opener to shed ignorance and arrogance. Above all to renounce bigotry, racism, misogyny and all form of inhumane negative vices prevalent in human nature. 

With these real events in human history,

How on earth is it possible for Lord Krishna to ordain indignation of humans who worship the Lord to be mistreated via discriminatory caste system established by narrow-minded crooked malevolent segment in society?

Unfortunately, those bound by mindless meaningless misinterpreted belief in human hierarchy and superiority premised on creed, color, class and caste orientation etc. continue to retain the tradition sowing the seeds of rejection and intolerance against those they regard not equal. 

The topic will continue further shedding light on the controversial manusmriti paradoxically referred to as manu dharma (principles) in denigration of women and the so-called lower caste Sudras and untouchables in Indian society and much more. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Political Reality

September 30, 2022

Political Reality 

Padmini Arhant

Politics marred with apprehensions from within and outside evolving into great deal of insecurity regarding threats to the seat of power and position is no secret. 

From Julius Caesar days and even earlier in any religion inception and until now politics is eclipsed in betrayal, treason, malfeasance and abuse of power…among myriad common political abnormality.

What is the worst fear in contemporary politics?

Truth, facts and real democracy.

The prevalent fake political era premised on falsehood, fabrication and fraudulence is a convenient setting to camouflage fiduciary feudalist system i.e. proxy representing oligarchy, monarchy, domestic and foreign agenda, religious ideology and lofty personal aspirations beyond reality.

The politics founded and rooted in the process of elimination for rise to power and dominance resigned to impropriety and unaccountability proliferate in crimes and criminal legacy.

As for corruption, politics is the host and the ghost with the most corrupt dealings in quid pro quo and illegal practice held above law while the latter applicable to law abiding citizenry in society to the fullest extent and opponent subject to political witch hunt at taxpayers’ expense.

The corruption in lucrative government contracts with economic sector and foreign governments along with politics as appointees of campaign financiers and lobbyists enable and facilitate wealth amassment for political members and the apparatus during the term in office.

Not surprisingly, politics is cash cow for political members from rank and file to rookie and others presenting themselves on campaign trails as people from humble modest economic background with student loans and credit card debts to the hilt transformed into millionaire, multi-millionaire and billionaire status almost overnight.

Not to mention them securing own retirement and long term future for them and their next generations including reservations in elite educational institutions for their children based on political class family rather than merit is part and parcel of political career. 

These facilities are extended over a long period of time with lifetime perks and privileges as the norm with little or no concern over the financial burden on the ordinary serving the presumptuous extraordinary extravagance.

Juxtaposed the same members have no problems in passing laws stripping retirement savings and medical aid to defense force foot soldiers and front line men and women witnessed recently in the so-called world’s largest democracy or for that matter the western so-called democracy having health, finance and energy industry…to name a few in the economic sector – the primary political campaign donors exploit average consumers with company policy designed to benefit oligarchs’ mega profitability extracting maximum from mainstream work force and consumers at the bottom.

Politics essentially in service to safeguard elitism enhancing and empowering personal and vested interests at the vast majority misery and generational suffering.

The political power trepidation is mainly related to losing authority and control.

Accordingly, adopting various tactics mostly unlawful methods from bribes to intimidation or incentives are deployed to lure opposition, judiciary and the rest to kowtow politics.

The political preparedness to remain in power as life long authority otherwise authoritarian rule begins with wiping opposition having organized media chorus not excluding the disguised so-called investigative journalism – the worst kind hired by authority for mass deception on press freedom.

The authority represented so-called non-mainstream media pleading public monetary support is actually engaged by politics to discredit authentic investigative and independent publications revealing information, incidents and events seeking explanations and openness from politics and incognito power declared a forbidden act.

Politics having little or no opposition in the political front with press and assortment media combined silenced by buying them outright, similar strategy on judiciary and prominent political affiliates in government and private sector guaranteed mutual conciliatory offers – the stage is set for politics to execute devious agenda.

Any exposure in this context is conveniently referred to as conspiracy theory despite knowing well there is no smoke without fire.

The general public left on their own to fight against politics’ complicity on all issues hurting citizens economically, financially and socially are usually handled with brute force and laws in reserve to curb genuine peaceful dissent.

Again politics rejecting the factor on law enforcement and courts paid for and provided by tax payers as consumers and labor community in return turned against them.

Who is left to challenge corrupt power?

The military in many countries toppling governments and assuming power as military junta is not uncommon. These activities are also promoted by foreign powers to destabilize nations that are contrarily used by despotic governance to justify undemocratic rule as well. 

Nonetheless, the military indirect involvement via surrogate government is yet another form in the diverse pattern of governance.

In pseudo democracy, the political authority desirous of tenure position conforming to dictatorial regime address the potential military resistance to authoritarianism with tacit duplicity.

The manner in which politics address any possible scenario from military against the totalitarian political style especially in a waning democracy is by restructuring military institution.

For example, the tradition in a Parliamentarian democracy with Prime Minister on limited terms as the head of the executive branch in charge of government administration is accountable to people, the electorate represented Parliament and constitutional rule of law governing democracy.

On the other hand, the President in the same government dispensation though misconceived as mere ceremonial figure expected to preside over Parliamentary proceedings at the national level and state union affairs in the provincial political issues besides serving as the military commander-in-chief in the original concept.

However, this format and Presidential functionality superseded is noteworthy. 

How this is subverted by the government executive branch in the present so-called democratic environment merit attention?

The Presidential election is an electoral college exercise. The political parties and members at the national and regional forum are easily swayed with rewards in cash and kind to vote for the ruling party Presidential nominee. The ruling power sponsored candidate prevailing over the name-sake contender from the opposition parties for Presidential post in Parliamentary set up is the regular outcome.

The President rather than being the stabilizing power and the authority to maintain checks and balances is typically appointed to the office as the ruling political party envoy carrying out the executive branch orders.

Lately, in Indian system the Presidential function as the military commander-in-chief is disposed with the creation of the chief of defense staff (CDS) post manning entire defense force with army, naval and air force brought under the CDS ambit reporting to the Prime Minister and not the President.

The Prime Minister is now the head of the military through the installation of Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) in the overt transfer of power.

What does this mean in a democracy?

The notion of separation of power for legitimate reasons to avert concentration of power in government body is systematically rendered obsolete.

The Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) appointee is expected to meet the criteria i.e. falling in line by voicing support or echoing sentiments in agreement with Prime Minister’s controversial and contentious policy on national issues regardless of adverse consequences with the probability affecting unity and uniformity in defense force.

The picture is clear having brought military under executive branch viz. Prime Minister oversight through CDS authorizing attractive defense ventures like the explosive Indo-French Rafale defense scandal to arbitrary military decisions not barring military strikes and interventions embedded in the supreme command title. 

The Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) directly reporting to the Prime Minister office fortify the executive branch with absolute power leaving no opportunity or possibility of endangerment to politics’ transition from democracy to autocracy. 

The political authority absorbing power in every aspect with democracy displaced in the systemic omission of constitutional rights paralyzing democratic values is a serious devolution of fragile pluralist society led into majoritarian fundamentalist mobocracy. 

When oligarchy and various sources (?) funded politics is hopelessly relying on massive propaganda and indoctrination for survival, that kind of politics is indicative of precipitous decline and dissipation. The desperate times prompting desperate actions. The monetized accolades contradictory to actuality is nothing more than megalomania frenzy.

Poignantly, where will politics be without cronyism and sycophancy ad nauseam?

In the dumpster for sure gutter and goon politics in particular living up to its reputation in anything and everything.

As such, transparency and ethics oxymoron to politics, plutocracy reining supremacy is paradoxical political factuality.

Anything destructive and counterproductive is unsustainable and politics is experienced and seasoned in imminent fall due to misguided misinterpretation of power. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Human Nature

February 14, 2022

Human Nature

Padmini Arhant

Hate, prejudice, misogyny, body shaming (the latest trend in misogyny), questioning natural intelligence and all form of discrimination is unfortunately human nature. The difference being those harboring ill-feelings, jealousy and other negative traits express and exercise hatred excessively towards those whom they target and even obsessed with much to self-detriment.

When human life is wasted in such engagement, the result harm the source and origin drastically and sometimes to the point of no return.

Reiterating the fact, life is a learning center. The lessons throughout life journey is a reminder to change course accordingly. The negativities in human qualities are carcinogenic and virulent with adverse impact on the minds affecting the body and soul.

The human characteristics are drawn into likes and dislikes in many variations with the latter often transformed into extreme reaction prompting provocative and sometimes violent behavior.

These attributes emanate from ignorance and disinformation with propaganda serving the objectives to satisfy destructive thoughts and false perception.

The submission to hate, isolation and marginalization of others also stem from acute self-esteem evolving into deep insecurity raising impulsive assumptions about anyone or anything as threat in the absence of reason and rationale.

Individuals and collective forces abuse as entitlement is the tradition. The reversal educating and refining own belief and convictions with proper understanding of anyone or anything could dispel misconceptions and erroneous judgments. The process could also liberate own mindset from unnecessary inward turmoil leading to inner peace permeating outside.

The sense of powerful status while having no control over inner violations promoting harm and injury not necessarily restricted to physical attacks rather extended into denying fundamental rights and inalienable human liberty is self-contradictory.

Human form is an opportunity to rise and elevate internally developing ability to understand issues from perspective other than own that shape better relations overall. In doing so, the innate human consciousness allow positive values replacing dominant negative ones releasing the mind from captivity.

The counterproductive human nature is acquired and inherited from influence and indoctrination. The power and superiority complex intoxicate human mind driving the mental energy into spreading toxins in the environment.

In a nutshell, the power is best demonstrated not in external status as authority, affluence and prominence.  The power is well defined in maintaining the balance within averting deterioration of goodness and distinguishing right and wrong.

The biggest challenge for the stray mind is abandoning the lost cause and exploitative purpose.

The human nature adaptation to tolerance, acceptance and appreciation could make life a blessing for self and all around.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Evil Shuns Light

October 30, 2021

Evil Shuns Light

Padmini Arhant

Evil actions upon being brought to light is found annoying by those engaged in evil activities.

What a surprise?

Unveiling ugliness of those hiding behind glossy facade is necessitated by evil cursing the truth as deranged, when in fact deformed in character are those unabashedly abusing status depriving and denying others their legitimate rights.

The mirror reflection for evil understandably is unbearable.

Why not quit being evil and try becoming human and humane for a change in the unknown and unpredictable lifetime?

No harm in trying and only gains guaranteed upon renouncing evil.

Padmini Arhant

Entitlement Challenged by Emancipation

August 29, 2021

Entitlement Challenged by Emancipation

Padmini Arhant

Human enslavement since creation up until now has been enforced on the ill-conceived notion of entitlement.

Throughout history oppression, persecution and prejudice leading to dominance and supremacy emanated from greed and tyranny. These characteristics are the only hope for superficial power invariably crumbing like a sand castle. The incontrovertible fact in this context witnessed by the world since time immemorial.

The unquenchable quest for power and territorial annexations by any means via illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land, colonization of nations and territory under false pretexts citing political, religious and economic factors continued into the twenty first century.

The current events bear relevance deserving attention with no substantial change in human behavior. It is evident in terms of exerting authority justifying unruly subjugation in return objecting retribution with repeat castigation.

In the modern era, the innovative techniques are deployed in mass killings via drones, nuclear laden short and long range missiles and/or sponsoring terrorism and cannibalism.

The old fashioned divide and conquer strategy polarizing communities and society in deep rooted hierarchy and presumptuousness expended in political and vested interests slighting self and en masse peril.

Last but not the least pandemic unleashed through the ominous Gain of Function Research transforming into a bioweapon warfare against human population executing depopulation agenda.

In the latest charade and tirade, the self-touted olympic decathlete and a physician prescribing holistic approach to life again the phrase stolen from the target’s vocabulary accused of kleptomania and profanity while the accusers reserving the right to execrations and expletives is only expected of the insolent and impertinent exercising perversion in crude lewd intrusion of their target’s life, home and personal space.

The conduct smothered in malice and criminality exhibit acute xenophobia and specifically ethnocentric gender bias against a woman with sexual connotation.

Nothing new in the obsessive compulsive disorder using Pegasus spyware, malware and nefarious tactics paradoxically delivering explosive exposure of nude insecurity amongst the users and losers in constant constellation of witch hunting.

The misadventure eventually evolving them into ghosts haunting life and homes rather than acknowledgment of own delusions is least surprising.

Importantly, the resolute in abusing science and everything at the their disposal clearly submitting to impulsive entropy exemplify dysfunctional frontal lobe failure to inhibit impulse in theft, perjury, plagiarism, hatred, misogyny and relentless venom with vicious attacks ad hominem.

These attributes from them reflect inner conflict within and degenerative mind, thoughts and physiological conditions resulting in necrotizing fasciitis ultimately rendering fatality or long term disability.

Either way, the waywardness and pernicious indulgence of those is least gratifying and contrarily mortifying them besides a reminder to cohorts to abandon such extravagant farcical fascism.

Needless to say, karmic effects are far more powerful in resonance with scientific applications on actions with equal and opposite reactions disrobing and dethroning the sources orchestrating the motion. As for the catalysts the irreversible outcome suffice judgment in destructive engagement. 

Simply stated nothing happens without a cause and behind every cause there are effects that are consequential to anything and everything in entirety.

The entitlement challenged by emancipation is obfuscated in the determination to sustain the unsustainable supremacy and narcissism retaining feudalist system.

The demise of the obsolete practice asserting antiquated entitlement evading meritocracy and legitimacy is imminent and inevitable.

All things are set for expiry and the counterproductive ones such as entitlement in particular riding on superiority are expedited in expiration without exception.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

United States – Critical Race Theory (CRT)

July 16, 2021

United States – Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Padmini Arhant

Who is behind the controversial critical race theory?

In 2020Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa (supposedly Anti-Fascism) were unleashed in major cities of the United States wreaking havoc with deaths and destruction of lives and livelihoods, torching and burning private and public properties nationwide without any legal implications whatsoever to those behind the unruly mob conduct embarrassing the nation and society at large.

The BLM i.e. BSM (B.S. Movement) together with Antifa proved themselves the progeny of Fascism and feudalism running the gamut in the global stage.

Not to mention, the destructive forces and their agents ever committed to deception, deceit and devious agenda propagate via crony broadcasting networks in social media, the information lifted from ethical and credible entity and domain to malign the source inviting self-inflicting irreversible damage.

Once again, these egregious indulgences clearly distinguish the fake and fraudulent from the original.

In 2021 – the critical race theory is promoted to stir reactions and controversy on the race subject. Unfortunately, the promoters expectations to season and fry the race related ingredients are working as they continue to pit people against each another in some form or another.

Notwithstanding the transgender mania having become the obsessive compulsive disorder affecting the identity politics peddlers, the classic ignoramus surrendered to own folly and personal identity crisis.

The critical race theory is debated as contentious due to the projection of a race and in this instance casting the White population, the oppressor in history.

Needless to say in any situation of abuse, violence and violations, the victimizer and the victims i.e. the oppressors and the oppressed are well aware of the truth and facts without any interpretation or revision of history.

It is important to highlight that those who are crying foul to critical race theory today are nowhere to be seen in the relentless assault on other races, religions, cultures and civilizations that are continuously mocked, ridiculed and denigrated not only in school textbooks but also in every available medium since time immemorial.

In this regard, Hollywood and the so-called authors in literary society have taken the liberty for granted and left others far behind in stereotyping anything and anyone they have targeted a fair game entirely for pecuniary interests. The prejudice playing a role cannot be ruled out in such behavior.

The customs and traditions of race other than their own often described and portrayed as barbaric, primitive and backward in every possible channel and outlet thus far are irrefutable. It always hurts upon own experience of incidents and events that are not necessarily reflected in others pain and suffering. Perhaps that is human nature.

Let it not be forgotten, the divide and conquer strategy is the premise to rein control and dominance throughout imperialistic and colonial supremacy.

There could be no denial in the fact that racial superiority and hierarchy is the norm and prevalent more so today than even before. Any belief to the contrary is superficial and farcical.

The proof is in the cancel culture – the epitome of intolerance to alternative views and contribution.

The concerted efforts and actions in silencing genuine voice with anonymity while ambush the individual life invading home, privacy and identity appropriating to whom so ever they deem suitable fitting their contaminated mindset is regarded their prerogative. None of these despicable engagements on their part are considered shameful or criminal by them.

Otherwise the groups like White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi gatherings in  Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 would not serve as political tool for those in favor or against race orientation. Likewise the black lives matter, antifa and alike would not be the catalysts for chaos and mayhem even though the outcome serve none including them and those behind these organizations except them deriving bizarre satisfaction from ruinous participation.

Above all, the superiority complex has transcended from race to elitism typically narcissism and nepotism blending the racial mix of similar concoctions on social economic status based on fame, fortune and power in global society.

The billionaire club, celebrity clique, academia flaunting A-Z titles after their name as intellectualism, political circle as world leaders and self-proclaimed statesmanship, media organizations and press touted as power brokers in exaggeration or embellishing records of anyone and anything to boost ratings.

Last but not the least, the religious God men and women especially the former in the costume with flowing robe sweeping the floor they walk on and the long beard competing with their robe in touching the ground is quite a sight to see them performing to the script in the mega theatrics currently representing the so-called global elitism – the contra euphemism for narcissism in the contemporary era.

The world is a circus under the purview of those lost in their lofty ambitions and delirious goals. They struggle and stumble revealing their cluelessness amid the house of cards crumbling on them.

The billionaire club – what anyone does with their personal wealth in their private life is entirely individual discretion. Again, the same principle is not extended to all by the global elitists having assumed the power as entitlement to enroll or expel whom ever they prefer or reject in society. The idea of free speech in the present time is transformed into a privilege. The social media they overwhelmingly own and control albeit due to ordinary citizens engagement in these social platforms as users and consumers are conveniently forgotten forbidding citizens from the public domain for not conforming to their political ideology and faction they represent in the government.

The global elites reserve the rights to be discreet and hold secret meetings as secret society to discuss and strategize on global affairs directly affecting every man, woman, child, their dog and livestock in any situation. However, the content and minutes of the meetings are ever held secret barring public and real independent investigative press knowledge on the matter.

Ironically, they criticize their arch nemesis as recluse for living a normal life and importantly they are irked with their enemy for unwilling to bow taking marching orders from them in reminiscence of enslavement of those they regard not worthy of any respect. The proverbial old habits die hard is prevalent in the indignation of anyone who do not agree with them and roll over in the swamp that are expected and carried out by the servile appointees to the position remaining a front for the secret society and the deep state.

The space travel is a new fad among the latest billionaires who have otherwise declared bankruptcy laying off more than 3250 employees citing global pandemic for massive termination and even sought governments’ assistance at average tax payers expense despite the latter already hit beyond revival. The wealth at their disposal apparently is well spent on extravagant pleasure trip to the galaxy that were otherwise not available to retain the heavily hurt ordinary workers in the worst crisis. The other billionaires on their part justify their stance on pushing merchant fees $7.50 in credit card payments on solar energy to struggling home owners saving the costs from it for their space journey. There are others in the billionaire league whose employees share their grievances on poor working conditions such as long hours with less pay and no incentives on hard labor of thousands of workers contributing to the billionaires’ success story.

Then there are billionaires entrenched in defining and regulating human genome, lifestyle and mind via investments in scientific experiments and altering seeds germination targeting staple diet of mankind and livestock hormone injection…regarded innovative ignoring cataclysmic ramifications experienced right now.

The topic is continued under separate titles highlighting the quandary confronting humanity today.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Colonialism and Globalism

September 29, 2020

Colonialism and Globalism

Padmini Arhant

Colonialism and globalism are two sides of the counterfeit coin flipped time and time again to invade, occupy, oppress and subjugate population on earth.

The insatiable appetite for power, fame and fortune blindside seekers on pitfalls beyond rescue.

Colonialism and Globalism are intertwined in establishing monopoly on earth’s resources and land mass besides reining control over human capital as man power in labor force as well as foot soldiers in the army and entire defense force predominantly deployed for offensive operations aimed at territorial annexations and colonization.

Those embarked on mighty adventures with lofty aspirations enslaved to gluttonous greed becoming a weakling to negative vices is the irony. 

Anytime anyone pursuing crooked means and wicked ways invariably succumb to miscalculated outcome denying them revival and recovery often resulting in their disappearance into oblivion.

Colonialism and Globalism endanger humanity, environment and earth sustenance.

Notwithstanding the continuous abuse and exploitation threatening own survival and imminent dissolution conforming to end justifying the means in such indulgence.

Supremacy is human fallacy aided and abetted by proxy and sycophancy in a collaborative effort to exert dominance. 

Humanity rising against secrecy and autocracy is the preliminary step towards self-emancipation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 








Freedom and Individual Rights Not Exclusive

September 9, 2020

Freedom and Individual Rights are not Exclusive

Padmini Arhant

The misconceptions among ruling class in the world are one too many justifying their unjustifiable prejudice and injustice as way of life for victims in the seriously flawed dysfunctional system they control as entitlement.

Who is the ruling class?

The ruling class are those pulling the proxies strings and maintain absolute authority over anything and everything like finance, science, politics, economy, media, entertainment, religion and social structure comprising gender bias, race, faith, economic educational background discrimination in society.

The ruling class established hierarchy has 99% struggling to make ends meet and among them overwhelming majority are below poverty line.

The ruling class worst fear is fairness and equality for they consider that a major threat to their dominance.

They strive to keep those challenging status quo anonymous and failing that engage in character defamation, isolation. constant indignation and criminal involvement that otherwise subject ordinary citizens to fullest extent of law in any society.  The ruling class strategy involve pawns and fake members in politics, media, entertainment – the three key fields found useful in diversion and subversion of truth and reality.

How does the ruling class operate?

The ruling class operate incognito. They are in disguise via proxies and surrogates in politics, judiciary, law enforcement, media, entertainment, religion and main economy. The ruling class deployed crony contingency are bribed with political positions, monetary compensations and pseudo awards to represent them and cover up their heinous crimes beginning with abuse of power, authoritarianism masked as democracy ,  oppression, subjugation and blatant violation of others’ rights, all of which considered their prerogative.

What makes the ruling class survive despite global frustration and dissatisfaction with status quo?

The ruling class controlling communication and dissemination of information to public regarded central to keep population in the dark. The relentless efforts to deflect public attention from burgeoning issues like the pandemic consuming lives and paralyzing economy, soaring unemployment, lack of economic stimulus to revive business and employment opportunities across the spectrum, China’s aggression and transgressions on the borders and foreign frontiers…are the least concerns exacerbating citizens suffering and misery.

The ruling class primary goal is for 1% to flourish at the top and the rest 99% deteriorate to rock bottom even though the former existence and fortune dependent on the latter hard work in the work force and contribution as end consumer of merchandise and services enabling the rich becoming filthy rich in the inequitable income distribution.

Accordingly, the ruling class preference and legacy is to undermine 99% rights asserting supremacy in all domains viz. politics, economy, science, technology, media and entertainment…quelling dissent and rise of alternative choices in the heavily politicized mechanism.

What is the solution to break the tradition?

Rejecting ruling class impropriety and intolerance to anything related to 99% plight. Reclaim civil liberties, individual freedom and personal rights that are inalienable and yet taken for granted by the ruling class denying 99% the right to dissent and defense.

Reminding the ruling class on 99% core value and significance in economy, politics as voters and above all people constituting the nation and any society deserving fair access to earth’s resources that are mistaken as the ruling class private estate.

Freedom and individual rights including privacy and personal data are monetized for commercial and political gains among the lawless ruling class paradoxically presiding over law and order applicable only to law abiding citizenry letting the fox guard chickens den in the unruly untenable environment.

Citizens self-awareness and initiatives exercising discernment in retaining independence and freedom of choice rather than plain submission to ruling class ascendancy is the preliminary step towards emancipation.

Anything short of minimal recognition to personal liberty and rights inevitably empower ruling class in the already declining democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 






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