Response to Presidential Communiqué – View on Health Care

March 19, 2010

From: Padmini Arhant

Hon. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for the ‘beautiful’ artwork of the North Portico of the White House by the talented artist Dan Kessler.

It is an honor to serve our nation and your Presidency. I appreciate your kind remarks in this regard.

I commend you for the recent success in the bipartisan legislation of the jobs bill. I’m confident that this bill would have a positive impact on the economy, particularly in improving the unemployment situation.

According to the reports, the legislative measures would save and create approximately 200,000 jobs that are considered ‘meager’ by the opposition. Nevertheless, the number is significant for it eases the burden on the families struggling to make ends meet.

Every single job saved in the dire economy is a blessing in disguise for the American workforce.

I hope to witness similar rigorous actions to expedite the economic recovery.

In the economic front, the stimulus package passed last year was beneficial in stabilizing the economy and the global financial market from the brink of collapse. There is no doubt that the crisis is far from over.

The stock market performance in the past few months has been impressive, boosting the investor confidence that has shifted from the housing market.

Unfortunately, the residential and the commercial markets are still lagging behind with not much appreciation in the home values nationwide. Obviously, the sector needs attention to keep the families in their homes.

Liquidity freeze is a matter of great concern. The banks are still on the fence, despite the toxic assets removal from the balance sheets through taxpayer bailout.

The executives’ extravagant bonuses continues while the average Americans are being subject to credit crunch and huge financial charges in spite of the legislation introducing a cap on credit card interest rates and transaction fees.

A tough financial reform comprising fees and taxes on bonuses and stock options per your proposal with an independent consumer protection agency is the only effective strategy to protect the financial market from potential crisis.

Unequivocally, the Federal Reserve or the Treasury department should not be the oversight for the consumer protection agency due to the inevitable conflict of interest as seen until now.

Therefore, it’s essential to set up a non-partisan, independent consumer protection agency to defend consumer rights and offer advisory services, especially on the mortgage products.

I concur with you on the fact that your Presidency inherited the worst problems.

However, there was tremendous political capital that could have been utilized in transforming the system in Washington and across the globe.

I understand that the entire year was consumed with two important issues – the economic stimulus package and the health care bill.

There are three years left in the first term of your Presidency and lot could be achieved between now and the end of the term.

It’s never too late to revise the policies to benefit the people at home and around the world.

I’m always there to extend my support to your Presidency that addresses the people’s plight against the special interests. I genuinely care about our national and international challenges.

It’s my duty as a humanitarian and your good friend to be honest about the negative consequences of any action endangering life, not barring yours and the national reputation.

The warnings were issued to safeguard your administration and our country’s image.

We might disagree on the elements of core issues but we both share a common goal and that is to make this world a better place for all.

Besides, the evolutionary process can neither be stalled nor differed and humanity is due for a revolutionary change with a golden era on the horizon to those who are willing to adapt to the ‘common good’ philosophy.

‘Change’ is natural. Nothing is meant to stay permanent in any shape or form on earth.

Truth and Justice cannot remain suppressed forever.

It’s time to liberate those who are oppressed, persecuted and deprived of freedom.

Further, the population suffering from poverty, hunger and disease must be relieved with a renewed life.

Nations who have invaded and occupied lands should return power to the indigenous people.

It’s important to practice non-violence and initiate peace dialogue with one another to resolve conflicts.

Likewise, the leaderships across the globe are expected to conform to the developments that have begun and make positive contribution with a paradigm shift in the governance by allowing democracy to prevail through free and fair elections.

Corporations must allow the people to govern the nation rather than the other way around.

It’s in their best interest to limit the engagement to corporate management and focus on the economy, job creation and sustenance.

The corporate investments in recruiting lobbyists to win political favors could be directed towards R&D and for company growth to benefit the economy.

Right now, the world affairs are run by the following organizations:

Wars and the military base – It’s absorbing enormous taxpayers’ spending and unaudited with no oversight. It’s exclusively under the military industrial complex.

Political system is ruled by the powerful corporations in the finance, health care and insurance, communications, along with the energy industry.

Thus, the corporations control the economy, environment and the media with the exception of the public funded cable networks.

Foreign policy is again heavily influenced by the specific lobbyists such as AIPAC, Chinese leadership and others deterring the possibility of peace and liberty to the vulnerable population.

The people have no representation in a democracy and other form of governments.

I present my views and grievances in the health care legislation that is currently taking place.

You have my empathy on the political and economic ramifications of not passing the health care legislation.

At the same time, the alternative in passing the impending bill that is disproportionately beneficial to the industry with more than thirty million mandatory subscribers in the absence of premium caps and robust competition via Universal Medicare or public option has serious repercussions through voter backlash in November hurting the political career of everyone involved.

The opposition will spin it around, no matter what your administration does with any legislation.

I can relate to your predicament of being ‘doomed if you did’ and ‘doomed if you don’t.’

Accordingly, it would be safe to go with the popular choice i.e. “Medicare for all,” since they are the ultimate power in a democracy, before, during and after the elections.

Human nature is to complain when they don’t have something to their satisfaction and that could be eliminated through ‘Universal Medicare.’

Moreover, when everyone is entitled to the same coverage, there is no comparison and the cost is evenly distributed producing savings overall.

The main features of this bill are scheduled to be effective in 2014 and not at the moment.

A vast majority of the population need health care services now and they are not in a position to wait until the future date.

Every individual is mindful of the ‘once in a while opportunity’ to pass this bill.

That being the case, it’s incumbent on the lawmakers to do what is right for the constituents and the nation in the immediate and the long run.

The real victims and the professionals overwhelmingly desire “Medicare for all.”

When you are risking your Presidency to take a giant leap,

Why not do it for the people who entrusted the power in you?

The Corporations might buy elections but the ultimate power rests with the people i.e. the consumers and the taxpayers enduring the pain and agony under the present health care and insurance industry monopoly.

Ironically, the proposed legislation regardless of the highlighted consumer gains is a conspicuous carte blanche to the industry that is primarily responsible for the status quo.

This argument about the position, it’s ‘either my way or the highway,’ projecting a scary scenario of flying over the road block and speeding towards a cliff is applicable to the decision made by the legislators predominantly from the special interests’ pressure on them.

Thereby, confirming the Washington reality with the lobbyists’ firm grip on the political power.

It’s not fair to blame the special interests entirely. If the lawmakers resist the funds from these groups and deliver the service to the public per the constitutional oath, they could be re-elected on their merit without the ‘corporate sponsored’ stigma.

The public funding would flow like a river to the duty bound legislators not having to fear the corporate funded negative attacks during the elections.

If one remains pure and strong, then sky is the limit for them.

It requires will power and determination to attain the targeted goals, not to mention the good deeds or Karma rewarding their selfless act in abundance.

Perhaps, it’s something to think about in the health care legislation by fulfilling the desperate needs of the weak and the dying over the profit-oriented industry.

Hence, as your friend and a well-wisher, I request you to pass the ‘Universal Medicare’ that is already established and a proven success admittedly by the opposition in Congress.

I guarantee every legislator a victory in November upon passing the ‘Universal Medicare.’

As a spiritual seeker, I consider the ideal gift in recognition of my service to humanity is to kindly honor the requests made on behalf of the voiceless and the defenseless in the society.

“Universal Medicare,” is a necessity and not a privilege to the millions deserving national health care.

I’m with you in every decision that would help ‘Save the planet’ and establish ‘Peace on Earth.’

I believe that humanity thrives with peace, progress and prosperity for all as opposed to a selective few.

I always remain your true friend and convey my best wishes to you and your family.

Thank you again.


Padmini Arhant

Presidential Communiqué

March 19, 2010

President's Letter

Hon. Governor Tim Kaine, Chairman, DNC – Thank you.

March 18, 2010

DNC Letter
DNC - Letter Page 2

Demystifying the Myth

March 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

My fellow citizens of the world,

I wish to clarify the misunderstandings in the communication with respect to the power in Washington.

The new developments are not to create any confusion or pose a threat to anyone’s position whether personal or professional.

President Barack Obama is the President of the United States and the Congress members as the elected representatives would perform the legislative tasks per the constitution.

I request the responsible members in Congress or the media not to arrive at any hasty conclusion and spin the information against our President Barack Obama or the Democratic Party leadership and the members.

This message is being released in coherence with the new beginning set forth for humanity.

Regarding my identity and the precise reason for the engagement in the physical world,

I assure you that none will be kept in the dark and there is no conspiracy of any kind.

In fact, it’s the long well known prophecy eventuating to confirm the cosmic convergence in the universe.

My involvement is for a specific purpose in accordance with the cosmic evolutionary process concerning time and space.

I’ll provide an explanation with a formal introduction including the characteristics of the events since my acquaintance with all of you going back to the Presidential campaign in 2008.

I will also share my life journey for better perception.

Your patience is much appreciated.

‘Save the Planet’ and ‘Peace on Earth’ is not merely a concept but an inevitable reality.

Signing off with love and peace to every being on this planet.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Congressional Conservatives’ Legislation Blockade

February 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

In the preceding article “Progressive Policy for National Progress and Prosperity,” I emphasized on the need to intercept the Congress gridlock by electing the ‘Progressives,’ in the Democratic Party.

Following news articles reaffirm such recommendation.

1. Congress trying to have it both ways on spending

Lawmakers lament rising deficits but fight for pet projects

By Carl Hulse – New York Times – February 7, 2010 – Thank you.

Washington – While Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., said he was all for slowing federal spending , he has no appetite for the substantial cuts in farm programs proposed in President Barack Obama’s new budget.

Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo, issued a news release simultaneously lamenting the deficit spending outlined in the new budget and protesting cuts in Pentagon projects important to his state.

And Sen. Jeff Sessions, R- Ala., a fiscal conservative and a senior Republican on the Budget Committee, vowed to resist reductions in space program spending that would flow back home.

The positions of these Republicans – and similar stances by dozens of other lawmakers of both parties – are a telling illustration of why it is so hard to control federal spending.

Every federal program has a constituency, and even lawmakers who profess to be alarmed by rising deficits will go to the mat to preserve money that provides jobs and benefits to their constituents.

“I am not a hypocrite,” Sessions said in reconciling his fiscally conservative credentials with his outrage over the administration’s proposal to essentially end the human space flight program and allow private enterprise to take on some of the load – an approach that Republicans typically favor.

Sessions said money taken from NASA would not be saved but would instead be directed to other Obama administration priorities that he did not support.

Others said that the annual tableau in which members of Congress criticize the spread of red ink even as they reassure voters back home of protection for popular subsidies and Pentagon projects exposed the high degree of cynicism and lack of conviction that colors the fight over congressional spending.

“It shows that in Washington, you can be firm on your opinions; it is your principles you can be flexible on,” said Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff.

The Republican juggling act on spending comes after a legislative proposal for an independent commission to study ways to cut the deficit stalled in the Senate, partly because some Republicans who had originally backed the idea balked.

“There are not enough statesmen who will stand up and say, “Cut it even when it is in my district,” said Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., who has crusaded against spending by both parties on pet projects known as earmarks.

It is not only Republicans who are trying to have it both ways.

Conservative and moderate Democrats who have pushed against deficit spending also quickly protested the cuts in NASA, military and farm spending.

2. GOP hammers Obama over jobs

Republicans oppose giving leftover bailout money to small banks

By Phillip Elliott – Associated Press, February 7, 2010 – Thank you.

Republicans sparred with President Barack Obama in their Saturday media addresses over proposals to create jobs, further evidence of the difficulty of bipartisan solutions to the nation’s pressing problems.

Obama pushed Congress to use $30 billion that had been set aside to bail out Wall Street to start a new program that provides loans to small businesses, which the White House calls the engine for job growth.

Republicans, meanwhile, taunted Obama with a familiar refrain:

Where are the jobs the president promised in exchange for the billions of dollars already spent?

The barb came a day after the government reported an unexpected decline in the unemployment rate, from 10 percent to 9.7 percent.

It was the first drop in seven months but offered little consolation for the 8.4 million jobs that have vanished since the recessions began.

“Even though our economy is growing again, these are still tough times for America,” Obama said.

“Too many businesses are still shuttered. Too many families can’t make ends meet.

And while yesterday, we learned that the unemployment rate has dropped below 10 percent for the first time since summer, it is still unacceptably high – and too many Americans still can’t find work.”

To help the recovery, Obama asked Congress to use leftover money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, to provide to small banks so they can make more loans to small businesses.

Republicans have criticized the move, arguing any money left over from the bailout should be used to reduce the budget deficit.

In the weekly GOP address, Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas chided Obama for proposing a 2011 budget last week that would increase spending, taxes and the national debt.

“Americans are still asking, ‘Where are the jobs?’ but all they are getting from Washington is more spending, more taxes, more debt and more bailouts,” Hensarling said.

The Republicans attack came even as key Democrats and Republicans in the Senate are working on a bipartisan jobs bill.

The senators hope to unveil legislation as early as Monday.”


3. Obama seeks boost in business lending

Proposals draw fire from Democratic leader in House

By Christine Simmons and Marcy Gordon – Associated Press – February 6, 2010

Seeking to create more jobs, President Barack Obama on Friday asked Congress to temporarily expand two lending programs for the owners of small businesses.

But a Democratic House leader slammed the president’s proposals, saying they’re the wrong approach to creating jobs.

Obama said Friday he wants to bolster the impact of the businesses that are the chief creators of new jobs in a struggling economy.

Just hours before he spoke, the nation’s jobless rate finally dipped below 10 percent – to a stubborn high 9.7 percent – in the latest government figures.

The president said he wants businesses to be able to refinance their commercial real estate loans under the Small Business Administration and he wants that government agency to increase loans used for lines of credit and capital.

The truth is, the economy can be growing like gangbusters for years on end and it’s still not easy to run a small business,” Obama said as he visited a heating and air conditioning company in a Maryland suburb of the capital.

The White House said Obama’s plan would temporarily raise the cap on Small Business Administration Express loans from the current maximum of $350,000 to $1 million.

Obama’s plan would also expand the SBA’s program to support refinancing for owner-occupied commercial real-estate loans.

But even the Democratic head of a House committee wasn’t pleased about the plan to expand SBA lending.

Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez, D-N.Y., chair of the House Small Business Committee, said the SBA Express program has been criticized for underwriting loans that banks would have made without government backing and for carrying the highest default rate of any SBA program.

“With loan defaults on the rise, we should not base our strategy on increasing the size of the least stable SBA lending program,” Velazquez said.

The initiative to refinance commercial real estate debt may dilute it and draw away too many resources, she said.

Food for Thought – By Padmini Arhant Feburary 10, 2010

It’s clear from the listed articles that, the priorities for the congressional conservatives’ on both sides are not the people i.e. the working class, the middle class and the small businesses.

If they were, they would not try to have it both ways as suggested in the article.

Evidently, the national interest is not the primary concern for the Congressional conservatives and moderates in both parties.

They are preoccupied in their faultfinding against President Barack Obama, instead of cooperating with the rest of the Congress in passing legislations especially,

The health care and health insurance reform where a staggering 46 million Americans are reportedly dying due to these lawmakers’ unwillingness to pass the much-required legislations to heal every American.

Notwithstanding, the credit crunch experienced by the small businesses from the ‘bailed out’ banks’ reluctance to facilitate lending.

Again the finance sector’s default in containing the worsening real estate crisis in both residential and commercial markets calls for immediate action through finance reform – conveniently rejected by the conservatives’ and moderates on both sides.

These legislators positioning them to be ‘fiscal conservatives’ and rebuking President Obama on the rising national debt that, they are contributing with their ambitious pet projects over the ‘average’ American plight, speaks volume on their lack of commitment to the people electing them to the office.

With respect to President Obama’s strategy on SBA lending to the small businesses, the Democrat House Committee response is irrational and confirms the legislator’s ‘out-of-touch’ with reality.

The President’s justification on this issue is right on target.

Since the bailed out finance sector is back in the game with “business as usual,” motto and focused on self-promotion with multi-million dollar bonuses culminated by their Washington representatives’ successful blocking of the finance reform,

The President’s proposal is the only viable option to stimulate the job growth in the most desperate segment of the economy – the small business.

Besides, in the absence of the banking industry long overdue lending activity, the investment risks in the small business is blown out of proportion compared to the risk exposure in the multi-trillion dollar bailouts to the banks still withholding credit to their creditors-cum-taxpayers and consequently restraining the economic recovery.

Time is running out for the conservatives on both sides in correlation with patience among the suffering millions in the economy.

If the Republican members are counting on their rebellious attitude towards the democrat President and the Congress to win elections in November 2010,

They are in for a serious disappointment for the American electorate would not reward the party with a victory in the face of their deteriorating economic conditions resulting from the Republican members’ blockade.

Somehow, if this were to happen, then it would be at the democracy’s peril.

Perhaps, it’s something, the American electorate ought to think about because they are responsible for the stalemate in Washington.

Having elected the ideological representatives for whom the people seem irrelevant – transparent in their obstinacy on legislative matter, the people are the ones who can undo the wrongdoing by voting the redundant representations out of power this November or even sooner.

Democracy is held hostage by the recalcitrant congress members defying the constitutional responsibility to serve the people and the nation as an elected official.

Washington hue shines through in these issues.

How can any President possibly achieve anything in such a hostile environment?

You decide.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama

January 29, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama presented the first State of the Union address to the joint session of the United States Congress.

Appropriately, the core message was about the economy and the various proposals to revive the nation from the prolonged economic recession that began in 2002.

Attention to the small businesses, students and the average American families who represent the significant consumer base is timely and the commitments are economically viable.

The tax cuts to Corporations preserving American jobs is a necessary strategy to deal with the double digit unemployment risen to the current rate by 2.6 percent, since inheriting the 7.6 percent rate in January 2009 when the former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney left office.

In fact, the $787 billion funding towards President Obama initiated American Investment and Recovery Act helped to contain the economic crisis and the unemployment to a marginal increase against the financial sector avalanche.

There was a large emphasis on education to improve Math and Science skills among K-12 students.

In addition, the President laid out the programs to ease the burden on the students attending Community College through tax incentives, affordable loan payments, increasing Pell Grants and even enticing them to join public service in exchange for the loan adjustment. Of course, the families were included with a $10,000 tax relief for their children’s college education.

As highlighted by the President, sound education is the stepping-stone to progress and prosperity in a society and the effective means to reduce poverty. Also, it would decrease the prison population that is straining the state budgets like in California.

In social issues – the President pledged to repeal the ‘don’t ask don’t tell,’ discriminatory policy in the United States military against the gay service personnel who are equally dedicated in their patriotic duty. A remarkable recognition and long overdue.

On the discretionary budget-spending freeze scheduled to begin in 2011, it’s relieving to note that the safety net for the retirees and senior citizens available through social security, Medicare and Medicaid for the low-income families would not be affected.

However, it’s essential to apply tighter control on the defense spending that is disproportionately increasing against health care, educational and environmental cause regardless of party representation in the White House.

The President urged both parties in Congress to rein in wasteful spending in the form of earmarks or pork barrel – It’s necessary to be discerning in the expenditures given the accumulated national debt.

Job creation through public projects such as high-speed railways and infra structure maintenance is coherent with the former President JFK’s achievement in connecting America from coast to coast.

It’s a worthwhile investment and pervasive in dealing with the energy and environment issues.

The President is right on target in this respect due to multiple benefits on these projects viz.

First, it would decrease unemployment and boost the economy simultaneously.

Second, it enables energy conservation with mass transit possibly becoming the desirable public transportation, besides having a positive environmental impact.

Third, from the health standpoint – the automobile accidents being the leading cause of premature deaths and often leaving the victims with horrific physical injuries in the industrialized countries, the proposed system is a preventive measure in that regard.

Moreover, the stress factor that is common among the motorists could be eliminated as well.

Last but not the least; the local economies would enormously gain from an efficient public transport system attracting tourists within and outside the country.

It’s gratifying to note the President’s affirmation on the health care reform – Echoing the President’s message – Health care legislation cannot wait indefinitely for it’s proved to be a burgeoning crisis contributing to national deficit due to horrendous costs not to mention the loss of lives.

The President also detailed on the financial reform that ought to be implemented to save the domestic and the global financial markets from major catastrophes in the future. It’s crucial for the legislation to be loopholes free to deter the industry from circumventing the rules and regulations.

With respect to the on-going wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the capturing and killing of terrorists might be a partial success for the military operation. Nevertheless, terrorism emanating from despair and desolation cannot be eradicated with military might and sophisticated drone attacks.

In the absence of a functional government facilitating basic necessities like clean water, agricultural and industrial growth, education, health care and social equalities that guarantees freedom to live life with dignity, the regions will continue to be the breeding ground for terror.

The President fulfilling the campaign promise on troops withdrawal from Iraq by this summer deserves praise and credit. Again, the veterans returning home after a traumatic combat situation have to be suitably provided for their settlement in the civilian environment. These patriots and their families cannot be abandoned after their sacrifices for the nation.

Warning the rebels in Iran and North Korea on nuclear programs is warranted. But, the successive failures in the multilateral talks in 2009 and 2010 among the 6 powers including Russia on Iran’s nuclear program suggests the inherent mistrust and power struggle conspicuous in the United Nations Security Council.

Reiterating the earlier suggestion, the solution to resolve the international crisis on different fronts is to expand the U.N. Security Council from 5 to 11, with the inclusion of new and conciliatory members like Japan, Brazil, India, South Africa, UAE and the present defacto member, Germany.

In other international crisis, even though the Israeli Palestinian conflict was not part of the address, the President responded to a town hall participant’s question on this issue.

Despite Israel being the United States strongest ally and the political predicaments prevalent more in Israel than Palestine, Israel’s settlement expansion along with brutal occupation and humiliation through check posts in Palestine must be condemned unequivocally to reflect fairness and United States commitment to an independent two state solution in the region.

To summarize the first State of the Union address by President Barack Obama, the content was relevant with the economy being the primary focus and the well-articulated objectives strengthened the urgency to act on the issues confronting the nation.

The presentation was immaculate for it had the measured composure and at the same time the passionate delivery revealed empathy, resilience and resolve to energize the party members and the democratic base especially after being let down in the preceding political upheavals.

Now, the responsibilities lie with the Congress members of both political parties to lay their ideological differences aside and coalesce to pass the legislations designed to alleviate the average Americans’ suffering, for which the representatives were elected.

The people on their part, i.e. the students, working families, senior citizens, businesses and alike have a unique opportunity to renew democracy by calling the local representatives in the House and the Senate to pass the pending legislations on financial reform, health care and climate bill.

Democracy is efficient with the main street activism to promote the desired ‘Change,’ in Washington and Wall Street.

When we could succeed in 2008, we will do so in 2010, if you make it possible.

Please extend your support to our President Barack Obama and those Congress members who are devoted to your interest and not the special interests.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Obama Presidency – State of the Union Address

January 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On the eve of the first State of the Union Address by the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, the media frenzy with opinions and speculations preceding the important event is not uncommon.

President Barack Obama is scheduled to address the nation and the rest of the world about the administration’s efforts and achievements in the past twelve months and the commitments moving forward.

The past week political and legal outcome has created anxiety and genuine concern among the people and some lawmakers in Congress.

Although, the political consultant based in Washington D.C. echoing the ‘K’ street sentiment by presenting oxymoron analogies would like this development downplayed, the truth of the matter is the high court decision embolden the prevalent corporate dominance and enhance the opportunity for the legislators to either remain or return to power regardless of their detrimental performance in public service.

Assailing the facts as ‘hyperventilation,’ a spin that undermines democracy when the elections are swift boated with the Corporations, Unions and religious institutions’ influence, is rather naïve if not ignorant.

Amid dismal forecasting of the Obama Presidency, the rationality beckons a fair analysis of the Obama administration’s accomplishments and errors since their election to the White House.

President Barack Obama was sworn into the office on January 20, 2009.

State of the Economy:

The former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney administration left the White House on January 19, 2009:


Deficit and Debt Increases 2001-2009 … to a total debt of $10.6 trillion as of January 2009. …

For the first time in FY 2008, the U.S. added $1 trillion to the national debt. …

Then bipartisan Congress approved taxpayer spending on two simultaneous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by allocating $1.05 trillion up until September 30, 2010.


Total cost of wars since 2001 until date – $954 billion and rising

Spending on Iraq war – $704 billion and Afghanistan war – $250 billion

In addition, the Bush-Cheney administration Wall Street bailout that included insurance giant AIG, Mortgage lender Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, major banks and the auto industry in 2008.

Reference: under Business Category, Date – July 23, 2009

Title –Bush Stimulus Package

Total – $1.557 trillion i.e. $1 trillion and 557 billion dollars.

Source: The United States Labor Department

Unemployment Rate in January 2009 – 7.6 percent with 11.6 million Americans out of work.
Reality Check: By Padmini Arhant

With that being the actual state of affairs, the Obama administration initiative towards jumpstarting the economy was passing a stimulus package to benefit the average Americans and the small businesses worst hit in the economic recession that started in 2002 but acknowledged by the republican members and the Bush administration in December 2007.

Economic Stimulus: $787 billion Passed in February 2009 without any vote from the Senate and a single vote from the House of representative among the Republican minority.

Having previously voted for the Wall Street bailout to AIG and the TARP fund under Bush administration in 2008, the republican members refrained from assisting the American workers and families in the Obama stimulus package in 2009.

Obama Administration Stimulus Funding:

$787 billion economic stimulus package for job creation and tax cuts to help average American workers, families and small businesses.

$275 billion mortgage stimulus program aimed at saving troubled homeowners from foreclosure.

$30 billion bail out to AIG (in addition to the $150 billion Bush administration bailout to the insurance giant in 2008) to avert the conglomerate collapse.

$1 trillion “toxic asset” buyout program designed to get under-water assets off the U.S. banks balance sheets and facilitate the credit flow in the market to help small businesses, first home buyers, home owners refinancing as wells as the medium corporations in retaining jobs.

At the end of March 2009, the Obama Administration gave automakers General Motors and Chrysler another $22 billion in low-interest loans to protect the manufacturing jobs.

In June, the Obama Administration gave General Motors another $30 billion to help them steer through bankruptcy.

Total Obama Stimulus Package – $2.1 trillion dollars – $2 trillion and $144 billion dollars, of that $1 trillion relates to “toxic asset’ program.

It’s noteworthy that the subprime and hedge fund activities accompanied by various Wall Street speculative gambling happened on Bush-Cheney administration and the republican majority watch i.e. 2000-2006 and the recession had already been well under way, even though they refused to take responsibility.

2000 – 2006 the republican members controlled all three branches of the government.

The legislative i.e. both the House and the Senate, The executive, a.k.a. The White House and the judiciary branch.

During that time, the Bush-Cheney Presidency was preoccupied with the wild adventure in Iraq that commenced in 2003 under the pretext of WMD, the weapons of mass destruction that turned out to be Work of Mass Deception.

Again, the Bush-Cheney administration and the republican members were focused on the Halliburton, the oilfield service corporation and its subsidiary, the Kellogg Corporation’s prosperity by neglecting the U.S economy and the brewing global financial crisis.

When the same republican Congress and the Bush administration decided to accept the financial debacle and the economic crisis in December 2007, it’s a year after the democrats gained majority in the House of Congress with the selective news network and the republican members blaming the democrats for the economic crisis.

Shifting attention to the year 2009 -2010, the Obama administration and the democratic Congress passed the necessary legislations to stimulate the economy and devoted much of their time towards the historic health care reform.

President Obama and Democrat Congress Accomplishments:

Economy –

– Salvaged the global financial markets from the brink of collapse,

– Extended unemployment benefits to help families survive the massive layoffs,

– federal tax credits to first home buyers that decelerated the crumbling housing market,

– Stimulus funding generated jobs for the veterans and the green technology projects.

Education and Arts:

Provided College Students relief by shifting the unaffordable student loan payments from the private industry to non-profit organizations.

$787 billion Stimulus Package included –

Federal funding to boost K-12 education supplementing the state budget crisis across the nation.

Federal funding to preserve arts and cultural science.

Health Care Legislation – A phenomenal feat by the democrats in the Congress and the White House, despite the existing resistance from the health care industry to block the legislation.

Poignantly, the milestones in the health care legislation reached without any republican votes in the Senate and again may be with an exception of a single vote from the House of representative.

Average Americans across the nation shared their harrowing experiences from the health care industry abuses and pleaded with their representatives for a universal Medicare and save American lives – approximately 45,000 dying every year due to denial and the lack of health insurance.

Besides, the members of both political parties were well informed on the burgeoning health care costs contributing to the national deficit, an issue that has been squarely attributed to the democrats by the republican members while forgetting their own legacy to the American taxpayers, the accumulated $10.6 trillion, the wars, bailouts…cited above.

Energy and Environment:

The Copenhagen summit in December 2009 is a huge disappointment.

Nevertheless, there is an opportunity in the remaining term to accomplish the desirable goals.

President Barack Obama’s domestic environmental actions surpass the expectations in the first year.

Source: Environmental Policy – San Jose Mercury News, January 19, 2010 – By Paul Rogers

“The economy, war and health care are dominating discussions about what he has or hasn’t accomplished.

Yet with little notice from the public, Obama has been steadily rewriting a major area of American policy – the environment – from global warming to gas mileage rules, logging to endangered species.

Many of his initiatives have particular impact on California.

Obama on the Environment:

Increased gas mileage standards for cars and light trucks 40 percent, to 35 mpg by 2016.

Signed a bill establishing 2.1 million new acres of federally protected wilderness, the largest such bill since President Bill Clinton signed the Desert Protection Act in 1994.

The bill bans logging, mining and road building on federal forests and deserts in nine states, including portions of Joshua tree and Sequoia national parks and ancient bristlecone pine forests in the eastern Sierra.

Announced tougher new national smog standards from the EPA this month i.e. January 2010.
Issued EPA rules requiring large U.S. ships to cut soot emissions by 85 percent.

Blocked Bush administration rules on offshore drilling and endangered species protections.

Begun a process in December in which the Environmental Protection Agency will, for the first time, restrict the amount of greenhouse gases industry can release.

Directed more than $50 billion in funding and tax credits for renewable energy projects.

“This is by far the best first year on the environment of any president in history, including Teddy Roosevelt,” said Carl Pope, national executive director of the Sierra Club, in San Francisco.

“Most presidents have done their best environmental work late in their term. This is very very strong opening.”

Democratic Congress and White House Administration errors requiring correction:

Domestic Policy: By Padmini Arhant

Passing legislations in the partisan atmosphere is a daunting task in itself.

Both the White House and the democratic Congress have not been meticulous in the policy implementations such as,

Banks bailout approval without any stipulations.

Oversight and accountability on the stimulus funding slighted by the financial industry.

Failure to reserve actions against banks’ non-compliance in easing the liquidity crisis and the housing market revival.

Resisting pork barrel or earmarks in the stimulus funding to negate the opposition and the selective media hypocrisy.

Recruiting the faulty economic team otherwise known as the Wall Street oligarchy –

The Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the economic adviser Larry Summers and now backing the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke for a second term, much against the main street protest is a tremendous political liability.

Further, the team members were the head of the respective institutions that led the economy to a near free fall and arguably viewed by the general public as the lobbyists for the financial sector.

Job creation and protection – It’s been slow irrespective of the stimulus programs and is the primary cause for losing the recent elections.

It could be recovered by offering tax cuts to deserving corporations preserving jobs as opposed to exporting jobs overseas.

Incentivizing manufacturing sector by reviewing trade and commerce law.

Embracing protectionism over globalization is necessary to promote domestic jobs, thereby confirming the White House and Congress priority for the American people over the overseas financier, China.

Regulations and reform in the finance, health care and energy sector is paramount for the present survival and future growth.

Foreign Policy: By Padmini Arhant

Haiti disaster fund $100 million by the administration is commendable but news reports regarding the U.S military presence overwhelming the rescue and relief operation was alarming.

Remarkable improvement in the U.S. and Russian relationship particularly in the dialogue related to conventional stockpiles and nuclear arsenal reduction treaty.

The 64th U.N General Assembly session in September 2009 – Smart approach to discuss nuclear non-proliferation even though nuclear disarmament is the ideal path towards global peace and security.

G-20 meeting in April and September 2009 was a success and progress dependent on pending U.S financial reform.

April 2009 – $1 Trillion Stimulus Package – G-20 World Leaders Stimulus

The leaders of the 20 most powerful countries in the world (representing 85% of global economic production) convened in London and agreed to $1 trillion in economic stimulus funds, as well as tighter global financial regulations.

Environmental – COP15, Copenhagen Summit – A failure.

There is hope to realize the environmental scope in the 2010 and future global summits. The environmental pursuit must begin with the U.S climate bill legislation to gain credibility in the international forum.

Domestic issues like economy, health care, debates surrounding the troops increase in Afghanistan and national security have consumed most part of the 2009 and overshadowed the prominent world crises.

Pakistan – Financial aid to advance socio-economic development is a positive step as long as the funds are invested to alleviate the population plight and educate the children in the rural and urban areas. Drone attacks have caused many civilian casualties justifiably triggering anger and frustration among the local victims.

Military aid and the deployment of the private mercenary viz. The Blackwater a.k.a.Xe Services LLC and alike to eliminate the terror networks is a contentious issue to be discussed in length later.

India and Pakistan – The United States’ position to disassociate from the talks reveals political expediency.

Iranian crackdown of the democracy movement and defiance in the nuclear program – A cautious reaction and response by the United States arousing passion among the allies and the adversaries.

Worsening Israeli and Palestinian conflict – Jewish settlements, blockade and occupation continue to derail peace prospects and fomented by the United States adherence to the prior administration’s foreign policy.

The controversial three-dimensional wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen via military and intelligence intervention will be elaborated in the later segments.

Containing the saber rattling – North Korea launching missiles, a tradition maintained since the former Bush-Cheney administration. Multilateral talks are vital to curb North Korean President Kim Jong Il’s erratic behavior.

Postponing the meeting with his Holiness Dalai Lama and accepting illegal invasion and occupation of Tibet as part of China in an effort to appease the major creditor – A diplomatic trend serving none and blatantly condones oppression, a diametric stance for the world’s first democracy.

Honduran Military Coup – A setback reflecting the flagrant U.S foreign policy towards Latin America complicated by the republican members’ rendezvous with the military coup leader Roberto Micheletti.

Darfur Genocide – President Obama’s interference was refreshing and requires intense pressure on the Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to end the massacre entirely.

Burma – The Burmese junta extending the pro-democracy leader, Aung san suu kyi’s house arrest and exploiting the forthcoming election with false declaration to release the leader by November 2010 is bound to attract international interest.

Unrest in Sub-Saharan Africa – Guinea – The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appropriately condemned the violence and the message should resonate in other parts of the world for the United States to be received as the reliable negotiator in peace process.


Performance Assessment and Future Role: By Padmini Arhant

President Barack Obama and the democratic Congress have demonstrated leadership in dealing with the humongous challenges inherited from the previous administration on the economy, war, national security and neglected issues pertaining to human life i.e. health care and environment.

Regrettably, the White House and the democrat Congress have not utilized the political capital earned from the historic election and the weaning public support especially among the independent voters stems from the promised ‘Change,’ not being delivered with Wall Street reining control over Washington and the substantial bailouts not producing the anticipated economic recovery.

Other factors like transparency and accountability are perceived to be in coherence with the earlier administration’s discreet policy, avoiding the free press and media, thus providing fodder for the critics.

In foreign policy and war on terror – The administration policy is viewed as Bush-Cheney policy in the international main street specifically in the most vulnerable regions of the world.

President Barack Obama seeking bipartisanship with a cabinet offer to the Republican Senator, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire to serve as the U.S Commerce Secretary was turned down.

Similarly, the White House invitation to the republican members for their input in the economic stimulus went stone deaf with criticisms volleyed against the President and the democrats for the economic stimulus package.

The President and the democrats’ bipartisan outreach have been futile, for they are doomed either way among the republican members who can’t find any common ground to agree upon any proposal.

In light of the status quo, the Congress members are obligatory to the American electorate rather than their colleagues in the House and the Senate or the Wall Street.

Creating jobs and restoring confidence among the consumers, investors and taxpayers is the inevitable victory against any form of opposition.

Negative attacks and distortions will persist. Maintaining a strong disposition and determination to succeed are the key characteristics when facing obstacles on the path.

Moving diligently with the legislations on financial reform, health care with a public option and concentrating on the climate bill will prove the inherent courage in the Presidency and Congress members to fight for the people and the nation.

Ultimately, in a democracy the power lies with the people as voters, consumers, taxpayers and shareholders.

Among the members in the society – Effectively, it’s better for different groups supporting a common cause to pool resources and present them as one voice against any powerful force during the elections and legislations.

For instance, the various environmental organizations should consolidate ideas and act together to defeat the industrial threat to the planet.

Likewise, the average citizens should join together as a resilient force to represent democracy during elections, and rally behind the President and the party that is dedicated to the public and not the private or personal interest.

The United States has a unique opportunity to rebound in all aspects and emerge from the present crises under the leadership of President Barack Obama and the democratic Congress.

People have endured and overcome many upheavals in the ‘Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, the United States.

President Barack Obama brought hope to many in this country and around the world in 2008.

People are the only ones who can bring about the ‘Change,’ they desire by electing the officials and the President who are willing to undertake political risks and protect the people’s rights in a democracy.

“Yes We Can,” did it in 2008 and “Yes We Will,” should elect the doers, the democrats to office in 2010 to complete the work began in 2009, the economy and health care…

I wish President Barack Obama and Congress members of both parties success in the legislative matter concerning “We the People.”

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Massachusetts Special Elections – Senate Race Poll

January 19, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

In a shortwhile, the electorate in the great state of Massachusetts will be heading to the polls to cast their vote for the United States Senate representative.

This is no ordinary Senate representation, as the winner would replace the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the son of the nation’s most admired Kennedy family. The Kennedy’s generational service to the country is well known and particularly in the State of Massachusetts.

Since the contested Senate seat was previously represented by the United States’ most renowned and respected President John F. Kennedy followed by his youngest sibling Senator Edward M. Kennedy, it’s significant in terms of the Massachusetts electorate passing the torch to the ideal candidate now.

The choices are simple between the democratic candidate Martha Coakley, the Massachusetts Attorney General and the republican candidate Scott Brown, MA State Senator with night and day distinction in their credentials, achievements, policies and future commitments.

When comparing the two candidates’ profile and their political agenda, the democratic candidate Martha Coakley is by far the intelligent choice based on the party representation, pragmatic disposition rather than ideological resignation and clarity on all national issues as opposed to delusional perception of the real challenges in the average citizens’ life.

Massachusetts being the seat of intellect in many respects need not be elaborated on the dire consequences of fortifying the Republican Party representation through the election of the State Senator Scott Brown to the United States Senate.

Despite being the minority, the Republican Congress members in both the House and the Senate have exhibited nothing but partisanship throughout the legislative process and prioritized politics over people with utter disregard for the national interest.

The majority of the Republican Congress members serve as proxies for the Wall Street that is predominantly responsible for the burgeoning financial, housing and the overall economic calamity.

To make matters worse, the candidate Scott Brown has sworn allegiance to that effect even prior to being elected to the national office.

It’s a dangerous precedence…the prevalent culture having brought the great country on its knees with the Republican Party rejecting progress for the people electing them to the public office.

Adding more members to such destructive force is oxymoron.

With respect to the policies that are critical to the Massachusetts electorate such as the economy, education, health care, energy, environment and international crisis, the Republican members’ consistent response has been grand standing instead of constructive thinking in resolving the monumental problems created by the Republican owned Bush-Cheney administration and the Republican Congress members.

Therefore, it’s incumbent on the democrat and independent including the disenchanted republican voters to cast their vote for substance and not style considering it’s a national senate race and not a “cosmopolitan,” fashion contest with millions of lives at stake in the Senate decision making process.

Democracy is a privilege in the contemporary world with an alarming population deprived of freedom that grants the voting right to elect a representative to the political office through free and fair election.

Squandering the rare yet cherished opportunity by electing a candidate like the State Senator Scott Brown whose voting decisions on national issues are lacking in diligence and vision would be a colossal failure in rationality.

Senator Scott Brown, not surprisingly has not offered any strategies desperately required for the expeditious economic recovery anticipated by the citizens in the state of Massachusetts and across the nation.

I stand by President Barack Obama, the Democratic Party including the Independent representatives in the Congress and urge the Massachusetts electorate to go to the polls in record numbers and cast their ballot in favor of the Attorney General Martha Coakley and grant the candidate a decisive victory appropriately fitting the departed long-term Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s political image.

Massachusetts is a blue state and cannot afford to become the red state signifying the danger zone.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Mighty Deception – Focus on Politics and Economy

January 9, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

January 19, 2010 marks the first anniversary for the Presidency of Barack Obama. The columnist from the leading national news organization chided the right and the left political factions in the article, the excerpts listed below.

“In a world of ideological sniping, Obama can’t win.”

By Richard Cohen, Washington Post, January 5, 2010

“Last month, no American soldiers were killed in Iraq. Last month, the unemployment rate dipped a bit, the stock market ended the year up, the financial system did not crater, Detroit’s Big Three began to get a pulse – and yet a consensus started to form that Barack Obama, who is either responsible for or merely presided over all this good stuff, is a failure.

On the left, the president is being pummeled for health care legislation that does not include a public option and has not dispatched insurance executives to Guantanamo. On the right, he is being pummeled for socializing the economy, establishing death panels and allowing maniacal Nigerians to load their Calvins with boom-boom and fly into peaceful Detroit. It’s a cartoon.

Any way you measure the polls, Obama did not have a good year.

In foreign policy, Obama has sorely disappointed his fans on the left for escalating the war in Afghanistan and on the right for not escalating it enough…

He has not brought peace to the Middle East.

Obama could be a great president. He has already achieved much – possibly saving the country from financial ruin, salvaging the auto industry, getting some sort of health care reform. Possibly, possibly.

Yet, his numbers sink as his achievements rise. He is the Johnny Appleseed of cognitive dissonance, so utterly detached that when he wins it seems to be only for himself. Pollsters measure him but poets have described him.

William Butler Yeats got it down years ago: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”

Perspective: By Padmini Arhant

The author’s hyperbolic characterization of the left position particularly with the dispatching of the insurance executives to Guantanamo and the article concluding with the quotation ‘the worst are full of passionate intensity,’ suggests the print media eternal love fest with any incumbent administration.

As such, democracy is under siege with the legislations merely passed and mostly stalled at the Corporations’ will, aided by their representatives’ inaction in the Senate and the House. It’s further exacerbated with the established print and mainstream media presenting the figures but not the facts thereby joining the elitists against the populists.

Therefore, it’s essential to place things in perspective for a fair analysis.

Iraq war without casualties in the past month is great news. However, the reason behind that is adopting the “left position” to scale down the troop level and make a firm commitment for troop withdrawal, a diametrically opposite decision by the administration on Afghanistan. Despite the reality, the pledge towards peace and non-violence is characterized as “ideological sniping” rather than pragmatic stance.

The dip in the unemployment rate and the rise in stock market are welcome. Nevertheless, the national unemployment and the states’ joblessness is still in double digit with the middle class dropping to the poorer category and the poor driven to being food stamps dependents.

Stock market performance is directly related to the real and projected industry earnings. Since, the health care reform unarguably in favor of the health care industry in the absence of robust competition such as the government insurance program, the health industry stocks skyrocketed at the confirmation of the public option eliminated from the debate.

In other areas, the defense stocks always thrive rain or shine with the U.S perpetual engagement in warfare. The exception to the genuine growth is the technology sector boosting the figures and again with the drastic employment cuts to survive global competition.

It’s indeed a relief that the financial sector did not crater with the infusion of trillion dollars that has surely benefited the Wall Street more than the main street still being defrauded with no aggressive financial regulations in sight including the oversight demanding accountability on the massive taxpayer bailouts.

Detroit’s big three began to get a pulse – yet the State of Michigan ranks the highest in unemployment rate with an average 15.8 percent described as the worst annual rate in “at least 40 years,” and disproportionately greater among the African American as well as other minority groups.

It’s true that the Obama presidency salvaged the financial and auto industry from ruin and currently involved in the health care reform. Although, the salvation of these sectors were carried out to protect jobs, stimulate the economy by unleashing the liquidity in the financial market while reining in on the foreclosures through affordable lending programs, the progress has been either too slow or in many instances absolutely non-existent due to the bailout beneficiaries’ usual business tactics.

Meanwhile, the financial institution such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives are back in action with the same modus operandi i.e. extravagant bonuses for extraordinary failures in the sub-prime mortgage debacle that initiated the free fall of the economy into the ditch.

In the health care reform as cited above, the proof of the pudding relies on the economic impact of the remaining uninsured millions other than the 30 millions predicted to be covered under the exclusively private proposal. Other issues, like raising taxes on health care plan opted by the work force in lieu of employment benefits are a matter that will weigh in on the cost factor determined by the supply and demand free market elements.

“Some things never changes,” regardless of the power in the White House or the Congress is evident in the past year evaluation.

The Wall Street traditions continue with the financial, health care, communications and energy industries dictating terms and conditions in defiance of the free market fundamentals.

Among them are:

Demanding bailouts and refusing to be subject to scrutiny,

Legislations drafted to promote obscene profits at the expense of exhausted taxpayers and exploited consumers eventually driving the economy to the cliff and,

Last but not the least the communications industry, Comcast resisting government intervention in the monopoly of the diverse media, such as the takeover of NBC and sister networks along with the national communications service and AT&T barring competition in the deal with Apple computers in the Smart Phone – iPhone subscription services and more.

With respect to green jobs creation, the notion is ideal and it would invigorate the battered economy, provided the energy giants do not railroad the budding entrepreneurs vital to expand the sector for community access and local job opportunities.

It’s clear that the ideological sniping from the left or the right is ineffective with the administrations in power succumbing to Wall Street pressure on all issues.

There is one thing to expect loyalty from the supporters through lavish praise and flattery that would simply qualify as cronyism in the backdrop of ‘business as usual’ environment. Another aspect where the actual situation in people’s life has not changed in terms of retaining jobs, homes and the health care proposal entirely entrusted under private care responsible for the status quo.

My silence is not necessarily my disappearance into the oblivion. Any suggestions and requests made thus far in both domestic and foreign policies have been slighted even though they are decisively in favor of the struggling populace at home and abroad. Perhaps, that might be the cause for the utter disregard of opinions and ideas offered upon several political figures’ insistence to participate in the legislative process.

For instance, my request towards transparency and accountability promised during the election campaign by the Obama candidacy has deviated to closed chamber discussion with lobbyists and party members notably in the health care legislation, financial regulations and climate bill negotiations.

I’ve been urging that the oversight committee (if it exists!) hold the financial sector accountable for the bailouts and demand they comply with their end of the bargain in facilitating the credit flow and lending practices crucial to energize the stagnant economy, is largely ignored.

Likewise, the stimulus packages passed under both Bush and Obama administrations viz. TARP money $700 billion in 2008 and $787 billion in 2009 respectively has substantial amounts in cash that has not been invested vigorously to protect or create jobs in the manufacturing sector and public projects i.e. infrastructure maintenance, green technology etc.

I’m still awaiting on the logical reasoning behind withholding the vast stimulus funds for purpose other than the economic recovery via housing market revival, job growth and tax credits to small businesses and medium corporations who are forced to minimize overheads through job cuts.

In addition, the Congress passed relief funds for meager $75 billion to deal with the housing market particularly to decelerate foreclosures, is reportedly served with an acute amount of approximately $2.3million and not billion. Further, it’s reported that the treasury secretary Timothy Geithner’s explanation was “the funds held in reserve to rescue financial institutions from the housing market downturns.”

I emphasized on the required urgent action during the Bush administration bailout activities in resurrecting the Glass-Steagall Act and the long overdue aggressive financial regulations to prevent the precipitous decline of the financial assets hurting the average citizens. Not surprisingly, it received no attention.

Now, it appears that the recently passed House bill on the financial reform has incorporated some of the rigorous policies instead of the comprehensive GS Act possibly anticipating the standard revolt from the Senate.

Not all is lost but there are serious grievances among the general public that are justified with the families facing economic difficulties and it’s appropriately revealed during the November 2009, gubernatorial and congressional elections.

Considering the facts, should one remain complicit to the prevalent camaraderie between Wall Street and Washington in spite of the culture corroding the systems and bankrupting small businesses and ordinary individuals in the society?

My specific role is to represent the people i.e. the humanity at the domestic and international fronts. The task is to work for the general mass and common good to restore democracy, peace and harmony, social justice and freedom, the basic right of all living beings.

Unfortunately, the guidance on foreign policy has been deliberately dismissed by selective entities with a cavalier approach to humanitarian crisis affecting millions of innocent lives. There will be in-depth discussion in this context to dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding the international crises.

Washington functions on the dogma that “Those who try to please all, pleases none.” The irony in the legislators’ action is the public interest invariably marginalized over the personal and special interests in the appeasement trend.

Hope and Change is yet to be experienced and possible with a paradigm shift that recognizes alleviating people’s plight as the primary goal in public service.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Why Public Option is not an option in the Historic Health Care Reform?

December 29, 2009

    By Padmini Arhant

    During the Presidential election campaign in 2008, despite the encouraging endorsement from the “Majority White,” electorate in Iowa, the media, the African American caucus and the Democratic Party wrote off the Obama candidacy in the wake of New Hampshire and Nevada results favoring the then formidable opponent Hillary Rodham Clinton representing the establishment in the Democratic Party.

    It could be a distant memory. Nevertheless, the reality of an African-American candidate as the 44th President of the United States made possible by the average citizens from all walks of life representing the stars and stripes who came forward in multitudes with donations ranging from a dollar to an affordable amount, seeking the long overdue change in Washington.

    It certainly didn’t emerge from the political realm or within the Party and various African American organizations who were cautiously observing the direction of the political storm.

    Now, when it’s the payback time for the historic election’s beneficiaries to demonstrate the real commitment to the people in a democracy, the political betting is placed on satisfying the insatiable appetite in the form of bribery to the fellow democrats in the Senate caring more about their own financial gains and political future than the republic interest. The reference made to the Democrats in particular because, the Republican minority stance is to oppose not the issue but the party in a majority.

    If it were the Republican administration pushing the agenda, the republican minority would not be wasting time in their innovative tactics to boycott the bill. Unlike the democrats, the party is ever united in their pledge to advance the ideology with further support from the conservative/moderate democrats evidenced in the legislations passed during the Bush administration.

    The republicans have a point. In spite of the filibuster proof majority, the democrats are forced to scramble for votes in the senate and left at the mercy of the conservatives and moderates within their own party. You don’t need foes with “friends” like that suggesting the Democratic Party is merely a platform for these representatives of the special interests’ strategy to enhance the odds on both sides that guarantee them an absolute victory with every legislation.

    It’s worth examining the lobbyists’ orchestrated health care bill.

    For instance, the delay in the Senate voting was perceived to be a drawback for the democrats with the republican members threatening to stall the progress at the behest of none other than the same lobbyists working on both sides. Simultaneously, the over two thousand page dossier prepared by again the lobbyists’ loyalists in the finance committee, became the bone of contention for the opposition minority comparing the voluminous content to a forklift item.

    Besides, the legislation is made effective a year later in the Senate bill i.e. 2014 allowing the industry to prosper with the status quo in the interim. Without effective and robust competition like the public option and the cost reduction schemes from the health care industry, the lobbyists are comfortable with the mandatory insurance on 30 million people and safety net from the federal subsidies to purchase the private insurance in the weak market place.

    Having been satisfied with the Senate bill, the lobbyists win irrespective of the pace and it’s not surprising to note the pre-emptive adoption of the Senate bill against the House bill.

    Are they being indifferent in any way?

    Politics is only concerned about personal salvation. A few democrats’ and an independent’s (as a democrat ‘loyalist’) overt action to promote the special interests’ profit oriented plan over the general population plight only legitimize the minority power against the majority.

    What’s being ignored in the undemocratic and dangerous precedence having become a tradition is that, honoring the minority’s calculated shenanigans simply boosts the special interests’ status to railroad forthcoming legislations already evident in the pending climate change and other bills.

    All that matters right now is a bill to showcase on the D-Day, the “State of the Union” address and the people always expected to remain content with the politics and business “as usual” from Washington and Wall Street.

    Any dissent in this respect is characterized as the die-hard liberalism’s refusal to view the big picture. Contrary to the belief, it’s the progressives who have compromised from the single payer system to the public option and other factors like Medicare buy-ins tossed out of the bill, notwithstanding the infringement on women’s rights, essentially all and any components benefiting the people and the national interest.

    The irony being if not for the progressives’ iron will to stand up against the ‘Tea Party’ movement and similar grandstanding, the health care bill would be history rather than historic.

    The frustration among the progressives is reaching the point of creating a third party entirely on public campaign financing to reflect the true meaning of democracy and challenge the nay Sayers once and for all that ‘Change is inevitable’ through action from the bottom up, exemplified in the 2008 Presidential election.

    Although, the spiritual message emphasized on the human requirement to overcome the negative vices, it’s poignant to elaborate the qualities viz. greed, ego, envy, rage (anger) and hatred are the human beings’ vulnerabilities and centuries have gone by without the lessons being learned regardless of the human spirit’s degradation.

    Contemporary practice scorns the interjection of ethics and morals in the discussions as naïve and unpragmatic. The reason being it’s inconvenient for those indulging in the activities producing short-term gains while neglecting the long-term crisis witnessed in all major national issues such as housing market, energy, health care and environment not excluding the military interventions.

    Therefore, there is no bar on human conduct normally qualifying as“unconscionable.”

    I respond to the requests from the honorable members of Congress Patrick Kennedy, Senator John Kerry, Senator Al Franken and the speaker Nancy Pelosi to stand by President Barack Obama in legislative matter. To them I reiterate the earlier statement that,

    I extend my unwavering support to the Presidency of Barack Obama provided the White House is committed to implement the “Change” promised on the campaign trail in both domestic and foreign policy issues yielding ‘realistic’ change the people can believe and thrive in.

    Unfortunately, with minor exceptions the majority decisions thus far favor the special interests i.e. the oligarchs in the financial, health and energy sectors not to mention the ongoing warfare and general foreign policy signifying the continuation of Bush-Cheney doctrine. The haphazard attempt during the climate summit in Copenhagen was quite disheartening and appropriately admitted by the President.

    Regrettably, the campaign donations to the DNC, DCCC, and DSCC are invested to elect the conservatives and the moderates posing major problems in the legislative matter. It may not be a deterrent factor in fund raising as they have the special interests financing the campaigns.

    However, a monumental task awaits in the coming elections convincing the betrayed electorate justified in their reluctance to support the party or the candidacy that fails to honor the democratic will.

    The recent gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia serve as good examples in this regard. In addition, the mayoral race in New York with a narrow margin victory to Mayor Mike Bloomberg having outspent his opponent is yet another reminder that performance benefiting the people ultimately delivers the desirable results in the polls.

    Since the political structure in Washington is laid on the Wall Street foundation through campaign financing and deal exchanges, the burden is on the people to join the movement in reclaiming democracy subverted by the power in politics and profits.

    Corruption and Cronyism cannot be eradicated unless there is a concerted campaign finance reform strictly enforcing public financing and rejecting swift boating from the candidacy and/or party in the coming elections. Private financing floats to assist candidates from both parties to survive the mild and vicious campaign attacks through advertisements.

    It’s noteworthy that Goldman Sachs, AIG…invested in both Senator John McCain and the then Senator Barack Obama’s candidacies. Obviously, the contributions rose sharply as one candidate’s winning prospects exceeded another along with the donors’ expectations to return the favor. Politics is amazingly trustworthy in the transfer of power from the people to the actual authorities, the corporations via the legislators. It’s visible in the health care issue and several others.

    Given the prevalent system in politics, it’s imperative for the progressives to run in the coming elections with the public blessings to prevail against the special interests and the greed driven politics. I have been requesting the DNC to transform the Democratic Party with the progressives on whom the nation and the rest of the world can rely upon for the long overdue peace, progress and prosperity.

    Money can buy love, trust and integrity but not truth and rationality. For rationality enables the human mind to recognize the truth behind illusion and reality. Those who are committed to the virtues decline to be a sellout at any costs. Sadly, the honorable principles of many are undermined by the dishonorable deeds of the few.

    Often people who care is mistaken for rivals, the real opponent in disguise trusted to be genuine due to the veil blinding the vision, and it largely stems from fear and personal insecurity that obstructs the human intellect to accept situations with clarity.

    People must rise and ensure their needs are adequately addressed from now on as the health care reform could be the beginning of the end to the self-interest dominance in Washington and Wall Street guided by the maxim “All for me and none for you.”

    Thank you.

    Padmini Arhant


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