Monkey See Monkey Do

May 26, 2019

Monkey See Monkey Do

Padmini Arhant

Politics, media and entertainment under corporate financing and criminal enterprise run affairs.

The trend to hijack from election to individual identity declaring them winner on their terms is the norm despite fait accompli.

Unless people speak their mind and voice concerns to protect individual freedom and liberty, authoritarianism would rise that is already in action silencing democracy.

The idea of free and fair election, government of the people, by the people and for the people is increasingly made redundant. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Politics – Constitution Governs Nation in a Democracy

April 11, 2019

Constitution Governs Nation in a Democracy

Padmini Arhant

In a democracy, governments come and go with political parties elected to power for a limited term.

The institutions set up for specific purpose such as judiciary and election commission bear the burden in delivering defined goals without compromising the relevant body reputation, credibility and importantly democratic value.

The democratic system guided and governed by constitution protecting the rights of all citizens and sovereignty exemplify the effectiveness of republic nation. 

Supreme Court as the highest judicial authority and the last bastion of justice upholding constitutional law through proper interpretation and application strengthens democratic rule. 

Yet another important constitutional body is the election commission. The election being the fundamental democratic process to appoint government directly by the people as electorate at the state and national level, the election commission autonomy to exercise power in maintaining model code of conduct binding on all contestants transcending political status and privileges of political parties across the spectrum is incontrovertible. 

Since contemporary politics exert overt authority to undermine constitution and prime institutions functionality, democracy is often threatened  in the absence of oversight. 

Accordingly, preserving the sanctity and ethical efficacy of institutions with responsibility to monitor and implement rules solidify democratic foundation.

The latest developments from the Supreme Court of India on Rafale matter and the election commission actions against political parties publicity campaign on candidates profile through television network and feature film in violation of election rules are welcome and commendable.

Furthermore, the election commission rising to the occasion in heeding citizens and opposition parties concerns over key members politicizing defense force, religion and communal references that are prohibited in the model code of conduct would confirm free and fair electoral event besides reassuring nation on timely response and efficiency.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


Myth Buster

March 16, 2019

Myth Buster

Padmini Arhant

Acquired knowledge lacking proper understanding and application is more dangerous than plain ignorance. 

In the climate of propaganda and false representation, myths morph into miracles in misleading gullible targets to benefit sources behind the trend creating madmen as Godmen and Godzillas rising from despotism and demagoguery. 

Satguru – meaning the truth enunciator engaged in the task of enlightenment unlike the contemporary title used for publicity and spotlight to influence and indoctrinate on politics behalf. 

In my personal view, enlightenment is an arduous journey involving deep soul searching and cleansing dispensing negative karma in self-purification relieving the soul from the burden of sins leading to liberation and peace as eternal bliss.

Unfortunately, like everything else spirituality is traded by some prominent members to promote political ideology and flawed policies to retain power and dominance.

Never too late to wake up to reality exercising discernment and sensibility. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Politics – Paradoxical Paradigm

March 6, 2019

Politics – Paradoxical Paradigm

Padmini Arhant

I feel the importance for a relevant reminder to United States incumbent administration i.e. right from the time when Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s chance of winning the Presidential bid in 2016 experienced seismic tremor with the controversial Access Hollywood tape revealing then candidate Donald Trump’s sexist profanity against women, the race was practically over for the republican contender.

Subsequent to swearing in to the office of Presidency, the U.S.President was confronted with liberal outrage demanding the newly elected President Donald Trump ouster from the office in the movement led by Jill Stein, Hillary Clinton – the bruised democrat candidate having lost the election to the least expected rival and the left wing Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont and more.

Then there was an insurgency against President Donald Trump to leave office citing mental instability for impulsive reactions on twitter handle (that is persistent until now as a signature trait) not barring the nuclear threat against North Korea with inflammatory remarks such as:

United States President Donald Trump pledging fast and fury destruction of North Korea boasting United States had a much bigger nuclear button than North Korea and so on… in the run up to then imminent nuclear confrontation with North Korea.

Fast forward to January 2019, the longest United States government shutdown costing U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars over border wall did not resolve among themselves for those claiming to be problem solvers on national and international disputes thus far.

Similarly, the de-escalation of India Pakistan feud is also hogged by political actors whether in the United States, India or Pakistan despite their individual belligerence displayed on numerous occasions including escalating warfare between two nuclear states rather than defusing war rhetoric and channeling focus on terror and terrorism remaining the contentious issue.

Undoubtedly, the political beneficiaries and their die hard supporters with crony conventional and social media playing prominent role in promoting bizarre propaganda on how their so-called respective leaders as President and Prime Ministers steer through the rugged terrains and sail valiantly on the rough seas on their own while conveniently and deliberately attributing my positive and productive contribution all along paradoxically to those involved in flaming the fire.

However, any efforts towards peace from anywhere is always welcome and not to be patented as a commercial commodity.

Politics never shying away from contradictory paradigm is the fact that makes political gains all the more fallacious and fraudulent.

Any engagement towards peaceful resolutions is worthy of recognition upon those demonstrating in action by resolutely and consistently committed to peace and progress of humanity at large unlike selective disposition favoring allies even when they are responsible for illegal invasion, occupation of foreign territory and gross violation of human rights viz. in Palestine, Syria, Yemen and now the resurrection of India-Pakistan long standing line of control (LOC) skirmishes along the Indian borders of Kashmir and Punjab.

There is more to it than meets the eye especially in politics.

The divine mission is witnessed not only by the world but also the Supreme entity, the all-knowing and seer of events on earth and galaxy.

Accordingly, those for whom I am an arch nemesis,  I say to them – You may keep me anonymous and illegitimately assign my identity to wannabes, opportunists and power, fame as well as fortune seekers from politics and entertainment world in particular.

Nonetheless, you and those whom you have deployed in the ill-fated task can never seize my good Karma as it is noted by the one and only Supreme force – the infallible Almighty God.

Something to remember that all actions bear consequences and none are exempt from karmic effects as Karma is and ever remain the judge, jury and executioner in living and upon inevitable departure from this world regardless of stature and background.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter







India – Dynasty Politics

January 23, 2019

India – Dynasty Politics 

Padmini Arhant

Indian electorate  – the ordinary citizens exploited and marginalized by upper echelons in society deserve to be liberated from dynasty politics prevalent in all parties embedded in corruption, nepotism and cronyism. Not to mention the external forces i.e. the deep state clout on Indian politics. 

Rahul Gandhi during visit to the United States not long ago lectured on transparency and accountability. The next leg of his journey to Washington D.C. entailed meeting behind closed doors with Congressional members in the Capitol Hill that confirmed Rahul Gandhi’s commitment or the lack there of in this respect. So much for transparency and candor. 

In Nehru Parivar (family) – The Gandhi surname has been enormously beneficial to the successors in the family. 

Sonia Parivar (family) claiming entitlement to power based on dynastic politics reflect unquenchable quest considering the illegal wealth and land amassed by Sonia and family alone could wipe out poverty in India.

Priyanka and Robert Vadra’s illicit land acquisitions in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh to begin with account for massive fraud and would escalate upon Sonia Parivar return to power amid scandalous legacy. 

How long will Sonia Parivar (family) excoriate India citing forefathers participation in freedom movement? 

NB:  Indira Gandhi assassination was due to wanton involvement in troop deployment in the Holy Shrine Golden Temple, Amritsar, Punjab.

Rajeev Gandhi assassination was triggered by the former Prime Minister’s misguided engagement in Sri Lanka against Tamils in that island nation. Sonia Gandhi avenged revenge against Tamils in Sri Lanka with full throttled support to then dictatorial regime of Mahinda Rajapaksa resulting in genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka in 2009.

Furthermore, Rajiv Gandhi tenure also slighted ethnic cleansing of Sikhs in Delhi, Punjab and wherever possible in 1984. Similar reaction in Bhopal Union Carbide disaster that consumed more than 3000 lives in the major industrial incident. 

Karma is the decisive factor in such tragic and historic events.

Something to remember for those neglecting Karmic effects in life.

More on other Indian political parties will resume in the next articles.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

India – Political Culture

January 21, 2019

India – Political Culture

Padmini Arhant

Politics as such do not have great reputation in the world. It is not politics fault for the problem is directly related to those in politics pledging allegiance to internal and external counterproductive ideology, philosophy, anti-humanity and anti-nature dealings.

Among many fields and occupations, politics that is supposed to be public service continues to attract disdain among citizens anywhere in the world.

The reason behind this status is corruption in politics, abuse of power against the same people i.e. electorate granting them mandate to govern the state or nation. Unfortunately, this mandate often and repeatedly misinterpreted by those assuming power who misuse the same much to own downfall.

Politics is also controlled by deep state with non-citizens reining absolute authority via proxies and puppets installed as head of the state. The dark forces as incognito power cover their base by betting on all horses facilitating the inevitable win in the formality called election.

Election is a process set up to deceive electorate in casting vote on empty promises with campaigners of various political parties exploiting average citizens for self and vested interests during their term in office. In Indian politics, the voters are presented with star power by issuing tickets to film actors, actresses and sports personalities to deflect public attention from real issues.

In fact, Indian economy is drained via corruption, tax evasion, embezzlement, illegal offshore accounts and black money hoarding by three major entities and they are – members in politics, celebrities and industrialists – Rajnithi, Celebrity, Udyogpathi persistently dominate leaving the overwhelming majority in abject poverty and generational struggle to make ends meet in their lives.

These three elements’ abuse in Indian society is the cause for ever increasing gap between the poor and filthy rich never content with the loot from the middle class and lower income being the actual tax payers in the economy. Indian politics is also severely dependent on caste based electoral gains serving as vote banks to various political factions in the absence of meaningful deliverable economic policy and social manifesto. Not to mention the political dynasty, communal politics playing a major role in seeking power. The politicians and those in favor of hierarchy and social injustice in society are vehemently opposed to eliminating casteism, the stigma on India amid fraudulently claiming progress since the so-called independence.

The vast number in Indian society are marginalized, isolated, discriminated and disenfranchised to suit upper echelons corrupt lifestyle and parasitic existence. Not surprisingly, the reference to rape is loosely made during election campaigns and otherwise considering the dominant members raping the economy besides violating ordinary folks that are routine activities in the country. The rape incidents following their leaders in politics, entertainment and other sectors are rampant not sparing infants in the out of control morbid sexual predatory instincts. The situation is further exacerbated by Indian film industry and their leading influential sources commercializing sex for profitability in arts and entertainment.

Women status among the weaker and vulnerable sections in Indian society is far from improvement as they are treated as second class citizens which is relatively better than those commonly known as Dalits or untouchables, gay, transgender, eunuchs and anyone affected by social prejudice including people with disabilities are all regarded beneath human category.

These sentiments are openly and candidly reflected in political speech without any shame or restraint. As recently as a day ago when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi led BJP ruled northern state Uttar Pradesh’s legislative member – the female politician’s diatribe targeting political opponent enunciated rape in graphic details alongside describing their female political rival as worse than eunuch not worthy of respect in society clearly depict contemptuous political culture and those whom they represent in politics. This behavior is interestingly rewarded with ministerial posts by political party promoting indecency, insolence and intolerance in public domain.

The backwardness in political mindset is unequivocally posing impediments in India’s social economic development diminishing the prospects of much required transformation in society. Again, the political contenders vying for highest position in the land having tainted record such as abusing women whether in involvement of gang rape citing Rahul Gandhi or state sponsored murder of rape victim in 2012 by Sonia Gandhi, then Congress high command with opposition and other political members complicity and,

Last but not the least the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi abandonment of his spouse without providing any support to her are indicative of women’s plight in India. The background further emphasize that those who ignore responsibility towards next of kin are not poised to care for others let alone the nation they are elected to serve in the official designation. 

Accordingly, women in urban and rural areas in particular are confronted with challenges in the mistreatment of women beginning from the political class down to other segments in the hostile environment.

Indian politics is predominantly premised on goon and gutter politics deploying unscrupulous tactics and nefarious means to gain political mileage and ultimately the mantle of power by unworthy and undeserving figures fostered to maintain status quo. Needless to say, meritocracy is a misnomer in the contentious class and caste oriented system.

The female politicians on their part have fair share of political baggage in corruption, hardline strategy using unemployed youths as buffer to curb political dissent through violent threats and crimes against disillusioned citizens in their respective states and province.

The political contestants with criminal charges emerging as representatives of Indian citizens and India, apparently the largest democracy remain the biggest irony.

India has a long way to go in terms of social acceptance and fair economic opportunity constrained by embedded corruption, nepotism, cronyism, dynastic politics and demonstrably the caste epidemic derailing any positive growth necessary in the real India comprising poor, working class, suppressed labor force, neglected farmers and socially ostracized demography.

Mass consciousness and action eradicating casteism, classism, sexism i.e. any form of divisive polarizing politics and social dogma contributing to treason and breach of public trust is the way forward to build a nation of optimism and reliable future for all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Who is Government?

January 18, 2019

Who is Government?

Padmini Arhant


Who is Government?

Is it really the representative of the people, by the people and for the people? The video explains the real representation of power.


It is important for citizens, the isolated, marginalized, discriminated and disenfranchised in particular to know your rights and rise to the occasion in exercising freedom to exist and live life with dignity and fair opportunity for you and next generation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Media & Press – Representing Corrupt Political Regimes

November 16, 2018


Media & Press – Representing

Corrupt Political Regimes

Padmini Arhant

When media and press become presstitute in colluding with corrupt political regimes destroying lives of ordinary people, the system erodes leaving the population entirely at political class mercy.

The political regimes committing crimes are never even acknowledged as criminals in power. Instead they are glorified with fraudulent attributes and false credits insulting human intelligence.

TamilNadu’s former Chief Minister Jayalalitha was responsible for mandatory alcoholism ruining thousands of families and causing many casualties with authority in the Southern State of Tamil Nadu, India. Yet the spineless impotent news daily like Tamil Murasu in Singapore swear allegiance to criminal political establishments against ordinary citizens in Singapore and world over.

The film industry on their part is lock stock and barrel in that regard. Indian film industry much to self-destruction boasts misogyny viewing women as objects of voyeurism and lust. The sex-starved sadistic piranhas in film industry, politics and elsewhere obviously treat women in own family in that manner.  Not to mention condescendence and derogatory culture permeates in the medium besides news media promoting prejudice and reprehensible conduct without any shame or journalistic ethics.

The actions reflect precipitous decline in human values with global gangsta setting guidelines for crony contingency judiciously abiding kamikaze strategy.

Needless to say the outcome of such indulgence denying willful participants opportunity for belated regrets or remorse.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


Russian Affair

November 4, 2017

Russian Affair

Padmini Arhant

The former FBI director Robert Mueller headed special investigation dominates news on the alleged Russian meddling in the United States 2016 Presidential election.

The special committee targeting then Republican Presidential candidate now elected President Donald Trump’s campaign aides and members’ presumed interaction and meetings with key Russian officials has led to recent indictments on this matter.

The U.S. actions besides the ongoing inquiry includes closing consulate general in San Francisco and annexes in Washington and New York.

Russia in turn has responded by reducing diplomatic service staff at U.S. facilities in Moscow as confirmed by Washington based Russia Today (RT) television network.

Russia Today – the state funded network founded by the state owned news agency RIA-NOVOSTI in 2005 is dedicated in promoting Russian government interests to the likes of mainstream media and others in the U.S. and elsewhere safeguarding oligarchy, political and Secret Society agenda.  

Although RT claims the network is independent, any business especially communication media receiving funding that has surged from $30 million in the beginning to current $300 million from the state obviously inclined to be subjective rather than objective.

RT projecting Russian image to counteract U.S. media versions about Russia and Russian policy is a conundrum for viewers having to deal with two extremes from both sides i.e. one for and the other against amidst missing facts from the content regardless.

On propaganda, RT efforts are on par with prevalent media trend in hyperbole and falsehood in presentation of historic events and entities pertaining to the past and present time conforming to syndicate strategy.

RT transmission in three languages viz. English, Spanish and Arabic attracting 120 million viewership in the United States and other parts of the world is a buffer to syndicate’s media presence via CNN, Fox and BBC worldwide.

The syndicate’s media control and influence on entertainment industry to deny public access to truth and factual information could be anything but freedom of press and free speech.

RT like counterparts are not without collusion on not maintaining journalistic standards and ethics that are rare and remains under attack. The journalism with accurate reporting, review and analyses on issues and topics concerning lives and world problems are replaced for political and commercial success ignoring harm to society and the world at large that eventually hurts the source.

As such, the citizens fatigue in fake news and indoctrination is evident in broadcasting networks declined rating prompting desperate attempts to avert further deterioration. The spin zone is yet another means to continue mindless discussions lacking in substance in anything goes talk shows and programs to fill in time in the 24/7 media.

United States and Russia relations might have strained due to latest developments,

However, the similarities in both nations policies on critical issues such as voting against nuclear disarmament in the UN vote past month, resistance to dissolution of UNSC granted veto power to five permanent members viz. United States, Britain, Russia, China and France and strengthening ties with Saudi Arabia clarify common goals.

In terms of disagreements, United States and Russia have difference of opinion on Ukraine, Syrian conflict, NATO buildup through Eastern bloc and incursion in Baltic Sea. The U.S. occupation in Afghanistan extended into Central Asia that was previously under former Soviet Union is causing uneasiness on regional basis.

Last but not the least, U.S. sanctions on Russia is not appreciated in the wake of 2016 electoral outcome distressing those for change in game plan.

On North Korea, United States sanctions against the south east Asian nation is welcome by Russia. The reaction confirmed in UNSC decision with Russia and China’s consensus to impose embargo on North Korea.

As stated repeatedly on this website on standoff between U.S and North Korea, the de-escalation via diplomacy and constructive dialogue should be the focus on both sides retracting from respective positions with United States and ally South Korea ceasing military exercise and provocative naval drills in Korean Peninsula.  North Korea on its part to suspend nuclear enhancement.

Furthermore, the major nuclear powers stance on North Korea’s nuclear status would be credible upon them in possession of enormous nuclear stockpiles never subject to independent international scrutiny lead other nuclear and non-nuclear states in safe disposal of nuclear weapons freeing the world from nuclear threats that are frequently exchanged in U.S. and North Korea confrontation. U.S. has also issued nuclear warnings against Iran preceding Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) treaty.

In the domestic front, Russia Today (RT) as state represented media is criticized for not providing opportunity to political opponents to Kremlin power. The same is applied towards any political dissent deprived from sharing thoughts and grievance on air to local and foreign audience. They are apparently considered detractors and accordingly excluded in participation on media channel.

The contemporary practice to debar alternative political perspectives especially with Russian elections on the horizon in March 2018 may not bode well for Russia in the post-communist era declared as democratic system premised on free and fair elections allowing contenders upon meeting eligibility criteria to run for office.

Then the incident though eleven years ago involving independent journalist, writer and human rights activist Anna Politkovskaya tragic death from gunshot wounds in Moscow in 2006 deter Russian democratic evolution.

The free society would create and nurture environment to question authorities without fear of incarceration, character defamation or danger to their life. The country as vast as Russia with enormous potential in different fields not barring politics would benefit from eclectic representation that could permeate across the spectrum. The transformation is made possible with healthy debates and public forums on all topics relevant to citizens in the province and national level.

Russia’s membership in BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in addition to G20 and WTO serve economic prospects. On security to combat terrorism and any foreign intrusion – the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) comprising Russia and former Soviet republics in Central Asia enable neutralization.

Russian economy, political stability and national security are general expectations amongst electorate. Russia’s role in international disputes are also important whether personally that entails skirmishes at Russian border with NATO or tension related to U.S. and North Korea as well as ending Syrian warfare.

The internal challenges like corruption undermining real progress, Chechnya seeking resolution, immigration and social dilemmas are prominent woes requiring effective measures.

Russia is in the threshold of economic growth and constraints on political choices limits the scope for broader vision necessary to sustain expansion.

Finally, vox populithe voice of the people from all walks of life exercising the right to express views or concerns and journalism in particular not confined to state or external orientation would demonstrate vibrant democracy.

I convey my best wishes to citizens in Russia.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission









United States – Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obamacare

October 14, 2017

United States – Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obamacare

Padmini Arhant

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obamacare has been discussed in detail on this site. Please refer to posts related to this topic.

The recap on ACA – The mandatory insurance tied to penalty proved extremely profitable to insurance industry with no obligation on insurance providers in skimming premiums or expanding coverage.  On the contrary, the insurance offered today under ACA has high deductibles on treatment for various health conditions not necessarily pre-existing and some procedures required to treat certain health issues are not covered regardless of the health plan available in the market place.

Not surprisingly, those against amending the health care law i.e. Obamacare are not in touch with reality and pledged to establishment rules and symbolic trends at vast majority expense.

The mandatory subscription enforced in the existing Obamacare is unethical and undemocratic especially in the absence of commitments from insurance industry to meet their end of the bargain.

The compulsory insurance subscription enforced via Obamacare is rejected by many citizens opting to pay the unconstitutional and illegal penalty rather than enriching the industry barely offering coverage to subscribers on variety of health problems experienced by them.

When industries in the economic sector and politics join forces for vested interests exploiting ordinary citizens, the market economy sustainability is challenged woefully affecting businesses aimed at mega profitability beyond affordability.

The consumer force determines business success or failure and industry survival. In resistance to any modifications and fair adjustments of Obamacare at congressional level due to political partisanship, the industry is ultimately taken up to tasks to comply with standards and maintain reliability barring policies set to protect major shareholders and top 1% windfall guaranteed in Obamacare.

Average citizens do not have the luxury as the privileged class to squander hard earned savings without any value in return.

Health is critical and taxpayers tax dollars expended wisely in universal health care with comprehensive plan could not be a tall order for an industrialized nation allocating disproportionate spending on military and nuclear weapons as well as foreign aid to affluent allies while leaving citizens entirely at health care merchants and insurers mercy with legislations overwhelmingly favoring campaign financiers from the industry.

The unique position among lawmakers to defend industries agenda neglect constituents plight allowing major companies in the health care industry to evade responsibility on rising costs and declining health package.

In terms of lawmakers in the U.S. Senate vote to rectify anomalies in Obamacare, the reasons from them do not reconcile with their trajectory. The Senator posing with terror factions responsible for terrorizing and killing thousands of innocent children, women and men in Syria having reservations on Obamacare amendment reflect personal issues with incumbent administration rather than genuine concern for the people affected under current health care law.

Unfortunately, prioritizing individual gains at public loss is the convention in politics fostering waywardness in the extraordinary conditions imposed on citizens in the hyped health care reform short on benefits and delivery making Affordable Care Act / Obamacare anything but affordable.

Anything in ACA defense only project the content of law missing in practicality that in itself invalidate the legislation not binding on all sides to be meaningful and effective.

Health care for all in the appropriate disbursement of tax funds in caring for the sick, elderly and healthy of any age is significant to qualify for advanced nation status.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission














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