United States – Soaring Inflation

June 10, 2022

United States – Soaring Inflation

Padmini Arhant

The soaring inflation beginning with gas price at $7.00 and higher having domino effects on food and other essential goods and services is a burgeoning issue for people living with pay check to paycheck and those with meager savings in the economy.

There appears to be no immediate relief in easing skyrocketing inflation hurting consumer base again directly affecting business sectors in the economy.

The federal reserve inflationary control measures and government economic policy if at all any are yet to deliver necessary correction in inflation reminiscent of 70’s energy crisis leading to severe economic downturn.

The war in Ukraine brought upon Ukrainians from the western viz. United States and EU insurrection against then democratically elected government in 2014 is the result of deaths and devastation in the battle ground combined with nuclear threat from Russia.

The energy crises resulting from the ongoing war in Ukraine and further hindrances in food supply viz. wheat, soy, sugar etc. from Ukraine and Russia to other parts of the world have dramatic impact on the domestic and global economy.

Meanwhile, the global demand on crude oil now largely resting on the oil producing nations in the Middle East and others like Venezuela with sanctions on Russian energy imports only applicable to non-western nations is nothing new.

The Russian energy flow into western Europe such as Germany, Austria and Finland to name a few besides EU and NATO ally Hungary having categorically rejected the sanctions protocol claiming similar  scenario on meeting domestic requirements as priority are not only double standards but also reflect paradoxical western position in funding the Ukrainian invasion.

Amid these contradictory rules and activities, the energy price at the gas stations are record high in history taking toll on average and middle class already enduring economic pain from COVID and at present forced to contend with excruciating inflation in the absence of positive economic trend.

The market reaction and performance lately with Dow Jones dropping 700 points along with S&P 500 and NASDAQ precipitous slide are clearly indicative of inflation and lack of prudent economic solutions behind the present serious nonetheless preventable decline.

There is an urgent requirement for pragmatic and economically viable interjections to contain rising inflation in conjunction with diversifying energy resources improving and increasing energy distribution for affordability across the economy.

Unfortunately, there are no information or strategies made publicly known from the relevant monetary and fiscal authorities to ease growing concerns and frustration among consumers dealing with extraordinary economic struggles since COVID related shutdown and ongoing inflation debacle.

Obviously, the critical topics are inflation and energy price that are interlinked with a strangle hold on people especially in the middle and lower income groups deprived of any options in the economic strife leaving the poor and the poorest status abysmal.

What is the government plan of action on surging inflation?

What are the remedies pursued by the federal reserve other than interest rates hike with stagflation projected in the global economy?

What are the immediate possibilities to calm the inflation storm, energy costs, boost employment  opportunities, stabilize economic conditions across the spectrum and last but not the least soothe investor apprehensions in the volatile economic climate?

The Ukraine war must end with Russia’s divestment in economy over expansionism via military aggression exceeding 100 days in Ukraine. The only guaranteed outcome benefitting both sides i.e. Russia and Ukraine is permanent ceasefire and peaceful dispute settlement on all matter. The military engagement is proved counterproductive and exacerbated resources, morale and human lives with irreversible tragedy.

The western foreign policy engineered towards diplomacy and dialogue in ending Ukraine war is pertinent to global peace, security and economic recovery.

The economic factors such as inflation and energy rates at the gas pump are the burning issues for ordinary men and women representing the work force, consumers and tax payers in the economy worldwide.

Suffice to say those behind gain of function research triggering the global pandemic and big pharma have enormously profiteered from COVID disaster.

The defense sector viz. the military industrial complex and western governments on their part supplying weapons to Ukraine while procuring energy from Russia have secured multi-billions in arms trade to Ukraine having destabilized the once relatively peaceful country in 2014.

Let there be no more time wasted in cliché on Hollywood fame defamation trial and Jan 6, 2021 fiasco. The late night show hosts paid millions of dollars as propagandists with pre-recorded captive audience fake applause and social media attempts to deflect public attention with platitudes and parody are imposed as entertainment.

Meanwhile, there are no investigations or discussion on western violent intrusion overthrowing democratic power in Ukraine in 2014 and recently ejecting Pakistan’s government under former Prime Minister Imran Khan causing political chaos and further economic derailment in that part of the world.

The stark reality – the people survival is challenging more than ever deserving long overdue focus and respite from the deteriorating situation.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



P.S.                                                                      Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky

Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan on Pakistan affairs. 

Military Industrial Complex Profiteering from Wars

March 3, 2022

Military Industrial Complex Profiteering from Wars

Padmini Arhant

War is a racket designed to exhaust military hardware and stockpiles on the battleground usually targeting weak and vulnerable nations near and far.

The objectives behind warfare is lost cause delivering deaths and devastations on all sides with no winners except the profiteers making a killing from killing innocent civilians and defense personnel especially young men and women on both sides forced into offense and defense line of action. 

The defense contractors representing leading defense manufacturing sector with investors raking profits from bloodbath and bodybags unabashedly hire political authorities to conduct war games in territories primed and prepared with unrest and volatility serving as the premise for military invasion and occupation.

The head of the state primary role upon assuming office in the so-called democratic and non-democratic setting is chief sales executive to procure and supply weapons benefiting the military industrial complex and stakeholders – incognito wealthiest in the world. 

What do they care? 

After all they are lining their coffers at the ordinary lives expense. 

Why would they be concerned about fatal ramifications?

Whether in terms of loss of lives and/or the living for survivors affected in wars made impossible lasting over generations. 

Furthermore, waging wars expending military inventory requires replenishment for next round someplace else displaying fire power. The cyclical stockpiling and offloading continued with gluttonous greed having no limit. 

Peace and dialogue are too inconvenient and often carried out with the intended outcome to be a failure. 

Ironically, the incentives to promoters executing warfare with adeptness in producing massive casualties and refugee status are handsomely rewarded monetarily and in certain instances extraordinarily with Nobel Peace Prize in advance. 

The war games are played to appease the beneficiaries and satisfy political aspirations despite the well- recognized and understood aftermath of financial mayhem and economic downfall brought upon the nation and population in self-inflicted crisis. 

There is nothing to be proud of in engagement reeking violence and aggression claiming lives and demolition of infrastructure.  Human mind losing control over ill-will and surrender to folly leading to uninhibited catastrophe is not only inappropriate for the much touted manhood but also egregious in defining human value and worthiness. 

The end to military intervention in Ukraine and resuming humanitarian efforts to heal and revive the two nations – Ukraine and Russia is the only alternative and priority at all costs to save and protect lives that matter the most above any sales and profits from warfare. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



War and Peace

February 7, 2022

War and Peace

Padmini Arhant 

War games have long known to be the typical means for political and economic gains only benefiting the selective few at the expense of vast majority not only in the war zone but also the rest of the world.

The global ramifications are felt in further inflation due to rising energy costs directly linked to oil and/or natural gas production nations like Russia and Ukraine -the supply facilitator to Europe and neighbors nearby. Ukraine commodity exports in food grains would also contribute to global market turbulence.

The other nations like Poland are also dragged into warfare in that region as United States NATO ally.

The regional instability induced through foreign meddling and especially confrontation between two vastly nuclear powered nations would be catastrophic in every respect – financial markets, currency, energy as well as food crops imports etc. are all at stake in the unwise rhetoric from western media and talking points fueling the situation.

Realistically speaking;

War yielding destruction is easy for the bidders and profiteers in the game.

Do they ever return to those territories they destroyed with their authorization in the bully pulpit?

Is there any interest or concern towards the lives they are responsible for destruction with generational effects and decimation of the nations?

Almost never.

They leave office and focus on super enrichment of personal lives divorced from the idea of contentment. The beach front mansions and ever flowing money fountain keep them preoccupied in the insatiable appetite for more fame, fortune and power they can possibly deal with in this lifetime.

They might at worst glance at the rubbles and ruins in a television news item with a complete disconnect from their deeds whilst in office and simply stare at the scene on the screen as merely unfortunate during the relaxing moments sipping champagne by the sea side home.

War resulting in deaths, devastation and destruction is hardly a matter of deliberation with no willingness to reject destructive course.

To some at the political helm, the war disposition is misconceived as strength and fancy to exhibit military prowess at ordinary taxpayers costs and economic liability burdened on the latter over generations through sovereign debt.

After all, the notion is who cares about what happens to those targeted in the playground, the war fields rained with bullets, bombs not barring nuclear laden missiles piercing the heart of the living breathing lives, homes and infrastructure.

The war is image maintenance and compliance with those serving ill-advise from their ivory tower besides obliging demands from defense contractors in the military industrial complex who in return solely eyeing on mega profits from blood and body bags in the entire gamut.

War to hawkish minds is very attractive and glamorous when dispatching young men and women in harm’s way with no guarantee of their safe return alive back home in the not near rather distant future subject to their survival.

The reason being war posturing invariably leading to permanent military base in those territories occupying the region indefinitely while administrations change in political office continuing the trend is the only certainty in the offing.

Accordingly, peace is inconvenient and not suave in displaying mighty power as tanks and troops on the ground.

Peace is not a cash cow for gold diggers creating mass graveyards and in general the delusion aiming for glory and political advantage expending blood and treasure of ordinary citizens on all sides is concentrated on exclusive profits.

War is also pursued to debilitate economies producing a constant dependency on external sources away from self-sufficient productive independent economic status.

There is also an opportunity for free supply essentially looting resources once a no man’s land and lawlessness is established in the states like Libya, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan to mention few among several in the last two decades of foreign interventions worldwide.

Peace as the alternative is too boring for the self-appointed game changers adept at destruction and alien to construction in the aftermath of turmoil and carnage they proudly inflict on the victims of warfare dismissed as collateral damages in the press briefing.

What more to expect from such mindset except knowing the inevitable i.e. power corrupts human mind and absolute power corrupts absolutely beyond salvation.

The end justifying the means often impetus mindless engagement ultimately reversing the outcome sooner than later causing embarrassment and massive economic loss with the realization on too late for remedy.

The reconciliation and rapprochement is the priority for Russia and Ukraine as permanent neighbors sharing common cultural, economic and geopolitical reality.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



North Korea – U.S. Peace Summit

May 16, 2018

North Korea – U.S. Peace Summit

Padmini Arhant

The reports on North Korea’s possible withdrawal from the upcoming peace summit tentatively scheduled on June 12th, 2018 in Singapore citing the ongoing military exercise between United States and South Korea and the U.S. officials demand for complete denuclearization obviously deserves fair assessment.

As mentioned on many occasions to resolve any crisis, the cause must be identified and addressed effectively making way for any appropriate solutions. On North Korea issue, the United States military drills with South Korea in Korean Peninsula has been the bone of contention prompting North Korea to seek nuclear option in self-defense and deterrence in the first place.

After long skirmishes and threats from both sides i.e. United States and North Korea, the olive branch exchanged between North and South Korea in the wake of Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea in February this year set the pace for peace talks between the two neighbors with hopes and expectations on all sides to diffuse long standing tensions ushering in the era of peace and normal relations in Korean Peninsula.

The earlier interaction between the two leaders of Korea, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in was indicative of some progress in reaching the milestone bringing the two leaderships to reconcile many differences and among them the three key proposals were to transform the current armistice to permanent peace treaty, North Korea terminating nuclear testing and economic ties along with family reunion among Korean members were to be formalized on Wednesday, May 16th, 2018.

North Korea released the three Americans held hostage on espionage charges and also made a public announcement via state media that North Korea is scheduled to shut down the nuclear testing site and facility followed by an official ceremony on May 23rd – May 25th this year.

Now the U.S. military training of South Korean forces claiming to be in preparation of defense strategy for ally South Korea in the middle of peace process impairs faith and credibility necessary on all sides to rescind activities that has been contributing to the escalation of conflict.

Anytime when one side makes demands on the other despite the former having been the source of the problem from the beginning with relentless military maneuvers and display of artillery power including nuclear submarines at the doorstep of another in a manner that is intimidating and provocative,

The element of trust that is essential in all negotiations is jeopardized due to lack of commitment to meet their end of the deal.

United States military presence in Korean Peninsula is similar to their engagement worldwide much to the angst and frustration of nations they deem adversary. These states are expected to accept the situation as permanent setting regardless of such disposition undermining sovereignty and security.

United States military has been training South Korean forces since the emergence of that state without any determination of making South Korea self-reliant and there appears to be no end to the military base in Korea like the operation in Afghanistan.

How long does it take for the military such as the United States projected as the formidable and superior defense force in several aspects with capabilities to provide training and guidance enabling the trainees to qualify in self-defense mechanism?

Certainly, the course could not run into decades which means there are inherent deficiencies in the method or the objectives are not necessarily confined to the stated position with protracted goals to establish indefinite stay evident not only in Korea but also in Afghanistan, Middle East, the Baltics and the rest of the world.

South Korea on their part need to clarify the status to own citizens and their extended family members across the border in North for a truly democratic nation would not eternally allow or submit to foreign troops deployment under the guise of strengthening military prowess.

Needless to say, concessions are required from all sides based on their involvement that led to constant clashes with clear and transparent participation in the summit.

Again, reiterating earlier statement on this matter, denuclearization is incumbent not only on North Korea but in fact all nuclear states with United States and other major nuclear powers viz. Britain, France, Russia, China leading Israel, India and Pakistan along with NATO de facto in possession of nuclear arsenal are to be disarmed without exceptions to establish a nuclear free zone that would guarantee global peace and security and not otherwise.

The concept of responsible vs. reckless in nuclear status has been visited several times and adequately ascertained that all nuclear states pose a threat to humanity.

Accordingly the originators in this game i.e. United States and other dominant nuclear forces mentioned above bear responsibility to begin nuclear disarmament given their imperial legacy and ongoing illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land as well as territorial annexations necessitating nuclear option for those states as viable even though the maintenance and monitoring of nuclear sites proved an enormous liability for taxpayers and nations struggling with the costs of nuclear affordability and investments in the economy.

South Korea has to demonstrate independence in decision making without being influenced by foreign military power i.e. United States in ending military routines once and for all. South Korea population are entitled to forge normal ties with their families in North and begin a new chapter renewing economic partnerships, cultural and relevantly converting the armistice into irreversible peace accord. All of these are achievable upon demilitarization of the Korean peninsula paving the path for peaceful coexistence that has been prevented with United States exerting authority on Korean affairs.

The leadership qualities are tested in these times demanding courage and sincerity to embark on a peace mission abandoning aggression visible in military undertakings attributed to current impediments depriving the people in Korea on either side to stabilize and normalize the environment.

There are always implicit and explicit hawkish overtones attempting to stymie successful peace agreements as they are regarded unfavorable to personal and vested interests not to mention other extraordinary plans ignoring the consequences of such motives exacerbating human suffering and interjecting undesirable conditions.

South Korea should prioritize peace, stability and economic prosperity for all in Korea and move forward as a free sovereign state in holding direct talks with North Korean leadership and officials that would confirm the initiatives trustworthy and reliable for that is key to any endeavors more so of this pact having the prospects to turn history towards positive and peaceful direction.

I urge the South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to come together and ratify the alteration of armistice into peace treaty in addition to facilitating free flow of economic goods and services in Kaesong industrial complex in North Korea and consolidating Korean cultural values that are significant to present and future generations in their respective country.

United States role exemplified in demilitarization and lifting economic sanctions against North Korean citizens is vital as these actions would authenticate United States integrity in changing history from acrimony to harmony.

North Korea ceasing nuclear testing and closing nuclear site is prudent and proceed to do so that would further affirm international support recognizing the seriousness of such pledge.

I convey my best wishes to the people in North and South Korea as well as the leaderships and officials on all sides including United States striving hard to accomplish ever lasting peace that is long overdue in Korean Peninsula and Asia Pacific region.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com
