United States – Violence and U.S. Policy

October 4, 2017

United States – Violence and U.S. Policy

Padmini Arhant

United States immunity to violence emanates from U.S. domestic and foreign policy.

U.S. weakness and vulnerability to complicity pledging allegiance to the so-called allies Israel and Saudi Arabia political aspirations is well established since the horrific terror attack on September 11, 2001.  The calibrated and coordinated terror assault and thereafter the avalanche of military interventions evolving into sponsoring terrorism until today is the most violent legacy in the new millennium.

When State actors at the national level choose to ignore terror warnings allowing citizens to die on that fateful day, they are directly responsible for mass killings in daylight on their watch.

Similarly, eliminating the NAVY SEALS deployed in pseudo operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan claiming to have assassinated the deceased Osama Bin Laden in 2011 wiping out key witnesses further clarified monumental duplicity.

Above all, protecting those involved in treason against own citizens and country providing them impunity confirms democracy under siege.

The 9/11 attack became the premise granting heads of the administration – the Presidents of the United States transcending political parties the license to kill citizens at home including men and women in uniforms and innocent civilians abroad under the guise of national security they neglected in collusion with forces endangering peace and security in the United States and worldwide.

In order to maintain status quo laden with lies and deception, the White House since 2001 terror attack in succession have violated public trust and ethics in epic proportion.

Regardless of political representation as Republican and Democrat, the White House extra judicial executions against constitutional law authorizing predator drones chasing children, women and men from their humble dwellings in developing nations and war-torn countries in a manner considered a sport for executive office bearers, air strikes with nuclear components post 9/11 more so in the past decade speaks volume of the character of those at the helm.  Ironically, even the Nobel peace prize could not deter such actions during their term in office.

September 11, 2001 set precedence to abuse power misleading the nation at every opportunity using fear and false propaganda for policies serving specific agenda against United States interests.

Unites States republic status is a myth and aptly demonstrated in decisions concerning domestic and international affairs. When government fails people in the deliberate mishandling conforming to secrecy and loyalty to unscrupulous ambitions costing citizens lives and national integrity, the trend is up for adoption attracting fragments within society.

The incumbent President Donald Trump’s rhetoric against North Korea that United States would respond with fire and fury is anything but responsible and helpful. Such statements from the Presidency ignites sparks and lights unwanted elements in the country seeking motivation in the suicide mission.

The repeat episodes of shooting incidents and false flag tactics with patsies attributed to government and congress misplaced priority, media overtones promoting wars and unsubstantiated assertions leading to deceit, tensions and potential nuclear confrontation.

United States foreign incursions ratcheted using 9/11 and subsequently conferring statehood to terrorism in 2012 onwards facilitating ISIL, ISIS, IS emergence not barring the effort to permit Taliban in Afghanistan to launch exile government under Taliban flag declared The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in Qatar’s capital Doha in 2013 under U.S. guidance exemplify combative positions in defiance of peace and diplomacy not to mention the lack of respect for foreign nation’s sovereignty.

Citizens unable to cope with challenges in life apparently take cue from sources they are in contact with such as television at home, government leaderships and representatives constantly visible in every medium available in their life.  The government and congress role is the touchstone for many citizens unable to exercise discernment concerning them and the world around them.

Although shooting rampage escalated in the past decade adapting to instance like public execution of unarmed civilian Miriam Carey at the White House door step in 2013 by then President Barack Obama’s security personnel performing as the firing squad, the selective condemnation of gun violence rejects the salient fact that all lives matter. The lives lost in senseless firing in isolated situation, a crowded place, college campus or imposed terrorism on 9/11 deserves equal recognition and acknowledgment of criminal activity subject to legal consequence.

The reckless policies, approvals and carte blanche executive decisions as well as reactions on sensitive issues influence minds and certain citizens’ behavior in society. The authorities’ peaceful pursuits and disposition in resolving domestic and international crises would be a paradigm shift in the country under external dominance and control.

What that means is rising to the occasion in welcoming rational thoughts and ideas from Senior Cabinet member, the present Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on North Korea and Venezuela for direct communication and removal of sanctions respectively.  Simultaneously, having allies viz. Israel to return billion dollars aid to United States and Saudi Arabia and UAE to contain regional disputes with neighbor Qatar.

Meanwhile, ending conflicts in Syria, withdrawal from Afghanistan, Palestinian statehood terminating Israel’s occupation of the embattled territory are necessary for global peace besides rebuilding United States as reliable partner in settling international disputes and disagreements.

Any opposition in this regard would determine United States policy favoring wanton aggressions and egregious resolve proved catastrophic in recent memory. United States policy aimed at peaceful negotiations and dialogue rather than violent strategies would be productive and critical.

As for gun laws, the banning of assault weapons in public domains with rigorous background checks and regular updates is the preliminary measure required to curb massacre and homicide in addition to media and press fair and balanced reporting refraining from unlawful insinuations is an obligation.

Thank you,

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission




Independent Probe – Crimes and Abuse of Power

August 4, 2017

Independent Probe – Crimes and Abuse of Power

By Padmini Arhant

The media discussion on conducting probe on Congressional aides should go beyond and involve high profile entities responsible for serious crimes ranging from treason, abuse of power, sponsoring terrorism, authorization of illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land under false pretext to billing the United States taxpayers phony bills that are routine.

Bush-Cheney administration raking a fortune viz. Halliburton and Kellogg Corporation at the expense of army personnel deprived of appropriate facilities during combat situation in Iraq is just one example amongst myriad exploitations.

Under the same administration, the former NAVY SEAL officer Erik Prince founded private army Black Water deployment in Iraq committing atrocities over there. The Black Water resurfaced under Xe Services operating in Pakistan in 2009 and then recruited in Ukraine by successor President Barack Obama administration. None of these regarded worthy of national address. 

The lies and deception on deceased Osama Bin Laden since 2001 maintained throughout both republican and democrat administrations with the latter claiming Abbottabad mission as a landmark victory in the absence of any evidence to public in the United States and the rest of the world. Subsequently, eliminating NAVY SEAL engaged in Abbottabad operation that also submerged along with other crimes at the helm somehow escaped media and press attention. 

BENGHAZI gate like everything else dismissed as unfortunate event despite serious dereliction of duty from the administration and then State Department leading to a major political and security fiasco. 

The former Congresswoman democrat Jane Harman connection to striking a deal on Israeli espionage agent apprehended following FBI investigation swept under the rug with little or no media focus for reasons well known are not the only issues granted impunity from crimes against citizens in the United States and world over.

On the other side – Why not shed light on Pentagon and Federal Reserve yet to account for more than $20 Trillion respectively evaporated with open threats and ultimatums issued to rare Congressional hearing daring to question the department and private institution profiteering from unaccountability?

Is there really a democracy?  If so, 

What kind of democracy would grant carte blanche authority to political parties, administrations, institutions and departments to run a muck and glorify their legacy as remarkable instead of holding them accountable?

Any incident regardless of activity related to ordinary citizen tried by controlled media prior to any formal investigations and charges from relevant authorities. On the contrary, the influential members, organizations and political figures monumental crimes, complicity and deliberate indulgence for self-interest and political aspirations causing enormous liability to the nation and taxpayers are completely ignored as inconvenient.

Their actions compromising national trust and integrity and most importantly resulting in loss of innocent lives in domestic and international front are either vehemently defended or discarded to protect fraternity and maintain status quo.

What democracy would have mandatory health insurance tied to penalty shifting the burden of costs on the saddled middle and lower income category not qualifying under Medicaid or tax credits not meeting premium and healthcare expense?

What democracy would preserve flawed electoral process like the electoral college at national level and Superdelegates in political party viz. United States democratic party overriding voter participation?

Are there any interest or initiatives to reform the archaic failed electoral system?  NO 

Instead any other country such as Venezuela reforming the political system for meaningful all inclusive democracy is condemned and punished with sanctions.

Any investigations and inquiry targeted for political reasons while approving blatant misuse of position, capitalizing from various ventures and deals by members in political circle and around them would not be tolerated in functioning democracy.\

Above all, the media and press collusion in suppressing facts substituted with fabrications and false propaganda is indicative of the demise of democracy.

Is there any more information required in the reality confirming that fascism rules the world?

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission




Political Reality

July 25, 2017

Political Reality

By Padmini Arhant

Politics is never known to be civil, engaging, honest and trustworthy. More so the politics in disguise, propaganda based, devious and plain wicked with personal and vested interests infiltrating and imposing at every opportunity wherever and whenever possible creating political stalemate.

The Secret society members and foreign sources as the closest allies represented in politics, media and other domains pledging allegiance to anti-humanity and anti-progress objectives are on self-defeating course having exhausted time and resources in deflecting public attention from issues concerning them, the nation and the world at large. 

As for the rest of political class, those lacking courage and will to stand up to forces against efficient governance benefitting electorate are wasting taxpayers money in the absence of  positive and productive representation.  The voters grant legitimacy to the mantle of power despite flurry of campaign donations from near and far in the bid to any posts in public service.

The collusion to disrupt functionality and distort information with certain prominent press and media playing major role is a clear sign of democracy under siege. Not to mention travesty of sovereignty undermined in the overwhelming threat to citizens seeking a better and secure future without continuous interventions from entities committed to conflate and extrapolate decisions. 

Not surprisingly, the secrecy and aversion to reality disposed to ambush mentality exacerbating absolute control and authority.

Nothing is meant forever with expiry on all things both tangible and otherwise.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

Politics and Infidelity – the conjoined factor

October 16, 2016

PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.
PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.




By Padmini Arhant

Synopsis on track record depicting reality and potential threat to peace, global security and humanitarian cause.

The highlight on Presidential candidacy currently exempt from scrutiny.

Should democracy bow to political apparatus endangering lives and human rights?

More to follow on this topic.


Politics and Infidelity – The conjoined factor

By Padmini Arhant

Infidelity is the norm since politics emergence and continues until today with plain hypocrisy.

The chronicle on infidelity among members in politics on all sides goes back as early as 18th century.

However, the recent episodes deserve attention considering the hype and melodrama in contemporary politics.

Starting with elite and privileged club members rendezvous in Bohemian Grove, 65 miles north of San Francisco, California, USA is an annual event in July. The lewd activities promoting voyeurism, philander and pedophilia is accompanied by bizarre rituals burning human and child effigy forbid public focus.

In March 2008, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer steps down after sex scandal. Governor Eliot Spitzer, the democrat and Super delegate in the party resigned after exposure in prostitution scandal. The news reports coverage highlighted that Governor Eliot Spitzer had patronized an elite escort service run by Emperors Club VIP.

Eliot Spitzer subsequently hired by CNN as television host that included issues linked to character and chastity.

The successor David Paterson as the Governor of New York admits infidelity after being sworn in to replace scandal scarred Eliot Spitzer. The newly appointed Governor David Paterson’s spouse Michelle Paterson adultery also comes to light at the same time.

Former President Bill Clinton sex scandals long been referenced serving as a reminder on politics and infidelity the conjoined factor until now in present Presidential election.

The former Presidential contender democrat Jessie Jackson also referred to as reverend having come to the aid of fellow democrat President Bill Clinton during the scandalous moment could not escape spotlight on own extramarital arrangement.

The democrat Presidential candidate Gary Hart in 1987 ended his campaign upon disclosure on infidelity over a period of time.

Similarly, the ex- Presidential candidate democrat Senator John Edwards dropped out of 2008 Presidential race following news on his ongoing affair unfolding in the middle of the campaign.

Massachusetts Senator and ex- Presidential Candidate Ted Kennedy fiercely contested Presidential nomination in the democratic primary.  

As per the revelations via news reports then – “Ted Kennedy’s career never recovered from the disgrace of the accident at Chappaquiddick in 1969, when his passenger Mary Jo Kopechne died after the senator drove his car off a bridge and left her to drown as he swam free. Rather than making any attempt to save the young woman he went back to his hotel room to consult advisers before the case was reported in the morning. Kennedy escaped with only minor charges.”

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (Republican) infidelity shattered the glass house despite Christian coalition and religious veneer with the republican invited on major news network as authority on morality.

The Republican Senator Larry Craig in 2009 acknowledged inappropriate behavior.

According to the reports then –  “The Republican senator for Idaho pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct after being caught at an airport toilet. A policeman at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport arrested the politician after he used a signal under a cubicle door to suggest sexual conduct.”

Yet another Republican member in Congress Mark Foley attracted attention for apparent text and instant messages to male teens with sexual innuendoes during the term in Congress.

Arizona Senator John McCain launched Presidential campaign in 2008 and became the Republican Presidential nominee on the platform as decorated war veteran and POW in Vietnam. Nonetheless, the Senator’s involvement characterized as adulterous with disloyalty to spouse in long term marriage could not be concealed although the Senator continued the Presidential bid until election day.

California ex-Governor and Hollywood fame Arnold Schwarzenegger (Republican)  confession to love child cautiously sidelined from media chat and discussion.

The democrat Presidential candidate and then Senator Barack Obama was associated with alleged alliances during the successful 2008 campaign.

Last but not the least, the shooting incident at the White House door step on October 3rd, 2013, related to young black mother Miriam Carey (age – 34 years) with a toddler son witness to his mother being shot from behind five times in her car by White House Secret Service concluded as a tragedy much to the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus silence. Not to mention muted response from Black lives matter.

Politics duplicity persists in the face of denials and denigrations for the sole purpose of maintaining status quo – i.e. distraction from real issues and serious violations by members in political class selectively exempt from scrutiny.

The targets in the game are fidelity and integrity not welcome in service to the citizens and nation at large.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




















India – Hegemony Run Political Establishment

September 20, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

In the previous segment, snapshot on hegemony backed regimes were presented to review reality.

Although the earlier topic only covered few among several worldwide, the facts confirm status quo.

Similarly, India apparently independent nation regardless of dominion republic declaration clarifying non-termination of foreign rule prevalent in proxy governance.

Hegemony strategy premised on control over entire political establishment bid on all factions for win win situation in the so-called election with foreign and domestic illegal funding serving political office bearers, campaign donors and incognito rulers’ interests through beguiled electorate vote.

Indian elections attract donations from myriad sources creating prime time to liquidate black money not barring counterfeit notes printing to bribe voters besides overseas funders viz. Ford foundation, Saudi Arabia and alike involvement up until now.

The political system with prominent political parties at the national and regional level forging alliances alternate positions as ruling and opposition while maintaining agenda to protect each other from accountability on corruption and criminality.

Tax revenues become personal wealth and used to gain political mileage.

For better understanding – the two major political parties Congress and BJP cited in the example.

In hegemony political screen play, direction and production – the common scheme is developing poster-figure (poster-boy) to camouflage duplicity.

With Congress Party – hegemony choice to head Indian government was former World Bank member and economist Dr. Manmohan Singh promoted as Mr. Honest and Mr. Clean later turned out to be otherwise in Coalgate scam and remaining oblivious in 2G spectrum scandal.

Finance, Defense and Foreign Affairs appointments are hegemony authorized and hence World Bank ex-officials viz. current President Pranab Mukherjee, then finance minister P. Chidambaram in key posts were least surprising due to allegiance to external authority.

Congress Party British Raj representative A.O. Hume founded Congress originated in pre-independence India retained dynasty until today.

The Congress Party led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) term I and II (2004 – 2014) was progressive on explosive corruption scandals from top to bottom i.e. the High Command to lowest order enabling hegemony operated foreign banks and tax havens flourish at Indian population expense.

Organized crime syndicate funneled financial institutions under Congress Party chief Sonia Gandhi and UPA finance minister P. Chidambaram not to mention BJP complicity considering inaction as chief opposition sums up political collusion. 

Cash for votes not only on campaign trail but also extended in Parliament with BJP theatrical performance in an effort to absolve responsibility is a serious blow to democracy.

Congress survival rocked not from BJP or any other political group strength.  In fact, the self-inflicted damages with massive corruption unfolding despite political parties and hegemony owned media cover up, the fox could no longer hide in sheep’s clothing scenario emerged on Congress and allies’ corruption deals paving the way for hegemony alternative – BJP and coalition.

BJP – Bharatiya Janata Party with British Raj fostered RSS also dating back to colonial era like Congress is hegemony’s other wing.

Hegemony prepared to roll the dice favoring BJP candidate.  Politics finds strange bedfellows in the ambiance of adversary becoming an ally and vice versa.

Indian state Gujarat former Chief Minister Narendra Modi was hegemony approved candidate in the bogus Gujarat re-election in 2012 against pseudo contender supposedly representing common man basically to stifle average citizens’ representation.

Hegemony policy and advise to power hungry political class to ride on targeted individual’s back while the entity isolated and shunned from reference in sheer violation of free speech and democratic rights justified under false pretext is indicative of fearing expeditious self-collapse.

The piracy and plagiarism evident in copyright infringement with ideas, solutions, phrases and style from PadminiArhant.com presented as their own not to mention identity theft speaks volume on the political and personal character.

Furthermore, imitation of positive contributions without due acknowledgment is fraudulence and forgery constituting punishable crime in a civilized society in addition to burdening self with irreversible karmic effects.

Alternatively, caricature by paid actors using offensive material and platform is desperate times seeking desperate measures eventually hurting the catalysts and source. The contrived conduct poorly reflects on the promoters’ background and political embodiment.

Above all spying and 24/7 surveillance including eavesdropping and intrusion in private residence with little or no respect for other’s life is indecency and perversion emanating from political insecurity.

On the contrary, the political circle and everyone connected to them depleting national income and thriving on taxpayers funded salary and privileges not excluding sprawling mansions live discreet life cloaked in secrecy when they deserve to be on public radar.

In other activities placing the gun on other’s shoulders unleashing provocative and inflammatory sentiments is a cowardly gesture and do not necessarily safeguard the façade for what lies underneath is explicit in legacy and ongoing trend.

All actions have serious repercussions without exception.

Hegemony and delegates in Indian politics as Muslims half-brothers feign identity denying undeniable relationship with indifference to warfare imposed on people of Islamic faith worldwide.

The incumbent Indian administration recent borrowed remarks on terrorism is a cliché and disingenuous in light of latest abstinence on UN vote rather than unequivocal yeah endorsing Palestinian rights to file complaint on Israeli authorities’ atrocities with International Criminal Court of Justice.

Simultaneously Indian political apparatus at hegemony behest slight real freedom fighters like Netaji Subash Chandra Bose deemed imperialists enemy.

Juxtaposed the functionaries unduly glorify late Indian President A P J Abdul Kalam perhaps because of latter acquiescence to foreign manned Indian government’s unsavory stratagem.

Hegemony and Indian political contingency convoluted disposition is self defeating in the heightened absurdity.

The uncanny resemblance in hegemony remote rule in India cannot escape attention.

Hegemony projected ex-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with emphasis on integrity to keep Congress headed UPA in power.

Now the 66 years old Prime Minister Narendra Modi is hegemony’s poster person to advance foreign agenda.

Nonetheless fake image and personality is a hard sell requiring hyped marketing. Anything unauthentic inevitably fizzle more so with those inclined to despotism verifiable in history serving as testimony.

Likewise, hegemony loyalists P. Chidambaram holding finance ministry during Congress tenure and same portfolio awarded to BJP’s unsuccessful candidate Arun Jaitley in the national election is pre-determined decision mocking democracy.

Not long ago hegemony slated BJP as fundamentalists, hindutva and saffron party refusing then Gujrat Chief Minister Narendra Modi travelers visa to visit United States quoting Godra communal violence as the factor.

Now in the well known political flip flop hegemony extending unprecedented rating lauding Modi governance is misnomer ignoring significant failures enumerated below.

Indian Parliament Monsoon session stymied and pronounced complete washout in the domestic front and foreign affairs – the critical high level talks between nuclear neighbors India and Pakistan – National Security Advisors meeting cancellation explains the lack of initiatives and misplaced priority.

Farmers plight with suicides that began in Congress fronted UPA duration escalated at present and war veterans hunger strike to receive fair pensions initially resisted authorizing police intervention to disperse peaceful assembly.

Modi Sarkar or government dubbed Mercantile Modi not without reasons with India’s wealthiest and leading industrialists Mukesh Ambani and Gautam Adani exerting influence and their delegations regularly accompany PM overseas tour.

Modi administration in return exchange partiality with requests to United States to list the moguls from economic, entertainment and political field in VIP category exempting them from security protocol applicable to ordinary citizens within and outside United States.

Indian political structure adapts United States political pattern with Wall Street drafting legislations through intense lobbying alongside special interests like AIPAC, NRA, religious zealots and institutions for imperial aspirations remaining firm on their respective ideology much to national and international detriment.

Viewing through Indian prism, the political parties predominantly represent the rich, famous and powerful in society.

Indian politics using caste and religion for communal divide is standard practice inherited from colonial ruler.

NDA and BJP trust deficit with Muslim community in India stems from Gujarat and Ayodhya incidents no less than counterpart Congress response towards Sikhs and Sri Lankan Tamils aiding previous Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksha brutal crackdown following former Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi and Rajeev Gandhi assassination.

The political tactic to address this problem is indeed uniquely deceptive.  BJP cohort All India Majilis-e-ltte(?)had-ul-Muslimeen (AIMIM) – the Hyderabad based party flamboyant President Asaduddin Owaisi and sibling Akbaruddin Owaisi are BJP leadership and RSS sponsored canons exacerbating the existing authority credibility.

Whenever politics engage in Machiavellian approach aimed at end justifying the means, these are ominous signs for precipitous decline.

The analogy using Congress and BJP applies to regional political parties with prolonged rule enforced via flawed electoral process.

Indian political chronicle too consists assassination conforming to violent removal of leaders especially Mahatma Gandhi – pioneer of peace and non-violence raising poignant question on the price the nation expected to pay upon insiders committing treason to appease foreign power.

India’s freedom from oligarchy, dynasty, religious extremism and antiquated caste orientation preserved to facilitate hegemony dominance is paramount to experience pervasive progress in the country with vast potential.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant













India – Transparency and Accountability

September 10, 2015

By Padmini Arhant 

Indian political establishment ensconced in fair share of corruption scandals at national and regional level amongst ruling and opposition alike can no longer circumvent transparency and accountability.

What is relevant in transparency and accountability?

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee release of files related to Sharada scam for public scrutiny is critical rather than executing vilayathi (firangi) masters’ orders on Netaji life.

Netaji the honorable patriot and gem amongst freedom fighters refusal to bow to tyranny epitomize courage and integrity – a rare quality in contemporary politics.  Accordingly, India’s admirable son immortalized in Indian history.

Unfortunately, the great souls sacrifice pledging their life for the country now squandered with reversal of action amongst political class nationwide.

The nation is under siege with foreign exerted authority in proxy governance fostering corruption culture.

The public wealth from various scandals beginning with Bofor, 2G spectrum, CWG, Coalgate to Vyapam Scam, Lalit Modi Saga and shielding entities involving money laundering in INEX Media connected with much publicized homicide case is national overview implicating members in the ruling and oppositions combined until now.

Not to mention the regional states political factions and governments in Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madya Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu to name a few implicated in series of scams, disproportionate assets and black money stashed away in foreign accounts enabling offshore criminal syndicate profiteering while millions in India are left naked, homeless and forced into abject poverty.

Transparency and accountability is required in the political class surrender of assets setting precedence for the rest to follow in the country.

The funds recovery from political circle and allied sources due to Indian treasury would adequately provide for economic growth improving several million lives in every part of the country.

The procrastination in this context tantamount defiance in compliance of the law applicable on ordinary citizens in the nation.

Criminality in governance imposing law and order in society not only a credibility factor but also delegitimizes such functionary to serve the state and the nation.

As for the shadow power remote orchestration – when the foundation is flawed, the apparent structural fragility contributes to imminent collapse.

The enactments on international issues with collusion amongst performers in quid pro quo is illusive and self defeating in the pursuit to prolong unsustainable status.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


India – Good Governance Possible Upon Clean Governance

By Padmini Arhant

The tradition preventing progress in investigations on money laundering involving firms and political members in high profile homicide case leading to exposure of individuals in politics and companies impedes transparency and accountability.

The political trend stifling process at critical juncture when closing in on key sources behind criminal activities confirms status quo.

Governments intervention with typical actions in transfer or removal of head of the team conducting probe maintaining integrity and diligence expected in civil service proliferates corruption – the major impediment in country’s development.

The civil service – Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS) and Criminal Bureau of Investigation (CBI) cadre routine experience is dispatch to remote locations or forced to accept lack luster positions upon demonstrating honesty and application of law regardless of stature especially politics, economic sector and entertainment industry – entities treated above law in society premised on prominence exerting influence.

Corruption rampant in political establishment due to self granted impunity and judiciary conforming to politics diktat rather than adherence to judicial law and constitutional framework is yet another challenge for the nation in purging graft laden system.

The acquittal and exonerations of those in politics, economic and entertainment segments despite evidence and corruption legacy is a travesty of justice promoting subversion of law.

The laws only meant for mainstream population – the vulnerable and economically disadvantaged in particular emanating from unaffordability to comply with bribery demand.

Indian treasury at the central and state level depleted hurting ordinary citizens across the spectrum with complicity in prohibiting black money recovery and tax evasions held in Swiss bank accounts, Singapore hawala and offshore tax havens primarily amongst political members in the ruling and opposition alike.

The plethora of corruption scandals during Congress led UPA term I and II with continuity in the incumbent BJP, RSS and NDA government not to mention regional political factions viz. AIADMK, DMK and fragments in Tamil Nadu, the alliance in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh entrenched in Vyapam scam and Sharada Scam tied to TMC in West Bengal …is tip of the iceberg in corruption tsunami.

The political class alliance and extraordinary favors dubbed as humanitarian call to founder and IPL chief associated with country’s most wanted underworld cartel in nefarious financial dealings subscribe to paradoxical stances while both remain fugitives defying moral arc of justice.

Criminal background and series of violations among political office bearers is hardly a concern including deliberate misrepresentation and contradictory disclosure on credentials in sworn affidavit during elections misleading electorate – the conduct ordinarily deemed perjury punishable by law instead rewarded with cabinet post mocking democracy.

The political assertion in crackdown on black money exempt self and core members deflecting civic attention from them in artful maneuver.

The political tactic linking religion and divine connotations besides contemporary practice imputing failures and negativities to targeted opponent whilst being gratuitous – hogging undue credits from the respective entity hard work and good deeds clarifies opportunism ad nauseam.

Imitation of positive attributes interpreted as flattery.  However, the gesture without acknowledgment of origin is forgery.

The innuendoes depicting discriminatory indulgence is a futile exercise and explanations in this context are farcical.

The unabated custom using caste and communalism for political mileage delineates those following antiquated hierarchy from human race.

Human being innate quality is to be humane transcending man made barriers with refrainment from societal prejudice. The resistance to acceptance and equality is civilization decline.

Condescendence and marginalization of others is reflective of internal decay. The overture on backward class is nothing more than mindset backwardness prompting insolence.  

Polarization through indoctrination is political strategy inherited from dominant forces much to sponsors and catalysts detriment.

As for anyone restricting access to worshippers in temples on caste or religion bias is essentially isolating themselves from divine grace.

The pure spirit with sincere devotion and relevantly selfless actions to humanity attains God’s blessings with or without affiliation to faith.

Temples are common premise and not personal property.  Such orientation is ignorance at best and pejorative at worst in religious concept.

In fact, God is realized within upon freedom from ego, envy, greed and hatred…the vices undermining reasoning faculty.

Furthermore, Lord Murugan aka Shanmugam or Karthik’s consort Valli is from gypsy tribe secluded in society as untouchables and backward sect.

Lord Murugan – the son of God Shiva and Shakti revered as Tamil and Hindu deity marriage to daughter from gypsy clan establish relations with not only Shiv Parivar (God Shiva’s Family) but also Lord Vishnu – Ranganathan as Murugan’s uncle.

The religious rituals and prayers for Lord Murugan i.e. Velavan with Valli is performed as eliminating Valli would be rejecting Lord Murugan and everyone related to Shiva and Shakti’s son.

This is indeed a dilemma for those upholding caste and creed as determining factor for superiority.

The society reluctance to abolish caste and segregation of God’s children being reality, the ostentatious religious rites and ceremony allude to commercial activity notwithstanding disingenuous pious disposition.

Human value evaluated on character and sacrifice to uplift lives for pervasive benefit facilitating proximity to God.

The veneration of God lacking in fairness, egalitarianism, love and respect towards all is redundant and fulfilled for self-satisfaction.

On the issue of Swach Bharatrelieving the nation from corruption and political manipulation of justice would clear pathway for holistic approach.

The initiative beginning with Parliament members implicated on corruption charges and their overt as well as covert connections to unscrupulous elements brought to public scrutiny in national domain would provide credibility.

Clean environment made possible with corruption free governance and political representation.

After all household trash disposed on to main street contributing to unhealthy and life threatening conditions cannot be contained in the absence of effective measures to efface unnatural cause.

Swach Bharat would be meaningful with swach sarkaar (clean governance) comprising political power in the ruling and opposition defining political identity.

Tamil Nadu AIADMK government irresponsible course in massive  intoxication of citizens with statewide liquor shops and state authorized violence against peaceful dissent to alcohol booths resulting in deaths and ruining families is culpable inflicting deliberate harm and suicides among citizenry. The government intentional damage is a criminal act with misuse of authority and disqualify the functionary as reliable administration to safeguard people interest.

The classic signs of proxy governance throughout India pledged allegiance to dissipating supremacy are political jargons – hindutva, backward caste, dalit, DR. Ambedkar, ‘rebel’ Subash Chandra Bose not barring the accused in criminal matter.

These are desperate times seeking disasters expediting inevitable conclusion of Dark Age.

India’s liberation from the corrupt and destructive external control with internal operatives committing treason significant to curtail indefinite suppression.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant








The Conversation About The Ruling Class Part 2

May 9, 2015


By Padmini Arhant

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I  present the extemporaneous performance by Padmini Arhant in The Conversation About The Ruling Class – Part 2.

Enjoy the infotainment.  There will be more segments presented in sequence.

Please click on the above audio link for the feature.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


India – Land Acquisition Act 2015

March 25, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The fast paced land bill passed in Lok Sabha deserves better clarifications considering serious ramifications not only on farmers but also the nation at large. 

The agriculture land currently under farmers’ ownership whether individually or as cooperative is sought for industrialization and privatization.

In this context, the incentives such as the offer quadrupled in price and buy back option later not exceeding 20 per cent in addition to employment for one member of farmer’s family subject to government appointed administration approval are not necessarily beneficial to the seller.

Beginning with the purchase price based on underestimated land value even after the claim on quadrupled offer remaining below market determination would not be a surprise. 

Then the capped buy back option at 20% post sale on the land used for industrial or private projects more often with incomplete or stalled construction works may not be suitable for agriculture.

The employment opportunity to one member of farmer family pegged with bureaucratic process might not be an instant solution to livelihood especially in the absence of guaranteed outcome and fair compensation.

Industrialization of villages with factory setting would be extension of urban problems including congestion, environment pollution and contamination with industrial waste and hazardous disposals endangering surroundings with pervasive impact.

Instead modernizing agriculture sector with equipment, proper facilities, logistics, irrigation techniques, water reservoir in arid land and preventive measures in flood prone areas for crop protection could generate jobs for rural youth without them having to migrate to metropolis.

Improving seed quality, soil condition for growth and fertility besides various basic to advanced methods could enhance productivity and enable farmers to sustain losses in predictable and other times of the year.

The developments ranging from electricity, clean water, sewage systems to roads, health centers, schools and essential conveniences in rural parts of the country could be a major boost to agriculture standards nationwide.

On the national scene, the contentious land bill might be pushed forward riding on currency factor ignoring volatility that could make food import expensive for ordinary retail customers in the pre-existing inflationary period.

The presumption on strong rupee mitigating import costs despite fluctuating fuel prices pose challenges for exports contributing to widespread trade imbalance.

Again leading the country from self-sufficiency in food provisions to severe dependency on external sources via imports notwithstanding challenges in the increasingly fragile international supply chain and hidden constraints could potentially be a major risk in terms of national obligation to feed 1.2 billion population. 

Politics exploitation of this critical issue at hegemony behest with the ruling party defiance and the so-called opposition viz. Congress staging protest or movement pretending to favor farmers in the otherwise choreographed event along with political factions representing the states like Tamil Nadu complicity prioritize vested interests over farmers and public concern.

The statement in the airwaves during Prime Minister’s address on the matter appropriately applies to the source rather than the intended target.

“People who make laws in the air-conditioned rooms do not have a touch with the ground realities – Modi.”

Perhaps this explains the political status evident in the recent fire break out in Indian Parliament building due to electrical fault during AC maintenance at the premise.

The facts on government as well as industry slight to farmers plight contributing to tragic suicides among farming community is the reality regardless of political incumbency in the state and national domain.

Prudence would serve in national cause averting strategies with irreversible results.

Peace to all!

Thank you. 

Padmini Arhant






India – Parody on Political Establishment

November 23, 2014

Interview in Italian with India’s Congress Party President

Sonia Gandhi

Padmini Arhant

Dear Global Citizens,

Please click on the audio link for the topic presentation.

Thank you for your attention and interest. Padmini Arhant


Interview with  Cecilia Capone alias Sonia Gandhi

By Padmini Arhant



Come stai?

Belle. Grazie.

Q.   I will do interpretation for our international listeners in this interview.  Is that fine with you?

A.  That’s fine.

 Q.  Could you please introduce yourself?  

A.  My name is Cecilia Capone. But now I am Sonia Gandhi.

Q.  Why Sonia Gandhi?  What made you choose Sonia Gandhi?  

A.  The current trend is to become whoever you prefer to be.  

A.  I chose Sonia Gandhi based on origin. 

Also  because I am in antique business. Sonia Gandhi is antique supplier from India. 

Sonia Gandhi and several others are presenting and projected as someone other than them.

So I thought there is nothing wrong  in me claiming to be her. 

Even though what I am doing is being an imposter.

In any law abiding civil society, such portrayal would be criminal activity considering this is identity theft.

1.Q.    What inspired you towards Politics?   

A.     Power, Prestige and Prosperity.  

2.Q.   What is your view on many corruption scams in Indian politics with you referred to as the High Command during your term in office?    

A.   Corruption, scams and scandals make  politics exciting.  Power is meant to be utilized for individual interests and not wasted in being concerned about consequences especially when power comes with political impunity.

 3.Q. What was the reason for your personal intervention in preventing investigation and extradition of Ottavio Quattrocchi – one of the major beneficiary besides yourself and few others in Bofor Scandal?   

AYou know that the answer is in your question. Why would I stir the beehive when I continue to have honey?

4.Q. You quelled anti-corruption movement in India in 2011.  Your political coalition with members like Karunanidhi and Ooman Chandy known for criminality reflects political character. Your Congress Party is rejected in every election. What makes you think you can stay at the helm given the dismal record?       

  A.   Politics is known for strange bedfellows. I might be known as Congress Party Chief but essentially I direct any party that comes to power at hegemony behest. BJP and various political factions in India represent Congress and foreign agenda. Why do you think I have strong support from EU and imperial powers along with political parties in India regardless of my involvement in various corruption scandals?

5.Q. Do you favor political dynasty under the guise of democracy?     

A.  As member of political dynasty having usurped to power, I favor the system.  Also as hegemony representative democracy is not desirable except to use the concept to legitimize illegitimacy  i.e. global supremacy.

6.Q.   What is your ambition in life?     

A.   To see my son Rahul as Prime Minister of India and succeeded by my daughter Priyanka Vadra considering this is their prerogative as members of political dynasty.

7.Q.  Your Congress Party member conferred the title Mother India on you. Would you consider surrender of wealth held in swiss bank and other tax havens given the people’s rights on national treasury?     

A.   There is no such thing as national treasure in politics. Position of authority is meant for personal empowerment.  I have exemplified the art of accumulating wealth evidenced in explosive corruption deals throughout my political career.

8.Q. You accepted Indian citizenship only in  2006 while you assumed power back when your spouse late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was in office. What took you so long for this decision?     

A.  My decision for Indian citizenship in 2006 was political expediency. Such actions help win elections and voters trust.

9.Q. Your personal intrusion exerting authority has claimed innocent life and other times denied justice to citizens in Indian society.  example the rape victim Jyoti deprived survival and individuals of Italian origin committing crimes against Indian fishermen or any ordinary citizens are invariably granted immunity.

Despite your egregious decisions, you aim to govern India.

Do you have any regrets regarding your actions?     

A.  None whatsoever. Power comes with privilege.  As hegemony proxy and political class member  the discretionary power cannot be challenged particularly when corruption serves as means to evade accountability.

10.Q. Finally. Do you believe in Karma?       

A.  I believe in my doctrine evident in my legacy.

Conclusion. Cecilia Capone alias Sonia Gandhi.  Thank you for revealing your identity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Topic Discussion – United States Mid Term Election Results and Politics As Usual

November 5, 2014


From:  Padmini Arhant

The topic discussion on United States Mid Term Election Results and Politics as Usual is scheduled in approximately 30 mins to your local time.

Your attention and interest is appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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