World Express Concern Over Philanthropy Gone Astray

February 15, 2021

World Express Concern Over Philanthropy

Gone Astray

Padmini Arhant

Microsoft’s Bill Gates and spouse Melinda Gates prominence not for the right rather wrong reasons deserve valid explanations from the subjects considering their overarching indulgence potentially endangering human survival. The corona virus COVID19 pandemic involving GATES foundation contribution to a tune of over $200 million to Wuhan lab, China for bizarre experiment on genetically engineered virus impact on human population is a world wide known fact. The information published in public domain long before the deadly virus outbreak in October 2019 in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China, disclosed in December 2019 by the communist authorities in Beijing. 

Bill Gates floated the news on inevitable global pandemic back in 2015 in public forum. This was confirmed during Bill Gates interview with MSNBC recently on January 28th, 2021.

Was there an epiphany or the billionaire’s privy to secret society agenda?

Post COVID19,

Bill Gates Warns The “Next Pandemic” Is Coming After Covid-19.

What exactly is the globalists game plan against humanity?

Bill Gates fascination towards genetically modified organisms (GMO) apparently not mere individual interest. The multi-billionaire ambition to change the world and human population genome as well as lifestyle beckon global attention and scrutiny.

Should billionaires become the principal force to determine eight billion inhabitants’ existence on the planet?

These developments and deeply disturbing engagements such as direct modification of food beginning at seed germination and livestock hormone injection arguably affecting global citizens health and life span.

Is this a synopsis of globalists depopulation and deprogramming plan?

The global citizenry challenged with such risks seek response from the GATES foundation and TECH behemoths extending their role beyond the parameters of advanced technology and economic monopoly. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Courtesy – Public concern on Bill Gates and GATES Foundation Investments  – Thank you.

Mark Moss – Bill Gates Secretly Buying Farmland – The Real Reason 

United States – H.R. 5717 Democrats Controlled Governance Predicament

February 7, 2021

Antifa and Black Lives Matter are democrat and deep state swamp wings to cause disruption and confusion.

The latest threat from Antifa to stage riots in Washington, D.C. is a cover up from the organizers and funders pretending to disassociate from their domestic terror groups misleading public.

The democrat, deep state and foreign elements like George Soros are funding these groups spreading violence and mayhem.

Similar activities are prevalent in India inciting sedition in the country.

The citizens awakening and awareness of truth are critical in these dire situations.  The power hungry mobs and desperate criminal clique are ever in the game of misinformation and misrepresentation despite hyenas scavenging traits could no longer be hidden.

Padmini Arhant 


United States – H.R. 5717

Democrats Controlled Governance Predicament

Padmini Arhant

Loss of lives under any circumstances and situation is regrettable. Furthermore, deaths caused by violence, criminal indulgence, willful negligence, collusion, complicity, creating and spreading pandemic consuming innocent lives are all condemnable. The diverse ways and means inflicting fatalities are reprehensible.

However, the bill H.R. 5717 introduced by democrat held Congress aimed at second amendment Bill of Rights is a political agenda rather than implied cause in the bill. Not to mention the proposed legislation escalating tensions in the deeply divided nation and disenfranchised electorate.

The democrats explanation on H.R. 5717 to protect lives is paradoxical to the political party legislation decriminalizing substance abuse such as marijuana and other social policies not necessarily in citizens well being or interest.

Any legislation and policy is meaningful and well intended upon the political parties in power maintaining fair and balanced approach barring preference and partisanship.

How does the government reconcile with fairness and social justice on state committed crimes misusing authority against citizens viz. the republic within nation and in foreign land?

How could the government elected to serve and defend citizens across the spectrum justify prejudice and political alienation?

The democrat administration under former President Barack Obama and then attorney general Eric Holder implemented Fast and Furious program supplying high grade weapons and arsenal to drug cartels in Mexico via CIA in 2009 – 2010. The administration’s controversial engagement barely caught attention from democrat held Congress and Senate in 2009 – 2010.

The deadly policy contributed abhorrent violence from dangerous drug cartels armed with ammunitions directly made available to them from then federal government authorized Fast and Furious arms deal. The horrific violence evolved into nightmare for Mexican population. The continuous bloodshed triggered exodus of locals in rural and urban Mexico fleeing homes in village and towns for safety and security. The drug cartels outgunned the Mexican state authorities at the regional and national level due to seamless delivery of lethal weapons and military grade artillery from then United States government to bad elements across the border.

Needless to say, the bloodbath forced Mexican families to run for their lives with thousands thronged to United States territories in desperation. The crisis exacerbated illegal entry and undocumented arrivals exceeding the already overflowing influx into the country. Having ignited the flames, the democrat administration of Barack Obama and Eric Holder expressed no interest or initiative to address the issue. Instead the reckless policy continued despite dire humanitarian and security problem for United States and Mexico.

Similarly, the United States facilitated arms deal in Afghanistan fostering poppy crops i.e. opium traded between tribal groups and Taliban forces remain the primary source of ammunition procurement for the fundamentalist militancy in the war torn nation. The CIA operation in this regard is an open secret with warlords in Afghanistan trading opium for cash and weapons cache. As usual, corruption and criminality overwhelm environment with government in Afghanistan serving local and foreign feudalists leaving the Afghans entirely at the mercy of corrupt dysfunctional governance.

The Biden administration’s foreign policy return to former administrations of Barack Obama – Joe Biden and George W. Bush – Dick Cheney militarization of planet in troop deployment, prolonging warfare in Afghanistan, Syria and the middle east and worldwide contradict with the democrat party disarmament plan under H.R. 5717. The contrasting and conflicting strategies further highlight the democrats’ confused ideology.

In the national front, United States experienced violent riots and unrest from Black Lives matter (BLM) and Antifa – both organizations funded and supported by democrat party hierarchy and certain foreign donors. The nation was gripped with violence and mayhem throughout summer in 2020. The businesses together with public and private properties were set ablaze amid looting and mob frenzy on the streets in major cities of the United States much to citizens’ horror. The incidents upending law and order conformed to domestic terrorism.

On October 3rd, 2013, at the White House perimeter, there was White House approved summary execution of unarmed civilian, an African American young mother Miriam Carey with her then toddler daughter in the back seat. Miriam Carey was gunned down by President Barack Obama’s secret service personnel in Washington D.C. The victim of heinous crime was reportedly shot at least five times sustaining fatal injury from thirty five bullets fired at the unarmed citizen.

There is no doubt that brutality in any form from anyone and anywhere unarguably represent horrific crime.

Nonetheless, George Floyd’s incident was sensationalized and overshadowed by Black Lives matter pushing the nation on the edge. Simultaneously, the orchestrated events in regular destinations like London and neighboring Canada was set in motion.

Juxtaposed Miriam Carey’s death sponsored by White House with then occupants Barack Obama and Michele Obama presence at that time was neither an issue nor matter of any violation for Black Lives Matter, ACLU and other so-called human rights group that are otherwise in the front line on any politically charged affair. The media absence and abstinence is least surprising. Contrarily, the media would have upped the ante with Donald Trump in the White House at that time.

Similarly, then Vice President Joe Biden’s muted response to Miriam Carey’s murder by White House security service while reminding American electorate and media on personal voice to Charlottesville episode and rebuking President Donald Trump for alleged silence to the demonstration is self-explanatory on political hypocrisy.

The democrat party worker, the 24 years old Seth Rich gunned down in broad daylight in Washington D.C.  The murder until today not even considered worth any investigation covering up democrat party’s internal politics and violent practice.

Finally, the democrats display on political clout and strength in executing the former President Barack Obama’s listed aspirations such as eliminating second amendment, curbing free and unfettered access to internet that were attempted earlier by Barack Obama and Joe Biden administration unleashing SOPA, PIPA and ACTA…via democrat held Congress and Senate in the first and second term in office is a cliché. These measures were deceptively designed to infringe on First Amendment and obstruct online information. The cyber force as users erupted in world wide protest and promptly rejected the governments’ overarching rules in the United States and world wide.

The democrats and others claim to save lives in H.R. 5717 would be convincing upon political members denouncing Beijing communist leadership, World Health Organization together with private investors role in subjecting humanity across the globe to excruciating health and economic misery from the manufactured virus in Wuhan lab, China.

Unfortunately, the democrat administration i.e. the President and Vice President’s close ties with Beijing authorities linked to personal financial obligations and indebtedness subjugate United States to Beijing’s free will granting latter huge advantage overall. As for WHO, the ally of Beijing, the Biden administration overturning predecessor President Donald Trump’s valid reason to leave World Health Organization is an affirmation to Beijing – Biden relation.

Those whose political status quo on violence, deaths, destruction and pandemic caused irreversible calamity is glaring at them, any haste legislations would only precipitate undesirable outcome.

Haste makes waste is experienced time and time again.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



Corona Virus (COVID19) – Manufactured in Wuhan Lab, China

September 13, 2020

Corona Virus (COVID19) – Manufactured in Wuhan Lab, China

Padmini Arhant

The article on the controversial and contentious issue – Corona Virus (COVID19) manufactured in lab setting was elaborated with detailed explanations on such conviction on May 12, 2020 in the link below under the title –

Corona Virus -EuroChinaUS (ECU) Deadly Experiment

The confirmation to this effect was partially acknowledged with reference to China’s virologist Dr. Shi Zengli’s advanced warning on the potential major pandemic explosion worldwide and Dr. Shi Zengli’s subsequent disappearance qualifying evasion on the subject matter was clear.

Furthermore, China’s authority together with those involved in the corona virus experiment over a period of time viz. Dr. Shi Zengli and others declining to comment or clarify on the outbreak upon being approached by leading Science journal Nature following the pandemic stated in article on June 5th, 2020 – the title  –

“The biggest mystery: What it will take to trace the corona virus source?” 

Now the latest report corroborating the fact COVID19 was indeed manufactured unlike the position maintained thus far comes to light.


Chinese Virologist Says She Has Scientific Proof That COVID-19 Was Made In A Chinese Govt Lab At Wuhan

In a video interview, a Chinese virologist has claimed that she possesses scientific proof that the COVID-19 virus originated in a government-controlled laboratory in Wuhan, China.

The scientist Dr Li-Meng Yan was working at the Hong Kong School of Public Health when she allegedly came across the proof of coronavirus being lab-made.

These sequences on highly infectious deadly corona virus consuming lives till date and having paralyzed global economy along with lives and livelihoods, the earlier article published on on May 30th, 2020 under the heading – “China and World Health Organization” –

The lack of transparency at the corona virus onset until today is the persistent problem in dealing with Beijing and WHO, the two parties having not exercised discretion and denied international access for independent inquiry and investigation continues to remain the credibility factor.

Nonetheless, the COVID19 source emerging from Wuhan lab, China is incontrovertible as the world continues to battle the biggest health catastrophe without any regret or remorse from those responsible for the global pandemic.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Corona Virus – WHO Mismanagement

May 18, 2020

Corona Virus – WHO Mismanagement 

Padmini Arhant

The ruling governments at the state and federal level subject to severe criticism and taking lot of heat from partisan media and predecessor ex-President Barack Obama rebuke of the incumbent President Donald Trump in the handling of the pandemic with rebuttal from the latter ongoing on one side.

On the other hand, the global health authority, World Health Organization having misled the world and allowed the virus spread globally through full cooperation with Beijing leadership, President Xi Jinping of China Communist Party in the critical initial period perhaps never even cross critics’ minds when targeting political leaderships and administrations bogged down in health and economic dual crises.

The burden of responsibility squarely falls on the World Health Organization for miscalculations and misguidance in denying human to human transmission in the beginning and disapproval on international travel ban that triggered contagion effect far and wide.

China and WHO together failed to contain the virus in Wuhan at the onset. WHO obligatory to conduct independent investigation on the outbreak prior to Beijing’s deliberated confirmation in Wuhan, China delayed in providing instructions to the international community until after preliminary epidemic evolved into a pandemic.

The controversy surrounding corona virus origin i.e. Wuhan lab in China with known lapses brought to notice by United States embassy in Beijing back in January 2018 appears to have been ignored raising a red flag in the institute set up for experiments in highly infectious viruses from the wild life viz. bats per numerous data drawing focus on the facility and activities concerning humanity at large.

The current corona virus SARS-CoV2 identified as related to bats that trace back to Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China involved in corona virus research in bats attracting funding from the United States and Europe cannot be isolated in the efforts to determine the pandemic cause. 

The global attention on China and WHO, the organization having maintained contact and meeting with China at the early stages of the pandemic have let down global citizens in mitigating the deadly virus.

The global citizens seeking inquiry on the corona virus stemming from China together with WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus resignation for failure to act immediately in alerting the world governments and citizens that could have saved thousands of lives and averted the massive health and economic disaster are legitimate and valid. 

The loss of lives are irreversible and economic costs are phenomenal. Yet those responsible to deliver effectively at the beginning of this pandemic granted immunity on the job and protected from any adverse impact to their position is deeply regrettable.

The reverse would be applicable to any ordinary citizen anywhere had they been reckless in their decision and caused health catastrophe in epic proportion.

The rule of law regardless of status and statehood should be fair and equal. The global health organization expected to prevent pandemics and major health hazards having passed on their responsibility to China by relying on Beijing’s assessment and dissemination on the virus impact that originated in Wuhan, China reflect gross negligence and dereliction of duty. 

Beijing’s political clout and economic incentives to WHO top executive and officials undermining public health and safety is systemic epidemic in corruption culture.

WHO at the center of this health quagmire quintessential for egregious actions in dealing with the most sensitive and alarming health calamity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter