United States – Electability and Accountability

July 6, 2023

United States

Electability and Accountability

Padmini Arhant

Update: 07/07/2023:

Politics and Entertainment World – the latter convenient ally for politics to launch nuanced and overt bashing of the target – a trend emulated from none other than Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to the extent of even leaving behind the origin in the tradition.

The politics’ evasion of public transparency and accountability on all matter is least surprising.

Beginning with campaign financing – the fundamental cause for republic and democracy under siege making a mockery of the so-called electoral process as free and fair, when it is anything but otherwise.

The proof is in candidacy to public office and Presidency bought with highest bidding from myriad sources in anonymity and failing that foreign governments liaison with nation’s highest office bearers and their family in funding shell companies in billions of dollars barring investigations despite the status quo compromising national interests, security and above all sovereignty.

Amid the facade and phony rancor in politics,

The legitimate question that arise are;

Where is the comprehensive independent investigation on CORONA VIRUS contributing to the devastating COVID19 that consumed millions of lives world over?

The catastrophe that involves both Beijing and western nations’ funders such as Bill Gates and others in the manufacturing and unleashing of bio-engineered virus on human population.

Why is COVID19 that decimated health and economic status of millions across the globe is inconvenient for politics to deal with when there appears to be ample time and taxpayers money available for grand jury indictment of sex scandals going back to more than three decades ago?

How come Beijing welcoming western corporate moghuls in the tech industry ranging from electric vehicles, microchips to practically every sector of the global economy apparently have no problem in the alliance with western world ignoring Asian roots that is being reminded by Beijing to suit own geopolitical supremacy? 

The western corporate giants in the United States and Europe represented by EU and similarly those in South Asia as well as anywhere perhaps might be able to shed light on Beijing’s assertive territorial annexations, invasions and expansions in South China Sea – South East Asia, South Asia and not excluding  the mainland United States. 

In a nutshell, the political authorities in Beijing, the western world and the rest aspiring major role in the world stage are accountable and responsible for the geopolitical and economic dynamics in the present time.

The noise from Beijing, the western sphere and allies from wherever is indicative of none willing to recognize nor acknowledge their collusion and complicity in all major issues and critically facilitating Beijing in evolving into global manufacturing base viz. economic superpower furthering into global conquest. 

Understandably, the recent COVID 19 disappearing from the radar of international probe and inquiry could only be expected as a result of odd yet solid solidarity among all those major powers in quid pro quo. 

The climax in all of this is the show and the script are no longer hidden behind the smoke screen regardless of the western entertainment industry in which Beijing is a prominent stakeholder as well trying their best to amuse viewers whilst in the real effort to mute serious queries surrounding contemporary politics.

The grim scenario and actual outcome is Beijing and global corporate conglomerate are successfully transforming democracy in the west and anywhere to prevalent plutocracy aimed at weakening majority human race reduced to powerlessness and vulnerable to globalists diktat.

The agenda not barring serving insects and critters in the human menu as novel idea in addressing environment pollution. 

Padmini Arhant 




The election season in preparation for 2024 Presidential race have both left and right engaged in dog fight to reach the finish line.

While there are usual aiding and betting involved in the primary lasting until the final challenge, the key factor in the election is anchored on;

Mirror Mirror on the wall,

Who is the cleanest and corrupt free of all?

The mirror is puzzled at this quiz, stares at the image and replies;

Why don’t you all demonstrate and prove as enunciated below.

Every contender from left to right political factions detail your donors leaving none beginning with the big mighty whales to small school of fish bankrolling your campaign.

Importantly leaving no omissions and commissions in the deal between every one of you and foreign governments, special interests and those running the gamut in the world stage. The exercise would clarify the electoral process legitimacy besides shedding light on the deep state status. 

The foreign governments regardless of communism, so-called democracy and the variety in the contest amongst them as to who is the deepest gold digger in the United States election are vying for bumper harvest in the race.

After all, accountability would matter when transparency is complied with and more so critical in the election designed to focus on cleanliness and lawfulness as the electability criteria especially in the backdrop of covered up corruption scandals on one side against avalanche of indictments and legal quagmire on the other.

Furthermore, it is an open secret that campaign financing from all different sources, elements and channels funding election and candidacy make running for public office at the local to national level a phenomenal financial extravaganza.

Notwithstanding, the highest bidder on candidacy expecting the most in return exceeding value for money upon the candidate assuming office is considered normal.

Ac such, career in politics in key positions ain’t cheap costing at the minimum few million dollars to billions in this day and age.

Accordingly, the candidates from rookie to seasoned political contenders presenting their financial sources to the electorate without cutting corners and routing short cuts, letting the public know about their direct and indirect alliance with financial stakeholders via their candidacy is the cornerstone for the election to be more than a catharsis and formality.

The mirror then let the image know that the former is not required to respond as the answers to the question on who is the fairest and electable of all if there are any would be found in the compliance or rejection of the fundamental ethical responsibility.

The mirror can’t wait to see the results of the litmus test despite knowing the TRUTH in the periodic political event.

Padmini Arhant 



Political Reality

September 30, 2022

Political Reality 

Padmini Arhant

Politics marred with apprehensions from within and outside evolving into great deal of insecurity regarding threats to the seat of power and position is no secret. 

From Julius Caesar days and even earlier in any religion inception and until now politics is eclipsed in betrayal, treason, malfeasance and abuse of power…among myriad common political abnormality.

What is the worst fear in contemporary politics?

Truth, facts and real democracy.

The prevalent fake political era premised on falsehood, fabrication and fraudulence is a convenient setting to camouflage fiduciary feudalist system i.e. proxy representing oligarchy, monarchy, domestic and foreign agenda, religious ideology and lofty personal aspirations beyond reality.

The politics founded and rooted in the process of elimination for rise to power and dominance resigned to impropriety and unaccountability proliferate in crimes and criminal legacy.

As for corruption, politics is the host and the ghost with the most corrupt dealings in quid pro quo and illegal practice held above law while the latter applicable to law abiding citizenry in society to the fullest extent and opponent subject to political witch hunt at taxpayers’ expense.

The corruption in lucrative government contracts with economic sector and foreign governments along with politics as appointees of campaign financiers and lobbyists enable and facilitate wealth amassment for political members and the apparatus during the term in office.

Not surprisingly, politics is cash cow for political members from rank and file to rookie and others presenting themselves on campaign trails as people from humble modest economic background with student loans and credit card debts to the hilt transformed into millionaire, multi-millionaire and billionaire status almost overnight.

Not to mention them securing own retirement and long term future for them and their next generations including reservations in elite educational institutions for their children based on political class family rather than merit is part and parcel of political career. 

These facilities are extended over a long period of time with lifetime perks and privileges as the norm with little or no concern over the financial burden on the ordinary serving the presumptuous extraordinary extravagance.

Juxtaposed the same members have no problems in passing laws stripping retirement savings and medical aid to defense force foot soldiers and front line men and women witnessed recently in the so-called world’s largest democracy or for that matter the western so-called democracy having health, finance and energy industry…to name a few in the economic sector – the primary political campaign donors exploit average consumers with company policy designed to benefit oligarchs’ mega profitability extracting maximum from mainstream work force and consumers at the bottom.

Politics essentially in service to safeguard elitism enhancing and empowering personal and vested interests at the vast majority misery and generational suffering.

The political power trepidation is mainly related to losing authority and control.

Accordingly, adopting various tactics mostly unlawful methods from bribes to intimidation or incentives are deployed to lure opposition, judiciary and the rest to kowtow politics.

The political preparedness to remain in power as life long authority otherwise authoritarian rule begins with wiping opposition having organized media chorus not excluding the disguised so-called investigative journalism – the worst kind hired by authority for mass deception on press freedom.

The authority represented so-called non-mainstream media pleading public monetary support is actually engaged by politics to discredit authentic investigative and independent publications revealing information, incidents and events seeking explanations and openness from politics and incognito power declared a forbidden act.

Politics having little or no opposition in the political front with press and assortment media combined silenced by buying them outright, similar strategy on judiciary and prominent political affiliates in government and private sector guaranteed mutual conciliatory offers – the stage is set for politics to execute devious agenda.

Any exposure in this context is conveniently referred to as conspiracy theory despite knowing well there is no smoke without fire.

The general public left on their own to fight against politics’ complicity on all issues hurting citizens economically, financially and socially are usually handled with brute force and laws in reserve to curb genuine peaceful dissent.

Again politics rejecting the factor on law enforcement and courts paid for and provided by tax payers as consumers and labor community in return turned against them.

Who is left to challenge corrupt power?

The military in many countries toppling governments and assuming power as military junta is not uncommon. These activities are also promoted by foreign powers to destabilize nations that are contrarily used by despotic governance to justify undemocratic rule as well. 

Nonetheless, the military indirect involvement via surrogate government is yet another form in the diverse pattern of governance.

In pseudo democracy, the political authority desirous of tenure position conforming to dictatorial regime address the potential military resistance to authoritarianism with tacit duplicity.

The manner in which politics address any possible scenario from military against the totalitarian political style especially in a waning democracy is by restructuring military institution.

For example, the tradition in a Parliamentarian democracy with Prime Minister on limited terms as the head of the executive branch in charge of government administration is accountable to people, the electorate represented Parliament and constitutional rule of law governing democracy.

On the other hand, the President in the same government dispensation though misconceived as mere ceremonial figure expected to preside over Parliamentary proceedings at the national level and state union affairs in the provincial political issues besides serving as the military commander-in-chief in the original concept.

However, this format and Presidential functionality superseded is noteworthy. 

How this is subverted by the government executive branch in the present so-called democratic environment merit attention?

The Presidential election is an electoral college exercise. The political parties and members at the national and regional forum are easily swayed with rewards in cash and kind to vote for the ruling party Presidential nominee. The ruling power sponsored candidate prevailing over the name-sake contender from the opposition parties for Presidential post in Parliamentary set up is the regular outcome.

The President rather than being the stabilizing power and the authority to maintain checks and balances is typically appointed to the office as the ruling political party envoy carrying out the executive branch orders.

Lately, in Indian system the Presidential function as the military commander-in-chief is disposed with the creation of the chief of defense staff (CDS) post manning entire defense force with army, naval and air force brought under the CDS ambit reporting to the Prime Minister and not the President.

The Prime Minister is now the head of the military through the installation of Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) in the overt transfer of power.

What does this mean in a democracy?

The notion of separation of power for legitimate reasons to avert concentration of power in government body is systematically rendered obsolete.

The Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) appointee is expected to meet the criteria i.e. falling in line by voicing support or echoing sentiments in agreement with Prime Minister’s controversial and contentious policy on national issues regardless of adverse consequences with the probability affecting unity and uniformity in defense force.

The picture is clear having brought military under executive branch viz. Prime Minister oversight through CDS authorizing attractive defense ventures like the explosive Indo-French Rafale defense scandal to arbitrary military decisions not barring military strikes and interventions embedded in the supreme command title. 

The Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) directly reporting to the Prime Minister office fortify the executive branch with absolute power leaving no opportunity or possibility of endangerment to politics’ transition from democracy to autocracy. 

The political authority absorbing power in every aspect with democracy displaced in the systemic omission of constitutional rights paralyzing democratic values is a serious devolution of fragile pluralist society led into majoritarian fundamentalist mobocracy. 

When oligarchy and various sources (?) funded politics is hopelessly relying on massive propaganda and indoctrination for survival, that kind of politics is indicative of precipitous decline and dissipation. The desperate times prompting desperate actions. The monetized accolades contradictory to actuality is nothing more than megalomania frenzy.

Poignantly, where will politics be without cronyism and sycophancy ad nauseam?

In the dumpster for sure gutter and goon politics in particular living up to its reputation in anything and everything.

As such, transparency and ethics oxymoron to politics, plutocracy reining supremacy is paradoxical political factuality.

Anything destructive and counterproductive is unsustainable and politics is experienced and seasoned in imminent fall due to misguided misinterpretation of power. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



COVID 19 Vaccine – WHO Action and Inaction

April 3, 2022

COVID 19 Vaccine 

WHO Action and Inaction

Padmini Arhant

The latest action by the Geneva based World Health Organization (WHO) against Indian manufactured COVAX – the corona virus vaccine by India’s Bharat Biotech suspending exports of Indian vaccine abroad citing inadequate compliance on good manufacturing practice in facility may be one aspect of WHO  guidelines and criteria. 

“Good manufacturing practices are the practices required in order to conform to the guidelines recommended by agencies that control the authorization and licensing of the manufacture and sale of food and beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceutical products, dietary supplements and medical devices.”

However, WHO as the international body maintaining similar policy for all across geographic locations beginning with inspection of Wuhan lab, Hubei Province, China conducting life endangering biohazard research could have averted catastrophic global pandemic.

WHO and other international committee monitoring and inspection of the Wuhan bio lab and others elsewhere are imperative for science and mankind which evidently was not done at least prior to the onset of the deadly pathogen. 

WHO discretionary exercise with Wuhan Virology Institute, China could have saved the world and humanity at large from monumental tragedy and health disaster. 

In the same context, United States and western partners funded biochemical labs in non-western parts of the world such as Ukraine, China and other regions allowing independent open investigation to rule out bio endangerment to mankind is an urgent requirement. The world deserve to be free from any and all kinds of life consuming experiments and endeavors in the aftermath of the COVID 19 unleashed pandemic. 

As for WHO, the international health organization implementing the same gold standard on good manufacturing practice for manufacturers and suppliers in Europe and the United States where serious ethical and scientific protocol negligence have occurred with no immediate response or action from the domestic or international regulatory body would clarify WHO autonomy and uniformity. 

The case in point is the European (Germany) big Pharma Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine clinical trial outsourced to Ventavia Research Group in 2021.

The revelation on Ventavia Research Group as Pfizer’s outsourced research company verifiably engaged in crucial data integrity issues besides ignoring scientific protocol and good practice in the critical Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine clinical trial beckon authorities interest and necessary intervention to protect lives now and in the future. 

Despite alarming details from the whistle blower as former employee of Ventavia Research Group followed up British Medical Journal and New England Journal of Medicine articles in this regard,

The vaccine availability for children in specified age group, pregnant women, booster shot etc. proceeded  without the matter resolved by WHO, United States FDA, CDC and other agencies responsible for public health and safety. 

There was another incident with Johnson & Johnson’s  corona virus vaccine notably with sub-contracted production line in Baltimore, Maryland, United States in March 2021. 

Courtesy: The New York Times.March 31, 2021. 

Factory Mix-Up Ruins Up to 15 Million Vaccine Doses From Johnson & Johnson

“Workers at a plant in Baltimore manufacturing two coronavirus vaccines accidentally conflated the ingredients several weeks ago, contaminating up to 15 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine and forcing regulators to delay authorization of the plant’s production lines.”

In light of these flagrant violations in different settings, WHO role as an international regulatory authority applying the rule on fair and equal compliance in the pharmaceutical industry starting with medical research facilities as well as manufacturing and production centers worldwide without exception would be a refreshing change in the otherwise selective interference.

The international and domestic regulations on pharma products and services especially their outsourced agents and sub-contractors handling production units of vaccine and other pharmaceutical products subject to stringent conformity leaving no room for lapses with uninformed inspections would provide element of trust among disillusioned public and concerned whistle blowers risking their career and life in health care industry. 

Any update on preventive measures and action taken on 2021 Pfizer vaccine clinical data breach brought to relevant authorities notice such as FDA in the United States, Pfizer and Ventavia Research Group actually involved in the matter would address legitimate grievances expressed by whistle blowers and health professionals not barring general public expectation on transparency and accountability. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Pfizer Documents 


India – Security Breach and Election Rally

January 16, 2022

India – Security Breach and

Authority Mind Set 

Padmini Arhant

When terror attacks are launched against any specific targets anywhere in the world, the terror groups wherever they are claim responsibility and let the world know of their present action.

There are also terror groups who have issued warnings to nations big and small of their future intentions perhaps extending courtesy to their potential victims of the forthcoming terrorism. The gesture creating the impression on terrorists’ resolve is unique.

In contrast, the highest government home ministry in the executive branch responsible for the safety and security of citizens and nation at large including the  head of the nation as Prime Minister is in hibernation and absolved of any accountability in the security breach matter.

The ruling BJP government in New Delhi via state run media is preoccupied in propagating information shifting blame on anyone regarded a fair game except them, the central authority’s interior ministry with entire national and PM security related apparatus directly under their control.

The odd developments preceding the security breach episode in Bathinda, Punjab is noteworthy.

The BJP government’s home minister in New Delhi reportedly commented to BJP colleague, the Meghalaya governor Satya Pal Malik on the Prime Minister’s mindset. The message arguably attracted  citizens’ attention.

The home minister in New Delhi raising questions on the incumbent Indian Prime Minister’s state of mind with above reference upon being taken into confidence by Meghalaya Governor on PM’s apathy to the tragic deaths and sacrifice of 700 or more farmers in the nearly two years peaceful non-violent march in the capital and northern states of India is an internal confirmation out in the open.

The security breach controversy in Punjab on January 5th again directly involving the home ministry in New Delhi is not beyond reasonable doubt in public mind regarding the relation between the home minister and Prime Minister in the capital New Delhi.

Usually the government key figures as the first and second in line with the latter aspiring to succeed in the immediate future are witnessed time and time again.  Sometimes, there are situations with conflict within two most powerful positions in government surface with inferences to mental and cognitive ability.

The Punjab security incident and the Prime Minister’s remark on surviving the event expressing politicized gratitude to interim Punjab Chief Minister further serve as a self-endorsement of the mindset statement proving the central government home minister’s view.

In a nutshell, the cat out of the bag pose predicament in any event management and damage mitigation.

Often times, something out or leaked from the direct source in government project a clear picture of reality for public notice.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter



Memorial Day – Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan

May 28, 2018

Memorial Day – Troop withdrawal from Afghanistan

Padmini Arhant

Memorial Day memorializing war veterans is the tradition.

The tribute to those sacrificing their lives for any just cause is always honorable and more so with the soldiers and defense personnel laying their lives to defend their country and fellow citizens from any potential danger.

However, the trend in the past and present century forging wars for reasons other than national defense costing young blood and nation’s treasure proved counterproductive and futile. Whatever explanations accompany prolonged occupation of foreign land with massive troops deployment and troop surge along with increase in defense budget predominantly expended in military bases maintenance worldwide, the outcome of such maneuvers evidently not favorable.

United States assuming the role to patrol and police global frontiers has escalated tensions, promoted nuclear options in self-defense and deterrence besides imposing mandatory defense spending on all nations at the expense of economic growth and development.

In other words, United States military presence worldwide has left nations with only one option and that is to beef up military capability boosting the military industrial complex represented defense sector to thrive rain or shine regardless of market conditions benefitting selective members in the hierarchy.

United States and NATO waged wars and subsequent occupation in different regions of the world on false premise has produced chaos and catastrophe creating permanent war zones and leaving those nations bereft of recovery otherwise possible in restive and peaceful environment.

The wars aimed at profitability with no concern for loss of innocent lives and defense force especially the misinformed young men and women led in harms way could no longer continue business as usual. The propaganda based wars, military interventions and terror sponsoring targeting nations and regions for hegemonic goals squandering ordinary citizens lives and their tax dollars are enormous liability in economic, political, social and humanitarian terms ruining nations and destiny of millions forced into refugee status.

The contemporary situation demands fair assessment to end illegal occupation of foreign land and territory allowing the population of those nations normal existence and self-determination rights barring foreign intrusion.

The case in point is Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Korea to name a few.

Considering the extended timeframe and purpose not serving the local and regional inhabitants interests and furthermore the military and aggressive involvement fomenting violence and security violations, the complete withdrawal of forces and ceasing violent engagement are necessary to establish peace and stability in these parts of the world.

Afghanistan is primarily used as United States and NATO military base to exert dominance in Central Asia denying Afghanistan the sovereign status and Afghans the fundamental right to political freedom and social progress critical for economic prosperity.

Above all, the economic costs since invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 until today including protracted warfare in Iraq and Pakistan has cost U.S. taxpayers $4.8 trillion per Congressional Budget Office report and still counting with the warfare carried out on borrowed money inflating United States budget deficit and subsequent impact on national debt leading to sharp hikes in consumer interest rates reflecting macroeconomic effects.

The current allocation of $45 billion this year for Afghanistan alone is again repeating predecessors pattern without subjecting pentagon to accountability and independent audit given the trajectory on disproportionate spending and trillions of taxpayers dollars admittedly missing as confirmed by former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on $2.3 Trillion and the same acknowledged in previous Congressional hearings with no actions from any administration or Congress thus far.

The article from Project Censored under – The News That Didn’t Make The News .

Title – The Pentagon Money Pit: $6.5 Trillion In Unaccountable Army Spending And No DOD Audit

“According to a July 2016 Department of Defense Inspector General (DODIG) report, $6.5 trillion of Army Spending allocated to the Pentagon have no paper trail and no audit has been made by the Department of Defense (DOD) for the past two decades to resolve this issue. In other words, David Lindorff reported that “the Department of Defense has not been tracking or recording or auditing all of the taxpayer money allocated by Congress — what it was spent on, how well it was spent, or where the money actually ended up. There are enough opportunities here for corruption, bribery, secret funding of ‘black ops’ and illegal activities, and or course for simple waste to march a very large army, navy and air force through. And by the way, things aren’t any better at the Navy, Air Force and Marines.”

The referenced excerpt of the article and earlier incident on $2.3 Trillion vaporized is just the tip of the iceberg with successive administrations and Congress obliging pentagon demand for billions of taxpayer money exempting the tax payer funded military headquarter Pentagon and federal defense agencies from checks and balances that are applicable to ordinary citizens in society.

These events decisively and conclusively determine the need for immediate withdrawal and winding up of operations in Afghanistan and other destinations having no relevance to national interests except undermining United States credibility and wasting taxpayers money that deserves to be invested in domestic economy such as job creation, health care, public education, scientific research and innovations and infrastructure.

On U.S. taxpayers behalf, the Congressional authorization of independent oversight to probe corruption and financial irregularities in taxpayer funded defense department viz. pentagon and other federal agencies dealing with defense activities is paramount for transparency and economic viability.

Finally, national defense force is meant to safeguard nation’s security and not misused for some entities and certain groups’ hegemonic ambitions and exclusive gains.

Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com