New Year Speech 2020 – Global Economy & Nuclear Status

January 26, 2020

New Year Speech 2020 –
Global Economy & Nuclear Status 
Padmini Arhant

Dear Citizens of the world,

Happy New Year!

The relevant topics are global economy and nuclear status.

I begin with a reminder that the actions and decisions in the past have led to the present and upon no acknowledgment to this effect or efforts to remedy the erroneous and egregious indulgence would continue to be the future that is neither desirable nor feasible.

I share my thoughts and concerns over current events and developments along with status quo maintained over a century that has long been affecting humanity in the emerging and developing economies in the world. The idea of supremacy prompting dominance over population in the nations forced to remain weak and vulnerable allowing major powers having gained such status from illegal invasion and colonization exploiting those nations natural resources and human capital prolonged until today through military interventions and direct economic control via free market and free trade agreements disproportionately benefitting the multinational corporations of the western world.

When free market economy was floated under globalization luring developing nations to facilitate foreign investments, the governments of the emerging and developing nations accommodating and implementing the foreign direct investments (FDI) fail to protect the domestic environment having impact in formal and informal sectors largely comprising retail industry, small and medium enterprise (SME) together with other sectors in the economy. The emerging and developing nations’ agricultural,  farming, cattle raising, animal husbandry increasingly compromised for industrialization in addition to foreign corporation like Monsanto exerting aggressive influence over governments not barring displacements upon those states farming community resistance to any harmful products yielding massive losses in harvest and crop reduction. These issues largely ignored thus far despite validity in farmers’ suggestions for appropriate measure suitable to those nation’s climate and economic conditions. The foreign direct investment upon meeting relevant employment, environment and necessary arrangements on safety and security of local work force as well as impart training in the respective industry would be viable to boost economic growth. However, the emerging and developing nations invitation to FDI should only be in areas of economy lacking in that technology, industrial know-how and engineering to preserve the generic aspects of the domestic economy.

Unfortunately, the globalization has enabled Multinational Corporations (MNC) monopoly of international markets against the idea and essence of free market economy aiding fair competition and consumer options in pricing, quality and other determining factors contributing to profitability.  There is no doubt that market economy is the way for constructive and steady growth provided equal opportunity and healthy environment for all businesses to compete effectively without having to submerge or submit to bigger enterprise and conglomerate’s vigorous mergers and acquisitions prevalent in proportion to financial and market capitalization. The contemporary trend endangers free flow of economic activities and innovations subject to major corporate discretionary and privileged status. Notwithstanding the macro management of the economy under few multinationals in different sectors of the economy whether energy, finance, banking, defense, aviation, health care, technology…among the prominent players holding the key to economic prospects not necessarily shared across the spectrum or letting mega profits to trickle down to the bottom.

As a result, the major corporate i.e. bigwigs’ clout over politics through campaign financing, bidding on candidacy and outright oligarchy governance undermining democracy and electoral process besides stymieing judiciary, environment rules and regulations and labor laws are customary practice. Capitalism left to benefit all competing in the domestic and global market would lead to desperately required universal growth and development.

In contrast, Capitalist socialism granting financial bailouts at ordinary taxpayers expense, financial scandals and frauds committed in some economies with offenders absconding from their country of origin never to return due to severe banking and financial mismanagement exacerbating economic woes and gross negligence in the misuse of public funds in the banking industry.

The worst is multibillion dollars mega corporations enjoying special status from political lobbying for tax breaks end up paying zero taxes and often subsidies meant for boosting job growth and productivity are utilized in enhancing top 1% personal wealth while the rest are bereft of any benefits within corporate structure and in the economy. The anti trust laws curbing too big to control in the economic sector are necessary for systematic capital flow, goods and services that would be precursor in all fronts and inflation in particular without having to artificially adjust prime rate on lending and borrowing to control inflation or stagflation experienced by some emerging and developing economies in the fading positive growth affecting aggregate output and current account deficit.

Though market economy is a better system in creating and generating new independent concepts and methods in different areas of the economy, the public funding and national revenues from taxes and  consumer spending must be invested back in citizens lives such as universal health care, free education, retirement savings, social security benefits and unemployment benefits to alleviate poverty and preventable disease. Additionally, small business loans for marginalized segments, women, army veterans and physically challenged citizens to live a life with dignity deserves government attention and action. The public funds should also cater for infrastructure starting with proper roads, highways, bridges, railways etc. in the wide angle. At the municipal level in the developing nations and emerging economies, the sewage system eliminating manual cleaning designated to the so-called lower caste demography eg. in India under archaic caste hierarchy is long overdue. The modern techniques providing the operatives proper gear safeguarding them from health hazards and other environment pollutions is the least expected from local governments and authorities responsible for safety and healthy working conditions in society.

The other aspects in the economy are fair trade over free trade long been debated without any movement in that direction. The latest initial agreement reached between United States and China might be welcome among businesses with manufacturing and assembly base in China like consumer goods and electronics laying prolonged uncertainties to minimal effect. China’s currency (yuan) management either in devaluation or futures market and foreign currency options trading…are a trade advantage for the nation positioned as manufacturing hub in the global economy. The most favored nation (MFN) status with United States and World Trade Organization (WTO) membership are undeniably advantageous to China in clinching trade deals with nations near and far. This has been the major factor among other favorable means for China’s exponential rise as economic power in the past two to three decades.

China is also one of major creditors of United States and Eu together with Africa, the Far East and other developing nations like Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal…in the Indian sub-continent. The policy continues to undermine economic conditions especially for the developing nations unable to match China’s voracity in gaining market share with diverse techniques and strategies not always conforming to global trend.

There is an immediate requirement for balanced trade opportunities among all nations to maintain economic stability and sustainability in the global economy alleviating the debt burden on economies expected to succumb to extraordinary financial constraints and debt servicing denying them prospects for economic improvement. The economic packages and financial deals to bail out economies in EU and China’s debtors are far from invigorating growth with less or no focus on stimulus instead centered on privatization of state owned companies and public assets like telecommunication and utilities, national ports takeover for example the Hambantota maritime port in Sri Lanka and draining national reserves towards debt payments in the current economic setting. These are some of the anomalies behind growing economic disparity and stagnancy in the developing nations’ situation.

Furthermore, the financial assistance from IMF and World Bank bind developing nations’ economy in debt cycle burdening the present and future taxpayers in enormous sovereign debt with no hope of revival reflected in the economic health of nations in Africa, South and South East Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Again, EU and European Central Bank (ECB) funded economies yet to recover from 2007 global economic recession primarily due to austerity tied to funding without any incentives for simultaneous growth requiring investments to create and retain jobs, industrial expansion and trade facilities in the macroeconomic scale.

Monetary aid from international financial authorities subject economies to stringent criteria to reduce fiscal deficit targeting loan repayments and financial commitments invariably stunting economic growth and productivity. The developing nations fall victims to such financial deals leaving the population in poverty and vast majority struggling to make ends meet with no structural planning and programs to jumpstart economy.

While the lending process aggravate debt accumulation on developing nations in particular, the other dimension drowning economies is illegal economic sanctions aimed at only non-western nations to oblige major western powers stipulations having never experienced the slow painful death inflicted on people of these states depriving them of food, medicines, vital goods and services for survival.

Western powers together with UN Security Council P5+1 imposed economic sanctions is by far brutal warfare waged against the citizens of any country under the pretext of punishing governments, leaderships or military wing declining western terms and conditions favoring western prospects and influence transforming the state sovereignty to vassal statehood. No western nation subject to economic sanctions or their leaderships authorizing illegal warfare, drone strikes and terror sponsoring that have been carried out throughout history and more so in the past decade up until now ever investigated for gross human rights violations and war crimes that has been tried on non-western heads of the state and their representatives from Eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia.

UNSC economic sanctions premised on human rights violations, political rights and especially nuclear activities are loosely and arbitrarily justified against non-western nations including military actions to further enhance P5+1 economic opportunities and strategic dominance in those regions conforming to P5+1 legacy on invasion, occupation and territorial annexation continuing unabated until today.

In view of the past and present conspicuous bias and partisanship against non-western nations, UNSC P5+1 or unilateral economic sanctions from United States, Israel and any other western and allies enforced sanctions on economic trade and monetary transactions related to commerce is null and void. Reiterating above statement that economic sanctions is a direct warfare against people of those states without providing them a chance to defend or present their position to resolve any issues amicably through diplomacy and direct dialogue at the highest level.

In the absence of similar actions against western nations on persistent numerous violations since economic sanctions became the pattern against non-western nations, the population in these parts of the world unfairly pay the price with their lives, livelihood and future. The economic sanctions freezing trade activities and bank accounts of sovereign nations is illegal and could no longer bind on the basis of selective few members’ discretion to serve their exclusive interests.

In a nutshell, Capitalism could thrive with pertinent oversight on banking and finance together with compliance on environment, employment laws without flouting ethics, stymieing judiciary, general code, ordinance and legal requirements in domestic and foreign domain. Capitalism without corruption and cronyism to dominate politics could lead to stable economic growth and viability.8

On Nuclear matter – Nuclear threats and options unequivocally endanger humanity and the world at large experienced in the past and present century viz. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, toxic agents like napalm used during Vietnam war, nuclear components such as depleted uranium against Iraq, nuclear laden missiles on Syrian Skies in the eight years of war beginning in 2011, US and NATO carpet bombing in Libya on March 19, 2011, deadly chemical and biological warfare continued through terror outfits in the Middle East until now, white phosphorous used against densely populated residential targets in Gaza, Palestine are some of many activities by United States, NATO and Israel with and without UNSC authorization producing scores of casualties and still counting in the war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Africa.

Then there are short range and Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) that are in possession   of nuclear powers besides nuclear submarines, instruments and projectiles with earth shattering capabilities at momentary notice. United States nuclear proliferation and modernization is the impetus for other nuclear powers to follow suit for nuclear readiness. The poignant factor behind nuclear arms race escalation is republican and democrat administrations in the White House routinely reserve the rights to All options are on the table i.e. not barring the use of nuclear force when dealing with nations deemed adversary that cannot be dismissed as slip of the tongue from the US Highest Office. The targeted nations in this instance are compelled to adopt appropriate measures considering United States trajectory on the use of deadly weapons including nuclear arsenal as enunciated above.

Upon careful objective evaluation of nuclear status in the twenty first century, the nuclear powers with unaccounted stockpiles varying in degree and proportions in addition to huge technological vantage are the existential threat to global peace and security. The lack of transparency among major nuclear powers and their counterparts contributes to further complexity in nuclear armament.

The  (strategic arms reduction treaty) START treaty for example between United States and Russia signed in 2010 and ratified in 2011 bringing the agreement to effect on 5th February 2011. The treaty aimed at Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms was a positive step though compliance on both sides to this effect is not verifiable given the lingering mistrust and ongoing reservations against Russia on the purported meddling in United States Presidential election in 2016.

The current administration proposing trilateral nuclear arms control between United States, Russia and China is valid. Nonetheless, the present administration extending the existing 2011 START treaty between United States and Russia due to expire in 2021 following the ten years timeframe with an option to renew for another five years subject to mutual agreement is critical to contain nuclear arms on all sides until the proposed trilateral treaty materialize and comes into effect.

As for the classification on responsible vs. reckless over nuclear status and nuclear ambitions, those who claim themselves to be responsible proved to be otherwise in the history of mankind and in the use of nuclear materials and arsenals so far. Britain’s trident nuclear programme invested in ballistic missiles and submarines alongside France as a known nuclear power in Europe other than NATO allies maintaining nuclear stock piles as de facto nuclear states are significant in terms of consolidated nuclear might.

In the Middle East, Israel’s operational nuclear weapons achieved as early as 1967 and evidently in possession of active nuclear warheads anywhere from 80 to 400 even exceeding the figure released for Britain around 215 with 120 active war heads is a guarded secret. With no acknowledgment of Israel’s nuclear status or International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections on Israel’s Dimona reactor, the nuclear installation near Negev dessert apparently fall under western explanation on nuclear status in national interest.

At the same time, the western and UNSC economic sanctions against India and Pakistan upon their entry in the nuclear club for similar reasons given the adversarial relations fostered between the two neighbors since India’s partition together with the objection to North Korea’s nuclear capability demonstrated in prolonged economic sanctions and clashes in the Korean Peninsula divide the nuclear issue among western and non-western nuclear states granting the former nuclear rights despite colonial legacy and invasions retained well into the twenty first century. The latter on the other hand are characterized as radical for their nuclear status. Perhaps, the same mindset prevailed when the nuclear South Africa under European rule upon gaining independence from western occupation were forced into denuclearization.

With respect to Iran, the nation as described earlier experimented by western policy in displacing the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh with monarchy represented by then crown Prince Shah Reza Pahlavi prompting Iranian revolution shortly after enabling theocratic governance since then up until now. Iran’s status quo once again is the western and Mideast allies reason for the quest on regime change.

Iran’s authorities emphasized on any nuclear ambition as nuclear deterrence and not nuclear defiance. Iran has been placed under rigorous western demands and nuclear constraints to abandon nuclear program in the backdrop of drastic economic sanctions costing innocent lives with babies and children deprived of food and essentials in semblance to western sanctions against Iraq. Iran’s nuclear activities has been nowhere near the threshold deserving any actions let alone economic sanctions and constant harassment involving recent murder of the Iranian top General Qassem Soleimani to justify western and allies contempt for Iran’s resolve to stay on course.

Unlike Israel and all other nuclear states combined having had no IAEA inspection or monitoring, Iran has been isolated despite Iran remaining committed to non-nuclear status and non-nuclear proliferation, a path that is a tall order for all those nations in the nuclear club carrying out nuclear activities conducting nuclear subterranean tests, overland, under water and wherever possible as their entitlement.

Iran signing Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) ironically with P5+1 and EU, the compulsive  nuclear offenders in their own rights proved in the default not by Iran, but chief signatory, the United States withdrawal from the accord. EU members – Germany, Britain and France recent move to place Iran on notice alongside Germany and Russia agreement to maintain pressure on Iran during German Chancellor Angela Merkel latest visit to Russia clearly defines the nuclear status as P5+1 exclusive rights while denying  the nations whom they target incessantly the right to national defense. The reason, the nuclear powers use to justify unjustifiable nuclear armament by them.

Iran is nothing more than a scapegoat for those unable to sustain their illegal economic sanctions and continuous armed skirmishes against the Shia nation.

On North Korea – The Korean affair is a convenient situation for United States permanent military base in South Korea, Japan and Philippines archipelago creating the scenario for North Korea to test missiles in the face of United States troops presence and ongoing contentious military exercise as well as Naval drills on the Yellow Sea. Notwithstanding the usual economic sanctions against North Korea forcing population into starvation for decades in the non-existing changes from the United States position in terms of troop withdrawal or minimizing military intrusion in the Korean Peninsula that led to North Korea’s nuclear status. Above all, the concerted effort to bereave Korean citizens on both sides from long desired Korea reunification is viewed as threat to United States military activities and hegemonic goals.

Additionally, the de facto nuclear states are Germany and other NATO allies in Europe. In the Middle East besides Israel, Saudi Arabia’s nuclear partners are United States and Pakistan positioned to serve Saudi Kingdom’s nuclear offense against foes in the region.

In the Indian sub-continent, nuclear rivals India and Pakistan’s hawkish elements using nuclear threats cannot be discounted. In fact both nations were brought under the brink of nuclear meltdown during western favored Pakistan’s ex-President General Parvez Musharraf in Kargil war in 1999.  

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi having external forces backing i.e. the western, corporate and UNSC support against India’s interest fomenting fundamentalism and polarization to strip India’s secular status, PM Narendra Modi’s frivolous use of nuclear threat during campaign rallies stating India’s nuclear arsenal are not for keepsake or meant to be Diwali festival crackers and that his government under his leadership would not hesitate to exhibit nuclear potency against Pakistan is emulation of his western counterparts favorite rhetoric – All options are on the table against specific adversaries viz. Iran and North Korea.

In light of global nuclear configuration with all nuclear states engaged in relentless nuclear pursuits and augmentation under the guise of containment, they individually and collectively imperil humanity and environment. Some nuclear nations viz. Israel, India, Pakistan…declined to commit to nuclear non-proliferation arguably citing prominent nuclear powers as the trend setters juxtaposed many non-nuclear states including Iran are committed members of nuclear non-proliferation is noteworthy.

The nuclear powers beginning with United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea together with all other de facto and passive members moving towards nuclear disarmament is no longer an option but a necessity and serious responsibility making this world and environment safe and secure for all species now and in the future.

There could be no preferences or prejudice for one against another in this regard. The nuclear policy designed and retained thus far contributing to unfettered unaccounted nuclear arms race is the norm against sensible logical requirement for nuclear free world.

Furthermore, nuclear site containing nuclear stockpiles prone to nuclear accidents like Chernobyl disaster in 1986 under then Soviet Union controlled Ukraine. Similar incidents related to nuclear arms transportation and submarines operation costing lives in the United States and Russia are barely reported in the era of secrecy and opaqueness. Not to mention the nuclear reactor malfunction triggering Fukushima nuclear chaos in Japan in 2011 in the aftermath of tsunami continues to haunt the citizens in Fukushima Prefecture forming the basis for peaceful protests dispersed with violence near Kudankulam nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu, India in 2012.

Importantly, nuclear arms possession, maintenance and refurbishment aided in technology and other modern techniques cost a fortune consuming the bulk of national budget even for economically affluent nations let alone the developing and emerging economies viz. Pakistan, North Korea and India dealing with severe economic crisis unnecessarily caught in the predicament to prioritize nuclear defense or offense over economic growth and development. As a matter of fact, the citizens dyeing from hunger, poverty and disease at an alarming rate in all these years in these nations neglected in strengthening unaffordable nuclear capability at the expense of vast majority.

Accordingly, the nuclear powers without exception rising to the occasion in denuclearization program comprising environmentally safe and diligent disposal as well as destruction of nuclear arsenal of all kinds is imperative for global peace and security. The process must be transparent and comprehensive not exclusive utilizing elite and privileged status to evade responsibility and accountability by any nuclear power and their partners having slighted the urgent termination of nuclear activity on all fronts by all again exempting none whosoever.

Expecting Iran and North Korea to renounce nuclear path with other nuclear powers intimidating them with nuclear options against these two nations is a strategy smothered in hypocrisy. Any civilized world and society would recognize the inherent flaws and exemplify such demands through their renunciation of nuclear status for others’ adherence in genuine care for humanity and earth protection.

Finally, the western policy on economic sanctions inflicting pain and death on ordinary lives to provoke the people against the government they target for regime change constitutes a war crime. The economic sanctions and obstruction in trade and commerce to suppress non-western economies from due progress is a serious violation reeking contempt and bias in the otherwise global economy paradigm inhibiting protectionism upon governments focus on improving domestic economy within through tariffs and import duty.

I will be back to discuss other topics such as the role of United Nations as an international organization in contemporary politics, democracy meaning and purpose and environment connected to climate change and treaty.

I appreciate your patience.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


United States – Federal Reserve Credibility against Economic Viability

December 22, 2018

United States – Federal Reserve Credibility


Economic Viability

Padmini Arhant

Federal Reserve is all about defending own credibility against economic viability reflected in the continuous interest rates hike in September and now in December 2018. The Fed Chairman Jerome Powell attributed the rates hike to economic data in hand that in itself pose questions on the matter. The economic figures in 2018 related to every sector on borrowing affecting consumer price index (CPI) directly tied to inflation is suggestive of the reverse response rather than persistent higher interest rates adjustment. 

The latest interest rate hike inevitably impact housing market, auto loans, credit cards and student loans that are already stressed due to past actions from the Federal Reserve. The economy is being unnecessarily subject to induced recession through such arbitrary positions from the Federal Reserve. The other factor is imposing speculations in the stock market among public investors on potential impending economic crisis that the Federal Reserve poised as privy to without sharing information in the public domain. 

Seriously, thus far the institutions like the Federal Reserve lacking in transparency and accountability since onset until now defying open congressional probe on missing trillions of dollars from U.S. Treasury within their organization adapt to the favorite strategy of manufacturing crisis in the absence of none in the horizon. 

By and large those behind the global operation of politics, economy and more hopelessly rely on creating problems and dire straits for own survival and further prosperity with little or no concern on their egregious involvements exacerbating economic, political and social conditions in the domestic and global environment.  There is no doubt the engagement is intended to stymie progress considering the entities impunity to responsibility behind major setbacks in the economy, politics and global activities conforming to negative trend. 

The topic will focus on detailed analysis and review of Federal Reserve penchant for raising interest rates under the guise of controlling or containing inflation ignoring economic and market results leading to a tailspin in the short and long term. 

Federal Reserve credibility never existed to begin with given the manner the private organization comprising core board members by virtue of inheritance of power within a confined group set up as family structure disingenuously functioning as United States Federal monetary authority against constitutional norm. 

United States constitutional requirement for monetary policy and treasury is to be brought under republic statute contrary to long tradition of the critical monetary service outsourced to private banking institution in the name of Federal Reserve. 

Time for transfer of power from privately run Federal Reserve to public represented Congressional Authority eliminating exemptions from scrutiny and compliance on appropriate monetary practice. 

The private entity Federal Reserve mandating U. S. sovereign monetary policy with the latest move on rates increase in the range 2.25 – 2.50 percent is based on self convictions and the organization’s custom in contradiction to economic reality.

The credibility and competence of any private or public institution and enterprise emanates from recognition and realization of actual events and potential effects of contrasting decisions unlike the current action from the Federal Reserve.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presnter Padmini Arhant

U.S.Economy & Financial Markets

October 11, 2018

U.S.Economy & Financial Markets

Padmini Arhant

The Federal Reserve preparation to hike interest rates in December 2018 in consideration of historic lower unemployment and GDP forecasts is received cautiously with financial markets reaction to United States and China trade war alongside unnecessary economic sanctions against Iran and Venezuela having drastic impact on global economy.

The Federal Reserve move on gradual rate increase to maintain inflation at current 2 percent bearing low unemployment is a step focused on limited factors such as job and GDP data. However, the fact of the matter is there are other aspects with potential reverse outcome on Federal Reserve’s action to interest rates hike that merits attention.

On the job status, the unemployment figures might be impressively low. Nonetheless, the cash flow in the economy is still lagging in small and medium businesses and other areas of the economy involving direct consumer purchase such as the housing market and automobile industry.

In general, the consumer spending is fairly weak and reflected in retail industry poor performance with many brick and mortar stores struggling to survive in the anemic retail business. The retail figures at the end of holiday season this year will further indicate the condition one way or another. The conventional retail chains and big stores are facing tough competition from e-commerce with online giant like Amazon forcing  shutdowns on major retail stores unable to compete effectively given the popularity and convenience of online marketing.

The e-trade is a big challenge to standard retail business and that in a way controlling inflation on many goods and services in the market. Again, the purchasing power among majority of consumers in the middle and lower incomes category is static and even remain below the expected level despite low unemployment in the economy. One of the reasons behind this sluggish consumer spending is lack of fair income distribution.

Although the job market might appear to be favorable, the buying power among consumers on big budget items like home and cars as well as other essentials are nowhere near  anticipated market share with significant impact on construction industry and manufacturing sector.

On the international front, United States administration policy towards Iran and Venezuela is triggering currency devaluation in emerging economies like India and developing nations such as Pakistan, Turkey and countries in Latin America dependent on crude oil imports from overseas. The U.S. dollar pegged to oil trade, the strengthening of U.S. currency is mainly associated with global transactions in dollar and the alternative being euro depleting foreign currency reserves for most nations worldwide.

European economy barring Germany, Norway and few Nordic states are yet to recover from recession started back in 2007 and experienced until now. Many EU members like PIGS ( Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain) along with Eastern European EU states are not relieved from economic crisis and barely able to meet financial obligations amid EU enforced austerity contributing to depressed economic growth and development.

The debt saddled nations are driven towards debt servicing to enrich international monetary authorities and prominent bankers profiteering on the extraordinary debt burden of these countries confronted with liquidity crunch creating the dilemma of debt trap causing economic downturns for nations in this situation.

In the given scenario, euro as the optional trading currency is superficial posing needless strain on global economic activities especially in the backdrop of fragile European economy and United States politically motivated sanctions against Iran and Venezuela compounding the problems on the energy demands and supply chain for nations like India and China with massive energy consumption to fuel the economy. The other efforts in this context such as raising OPEC output to deal with United States sanctions on Iran and Venezuela do not satisfy market requirement that are already felt with unaffordable fuel prices in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and many parts of the world.

United States and Europe would be ultimately affected as the western multinational corporations are predominantly benefiting from global presence and operations right from production to sales, distribution and service  in many industries invariably exposed to common energy and economic issues striking the consumer base in Asia and other regions instrumental in boosting global economic progress.

The global economic regression is directly related to these unwanted events with immediate repercussions on allies and those behind the strategy. China trade war is another dimension with United States having granted the former MOST FAVORED NATION (MFN) status and many United States companies involved in manufacturing goods from China that are not only available in America but also in the global markets. China has long been the world’s central exporter and wholesaler with businesses from far and wide ignoring labor exploitation in addition to normal employment and environment violations in the profit-oriented system. As such, China’s reciprocation to U.S. actions are not without consequences for both economies engaged in mutual trade warfare.

Accordingly, discernment on decisions against China, Iran and Venezuela from the U.S. administration under President Donald Trump is critical to save the economy from possible meltdown in the aftermath of global economic decline that are visible in the wake of current account deficits among many nations trying to maneuver the difficult predicament of survival and resolution to impending economic woes generating anxiety in the global domain.

As for the Federal Reserve resolve to move forward on the overnight federal funds rates over the next year and beyond from the present 2 and 2.5 percent to about 3.4 percent to contain inflation at 2 percent would predictably slow the positive economic trend hurting prospects in the already suppressed housing market and retail sales as highlighted above.

The macroeconomic forecasts on United States GDP for third quarter at 3.7 percent and 2.6 percent for fourth quarter with the Federal Reserve revision showing higher growth figures based on the latest tax cuts and government spending prompting Federal Reserve position on premature rate increase neglect stagnancy in ordinary household income.

The mere job growth in the absence of affordable living standards confirm income disparity. The per capita average net income and cash flow determining consumer price index and inflation is trailing behind projections and proposed changes to rates could wipe the gains realized in the recession free economic span in the past decade until now.

In a nutshell, the exponential rise in minimum wage and average income i.e. per capita income in correlation with GDP is important besides minimizing joblessness in the economy prior to addressing inflation alone in the macro and micro economic management.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 





















Unilateral Sanctions – Compliance vs. Prudence

August 8, 2018

Unilateral Sanctions –

Compliance vs. Prudence

Padmini Arhant


Following the article on this site on August 7th, 2018.

Those leaderships claiming to reluctantly observe illegal sanctions are essentially confirming their loyalty to hegemony over the people and nation they are elected and expected to serve in the so-called free world.

The governments and the head of the state are obligatory to prioritize national requirements on growth and development in exploring trade activities worldwide that best suit their domestic economy rather than complying with politically motivated unilateral sanctions from United States and Israel – the two nations to presumptuously assume authority in imposing trade embargo on foreign states and territories targeted as adversary and mistakenly treated as dominion republics.

In the United States, the administrations submitting to foreign lobby such as Israel’s advocacy groups and organizations actively engaged in promoting and implementing economic blockade on those they consider nemesis such as Syria, Iran and Palestine, along with a desire for them not to exist in the region contrary to Israel’s perception of the reverse.

The terror sponsorship against Syria is testimony to this fact wiping Syrian civilization since the onset of warfare in 2011 up until now. The foreign trend in Syria assassinating professionals in Scientific Research, medicine, journalists and others from diverse fields in economic sector contributing to rebuilding their nation is aimed at depriving Syria from organic talent and self-reliance. Syria savaged from international coalition recruited terrorism involving United States, Israel and key western allies together with Middle Eastern cohorts playing significant role has been under economic sanctions for more than a decade alongside combating terror.

Similarly, the north African nation Yemen has been under brutal assault facilitated by United States arms to Saudi Arabia and Israel’s intervention in Yemeni political affairs.

The lobby through members in U.S. Congress and the administration regardless of political faction left or right care less about sovereignty or foreign nationals rights in their domain. Besides, the sanctions on these nations lasting several decades in the case of Cuba and North Korea while Syria, Iran and Venezuela continue to be placed in extended sanctions predominantly due to hostility from United States and Israel’s representatives in political circle and institutions pledged to specific agenda viz. regime change.

President Donald Trump’s administration reinforcing sanctions against Iran, North Korea and Venezuela and allowing sanctions on Syria as well as Cuba to remain clarifies political expediency. Not to mention the flip flop posturing in inviting Iran for unconditional talks and in the same breath slamming sanctions reflect indecisiveness and external dominance on U.S. foreign policy.

The decision denying economic opportunity to United States companies and businesses in these parts of the world is a big mistake. The removal of sanctions would enable global progress benefitting United States economy in exporting higher end goods and services to these regions in technology, infrastructure development, medicine and scientific education, training and expansion that are guaranteed to be appreciated in contrast to subjugating citizens with harsh economic misery provoking anti-American sentiment. 

The economic gains are enormous in lifting sanctions against all these nations providing the people of these countries job prospects and skills to improve their living standards that in return would enhance consumer base for United States in the global market.

Instead the incumbent administration’s contradictory position to favor foreign lobby political aspirations at United States economy’s expense is against America First and Making America Great Again promise. The move exemplifies America Last in violation of public trust and campaign appeal.

As mentioned above, the other nations’ ruling parties in governance choosing to comply with unilateral sanctions arguably anxious about securing term in office or response from those behind these sanctions. What they forget is, in compliance to these unlawful sanctions, they are renouncing myriad options to engage with nations of their choice, the states within their region as neighbors in particular have greater economic advantage.

Furthermore, before hegemony remove such governments from office in case that appears to be the immediate concern to these office bearers, the electorate would reject them in the polls for failing to address their needs and economic woes in leaning towards personal political security. Notwithstanding the obvious stance undermining state sovereignty and independence highlighting them as proxy to hegemony.

The true believers in freedom would not compromise their sovereign status and surrender to foreign diktat on sanctions against those whom they identity as their rivals prompting unjustified actions.  Those who acquiesce to decades old policy of isolation and discrimination via sanctions are certainly not going to derive economic profitability or political sanctuary leaving them behind in vassal statehood to hegemony exploitation.

On the other hand, those nations declining the status quo and moving forward to renew ties with nations under illegitimate sanctions in an effort to strengthen their economy as well as extend expertise and support to nations affected under sanctions would forge better relations and international partnerships on most matter.

It all comes down to prudence delivering positive outcome compared to compliance on arbitrary sanctions serving as a reminder on default in defending liberty and independent status of own nation and the missed moment on economic dealings.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter











United States and Israel’s Unilateral Sanctions are Illegal and Invalid

August 7, 2018

United States and Israel’s Unilateral Sanctions are Illegal and Invalid

Padmini Arhant


Since the beginning of the twenty first century and more so in the past decade up until now, the trend with United States and Israel imposing unilateral sanctions against selective nations is illegal and bear no legitimacy whatsoever considering own track record on human rights, nuclear testing and meddling in foreign governance.

United States Presidency is mistaken for Universal authority. Only the citizens in the United States are eligible to elect the President and members of Congress not the entire world.  

Unfortunately, the US system in that respect as well is far from democratic with the electoral college votes overriding popular votes in the final outcome.  In the democratic party, the Super delegates undermine primary voters’ choice by exercising the privileged status to them in the party selection process. Accordingly, the U.S. administration authorized sanction on any nation without the approval of international community and that means every nation in the world could not be effective or expected to be followed in the absence of global consensus.

The same principle is applicable to Israel’s action on Gaza. These sanctions are politically motivated and premised on satisfying the so-called ally and/or shadow power demand aimed at regime change for unfettered access to those nations’ natural resources and exert strategic dominance.

Hereafter, effective immediately the sanctions against all nations are null and void. UNSC is no longer an authority to decide on global matter. The issues will be presented in common domain and depending on the nature of the problem and event, the UN General Assembly with all members and that would include any state under occupation denied UN full membership to participate in the one vote per nation on international affairs.

Any objection to UN role as the comprehensive body comprising all nations in the world without exception would then lead to the formation of new international consortium adapting the global representation by respective states big and small barring hierarchy in sharing concerns and grievances on political and other issues to derive resolutions. The newly formed international group would function as a fair and accessible body allowing all nations in the world to be involved in decision making through ballot on their population behalf to reach peaceful and amicable solutions on disputes worldwide.

UN General Assembly in September this year would be subject to litmus test on functionality and effectiveness in addressing decades old unresolved disagreements and conflicts with assembly members casting vote to end human suffering and misery from prolonged violence and mass subjugation.

From now onwards, all nations regarded sovereign and independent not excluding the states under occupation are to resume bilateral and multilateral trade, educational, environment, cultural and diplomatic relations with others around the globe.

No single nation assuming the Superpower status could individually dictate sanctions and economic measures or military actions to hurt or harm nations targeted for vested interests.

United States and Israel enforced trade embargo and other restrictions on selective nations being unlawful hitherto, the status quo is declared invalid moving forward with the renewal of trade extending economic partnerships towards all nations that were confined to arbitrary sanctions viz. Syria, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela and others in the category.

All nations in recognition of their sovereignty and free status are at liberty to conduct trade and economic activities with nations mentioned above and others to suit national requirement for growth and development.

The changes are necessary to relieve the population of these nations from struggles experienced under unipolar (UNSC), United States and Israel’s decree that are unjustified considering own legacy and contemporary engagements qualifying them for sanctions per their criteria. The concept of punishing nations through sanctions for prioritizing their national interests in investing state resources in the lives of the people or defending territorial integrity that are constantly threatened and violated by those behind these sanctions are unwarranted and provocative exacerbating sanctioned citizens plight. Not to mention those authorizing these sanctions in return committing crimes against humanity inflicting pain and tragedy on the citizens of these states.

The arguments to this effect are to be presented in the UN General assembly providing each side the opportunity to present their case and exchange views in a civil manner to arrive at conclusions favoring humanity rather than the strategy of isolation and incarceration exerting authority to promote agenda benefitting the exclusive club reining control over global system.

Earth’s endowments are meant for all beings and species in the natural creation and not to be treated as private estate of any particular conglomerate asserting entitlement.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter











India and United States – Facts on Economic Matter

September 27, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The incumbent Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi overseas visit propagated as boosting foreign investors confidence in India is the current review.

For any nation, economic growth is vital to improve the living conditions especially in countries with vast majority in abject poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy suffering over generations for better life.

The economic development to address burgeoning issues like unemployment, inflation, local business opportunity, rural economy assisting farmers in the agricultural front rather than seizing farmland to benefit corporate donors funding election campaigns, affordable housing, healthcare and education would be constructive.

On the other hand, promoting foreign agenda on behalf of financial institutions having reputation in sinking economies leave population in debt slavery under the guise of progress.

The plan executed to benefit core members in the gambit exacerbating economic woes and myriad problems for the nation.

In terms of foreign investments in India – the reform pledges to attract multinational corporations (MNC) ventures conforms to neo-liberalization – the hallmark of hegemony global economy policy.

The fact of the matter is capital funding in a nation like India need not be derived from foreign source. 

India’s predicament is outbound capital flight through black money, assets held in offshore accounts and tax evasions amongst the rich, famous and powerful depleting state treasury.

Any financing from abroad in Indian economy is typically utilizing India’s due national revenue laden with interest paid by the people and shared between external and internal operatives behind hoarding money in tax havens and Swiss banks fostering money laundering.

The ruling power in India were to crackdown on corruption beginning with political establishment in black money recovery instead of clamping down on humanitarians and peace activists –Prime Minister Modi and delegations’ business oriented foreign trips expenditure could be divested in domestic economy.

Furthermore, kickbacks on private and public sector deals and embezzlements ranking high on corruption scandals the government protection with political impunity is a serious setback for the economy.

The government response to these scams inversely punish those investigating corruption with job transfers to remote locations or removal from respective positions – the common occurrence in civil administration. 

Indian Administration Service (IAS), Indian Civil Service (ICS) and Indian Police Service (IPS) notwithstanding criminal bureau of investigation (CBI) officials are routinely subject to such treatment in high profile graft probe.

Upon collecting national income from the economic, entertainment and other commercial sectors with appropriate tax policy,

The banking sector capitalization facilitating liquidity flow for trade and commerce in the small, medium and large (SML) enterprise is viable without having to pay exorbitant interests risking state holdings to foreign lenders often submerging economy witnessed in Greece and similar experience by developing nations in the World Bank and IMF authorized financial undertakings.

The abundance in entrepreneurial skills and business acumen in India combined with financial resources could accelerate domestic productivity in the long proposed Make in India goal.

However, the ruling government arrival in foreign land touting for Make in India while spending $2.5 billion in defense purchase increasing India’s recent military expense to $10 billion is a huge contradiction in action deviating from projection.

The political trend with leaderships desire to extend term in office guaranteed in cooperation with foreign defense industry representing the military industrial complex. The quid pro quo apparently slight electoral discretion.

United States corporations vying for investments in India or elsewhere ignore ailing economy and fairly high joblessness at home despite tax breaks and other incentives to revive manufacturing, retail and export market.

The two scenarios – India and United States economies require native production to curb job losses and restore economic activity across the spectrum unlike priority to disproportionate military disbursements.

Hegemony sponsored neo-liberalization seeking open end access for multinational companies  in foreign marketplace whether emerging or developing economy favor shareholders and key investors profiteering to global labor force and indigenous businesses detriment.

Yet neo-liberalization falsely promoted as globalization against protectionism although the implementation thus far mainly safeguards MNC monopoly.

Public debate and scrutiny on government decisions pertaining to economy, political, social, environment and other related areas necessary to reinstate democracy.

Otherwise taxpayers funded governments and representatives are staged as the most powerful political figure, authority and cult phenomenon warning fact finders to refrain from challenging status quo confirming the departure from democratic system.

The systemic abuse of power and misrepresentation is the ominous sign of decadence.

Citizens fearing political class in contrast to politics concern over electorate reaction determines republic rule.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







Greece – EU Ultimatum With Austerity

July 15, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Following the national referendum early July, the international creditors and EU members, the German leadership in particular ruled out economically viable options such as debt write off and financial plan aimed at restructuring, capitalization together with growth oriented reforms besides spending cuts to rescue Greece from precipitous decline.

The recent EU summit has enforced more austerity in defiance to Greece citizens’ rejection of the failed policy responsible for Greece deterioration and similar impact across Europe leaving 25 million and more workers in the unemployment category.

The EU decisions evidently prioritize pride and pecuniary power over pragmatic solutions to debt crisis.

Another obvious sign in the ongoing development is EU re-attempt to remove incumbent government considering earlier outcome with plebiscite on austerity attached to government resignation upon YES vote went the other way.

Accordingly post EU marathon meeting, the determination to cause political instability instigating infighting in Greece during prime time of government preparing to present EU recommended grave austerity programs to the Parliament is not a coincidence.

The turbulence in Greece with external meddling in political affairs of a sovereign state has striking resemblance to events in Ukraine.

Ironically, the austerity proponents in EU consciously ignore the costs related to holding referendums and frequent elections by stirring political tensions to jettison the premier and the government not approved by them.

The involvements also pronounce the respect or the lack thereof for foreign state sovereignty.

I reiterate on EU bureaucracy costing EU citizens a fortune and yet EU dogma on austerity is extremity overriding rationality.

When a nation is deprived of income due to lack of investments in the economic sector saddled with common currency euro compromising competitive edge in trade and microeconomic activities,

The spending cuts and draconian measures arguably exacerbate economic conditions stifling any chances of recovery.

EU offer on the third bailout €86 billion tied to harsh financial terms is aimed at ejecting the present government rather than addressing the economic recession and liquidity problems in the country.

The contemporary practice to destabilize nations for ulterior motives guaranteed to affect sources especially in the inter-dependent regional and global economic environment.

EU and euro zone protectionists’ egregious doctrine on severe austerity proved a phenomenal failure and no longer sustainable. 

France is an  example of austerity stricken economy producing massive layoffs  and government legislation extending retirement age while reducing pensions and wages crippling the French work force.  

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls emphasis on Greece remaining in euro zone otherwise opposition to GREXIT was explicitly stated as geopolitical importance clarifying EU real intentions slighting Greece and other member states viz. Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland…economy. 

EU steps against Greece economic stimulus is counterproductive.

The insistence on trying same experiments expecting different results defy basic intelligence not to mention the expenses incurred in the repeat trial and error methods aggravating the process.

EU commitment is saliently towards saving euro zone and parallel government in Brussels than outreach member states with necessary financial package.

Greece government approach to resurrect economy and release the people from indebtedness lies in independent economic and financial management reinstating the original currency drachma backed by sound monetary, fiscal and trade policy.

The opportunity is far better and greater with people governed state in control of national assets and treasury unlike existing hierarchy subjecting member states to individual and EU parliamentary procedure on critical economic matter contributing to waste of time, resources and money in the austerity dominant era.

Perhaps Greece resonance in this respect could avert political turmoil ending economic misery.

Good Luck! To Greece population in claiming political and economic freedom.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


































Greece – Fix It Or GREXIT Dilemma

July 7, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Greece despite unequivocal NO vote against austerity compromised soon after the outcome with the finance minister Yanis Varoufakis resignation on euro zone officials demand stating the minister was unwelcome in the meeting.

The euro zone and EU gesture speaks volume of the respect or the lack thereof to democracy given the promotion of western democracy worldwide.

Furthermore the disposition reflects on the one world government (NWO) i.e. EU in Brussels direct interference in political governance of the member state and dismissal of sovereignty.

EU and euro zone expect Greece to stay in the Union to share the burden on euro volatility alongside stifling competition on trade and tourism favoring the major players Germany using euro and England opting out of euro.

However, there is no incentive provided to Greece in alleviating economic hardship with financial assistance to restore domestic banking system, emergency liquidity and internal cash flow to stimulate economy.

Greece using euro as the national currency is unable to exercise money circulation and distribution along with controlling inflation otherwise Greece has no control over EU and euro zone implemented monetary, fiscal and trade policy.

In fact this situation applies to PIGS states and Eastern European members economy under Brussels mismanagement.

EU and TROIKA austerity imposed on Greece and other recession hit economies exacerbating financial problems in the private and public sector.

In the absence of economic growth with capitalization at affordable borrowing rates, the cash strapped nations are pushed towards adversity with austerity.

The austerity proponents exempt them from fiscal restraints considering expenditure in Brussels run parallel government appoint delegates in various positions leading to unnecessary bureaucracy.

The costs are transferred to the citizens of the member states especially in the lower economic strata like Greece. Hence EU insistence on Greece for additional hikes in Value added taxes (VAT) to perpetuate Brussels extravagant operation only serving oligarchy and vested interests.

TROIKA involvement in Greece deviating from financial activities to choosing governments with frequent elections and forcing the recent referendum cost the state in contradiction to their prescription on austerity.

The plebiscite outcome with a YES vote anticipated by TROIKA was aimed at removal of Syriza led government from power preparing Greece for yet another polls to install TROIKA approved government at exorbitant expense to the people in Greece.

Again there is no recognition amongst TROIKA imposing will that contributes to more spending in the intentionally caused political tensions for instability.

TROIKA striking down proposals from the current Greece government and extending status quo might satisfy egotistical stance and essentially conflate the problems affecting the creditors and debtor.

Euro future is hanging in balance with disproportionate benefits to members within circuit not to mention the superficial value on the commodity conforming to currency maneuver trend.

Greeks with similar desire to stay in euro zone and EU need to review the experience in the past years up until now.

The dependency on TROIKA and EU for necessary breakthrough has not been forthcoming to relieve the ailing economy and instead the woeful measures are regarded the appropriate remedy saturating public and private debt in the country.

Greece political party Syriza concerns about leaving euro zone upon no positive developments in the negotiations between government and TROIKA would have to be transformed into preparedness with alternatives in returning to drachma that facilitates independent strategy on monetary, fiscal and macroeconomic conditions customizing applications to match targeted growth and output.

As for explanation to the electorate on the issue – any discerning citizen would realize impediments no longer obscure in the false sense of security in euro zone and TROIKA cart blanche authority ignoring reality in the harsh austerity.

The political party shift to a position away from the one adopted on campaign trail would be a broken promise when the decision is to serve the purpose other than republic progress.

In this instance Greece cornered without flexibility to restructure financial operations for economic boost besides debt settlement.

The extreme demands necessitate the viable option to reinstate drachma with sound monetary policy and financial as well as economic reform attracting investments in the economy and capital infusion in the banking sector.

The excessive reliance on bailouts from external sources with the pledge to remain under euro zone confined perimeters and TROIKA doctrine as safe haven when results proved to be counterproductive exemplify confidence and trust deficit in self-emergence and competence.

Nations survive and thrive upon sincere commitment to lead and perform exceeding the expectations demonstrated in hard work and integrity as collective responsibility with transparency and accountability to eliminate corruption and contain failures in all endeavors.

The comprehensive financial and economic plan on Greece recovery will be submitted subject to outcome on EU summit and financial discussion between the incumbent Greece administration and the other side.

Greece could FIX IT in the event of GREXIT with pragmatic solutions and disciplined methods blended in inspiration and optimism for economic resurgence.

Greece crisis will be monitored with relevant input until the matter is resolved.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


GREECE – Plebiscite on TROIKA Austerity

July 4, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Greece forced into referendum on austerity by IMF, ECB and EU is greed driven strategy.

Greed is a terrible disease and those affected by this illness could contain symptoms with self-restriction. When they are overwhelmed with greed they succumb to fate. Greed consumes them.

Greed is the cause for them to become international predators than creditors.

Even Jesus Christ could not reason with moneylenders and compelled to use violence. Jesus Christ whipped them and condemned their unreasonable conduct.

TROIKA could address this matter through proper engagement with the present government and accommodate reality into equation.

Austerity has been devastating for nations and the people in Greece are simply threatened to submit to TROIKA’s extortion.

TROIKA and forces galvanizing YES vote in the plebiscite do not necessarily win with fraudulent means to show victory.

The YES vote to TROIKA would give legitimacy on debt slavery. The YES voters are in kamikaze operation for they are not only doomed, their careless action would make the remaining citizens to share similar destiny.

TROIKA’s bailout requirements is a direct claim and control over Greece economy and human capital i.e. the citizens to bear debt burden lasting over generations when the survival of the present population is made nearly impossible with their austerity policy.

Austerity on Greece is prosperity for TROIKA. Again not everlasting as anything founded on deceit and exploitation would expedite the source conclusion.

TROIKA is clueless about austerity considering the life of opulence they maintain as entitlement at Greece and other nations expense.

In the Dark Age, human mind is able to relate to pain only through personal experience. That’s why there is apathy to human suffering among those prioritizing personal well-being and pleasure.

The financial institutions behind GREECE meltdown were handsomely rewarded for the reckless and unlawful indulgence as investment bankers trading hedge funds with toxic securities in the global market.

These firms were treated with special attention using United States taxpayer funds in the bailout.

Now United States as the chief controller of IMF together with EU and ECB lack credibility in their demand on GREECE and people of other recession hit economies to oblige.

The people are enduring the sins committed by financial brokers and major players in the windfall adopting unscrupulous practice.

The compare and contrast between Germany and Greece do not reflect the facts and as usual missing in substance.

Greece contribution to the world with philosophers like Aristotle, Socrates, Thales and Epicures to name a few amongst several renowned in this field, astronomers – Aristarchus and Eudoxus, physicists viz. Archimedes, mathematician Pythagoras and political scientists are slighted in the biased comparisons presented as analysis by TROIKA hired communication media.

Germany success as euro zone member and leading state in EU is because of exceptional advantage to Germany over the rest in the 28 members bloc.

Germany – the predominantly export oriented nation specializing in heavy metals and high end manufacturing goods related to automobile, aviation and other transportation industry use euro in leveraging against Greece and counterparts from eastern Europe in trade.

German deutsche mark was not feasible in the export trade especially with Europe in deep recession and vagaries in the global economy.

On the other hand euro facilitates Germany to neutralize volatility via distribution amongst members in EU.

The debt saddled states like Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland (PIGS) and eastern European countries are essentially providing for Germany in the balancing act with investors raking profits in Greek bonds compared with low yielding German security in the lending exchange amongst TROIKA.

The banks capitalization exclusively focused on lending for debt repayment to TROIKA ignores economic development in Greece and PIGS states.

Greece returning to original currency drachma would enable export to developing nations and emerging economies besides tourism generating revenue with global visitors from far and wide.

Germany described as nation not paying high wages as Greece is a misnomer.

In fact Germany social security payments and unemployment benefits are far greater in the industrialized world and adapted by Australia in the hand out to those choosing to remain unemployed leaving the immigrants to drive the economy.

Australian dole checks largely drawn by white majority in the country is the influence of Germany policy.

Germany industrial output is from East Germany more than the west given the hard labor tradition under Soviet rule. Germany productivity also attributed to immigrants in Germany despite reservations towards immigrants in deutsche land.

Greece need to allocate budget to expand broadband access and invest in technology based government services that would cut down bureaucracy and shift the labor force in technology oriented jobs for efficiency and transparency.

Greece could also mobilize the nation towards renewable energy like solar and hydropower minimizing energy dependency and costs in the public and private sector.

Greece anti-corruption measures beginning with government from top to bottom would build trust and seriousness in the treatment of the epidemic.

Further on the economic front – Greece needs to use the natural resources such as marble, clay, nickel, coal, bauxite, ore and chromate notwithstanding lignite, petroleum, iron ore, zinc, lead, magnetite, salt and hydropower potential to the maximum.

Greece could promote local production and business in these areas with incentives to small, medium and large companies inviting subscribers to government projects and spearhead domestic campaign to bring offshore holdings to jumpstart economy.

Agriculture land to grow crops and produces for the country and overseas markets would be another economic boost alleviating poverty and unemployment.

Tourism showcasing the Greek islands and Parthenon’s and other attractions would be lucrative with drachma as the currency rather than euro to stifle competition from neighbors on euro currency that makes travel expensive for foreign tourists visiting Europe.

These are preliminary steps to rebuild Greece economy and improve financial situation.

Greece should recognize that existence in tandem with EU and TROIKA financing would only deplete the treasury. The money borrowed from them on austerity basis proved destructive thus far.

Calling for direct investments and job-oriented programs are the meaningful ways to revive economy.

The resistance from TROIKA in this context exemplifies profiteering from citizens’ economic misery that cannot be extended any longer.

Lending for exacerbating economic woes via austerity is TROIKA doctrine. The scenario is imposed with no flexibility for reconciliation.

TROIKA trend is unsustainable for them and the victims of austerity.

The prevalent austerity to intensify citizens plight best renounced and instead the practical approach to resurrect economy is the viable solution to Greece problem.

Greece is at the crossroads and citizens exercising discernment with NO vote in the referendum paramount to SAVE GREECE from foreign seize of assets along with economic and political freedom.

Nation prevails with people pledging allegiance to sovereignty.

May wisdom and rationale provide guidance in the Greece referendum!

Good Luck! to citizens and the government in Greece in the solidarity against austerity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


























Global Economy – Exacerbating Crises With Erroneous Policies And Stratagems

August 30, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

The economic woes confronting the world are unemployment, underemployment, trade deficits, lower consumer and investor confidence and rising debts in the sluggish economy.

The economic downturn that began in December 2007 attributed to financial crises and sub-prime mortgage as well as hedge fund debacle relieved bankers from liabilities using  taxpayer bailouts transferring the burden on ordinary citizens in the economy.

Bankers in control of money management in the United States through privately owned and run Federal Reserve assumed absolute power with no oversight despite huge anomalies found during internal audit. 

The missing $ 9,000,000,000,000 i.e. $ 9 trillion acknowledged by Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman during Congressional hearing is the tip of the iceberg with more alarming activities surfacing on bankers’ modus operandi.

The banking syndicate comprising Bank of England  – epicenter for fraudulence having laid the foundation on monopoly over national and world economy leads the Federal Reserve in the United States, European Central Bank (ECB), IMF, World Bank and major European Banks with monetary policies aimed at maintaining the status quo.

While IMF and World Bank have successfully derailed economies of developing nations,

The strategy for Europe and North America premised on severe austerity stressing the need to address fiscal cliff generated by banking and financial sector has resulted in dire economic consequences witnessed in Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain (PIGS) although the rest of Europe are not far behind in sharing the dismal state.

The elite group reining authority over global economy is deploying methods in withdrawal of quantitative easing restricting cash infusion or economic stimulus allowing arbitrary interest rates adjustments at Federal Reserve discretion.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke issued a statement on June 20, 2013 that quantitative easing program is in the process of elimination completely by the middle of 2014. 

The detrimental plan produced shock waves in stock markets worldwide the following day i.e. Friday, June 21, 2013.

Regardless, the drastic measure is already underway with limitations on interjection ignoring the necessity for economic revival.

The constraints on liquidity flow facilitating interest rates to rise evidently counterproductive considering the adverse impact on business and home ownership  in the growth deficient economy.

Consumer spending contraction affecting retail industry with ripple effects on manufacturing and interconnected operations extends negative trend in the economy.

Federal Reserve decision to deoxygenate i.e. deprive economy from necessary money distribution via cash and credit backed with redeemable bonds and securities in the absence of growth oriented investments deepening economic problems and stalling recovery.

The money supply held within major private banks lacking in transparency and accountability misleads economy and in worst case scenario adopt aggressive tactics like assets seizure and savings depletion sparing neither the states nor individuals witnessed in the Mediterranean nation – Cyprus deal.

Furthermore, Wall Street financing of political system undermines sovereignty leaving the voters at financiers’ mercy on legislation.

The predicament for citizens is subjugation voiding their ballots in the polls with corporate funding of political campaigns and recipients allegiance to donors against electorate and national interest.

United States administration and congress with rare exceptions prioritizing corporate agenda over constituents’ basic needs like jobs, housing, health care and environment pose greater challenge for the people paying the price in political stalemate on issues concerning the vast majority.

The nation is grappling with multitrillion dollars expenditure on military expeditions and permanent army bases across the globe.

Simultaneously ineffective regulations accommodating past practices into the present and erroneous strategies targeting safety net features plus lifeline products favor financiers and special interests groups in the national and international domain.

The efforts to privatize social security having been the only reliable source of income for retirees and baby boomers nearing retirement alongside home mortgage ponzi scheme replicated in student loan scams forcing fresh graduates and predecessors submerge in financial debts prior to the start of career stifle productivity and revenue reflected in national GDP and current account.     

Additionally, trade policies under globalization benefits stake holders in multinational companies and the top 1% drive to accumulate wealth at the remaining 99% labor costs  empower the privileged class widening the gap between rich and poor in the world.

Besides the taxation policy disproportionately favor the affluent members with offshore tax havens and Swiss Bank accounts set up to promote tax evasions protecting illegitimate holdings and profiteering from illegal wars wasting taxpayer funds. These issues apparently not an important factor in discussion on fiscal responsibility.

The destructive course is unsustainable having exhausted means to exploit workforce and taxpayers worldwide with reckless and irresponsible activities discarding ramifications experienced by significant population struggling to make ends meet in their life.

In conclusion, the economic freedom made possible with republic governance engaged in money printing and circulation conforming to traditional function including monetary policy is the immediate priority to release nations from fictitious debt cycle developed for siphoning national treasury. 

The deceptive concept creating the perception of generational indebtedness with gloom and doom exempt the real beneficiaries in disguise as moneylenders from universal rules and standards.

Global action demonstrated in national call to abolish the Federal Reserve and counterparts in Europe and elsewhere is the way forward assigning the role to public represented democratic government with appropriate checks and balances for efficient performance.

The era of selective prosperity and opulence thriving on stratagems triggering global confrontation and warfare  is nearing termination in accordance with natural law setting expiration date for a new beginning.

Best Wishes to humanity at large for quantum leap progress uplifting the poor, the disadvantaged and the disenfranchised exemplifying meaningful accomplishment.

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





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