Politics Hard Ball – Race Baiting

May 25, 2023

Politics Hard Ball

Race Baiting

Padmini Arhant

Identity politics today is the be-all and end-all strategy for power grab with mammoth efforts in variety of ways to masquerade real status smearing politics at national and international level – corruption, criminality and treason.

The topic New World Order – Political Doctrine published preceding this article elaborate the problems in contemporary politics.

New World Order – Political Doctrine

Politics is plagued by corruption beyond salvation. The cronyism in politics is premised on having each others’ back in corruption, treason and alarming crimes with no end in sight.

From campaign trail throughout political career and thereafter, the politics bear a price tag alongside using and abusing people thrown under the bus for political expediency and personal gains in the unconscionable act misconstrued as privilege.

Subsequent to assuming office -from the rank and file to the highest office, the violation of public trust, misrepresentation and failures to deliver to own constituents, state and nation at large is the norm in politics. The moral compass is long broken and subject to mockery synonymous to the term decorum on both sides of the aisle representing politics that is farcical than factual.

The status quo provide the deep state deeper entrenchment in all things with unbridled control over money and minds of the people in the entire global village.

Why do deep state care so much about protecting the corrupt and treasonous despite them being unveiled of their true colors and baneful personality traits having ruined and destroyed lives in millions and the trend continued via proxy?

The puppets enable puppeteers to pull rabbit out of ears and call illusion the mesmerizing magic show.

The world is indeed a stage with politics controlled by deep state representing own diverse interests with population transformed into herd increasingly morphed as sheeple with heads down and attention deflected from the misleading direction.

No matter what the deep state spring on the population inflicting catastrophe and devastation such as the pandemic and economic carnage, the deep state and front line representatives get away with self-granted impunity only to return staging the recycled performance as a new display.

The identity politics focus on race baiting is personal identity crisis for those engaged in the identity swap aka theft. The woeful indulgence expect identity exchange to cleanse the ones in the swamp while stain and stigmatize the source aimed as the target.

Identity politics is a massive propaganda pushing false narrative and agenda for own benefits to keep public eye and memory away from deep state affairs affecting lives without interval in the world.

Those behind identity politics refuse to turn inward in soul searching for obvious reasons. The exercise would open the can of worms directly staring at them and their crimes against own people let alone others. 

Whether that is Miriam Carey and her toddler –  the summary execution of an unarmed mother with a toddler in the car laying her own life to the barrage of bullets rained on her in public square at the White House periphery. The victim demonstrating courage in her commitment to save her child amidst violent pursuit unlike the ones who authorized and committed the abhorrent violence against own race and now in the forefront of identity politics scheme.

Or, the crime by then authority in the White House against the member of own race Troy Davis – an innocent man mercilessly dispatched to the gallows rejecting clemency to the sentenced with his innocence indisputably proven in the aftermath of the state crime and politicized justice.

The firing of Shirley Sherrod, the female member among own race and community relevantly serving then incumbent administration headed by black Presidency was another casualty in the race orientation.

Shirley Sherrod was removed from the agriculture department she was working for at that time. The White House self-centered action to save own skin from race baiting media rancor is a classic example of self-righteousness crashing on race politics.

What about the black Presidency pledging support including campaigning for the two-time incumbent multi-billionaire Mike Bloomberg in the New York mayoral race against own political party black contender seeking opportunity to serve the marginalized black demography in the racial economic dynamic?

Prior to ascendency to major power such as entry to the White House, the background clearly showing the current identity politics purveyors promoting blackness and black identity now systematically then excluding own race in the lowest economic class from eligibility for benefits based on self-interests gained from appeasement of  previous employer – University of Chicago, Illinois.

The trajectory before and after seated as the face of the deep state power exemplify exclusive profitability and individual enhancement in political and economic windfall albeit at the loss, misery and misfortune of others rammed over in the never satisfied hunger for personal fortune in every aspect.

Accordingly, the contemporary identity politics facade is a desperation to conceal decadent legacy contrarily exposing duplicity in persona and character. 

Politics hard ball on identity politics is a rejection of own reflection shunning real self in the quest for image, culture and identity appropriation contrasting original being.

The irrefutable fact is mirror on the outside and inside never lie presenting the true inner and outer image.

Padmini Arhant



New World Order – Political Doctrine

May 21, 2023

New World Order 

Political Doctrine

Padmini Arhant

Welcome to the New World Order political doctrine.

The contemporary world is controlled by an insular group who in return are controlled by dominant political ideology to standardize human behavior and societal norm according to their agenda which is a grand scheme of paradoxical paradigm.

For example: the political ideology in politics has long normalized corruption culture. The corruption in politics from inception to termination of the term in office and beyond is apparently not criminal rather customary. The partisanship in dealing with corruption is a political prerogative.

Likewise, abuse of power while in office not treason instead justified for any reason.

Merit displaced with obsequious cronyism in solidarity as partner in crime is sworn to prime positions in politics.

The political ideology is undoubtedly premised on supremacy with mind enslavement en masse.

The idea of dominance is to oppress and repress anything and everything around which is readily instinctive in man than animal. The latter aggression is predominantly for survival unlike the former emanating from ravenous appetite for power, fame and fortune crushing and squashing anything on the path to satisfy eternal hunger.

The polity doctrine is primarily weighted on indoctrination ad nauseam. Any and all available format and medium ranging from conventional print press, television networks 24/7 representing the directed ideology to mass media like social media viz. Facebook launched to bring population to share details about them without having to expend intelligence sources to gather information about global citizens to embark on population control.

The other platform widely used for indoctrination is entertainment. It is the hot pursuit in misrepresentation like movie under the guise of historic documentary using narrative to suit own interpretation of events, identity as well as culture appropriation are executed with impunity.

The other evasive tactic is hiding behind so-called fiction with disclaimer, animation and television series – pretty much covering entire genre in entertainment is prevalent right now.

The entertainment field as major propaganda catalyst  serve the political doctrine in deflecting public attention from issues and crises in the real world and relevantly politics’ dismal performance as government head of the nation.

The human lifestyle is the most important target in the political doctrine. Ever since, e-commerce torpedoed brick and mortar market place, the tagging, trolling and shadow activity via cookies on websites registering shoppers and online visitors details not barring critical personal information entered during online purchases and even browsing information are obtained as a regular feature.

Though cookie settings are offered by many for visitors to maintain privacy, the firewall in these options are subject to skepticism.

There are counter-technology available to tackle these obvious snoops and spying on information highway. A significant percentage are either unaware and / or not technologically highly skilled to circumvent constant surveillance of human life and daily activity – the pervert obsession of political doctrine.

The mind control is the grand objective of political doctrine. It was successfully experimented unleashing bio-engineered deadly corona virus on humans claiming the virus transmission from bats to humans despite the two species exposure to one another and co-existence on earth span over several thousand years with natural immunity established in the environment long before the twenty first century.

Nonetheless, the political doctrine mind control along with population control – the latter publicly campaigned by the late British Royal Prince Philip ignoring own family census shared the urgency to rein population growth in other parts of the world suggesting the issue as a serious problem.

Similar statement echoed by tech giant Microsoft owner Bill Gates, an overt secret society member marking presence in discreet secret society meeting barring outside world.

The Melinda- Bill Gates foundation investment along with other funding sources in the controversial gain-of-function research evolving into bio-engineered virus in Wuhan lab, China inflicting devastating impact on human population achieved that population reduction in the political doctrine.

The lab generated corona virus consumed lives and livelihoods in massive scale worldwide. Simultaneously the man-released pandemic also provided opportunity to condition human mind and social behavior, the milestone in political doctrine regarded fundamental in the New World Order.

The pandemic was also a gateway for the political doctrine to implement Great Reset semi-disclosed at the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland.

The Great Reset aimed at selective exclusive windfall is related to the financial world with re-configuration of highly guarded monetary designs in the global financial markets.

The calibration required global economic shut down which was facilitated by the pandemic ending in dual achievement for the political doctrine – global financial and population management in accordance with predisposed game plan.

The pandemic through mandatory lock downs and various health guidelines together with prohibiting social behavioral pattern an innate inherent human lifestyle was systematically frozen.

The political doctrine is heavily and deeply entrenched in social re-engineering of human life in thoughts, behavior and functionality.

The identity politics is one dimension of the prism in the political doctrine creating confusion and doubts professed in isolation under the pretext of inclusivity for political gains knowingly generating social divide. 

The political doctrine is openly committed in corrupting society to the point of no return legitimizing norms, habits and practice against laws of nature and natural orientation.

The political and economic interests is prioritized at the detriment of general well being and societal progress distancing from ethics, values and normal social development.

The misinformation was witnessed and experienced during pandemic from the authorities beginning with World Health Organization director Dr Tedros Adhanom Gehebreyesus collusion with Beijing narrative well after the onset of the virus as far back as September 2019 and acknowledged in December 2019 by Wuhan Virology Institute, Hubei Province, China.

The WHO Director and Beijing maintained in January 2020 the COVID 19 corona virus being non-transmittal from human to human only to be proved otherwise.

In the meantime, continuing international travel until official global lock down in late March 2020 allowing the virus’ ravaging implications on human health and life demonstrated gross negligence. 

Then the national health authorities like Dr. Anthony Fauci and counterparts consistent inconsistency on health mandates and protocols changing with little or no definitive course throughout the pandemic was a major challenge for the public and health care institutions battling with unprecedented alarming health crisis in the twenty first century.

Meanwhile, cancel culture, censorship and gag order on alternative views and citizens’ real life accounts on the pandemic enforced vigorously to protect political doctrine controlled data. 

The restrictions did not exempt credible expert professional medical opinions presenting facts and figures denied public access on many occasions with you tube videos and social media bogged down under tight control. 

The idea behind control over speech, mind and overall human life and lifestyle were aggressively tested and effectively suppressed to the political doctrine satisfaction taking advantage of the pandemic situation.

Now having tried global population control under these dynamics, the political doctrine immediate or near future game plan in the shock and awe expedition against mankind is a red alert for human existence in a healthy safe secure and critically sane environment increasingly faced with existential threat.

The public exercising basic rights demanding political doctrine submit to transparency and accountability on manufactured catastrophes like the pandemic and economic mayhem is a necessity and no longer a choice.

Regardless of the political and scientific involvements in gain-of-function research funding and Wuhan lab experiments underway since 2002 to vaccine arrangement deal with Moderna sealed in 2015.

The world is conditioned by the political doctrine to accept the pandemic and economic ramifications are illusions as if nothing happened with none held responsible.

Instead, the United States Capital Washington is preoccupied squandering taxpayer dollars in indictments and jury trials on sex scandals adding insult to the pain, suffering and fatalities of the pandemic victims world over.

The pandemic is one of many classic examples about the New World Order political doctrine and that is;

No matter what color codes and shades the human race is assigned or belong to, in the eyes of NWO political doctrine all lives are a fair target exemplified in the pandemic. Similarly, NWO has no problem in denting economy and destroying livelihoods at large.

NWO political doctrine goes after human life and wallet in the win win fortune for them.

Padmini Arhant 



Criminal Syndicate Politics’ True Colors

May 19, 2023

Criminal Syndicate Politics’

True Colors

Padmini Arhant 

My message to my adversaries and their representatives from wherever is;

I am extremely happy and content with who I am and what I am in every respect. I believe and rely on my ability to shine. It is my strong principle.

Simultaneously, I strive to improve my strengths and triumph any weakness or shortcomings with humility and grace alongside deep understanding that none are perfect.

However, life offers opportunity to aim for inner development and enhancement.

I, like many before me in this world never shy away from that moment.

With me in charge and control of my own life, I do not need to borrow any face from beauty pageantry, entertainment, politics or history that you have been preoccupied with to impose on me. As I am, you are all well aware your bizarre obsession and motive is overtly supercilious and derisive in actual context.

As far as I am concerned, identity, cultural and profile misappropriation of me, my life and origin is unlawful, unethical and downright criminal offense by any definition in any society. The invasion and infringement is direct violation of my individual right, personal status and integrity.

Accordingly, such violation is persona non grata – unwelcome from anywhere without exception. 

Even otherwise, naturally I say to you all and your proxies presented as me – Thanks but no Thanks. 

Padmini Arhant 

————————————————————————————The power, wealth and fame seized and / or  acquired is distinct from earnestly earned that requires natural talent, skills, hard work and importantly courage and integrity…oxymoron and a tall order for the former.

Hence the preceding order opting short cuts discard ethics and propriety otherwise negotiated with a high price tag. The slight in decorum invariably promotes arrogance interpreted in corrupt human mind and behavior.

As a result, actions in reference to exploitation, abuse, demonization, extortion, distortion, subversion, perversion and relevantly identity and cultural misappropriation extended into ambiguity and anonymity on race and religion despite crystal clear facts and reality about subject viz. me – Padmini Arhant.

The unruly dismissal to suit abusers’ characterization of me as their privilege and entitlement entirely biased laden with prejudice and misogyny amongst diverse narcissistic imposition justified as such;

Whoever can do whatever to whomsoever wherever whenever and however they choose with none other than obedience as the only choice for the whomsoever subject.

The problem is, the treatment and conduct against me and my family reserved as the mighty right of the dominant power though that position is on expeditious downslide hitting rock bottom, yet heed no norms either natural or societal rule of law.

I’m on the other hand, expected to ignore their violations and atrocities towards me and my family, and comply with their egregious and pompous demands to be at their eternal FREE service having availed and profiteered in every respect at mine and my family’s expense in the past 15 years until now.

In contrast, they rake a fortune even if they would spend 15 minutes of their time in anything not without exclusive economic, political and personal gains and interests.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In other words, if you want to be treated with kindness, be kind to others.

There is no inkling nor slightest effort to treat others the way one wants to be treated by them. The concept of mutual respect and acknowledgment of basic principles is persona non grata and non-existent.

The tradition is satanic alien to virtues premised on  candor, righteousness, reason and rationality.

Satans rely on lies and voodooism that are currently prevalent in proxies, pawns and puppets employed in various roles to meet satanic objectives backfiring at the source and catalysts in the operation.

Upon defiance to narcissistic exertions and enslavement, the bellicose reaction is apprehension to individual and collective decomposition and degeneration.

The road to hostility highway is a recipe for disaster for all those guilty and shackled taking marching orders from the crime syndicate.

Here is the glaring hypocrisy.

Crying foul on slavery seeking reparations amid enforcing and retaining slave driver convention for prolonged undue advantage not barring perversions of my personal identity is archetype excluding fairness and emancipation – the inalienable birth right of all creations and beings that none possess the right or authority to deny another in living and beyond.

I, Padmini Arhant unequivocally condemn the abominable violations and reprehensible vile invasion of my life and rights.

I also call on death to politics that unjustly weaponize race, religion, gender and social status like LGBTQ and LGBTQ+, Trans gender and homosexuality…all of which are nothing more than political arsenal for crime syndicate run politics to attack me expressing your inhibited suppressed gender variation and poly sexuality like all other affairs of yours closeted and cloaked in secrecy.

For the record,I am neither LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, Transgender nor homosexual.

Nonetheless, I’m vehemently opposed to any form of discrimination against them and anybody.

Furthermore denial of human rights to all these people and others belonging to human society is cardinal sin in recognition of all creations as equal in receiving kindness, compassion and non-politicized genuine empathy.

The criminal syndicate politics simply abuse these members in society for nothing more than cheap callous polity that is despicable to say the least.

Relevantly, I am a woman by birth and in living with biological, anatomical and physiological attributes of a female gender having had two normal child births born in and not out of wedlock in my life. I am a proud mother having raised my children with values emphasizing on respect, care and goodness towards self and others in life.

By the way, like birds, bees and all other species including humans, I have my own brain that is authentic organic original intelligence that has enabled me to effectively and successfully survive as well as thrive braving storms and sailing rough seas throughout my life more now than ever.

Any perception of masculinityactually the reference is made at Michelle Obama. I am not her and she is not me by any stretch of imagination.

NB: It has nothing to do with physical appearance. I consider beauty is skin deep and have said so explicitly on this site.

It has everything to do with inner-self reflected in deeds and approach in life. Hubris and false pride serve none except expose true personality.

Having personally met Michelle Obama in California at her invitation only to be obnoxiously snubbed on the day, the path cleared for her entry to the White House and her spouse Presidential prospects that was abysmal at that time which will be detailed later with evidence, such attitude from someone was not just the first impression is the last impression.

Michelle Obama during the height of 2008 Presidential campaign asserted via email that me and my family should go knocking door to door and in her words beg for votes was the command which I brought to her attention at that time.

Never mind the fact they got away not paying a dime ever for all the service by me and my family.

The indulgence that tops the chart till date in violation of my rights is identity appropriation of me replacing selves and who ever they choose as me in identity theft in a manner it should never matter to me or my family. 

In comparison, the private citizen Barack Obama post official term in public office publicly known price tag is not less than $500,000 (half a million dollars) on speech anywhere not excluding the former President criticized Wall Street fat cats with whom the former President had close ties then and later is regarded an entitlement.

Michelle Obama singing deals with fashion magazines and endless contracts on advertisements, entertainment field and the list goes on whilst in the White House between 2009 – 2016 and after exit runs into $$$millions. That being the reality, free service when it comes to receiving from others precisely confirm parasitic existence.

Michelle Obama’s note to me brimming with sarcasm on my hard earned investment properties held since long before at that time is another thing that prompt a question about their possessions exiting the White House – Martha’s Vineyard estate, Hawaii seaside castle besides native Chicago citadel certainly are subject to;

How did it happen on maxed out credit cards and 30-year-old delinquent student loans claimed on the campaign trail in 2008?

Contrarily, they never missed any opportunity to make our lives difficult including losing our financial assets and more.

Notwithstanding harassment via various means and recruits that continues till date.

That’s how the Obamas (Barack and Michelle  – the Ivy league alumni riding on our back to get on the high horse at political helm) expressed gratitude to me and my family for our tireless contributions towards their personal political dreams that was impossible if not unimaginable. 

Then onwards the air of arrogance towards me and my family further clarified the newly acquired status corrupting human mind.

Barack Obama – the former President wanted me to obey order and march like a soldier having not had the time or taken the trouble to say the courteous words – Thank You the least of all subsequent to their ascend to the ivory tower.

Both Barack and Michelle Obama begged me and my family for our assistance during the Presidential campaign in 2008 and thereafter and not the other way around. 

In hindsight, it is regretted entirely based on the Presidential track record.

It is crucial for the world to know when nobody become somebody using and abusing others, they have many hired surrogates especially from the subservient media ever deployed to defend whatever about them irrespective of what is underneath the veneer. 

I say to the late night show host Jimmy Fallon;

I have seen politics up close and personal and that goes for the undeserving stardom of certain ones in the entertainment industry and beauty pageantry.

I will hug the monkey with a cool hat and shades your guest Paris Hilton indicated as me any day than the rude uncouth personalities mentioned above or those whom the criminal syndicate politics dispose on me.

Monkeys at the top most branch of the tree too have manners unlike those who upon reaching certain place in politics or the so-called celebrity in entertainment choose to abandon in life thereby losing the real human value.

The same apply to anyone the criminal syndicate politics superimpose on me on the montage. 

In fact, Indian politics go beyond against me and my family to charm their masters in criminal syndicate politics. The Bollywood remnants caught in drug and substance abuse are paraded with politics run crony media and IT sleeper cells in social media serving running commentary corruptly claim them as me.

The Indian politics notoriously ascribe political events to me – then a teenager not even eligible to cast a vote dating back to the former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s anti-democratic leaning to authoritarian emergency rule during her political tenure to absolve the current regime’s ruthless overt authoritarianism under the guise of democracy.

The present regime in New Delhi also links me to their own political member Pragya Thakur having served prison time for terrorist activity in bomb blast in the caste related violence.

The irony here is, Pragya Thakur, a sitting member in Indian Parliament representing the ruling BJP party is a Brahmin, the caste arbitrarily declared highest and holiest in the Indian politics and large segments in Indian society fixated caste hierarchy.

The same Indian politics has been constantly slandering me as Dalit – the people discriminated and marginalized as sub-humans and untouchables placing them below in the caste system. Again such denomination of me is one of many characterizations from those offended by well substantiated facts and absolute TRUTH about politics, policy, plan and actions ruining lives at the national and international level.

Here is the twist – the Brahmin Pragya Thakur belonging to supposedly the highest caste convicted as terrorist for terrorism is now referred to as me – the one designated as Dalit in the caste B.S.

In this instance, the Brahmin Pragya Thakur, a terrorist has identity swap with me, the Indian politics described Dalit.

There are several examples like these that make the Indian politics desperation and hostility towards me obvious. The other one is also about one of their political party member who was the former Chief Minister of Indian state Rajasthan – Vasundhara Raje, belonging to Indian Royal family. The former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje reputation is well known in corruption scandals and terrible performance resulting in the Chief Minister removal from power by the electorate.

Again here the former CM Vasundhara Raje Royal pedigree and higher caste is slighted in the identity swap with me – the presumably Dalit. The caste hierarchy vanish taking into account their scandals and smears slammed on me.

The incumbent Prime Minister uses own political party member Vasundhara Raje depicting her as me and projecting himself as exemplar of honesty, integrity and statesmanship making a mockery of self and the so-called Indian democracy. Not to mention insulting the IQ of anyone with basic to higher understanding of events.

The campaign slogan is coined in New Delhi language Hindi – मोदी तुझसे बैर नहीं, वसुंधरा तेरी ख़ैर नहीं ।

The slogan is deceitfully phrased as : Modi we have no enmity with you. However, Vasundhara (despite from same BJP political party as Modi) you will not be spared implying it is directed at me.

For the record: I have no affiliation or association with any political party in India or anywhere. It is their figment of imagination in involving me as the member of the political party to use and abuse me.

This is the kind of stupidity and numb skull politics baited at me in futile.

Basically, Indian politics attitude is dump anything  on her and make her the dumpster.

Notwithstanding, India barring the vast ordinary mainstream population, the politics, media, entertainment industry, beauty pageantry and those chosen to head  in economic sector are the biggest beneficiary amongst all in every aspect since my appearance in public domain and by far the worst in collusion, complicity and complacency on abuse, slander, exploitation and vilification of me and my family continued in the typical contemptuous caste hierarchy no different from White or the present day Black Supremacy. 

All the more reason, them toeing the line in India and overseas in this regard are rewarded by criminal syndicate politics for their treason against me.

The next in line in paradoxical gratitude are the ones in the United States politics winning Presidential election in 2008.

The ones lifting my statement on this site – Life Matter encompassing all lives on earth and staged as violent Black Lives Matter rioting and scorching private and public property in major cities on camera.

The other ludicrous idiocy is baldness. I shun their behavior dragging family members sons or daughters regardless of age.

In their provocative savagery against me and my family they don’t seem to hesitate to utilize Hollywood academy award occasion like in 2022 to draw public focus on flamboyant mockery boomeranged there and then at them. 

The moronic display only pronounce their ugliness of who actually they are? They continue their crass dirty politics against me and my family having benefited phenomenally from us that will be reminded sooner than later by their Karma. 

Similarly they use many others within politics and entertainment field as well as from wherever. Their controversies and scandals are dumped on me as I am them and they are me to provide more content for negative publicity in the nuanced politics nonsense. 

In the past 15 years, it has been like this with crime syndicate politics.

We can’t find anything to talk about you. No problem.

We will dig anywhere and find other women amongst our own inventory such as politics, British family Markle (?) and recruits from entertainment (Hollywood, Bollywood, Tollywood, Kollywood) and even mainstream.

We will use all that are negative about them from their physical to other characteristics including corruption scandals, sexual insinuations leading to jury trial, the scripted contentious slander of other religion viz. Islam instructing the recruit in the act to use peace gesture, waving and other greetings illegally indicating that performance was from you.

Anything and everything about women from anywhere with excess baggage and gaslighting (that’s right baggage claim!)  in a complete identity swap with you is the criminal syndicate politics’ devious scheme against me and my family.

All failing, make a movie with dilapidated script and vilify you in the name of entertainment in Hollywood and sycophant Indian cinema like Tamil film industry with so-called veteran film director promoting  propaganda as Tamil historic movie in their eagerness  to appease us against you.

The topics are then gossiped and propagated as me. That has been the criminal politics’ corrupt strategy to scandalize me so far. All in vain.

What goes around comes around as they are forced to contend with their shenanigans they have deceitfully lumped on me.

In reality, the parochial judgment in the world isolate womanhood as weak, fragile and vulnerable. Therefore any form of strength and fortitude against patriarch dominance exerted in chauvinism and misogyny I continue to endure as I speak right now is ridiculed and branded masculine demeanor.

What else is new?

Let me enlighten on the patriarchal mast presumably charter the vast ocean called life suggesting no input from female member in the family.

Since world creation, the women’s role has been anything but a cake walk for at least overwhelming majority of women in the world.

Personally speaking, I’m a fourth generation woman in my line of family having had to raise children tolerating family and societal challenges demanding enormous sacrifice and tireless contributions till date.

As for other women from many different cultures and society in different parts of the world, I have personally witnessed and been aware of them having shouldered the entire family and society burden with no male or the significant other sharing responsibility even when it was incumbent upon them.

Even among animals, the motherly instinct naturally impetus the mother to be protective of her young ones including gathering food for her entire family with the male counterpart comfortably resting and snoozing  most of the time.

I would like to specify here, this situation is generally common although the roles are reversed with male members in many families dominated by women in their life.

All said and done, any woman demonstrating grit, strong will and dedication need not possess 9 or 10 inches male genitalia to prove her ability in multi-tasking and handling myriad activities at a time and especially in dealing with patriarchal oppression in life. Society and history is testament to this fact since time immemorial and critically right now.

The women power to face struggles and overcome suffering largely uplifting her family has been instrumental in any society and ultimately nation building in the consolidated human efforts and network.

Unfortunately, the perspective about women’s ability to perform major undertakings is regarded masculinity with disproportionate anatomy as stated by the guest in the British talk show host Pierce Morgan’s program which explains the obsolete narrow minded impression of woman tenacity.

Again, these thoughts require intellectual and emotional balance in evaluating and appreciating conditions that are natural and definitively not artificial intelligence as purported time and time against me by those yet to prove their kind to qualify for judgmental view.

I also insist those who have effortlessly let their tongue loose and questioned my character and credibility to come forward and lead me in proving theirs as unparalleled chaste, pure, sacrosanct and above all –

Holier than thou.

The questioner integrity begins with own exemplified deeds serving as the paradigm to those they besmirch and belittle in the relentless she-bashing targeting me without pause.  Meanwhile, they never fail to assert  their opinion on my intelligence as artificial and designating me as a machine and not a living breathing person.

They realize they can’t have it both ways but they want to maintain incessant she-assault for sadistic pleasure.

If I’m nothing and nobody then why pursue me as the target wasting money in propaganda and film-making. The money down the drain could easily be afforded towards reparation and stabilizing lives in desperate neighborhoods renewing hope and change for the better.

Apparently, that’s not all.

In the eyes of those for whom I’m arch rival, all positive traits and exemplary expertise, adroitness, language proficiency and anything that is appealing and complimentary not barring philanthropy are all explicitly credited as male exclusivity. 

Juxtaposed, all negativities, drawbacks, deficiencies, bad, terrible, horrible, mindless, clueless…mind blowing cynical descriptions and titles are volleyed at me as a female with my identity, culture and origin publicly auctioned smothered in patronization and condescendence in the American so-called documentary on one side and Indian historic movie concoction on the other side anchored on caricature of me in gross deception and misrepresentation.

The crime syndicate politics’ trajectory speak volume on how much they really care about people let alone classifications and sub-classifications in society.

The deadly corona virus unleashed on humanity at large consuming millions of lives and livelihoods due to the political collusion funded and helped manufacture bio-engineered virus from Wuhan lab, China.

Now the massive monumental health catastrophe cannot possibly be a subject of interest for criminal syndicate politics, Hollywood charlatans as the producer of some donkey-mentary manipulating present and past facts, trampling on individual rights, culture etc. as prerogative or for that matter the major stake holder Netflix focused on profiteering regardless of the avalanche of flops and cancellations experienced thus far.

On these grounds, the legitimate question is when there are so many events and crises like corona virus not long ago, Russian invasion of Ukraine and ongoing warfare, global economic forecast, unrest in Sudan, political and security turbulence in Pakistan, environment woes like El Niño predicted by environmental scientists in 2023 – 2024,

What is the real intention behind the so-called political need for falsification of foreign culture, mis-portrayal of historic figure categorically a betrayal of audience in the supposedly docu-drama hoax taking precedence over all of the above highlighted global matter?

A valid sound explanation rather than mimicry response would add credence preventing further controversy and image damage.

Padmini Arhant 



Entertainment or Indoctrination?

May 18, 2023




Padmini Arhant

Incest – the term familiar and conspicuously relevant in practice among power mongers, wealth hoarders and fame starved insular category insanely maintaining heretic heritage with their descendants revealing reality amongst them under the pretext of documentary aka donkey-mentary reflecting the mindset behind production, direction, acting and political hatch. 

It’s rather strange those touting personal status as the ones at the political helm abusing people granted power against the same folks, partner with entertainment medium such as Netflix evidently for political vendetta using Hollywood connection and relation for smear campaign via trash called movie such as Glass Onion earlier and now the asinine donkey-mentary.

What a way to express gratitude to those whom they use, abuse and bankrupt for their unimaginable political jackpot in their life!

Give a dog a bone and some water, the dog is the best friend and most trusted companion for life.

In contrast, some human attitude to critical help and support including financial contributions is to turn virulently against them from whom they begged for assistance. Then onwards treat them with contempt on whose back they were riding on to cross the crocodile infested river stream viz. politics.

The malice analogous to monkey and crocodile fable with trusting monkey gobbled by crooked crocodile subsequent to monkey removing the stuck item turns out monkey bone from the crocodile teeth that had the crocodile in agony. The crocodile has been feasting on those prior to the helper monkey’s tragedy.

What more?

The repeat offenders do not hesitate to use their target’s real life incident and deploy in the enactment involving innocent victim of their violent crime like summary execution in public square. Then conveniently hide behind political impunity protecting criminals without ‘entanglement’ so to speak with law or criminal Justice.

The lesson learned is – exercise discernment even in charity and whom to be charitable to as the ones dwelling in glass house are the first ones to cast stone on others.

There is ton of dough using others’ money of course for mud slinging in the name of donkey-mentary. Somehow the super wealthy are paupers unable to afford child support to a black child whose black mother was brutally gunned down at the White House door step by their security personnel following order from both of them.

Interestingly, the proposal from them on reparation for historic discrimination demanding Californian taxpayers to pay $385,000 to $1.2 million to each affected member in black community when California was not even involved in slave ownership stems from those targeting California for anything as the latest strategy.

Instead, why not be the example in following the civilized trail and pay reparation to the black child, an adolescent now having been deprived of a mother and parent love and care inflicting gruesome violation of her rights.

Now this is the embarrassing incontrovertible ugly profile of those and cohorts indulging in innuendo fabrication as “Her Truth” in the donkey-mentary. 

On incest – the trend continued in modern times extend incest with propaganda recruits hired for pittance  and those willing to go well and beyond impropriety in incentive to be part of incestuous society. 

The other aspect of immorality among incest society is to falsely superimpose present time with far fetched unrelated events from history in sleazy attempt on character defamation. 

The film making now predominantly submitted to political agenda devised and directed by incest secret society, the vicious circle attract members alike to perform to malevolent script in collusion on the hoax. 

The on and off screen fraudulence is hardly a concern for all participating in the contrived scheme with deliberate misrepresentation and meandering. 

The evil is always agitated upon evil being rejected with evil’s addiction for attention ad nauseam. 

Accordingly it is least surprising for evil rancor to appear in entertainment disguise. 

In the past century Germany’s Adolf Hitler was known to have exploited entertainment field for false propaganda and indoctrination.

Fast forward, Hollywood in particular poised as anti-Nazi and needless to say the former apparently no big admirer of Nazi ruler Adolf Hitler emulating the latter in mass manipulation to the point of leaving behind Hitler in Hitlerism is the irony of the irony.

Hollywood, Netflix and genre used as platform for polity to spew venom in gutless nuanced gutter politics smothered in sly egot(e)stical slander for sadistic pleasure is pot calling the kettle black.

The so-called entertainment field is a pawn to claim anything at anyone’s expense adding insult to audience intelligence.

Whatever it is  – whitewashing, black washing and brown sycophants baited on pseudo posts and slavish titles – them all combined selling their Soul in collaboration is hell bent on brainwashing with identity politics transformed into loony obsession for all bizarre reasons exhibiting self-righteous narcissism. 

Notwithstanding the obsolete gimmick taking entire viewers for granted.

Those who are in the business of gross deception as lifetime engagement drown in deceit and disappear.

Entertainment nowadays is more of a channel to release arsenic for poison identity politics dying slow excruciating death accompanied by all those buttressing the political wreck.

Constant height and might flaunting while diminished beyond salvation and redemption in every aspect with no self-respect, negative value and parasitic culture is impulsive disorder.

Own reflection in the mirror and introspection within tell all that one needs to know about oneself barring nonsense.

Get over your ad hominem mania and compulsive heresy about your target.

Life wasted in abuse is self-abusive indicative of nothing to live for except voluntary decay. With such life, no height or might can see the light when all actions lead doers plunge in darkness.

Sad ending for sadists absorbed in self-destructive sinister saga is the only certainty with guaranteed self-sabotage.

The villains of society with crony contingency mob ambush is tell tale sign of trepidation on precipitous personal and gangsta decadent decline. 

Padmini Arhant 

PadminiArhant. com 


Pack Behavior – Obsession Ad Hominem

May 13, 2023

Pack Behavior 

Obsession Ad Hominem

Padmini Arhant

I asked Almighty God the reason behind obsession ad hominem.

God replied it is an incurable disorder among those with such behavior. God continued when they are incessantly fixated in persecuting one person with constant disparagement, they are basically reacting to inner conflict about themselves in turmoil.

They want to be you and they hate who they are.

They also have nothing to live for except creating inner turbulence. They abandon own life and instead live their target’s life.

They try to escape from within which is not possible. They find a scapegoat and continuously attack you for they know dealing with own short comings, negativities and inadequacies is a tall order for them.

Their self-perception about themselves is paradoxical to real character exemplified by them in thoughts and deed which by no measure is normal nor honorable.

Hence , they resign to virulent attack against you which is actually their inability to accept self- reflection in the mirror.

You should regard such treatment as their problem not yours for jealous and insecure people are always ashamed of them and their grave personality ataxia. 

God then reminded me about Jesus Christ, Lord Krishna and similarly in other faiths, those who showed mirror to evil doers were vilified and despised declining to change course for better.

However, invariably every one of them colluding and complicit in the act against goodness met their fate appropriately in accordance with time and Karma, The same would happen in the repeat episode as many have already experienced right now in this regard.

One harvest what one sow towards others regardless of timeline.

God concluded the answer adding obsession ad hominem against you as the target is a compliment from those whose life is eternally dependent on others whom they use and abuse for own exclusive benefits and interests fitting the definition – parasites. 

Padmini Arhant

Washington Politics – Crime, Corruption and Scandals

May 12, 2023

Washington Politics

Crime, Corruption



Padmini Arhant

What makes the United States Capital Washington attractive to politics?

Washington – Wash away ton of dirt and filth.

The epicenter Washington enables politics to wash away ton of baggage in corruption, criminality, sex scandals, eavesdropping, spying, snooping, invasion of others’ home, space, rights, life and country… granting political impunity with ton of protection and privileges for being the deep state perfect partner in anything and everything unlawful.

That’s politics today – use and abuse power, authority and squander taxpayer dollars with none to question nor answerable to in the so-called free world.

The exclusive freedom for politics to maneuver and manipulate at ease while remaining engaged in eternal mud-slinging, smear and slander of anyone daring status quo is icing on the cake deemed power.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Policy and Partisanship

May 10, 2023

United States




Padmini Arhant

Subsequent to recent parasitic culture topic, further  questions posed that beckon focus.

United States always leading in political drama,  action, violence, sexual allegations, identity politics viz. Black Lives Matter riots nationwide and alike  anchored on trans mania and much more…has drawn  attention on two latest news reports.

From California: The State authorized and apparently democrat political party created Reparations Task Force submit recommendations among many, the individual monetary compensation in cash ranging from $148,099 to $1.2million to Black Californians claiming victimhood on categorized historical discrimination from 1930 till date per news reports.

The question raised here, would such individual compensation qualify as parasitic culture nurtured by politics?

Response: The discrimination of all kind routinely practiced by mankind towards some or other worldwide is a reality since time immemorial prevalent till date.

The discriminatory legacy from the past and present is a dark history in any nation’s chronicle.

Unfortunately every nation around the world share either less, equal or more on their part on prejudice and human rights violations record.

However, seeking reparation costs for the events in the earlier century linked to those inhabitants at that time to be settled by the present generation largely comprising immigrants from all over the world in a state like California,

Among whom many on their part have something similar if not severe experienced in their or previous generation lifetime is neither practical nor economically possible.

The pandemic having consumed lives and livelihood, Californians are still struggling to recover from the pandemic caused economic downturns with many retail and local businesses shut down permanently with no hope of revival.

Above all, California ranked 4th in the 10 states listed in the United States with highest taxes is fairly excruciating for small medium business and ordinary citizens with average to moderate income.

Under these persisting tough economic conditions, legislating a bill in California State assembly enforcing tax increase and liabilities on current and near future taxpayers to afford the unaffordable reparation amounts on individual basis would trigger economic chaos for the State of California.

Notwithstanding Capital flight and taxpayer mass exodus to other parts of the country with less tax burden is inevitable. 

As such California and United States have come a long way in politics, economics and other areas in addressing African American cause compared to other race having suffered enormously in United States waged wars in their respective nations continued until today.

Likewise indigenous settlers  the Native Americans as original inhabitants of America are barely noticed having been displaced even prior to confederation and the currently discussed historic discrimination against people from Africa.

As a result, the children from the indigenous demography paying enormous price in their strife to preserve distinctive Native American heritage while attempting integration with contemporary America despite little or no resources and inadequate economic opportunities to them.

The State of California and federal programs that are already in place in improving the lives of African Americans in California and elsewhere is a milestone in modern history.

The deficiency might be in directing funds appropriation with transparent oversight that is fundamental in monitoring with necessary adjustments towards complete economic freedom for those at the bottom to all the way reaching middle income family.

Such management alleviating critical problems faced by African American families especially children abandoned by father whether born in or out of wedlock, better schools in black neighborhoods, crime mitigation in inner cities is the priority for collective communal progress unlike handing out tax dollars to individual members of African American identity deepening economic disparity within.

On the other issue – the litigation on alleged sexual harassment and abuse etc. with the jury verdict awarding the plaintiff $5 million according to widely televised and broadcast information on the case is asked whether the development is in semblance with parasitic culture.


Sexual harassment, abuse, assaults, defamation, caricature and diverse insults, injury and incarcerations against women is nothing new.

The difference is the crime institutionalized in the past 15 years speaking from personal experience including the nuanced narratives in this trial that those running the gamut possess authority to influence arbitrary decision. The judicial process determined by politics delivers accordingly.

Nonetheless, the irony is in other situations sexual harassment, inappropriate conduct, verbal and / or physical violence not barring public execution of the victim gunned down with 25 or more bullets with several rounds of ammunition deploying political might with impunity in the White House periphery in 2013 not even regarded a crime.

The victim in this political crime was not only murdered in public square but was also posthumously accused as someone having suffered from postpartum depression with no medical evidence or drug prescription to treat the ailment.

Again the sexual abuse reported during Presidential election by a victim against then democrat Presidential candidate in 2020 currently serving as the incumbent was subject to media biased trial dismissing the victim as opportunist, delusional and not mentally sound to protect the accused in this incident.

Never mind thereafter then accused as the central public figure, whose public behavior alluding to sexual innuendo and inappropriate touching witnessed worldwide regardless of age not even sparing minors only serving as material for social media and television networks’ absorption or distortion based on political agenda.

Meanwhile, the publicly verifiable misconduct added credibility to the earlier victim’s accusation legitimizing the victim’s account as a staff member in the Senate years of the accused that went tone deaf earlier and later in 2020.

The crime discarded as inconvenient and obstructive to then political goals to declare the candidate winner in the Presidential race in 2020.

These incidents though treated completely differently from one another with overdose of discrimination and misogyny share a commonality and that being women and women’s plight ever remain a fair game for political gains suggesting gross abuse of power at the travesty of Justice.

Not to mention politics laden with partisanship continue to use women as nothing more than servile instruments in the patriarchal orchestra.

The plaintiff in the recent trial awarded $5 million making public statement that the legal outcome is a personal and combined victory of all those women victims in sexual abuse prompt clarification.

Is the plaintiff public affirmation on sharing litigation victory with victims in comparable circumstances limited to abstract empathy or extended monetarily as well?

The sentiment is euphoric in such high profile sensationalized legal battle.

Needless to say, prejudice, misogyny, discrimination and abusive activities against anyone by anybody remaining objective not subjective is ominously abstained in present politics directed judicial exercise.

P.S. The incognito power as faceless operative behind the scenes engaging sycophant corrupt media and crony contingency crying foul using the usual lexicon conspiracy theory etc. are culpable either way.

If any of the publicly witnessed and digitally  documented incidents are conspiracy theory then,

Why are you funneling and squandering tax payer money in judicial theatrics and real crimes such as summary execution of a rape victim Miriam Carey brutally murdered in public square in 2013? 

The patriarchal orchestra owe the audience credible explanation behind abusing women and womanhood as servile instruments in the prolonged charade.

Padmini Arhant



Stardom and Parasitic Culture

May 9, 2023



Parasitic Culture

Padmini Arhant

The requests on topic – parasitic culture among those who flaunt stardom, celebrity status, wealth, power etc. is addressed.

The references were made with politics and the other was regarding Indian women from Indian film industry consecutively flopping in Hollywood and American TV shows…


In order to understand the issue, it is important to know that parasitic culture is rampant in this category famished for fame, fortune and power.

To begin with, those from Indian film industry cast in Hollywood productions and entertainment TV shows that are successively declared a disaster in rating and revenue, the so-called stardom comes from piggy back existence which in itself is parasitic by definition and in decorum.

Original delivers natural performance unlike fake or impostor faltering with inevitable failure.

The other question in the related topic was;

What’s up with Indian celebrity trend to rent-a-womb?

Response : surrogacy or rent-a-uterus i.e. human incubator is a privilege widely availed by those like you have referenced in your question.

It is also another form of flamboyance in these instances that rich and so-called famous can buy anything including a womb ignoring options such as adoption.

The rent-a-womb prevalent in the Indian celebrity-hood rather than adoption of a child especially in a nation like India with overwhelming population living in extreme poverty and amongst them significant percentage of children in shelter besides many enduring hunger, disease and societal abuse is an unfortunate tragedy.

United Nations latest report presenting population data for India as the most populous nation on earth leaving China behind in this contest only exacerbate  the situation for the impoverished in the country.

Furthermore, adopting a child as opposed to surrogacy viz. renting human incubator is a tall order for those typically exploitative by nature, living life throughout as beneficiary evolving into career at other’s contributions and labor.

Such character assuming benefactor role adopting a child from India or elsewhere would be detrimental to a child raised in an environment not conducive and relevantly deprived of genuine love and care.

Parasitic culture is inherent heritage with the end justifying the means for those in the pseudo hall of fame, sham and scam.

Padmini Arhant



இந்தியா – ஆபாச அரசியல் (Vulgar Politics)

May 8, 2023

ஆபாச அரசியல்

Vulgar Politics 

பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்

அரசியலின் அசிங்கம் – தன் அராஜகம் வெளியான பிறகு அரசின் முகத்தில் வாத்து அல்லது கோழியின் அழுகிய முட்டை விழும் பொழுது தன்னை காப்பாற்ற வழியின்றி தகுதியற்ற நிலயில் கிடக்கும் போது அரசியல் அரசியலின் ஊடகம், சினெமா என்ற சின்ன வீடுகள் மூலம் செயல் படுவது எப்படியென்றால் அது இவ்வாறு ஆகும்.

இவர்கள் யாரை மறைமுகமாக குறி வைக்கிறார்களோ அந்த நபரை – அவதூராக தூற்றுதல், தன்னுடைய அவமானமான குணாதிசயங்களை காண்பித்தல்…

இப்படி செயல் பட்டு தன்னைத் தானே கழுசடை என்பதை இவர்களே நிரூபிப்பது தான் இவர்களின் பிழைப்பு.

தற்சமயம் உலகத்தை ஆட்டி படைக்கும் அநீதி குழுவின் அரசியலுக்கு அடிமையான அரசியல் – பெண் குலத்தை இழிவு செய்வதே தனது ஆதிக்கமாக கருதி பெண் என்றால் விபச்சாரம் என்ற பிரச்சாரம் செய்வது இவர்களே இவர்களை விளம்பரம் செய்வது இவர்களுக்கு தெரியவில்லை.

விபச்சாரத்தைப் பற்றி அரசியலுக்கு தெரியாமல் பிறர் யாருக்கு தெரியப் போகுது.

அரசியலை வியாபாரமாக்கி, மாநில சட்ட சபை, பாராளுமன்ற சபை MLA, MP இவர்களை போனி செய்து, ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் அவரவர் ரகத்தின்படி விலை பேசி யார் எவ்வளவு தொகை கொடுக்கிறார்களோ அவர்களோடு உல்லாசமாக இணைந்து விட்டு அடுத்த தேர்தலில் மற்ற கட்சி கூட்டணி என்று நாடு முழுக்க அலைவது தானே அரசியலின் பாணி.

அப்புறம் முக்கியமாக தொழில் அதிபர்களுடன் படுத்து உருண்டு பிரண்டு உறவு கொண்டாடி தன் உடல், ஆன்மாவை விற்பனை செய்வதோடு நிற்காமல் நாட்டையும், நாட்டின் பொருளாதாரத்தையும் தொழில் அதிபரிடம் தாரைவார்ப்பது. 

காசை வீசினால் நாலு வேசி என்பதை இவர்கள் தானே தன் மோசமான நடத்தை வழியே காட்டுவதில் சிறிதும் சலைப்பதில்லை. 

மற்றபடி நாட்டை ஆக்கிரமிப்பாளர் அதாவது நாட்டின் பக்கத்திலுள்ள பரம எதிரியிடம் நாட்டின் பகுதிகளை முழுமையாக சமர்பித்து தன் அரசியல் வியாபாரம் என்ற விபச்சாரத்தில் வல்லவர்கள் ஆகிய இவர்கள் இந்த விபச்சாரத் தொழிலில் இவர்களுக்கு நிகர் யாருமில்லை. 

மற்றவரோடு பேரம் பேசி அப்படியே தன் அரசியலை காலம் காலமாக கடத்தி செல்வது தானே அரசியலின் வரலாறு.

அப்படி இருக்கையில் அரசியலை வியாபாரம் விபச்சாரமாக செயல் படுவது தானே இவர்களின் நிபுணத்துவம் திறமை. இதில் இவர்களை யாரும் வெல்ல இயலாது. 


பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த் 



மகாபாரதம் – கலியுகத்தின் கண்ணாடி

May 8, 2023

மகாபாரதம் – கலியுகத்தின் கண்ணாடி


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