Stardom and Parasitic Culture

May 9, 2023



Parasitic Culture

Padmini Arhant

The requests on topic – parasitic culture among those who flaunt stardom, celebrity status, wealth, power etc. is addressed.

The references were made with politics and the other was regarding Indian women from Indian film industry consecutively flopping in Hollywood and American TV shows…


In order to understand the issue, it is important to know that parasitic culture is rampant in this category famished for fame, fortune and power.

To begin with, those from Indian film industry cast in Hollywood productions and entertainment TV shows that are successively declared a disaster in rating and revenue, the so-called stardom comes from piggy back existence which in itself is parasitic by definition and in decorum.

Original delivers natural performance unlike fake or impostor faltering with inevitable failure.

The other question in the related topic was;

What’s up with Indian celebrity trend to rent-a-womb?

Response : surrogacy or rent-a-uterus i.e. human incubator is a privilege widely availed by those like you have referenced in your question.

It is also another form of flamboyance in these instances that rich and so-called famous can buy anything including a womb ignoring options such as adoption.

The rent-a-womb prevalent in the Indian celebrity-hood rather than adoption of a child especially in a nation like India with overwhelming population living in extreme poverty and amongst them significant percentage of children in shelter besides many enduring hunger, disease and societal abuse is an unfortunate tragedy.

United Nations latest report presenting population data for India as the most populous nation on earth leaving China behind in this contest only exacerbate  the situation for the impoverished in the country.

Furthermore, adopting a child as opposed to surrogacy viz. renting human incubator is a tall order for those typically exploitative by nature, living life throughout as beneficiary evolving into career at other’s contributions and labor.

Such character assuming benefactor role adopting a child from India or elsewhere would be detrimental to a child raised in an environment not conducive and relevantly deprived of genuine love and care.

Parasitic culture is inherent heritage with the end justifying the means for those in the pseudo hall of fame, sham and scam.

Padmini Arhant


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