Biden-Harris Administration Debacles

March 31, 2021

Biden-Harris Administration Debacles

Padmini Arhant

United States is subject to serious problems in every front with the current administration’s least or lack of attention. The unprecedented border crisis is overwhelming brought upon by President Joe Biden during presidential campaign in 2020 with open invitation to citizens in Central, North and South America to achieve the American dream.

Meanwhile, under Biden-Harris administration – the native-born and legally naturalized young Americans are deprived from their American dream, the legitimate rights which they have earned as law abiding citizens in the country. The case in point is the recent firing of young staffers from the white house for their past marijuana use when the Vice President Kamala Emhoff aka Harris and President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden have admittedly inhaled and used substance they have bragged about in the course of their failed Presidential campaign and career.

The mainstream, alternative and social media, the stalwarts behind installing Beijing in the White House in 2020 are pre-occupied in advancing their cancel culture. There were tremendous hue and cry over anything and everything related to predecessor Donald Trump and the previous administration’s policies and actions, regardless of positive outcome on many issues.

However, with the Biden-Harris administration the gross negligence and unwillingness to address border situation leaving the southern border free walk-in asylum is nothing more than political opportunity. The political demography and dynamics are tied into receiving illegal immigrants replacing legal and native Americans at home. At the same time, the legal Americans are expected to bear the brunt of demographic configuration hurting them economically, financially and health wise in the pandemic environment.

The Biden-Harris administration economic policy is in shambles with the proposal to hike taxes affecting the middle class and lower income category driving corporations back to China and other emerging economies only too eager to have them on board. The millions of dollars donated to South East Asian nations in the Congress passed COVID relief bill in late December 2020 again burdened on the hard working Americans in the domestic economy.

Charity begins at home. Keeping own house in order prior to engagement elsewhere would be wise and demonstrate credibility. 

The local businesses and operations shut down due to COVID19 originating from Wuhan, China, which the Biden-Harris administration refusing to call out Beijing and WHO, the duo involvement in preventing transparency in the Wuhan lab generated virus becoming the global pandemic.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

Video Footage

March 29, 2021

Hypocrisy Ad Nauseam

March 29, 2021

Hypocrisy Ad Nauseam 

Padmini Arhant

Hypocrisy Ad Nauseam 

“White House staffers asked to resign, work remotely after revealing past marijuana use.

Several White House staffers were asked to resign, were suspended or are working remotely after revealing past marijuana use during their background checks, sources familiar with the situation tell CNN.

Five people are no longer employed at the White House, while additional staffers are working remotely. In many of the cases involving staffers who are no longer employed, additional security factors were in play, including for some hard drug use, the official said.”

President Joe Biden White House Policy.

Overwhelming empathy and laxity on immigration across the border invites tsunami of people. Whereas the administration policy towards Americans at home, younger generation future stifled for their past marijuana use.

The legitimate question from the public and affected hires is ;

Shouldn’t the firing begin at the top rather than rock bottom whose impact is insignificant compared to the ones at the helm as Chief Authority?


Evidently, the so-called law makers are at liberty and granted impunity on championing law breakers record.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

India – Attention Indian Corrupt Political Class and Crony Contingency

March 27, 2021

India – Attention Indian Corrupt Political Class and Crony Contingency

Padmini Arhant

भारत के राजनीति और राजनीति के दुष्ट टोली के लिए महत्व पूर्ण विषय :

इस समाचार से समझना चाहिए तुम्हारे प्रतिनिधियों की क्या औकाद है |

मुझे औकाद समझाने से पहले, अपनी और तुम्हारी इन हस्तियों की औकाद जान लो |

तुम जैसे सड़क चाप जिनकी कोई औकाद ना हो, औकाद सिखाने आये तो औकाद की कोई मायने नहीं होती |

अगर गाली देते हो तो जवाब भी लेते जाओ | क्योंकि किसी को किसी के पीछे बिना मतलब पड़ना अपने दुर्भाग्य का निमंत्रण है |

सत्य मेव जयते |

Indian Political Class and crony contingency – These are the kind representing you. Accordingly, you have no credibility or integrity to launch your vitriolic and vicious attacks against me via You Tube and other social media platform. If you consider unnecessary hostility against me is your prerogative, then develop civility to hear my response which is my inalienable right to self-defense and set the record straight. 

GOP Senator says Biden Justice nominee Vanita Gupta has stake in company that supplies chemicals for cartels



Padmini Arhant


United States – President Joe Biden Meets the Press

March 27, 2021

United States – President Joe Biden Meets the Press

Padmini Arhant

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Republican Party Future?

March 27, 2021

United States – Republican Party Future?

Padmini Arhant

Presidential candidate Joe Biden confession during 2020 election campaign.


Then Presidential candidate Joe Biden honesty is quite revealing in the admission on voter fraud in the Presidential election 2020.

Senator Joe Biden, Vice President Joe Biden and now President Joe Biden remains consistent in spilling the beans though  meticulously defended by MSM and alternative communication outlets as freudian slip euphemism for gaffe machine.

In the long overdue press conference, the democrat President Joe Biden categorically raises the question on the existence of opposition i.e. Republican party future?

It is not clear until satisfactorily clarified whether United States democratic party is adapting China’s one party system having been enabled to power in 2020 with China’s political funding, United States and foreign press and media canvassing besides tech oligarchs viz. Facebook, Twitter and You Tube ban on information related to then Presidential candidate Joe Biden and family corruption scandals linked with China, Ukraine and world over.

The other aspect is RINOES – the Republican members in name only identified by the Republican base based on their characteristics and misplaced loyalty. They might be eventually tagged DEMOCRATS rather than remaining in a party they do not favor yet claim to belong to the faction. The pledge of allegiance evidenced in their votes on major decisions in January 2021 on impeachment of former President Donald Trump and other Republican issues that did not escape Republican electorate attention –  the 75 million electorate in particular, who voted for the former President Donald Trump in the Presidential election 2020.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




United States – Democracy in Dissipation

March 24, 2021

United States – Democracy in Dissipation

Padmini Arhant

When any political party aims for sole dominance and deploys tax payer dollars, resources and means to prolong establishment  power, that nation’s democracy dissipates leaving the people no option other than subjugation.

The current developments in the United states via legislations are ominous and accordingly remain the cause of great concern.  Similarly, the southern border situation further exacerbates humanitarian, health, economic and security crises.

The latest domestic and foreign policy – illegal immigration influx is a serious problem not necessarily designed to help the arrivals especially children, minors and youth – the victims of exploitation at every level. Not to mention the southern state viz. Texas and others forced to bear the brunt of population exodus from nations near and far.

There is an urgent requirement to heed requests from rationale voices to curb unlawful entry across the border and divert focus on domestic issues such as employment, reopening economy, schools and renew measures in dealing with pandemic related challenges that are immediate priority.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Foreign Language Interviews

March 22, 2021

Interview with Personalities in Foreign Language with simultaneous English Translation

Padmini Arhant

The Audio presentations published in 2014, 2015 and onwards comprising interviews with world leaders, political figures and personalities in foreign language with english translation.

Interview with China’s President Xi Jinping in Mandarin (Chinese language) with simultaneous English translation.

The audio content presented and published on May 12, 2015.

Interview with Pope Francis of Vatican City in Latin with simultaneous English translation.

The audio content presented and published on December 31st, 2014.

Interview with Al-Qaeda Chief Dr. Ayman-Al-Zawahiri in Arabic with simultaneous English translation.

The audio content presented and published on December 12, 2014.

Interview with Indian Political Establishment – Congress Party President Sonia Gandhi in Italian with simultaneous English translation.

The audio content presented and published on January 31st, 2015.

Interview with Indian Political Establishment – BJP Government led Indian Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi in Hindi with simultaneous English translation is available in print under Audios category. 

The audio content presented and published on January 24th, 2015.

Presentation in Spanish on Venezuela Political Reform. 

The audio content presented and published on August 5th, 2017.


Interview with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in English.

Russian Affair in English. 

Audio and print content published on November 6th, 2017.

Author & Presenter

Padmini Arhant

World Health – COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Anniversary

March 20, 2021

World Health – COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Anniversary

Padmini Arhant

On this day March 20th, 2020, the official lockdown began in the United States followed by many in other parts of the world to combat the deadly pathogen corona virus that has consumed millions of lives world over.  The virus continues to affect many with several thousands hospitalized as well as saved from the jaws of death until today. Though vaccine is available as a precautionary measure, those already affected have been through enormous strife with concerns over corona variant from different locations fomenting anxiety to existing pandemic situation.

Health crisis on one side, the economic impact from the pandemic requiring lockdowns in the initial stage extended over a long period has been more devastating above all. The job losses, businesses forced into shut downs, children and college students unable to attend regular schools and much more that are immeasurable. The pandemic has inflicted irreversible loss of lives with pain and suffering endured among vast majority of humanity. The intriguing aspect in this extraordinary plight is the emergence of corona variants while the earlier corona virus COVID-19 barely contained amid vaccinations and medical attention to stymie super spreading.

The corona virus has been deadlier than nuclear meltdown. The genetically altered virus manufactured in Wuhan lab, China claimed many lives in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China.

Yet Beijing and those funding the bizarre research admittedly to test virus transmission from human to human gone haywire neither have moral conscience nor courage to accept responsibility for heinous crime against humanity. Instead these entities are widely greeted, lauded and respected as powerful and influential.

The economic collapse from the pandemic is incomprehensible. Many nations have succumbed to colossal despair and economic decline to the point of return.

Beijing, World Health Organization and Wuhan lab corona virus experiment funders bear direct responsibility for the pandemic and miseries related to COVID-19.

The pandemic wreaking havoc across the globe paralyzing economy from lockdowns and causing health catastrophe tantamount to biowarfare against humanity. The more virus unleashed as variant is bioweapon for those with diabolical goals like depopulation and pervasive economic assault on global citizenry.

One may circumvent issues and evade accountability. However, the tragedies and calamity brought upon humanity by them will ever cast a shadow permanently smearing the facade maintained as authorities as they continue to defend their legacy, the human rights record in particular.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Fox News Selective Amnesia

March 19, 2021

Fox News Selective Amnesia

Padmini Arhant

How long is Fox News going to exhibit selective amnesia?

Fox News – the front liner in subverting Presidential election 2020 to favor Beijing controlled White House is now calling out the beneficiary communist regime?

What is the agenda behind this unscrupulous strategy?

Fox News media owner – the Murdoch heirs invested millions of dollars in Beijing run 2020 Presidential campaign. 

All of a sudden pretending to be on the other side of the fence having installed Beijing in power.

How long is Fox News planning to mislead and misrepresent self-position?

When in reality, Fox News and counterparts are directly responsible in bringing down United States of America and everything it is pledged to protect freedom, democracy, constitution and sovereignty.

Fox News needs to stop bogus display and cease insulting audience intelligence. That would apply upon anyone still watching the deceptive news network pull the wool over their eyes.

Some things are designed to degenerate and be destructive. The network in this respect is leading the media legion.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 







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